Community Base Correction

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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by marking the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

1. It is an act of clemency by which an executive act change a heavier sentence to a less serious
one or a longer term to a shorter term.
a. Commutation c. Parole
b. Probation d. Reprieve
2. Considered as the father of Probation in America.
a. John Augustus c. Dwane Wade
b. Teodoro Natividad d. Matthew Davenport Hill
3. It has been defined as “the halting or suspension, before conviction, of formal criminal
proceedings against a person.
a. Diversion c. Integration
b. True diversion d. Counter performance
4. The dependant participation, in exchange for diversion, in a treatment, counseling, or
educational program aimed at changing his or her behavior.
a. Diversion c. Integration
b. True diversion d. Counter performance
5. A term of diversion that keeps an offender out of the system and avoids formal prosecution and
a. Diversion c. Minimization of penetration
b. True diversion d. Counter performance
6. A term of diversion that keep an offender from going further into the system.
a. Diversion c. Minimization of penetration
b. True diversion d. Counter performance
7. It involves the mainstreaming/re-integration of rehabilitated or qualified offenders in the
society as productive and law abiding citizens.
a. The process of restoration c. The process of correction
b. The process of diversion d. None of the above
8. It is a focal agency in the restoration process as it is primarily tasked to administer the parole
and probation system of the country.
a. PPA b. BPP c. DOJ d. BuCor
9. Inmate is released to the custody of responsible person who is in good standing in the
community, while his case is pending in court.
a. Full Time Credit c. Release on Recognizance
b. Preventive Imprisonment d. Executive Clemency
10. Inmate is released as his sentence has been fully served while being detained.
a. Full Time Credit c. Release on Recognizance
b. Preventive Imprisonment d. Executive Clemency
11. Inmate is released as his period of detention is already equivalent to the maximum imposable
penalty for his offence.
a. Full Time Credit c. Release on Recognizance
b. Preventive Imprisonment d. Executive Clemency
12. Otherwise known as “Child and Youth Welfare Code”.
a. RA. 9344 b. PD. 603 c. PD. 968 d. RA. 6036
13. This decree is also known as Probation Law of 1976.
a. PD 968 b. PD 896 c. PD. 986 d. PD. 869
14. Except for one, are the kinds of Executive Clemency?
a. Parole b. Reprieve c. Commutation d. Pardon
15. The prerogative exercised by the President to effect any of the following, except for one.
a. Deferment of sentence c. Reduction of sentence
b. Exemption of an individual from punishments d. Aggravate the sentence
16. It is the community based correction, the basis of which is diversion and the most frequently
used program is probation and parole.
a. Contemporary b. Traditional c. Home furlough d. Conjugal
17. An act to provide for the creation of the Indeterminate Sentence.
a. Act no. 4103 c. Act no. 4225
b. RA. No. 4203 d. PD. 968
18. This act shall not apply to persons convicted of offenses punished with death penalty
or life imprisonment; to those convicted of-
a. treason c. conspiracy
b. rebellion d. all of the above
19. This helps the prisoner/detainee in the resolution of his problems.
a. Rehabilitation c. Corrections
b. Guidance d. Counseling
20. Maximum term of office for those appointed to serve as members of the board of
Indeterminate sentence.
a. 3 years b. 4 years c. 5 years d. 6 years
21. Who is the granting authority in giving probation to qualified petitioners?
a. Court (Judge) c. President
b. Probation officer d. Board of indeterminate sentence
22. Under the Indeterminate sentence law, who acts as chairman of the board of pardon
and parole?
a. DILG secretary c. DOJ secretary
b. PNP Chief d. President
23. Act. No. 4103 created what particular government agency?
a. Department of justice c. Probation office
b. Bureau of correction d. Board of pardon and parole
24. It refers to the community’s reaction to convicted offenders.
a. Correction c. Rehabilitation
b. Probation d. Parole
25. The probationer is not exempted from the legal effects of his punishment upon the final
a. Penalty c. Civil liability
b. fine d. Criminal liability
26. A procedure by which prisoners are selected for release on the basis on individual reponse
a. probation c. Pardone
b. Parole d. Amnesty
27. The primary purpose of probation.
a. Rehabilitation c. Retribution
b. Welfare of the community d. Punitive sanction
28. It is the alternative for jail confinement in modern penology.
a. Parole c. pardon
b. Probation d. Amnesty
29. For a convicted offender, probation is a form of_______.
a. Punishment c. Treatment
b. Enjoyment d. Incarceration
30. It refers to a suspension of sentence after which the convict is released upon serving the
minimum sentence imposed by law and subject to his good behavior and positive reaction to
rehabilitation programs.
a. probation c. Pardone
b. Parole d. Amnesty
31. Under Art. 8 Sec. 10, par (b) of the Philippine constitution, pardoning power is vested with
a. Chief Executive c. legislative
b. Judiciary d. Dep’t. of justice
32. Is one which given without any condition attached to it.
a. Pardon c. Conditional pardon
b. Amnesty d. Absolute pardon
33. It is a nature of contract so that it must first be accepted by the recipient before it takes effect
and that the grantee is under obligation to comply strictly with the conditions imposed
a. Pardon c. Conditional pardon
b. Amnesty d. Absolute pardon
34. It is a form of executive clemency which is authorized by the chief executive. It is an act of
grace and the recipient is not entitled to it as a matter of right.
a. Pardon c. Conditional pardon
b. Amnesty d. Absolute pardon
35. Refers to the deferment of the implementation of the sentence for an interval of time; it does
not annul the sentence but merely postpones or suspend its execution.
a. Reprieve c. Commutation of sentence
b. Executive clemency d. Pardon
36. Refers to the institutional record of an inmate which consist of his mittimus or commitment
order issued by the court after conviction.
a. Mittimus c. Carpeta
b. Parole d. Reprieve
37. Refers to the reduction of the duration of the prison sentence of the prisoner.
a. Reprieve c. Commutation of sentence
b. Executive clemency d. Pardon
38. Refers to the final report submitted by the Probation and Parole Officer on his supervision of
a parolee/pardonee as basis for the latter’s final release and discharge.
a. Summary report c. Released document
b. Progress report d. Infraction report
39. Refers to the report submitted by probation and parole officer on violations committed.
a. Summary report c. Released document
b. Progress report d. Infraction report
40. Refer to the report submitted on the conduct of the parolee/ pardonee while under
a. Summary report c. Released document
b. Progress report d. Infraction report
41. Who may grant Parole to a prisoner?
a. Judge c. Parole Officer
b. Board of Pardons and Parole d. None of the above
42. Minimum number of days given to probation officers in accomplishing PSIR.
a. 30 days c. 90 days
b. 60 days d. 120 days
43. Regarded as the father of Philippine Probation.
a. Ramon Bagatsing Sr. c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
b. Teodulo C. Natividad d. Juan Ponce Enrile
44. Who has the power to grant or deny probation?
a. Prosecutor c. President
b. Judge d. Probation Officer
45. How many times can a convict avail of the provision of P.D. 968?
a. as long as you want c. only once
b. twice d. thrice
46. An act to amend sections three and four of act numbered four thousand one hundred and
three, as amended, otherwise known as the Indeterminate Sentence law.
a. R.A. No. 4203 b. R.A. 4225 c. R.A. No. 4103 d. none of the above
47. An Act Amending Article twenty nine of the Revised Penal Code to give Full Time Credit
under certain conditions to offenders who have undergone preventive imprisonment in the
service of their sentence.
a. RA 6036 b. RA 6127 c. PD 603 d. PD 968
48. An act providing that bail shall not, with certain exceptions, be required in cases of violations
of municipal or city ordinance and in criminal offenses when the prescribed penalty for such
offenses is not higher than arresto mayor and/or a fine of two thousand pesos or both.
a. RA 6036 b. RA 6127 c. PD 603 d. PD 968
49. Otherwise known as “Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006”.
a. RA 9344 b. PD 603 c. PD 968 d. RA 6036
50. The period of probation if the sentence of the offender is more than one (1) year.
a. 2 years b. 4 years c. 6 years d. 9 years
51. The court may grant probation only -
a. After arraignment b. After conviction
c. Before conviction d. all of these
52. The investigation report of an officer shall be submitted to the court not later than-
a. 15 days from receipt of the order
b. 30 days from receipt of the order
c. 60 days from receipt of the order
d. 45 days from receipt of the order
53. Those who have been once on probation under the Probation Law:
a. are qualified to apply for probation
b. are disqualified to apply for probation
c. may be granted for another probation
d. should be confined in prison
54. What is the country, whose early schemes for humanizing the criminal justice under its common law, originated probation?
a. England b. United States c. Greece d. France
55. What is the country who first legally established probation?
a. Germany b. England c. Rome d. USA
56. One of the characteristics of criminal law, where penal laws do not have retroactive effect, except in cases where they favor the accused charged
with felony and who are not habitual criminals.
a.. Retrospective c. General
b. Territorial d. All of the foregoing
57. Minimum number of days given to probation officers in accomplishing PSIR.
a. 30 days c. 90 days
b. 60 days d. 120 days
58. Regarded as the father of Philippine Probation.
a. Ramon Bagatsing Sr. c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
b. Teodulo C. Natividad d. Juan Ponce Enrile
59. Who has the power to grant or deny probation?
a. Prosecutor c. President
b. Judge d. Probation Officer
60. How many times can a convict avail of the provision of P.D. 968?
a. as long as you want c. only once
b. twice d. thrice

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