Eacj Case Summaries

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25thAugust Reference No 28 of 2020 Abdul Omary Nondo vs The attorney general of united

2020 republic of Tanzania

The Applicant alleges that the act of electronic and postal communication radio and
television broadcasting content amendment regulation (2020) which empower by
(Tanzania communication regulatory authority) violate the freedom of expression and
right to access information and also go against the supreme law of Tanzania under
article 26 (1) and (2) of the constitution of united republic of Tanzania and also
violate of democracy and rule of law which provided under article 6, 7(2), and 8(1) (c)
of the treaty of East African community. The applicant seek s the order against
respondent to cease the application of regulation and amendment the regulations
should conferred with fundamental and operational principles of Article 6(d) and (2)
of the treaty of East African community.

11th August Reference no 23 Male H. Mabirizi K. kiwanuka vs The Attorney general of the
2020 united republic of Uganda
The applicant alleges that Uganda law and regulation was contravene with the Uganda
constitution and also include political parties and organisation Act, and Article 1 of
Uganda constitution provide that all power belong to the people who shall exercise
their sovereignty accordance with constitution.
Uganda parliament has passing 1.8trillion supplementary budget on 25th June 2020
without quorum and debate and the minister of justice and constitution affair making
and Uganda parliament approval of the republic of Uganda. The applicant state is
empowered under Article 30 and Article 6(d), 7(2) of the treaty for east African
community Uganda as a partner state of community is obliged and mandate to abide
by apply and uphold the fundamental and operational principle of community.

17thAugust Reference no 27 of 2020 pan African lawyers union, Legal and human right
2020 centre, Tanzania human right defenders coalition and Tanganyika law society vs
The Attorney general of the united republic of Tanzania
The applicants alleges that miscellaneous amendment Act no 03 of 2020 (the
impugned Act ) was passed by the national assembly of the respondent which is
among the partner state of the community is against national laws of respondent
which violate Article 4 and 13 of the constitution and also the Act violate the
fundamental principles under Article 6(d) and the operational principles under Article
7(2) of the treaty of the East African community the applicants
seeks for the order against the respondent to take the judgement on the impugned
amendment in corresponding with the fundamental and operational principles as
codified the East African community treaty.

28th August Reference No 22 Of 2020 Ali Njumba, Adam Kyomuhendo, Indigenous Peoples
2020 Strategy Forum Vs Attorney General Of The Republic Of Uganda
The applicants alleges that the action by the government of republic of Uganda has
permitted private investors (Messrs Hoima sugar Ltd) to destroy Bugoma natural
forest for sugarcane plantations without Bunyoro people consultation through entering
in lease agreement, the impugned activities violate the right of Bunyoro peoples to the
sustainable development and also the east African community treaty under Articles 8,
14 17(2), (3), 21, 22 the applicants seek for order to respondent by permanent
injunction to respondent state and Hoima sugar limited from proceeding with sugar
plantation project or factory and the land is a part or parcel of Bugoma forest.

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