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PAPER SERIES 1999-01-0240

The Vehicle Engine Cooling System Simulation

Part 1 - Model Development
Oner Arici, John H. Johnson and Ajey J. Kulkarni
Michigan Technological University

International Congress and Exposition

Detroit, Michigan
March 1-4, 1999

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The Vehicle Engine Cooling System Simulation

Part 1 - Model Development
Oner Arici, John H. Johnson and Ajey J. Kulkarni
Michigan Technological University

Copyright © 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT dated with experimental data from DDC. For the first time,
transient pipe lines were introduced in the VECSS pro-
The Vehicle Engine Cooling System Simulation (VECSS) gram from the turbocharger to the CAC and from the
computer code has been developed at the Michigan CAC to the engine air intake manifold. A lag due to inertia
Technological University to simulate the thermal in the turbocharger compressor rotor speed was also
response of the cooling system of an on-highway heavy introduced.
duty diesel powered truck under steady and transient
operation. This code includes an engine cycle analysis INTRODUCTION
program along with various components for the four main
fluid circuits for cooling air, cooling water, cooling oil, and For many years, cooling system design was concerned
intake air, all evaluated simultaneously. The code predicts only with providing sufficient cooling at maximum engine
the operation of the response of the cooling circuit, oil cir- output conditions at the worst vehicle operating condi-
cuit, and the engine compartment air flow when the tions (low vehicle speed and high ambient temperature).
VECSS is operated using driving cycle data of vehicle This approach results in not achieving the best fuel econ-
speed, engine speed, and fuel flow rate for a given ambi- omy that would be possible with improved design. With
ent temperature, pressure and relative humidity. demands of increased fuel economy, longer engine life,
and reduced emissions, greater control of engine perfor-
The one-dimensional, transient, compressible ram air/
mance is necessary since optimal engine performance
engine compartment cooling air-flow model was incorpo-
cannot be maintained when overcooling occurs.
rated into the VECSS to enhance the accuracy and the
reliability of the cooling air flow rate, temperature, and Ideally, engine cooling is undesirable from the thermody-
pressure variation predictions for the ram air/engine com- namic point of view. If the heat transfer rates from the gas
partment air with improved predictions of the perfor- to metal could be reduced, then more power could be
mance characteristics of the fan, radiator, charge air produced at a particular fuel flow rate, i.e. the thermal
cooler (CAC), condenser, and the effect of system instal- efficiency of the engine would increase. The other major
lation variables. A one-dimensional, unsteady engine and probably most important aspect of reducing heat
heat transfer model was added to calculate the engine transfer is that there is less heat to remove out of the radi-
liner, head, and piston surface temperatures. The heat ator. However, in practice, due to metallurgical con-
transfer model was validated with Detroit Diesel Corpora- straints, the conventional engine metals can withstand
tion’s (DDC) steady state engine data. The single pass only a certain maximum temperature level. At these
cross flow radiator mathematical model which accurately higher temperatures, the fatigue stresses induced in the
predicts the coolant and air outlet temperatures given the metal under cyclic loading increase. Engine oil also loses
inlet flow and temperature conditions was also added. its lubricating qualities when temperatures exceed 177°C
The model was validated with Behr McCord’s steady (350°F) and, as a result, excessive engine wear occurs.
state heat rejection data and agreement between the Thus, from a practical viewpoint, engine cooling is
data and the model were within 2%. Each of the basic extremely necessary for good engine reliability and dura-
components of the cooling circuit was analyzed individu- bility with a compromise of the thermal efficiency. An opti-
ally and modeled and the model predicted results were mum system should offer the following advantages:
compared with the corresponding steady-state experi-
1. Increase in coolant, oil, and engine metal tempera-
mental data. The oil circuit was modeled to represent the
tures during cold start or low ambient temperatures
configuration for the DDC Series 60 engine. New flow
and light route load conditions.
and power characteristics for the oil pump were used and
models for the oil filter, regulator, and oil thermostat were 2. Sufficient cooling of the oil and the engine metal tem-
developed. The oil cooler mathematical model was vali- peratures under uphill and full load conditions.

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For the development of any technical product, one can VECSS program had not been validated recently with
advance in two ways. The physical processes within the good steady-state and transient field data. Kysor cooling
product can be mathematically modeled to accurately systems and Detroit Diesel Corporation collaborated in
define its performance and one can also develop the May-June 1996 to gather extensive data that would be
product by laboratory test work. Each of these methods used in validation of the updated VECSS. Kysor of Cadil-
have their individual advantages. But with the advent of lac used a Hewlett Packard (HP) data acquisition system
high speed computers, which help in solving the complex and DDC used the Detroit Diesel Electronic Controls -
system of differential equations, the former has the Electronic Control Module (DDEC-ECM) to record data
potential to be lower cost and less time consuming. In on a Freightliner FLD 120 truck with a 12.7 L Series 60
contrast to the experimental approach, a simulation engine, a Behr McCord radiator, an Allied Signal charge-
model helps the designer to analyze various configura- air cooler, and Kysor DST variable speed fan clutch. The
tions of the system. Simulation of the cooling system for validation data are compared to VECSS data in the com-
diesel trucks is one such area where a number of com- panion Part 2 paper by Arici et al [5].
puter programs have been developed. The simulation
An upgraded description of all the simulated components
program should have the following features:
of the VECSS program will be discussed first. This
• Have a systematic structure such that individual com- involves changes for the components in the three circuits,
ponent models can be added to an existing system or namely the circuits for the coolant, oil, and intake air to
modified to conduct parametric studies. the engine. The mathematical formulation of the models
• Identify key parameters affecting system perfor- for the different components of the cooling system, the
mance. validation of each model and explanation of the physical
processes occurring in them are provided. The develop-
• Help to minimize the hardware tests by establishing
ment of one-dimensional, unsteady, engine heat transfer
the most important variables to be measured when
model, which calculates the engine liner, head and sur-
experimentally studying the performance of the sys-
face temperatures at varying load and speed is dis-
tem being modeled for cost benefits and time effi-
The paper details the incorporation of the one-dimen-
Such a program would provide the designer with an inex-
sional, compressible, transient airflow model developed
pensive and effective design and analysis tool for design,
by Chang [2]. It describes how this work enhanced the
development, and optimization of the vehicle engine cool-
accuracy and reliability of the airflow, temperature, and
ing system over a wide range of operating conditions. It
pressure variation predictions of the VECSS program
would also enable the designer to analyze various config-
with more realistic performance characteristics for fan,
urations easily and efficiently for better understanding of
shroud, radiator, charge air cooler, condenser, and grill. It
the operation of modern cooling systems. The Vehicle
details how the end user can design a new configuration
Engine Cooling System Simulation (VECSS) was first
for the cooling airflow system and study variables related
developed at Michigan Technological University in 1982
to the system installation.
to simulate the thermal response of an on-highway
heavy-duty diesel powered truck under steady state and
transient operation [1]. The VECSS has been developed
and validated with experimental data to date using a sys-
Ursini, et al [1] and Chiang et al [6] originally developed
tem of cooling circuit components in a Freightliner truck
the Vehicle Engine Cooling System Simulation (VECSS)
[5]. Future research will focus on using the VECSS in
at Michigan Technological University in 1982. This com-
parametric and design studies of cooling systems.
puter program modeled the International Harvester COE-
9670, on-highway heavy-duty diesel powered truck with
the Cummins NTC-350 Big Cam II aftercooled diesel
engine. Ursini validated the VECSS by correlating the
The goal of this paper is to present the latest improve-
predicted Air-To-Boil (ATB) number with experimental
ments to the Vehicle Engine Cooling System Simulation
data by using several empirical relationships for the
which involves incorporating Chang’s one-dimensional,
engine and oil system models in order to obtain satisfac-
transient, compressible ram air/engine compartment air-
tory results at the full load, rated speed, and peak torque
flow model [2]. The existing program used a very simplis-
operation [7]. Savonen [8] continued Ursini’s work by
tic and elementary airflow model to predict the air flow
improving the radiator and oil system models which
rate across the radiator-shroud-fan system. Also, the
increased the capabilities of the computer simulation pro-
existing model did not have the flexibility to change the
gram to cover vehicle operation over a wide range under
system physical dimensional characteristics. The pre-
extreme ambient temperature conditions. The finite differ-
dicted air flow rate by the existing program was found to
ence formulation to solve the coupled, transient govern-
be much higher than the experimental data supplied by
ing equations gave a more representative simulation of
Kysor cooling systems [3]. In addition, the existing
the radiator performance during vehicle warm-up and low
VECSS version was not updated by Mohan [4] to incor-
radiator coolant flow. The program’s capabilities were
porate the DDC coolant and oil circuit configuration. The
also expanded to allow the use of 50/50 ethylene glycol

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as the engine coolant. These developments allowed the effects of operating and ambient conditions on cool-
Savonen to conduct parametric studies of the thermal ing airflow [20]. He also studied the effects of installation
control devices at extreme ambient and truck operating parameters on the air circuit and heat rejection. This
conditions [9]. Chellaiah [10], as a further enhancement model was separate from the VECSS program. In 1993,
to the development of transient truck cooling system sim- the main frame version of the VECSS was converted to a
ulation, modeled a two pass cross-counterflow radiator PC version. Mohan [4] continued the development of the
used in low flow cooling systems. He validated the model existing Vehicle Engine Cooling System Simulation
with field data collected by the Cummins Engine Co., dur- (VECSS) version by incorporating a new engine cycle
ing an on-road test run of a Peterbilt truck fitted with the analysis model simulating the Detroit Diesel Corpora-
Cummins Big Cam IV aftercooled engine with a low flow tion’s (DDC) Series 60 engine to replace the existing
cooling system. Although the simulation results followed engine model. He modeled the turbocharged direct-injec-
the general data trends, amplitude deviations were some- tion diesel engine using “cycle analysis” concept, which
times excessive, and, in addition, the predicted trends gave good results at rated speed and load and even at
were, in some cases, different from the actual data part loads unlike the previous engine model. The
trends. Chiang attributed these discrepancies to deficien- enhanced engine model was extensively validated
cies in the coolant thermostat modeling scheme [11]. Xu against steady-state data supplied by DDC [21]. He also
[12,13] modified the VECSS to simulate a microproces- replaced the air-to-water aftercooler model in the earlier
sor-sensor-type controlled cooling system. The obvious VECSS with Allied Signal’s air-to-air charge air cooler
goals were to increase thermal efficiency, reduce fan model.
engagement time, reduce power to the water pump, and
increase engine temperature for cold start and low ambi- VECSS PROGRAM REVIEW
ent temperature as opposed to a wax-sensor-actuator
type controlled cooling system. From this study, the hard- The current code of the Vehicle Engine Cooling System
ware and software for a prototype computer controlled Simulation (VECSS) has been run on a Pentium II / 300
cooling system was demonstrated in an engine dyna- MHz with a 128 MB RAM PC running on DOS 6.22 and
mometer test. Keller [14] continued Chellaiah’s work by Windows NT. The Fortran compiler used is the Lahey
improving the model of the thermal control devices. He F77L3 EM/32 Version 7.0. The latest version 8.1 of the
worked on the coolant thermostat model and also built a VECSS is capable of predicting real-time thermal perfor-
radiator shutter/shutterstat model. His main contribution mance of a diesel engine cooling system during steady
was validating the VECSS by comparing the predicted state and over-the-road transient operation. The com-
ATB numbers to measured ATB numbers at three differ- puter model is built of various subroutines each effec-
ent engine speeds [15]. The predicted ATB numbers tively representing a different component of the cooling
matched well at an engine speed of 1900 rpm, but the system. The model, currently, contains various subrou-
correlation became poorer at a lower engine speed of tines which simulate the engine, radiator, charge air
1300 rpm. The predicted ATB number was overestimated cooler (CAC), fan, ram air/engine compartment airflow
by 1.7°C (3°F) at 1300 rpm. Chapman [16] determined circuit, turbocharger, coolant circuit, cab heater, thermal
that the deficiency in the VECSS was the engine model. control devices (radiator/bypass thermostat, fan control,
The original model used by previous researchers was too oil thermostat etc.), oil circuit, regulator valve, oil cooler,
simplistic and empirical to correlate to experimental data and oil filter, as shown Figure 2. Most of these major
over a wide range of engine loads and speeds. He components are modeled mathematically with a transient
improved the engine model by incorporating an idealized approach to predict and represent the steady state as
cycle analysis method which predicted a load and speed well as the transient operation. All the physical dimen-
dependent heat transfer coefficient, in-cylinder cycle sions for the components are provided by means of sev-
average gas temperature, and engine coolant tempera- eral input files. This gives flexibility within the model so
ture rise [17]. He made modifications to the turbocharger that any component can be replaced with a different
and coolant pump model. He also incorporated an air model with different characteristics. This systematic
conditioning model. He validated this version of the approach makes possible future improvements, addi-
VECSS by comparing the predicted and actual tempera- tions, and modifications. For the software to run, three
ture data from ATB and transient tests. Hovin [18] devel- main run-time data have to be provided; these are the
oped a microprocessor controlled lubricating oil cooling engine speed, the engine load given by the fuel flow rate
system. In addition, the standard thermostats were and the vehicle speed as shown in Figure 1. The ambient
replaced by controllable valves, and the fan and shutter air, temperature, pressure, relative humidity and the
systems were controlled by actuators. This VECSS was velocity (wind speed) is also provided as input data
also capable of setting the coolant and air flow rates through an input file and is maintained at a constant
based on the dynamics of the system and the current value throughout the simulation.
operating conditions [19]. Chang [2] developed a one-
dimensional, transient, compressible airflow model to ENGINE MODEL – The engine model is a critical compo-
predict the airflow behavior for truck engine cooling sys- nent of the VECSS software, since energy rejection to the
tems. After development of this model, he calibrated and coolant and the oil comes from the engine. The six cylin-
validated it to conduct parametric studies to investigate der diesel engine was modeled by assuming that all the

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cylinders operated at approximately the same operating Thermostat & Shutterstat

conditions making it possible to mathematically model

one engine cylinder and extend the results to the remain-
ing cylinders. The engine cycle analysis simulation mod-
eling and its validation was done by Mohan [4,21]. Cylinder Head

Cylinder Block

F u el flo w rate

C oolant Pump

O il C o oler
Veh icle Oil Pump
E ng in e speed speed

cab heater

Figure 2. Complete schematic of Vehicle Engine

Cooling System
Figure 1. Vehicle-Engine-Cooling System in Freightliner
FLD 120 truck. COOLANT CIRCUIT – The coolant system consists of
the following major components: coolant pump, cab
Combustion was modeled as a single-zone heat release heater, engine, thermostat, fan actuator, and radiator.
process. The gas exchange process uses a one-dimen- The coolant circuit which was used in the previous ver-
sional quasi-steady compressible flow model. The heat sion of the VECSS was a low flow coolant system
transfer model uses modified Annand’s correlation for [1,6,7,8]. However, when the air-to-air charge air cooler
calculating convection heat transfer. The radiative heat was introduced, the truck manufacturers switched to the
transfer was calculated based on flame temperature. The conventional radiator for increased operating tempera-
frictional model converts indicated quantities (power, indi- tures and hence increased thermal efficiency [4]. Since,
cated specific fuel consumption (isfc), etc.) to the corre- the present truck under study has a conventional radiator
sponding brake quantities. A steady-state turbocharger with air-to-air charge air cooler, necessary modifications
model, manifold heat transfer, and pressure losses were were required to be made to the coolant circuit, radiator,
also included in the simulation. Finally, the engine model and aftercooler models in the existing VECSS. The cen-
calculates the surface temperatures and metal mass trifugal pump is used to circulate the engine coolant.
average temperatures for piston, cylinder head and liner, Pressurized coolant from the pump is forced through the
and exit temperatures of coolant and oil. This one-dimen- oil cooler and the engine. Heat rejection from the engine
sional unsteady heat transfer simulation model to calcu- is the main source of energy to the coolant. The full
late the above mentioned temperatures developed by blocking-type thermostat is used to control the flow of
Mohan [4] was improved and is discussed later. coolant through the radiator, providing fast engine warm-
up and regulating coolant temperature. When starting a
DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUAL COMPONENTS – The cold engine or when coolant is below operating tempera-
whole VECSS program can be divided basically into four ture, the closed thermostat directs all the coolant through
main circuits, Figure 2. the bypass to the pump. When the thermostat opening
temperature is reached, coolant flow is divided between
1. Coolant circuit comprising of the coolant pump, cab the radiator and the bypass tube. When the thermostat is
heater, oil cooler, engine, radiator/bypass thermostat, fully open, 70% of the coolant flows through the radiator
fan actuator, and the radiator. and the remaining 30% flows through the bypass. The
2. Oil circuit comprising the oil pump, oil filter, oil ther- coolant circuit schematic provided by DDC is shown in
mostat, oil cooler, regulator valve, oil gallery, main Figure 3.
bearing cooling circuit, crank bearing cooling circuit,
piston cooling circuit, accessories cooling circuit, and COOLANT PUMP – The coolant pump circulates the
the oil sump. coolant through the engine cooling system. The pump is
3. Ram air / engine compartment circuit comprising of driven directly off the engine by means of a gear mecha-
the grill, charge air cooler, condenser, radiator, nism. Data points relating pump flow with engine speed
shroud, fan, and the branching in the compartment were supplied by DDC. An equation was developed to
around the engine. calculate the pump flow as a function of the engine speed
using these data points. The power used by the pump is
4. Intake air circuit comprising of the turbocharger,
calculated by standard pump laws. The coolant pump
charge air cooler, engine, and the exhaust.
within the cooling system is assumed to have no effect on

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fluid temperature. The pumping of a fluid through the sys- Yes

tem generates an increase in thermal energy due to fluid Tc a b < 2 1 .1 o C (7 0 o F ) 0.189 m3/s (400 CFM)
friction (which is dependent upon fluid viscosity and sys-
tem pressure). For an engine application, these effects No Yes
can be assumed negligible in comparison to the thermal 2 1 .1 o C ( 7 0 o F )< Tc a b < 2 3 .9 o C (7 5 o F ) 0.142 m3/s (300 CFM)
energy transferred to the coolant from the engine’s com-
bustion heat transfer process and frictional effects. The No Yes
most important parameter describing the pump is the 2 3 .9 o C ( 7 5 o F )< Tc a b < 2 6 .7 o C (8 0 o F ) 0.083 m3/s (175 CFM)
rate at which the coolant is pumped. For these reasons,
no attempt was made to theoretically model pump perfor- No Yes
mance. Tc a b > 2 6 .7 o C (8 0 o F ) 0 m3/s (0 CFM)

T h e rm o s ta t Figure 4. Cab Blower Setting Flowchart

C y lin d e r H e a d
After determining the flow rate through the blower, the
inlet air temperature to the cab heater or the temperature
out of the blower is determined based on the percentage
Co olant fan

C y lin d e r B lo c k
of fresh air allowed to mix with recirculated air. The inlet
R adiator

door position will allow for about 15 - 100% of fresh air

operation. A certain percentage of fresh air is always
admitted into the cab to reduce irritating smoke and dust
O il c o o le r
effects. The inlet door may be controlled by a vacuum
B y p a s s tu b e
actuator or by gravity. The percentage of fresh air varies
with vehicle speed for gravity operated doors. As the
C o o lan t p a th
C o o la n t p u m p vehicle speed increases, the amount of recirculation air
decreases. For the analysis here, 50% of fresh air and
C ab
50% of recirculated air was assumed to exist for all vehi-
Figure 3. Coolant flow schematic for DDC series 60 cle speeds since the actual air inlet versus the vehicle
engine speed maps are not available.

CAB ENVIRONMENT MODEL – The cab environment Once, the inlet air temperature and the flow are estab-
model is included in the VECSS since the cab heater unit lished, this mass of air flows over a blend door. The blend
in the coolant circuit removes energy from the system. door can be used to vary the percentage of inlet air that is
The cab environment is not the main component of the directed through the cab heater core. Adjusting blend
cooling system, but the cab comfort and performance of door position regulates heater effects on the cab air tem-
the cooling system are coupled through the cab heater. perature without adjusting the blower speed. The present
The mathematical models of the cab environment VECSS assumes that the blend door is maintained in the
described here were included in the new version of full open position directing all inlet air through the heater.
VECSS without revision. The detailed model was devel- The cab heater model is a coolant to air finned heat
oped by Ursini [1] and are for the International Harvester exchanger. The heater is operational only when ambient
COE - 9670 truck. temperatures are below specified cab comfort levels.
The cab environment control system consists of the cab To evaluate the average cab air temperature, it is neces-
heater unit with three position blower and insulated cab sary to know the heat energy which is absorbed by the
walls. Cab blower setting is dependent upon driver prefer- cab walls and/or interior, the energy which is dissipated
ences. A simple logic used to simulate the driver’s through the walls and/or the energy lost by infiltration of
response to cab air temperature determines blower set- the ambient air (leakage of ambient air into the cab) in
ting and consequently cab comfort levels. This assumes addition to the heat energy entering the cab from the
that the desirable temperature inside the cab at all ambi- heater.
ent temperatures is 21 to 27°C (70 to 80°F). Hence, the
blower settings are made to fluctuate accordingly to In order to calculate cab surface heat rejection, the cab is
achieve this comfort temperature zone. The following divided into six different wall types, namely, the front
flowchart in Figure 4 shows blower settings at various panel, the windshield, the side panels (the doors), top
comfort temperatures: panel, rear panel and floorboard. The overall heat trans-
fer coefficients must be evaluated for each of these walls.
The thermal resistivity value or R value is determined for
each wall. In case where the wall composition varies, the
value is averaged over the length of the panel. Surface
area and panel length parallel to air flow is also deter-
mined for each wall.

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Internal convection coefficients are assumed to be gov- used which takes into consideration a characteristic time
erned by natural convection. Use of Grashoff number lag associated with the thermostat just like any mechani-
allows determination of internal convection terms for cal control device would have. There is a definite time
each wall based on cab-ambient temperature difference. gap between the instant the thermostat senses the tem-
perature, and the instant the actuator starts to function.
THERMOSTAT MODELING – Thermostats are tempera- The time difference between the response and the stimu-
ture - sensitive flow control valves. They are used to con- lus is called the ‘time delay’. In the case of a thermostat
trol the flow of coolant through the radiator and maintain this time delay is the sum of the mechanical and the ther-
the temperature within a specified range in the coolant mal lags. It takes sometime for the wax to reach its melt-
circuit. Their operation is in response to the temperatures ing point after the cup has reached that temperature. This
sensed by the wax sensor. is called the thermal delay. Again, the actuators do not
act instantaneously. This lag is called the mechanical
The themostat sensor begins to open when the liquid into
which it is immersed reaches the thermostat start-to-
open temperature (also called the thermostat activation In the present cooling system, the flow to the radiator is
temperature), directing some liquid to flow along the new controlled using a single thermostat. This model consid-
path. If the temperature continues to rise, the valve fur- ers that the sensor temperature is governed by the linear,
ther opens until its full open temperature is reached. first order, ordinary differential equation [8,22]:
When this happens, maximum flow is directed through
the radiator in the cooling system. As the system cools ( UA ) ⋅ ( THT – TST ) = ( MC ) ⋅ ( TST ) (1)
down, the reverse action takes place.
where, THT is the temperature of the thermostat housing,
The most common type of thermostat used is solid/liquid
TST temperature of the sensor, MC thermal capacity of
phase wax actuator. The brass housing (cup) in these
the housing, U overall heat transfer coefficient, A area
kind of thermostats is filled with a heat expansive wax
associated with U, and t time.
material that is compounded to provide accurate, repeat-
able temperature response. The wax is sealed within the The ratio of UA/MC is defined as the time constant of the
cup by an elastomeric sleeve. The sleeve envelops a pol- thermostat. The value of the time constant is determined
ished stainless steel piston with tapered end. A seal and using experimental data [10]. The sensor temperature
brass cover completes the sealing of the unit. can be found out using the above equation, given the
housing temperature which is equal to the coolant tem-
The brass cup is in the path of the liquid flow. Heat is con-
perature flowing through the thermostat.
ducted through the walls of the cup to the wax. As the
wax within the brass cup reaches its special compounded After the sensor temperature is calculated, and knowing
thermostat, it melts and expands, displacing the piston by the operating characteristics of the thermostat, the lift of
squeezing the sleeve. The piston is in turn moved by the the radiator thermostat is calculated using Lagrange
sleeve and the valve opens. As the temperature drops, interpolation. Thus for any operating condition, the flow
the wax contracts allowing the piston to return. Operation through the radiator is determined using the flow factors
of the plunger can be controlled mechanically or by vary- calculated based on the lift. For the specific thermostat
ing the melting point temperature of the wax material (this used for analysis, the activation temperature is 87.8°C
can be achieved by adding varying amounts of copper (190°F). Below this all the coolant flows through the
filler). bypass and the thermostat is completely closed. When
the sensor temperature reaches to 96.1°C (205°F) the
Thus to appropriately model the thermostat, the different
thermostat reaches its maximum opening which allows
processes happening within the thermostat have to care-
70% of the coolant to flow through the radiator. In the
fully understood. The different processes that take place
operating range from 87.8°C (190°F) to 96.1°C (205°F),
in succession before the thermostat is actuated are:
the thermostat is continuously opening and closing. The
• Heat transfer by convection from the hot liquid to the thermostat never completely opens such that all coolant
outer surface of the brass cup (in contact with the flows through radiator [29].
Due to the repetitive opening and closing of the thermo-
• Heat transfer by convection through the cup to its stat, a hysteresis loss is incurred, i.e., the lift of the ther-
inner surface. mostat valve or the movement of the plunger will be
• Heat transfer by convection to and through the wax different when the thermostat is opening and closing for
• Melting and increase in volume of wax. the same sensor temperature. Thus, there are two, ther-
mostat lift vs. sensor temperature curves. One for open-
• Movement of the piston and finally the actuation of
ing and one for closing of the thermostat. One important
the valve.
point to be noted is that the thermostat will not fully close
A rigorous model should consider each of these pro- until the liquid temperature is below the activation tem-
cesses. But, for a system modeling approach like this perature. A hysteresis lag of 1.7°C (3°F) is built in the
cooling system simulation, such a complicated and thermostat model, as shown in Figure 5. The program
involved model is not necessary. So, a different method is after detecting the mode of operation, checks if the ther-

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mostat is opening or closing and accordingly incorpo- 1. The Log-Mean Temperature Differential approach
rates the hysteresis lag. (LMTD)
2. The Net Transfer Units method (NTU)
3. Numerical method
The main drawback of the first two methods is that they
are applicable only for steady state conditions. For ana-
lyzing the transient response of a heat exchangers, a
time delay function coupled with the NTU method was
used for initial versions of VECSS. This approach needs
a closed form expression for effectiveness. Also, the
results were not very satisfactory, mainly during the
warm-up period [1,6]. Later, a two pass cross counterflow
radiator was developed for the low flow cooling system
using the Euler explicit numerical scheme [11,12]. This
scheme was insufficient because the results had a large
truncation error.
The new conventional radiator modeled represents the
Behr McCord’s radiator (Model 405-16366-001) used in
Figure 5. Coolant thermostat characteristic curve the validation tests. The radiator is a single pass cross
flow type heat exchanger. Hot coolant from the engine
RADIATOR MODELING – The radiator is the most head enters the radiator from the top side, flows through
important heat exchanger in the engine cooling system the single pass tubes and exits through the bottom of the
as it transfers the majority of the thermal energy from the radiator. The ambient air enters through the front side of
coolant to the surrounding air. Hence, it is extremely cru- the radiator, picks up heat from the first row of coolant
cial to model the radiator accurately for effective function- tubes, the second row and finally the third row of tubes.
ing of the coolant circuit. Thus the coolant and the air enter the radiator from differ-
The radiator is a liquid to air heat exchanger. It experi- ent directions having crossflows. The radiator tubes are
ences a large variation in coolant inlet condition and flow fitted with continuous serpentine fins to increase the heat
rate. The radiator flow may be small or large or it may be transfer on the air side. The coolant and air do not mix. A
extremely low and there will be no flow when the engine thermal mixing of the coolant takes place at the top and
is shut down or the thermostat is completely closed. The the bottom of the radiator. Thus the temperature of the
flow depends both on the radiator thermostat position as coolant entering each tube from the top tank is the same
well as the performance of the coolant pump. The opera- and it varies along the tube till it reaches the bottom tank.
tion of the thermostat is explained in the previous section. On the other hand, since the air gets heated up as it
The coolant flows through the radiator, only when the passes over the first row of tubes, the air temperature
coolant temperature reaches the thermostat control tem- entering is higher for the second row and then still higher
perature. Therefore, the radiator flow varies from 0 gal/ for the third. Mixing of the air is assumed between tube
min (when the thermostat is fully closed) to 70 gal/min rows and hence the inlet air temperature for all tubes in a
(when thermostat is 70% open and the total coolant particular row is the same.
pump flow is 100 gal/min). Hot coolant enters the radia- The coolant entry for all tubes is located at the top of the
tor, where it is cooled by ram (ambient) air. Ram air flow radiator. Therefore, the coolant flow rate through each
is controlled by the shutters (if the truck is so equipped) tube is the same. Airflow rate across the radiator is evalu-
located at the back of the radiator and in front of the fan. ated from the ram air / engine compartment airflow model
Depending on the amount of cooling required, the shut- which is explained later in the paper.
ters are open or closed.
To obtain the dynamic response of the radiator by means
The coolant exiting the radiator then mixes with the cool- of the Runge-Kutta fourth order numerical scheme, the
ant from the bypass and the coolant from the cab heater, following assumptions were made in the analysis:
and is then pumped to other parts of the coolant circuit
(Figure 2). The shutters were not used in this work for • Negligible axial conduction in the coolant.
coolant temperature control since the Freightliner truck • There is no heat generation within the radiator.
used to collect data was not so equipped. • Conduction through the wall is negligible.
The primary purpose of the radiator model is the determi- • Properties of the tube like the specific heat, density,
nation of the radiator outlet coolant temperature. In gen- and thermal conductivity remain constant at all tem-
eral, there are three ways to analyze the performance of peratures.
a heat exchanger [11]. They are: • Uniform inlet air temperature and velocity along the
full length of the tube.

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• There is complete thermal mixing of the coolant and removed from the coolant depends on the coolant flow
air at the inlet and outlet of each tube row. rate but not on the external heat transfer coefficient.
• No mixing of the coolant takes place within the tube. Having determined the heat transfer coefficients, for a
• The fluid velocity is the same at all points and is influ- particular operating condition, all the coefficients in the
enced only by the changes in the flow rates. coupled differential equations are known. The self start-
ing numerical method Runge-Kutta fourth order formula
In the radiator, the two fluids, hot coolant and the ambient
was used.
air, are separated by the tube wall. Heat transfer takes
place by two modes, conduction and convection. Heat is The set of equations were solved simultaneously first for
transferred from the coolant to the wall by: (1) forced con- node 1 using the Runge-Kutta fourth order formula. The
vection, (2) by radial conduction from the inside of the initial condition at t=0 is that the entire core of the radiator
wall to the outer surface, and (3) from the outer surface of and the air are at ambient temperature. The temperature
the tube to the ambient air by forced convection. The of the coolant exiting node 1 is the temperature of the
small thickness of the tube makes the conductive resis- coolant at entry node 2. Thus the coolant temperature of
tance of the tube wall negligible. Therefore, the dominant each node was used for analysis of the successive node.
mode of heat transfer is forced convection. Any technique A time increment of 1 second was used. The solution did
used must be capable of predicting the temperature of not converge and in fact was diverging. Hence, smaller
the coolant, air, and metal at different times and at differ- time steps were used till the solution converged.
ent locations under varied operating conditions.
Steady state experimental data obtained from Behr
Although, the coolant and the air temperature are of
McCord at three different coolant flow rates of 3.16, 4.42,
prime significance, it is advantageous from a design point
5.68 L/s (50, 70 and 90 gal/min) and four different air flow
of view to know the metal temperatures also. This helps
rates of 4.06, 5.08, 6.1, and 7.1 m/s for each coolant flow
the designer to know the temperature distribution in the
was used to validate the computer model at different
body of the radiator for the necessary analysis of the
operating conditions. The coolant used in this case was
thermal stress effects.
50/50 glycol-water. Figure 6 shows the heat rejection
The radiator has 3 rows with 47 tubes per row, 32 deg. rates for an inlet temperature differences of 50°C (data
louvered fins and a fin density of 14 fins per inch. To for increments of 100°F). The inlet temperature was
model the radiator, each of the three rows where mod- assumed to be at 21.1°C (70°F) and the inlet coolant
eled separately because the inlet air temperature was dif- temperature is at 76.7°C (170°F). As can be seen, the
ferent for each one. In a particular row, only one tube was model predictions were in good agreement with the
modeled and the analysis was extended to the other 46 experimental data (within 2%).
tubes. Each tube was divided into 10 segments. The
application of the First Law of Thermodynamics for the
coolant, metal and the air to each segment resulted in a
set of three coupled differential equations:

dT m
( mCp ) m = ( hc Ac ( T c – T m ) ) – ( ha Aa ( T m – T a ) ) (2)
dT c
( mC p )c = ( mC p ) c ( T c, i – T c, o ) – h c A c ( T c – Tm ) (3)
dT a
( mC p )a = ( mC p )a ( T a, i – T a, o ) – h a A a ( Ta – Tm ) (4)

where, mCp is thermal capacity, h heat transfer coeffi-

cient, A surface area for heat transfer, T temperature, and
t time. The subscripts are, m for metal, c coolant, a air, i
inlet, and o outlet.
Before attempting to solve the above coupled differential
equations all the physical dimension like the area, vol-
ume, and the internal and external heat transfer coeffi- Figure 6. Radiator heat rejection rate at different coolant
cients must be determined. The internal heat transfer flow rates
coefficient depends only on the coolant flow rate and is
unaffected by the air flow rate. The rate of heat removed OIL CIRCUIT – For analysis of the cooling system, a
by air from the coolant depends directly on the air flow study of the oil circuit is extremely important as it has a
rate, and only indirectly on the internal heat transfer coef- direct effect on the coolant temperatures because the
ficient. Similarly, the external heat transfer coefficient coolant gains energy from the oil in the oil cooler. Also,
depends only on the air flow rate and is not influenced by the oil system may be considered a cooling system in
the coolant flow conditions. Again, the rate of heat itself with oil as the cooling medium. The heavy duty die-

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sel engine oil circuit has two purposes. First of all, it is OIL PUMP – The oil pump just like the coolant pump cir-
used to lubricate the engine parts to reduce engine wear culates the oil through the oil system. This pump too is
and bearing load. Secondly, the oil serves as a coolant driven by the engine, hence its speed varies with the
reducing the temperatures of the piston and bearings. engine speed. A second order polynomial curve fitted to
the experimental data is used to model the oil pump flow
The original oil system model [1] which utilized an energy
rate and the power consumption is calculated using stan-
balance at the engine cylinder to determine energy allo-
dard pump laws [22]. The oil pump contributes signifi-
cation to the oil for given engine operating conditions was
cantly to the heating of the oil. Hence, the viscous
found unsatisfactory. Hence, Savonen [8] developed a
heating of the pump due to pump losses cannot be
new model which consisted of an empirical and analytical
neglected. Rise in oil pressure and irreversible increase
formulation. It consists of several component models
of the internal energy of the oil occurs at the pump due to
which predict the significant energy transfer rates within
pump input work. As the oil travels in the system, friction
the oil system. The model developed by Savonen was
dissipation causes an increase in the internal energy of
based on the oil system used for the Cummins NTC-350
the oil. Essentially, the power used by the pump eventu-
diesel engine. But, since the predictions here are ana-
ally turns into internal energy of the oil. Hence, the pump
lyzed for the Freightliner truck with the Detroit Diesel
power calculated using the above equation is used to cal-
Series 60 engine, the accuracy of the present oil system
culate temperature rise in the oil pump.
model depends on the correct representation of these
energy transfer processes. Figure 7 shows the schematic
OIL FILTER – The oil filter is considered to be an addi-
of the oil system for the DDC Series 60. This can be com-
tional oil sump because of its size in this system. Incom-
pared with the old oil system [6].
ing oil mixes with that contained within the filter to
Following were the changes in the oil circuit for which it determine a representative oil filter temperature. The
had to be remodeled: effect of oil filter ambient heat loss is considered negligi-
ble. An energy balance gives the governing relation for
• The oil filter position is changed for the DDC engine.
the oil filter [22].
• The regulator valve position is changed.
• The thermostat characteristics used for the Cummins dTf ·
MCp = m C p ( T if – T f ) (5)
engine are different than the one used for the DDC dt
Here MCp is heat capacitance of the oil filter, Tf represen-
• Characteristics of the oil pump are different. tative temperature of filter oil, filter oil mass flow rate,
• Other physical parameters like the bearing dimen- Cp specific heat of oil, and Tif temperature of oil entering
sions, mass and area dimensions of various compo- filter.
nents are different.
• Mass of oil in the sump and the sump physical prop- OIL THERMOSTAT – The oil thermostat in the previous
erties are different. VECSS version had a sizeable amount of oil cooler oil
flow even when the oil thermostat was in the fully closed
All the required physical dimensions and material proper- position. With the changed thermostat characteristics for
ties were supplied by DDC [29]. The oil system consists the new oil system, the thermostat is similar to the cool-
of the following major components: oil pump, twin oil filter, ant thermostat. The activation temperature is fixed at
oil thermostat, oil cooler, main and connecting rod bear- 104.4°C (220°F) and is fully open at 113.9°C (237°F). A
ing heat rejection, piston cooling heat rejection, and oil 5% leakage is introduced in the thermostat when the oil
sump. temperature is below the activation temperature 100% of
oil flows through the oil cooler when thermostat is fully
m a in g allery

OIL COOLER – The pump oil from the sump passes

o il co ole r
through the filters to the oil cooler. During the warm-up
period, a small amount of oil flows through the oil cooler
corresponding to the thermostat leakage of 5% of the
re gu lato r v alv e
(o pe n s at 2 .9 6 5 b ar)
oil th erm osta t fully open position. During the working of the thermostat,
(fully clo se d 1 04 .44 -1 05 .5 5 d eg C
fu lly o p en 113 .8 9 d eg C ) the oil flowing through the oil cooler transfers heat to the
coolant and the cooled oil is directed towards the regula-
oil filters
o il su rfac e
o il pu m p tor valve.
The oil cooler used with the DDC series 60 engine is
manufactured by Harrison Division of General Motors
o il su m p
Corp. It is a shell and tube type with single pass shell and
a double pass tube. The oil flows through the shell and
Figure 7. Oil schematic presently used with DDC Series the coolant flows through the tube.
60 engine

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The NTU approach is used to calculate the exit tempera- mal operating conditions, the rifle pressure is maintained
tures of the two fluids. Knowing the surface areas, the relatively constant by the pressure regulator.
fluid flow rates and calculating the inner and outer heat
The oil flow relations used for the main bearing and the
transfer coefficients, the effectiveness for the oil cooler is
big-end con rod bearings are:
evaluated. The correlations used for inner and outer heat
transfer coefficients and the procedures are discussed at for main bearing oil flow,
great length in Reference [22]. The existing oil cooler was
· π
V = Cr DPs   --- + 3ε + 0.75ε 2 + 0.667ε 3 ⁄ ( 3µl ) + UCrlε (6)
accordingly modified to accurately represent the present 3
2  
oil cooler and was validated against the experimental
heat transfer data. Table 1 gives the comparison of the oil for big-end con rod bearing oil flow,
cooler model predictions with the experimental data given
the inlet oil and coolant flow and temperature conditions.  1.2 + 11 d --- ( Cr ( 1 + ε ) ) 3 PsD
The model predictions were within 2% of the experimen- ·  l
V = --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + UCrlε (7)
tal data for the all the seven conditions. ( 12µl )
where, V is bearing oil volumetric flow rate, Cr bearing
Table 1. Comparison of Oil Cooler Steady State radial clearance, D bearing shaft diameter, Ps main rifle
Experimental Data and VECSS Predicted Data oil pressure, ε bearing eccentricity, U rotational speed of
Condition No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bearing shaft with respect to bearing housing, l axial
Oil flow (L/s) 3.166 1.894 0.632 3.349 2.696 1.985 1.042
length of bearing, d oil supply hole diameter, and µ
dynamic viscosity of oil.
Inlet oil temperature (C) 115.4 115.4 115.6 115.3 115.4 115.3 116.0

Experimental oil outlet (C) 112.3 111.1 109.2 112.1 112.1 111.6 111.1 The first term in both the equations is the pressure
Predicted oil outlet (C) 112.2 111.4 109.3 112.2 112.1 111.7 111.3
induced flow component. The second term represents
the oil flow due to the hydrodynamic bearing pumping
Coolant flow (L/s) 5.676 5.672 5.690 6.700 4.676 3.781 1.898
action when using the short bearing theory.
Inlet coolant temperature (C) 87.39 87.50 87.67 88.17 87.83 88.22 87.72

Experimental coolant outlet (C) 88.22 88.17 88.00 88.94 88.72 89.11 88.83
After the oil flow to each of these bearings is determined,
the second step is to calculate the rise in temperature of
Predicted coolant outlet (C) 89.11 87.50 87.67 89.94 89.61 90.22 88.83
the oil flow, given the inlet temperature. For this, the rate
of frictional work for the oil is calculated and assuming
BEARING HEAT ADDITION – There are basically three that the oil carries away all of this energy, the exit temper-
major sources of oil heating: oil pump internal energy ature for the oil is evaluated.
increase, bearing internal energy increase, and the pis-
ton cooling heat addition. The purpose of the bearing A simple equation adopted from the short bearing theory
model is to predict the oil flow to the main and big-end to calculate frictional power is:
connecting rod bearings and the energy generation rates
U 2 µlr2π
at varying engine operating conditions. The bearing E = -------------------------------------
- (8)
[ Cr ( 1 – ε 2 ) 0.5 ]
model developed by Savonen [8] is relatively simple and
is a representative prediction of the mean cyclic bearing where E is the rate of frictional work produced by bear-
performance [22]. ing.
The theory is governed by the theory of hydrodynamic Modeling of this complete heat transfer mechanism is
lubrication. Hydrodynamic theory for dynamically loaded avoided in the analysis and since, the generated bearing
journal bearings (main and con rod bearings) is very energy is assumed to give a rise in the oil temperature,
complex. But, relatively straight forward methods are regardless of the path it takes, we can say,
available to determine bearing performance for constant
· ·
speeds and constant loads. The classical short bearing E = Q = ( m Cp ) oil ( T br1 – Tbr1 ) (9)
theory described by Ocvirk [23] is used. ·
where, Q is heat transfer rate to oil from bearing,
Bearing flow can be determined based on two compo- ·
( m Cp )oil heat capacitance rate of oil bearing, Tbr2 oil
nents: temperature exiting bearing, Tbr1 oil temperature enter-
1. flow associated with the bearing hydrodynamic ing bearing.
pumping action. One of the significant variables that has to be evaluated
2. flow due to external pressure feed. is the bearing eccentricity, ε, a measure of the radial dis-
placement of the bearing shaft from the axis of the bear-
The external pressure feed is necessary to effectively
ing. As the bearing load and, therefore, the bearing
and efficiently remove energy from the bearings. This is
eccentricities vary significantly through out the engine
provided by the main rifle. The main rifle pressure is
cycle, a representative or average load and a corre-
determined in the VECSS program using experimental
sponding eccentricity is chosen for the analysis.
maps of rifle pressure versus engine speed. Under nor-

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of Nottingham - Kings Meadow Campus, Saturday, September 08, 2018

A representative load is given by [6], gallery temperature. The complexity of the heat transfer
process between the piston undercrown and cooling oil
A ( BHP )
P = --------------------------------------------------------------- + B ( ARM ) ( WROD ) ( RPM ) 2 (10) was dealt by using empirical correlations. French [24]
( ( CYL ) ( STRK ) ( RPM ) )
performed a range of experiments on both rigs and
where, BHP is engine brake horsepower, CYL number of engines to study the effects of cocktail shaking on piston
engine cylinders, STRK length of piston stroke, RPM cooling. It was found that with cocktail mode of heat
engine speed, ARM crankshaft radius, WROD mass of transfer, the heat transfer coefficient is sensitive to engine
piston and connecting rod, A conversion constant and B speed. The following correlation was used to estimate the
semi-empirical constant to adjust the relative effects of piston cooling oil heat transfer coefficient hpc:
the inertial and gas forces.
D 0.33 k o
h pc = A p ( Re ) 0.8 ( Pr ) 0.33  ---- ------------- (14)
Equation for calculation of the eccentricity at this repre-  b Bore
sentative load was developed by Ocvirk [23], utilizing the  2b- -----
short bearing theory for a steadily applied load. where, Re is Reynolds number,  ------ t  νo , b piston cavity
length, t period of piston motion, D piston cylindrical-cav-
µUl 3 ity diameter, k o thermal conductivity of the piston cooling
P = ---------------------- [ π 2 ( 1 – ε 2 ) + 16ε 2 ] 0.5 (11)
( 4 ( Cr ) 2 ) oil, and A p correlation constant.
Since, values for all the terms are known except ε, this The piston cooling oil flow rate as a function of the engine
relation can be inverted to obtain: speed was supplied by DDC [29].
ε = f ( U, l, µ, Cr, P ) (12) The heat transfer rate evaluated is used to calculate the
exit temperature of the cooling oil using the equation:
Value of ε is obtained numerically.
Q = ( mCp ) oil ( Tpc2 – T pc1 ) (15)
dynamic point of view, piston cooling is undesirable. How- Here ( mCp ) oil is heat capacity of oil, Tpc2 temperature
ever, for engines of high specific output, piston of exiting oil, and Tpc1 temperature of inlet oil.
temperatures would become excessive if no cooling is
provided. Excessive piston temperatures encourage OIL SUMP – At all operating conditions, about 50% of
engine failure by inducing thermal cracks on the piston. the oil in the system is contained in the oil sump. Hence,
Generally, pistons are cooled using a jet of oil impinging the oil sump temperature is the measure of the perfor-
on the under side of the piston. The aim in the piston mance of the oil system. All the energy rejection from the
cooling heat addition model is to predict heat transfer to main and big end connecting rod bearings, the piston
the oil from the piston cooling mechanism. cooling and the oil pump determines the oil sump oil tem-
Piston temperatures vary considerably with time and spa-
tial position. Hence, a purely analytical model to precisely The first law of thermodynamics is applied to the oil sump
determine the heat transfer mechanism at the piston control volume in order to obtain an energy balance, Fig-
underside is complex. ure 8.

A semi-empirical method was developed by Savonen [8]

which is similar in scope to the lumped parameter repre-
sentation. The piston cooling mechanism is formulated main conrod piston
as a steady-state one dimensional heat transfer problem bearing bearing cooling
in the axial direction of the engine cylinder. Hence, the accessories
heat flow is given by, Q spy
· T gas – Toil Q pmp oil
Q = --------------------------- (13) Q amb
R tot
· Q crk
where, R tot = 1 ⁄ ( hcn A ) + 1 ⁄ ( kA ) + 1 ⁄ ( hpc A ) , Q heat trans- oil pum p
fer rate to oil from piston, hcn heat transfer coefficient on
the gas side, t thickness of piston, K thermal conductivity Figure 8. Energy balance for the oil sump
of piston, hpc heat transfer coefficient on the oil side, Tgas
average cycle gas temperature, Toil oil temperature The governing equation for the sump is:
impinging on the piston.
dTs · ·
The values for Tgas and hcn are estimated by the engine ( MC )sump
= ∑ ( m c ) i Ti – ( m c )pump Ts + ∑ Q (16)
model developed by Mohan [4]. Oil temperature imping-
ing on the piston, Toil, is assumed to be equal to the main

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where, cooler reduces the air temperature before entering the

engine for combustion.
∑ ( m c )i Ti
· · ·
= ( n + 1 ) ( m c )Tmb + n ( m c )Trb
· · · TURBOCHARGER MODEL – The turbocharger is made
+ n ( m c )T pc + ( m c )Tacc + ( m c )Trg of two primary elements: a turbine and a compressor. It is
one of the essential elements in a high specific power
∑Q = Q pmp + Q spy – Q amb – Q crk
diesel engines. The primary role of the turbocharger is to
use the energy from the exhaust gases to provide a
Here Ts is mean oil temperature, Ti oil temperature to oil
higher air mass flow rate into the engine. This provides a
sump, n number of cylinders, Tmb oil temperature leaving
higher mass of air in the cylinder and at the same time
main bearing, Trb oil temperature leaving conrod bearing,
allows a proportionally greater amount of fuel to be
Tpc oil temperature leaving piston, Tacc oil temperature
added during each cycle. The additional fueling ability, for
entering sump from accessories (equal to main gallery
a given engine, will increase the maximum power output
temp.), Trg oil temperature leaving regulator, rise in
capability of the engine.
internal energy due to pump, oil spray heat addition,
internal energy rise for crankshaft, and heat Typically, as the high temperature exhaust gases flow to
transfer to ambient air. the turbine, part of the energy in the gas is converted to
output shaft work. The mechanical energy through the
The oil pan used for the DDC series 60 engine is made of
shaft is used to drive the compressor. Hence, the com-
fiber glass. Hence, a one dimensional heat transfer
pressor uses the work to compress the air to higher pres-
model involving convection heat transfer on the oil and air
sure and temperature (greater density).
side along with conduction through the pan material was
developed. Appropriate fiber glass properties are A simple turbocharger model was developed which does
included for determination of the heat loss to ambient air not consider the inertia effects which cause the turbo-
[22]. charger lag during transient mode of operation. Perfor-
mance maps of the compressor and turbine obtained
Heat flow is given by:
from DDC were entered into the simulation in a tabular
· T oil – Tair form. At each time step of the simulation program the
Q = ------------------------------------------------------ (17) tables were interpolated to get the required information.
 ------------
- + -------- + -------------
t 1
 h oil A KA h air A This two-dimensional interpolation involved determining
· four unknown variables from two known map variables.
where, Q is heat transfer rate to air from oil, hoil heat The known variables were the speed and load. The vari-
transfer coefficient on the oil side, t thickness of pan, K ables to be determined were the mass flow rate out of the
thermal conductivity of pan, hair heat transfer coefficient compressor, efficiency, pressure ratio, and rotor speed.
on the air side, Tair engine compartment air temperature, Efficiency, pressure ratio, and rotor speed are used to
and Toil oil temperature in the oil sump. calculate the outlet temperature of air [22].
Although the turbocharger was not modeled directly with
the inertia effects, a lag was incorporated in the compres-
sor rotor speed by means of an exponential curve, so that
The intake charge air circuit is another important circuit in
a step change in the engine speed and/or load would not
the VECSS simulation program, as it evaluates the tem-
result in a step change in the rotor speed.This helped in
perature and mass of the intake air into the engine for
better predictions of the turbochrger outlet air tempera-
engine cycle analysis. A model was developed using the
ture and mass flow rate predictions during the transient
compressor maps provided by DDC as well as using
empirical and analytical formulations. It consists of the
turbocharger, charge air cooler and transient pipe lines The following equations are used.
connecting turbocharger and charge air cooler and
For increasing rotor speed modes:
charge air cooler and the engine. This is the first time
such a model of turbocharger delay and pipe line heat
transfer have been introduced in the VECSS program to (18)
calculate temperature and pressure drop.
For decreasing rotor speed modes:
After the combustion process and during the exhaust
stroke, hot gases flow into the exhaust manifold. The
exhaust gases have temperatures ranging from 427 to (19)
649°C (800 to 1200°F), depending on the speed and load
of the engine. Then the gases flow to the turbine of the where, ω actual is rotor speed calculated (rad/sec), ω map
turbocharger. The turbocharger uses this energy to com- rotor speed from DDC supplied map (rad/sec), ∆t time
press the air going into the engine. In the process, the step size for VECSS program (sec), τ i and τ d average
temperature of the intake air increases. The charge air time constants for the turbocharger acceleration and
deceleration respectively (sec).

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The time constants were determined through optimiza- The present system has an air-to-air cooler. A lower
tion by observing the standard deviation of the differ- engine intake air temperature is obtained by directly uti-
ences between the predicted and experimental data for lizing the ambient air as the cooling medium. By provid-
runs 4,5, and 6 [5]. τ i and τ d are 175 ms and 140 ms ing this kind of a cooler, the temperature can be reduced
respectively. Transient runs that are presented in the to about 22-28°C (40-50°F) higher than the ambient tem-
companion paper [5] were based on these values. Typi- perature. However, the air-to-air system while achieving a
cally the differences observed were within 5.5°C (10°F). higher degree of cooling, introduces more resistance to
be overcome by the fan in the ram air flow. Hence, higher
If ideal gases are assumed and kinetic energy effects are
temperature and less air flows over the radiator. The
eliminated, the equations for compressor outlet flow tem-
cooler in the present configuration is mounted in parallel
perature and compressor shaft torque can be computed:
· with the condenser.
W isentropic
η = ----------------------------
· - (20)
W actual The charge air cooler was modeled as a quasi-steady
γ–1 state model. It is a plate-fin type heat exchanger with off-
T2, isentropic P 2 -----------
-------------------------------- =  ------ γ (21) set strip fins. The offset surface design destroys the
T1  P 1
established velocity profile and initiates a new and thin-
· · ner boundary layer at each break in the system. This
Wisentropic = m Cp ( T2, isentropic – T 1 ) (22)
resulted in increase in both the heat transfer and pres-
W = m Cp ( T 2 – T1 ) (23) sure drop which is the function of the fin offset length.
The procedure for modeling the charge air cooler
 1  ------2 γ – 1 
P ----------- involves calculating the effectiveness and pressure drop
T2 = T 1  1 + ---  (24)
η  P 1
  as developed and described by Mohan [4].
W actual = t⋅ω (25) CHARGE AIR COOLER PIPES – Air pipe lines serve as
· γ–1 connecting conduit between the turbocharger and the
m CpT1 P 2 -----------
t = --------------------  ------ γ – 1 (26) charge air cooler and from the charge air cooler to the
ηω  P 1
engine intake manifold. During passage of the air through
where, η is compressor efficiency, t torque on the shaft, ω the pipe lines, there is a drop in the temperature and
shaft rotational speed, T2 temperature out of compres- pressure of the charge air. This is because of the heat
sor, T1 temperature into compressor, W work rate, m· Cp loss to the surrounding ambient air, which is at a lower
heat capacity of the intake air, P2/P1 pressure ratio for the temperature than the charge air and the pressure drop is
compressor, and γ ratio of Cp/Cv. due to internal friction of the pipe line.
The heat loss and pressure drop of the air within the pipe
CHARGE AIR COOLER MODEL – The air coming out of lines must be quantified, since they are factors which will
the turbocharger is at an increased temperature. To affect the state of the intake air to the engine.
increase the intake air density into the engine, the air is
cooled in the charge air cooler. Hence, the charge air A transient analysis of the connecting pipe lines devel-
cooler is placed between the turbocharger and the oped by Huang [25] was incorporated in the simulation.
engine. This results in increased air mass to the engine, The pipe line was assumed to have no bends or curva-
making it possible to burn more fuel and make the com- tures. Applying the first law of thermodynamics, we get a
bustion more complete. The combustion starts at a lower set of three coupled equations, as in case of the radiator
temperature thus reducing peak temperatures and pres- modeling. The three equations when solved simulta-
sures in the engine. Also, the charge air cooling provides neously would give the energy exchange in the element
other improvements such as fuel economy, increased [22].
power density and reduced emissions, particularly partic- These are:
ulate matter and oxides of nitrogen. All of these factors
result in reduced thermal and mechanical stresses com- 1. Pipe:
pared to the non-aftercooled turbocharged engine result- dT m
ing in increased durability and reliability. ( mC p ) m = h f A f ( T f – Tm ) – h a A a ( T m – T a ) (27)
The charge air coolers can be of two types, air-to-water 2. Internal charge air:
and air-to-air type. Previously in the low flow system, the
charge air cooler or the aftercooler used was a air to dT f
( mCp ) f = ( mC p ) f ( T f, i – T f, o ) – h f Af ( T f – Tm ) (28)
water type heat exchanger. It was positioned within the dt
coolant circuit after the radiator. The inlet air in this case 3. Ambient air:
could be cooled to a certain desired degree during light
load conditions and at low ambient temperatures, thus dT a
( mC p )a = ( mCp ) a ( T a, i – T a, o ) – h a A a ( Ta – Tm ) (29)
improving the combustion. However, the coolant being at dt
higher temperature than the ambient air, the degree of
where, all terms are explained in the radiator model.
cooling that can be achieved at high loads is limited.

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The following assumptions were made in developing the of the particulate matter. Therefore, in the sense of emis-
above differential equations: sions control, attention should be focussed on engine
heat transfer.
• The thermodynamic properties of the air are constant
within an element. Since heat transfer is so important in engines, an appro-
• The diffusivity through the air and pipe material are priate model had to be developed. All the engine heat
minimal. transfer models developed previously in the VECSS pro-
gram by Mohan [4] calculated the heat transfer to the pis-
• Changes in kinetic and potential energy are negligi-
ton, cylinder head, and cylinder block based on the metal
mass average temperatures and a constant liner, head,
• Heat transfer due to frictional work on the control sur- and piston temperature. As these temperatures are much
face is negligible. lower than the actual metal surface temperatures, the
Before we can solve the above equations, the heat trans- heat transfer rates predicted were higher. Thus, the aim
fer coefficients for inner and outer sides have to be evalu- of the heat transfer calculations in the new simulation
ated. The forced convection correlations for cross flow model are twofold:
over cylinders was used to calculate the heat transfer 1. To compute instantaneous heat transfer rates at each
coefficients, and is of the form: incremental time step for the VECSS, and
Nu = c ( Re ) m ( Pr ) 1 / 3 (30) 2. To compute mean surface temperatures for the three
gas-exposed surfaces (liner, head, and piston) at the
where, Nu is Nusselt number, Re Reynolds number, Pr end of each cycle calculation.
Prandtl number, c and m are correlation coefficients as a
function of Reynolds number The following assumptions were made to simulate the
one-dimensional unsteady heat transfer model:
Later the three equations were solved using Euler explicit
method [25]. • A time averaged gas temperature (cycle average) is
used for the analysis of the heat transfer rate to the
The pressure loss in the pipe were determined using piston, head, and liner. This is an accurate method to
Darcy-Weisbach equation [26], calculate the cycle average heat transfer even though
gas temperature varies with crank angle and in turn
ρV 2 f∆L
∆P = ---------- --------- (31) the instantaneous heat transfer varies as a function
2 Dh
of crank angle.
where, ∆P pressure drop, D h hydraulic diameter, V • The instantaneous heat transfer coefficient for each
velocity, ∆L length of pipe, f is the Darcy friction factor. gas-exposed surface is uniform.
• There are no heat transfer effects from surface
HEAT TRANSFER MODEL FOR THE ENGINE deposits on either side of the wall (gas and coolant ).
• Each surface has a uniform temperature over its
Heat transfer in the engine affects its performance, effi-
area; that is, the surface temperature variations
ciency, and emissions. If the heat transfer within the
across a particular area are neglected.
engine is reduced, problems such as thermal stresses in
the high temperature regions, and deterioration of the • The heat transfer surface temperatures are constant
lubricating oil film can occur. An increase of heat transfer with crank angle; i.e. cyclic variations are not consid-
to the combustion chamber walls will lower the gas tem- ered.
perature and pressure within the cylinder, and in turn will • Heat transfer by conduction through the piston, cylin-
reduce the work per cycle transferred to the piston. der head, and the cylinder block are analyzed on a
Hence, heat transfer between the gas in the cylinder and one-dimensional basis.
the gas-exposed cylinder surfaces is important from • Temperature of the mass of the coolant around the
three aspects: cylinder head and block is considered to be uniform.
1. the effect on the thermodynamic cycle and its effi- The engine cylinder heat transfer model was divided into
ciency and emissions, nine different control volumes. The control volumes were:
2. the effect of the resulting metal temperatures on the cylinder liner surface, cylinder block mass, cylinder head
operation of the different components, and surface, cylinder head mass, piston surface, piston mass,
3. the energy transferred to the coolant and the oil in piston cooling oil, coolant in the block, and coolant in the
turn needs to be removed from the system by the head.
radiator. In the previous VECSS version, the model was divided
Changes in the gas temperature due to heat transfer into only six control volumes, out of which three were, the
impact pollutant emission formation processes. Gener- liner, head, and piston mass volumes. With the new
ally, a higher temperature in the cylinder during combus- model each of these three control volumes was further
tion will cause an increase in the NOx emissions, but a divided into two volumes, one representing the surface
lower temperature in the cylinder will affect the oxidation and the other the main mass, resulting in nine control vol-

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umes. The surface was assumed to be a thin layer of gas, conv: Cycle-averaged convective heat transfer rate
mass, approximated to be one-eighth of the total mass. from gases to liner surface
Heat transfer from the combustion chamber is calculated
using the temperature of the thin layer. One-dimensional piston: Heat transfer rate from piston to liner surface
heat transfer is assumed between the surface control vol- cond: Conductive heat transfer rate from liner surface
ume and the mass control volume. Energy rejection to control volume to block mass control volume
the coolant and the oil is based on the mass control vol-
ume temperature. Energy rejection to the engine com- amb, rad: Radiative heat transfer rate from block mass to
the engine compartment air
partment air is based on the block and head mass control
volume temperature. amb, conv: Convective heat transfer rate from block mass
to the engine compartment air
For each of the nine control volumes, the unsteady form
of the first law of thermodynamics is applied, considering coolant: Convective heat transfer to coolant
enthalpy flux, convective and radiative heat transfer,
where the subscripts are i for liner surface control vol-
energy stored, and a mass averaged temperature distri-
ume, o for block mass control volume, w cylinder block.
bution. The resulting nine time dependent equations
were then solved to obtain the new temperatures for the The gas side heat transfer coefficient and the average
metal and exit temperatures for the coolant and oil. cycle gas temperature is calculated by the engine cycle
analysis program [4]. Other convective and radiative heat
CYLINDER BLOCK – The cylinder block was divided into transfer rates were approximated by modeling the engine
two control volumes: the cylinder liner surface and the block as a square cylinder [16].
cylinder block mass. The liner surface control volume
receives heat from the in-cylinder gas and piston and (34)
rejects it to the block mass control volume. The volume
which receives heat from the liner surface control volume (35)
rejects heat to the block coolant and to the engine com- The convective heat transfer coefficient for the air side is
partment air. The unsteady form of first law of thermody- defined as [16]:
namics, describing this process, is shown in Figure 9,
and the equations are:
and the radiative emissivity from the cast iron block mass
control volume is assumed to be ε amb = 0.44 , where, Two
is block mass temperature, Tamb engine compartment air
temperature, Ab block area exposed to engine compart-
ment air, and le effective engine length.

where, hc is coolant side heat transfer coefficient, Ac sur-
face area of block exposed to the coolant, Tc2 tempera-
ture of the coolant leaving the control volume, and [16],

Figure 9. Engine cylinder block control volumes
where, kc is the thermal conductivity of the coolant.
For liner surface: Similarly, for the cylinder head and piston, the heat trans-
fer coefficients are determined. The governing equations
and the control volumes are detailed in the following
(32) paragraphs without discussing the heat transfer coeffi-
For block mass: cients.

CYLINDER HEAD – Similar to the cylinder block, the cyl-

(33) inder head is also divided into two control volumes: the
head surface and the head mass. The head surface vol-
ume receives heat from the in-cylinder gas and exhaust
gas, rad: Cycle-averaged radiative heat transfer rate from gases, and rejects heat to the cylinder mass. Whereas,
gases to liner surface the cylinder mass rejects heat to the coolant, and engine

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compartment air. Only the convective mode of heat trans- SOLUTION TO THE SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS – The
fer from the exhaust gas to the head surface volume was differential equations developed in the previous section
assumed since this dominates the total exhaust port heat represent a coupled system of equations, which, when
transfer due to high exhaust port velocities. The control solved simultaneously, represent the time dependent
volume analysis for the cylinder head is similar to that of behavior of the engine cylinder heat transfer model. The
the cylinder block. system of equations were discretized by using the first
order implicit scheme. The resulting matrix was solved
For head surface:
using the Gaussian method with partial pivoting. The
matrix was solved iteratively due to temperature depen-
(39) dent properties and radiative heat transfer until tempera-
tures converged on their new values. Convergence
For head mass: checking was done by calculation of the error [16].


where [4], Q ex = h ex A ep ( T e – T hi ) , Aep exhaust port heat
transfer area, hex heat transfer coefficient, T e cycle aver- The coolant and the oil cooling system is designed to
aged exhaust gas temperature, and T hi cylinder head limit the temperatures in the various engine parts. There-
surface temperature. fore, how to design the cooling system for sufficient cool-
ing airflow during worst case situations with maximum
PISTON – Similar analysis was performed for the piston power consumption has always been a major concern.
surface and the piston mass control volume. The follow- The worst case situations are high ambient temperature,
ing correlation was used to estimate the piston cooling oil full load, and low vehicle speed, such as the case
heat transfer coefficient hcp [4]: encountered in going up a steep mountain in desert con-
(41) Cooling airflow is either generated due to the ram air
effect of the vehicle motion and/or by the cooling air fan.
where, Re is Reynolds number, (2b/t)D/ υ o , b piston cav- Because of the complex geometry, complex airflow pat-
ity length, D piston cylindrical-cavity diameter, D' = D/b, terns are induced along the flow passage through the
k o thermal conductivity of the piston cooling oil, A cp cor- charge-air-cooler, radiator, shroud, and over the engine.
relation constant. These flows are not easily understood even from good
experimental studies. To achieve a more precise predic-
COOLANT IN BLOCK AND HEAD – An energy balance tion of the engine cooling system performance, an analyt-
for the block and head coolant results in an equation ical model of the cooling airflow system was developed
which describes the temperature response of the block by Chang [2] in 1990.
The fan is run by a variable speed clutch drive. A pulse
For the block: width modulator sends a pulse to the variable speed
clutch. The pulse width depends on the coolant tempera-
ture at the radiator top tank. For the Kysor DST fan
installed in the Freightliner truck, when the radiator top
For the head: tank temperature is less than 87.8°C (190°F), the fan
speed is 0.45 times the engine speed. As the coolant
temperature increases from 87.8 to 96.1°C (190 to
(43) 205°F), the pulse width changes the fan speed from 0.45
where, m· c is mass flow rate of the coolant, M Cb and to 1.12 times (a non-linear curve) the engine speed. The
M Ch : coolant mass in the block and head respectively, fan speed factor data is based on the experimental data
T c1 temperature of the coolant entering the block control and is included in the fan model in a tabular form. During
volume, T c2 temperature of the coolant leaving the block code validation, the program was tested for two limiting
or entering the head volume, and T c3 temperature of the cases; one where the fan is off, and the other where the
coolant leaving head fan was run at a constant speed regardless of the vari-
able clutch drive. These cases will be presented later
PISTON COOLING OIL – The piston cooling oil control labeled as fan: OFF and fan: ON respectively. All other
volume receives heat from the piston undercrown. The test runs presented are under the variable clutch drive
piston cooling flow rate as a function of engine speed feature added to the software where a 3.9°C (7°F) hyster-
was supplied by DDC. The first law energy balance yields esis is also built in the fan engagement to disengagement
[22]: period.
The conventional cooling airflow passage consists of the
(44) grill, condenser, charge air cooler, radiator, shroud, fan,

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and engine compartment. One of the primary objectives Fluid head losses can be generally categorized into two
of this work was to enhance the accuracy and reliability of sources - the skin friction and the pressure force. The
the Vehicle Engine Cooling System Simulation (VECSS) flow resistance due to skin friction is characterized by the
by incorporating Chang’s model [2] using performance friction factor ‘f’. The pressure loss is [2]:
characteristics of the fan, radiator, shutter, and the sys-
tem installation dimensions.
The following were the outline of the specific goals:
where, At total friction surface area, A cross sectional
• include the fan, radiator, and shutter performance
area, Swet wetted perimeter, and l passage length.
• incorporate the branch flow in the engine compart- The secondary loss is called the minor loss, which results
ment, from the separation of the flow and secondary flow that
occurs whenever there is a change in the cross-sectional
• incorporate the system installation physical dimen-
area. The resistance associated with the minor losses is
sions, and
characterized by the local resistance coefficient ‘k’.
• identify empirical constants and necessary experi-
mental data required.
The cooling air passage is essentially treated as a one- The flow resistance characteristics of the complete cool-
dimensional duct network. The total core flow area of the ing circuit can be specified by the friction factor ‘f’ and the
radiator is used as the duct cross sectional area, and the head loss (local resistance) coefficient ‘k’ for each section
core flow hydraulic diameter is used as the diameter. A through the passage. These factors are specified as a
similar set of simplifications is applied to the other flow data block, and used approximately depending on the
area components. current grid element in the one-dimensional passage.

The computational domain of the airflow system was The pressure losses are used to calculate the external
divided into 35 equally spaced nodal points from the front force term in the governing momentum equation
of the grill to back of the fan. The region around the (described later). For the skin friction [2],
engine was additionally divided in 7,10, 6 and 6 nodal
points for the top, bottom, left and right side of the engine
respectively. Depending on the physical dimensional rela-
tionship between the various components like the grill For the minor loss coefficient [2],
(Nodal points 1-2), CAC and condensor (Nodal points 7-
13), radiator (Nodal points 16-21), and fan (Nodal points
26-34), the free flow area at each nodal point was calcu- (48)
lated. The free flow area for individual components was
where, lk is the length in which minor loss occurs (m).
calculated from the component drawings supplied by the
respective manufacturers. The position of the compo- Both of these external force terms are added together
nents in the system was measured in the Freightliner while solving the governing equations.
FLD120 truck. The hydraulic diameter is evaluated using
It appears that it is desirable to have f-Re and k-Re [26]
the free flow area and the wetted perimeter, which is also
curves which specify these coefficients as a function of
calculated from the supplied component drawings. The
the Reynolds number, that is easier and directly applica-
engine compartment and airflow branching areas and
ble to the complete geometrical flow passage.
nodal points for the Freightliner FLD 120 truck are shown
in Figure 10. Finally, it sometimes occurs that the local resistance is
high near the shroud, engine compartment and the joints.
Experimentally determined pressure drop data at known
Abrupt contractions and expansions in these areas lead
airflow velocity is used to calculate the skin friction fac-
to the usage of the following empirical approximation
tor(f) for all the components and hence the nodal points.
The free flow area, hydraulic diameter and the skin fric-
tion factor at each nodal point along with fan characteris-
tics and heat rejection from the radiator, condensor and (49)
CAC are used as inputs to the airflow subroutine.
where, d smaller diameter (exit for contraction), D larger
The free flow area hydraulic diameter and the skin friction diameter (inlet for contraction). As mentioned earlier, in
for the branching over the engine are exprimentally deter- the calculations the effective external force term is calcu-
mined by Chang [20]. lated after the skin friction and local resistance coeffi-
cients have been evaluated.

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A branch flow simplification is applied in Chang’s airflow

model [2], in which a quasi 3D separation of branches is
A IR F L O W observed. Four branches, in the top, bottom, right and left


directions, are modeled, as shown in Figure 10. Each
B ranch 1
(A rea : 0.21) branch is regarded as a one-dimensional duct with vari-
B ranch 3

(A rea: 0.17)
able cross-sectional area, having distinct length, resis-

B ranch 4
(A rea: 0.17)
tance, and heat transfer qualities.
B ranch 2
(A rea: 0.20)
The heat transfer inside the engine compartment is

A IR F L O W based on the results predicted by VECSS, in which the
engine block is approximately modeled as a square cylin-
der having convective and radiative heat transfer rates.
The gross heat transfer rate [2] predicted is divided into

(sq.m )
0.3 four parts.
35 1 0.1
GOVERNING EQUATIONS – The governing equations
Figure 10. Airflow branching in engine compartment are derived as an extension to the gas dynamic model.
The one dimensional dynamic model is generally used
FAN PERFORMANCE – According to laws of conserva- for unsteady, compressible flow in a complex duct net-
tion of momentum and energy, for a steady airflow work. One form of the model, that is applicable to the air-
through an axial fan operating at a constant speed, the flow simulation, is as follows [2]:
net thrust force acting on the air by the fan blades will be
equal to the force resulting from the pressure difference
across the fan, and the mechanical energy obtained by
the air will be related to the power expended by the fan. (52)
Thus, the fan thrust term is [27]:

(50) (53)
and the fan work term is [27]: Energy:

(51) (54)
where, Ffan is net fan thrust force, ∆ps air static pressure where, Fl external force per unit length as explained in
rise across fan, Afan equivalent free flow area of fan, lfan sections. heat transfer rate per unit length (W/m), and
length of fan, PW power consumed by fan, and Cfn is fan work per unit length per unit time (W/m). Numerical
coefficient. implications and details are available in the references
The coefficient Cfn [2] reflects the power loss in the fan
bearings, and is usually close to 1.0. Experimentally
determined ∆ps-Q curves and PW-Q curves, where Q is
above duct calculations, only one inlet and one outlet is
the flow rate (∆p/resistance), were used as fan character-
involved. At a node along this path, the general case of
istics. The instantaneous operating point of the fan is
one-dimensional flow with branches is applied.
determined using the volumetric flow rate entering the
fan. The application of mass and energy conservation laws,
combined with a modified pressure calculation at each
When applying these curves to a case with air density
branch exit and entry results in the following equations.
and fan speed that do not equal the specified values, cor-
rection of the fan characteristic is required [2,22,27]. The Continuity:
following proportionalities are applied for the correction:
Q∝n, ∆ps∝n2, and PW∝n3 where n is the fan speed. For
constant flow rate: ∆ps∝ρ and PW∝ρ. (55)


By treating the cooling air path as an equivalent one-
dimensional duct, the gross air flow and heat transferred
can be computed with sufficient accuracy. However, this (56)
cannot provide any detail about the spatial flow field of
the air in the engine compartment.

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The constant Ki is experimentally determined [2]. It repre-
sents the pressure drop coefficient, and the pressure loss
is assumed to be a function of the local Mach number.


The results of the VECSS model predictions will be intro-

duced next under three separate categories. These are:
the validation of the improved heat transfer model used in
the engine cycle analysis, the energy balance on the
engine model and the implementention of the engine
compartment air flow model with and without the fan Figure 11. Fuel flow rate into the engine at two different
operating. engine speeds


steady heat transfer model developed was incorporated
in the engine program developed by Mohan [4]. A similar
study like Mohan [4] carried out had to be done in order
to validate the engine program with the enhanced heat
transfer model to the steady state data on engine brake
power, brake specific fuel consumption, and exhaust tem-
perature supplied by DDC at 1200 and 1800 rpm. This
was conducted using a stand-alone engine program with
the heat transfer model. The inputs to the model were the
fuel flow rate and the engine speed given in Figures 11.
The program was run until all temperatures reached
steady state. The predicted data for A/F ratio, boost pres-
sure, brake horsepower, bsfc, and exhaust temperature,
show good agreement with the experimental data (within
2%), Figures 12,13 ,14,15,16.
Additional predicted properties such as piston surface
temperature, cylinder head surface temperature, and Figure 12. Calculated air to fuel ratio varying with the
liner surface temperature variations are shown in Figures engine load in BMEP (Bar)
The coolant temperature rise in the engine is more for
1200 rpm, Figure 20, as would be expected, because of
lower coolant flow rate. The predicted oil temperature out
of the piston is also shown in Figure 21.

Figure 13. The boost pressure with engine load

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Figure 17. Piston surface temperature variation with load

Figure 14. Comparison of the output power at different and speed
engine speeds

Figure 18. Cylinder head surface temperature variation

Figure 15. BSFC predictions at 1200 & 1800 rpm with speed and load

Figure 16. Exhaust temperature predictions at 1200 & Figure 19. Liner surface temperature with speed and load
1800 rpm

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Figure 22. Control volume for energy balance on the


Table 2 provides the magnitude of the energy rejection

rates to the coolant and oil at various speeds and loads.
Figure 20. Coolant temperature rise predictions in the As can be noted, the frictional power between the piston
engine and the cylinder wall as well as the bearing frictional
power increase with increase in engine speed. The brake
horse power of the engine, the energy in the exhaust
gases and the heat transfer to the coolant depend on the
energy coming into the engine, i.e., the fuel flow rate.
Only about 2-3% of the energy in the fuel is unaccounted
for except at 1200 rpm where 7% is unaccounted for. The
results are in good agreement with the published litera-
ture [28].

Table 2. Magnitudes for First Law Check on Energy

Balance in kW
Engine speed 1200 1350 1500 1650 1800

(rpm) kW % kW % kW % kW % kW %
Fuel in 608.8 100 670.3 100 740.5 100 715.0 100 677.8 100

Brake power 224.8 36.9 251.4 37.5 280.8 37.9 269.8 37.7 252.5 37.2

Exhaust 233.0 38.3 277.6 41.4 313.3 42.3 295.9 41.4 274.5 40.5

Coolant 78.5 12.9 89.1 13.3 96.8 13.1 95.0 13.3 93.2 13.8
Figure 21. Temperature rise predictions for piston cooling Piston
friction 18.7 3.07 20.7 3.09 23.8 3.21 27.7 3.87 31.3 4.62
Bearing 2.99 0.49 3.60 0.54 4.43 0.60 5.13 0.72 5.92 0.87
Oil splash 5.15 0.85 6.27 0.94 7.15 0.97 7.24 1.01 7.17 1.06
ENGINE HEAT BALANCE – The overall first law energy
balance for the engine provides useful information on the Piston
cooling oil 1.88 0.31 2.13 0.32 2.27 0.31 2.25 0.31 2.21 0.33
flow of the chemical energy in the fuel. It also acts as a
validation for the VECSS software. For the control volume Compartment air
1.80 0.29 2.19 0.33 4.11 0.55 2.38 0.33 3.46 0.51
which surrounds the engine (refer to Figure 22), the Total energy out 566.8 93.1 652.9 97.4 732.6 98.9 705.4 98.6 670.2 98.9
steady-state energy conservation equation is:
FAN MODEL PREDICTIONS – The model was tested for
(59) two conditions of the fan, ON and OFF. For both these
tests the wind speed, vehicle velocity, ambient air tem-
where, he is exhaust enthalpy, heat transfer rate to oil
perature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, and
which includes friction between piston and cylinder wall,
radiator energy rejection were held constant.
bearing friction, etc., heat transfer rate to the engine
compartment air by convection and radiation, brake
CASE 1: Fan OFF – All the parameters given below are
power, hf lower heating value of fuel, ha air enthalpy,
inputs to the airflow program, which describe the operat-
mass of air, mass of fuel, and mass of coolant.
ing conditions for the test.

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Windspeed + Vehicle velocity: 15 + 61.75 = 76.75 mph

Ambient air temperature: 27°C (80.6°F)
Atmospheric pressure: 101325 Pa = 1 atm.
Relative humidity: 85%
Radiator heat rejection: 4481.2 W

Table 3. Predictions of AIRFLOW model when the fan is

Free flow
At Friction Temperature volume Mass flow
Branch area
node Coefficient (deg C) flow rate rate (kg/s)
Main 18 0.51 0.21 41.56 2.91 3.27

1 4 0.21 1.20 82.39 0.74 0.72 Figure 25. Pressure variation when fan is OFF for main
2 5 0.20 3.80 81.22 0.08 0.09 branch
3 3 0.17 3.90 81.72 1.11 1.23 *Note: Grill (1-2), Condenser and CAC (7-13), Radiator
4 3 0.17 3.40 81.83 1.17 1.24
(16-21), Shroud (24-32), Fan(26-34)
Figure 23 and Figure 24 depicts the airflow velocity and
Table 3 gives the actual volume flow rate and mass flow the actual volume flow rate at each node in the main
rate predictions for the test case when fan is off. The branch and the temperature and density variation plots
table gives the number of nodes that were . The free flow respectively. As the air flows over the radiator, energy
area, the friction coefficient and the predicted volume transfer from the radiator increases the temperature of
flow rate and mass flow rate are given at the central (or the air, decreasing the density (node points 14 to 21).
midpoint) node of each branch, i.e. node 18 for main This results in increase in the actual volumetric flow rate,
branch, node 4 for branch 1, node 5 for branch 2, and since the mass flow is conserved. For the case I, the air
node 3 for branch 3 and 4. pressure keeps decreasing from the front of the grill until
the end of the fan as shown in Figure .

CASE 2: Fan ON – The input parameters which describe

the operating condition for this test are as follows,
Wind speed + Vehicle velocity: 15 + 61.75 = 76.75 mph
Ambient air temperature: 27°C (80.6°F)
Atmospheric pressure: 101325 Pa = 1 atm.
Relative humidity: 85%
Radiator heat rejection: 4481.2 W
Table 4 gives the predicted volume flow rate and mass
flow rate for the central nodes for each branch. Figure 26
Figure 23. Velocity and airflow rate when fan is OFF shows the rise in temperature of the air as it passes over
*Note: Grill (1-2), Condenser and CAC (7-13), Radiator the radiator and the corresponding drop in pressure. This
(16-21), Shroud (24-32), Fan(26-34) increases the actual volumetric flow rate in the radiator as
shown in Figure 27. The pressure of the air decreases
until nodal point 25, and then rises from 26 to 35 because
of the condition that the fan is ON as shown in Figure 27.

Table 4. Predictions of AIRFLOW model when the fan is

Free flow
At Friction Temperature volume Mass flow
Branch node area °C)
Coefficient (° flow rate rate (kg/s)

Main 18 0.51 0.21 52.00 4.01 4.48

1 4 0.21 1.20 70.72 1.86 1.86

2 5 0.20 3.80 69.72 0.46 0.54

3 3 0.17 3.90 70.17 0.96 1.07

Figure 24. Temperature and density variation when fan is
OFF 4 3 0.17 3.40 70.11 0.99 1.01

*Note: Grill (1-2), Condenser and CAC (7-13), Radiator

(16-21), Shroud (24-32), Fan(26-34)

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of Nottingham - Kings Meadow Campus, Saturday, September 08, 2018

All the figures show the variation of the indicated parame-

ter in the MAIN branch at each node. Comparison
between Figure 23 and Figure 27 shows that for the con-
dition that the fan is ON, the airflow velocity and volume
flow rate at all node points in the main branch is much
higher than when the fan is OFF. Since, the inlet tempera-
ture condition, and the radiator energy rejection is the
same for both cases, the temperature variation and the
density variation along the nodes remains the same. For
fan ON condition, the pressure variation curve (Figure
27), shows a drop in the pressure from nodes 1 to 26 due
to the system resistance and then shows a steep rise in
pressure from nodes 26 to 35 due to fan work. As
Figure 26. Temperature and density variation when fan is opposed to this, the fan OFF condition shows a continu-
ON ous drop in pressure from nodes 1 to 35 (Figure 25).
*Note: Grill (1-2), Condenser and CAC (7-13), Radiator
(16-21), Shroud (24-32), Fan(26-34) CONCLUSIONS

The main objective of this paper was to develop the

VECSS (ver 8.1) software program with the addition of
cooling airflow model and to validate the calculated
engine parameters as compared to the experimental data
for the improved heat transfer model. The software pro-
gram had to be enhanced and upgraded to the truck con-
figuration for which the steady-state and transient truck
data were recorded. These data are compared to the
VECSS model output data in the accompanying paper,
part 2 by Arici, et al [5]. The one-dimensional, transient,
compressible ram air / engine compartment airflow model
developed by Chang [2] was incorporated in the VECSS
program. This work enhanced the capability of the
VECSS program to accurately predict the airflow over the
radiator and in the engine compartment. The additional
Figure 27. Velocity and airflow rate when fan is ON
feature gives the user the capability to study the tempera-
*Note: Grill (1-2), Condenser and CAC (7-13), Radiator
ture and pressure variation in the cooling airflow system
(16-21), Shroud (24-32), Fan(26-34)
with a change in the system installation characteristics.
The one-dimensional, unsteady engine heat transfer
model was developed and incorporated into Mohan’s [4]
engine cycle analysis model so that time varying piston,
head, and liner temperatures could be evaluated.
In the process of validating the program the following
have been achieved:
1. The engine cycle analysis model that incorporated
the heat transfer model predicted engine brake
power, brake specific fuel consumption, and exhaust
gas temperature in good agreement with DDC’s
steady state experimental data at engine speeds of
1200 and 1800 rpm for which it was validated (within
2. The radiator model developed was validated with
Figure 28. Pressure variation when fan is ON for main Behr McCord’s steady state heat rejection data so
branmch that the agreement was within 2%.
*Note: Grill (1-2), Condenser and CAC (7-13), Radiator 3. The oil cooler model was modified, and extensively
(16-21), Shroud (24-32), Fan(26-34) validated against DDC’s effectiveness data (within
2%), and incorporated into the VECSS.

Downloaded from SAE International by Univ of Nottingham - Kings Meadow Campus, Saturday, September 08, 2018

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