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Cleanliness is vital in every kitchen where foodis prepared,

cooked and served. In order to avoid food contamination,
kitchen tools, equipment and other utensils used in the
preparation of food as well as its premises should be
cleaned and sanitized, and store properly after each use.

(2 weeks)
Clean, Sanitize and Store Kitchen Tools and Equipment

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. recognize kitchen tools and equipment to be cleaned andsanitized;
2. identifythechemicalstobeutilizedincleaningandsanitizingkitchen tools
3. prepare cleaning agents in accordance with the manufacturer’s
4. clean and sanitize kitchen tools and equipment;and
5. store cleaned kitchen tools andequipment.

KEY CONCEPTS 1. KitchenUtensils

2. Cleaning andSanitation
3. Storing


Keeping the food clean, safe, and fresh begins with having and using clean and
well-maintained tools, equipment, and facility. Food industries should make sure that
procedures. Remember that when the tools, equipment, and kitchen surfaces are
improperlycleanedandsanitized,harmfulmicroorganismscanbetransferredtothefood being
prepared andstored.
Cleaning and sanitizing are two different activities, Cleaning is the process of
removing visible particles from the surface while sanitizing is the process of eradicating or
reducing harmful microorganisms using heat, radiation, or chemicals.

Directions: Below are jumbled letters. Write the correct spelling opposite the scrambled
letters. Write a sentence using the guessed word.

Sanitizing is defined as cleaning something to make it free of bacteria or disease
causing elements.

Equipment refers to a set of tools or other objects commonly used to achieve a
particular objective.

Cleaning is the process of removing dirt from an object or environment.

Kitchen is a room or area where food is prepared and cooked.

5. 1
Is a compound or substance that has been purified or prepared,
especially artificially.

Kitchen Tools
There are numerous tools used in preparing and cooking meals. These tools need
proper cleaning and sanitizing to avoid food contamination. Kitchen tools are classified
according to the following:
1. CuttingToolsareusedtoremove,slice,anddesigntheoutercoveringofthefood
knife, bread knife, chef’s knife, cleaver, grater, shredder and carving knives,

2. Measuring Tools are used to measure dry or liquid ingredients to control the
amount needed in recipes such as dietetic scale, digital weighing scaled\, liquid
measuring cup, dry measuring cup and measuring spoons. Thermometers such
as candy thermometer, oven thermometer, meat thermometer, and salinometer
are also included in thiscategory.

3. Top of the range tools are the medium in cooking. These includes casserole,
steamer, double boiler, vat and frying pan, amongothers.

4. BakingToolsareimplementsneededinbakingcakes,cookies,pastries,piesand
breads. These uses various kinds of pans, spatulas, and molders, among others.
These also include tools needed in icing cakes such as decorating tips, icing bag,
and caketurner.

Kitchen Equipment
Kitchen equipment helps make the cooking preparation easier and safe equipment is a
requirement in every home and food industry. Kitchen equipment includes oven,range,
freezer, chiller, heavy-duty electric mixer, grinder anddehydrator.


Name:Pamela Nicole U. Malveda Score:

Section:Berkeley Date:Sept 9, 2020

Directions: Look for the pictures of kitchen tools and equipment. Cut and paste it onthe
box on the left side. Familiarize yourself with the following kitchen tools and equipment
classified according to theiruse.

Kinds of knives according to use:

FrenchKnifeisusedtochop,dice,ormincefood.Heavyknives have
a saber or flat grind. Fruit and salad knives are used to prepare
vegetables, and fruits Kitchen knives often referred to

Fruit and salad knives are used to prepare vegetables,

and fruits.

Kitchen knives often referred to as cooks’ or chefs’ tools, used for all
types of kitchen tasks such as peeling an onion, slicing carrots,
carving a roast or turkey, etc.

Citrusknifehasatwo-sidedbladeandserratededge.Itisused to
section citrus fruits. Paring knife is used to core, peel,
ansection fruits and vegetables. Blades are short, concave with

Paring knife is used to core, peel, and section fruits and

vegetables. Blades are short, concave with hollow ground

Vegetable peeler is used to

scrape vegetables, such
ascarrots and potatoes, and to
peel fruits. The best ones are
made of stainless steel with sharp
double blade thatswivels.

Cutting boards are wooden or

plastic board where meat, fruits
and vegetables are cut.

Kitchenshearsarepracticalforopeningfoodpackages,cutting tapes or
strings or simply remove labels or tags from items. Other cutting tools
such as box cutters are also handy for openingpackages

Other Kitchen Tools

Can opener is a tool used to open food containers.

Colanders, also called vegetable strainers, are essential for

various tasks from cleaning vegetables to straining pasta or

Plastic and Hard Rubber are used for cutting and chopping.
They are duller than knives. Plastics are greatly durable and
cheap but may not last long.

Funnels–areusedtofilljars,madeofvarioussizesofstainless steel,
aluminum, or ofplastic.


Garlic Press is a kitchen tool which is specifically designed for

pulping garlic.

Potato masher is used for mashing cooked potatoes, turnips,

carrots or other soft cooked vegetables.

Rotary eggbeater is used for

beating small amount of eggs or
batter. The beater should be made of
stainless steel.

Scraper is a rubber or silicone tool

used to blend or scrape the food from
the bowl.

Serving spoons are small, shallow bowl on a handle used in

preparing, serving, or eating food.

ansferfooditems,poultry or meat
portions to a serving platter, hot
deep fryer, and plate. They give
you a better grip especially when
used with a deep fryer, or a large
stockpot or at the barbecue.
Spatula is used to

Spoons are solid, slotted, or perforated. These can be made of

stainless steel or plastic. The solid ones are used to spoon
liquids over foods and to lift foods, including the liquid out of the

Whisks are used for blending,

mixing, whipping eggs or batter, and
for blending gravies, sauces, and

Wooden spoons are made of hard wood which are used for
creaming, stirring, and mixing.

1 The beaters are made of looped, steel piano wires which are
twisted together to form the handle.

Wooden spoons are made of hard wood which are used for
creaming, stirring, and mixing.

1 Measuring Tools

Measuring cup for liquid

ingredients is commonly made up
of heatproof glass and transparent
so that the liquid can be seen.
Household Scales are used to
weigh large quantity of ingredients
in kilos, commonly in rice, flour,
sugar, legumes or vegetables and meat up to 25 pounds

Household Scales are used to weigh large quantity of

ingredients in kilos, commonly in rice, flour, sugar, legumes or
vegetables and meats up to 25 pounds

Temperature scales are used to

measure heat intensity.

Different thermometers are used for different purposes infood

preparation – for meat, candy or deep-fat frying. Other small
thermometers are hung or placed in ovens or refrigerators to
check the accuracy of the equipment’sthermostat.

Refrigerators/freezers are necessary in preventing bacterial
infections from foods. Most refrigerators have special
compartment for meat, fruits and vegetables to keep the
moisture content of each type of food. Butter compartmenthold
butter separately to prevent food odors from spoiling its flavor.
Basically, refrigerator or freezer is an insulated box, equipped
with refrigeration unit and a control to maintain the properinside
temperature for foodstorage.

Oven is a chamber or
compartment used for
cooking, baking, heating, or
drying. Microwave ovens are
used for cooking or heating

Blenders are used to chop, blend,

mix, whip, puree, grate, and

.They vary in the amount of power(voltage/wattage).

1. Detergents can penetrate the soil quickly and soften it. These are used to wash
tableware, surfaces, andequipment.
2. Solvent cleaners are often called degreasers. These are used periodically on
surfaces where grease has burnedon.
3. Acid Cleaners are often used to remove scales in ware washing machines and
cannot be removed bydetergents.
4. Abrasivecleanersareusedtoremoveheavyaccumulationofsoilthataredifficult to
remove withdetergents.
5. Alkaline-basedcleanersareusedparticularlyinwashingtowels,tablecloths,and
napkins since these removegreases.
6. Deodorants are agents that are not used directly in cleaning surfaces. They are
used to eliminate bad odor and produce fragrance in the food service facility
especially in the dinning and publicareas.

Chemical sanitizers are widely used in the food industry. These sanitizers ensure the
safety of tools, equipment, and kitchen premises. However, these chemicals may also
ofcleaninginthekitchenmustbeabletousethecleaningchemicalscorrectly.Thetable below
presents the concentration, contact time, and the advantages and disadvantages of
Chlorine 50 ppm in water 7 effective in killing ineffective in killing
between 75⁰F seconds bacteria and parasites; irritates
to 100⁰F viruses; easy to the skin
prepare and use;
Iodine 12.5 ppm – 30 kills wide range of may discolor
25 ppm in water seconds non-spore surfaces; irritates
that is at least forming bacteria; the skin; less
75⁰F not affected by effective against
hard watersalts spore-forming
Quaternary up to 200 ppm 30 Non -irritating; Kills
ammonium in water that is seconds has pleasant microorganisms
compounds at least 75⁰F odor; inexpensive slowly; can be
inactivated by hard
Sanitizing Procedures
The purpose of sanitizing kitchen tools, equipment, and utensils is to destroy those
microorganisms that remains after cleaning. Below are methods for sanitizing surfaces.

a. anitizing, on the other hand, is meant to significantly reduce the

growth of fungi, viruses, and other harmful bacteria. Even if you
thoroughly clean a surface, it's important to sanitize if you want to
maintain a safer environmentHot water sanitizing is done by
submerging the tools into hot water. It is maintained at the temperature
sufficient to destroy harmful microorganisms (77⁰C - 91⁰C) for at least
30 seconds. In cleaning large equipment, hot water is pumped
b. Steam sanitizing is done by exposing cleaned tools and equipment in
steaming equipment; however, this is not recommended due to its high
B. Chemical sanitizers are used in sanitizing food service surfaces like chlorine,
a. Concentration of chemicals should be exact. Small amount ofsanitizing
agentwillresultinaninadequatereductionofmicroorganisms,whereas too
much concentration can betoxic.
b. Temperature, in most chemical sanitizers, works best in water between
13⁰C -49⁰C.
c. Contact time is essential to kill harmful microorganisms. It is the
recommended length of time that the item must be in contact with the
sanitizer to avoid any foodcontamination.

Methods of Cleaning and Sanitizing Kitchen Tools and Equipment

1. Cleaning and sanitizing smallware in a three-compartment sink. A sink with

three compartments for cleaning, rinsing, and sanitizing should be available to
contaminants. Prior to cleaning and washing, all sink compartments should be
cleaned and sanitized first. Pre-soaking of flatware and other items arenecessary
to easily clean them. Below are the cleaning and sanitizing activities in a three-

2. Cleaning and sanitizing kitchen equipment. Aside from cleaning andsanitizing

smallware, it is also necessary to clean and sanitize large equipment since they
come in contact with the food. To maintain food safe equipment, make sure that
a. Unplug electrically powered equipment beforecleaning.
b. Wash,rinse,andsanitizeanyremovablepartsusingtheimmersionmethod in a
three-compartment sink. For equipment surfaces like stove and oven,
spray it with clean water to loosen foodparticles.
c. Scrubthesurfaceswithadetergentsolution.Useastiffbristlenylonbrush,
d. Rinse with clean warm water to remove food particles anddetergent.
e. Sanitizebyimmersingorwipingdownequipmentwithcommercialsanitizer.

Storing Cleaned Kitchen Tools and Equipment

1. When utensils are completely dry, return them to their proper storage. Store pots
and pans upside down on racks or shelves and arrange them according to their
2. Keep plastic containers and utensils away from hotsurfaces.
3. Store chopping boards in the rack to allow air circulation. Do not store or stack
them drawer to avoid accumulation of moisture, which might lead to the
development of molds. Most kitchens use color-coding for tools andutensils.

Occupational Health Regulations

Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) is mandated to protect the
physical safety and health of every Filipino worker. It is formulated in 1978 by the
Philippinelaborandsociallegislation.OneoftheprovisionsintheOSHSisdirectlyrelated on
the responsibilities of the employers, employees, and other persons regardless ofthe
industry theybelong.

The responsibilities of the employer are the following:

1. Provide a workplace free from hazardous conditions which causes or likely to
cause death, illness, or physical harm to theemployees.
2. Provide a complete job safety instruction to all employees, especially to those
entering the job for the first time, including those relating to the familiarizationwith
their work environment, hazards to which the employees exposed to, and steps
taken in case ofemergency.
3. Use only approved devices and equipment in the workplace.

The employee, on hand, shall be cautious of the following:

1. Every employee shall cooperate with the employer in carrying out the provision of
the OSHS. He or she should report to his or her supervisor for any work hazard
that may be discovered in his or herworkplace.
2. Everyemployeeshallmakeproperuseofallsafeguardsandsafetydevicesforhis

It is duty of the builder, contractor, and enforcement agent who visits, builds,
renovates, install devices, or conducts business in any establishment or workplace, to
comply with the provisions of the standards.
Here are the provisions concerning the premises of the establishment under OSHS.
1. Building premises shall have adequate fire, emergency, or danger signs, and
safety instructions of standard colors and sizes visible at alltimes.
2. STOP,YIELD,DONOTENTER,andothervisiblesignsshallbeusedtodirectthe drivers
to properly position their motorized vehicles within the compound of the
establishment to ensure safety especially during the night.
3. Handicapped employees should be restricted only to designatedworkplaces.
4. Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times through cleanliness of
buildings, yards, machines, equipment, regular waste disposal, and orderly
arrangement of process, operations, storages and filing ofmaterials.
5. Personal facilities: adequate comfort rooms and lavatories are separated formale
and female employees; and adequate dressing room for female employees and
locker rooms for male employees shall beprovided.

Stumbling Hazard Provisions

1. Thepartsoffloorsoverwhichanypersonisliabletowalkshallbesufficientlyeven to
afford safe walking and safe trucking ofmaterials.
2. Such part of floors shall be free from holes and splinters, improperly fitted gutters
or conduits, protruding nails and bolts, projecting valves or pipes, or other
projections or obstructions, which create stumblinghazards.

Provisions on Slipping Hazards

1. Floorsstair-treads,andlandingsshallnotbeslipperyunderanycondition,ormade of
any material which become slippery whenwet.
2. Stairways, ramps, elevator platforms, similar places where slipping may be,
especially hazardous, shall be provided with non-slip walkwayssurface.

Cleaning Schedules
Kitchen is one of the most difficult areas to clean because this is where food
preparation and cooking happens. It is the area that must be cleaned regularly to avoid
possible contamination. Scheduled cleaning activities are important to maintain safe
kitchenpremises.Therearecleaningactivitiesthatshouldbedoneseveraltimesinaday while
others can be done in weekly, monthly, or yearlybasis.

1. Daily
Activities that need to be done several times a day include brushing of grill,
especially when grilling different kinds of food items; wiping line and preparation
sanitizing all surfaces; dishwashing; cleaning grease traps; cleaning washrooms ;
and sweeping and mopping kitchenfloor.
2. Weekly
Weekly cleaning activities include cleaning heavy-duty machines like coffee
machines; deliming sinks and faucets; cleaning the ovens; and sharpening of

3. Monthly
Among the monthly cleaning activities are cleaning the freezers; calibratingovens
and thermometers; washing the walls and ceilings; cleaning the dry storage area;
and sharpening of meatsslicers.

4. Yearly
Cleaning activities that may be done yearly are cleaning hoods; checking of fire
extinguishers and fire suppression system; and cleaning of pilot lights.

Food service managements assign their employees to accomplish specific set of

tasks. Most likely, the tasks and schedules are rotated among employees.

 Kitchen tools and equipment are aids in preparing delicious dishes
that should be cleaned and sanitized properly to avoid any food
 Cleaning and sanitizing tools, equipment, and premises is a must in
food service facilities. The absence of such procedures will open risk to serving
unsafe fooditems.
 OSHS is mandated to protect the safety and well-being of the employees in any
Name: Pamela Nicole U. Malveda Score:
Section: Date:

A. Directions: Differentiate the following terms related to kitchen Tools, equipment,

and premises. State your answers briefly.

1. Cleaning andSanitizing
Cleaning can be defined as the physical act of removing dirt, grime, and stains
from an area. It also includes vacuuming, dusting, and other acts that are meantto
make a room or area look good. Sanitizing, on the other hand, is meant to
significantly reduce the growth of fungi, viruses, and other harmful bacteria. Even if
you thoroughly clean a surface, it's important to sanitize if you want to maintain a
safer environment. _

2. Heat sanitizing and chemicalsanitizing


3. Hot water sanitizing and streamsanitizing


4. Tools andequipment

5. Cleaning schedule and cleaningtime

B. Fill Me In.
Directions: Below are some of the kitchen tools and equipment. In column A, drawa
smiling face if you are familiar with the materials and a sad face if you are not. In
column B, put a check if you have experienced cleaning, sanitizing, and storing the
given kitchen tools and equipment, and an if noexperience.

Kitchen Tools and Column A Column B

Equipment’s I know I can clean, sanitize and store
1. Pots and pans
2. Silverware
3. Chinaware
4. Range
5. Refrigerator
Name: Score:
Section: Date:

Perform the following tasks in your own kitchen. You will be rated by your mother or
guardian according to your performance output.

1. Cleaning and sanitizingsmallware

2. Cleaning and sanitizing the sink, oven, and top rangesurfaces
3. Storing cleaned kitchentools.

The rubric below will be used to assess your output this activity.
Cleaning and sanitizing smallware

Basic cleaning and

sanitizing activities
performed All of the Some of the Most of the
activities are activities are activities are not
1. Cleaning and performed performed performed
sanitizing ofsink correctly. correctly. correctly that
2. Pre-soaking result to
3. Immersing andwashing improperly
with detergent. cleaned
4. Rinsing with cleanwater. smallware.
5. Sanitizing

Cleaning and sanitizing sink, oven, and top range surfaces

Basic cleaning and

sanitizing activities

1. Unplugging ofelectrically All of the Some of the Most of the

powered equipment (if activities are activities are activities are
applicable) performed performed performed
2. Washing and rinsing correctly. No correctly. There correctly that
removableparts traces of food were traces of resulted to
3. Spraying surfaceswith particles were food particles improperly
water left on the left on the cleaned
4. Scrubbing surfaces. surfaces. surfaces.
5. rinsing
6. Sanitizing

Storing cleaned kitchen tools

Basic activities performed

1. Airdrying All of the Some of the Most of the
2. Arranging utensils activities are activities are activities are not
properly andaccordingly performed performed performed
3. Storing potsand correctly. The correctly. Some correctly that
accordingly utensils were of the utensils resulted to
neatly arranged were not improperly
and stored arranged and stored kitchen
accordingly stored tools.

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it’s not. Write your
answer on the line before the number.
1. Deodorants are used in the kitchen to eliminate bad odor and provide
fragrance within theestablishment.
2. Detergent are recommended in removing heavy accumulatedsoils.
3. Cleansing and sanitizing are two differentactivities.
4. Tools, equipment, and kitchen surfaces can be a medium of food
5. Chlorine is a chemical sanitizer that, when used, will not irritate theskin.
6. Tools can be sanitized by putting them in a steamingequipment.
7.Hotwatersanitationisdonebysubmergingtoolsintohotwatermaintained at a
temperature sufficient enough to destroymicroorganism.
8. Clever is measuringtools.
9. Salinometer is classified as a measuringtool.
10. OSHS is mandated to project the physical safety and health ofevery
Filipino worker.

To enrich your knowledge and experience in cleaning and maintaining kitchen tools,
equipment, and premises, do the following tasks.

1. Please watch thislinks How to clean your oven naturally only 3
ingredients. Cleaning and Sanitizing Basic Food Safety
2. Observe how the management applies the principles of cleaning and sanitizing
tools andequipment.
3. Document yourfindings.




(3 weeks)

This module deals with the skills and knowledge required in preparing and
presenting appetizers. Upon completion of this module you should be able to:
identify the characteristics ofappetizer;
perform Mise enplace;
prepare a range ofappetizers;
present a range of appetizers;and


Appetizers are small, delicate flavorful and attractive portions of food or drinks served
before or at the beginning of a meal to stimulate the desire to eat.

This Lesson focus on the principles and techniques of preparing mouth-watering

appetizers as well as the proper ways of plating and storing it.

Butbeforeyoucanpreparedifferentappetizers,youwillfirstperformmiseenplace.Mise en
place is a French term which means “set in place” that is you have everything ready to
cook and in its place. You should be able to identify and prepare all the needed tools
and equipment as well as the ingredients to make the preparation and cookingeasy.


1. A 9-letter word.
2. The first food that is used to give us an idea about the maincourse
3. Its main function is to increase your hunger and prepares you for the main
4. The taste of this is often coordinated with the flavors of main dish in ameal

Appetizers and hors d’ oeuvres refer to the finger size foods that are generally
servedatthefirstcourseofthemealtostimulatetheappetiteforheavierdishestofollow. They
are usually spicy or strong inflavor.

The term appetizer and hors d’ oeuvres are used interchangeably because both
have the same major function. However, the term appetizer appears at the first course
of the meal. It is typically larger than hors d’ oeuvres. Whereas, hors d’ oeuvres are a
finger food that allows the person to consume the food in one is usually served
separately from the meal.

Basic Ingredients in Preparing Appetizers

Appetizersareeasytopreparewithfewingredientsneeded.Preparingappetizers are
quite challenging since you have to consider the quality of products to be served.
Producing quality appetizers start with careful selection of ingredients. Here are some
common ingredients utilized in preparingappetizer.

1. Fruitsareusuallyservedascocktailappetizers.Inplanningforwhatfruitstoserve,
2. Vegetables can be mixed with other ingredients. These can be served as
carrots, andcucumbers.
3. Breads, pastry or crackers are commonly used as base forcanapes.
4. Spreadssuchasbutterorsoftenedcreamcheeseareusedinpreparingcanapes to
support theirbase.

Characteristics of an Appetizer

1. An appetizer may be served in different ways and forms, from liquid to solid, as
long as it performs its primaryfunction.
2. An appetizer may be served as a snack or finger foods at social gatherings and
receptions such as cocktailparty.
3. Theappearanceofanappetizermustbeeye-catching,colorful,neat,flavorfuland well
seasoned. It should complement the dish that mayfollow.

Classification of Appetizers
1. Cocktails may be fruit juice served in well-chilled glasses or fresh fruits and
Vegetablesslicedandservedinsmallportions.Thecocktailjuiceshouldbebright in
appearance and tangy in flavor to perk up to taste buds. It can either be
appearance and arranged uniformly for an appetizing presentation. Cocktail foods
should be cut in bite sizes to avoid too much chewing.

2. Petitesaladiscalledthiswaybecauseitcomesinverysmallportionsandusually
displays the characteristics common to a salad. It is daintily and artistically
arranged. Its purpose is to stimulate the appetite for more food tofollow.

3. Soupisincludedinappetizercategorybecauseitisoftenservedasthefirstcourse of

4. Relishes refer to pieces of raw vegetables (also known as crudités) and pickled
items. It includes celery hearts, radishes, stuffed olives, ripe olives, pickles and

5. Canapes are bite-sized, open-faced sandwiches. A canape consists of the

a. base – may be made from various food items like crackers, breads,
pumpernickels, pastries, andcrispbreads.
b. spread – butter or softened cream cheese may be used as spread for
spicy flavors stimulate the appetite better. Spreads may include flavored
butter, flavored cream cheese, or meat or fish salad-typespreads.
c. garnish – refers to any food or combination of items placed on top of the
spread. The ingredients found in the canape may be used as garnish or
spread can also be used as agarnish.

Name: Score:
Section: Date:

A. Choose andTell
Directions: choose two utensils and explain the uses in the preparation of appetizer.
Write you answer space provider.

1. Cuttingboard 6. Rubber scraper

2. Paringknife 7.Zester
3. Spatula 8.Chiller
4. Ballcutter 9. Oven
5. Wirewhip 10. French knife


Serving Appetizers

Therearetwowaysofservingappetizers–thebutlerstyleandthebuffet style.Inbutler style,

appetizers are arranged in a tray carried by the service staff, which are offered to
guests. For the buffet style, guests are invited to approach the buffet table where food
items are prepared. A service staff usually assistsguests.

Below are some of the ways to serve appetizers in butler style.

1. Each item should be small enough to be eaten in one or two bites and can
easily picked by theguests.
2. Appetizers are made to be picked up without soiling the fingers. However,
if appetizers are moist and oily, provide sticks for the guests to use so that
they can pick the appetizer without touching it. Napkins should always be
offered to the guests. If there are food items that require the use of plates,
better serve them on the cocktailbuffet.
3. Arrangement of food items on the tray should be simple yet attractive. Do
not overload the tray with food items. It should only contain one or two
4. Hot appetizers and cold appetizers are not served on the same tray. Cold
appetizers are usually the easiest to serve. Hot appetizers should be
brought back to the kitchen if they are no longerwarm.
5. Appetizers with partnered sauce or dip are offered on the sametray.

For buffet style of service, consider the following pointers in serving canapes and
hors d’ oeuvres.
1. Canapes and hors d’ oeuvres of similar kind can be neatly arranged or piled on
2. Bowls of dips may be displayed among piled rawvegetables.
3. Cold food items are usually arranged on trays while hot food items aredisplayed
in chafing dishes to keep themwarm.
4. Though guests usually help themselves to the buffet table, small plates maybe
offered on the sametable.

Storing Appetizers

Someappetizerslikecanapesarenotusuallystoredsincethefilingplacedmaysoakthe base.
For other appetizers, it is not advisable to store them for long period of time. Here are
simple guidelines in storingappetizers.

1. Use an airtight container or resealable plasticbag.

2. Placeaparchmentpaperorwaxpaperbetweenlayersofappetizerstokeepthem from
sticking together.
3. Pushoutalltheairwhenusingplasticbagsandplacetheappetizerinsideanother
resealable bag to prevent freezerburn.


 Appetizer and hors d’oeuvre refer to a small portion of food generally served as the
first course of the meal to stimulate the appetite for heavier dishes tofollow.
 Appetizers may be served as snacks or finger foods as socialgatherings.
 The appearance and flavor are important features of an appetizer so it must be eye-
catching, colorful, dainty, flavorful, and wellseasoned.
 The five classification of appetizers are cocktails, petite salad, soup, relish, and
 The two ways of serving appetizers are butler style and buffetstyle.


Name: Score:
Section: Date:

Explain your answer to each question briefly.

1. What is the major function of appetizers in ameal?

2. What are the characteristics of anappetizer?

3. How will you classify appetizers? Giveexamples

Name: Score:
Section: Date:

1. Choose a recipe forappetizer.
2. Plate and capture yourproduct.
3. Your companion will assess your work using a quality scorecard forappetizers.

Name ofRecipe:
No.ofservings: DatePrepared:

Picture of finish product

1 1 2 2


1 Evaluate the quality of the prepared recipe. Check the YES box if the food meets
applytothefoodbeingevaluated.UsetheCommentsectiontoexplaininwritingwhythe food
did not meet the specificstandard.
Name of therecipeprepared:

Quality Score Card for Appetizers

Criteria Quality Standard Yes No N/A Comment
The appetizer is small enough
Appearance to beaten in one or two bites.
It is appetizing and dainty.
Texture and The appetizer is easy to bite.
consistency The consistency of dips is just
The vegetables are crisp when
Flavor and The appetizer has a piquant or
seasoning pleasing spicy taste.
It is flavorful and well


Research and explain the listed topic below:

1. Difference between fruit salad and fruitcocktail
2. Importance of a dip in preparingappetizers
3. How to avoid soggy canapebases




Cynthia D. Garambas. SPICE:Training Module for TESDA NCII Cookery Book I. The
(Quezon City.Intelligente Publishing inc. 2017)

Ma. Felisa H. Tria-Natad, RND,MAED,PHD(Cand.) and Maria Cristina Queroda-

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