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NSF/EPRI Joint Solicitation

Informational Webcast

Sumanta Acharya, Ph.D. Sean Bushart, Ph.D. Jessica Shi, Ph.D.

NSF Program Director EPRI Sr. Program Manager EPRI Sr. Project Manager
Cross-Sector Lead for EPRI Water Programs Technical Lead for
Tech. Innovation Water Program
July 24, 2013
• Welcome

• EPRI and NSF Objectives

• NSF/EPRI Joint Solicitation Overview

• Power Plant Cooling System Overview


• Open Question Session

• Adjourn at 10 am PST

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

Three Key Aspects of EPRI

Objective, scientifically based
results address reliability,
efficiency, affordability, health,
safety and the environment
Nonprofit Nonprofit
Chartered to serve the public
Bring together scientists,
engineers, academic
researchers, industry experts

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

Water Use and Availability Technology
Innovation Program Overview and Objective

• Initiated in early 2011

• Globally distributed 3 solicitations
 Feb., 2011
 June, 2012
 May, 2013 (jointly with NSF).

Seek and develop “out of the box”, game changing, early
stage, and high risk cooling and water treatment ideas and
technologies with high potential for water consumption

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

Industry Specific Needs: Strategic Water Management
• Thermal-electric power plants U.S. Freshwater Withdrawal (2005)
withdraw 40% and consume 3% of
US fresh water.
• 90% of power plant water demand is
due to cooling systems.
• Water demand will continue in a
“Low Carbon World”

U.S. Freshwater Consumption (1995)

Water use, gal/MWh

Fuel processing

500 CT injection

Inlet air cooling

Ash handling

200 Boiler make-up


Nuclear Coal Oil Gas Simple Comb. IGCC Solar Solar PV Wind Biofuel
CT Cycle thermal
Source: EPRI Report, “Water Use for Electric Power generation”, No. 1014026, 2008 Source: United States Geological Survey

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Opportunities for Power Plant Water Use

Innovation Priorities: Advancing cooling technologies, and applying novel water

treatment and waste heat concepts to improve efficiency and reduce water use

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 6

NSF overview slides

• National Science Foundation (NSF)- Mission is to support

fundamental research in support of scientific discovery and/or
translational technology
• Major directorates at NSF (annual budget of ~$8Billion) are
Engineering (~$800 million), Math & Physical Sciences,
Computer & Information Sciences, Biological Sciences,
Geological, Atmospheric and Polar Sciences, Social, Behavorial
& Economic Sciences, Education & Human Resources
• In Engineering (ENG), there are 5 divisions: CMMI (Civil,
Mechanical & Manufacturing), CBET (Chemical, Bio, Env. &
Transport), ECCS (Electrical & Computer), IIP(Industry
Innovation), EERC (Education and Research Centers)
• In NSF/ENG/CBET- there are 17 programs, one of which is
Thermal Transport (~$7-$10 million annually)

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Thermal Transport Program at NSF

• Science: Promote the fundamental understanding and application

of thermal transport (heat and mass transfer and the associated
fluids, materials and manufacturing processes) at different scales.
• Innovation: New & improved technologies for heating/cooling
devices, systems, and infrastructure including the relevant
materials processing and manufacturing technologies.
Technologies for enhanced energy/power efficiency and
generation and greater sustainability.
• Tools/Methods: Spatially & temporally resolved simulation and
diagnostics exploiting high-performance computing; using highly-
resolved data for upscaling/reduced order models; control and
optimization for improved processes & products.
• Outcomes: Sustainable, energy-efficient heating/cooling systems
and the science and tools for their design.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

NSF vs. EPRI Research Interests

Gaining fundamental understandings of thermal sciences
– Modeling
– Lab scale testing
– Fundamental technology development

Applied research
– Feasibility study
– Engineering solution development
– Prototype testing

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

NSF-EPRI Partnership

• With the goal of reducing water usage, a key approach is to

replace water-cooled wet condensers with air-cooled condensers
• ACC’s are primarily comprised of finned tube HX with steam on the
tube side and air on the fin side (more later)
• Seek innovative ideas that need fundamental research (NSF-often
done by universities) relevant for power plant cooling with the
potential for translational technology that can be commercialized
(EPRI-often done by companies).


© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

NSF/EPRI Joint Solicitation Objective
Seek innovative dry cooling ideas and concepts to dramatically
reduce or eliminate the water use in steam condensation
through the use of air cooled condensers with the following
optional approaches:
– Significantly increase the air side heat transfer coefficient
– Reduce steam side pressure drop, size, and steam
condensation temperatures
– Develop more efficient, cost effective, and compact
alternative dry and dry-wet hybrid cooling solutions for
power plant steam condensation cooling systems.

 Note the importance of steam condensation temperature as a key

performance metric (lowering it increases power generation
efficiency) and it’s relationship to ambient temperatures.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

NSF’s Merit Review Criteria
• What is the intellectual merit of proposed activity?

– How important is proposed activity to advancing knowledge &

understanding within its own field or across fields?

– To what extent does proposal suggest & explore creative,

original, or potentially transformative concepts?

– What will be significant contribution of project to research &

knowledge base of field?

– How well conceived & organized is proposed activity?

– Is there sufficient access to resources (equipment, facilities,


– How well qualified is PI to conduct proposed activity? (Co-PIs not

allowed for CAREER proposals.)

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

NSF Review Criteria
• What are the broader impacts of proposed activity?

– How well does the activity advance discovery and

understanding while promoting teaching, training, and

– How well does the proposed activity broaden the participation

of underrepresented groups (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability,
geographic, etc.)?

– To what extent will it enhance the infrastructure for research

and education, such as facilities, instrumentation, networks, and

– Will the results be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific

and technological understanding (including outreach)?

– What may be the benefits of the proposed activity to society?

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Selection Criteria in Addition to NSF’s Merit
Review Criteria
• Innovation (“out of the box”, game changer, cutting edge)
• Early Stage (not extensively researched before)
• Potential Impacts
– Significant reduction of water (especially fresh water) consumption
and/or withdrawals
– Improved thermal efficiency
 Reduced steam condensation temperature
 Increased net power production gain
– Economic potential in terms of water and energy consumption, cost,
and space in 10 to 20 years
– Other, such as
 Reduced size, footprint, fan size and power
 Potential ease and broadness of adoption
 Applicability of all types of steam power plants
• Respondent’s capabilities and related experience
• Realism of the proposed plan and cost estimates

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

• Funding Size
– $6 M Collaboration ($3M commitment from EPRI and
– $200 K to $700 K/year for each project
– Average about $300 K/year
– 5 to 10 projects
• Funding Approach
– Coordinated but independent funding
 NSF awards grants.
 EPRI contracts.
– Joint funding for most proposals
– Independent funding for a few proposals if needed
© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 15
Project Size Recommendations

• Average $300,0000/year
• $700,000/year is for extremely exciting game changing

Specify project plan and budget request

for each project with NSF and EPRI separately.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

Eligibility Requirements

• Proposals must be submitted by universities or colleges

with a campus in US.
• The PI(s) must be full time faculty.
• Primary funds must be directed to the academic institution
to be in compliance with NSF policy.
• EPRI may redesign the selected projects and renegotiate
funding splits among team leads and members for EPRI
funded parts of work.
• PI and co-PI may participate in only one proposal.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

Additional Eligibility Info.

• Proposals may be submitted by a single organization or a group of

organizations consisting of a lead organization in collaboration with one
or more partner organizations.
• Only U.S. academic institutions with significant research and degree-
granting education programs in disciplines normally supported by NSF
are eligible to be the lead organization.
• Principal investigators are encouraged to form synergistic
collaborations with industry. For interaction with industry, the GOALI
mechanism (Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry)
may be used.
• Alternatively, subcontracts to industrial collaborators may be employed.
• Collaborations between researchers that are doing fundamental
research in ACC or hybrid cooling with those that focus on applied
research and have appropriate facilities for testing successful ideas are
encouraged. In these cases, if the PIs are at different institutions,
submission of separately submitted collaborative proposals is required.
• See GPG Chapter II.D.4.b for information about submission of a
collaborative proposal from multiple organizations.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Collaboration with industry or national labs is
strongly recommended!

•Principal investigators are encouraged to

form synergistic collaborations with industry.
•There is no requirement to force
collaboration with power plants or power
plant cooling vendors if it is not needed.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Proposal Review Panel

• Experts from both academia, industry, national labs, and

other federal agencies with expertise in cooling and power
plant cooling technologies
• Sign off of Confidential and No-Conflict of Interest
Agreement Form

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

Proposal Due Time

• Proposals are due by 5 pm proposer's local time on

Monday, August 19, 2013.
• Early submission is encouraged to avoid last minute
traffic jam.

• NSF has zero tolerance in late proposals.

• EPRI may consider late proposals and white papers for other
potential funding.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

How to improve your chance of winning?

Do Your Homework!

Preliminary feasibility assessment data are encouraged including

the following
• Assumptions
• System integration (if the concept includes system integration,
such as a waste heat utilization concept) and component level
diagrams with energy balance, temperature, flow rate, pressure
drop, thermal resistance, dimensions, and other key
performance data
• Data about effects on steam condensation temperature,
pressure drop, power production gain (You may assume 3 °C
reduction ≈ 1% power production gain, rather than power plant
efficiency gain.)
• Data about potential benefits and cons.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

• Welcome

• EPRI and NSF Objectives

• NSF/EPRI Joint Solicitation Overview

• Power Plant Cooling System Overview


• Open Question Session

• Adjourn at 10 am PST

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

Effect of Reducing Condensing Temperature on
Steam Turbine Rankine Cycle Efficiency

T-S Rankine Cycle Diagram for Steam

Temperature (°C)

Coal-Fired Power Plant

400 a
T-S Diagram for
Pure Water

2 Nuclear Power
100 Plant
1 4
0 2 4 6 8 10

Entropy (kJ/kgK)

Potential for 5% (1st Order Estimate) more power production or $11M more annual
income ($0.05/kWh) for a 500 MW power plant due to reduced steam condensation
temperature from 50 °C to 35 °C.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

What Cooling System Options are Currently
Deployed in the Industry?
Water Cooling Air Cooling1 Hybrid Cooling1
Cooling Tower 1(42% in US)2
Air Cooled Condenser
(1%Usage in US)2

Once Through Cooling1

(43% in US) 2

Increasing demand for dry cooling

in water scarcity regions.
Cooling Pond
(14% in US)2 1. EPRI Report, “Water Use for Electric Power generation”, No. 1014026, 2008.
2. Report of Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, “Estimating Freshwater Needs to
Meet Future Thermoelectric Generation Requirements”, DOE/NETL-400/2008/1339, 2008

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

Once Through Cooling Pros/Cons

• Pros:
43% Usage in US
• Most cost effective
• Lowest steam condensate temp.

• Cons:
• Facing tightened EPA rules to
minimize once through cooling
(OTC) system entrance and
discharge disturbance to water
eco systems.
• Forced to or increasing pressure
to retrofit OTC systems to
cooling tower or dry cooling
systems (19 power plans already
affected by CA retrofitting

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

Cooling Tower Cooling System Pros/Cons
• Pros:
• Most effective cooling system due to 42% Usage in US
evaporative cooling-95% less water
withdrawal than once through
cooling systems
• Cons:
• Significant vapor loss and makeup
water needs
• Shut down in drought seasons
• Twice as expensive as once through
cooling systems
• Less power production on hot days
due to higher steam condensation
temperatures compared to once
through systems
• Water treatment cost
Challenges: Vapor Capture and Cooler Steam

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

Air Cooled Condenser Pros/Cons
1% Usage in US
• Dry system
 Zero water consumption and
water supply needed
 Cons:
• Up to 10% less power production
on hot days due to higher steam
condensation temperature
compared to CT and OTC
• Up to five times more expensive Click Here for Animation
than cooling tower systems
Source: EVAPCO BLCT Dry Cooling
• Noise, wind effect, and freezing in
cold days
Challenge: Reduce ITD from 30 °C to 10 °C >> 6% more Power Production

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

Air Cooled Condenser Dimensions and Air Flow Rate

Evapco’s Steam
Fins Tube with Fins
Air Flow
1 – 1.5 M
per Fan

Vfin Vfin Vfin Vfin Vfin Vfin

Vtotal[m/s] 2–3
Vfin [m/s] 3.5 – 5
AIR Heat Flux Heat Flux [W/m2] 350-400

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 29

Sample Data1,2,3 for Air Cooled Condensers
Ambient Air at 40°C and RH50% A Street of ACC
ACC Design Parameters with 6 Fans/Cells
Cooling Capacity [MW] 10 – 22
Tube Bundles per cell 8 – 10
Tubes per bundle 40 – 57
Spacing between Tubes [mm] 57
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2K] 35 – 50
Fan Static Pressure [Pa] 120 – 190
Fan Power per cell [kW] 125 – 190
Fan Diameter [m] 9 – 10
Parameter Air Side Steam Side
19 – 20 Cost : $1.5 Million/ ACC cell
Hydraulic Diameter [mm] 44 – 65
(Footprint size: 12x12 m2/ACC cell)
Flow Rate [kg/s] 540 – 750 5–9
Reynold’s Number 4000 – 6000 NA* Sources:
Temperature [°C] 40 60 – 85 1. Heyns, J, A, “Performance Characteristics Of An Air
2 Cooled Steam Condenser Incorporating A Hybrid
Area [m ] 40,000 930 (Dry/Wet) Dephlegmator”, Thesis, 2008.
HTC [W/m2K] 45 – 50 15,000 - 18,000 2. Maulbetsch,J,S, “Water Conserving Cooling Systems
‐ Air‐Cooled Condensers”, DOE ARPA-E Workshop,
Pressure Drop [Pa] 75 – 100 125 – 250 Presentation, 2012.
* Dependent on flow rate, steam condensation temperature and quality etc. 3. Evapco BLCT Dry Cooling

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 30

Sample ACC Fan Performance Curves1
Fan Shaft Power Air Side Tube-Fin
Fan Shaft Power [kW]

vs. Flow Rate
= 50% - 60% of
180 Design Conditions
160 System Resistance
120 System Resistance
100 of a Single Row
80 Tube ACC
60 240 Blade Tip Angles
0 200
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
900 1000 1100 Fan Static Pressure
Volumetric Flow Rate [m3/s] vs. Flow Rate

Fan Model 36 DLF 8 (8 blades) 140

Fan Static Pressure [Pa]

Type Axial, Vertical Shaft, 120

Forced Draught 100
Fan Diameter 10.97 m [36ft] 80

Air Inlet Temperature 20°C 60

Relative Humidity 60% 40

Source: 1. Howden Netherlands B.V. – 36DLF8 Fan Model
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

Volumetric Flow Rate [m3/s]

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 31
Air Cooled Condensers at Eskom’s Matimba
Power Station (6 x 665 MWe) in South Africa
• Direct dry-cooled: 6x 685 MW – The largest operating one in the world.
• Contract awarded 1982

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 32

Top View of Air Cooled Condensers
at Matimba Power Station


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Air Cooled Condensers at Matimba Power Station

Inside View

Steam Tubes
with Fins
Catwalk Between

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 34

Air Cooled Condenser Fans at Matimba Power

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 35

Kendal Power Station (6 x 686 MWe) in South
• Indirect system (surface condenser, 6 x natural draft dry-cooling towers (165 meter tall)
• Contract awarded 1983

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 36

Kendal Power Station (6 x 686 MWe)
• Currently largest dry-cooled power station worldwide Hot water from condenser is
cooled by A – frame air
Cooling Tower coolers.
Top View

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 37

More Air Cooler Views at Kendal Power Station
Bottom Views
Cooler Tubes with Fins

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 38

Eskom Dry-Cooling Initial Temperature Difference
(ITD) Variation with Ambient Temperature
Grootvlei 5&6 design
Matimba - Direct Dry Cooled
50 Majuba - Direct Dry Cooled
Kendal - Indirect Dry Cooled
Medupi - Direct Dry Cooled
ITD [°C]




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Ambient Temperature [°C]

Source: J.P. Pretorius and A.F. Du Preez, “Eskom Cooling Technologies”, 14th IAHR Conference, 2009

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 39

What do you do when it is hot?

Inlet air cooling with sprays

Testing at Crockett Co‐Gen plant

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 40

Hybrid Cooling Pros/Cons

• Pros: 8 Installations in US

• Full power output 1 Installation in Argentina

even on hot days 8 in Parallel
due to full operation 1 in Series in US
of cooling tower
• Potential for more
than 50% less vapor
loss compared to
cooling tower

Challenge: • Cooling tower shut down in drought
Develop alternative more
• As expensive as air cooled condensers
cost effective hybrid sys.
• Dual cooling components

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 41

Current Cooling System Data Comparison
500 MW Coal Fired Steam Power Plant with Heat Load of 2500 Mbtu/hr and
Steam Flow Rate of 2.5 Mlb/hr.
System Cost Evaporative Loss Coolant Flow Rate
Cooling System Cost Ratio Relative to Wet Condensation
($MM) (kgal/MWh) (gpm)
Temperature* (°F)
Wet Cooling Tower and
20. - 25. 1.00 0.5 - 0.7 116 100,000 - 250,000
Dry Direct 60 - 100 2.5 - 5 0.00 155 0
Once Through Cooling 10. - 15. 0.4 - .75 0.2 - 0.3 100 150,000 - 350,000
Hybrid 40 -75 2- 4 0.1 - 0.5 116 50,000 - 150,000

** Steam
Steam Condensation
Condensation Temperatures
Temperatures Based
Based on
on T
TDB of
of 100°
100° F
F and
and T
TWB of
of 78°
78° F.

Steam Condenser Tower/ACC

Cooling Heat Transfer Tube Dia. # of Tube Cost No. of Cell Dimensions Tower/ACC Cost
2 2
System Area (ft ) (in) Tubes Length (ft) (MM$) Cells (ft x ft) Footprint (ft ) (MM$)
Wet Cooling
175,000 - 17,000 -
Tower and 1.125 - 1.25 30 - 40 1. - 2.5 15 - 20 48 x 48 to 60 x 60 50,000 - 80,000 7. - 10.
350,000 35,000
Dry Direct n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 40 - 72 40 x 40 64,000 - 120,000 60. - 100.
Once Through 175,000 - 17,000 -
1.125 - 1.25 30 - 40 1. - 2.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a
Cooling 350,000 35,000
10,000 - 4 - 10/ 48 x 48 to 60 x 60/ 10,000 - 36,000/
Hybrid 50,000 - 350,000 1.125 - 1.25 30 - 40 0.4 - 2.5 30. - 80.
350,000 15- 30 40 x 40 24,000 - 48,000

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 42

Examples of On-Going Advanced Cooling
Technology Projects for Water Use Reduction

1. Waste Heat/Solar Driven Green Adsorption Chillers

for Steam Condensation (Collaboration with Allcomp)
2. Thermosyphon Cooler Technology
(Collaboration with Johnson Controls)
3. Advanced M-Cycle Dew Point Cooling Tower Fill
(Collaboration with Gas Technology Institute)
4. Heat Absorption Nanoparticles in Coolant
(Collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory)
5. Hybrid dry/wet cooling to enhance air cooled
condensers (Collaboration with University of Stellenbosch in S. Africa)
More information about our current projects can be found here and from report list
on page 2 of our Program Home Page Posting.

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 43

Project 1: Waste Heat/Solar Driven Green Adsorption Chillers
for Steam Condensation (Collaboration with Allcomp)

Schematic Illustration of a Typical Adsorption Chiller

Air Key Potential Benefits

Condenser • Dry cooling system
Near Zero water use and
Hot Air consumption
• Reduced condensation
Adsorption Desorption
Chamber Chamber
As low as 35 °C
 Potential for annual
Steam power production
Refrigerant increase by up to 5%
• Full power production even on
the hottest days compared to
air cooled condensers.
(EPRI Patent Pending)

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 44

Exploratory Cooling Projects

• Thermoelectric Cooling and Waste Heat

Recovery Technology (Purdue)
• Near 100% Vapor Capturing Technology (UMD)
• Emerging Heat Transfer Enhancement
Technology Evaluation (UIUC)
• Parametric Evaluation of Effects of Nanofluid on
Cooling Tower Evaporation Loss Reduction

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 45

More Cooling Information Resources

• Power Plant Cooling System Information and Data, EPRI,

• NSF/EPRI Workshop on Advancing Power Plant Cooling
Technologies, Nov., 2012
• Cost and Performance Baseline for Fossil Energy Plants -
Volume 1: Bituminous Coal and Natural Gas to Electricity,
DOE/NETL-2010/1397, Nov. 2010 (Case 11 or 12)

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 46


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More Resources

• FAQ/Answers
• 2013 Joint EPRI-NSF Solicitation
• 2012 Request for Information Solicitation
• Power Plant Cooling System Information and Data
• How to Work with EPRI
• EPRI-University Contract Agreement

• Program Home Page Posting –Recordings, presentation

files, FAQ, and additional information will be posted at
Technology Innovation Water Use and Availability Program

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 48

Frequently Asked Questions

• What are the principle investigator (PI) requirements for

EPRI funded work?
• Can bidders submit proposals to EPRI directly?
• What is EPRI cost sharing requirement?
• Will EPRI own IP developed before and during contract?
• How long will it take to negotiate and sign off a contract?
• When will award/rejection decisions be made?
• Will late submissions be accepted?

• FAQ/Answers for shaded and more questions :

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 49

Questions & Answers:
If you have a question during the webcast you can…

Let us know
you have a

Type your question to the

presenters using the Q&A
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Thank You!

Any Questions or Data Required for Assessment?

Please feel free to contact us:
Technical Contacts:
Dr. Sumanta Acharya at
Dr. Jessica Shi at
General Questions:
Vivian Li at

Together…Shaping the Future of Electricity

© 2013 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. 51

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