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Lowel Bautista

“Diary of a Wimpy Kid”

Chapter 1-2 (September – October)

A story of a kid named Greg in his first steps in high school. He is an ambitious kid. He
only made his diary because he wanted to become famous but things doesn’t turn the way he
wanted. In fact, it turned horribly. There are many new things here like bullies, a bunch of
morons, girls and nerds. In this school, there was a thing called the chees touch were if you touch
the cheese in the court that is so moldy and nasty, everyone will not go near at you. Greg has a
brother named Rodrick and a little brother named Manny. Rodrick is a not so good brother. And
Manny is a really spoiled child by his parents. After that, he met his new friend that his name
was Rowley. Rowley isn’t the matured friend. He always mess Greg up but Greg doesn’t care
about what Rowley is doing. They got along each other always. And Halloween became a good
experience for them.

Chapter 3-5 (November – January)

At November, the school is such a mess. Greg got on a wrestling team by his P.E.
teacher. Unfortunately, he always loses, so he told his dad that he need to become stronger so
that he can beat the other guys at wrestling. Few weeks later the wrestling ended and Greg didn’t
win a single match but Greg doesn’t care at all. Then December here and his another teacher got
Greg in a role play at his school. He was looking for a good role but his teacher decided to give
him a role as a tree. But Greg has made fun of his role. The role play was done and it didn’t
turned out so well for him. January, Greg and Rowley are making fun of what they’ve got from
Christmas. Rowley was a pretty wealthy boy so he got some good present from Christmas but
Greg on the other hand, got the opposite of what he wanted and it is because of bad luck. One
day, Greg and Rowley got elected as a some kind of school patrol in their school. They are
supposed to be watching for little kids and safety is their 1st priority. They are happy about it.

Chapter 5-9 (February – May)

February, it is snowing so Greg and Rowley decided to mess around with the snow. They
made really fun experience from it. Days had past and there was a comics competition led by his
teacher. Rowley and Greg are helping each other but Rowley isn’t the best artist. His drawings
are pretty bad but its ok for Greg. Every day they lead the children up to their homes because
they are the school patrols. But one day Greg is the only one who is leading the children. So he
decided to mess around with them. He chased the children with a worm on a stick. The poor
children panicked but a woman saw him and she thought that Greg was Rowley because that
time Greg was wearing Rowley jacket. March, and Rowley got called in the principal’s office
and falsely accused by chasing the children and got rid from the school patrol. But Greg got
happy go lucky by his deeds. But one day Greg got called in the principal’s office and the truth
has been revealed. Greg has been demoted and Rowley felt betrayed by his friend. Rowley didn’t
care for Greg for some days and Greg is trying to apologize to him. April, the comics got up in
the school newspapers. Greg got unlucky because his teacher edited some of his jokes and it
ended up so bad. All of his schoolmates cringed while reading it and they thought Greg did it.
But Rowley’s comics got the punchlines and his teacher didn’t edit anything in his comics. May,
one day Greg was apologizing to Rowley but the school boys are mocking the two to fight each
other. The noise dragged some attention and a bunch of teenagers got the two. Greg didn’t know
what happened but the teenagers let Rowley eat the cheese that is on the ground. Days later Greg
and Rowley became best friends again.

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