American Dream 3

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The American Dream

The phenomenon of the American Dream is the substance of almost all

American icons. However, actually achieving the American Dream is the ideal aspiration

of not only Americans, but immigrants as well. Some people would argue that the

American Dream actually consists of only being able to buy and own a home, but to me

it is so much more! The American Dream is so named, because it seemingly exists only

here in America. It is the aspiration that for very ambitious people can be distinguished

by success through their own hard work and determination. People constantly try to

achieve their own dreams. Some people, born here in America, chase their dream by

wanting to be a bigger success than their parents. The others, who have immigrated to

this country, chase their very own dream by giving up all they had just to come and have

the opportunity to succeed.  The American Dream is an individual goal that is achieved

with hard work and determination.

First of all, no one can realize a dream without working hard at it; this definitely

applies to the American Dream. Whether a person is just looking for a job, or working a

job hard work is something that he or she needs. Without exertion, achieving a dream

becomes a lot more difficult. Hard work will lead to more promotions and more

successes a lot quicker; these tend to be part of the average American Dream. The

other reason hard work is needed is if people do not exude a hard working attitude, a lot

of opportunities will pass them by. No example is better of hard work than the thousands

of immigrants who have come here with no money. Through working long hours and

many days they have achieved opportunities and the American Dream. With missed

opportunities, come missed chances to achieve one’s dream. Hard work is something
that enables an individual to achieve everything quickly and in a manner that is

beneficial for realizing the American Dream.

Secondly, the American Dream is something that can realistically be only

achieved with determination. Immigrants, or those born in America need to be

determined in all they do in order to achieve any sort of dream. Also, the individual

needs to show a lot of determination in looking for jobs, gaining knowledge at school, or

even working a job. Right now, everyone is witnessing great examples of determination

with millions of Americans continuously looking for work and being determined enough

not to quit; the reason being is to achieve the American Dream. Without determination,

failure overcomes the success that should come from the American Dream. Be it a

dream to buy a home, make a lot of money, have a family, or be successful,

determination is a quintessential part of the American Dream.

In conclusion, while most people see the American Dream as a dream to be rich

and successful, I see it as an opportunity. It is an opportunity to succeed in a new

environment or in an environment that one is familiar with. Though it is an opportunity,

the American Dream still requires that ambitious people work hard and be fully

determined to achieve and enjoy the benefits of it. Without the necessity of hard work

and determination, no one will be able to achieve the American Dream. With these two

attributes, all can achieve their dream no matter what it is or how difficult the feat might

be. The American Dream is always a reachable goal that only requires hard work and

determination to obtain.

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