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Shopping is now one of the most popular forms of leisure activity in many

countries for young adults. Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or a
negative development?

Nowadays, for youngsters in different countries across the globe, shopping

becomes one of the favorable ways to pass their leisure time. This essay will
discuss the reasons behind this issue and state that this is indeed a negative trend
towards humans’ evolution.
Firstly, one of the causes for this particular case is that the youths’ belief that
going shopping can make them delighted and happy and more importantly,
superior among other people. At the moment, various types of advertisements
are aimed at them such as cosmetics, retails and books persuading that after
purchasing their products, they would become more confident with their
appearances, more fashionable and stylish than most of their peers and better-
educated than their counterparts. Secondly, another reason why youngsters are
becoming so obsessed with shopping is that they consider it to be the latest trend
to get close to people in 21st century. For example, the youths think that they will
gain more friendship points if they agree to go shopping with their friends since
shopping is a kind of hobby which seems to be suitable to pass leisure time with
no arguments but fun with friends.
Young people occupying most of their precious leisure time with shopping is, in
fact, a negative development of their lives. For instance, youngsters are
unnecessarily spending too much of their money on shopping when they could
restrain their budget upon shopping and use them in more beneficial and
effective ways such as investing their money in providing less fortunate people
around the world. In addition, doing shopping as a hobby is such a waste of their
invaluable time and instead, they should bury themselves more in boosting their
self-development and personalities which can contribute in their academic and
later career life. For example, they can spend their time on establishing some
advantageous hobbies in their leisure time instead of going shopping and finding
temporary, unreal happiness.
In conclusion, youngsters choosing to shop in their leisure hours is, indeed, a
negative development in the way that it can cause chaos in their money spending
method and in their school and work life.

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