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Weight Ratio

Number of problem sets given in a Statistics course. Ratio

Classification of students according to major field. Nominal
Daily Temperature Quantitative, Continuous
Grades on a written exam scored as distinguished, pass, marginal, Ordinal
and failing.
Blood makes up 8% of the total body weight. Inferential Statistics
Gender Qualitative
The percentage of people that have blood pressure between 110 Descriptive Statistics
and 129 mmHg and between 130 and 149 mmHg.
Family size Quantitative, Discrete
A treatment is proposed to test the efficacy of vitamin as a Descriptive Statistics
preventive agent for cancer.
The normal pH range for human blood is 7.35 to 7.45. Inferential Statistics
Data that can be classified according to color are measured on a. Nominal
what scale?
Number of Covid-19 patients in a month Quantitative, Discrete
A sample of 10 students is obtained. The students are weighed, d. Average weight of the 5th and 6th students
and ranked according to their weight. What is the median
Rank/Position in a company Qualitative
Which of the following does not characterized the mode? c. Fifty percent of the observations are always greater
Mosquitoes are the major cause of dengue fever in the Inferential Statistics
A small measure of variability would indicate that the data are d. more homogeneous
Temperature Interval
It is the subgroup of subjects selected from the group of all subjec b. Sample
and 6th students

tions are always greater

18 23 6 20.5 123 1176
24 29 11 26.5 291.5 704
30 35 17 32.5 552.5 68
36 41 14 38.5 539 224
42 47 8 44.5 356 800
48 53 3 50.5 151.5 768
54 59 1 56.5 56.5 484
60 2070

mean =

20.5 26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5 50.5 56.5
20.5 26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5 50.5
20.5 26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5 50.5
20.5 26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5
20.5 26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5
20.5 26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5
26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5
26.5 32.5 38.5 44.5
26.5 32.5 38.5
26.5 32.5 38.5
26.5 32.5 38.5
32.5 38.5
32.5 38.5
32.5 38.5
Grade 7 980 284
Grade 8 985 284
Grade 9 1025 288
Grade 10 1010 287
4000 364

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