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Caitie Sprock

PR 3311
Professor Chu
July 2, 2020
Strategic Plan

The Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation brings sports programs to unprivileged
individuals and communities. The organization aspires to financially assist less fortunate
individuals, families, and communities and to establish learning skills and other life values to
empower and inspire self-confidence. It also aids gifted athletes from difficult backgrounds,
giving them the opportunity to participate in sports. A significant objective of The Mamba &
Mambacita Sports Foundation is increasing awareness. The amount of attention the foundation
obtains by the youth is a strength and will attract more young athletes to be involved in the
organization. The more publicity and attention the organization receives, the more young athletes
they are able to assist, as well as families in need of financial support and assistance. The
foundation seeks to create a positive impact on many lives while presenting the opportunity to
the youth to purse their passion in their chosen sport.
A fundraising campaign will be held in California July 30th, to raise money for The
Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation. This campaign will be advertised through all
platforms; website and social media, which will raise awareness and attention of the campaign
and organization to the key publics. The campaign will allow for more donations to be made, and
in return assist the families who are in financial need, as well as unprivileged young athletes.
This fundraiser will be based around a sports camp for boys and girls ages 10-19 years old,
which will enhance audience engagement by participation and facilitate interaction. The camp
will be a two-day event starring professional athlete and good friend of Kobe Bryant, LeBron
James. This popular athlete has formed an alliance with The Mamba & Mambacita Sports
Foundation to increase the awareness and attention for the organization, as well as increasing
donations. LeBron James was recently named the best player to step foot on a basketball court.
Not only is he a phenomenal athlete, and his passion for the game of basketball is undeniable,
but he also has a sincere passion to this organization. Coming from playing basketball side-by-
side with the founder of The Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation for years and loving the
game of basketball, he relates to this organization on a personal and emotional level. He is an
influential figure who young athletes look up to. LeBron James will be leading this camp with
the help of others who are involved in the foundation. He will be the spokesperson for this
campaign, giving speeches both days of the camp.
Having the famous professional athlete, LeBron James, as the leader and spokesperson of
this event, will attract a significant amount of publicity and newsworthy information. With
newsworthy information being one of the strongest proactive strategies, this is an effective way
to achieve that. This campaign will display transparent communication by allowing it to be an
open event and sharing pictures, videos, and information on all platforms, which will help raise
awareness and increase knowledge and understanding of the foundation. This fundraising
campaign will place a positive impact on the key publics, as well as increase the amount of
Ethos and pathos will be the focused message tones of this campaign. LeBron James will
put the value of this organization into perspective to the key publics by using these message
tones in his speeches. LeBron James will discuss the tragedy of Gianna and Kobe Bryant’s
deaths and the impacts they left on many lives. He will express the importance of continuing
their legacy with the opportunities that are being presented by The Mamba & Mambacita Sports
Foundation. The dedication to raise money to assist the unprivileged youth and those who are in
need of financial assistance will be a clearly presented message within James’s speeches.
Credibility will be displayed to the key publics as the speaker of the campaign is an influential
professional. He has an abundance of knowledge, intelligence, and experience regarding this
foundation and where it came from, as well as sports as a whole. Charisma will be achieved from
the audience due to the familiarity and likeability that LeBron James withholds. James is a very
influential individual, which will cause the audience to react with a positive, influenced behavior
and increase the number of young athletes involved in the organization.
The Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation exhibits packaging by public through this
campaign by targeting the young athletes and families/ communities that need financial
assistance or do not get the opportunity to participate in sports. This sports camp invites
everyone to interact and engage with this organization and LeBron James, which is an
opportunity of a lifetime. Packaging by objective is very evident within this foundation. It
incorporates four objectives into the vision statement. The first objective aims to provide sports
programming that will enrich and enhance “socio-emotional and physical development” to less
fortunate communities and individuals. The second objective intends to provide funding to
individuals who may not have the opportunity to pursue their passion in their chosen sport due to
financial reasons. The third objective focuses on establishing criteria for financial assistance. The
fourth objective focuses on gaining attention and funding to young women to achieve an equal
opportunity in sports.
This foundation uses conventional communication tactics such as controlled media and
uncontrolled media. The organization has the ability to control the content, timing, packaging,
and audience access. However, when it comes to the news media, the organization does not have
control of that, displaying uncontrolled media. Although the news media is unrelated to the
foundation itself, publicity and newsworthy information significantly benefit the organization.
Interpersonal communication tactics are performed within this campaign. The sports camp
fundraiser is a special event starring LeBron James who will be leading the camp and giving
speeches to share knowledge and understanding of the organization. Face-to-face communication
is being performed to accomplish the exchange of information. Earned media is a significant
tactic that will be achieved through this campaign.
Attention and awareness will be increased through this campaign, as well as donations.
The involvement in the organizations will grow significantly, while obtaining the financial
means to support those who are involved or want to be in involved in the foundation. The
Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation focuses on lower income communities, as well as
talented young athletes and seeks to enrich and empower them athletically, emotionally, and
financially. The core values that this organization is founded on and continues to exhibit are
those which reflect the legacy that Kobe and Gianna left within the organization. This sports
camp fundraising campaign will gain attention and donations in order to execute the goals and
objectives of the foundation.
Augustyn, A. (n.d.). The 10 Greatest Basketball Players of All Time. Retrieved July 02, 2020,

Connell, A. (2020, February 23). What Is Kobe Bryant's Mamba And Mambacita Sports
Foundation? Retrieved June 22, 2020, from

Gardner, S. (2020, February 13). Kobe Bryant's Mamba Sports Foundation adds 'Mambacita' to
name in honor of daughter Gianna. Retrieved June 22, 2020, from

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