ورقة عمل لمادة تحليلات اختبارات الابار (خليفه سعد) 26537

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‫ خليفة سعد خليفة نصر‬:‫عمل الطالب‬

26537 : ‫الرقم الدراسي‬

‫ صفاء المنصوري‬: ‫تحت اشراف الدكتورة‬

Well test

Reservoir fluids are
the fluids (including
gases and solids) that
primary reservoir chrematistics exist in a reservoir.
The fluid type must be
determined very early
Types of fluids in the life of a
There are three types of fluid reservoir (often before
1.incompressible fluids: volume and density doesn't change with pressure ∂V/ sampling or initial
production) because
2. compressible fluids (gas's): these fluids exabit large change with pressure on fluid type is the critical
either of volume and density ∂V/ ∂p=large change factor in many of the
decisions that must be
cg = 1/ p – 1/ Z (∂Z/ ∂p)
made about producing
the fluid from the
3. slightly compressible (oil & gas) these fluids exabit small change with pressure Number of flowing fluids in
on either of density of pressure ∂V/ ∂p=small change reservoir

V = V ref [1 + c(pref − p)] 1. Single phase flow

2. Two phase flow
Flow regimes 3. Three phase flow
There are usually three flow regimes.

1. Steady state flow. ∂p/∂t i = 0

Steady state flow occurs during the late time region when a
constant pressure boundary exists. Constant pressure
boundaries arise when the reservoir has aquifer support, and
Well test analysis

the time it reaches the furthest boundary. The transient flow period ends, in

this flow the rate of change of pressure is not constant nor zero.

3. Pseudo steady-state flow (∂p/∂t)i = constant

As soon as the flow begins to feel the effect of the boundary, it is no longer in the
transient regime. Pseudo-steady state (PSS) flow occurs during the late time region

Well test analysis

when the outer boundaries of the reservoir are all no-flow boundaries, the rate of change of
pressure with respect of time is constant.

Reservoirs geometry

Well test analysis
1. radial flow Because fluids move toward the well from all directions and coverage at the wellbore, the term
radial flow is used to characterize the flow of fluid into the wellbore.

2. linear flow Linear flow occurs when flow paths are parallel and the fluid flows in a single direction
3. spherical and hemispherical flow spherical or hemispherical flow near the wellbore. A well with a limited
perforated interval could result in spherical flow in the vicinity of the perforations

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