7 Little-Known Ways To Support Your Immune System - Amway Global - 2

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APRIL 9, 2020

7 little-known ways to support your immune system

Between hand washing, social distancing, and wiping down surfaces to remove germs, you’ve
probably heard plenty lately about how to protect the outside of your body to stay healthy. But what
about the inside of your body? Our immune system is the body’s unsung hero. Loading up on Vitamin
C is one common way to support immunity but there is so much more we can do to support our
body’s defenses every day. Keep reading for 7 little-known and simple ways to support your immune

1. Replenish your sunshine vitamin: Vitamin D, otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin, not only
supports strong bones and heart health but also helps support our immune system. One of the
most popular ways to obtain it is through – as the nickname suggests – exposure to the sun!
Although most of us are confined indoors these days, you can still get outside or even find a sun-
filled spot by a window in your home (just don’t forget your SPF!). There are also dietary sources of
Vitamin D in a variety of foods, including fish like salmon and herring, mushrooms, and egg yolks,
just to name a few. And an easy way to fill the gaps in your diet – or your daily dose of sunshine – is
with one of our favorites: Nutrilite Vitamin D. 
2. Move your body: Exercise is important for your immune system because it helps flush out toxins
from your body.  There are tons of workouts you can do in your home, no matter the size of your
space! Try practicing yoga, following along with a YouTube video, or your fave XS workout,
or exercising with a friend through video chat. Commit to doing some sort of physical
activity every day. #NoExcuses 
3. Eat the rainbow: Snacking at home is so easy to do, and many of us are tempted to reach for
anything but fruits and vegetables. This can lead to nutritional gaps. Make sure you’re eating as
many colorful fruits and vegetables you can get your hands on. Antioxidant–packed blueberries,
citrus fruits that put the C in vitamin C, copper and iron-filled spinach, and garlic all have immune
system benefits. If you’re not confident you’re getting enough nutrients from your diet, try
a multivitamin with plant nutrients like Nutrilite Double X or the convenient Nutrilite Daily. 
4. Find your zen: What’s going on in our mind can impact what’s going on in our bodies. Many of us
experience stress on a daily basis and especially now while we’re trying to juggle many di erent
priorities at home and take extra care of our health and the health of our loved ones. Stress can
suppress the power of our immune systems, so finding ways to cope is extremely important. Try
taking a bath, lighting your favorite candle, watching something that makes you
laugh, meditating, or journaling to manage your stress levels. 
5. B energized: Sleep is essential and not getting enough of it can weaken our body’s defenses. If you
are getting enough quality sleep and still feel tired, it could be due to a lack of B12. Product recco?
Nutrilite Vitamin B Dual-Action. 
6. Pay attention to your teeth: Many people don’t know that oral health and overall health go hand
in hand. Develop consistent and thorough habits when it comes to your oral health, including
brushing twice daily for two full minutes and, yes, flossing. Some of our personal fave oral care
products include the Glister Advanced Toothbrush and Multi-Action Fluoride Toothpaste. 
7. Get a healthy gut: A whopping 70% of your immune system can be found in your gut,
so supporting your gut health is of utmost importance when it comes to obtaining optimal health!
Probiotic foods that replenish the good bacteria in your gut include yogurt, pickles, kefir, and
sauerkraut. If these aren’t at the top of your list, a good alternative is the Nutrilite Balance Within

Your immune system is always important – now more than ever. With the right nutrients and healthy
habits, you can help support your body’s defenses.  

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