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Weekly Assignment-6

Due date: 18th July 2020 – [11:55PM] Total marks: 100

Roll no

1. Follow the proper commenting style while answering the following programming
2. Your answer should also include output of every program in your system.
3. Also draw the UML – class diagram of each program.

List of programs are as follows:

1. Create a class named Car. The Car class contains a static integer field named count.
Create a constructor that adds 1 to the count and displays the count each time a Car is
created. Create a destructor that subtracts 1 from the count and displays the count each
time a Car goes out of scope. Write a main()function that declares an array of five Car
objects. Output consists of five constructor messages and five destructor messages, each
displaying the current count, similar to the output in the following figure. Save the file as
Car ( )
+ Car( )
+ ~Car( )

2. Write the class definition for a Date class that contains three integer data members:
month, day, and year. Include a default constructor that assigns the date 1/1/2000 to any
new object that does not receive arguments. Also include a function that displays the
Date object. Write a main() function in which you instantiate two Date objects—one that
you create using the default constructor values, and one that you create using three
arguments—and display its values. Save the file as Date.cpp.


-month : int
- day : int
-year : int
+Date ( )
+Date (int, int ,int)
+set_month( int ) : void
+ get_month( ) :int
+set_day(int) :void
+get_day( ):int
+set_year(int) :void
+get_year( ):int
+display( ) :void

3. Create a Person class that includes fields for last name, first name, and zip code. Include
a default constructor that initializes last name, first name, and zip code to “X” if no
arguments are supplied. Also include a display function. Write a main()function that
instantiates and displays two Person objects: one that uses the default values, and one for
which you supply your own values. Save the file as Person.cpp.


-last_name :string
-first_name : string
-zip_code: string
+Person( )
+Person( string, string, string)
+set_lname( string) :void
+get_lname( ):string
+set_fname( string) : void
+get_fname ( ) :string
+set_code( string) : void
+get_code( ) :string
+display( ) :void

4. Create a class named SavingsAccount. Provide fields for the customer (use the Person
class from Exercise 3), account number, balance, and interest rate. Provide two
constructors. One requires a customer and sets each numeric field to 0; the other requires
a customer and an account number and sets the account’s opening balance to $100 at 3%
interest. Include a function that displays an account’s data fields. Write a main()function
that instantiates one SavingsAccount object of each type and displays their values. Save
the file as SavingsAccount.cpp.
Person SavingAccount
-last_name :string -customer : Person
-first_name : string -accountnumber: int
-zip_code: string -balance: int
-interest: int
+Person( ) +SavingAccount( )
+Person( string, string, string) + SavingAccount(string,string,string,int )
+set_lname( string) :void +display( ): void
+get_lname( ):string
+set_fname( string) : void
+get_fname ( ) :string
+set_code( string) : void
+get_code( ) :string
+display( ) :void

5. Create a class named MagazineSubscription. Include fields for the subscriber (use the
Person class you created in Exercise 3) and the subscription’s start and expiration dates
(use the Date class you created in Exercise 2). Include a constructor that takes three
arguments—a Person and two Dates. Also include a display function that displays
MagazineSubscription fields by calling the Person and Date display functions. Write a
main() function in which you instantiate a Person object and two Date objects. Use these
as arguments to the constructor that instantiates a MagazineSubscription object. Display
the MagazineSubscription object. Save the file as MagazineSubscription.cpp.
Person( ) Date( ) Date2( ) MagazineSubscription( )
-last_name :string -month : int -month : int -info : Person
-first_name : string - day : int - day : int -start : Date
-zip_code: string -year : int -year : int -end : Date2
+Person( ) +Date ( ) +Date2 ( ) +MagazineSubscription(string,stri
+Person( string, string, +Date (int, int ,int) +Date2 (int, int ,int) ng,string,int,int,int,int,int,int)
string) +set_month( int ) : +set_month( int ) :
+set_lname( string) :void void void
+get_lname( ):string + get_month( ) :int + get_month( ) :int
+set_fname( string) : void +set_day(int) :void +set_day(int) :void
+get_fname ( ) :string +get_day( ):int +get_day( ):int
+set_code( string) : void +set_year(int) :void +set_year(int) :void
+get_code( ) :string +get_year( ):int +get_year( ):int
+display( ) :void +display( ) :void +display( ) :void

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