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Send In Fireside KILL FLIES and



County Convention 01 Our Clean Up Week Success of the Season

Women's Federated Tlte City 01' Phil:1l1elphia, aC"ording
to be Staged Next Week
to )[1', ~rittl'U 's cars, has deei'!<"l to
Clubs Held at follow ::'iarberth in seleding their date'~

Narberth for a ""lean up."

May 2 to May 6
au )'egular ash eoll('ct.ion days the
COMMUNITY CLUB WILL ENTER- Borough Highway Departmcnt will I'l'-
TAIN STATE PRESIDENT, luo\'e anything frolli a hroken nel'dll' "The Gal'lll'n of the tihah," the :-;atl1l'r1av night-or hoth-and be one of
COUNTY PRESIDENTS to ahed "pring from our propl'rt.\', three-ad llIusi(':11 eOlllclly to he gi\'eu by the fort·:ulatl' :lmlience of the" GardeD
provided, of course, it. is placeel in view
of tlte eol!I'ctors. Burnahle materials, THE FIRESIDE the .Tunior Se,·tion, \\'ollleu's COllllllun-
ity Club, in the High Sehool Au,litor·
of the Shah."
The east ine lueles:
such as ,lry leaves anel twigs, should illlll, lIl',t Prillny :lIld Sa tunlay e\'ell-
Do you kno\\' tIle pleasure of growillg Sohlah .,,' l\Iarian Haws
be 'hurneel in the garden in an ineinera- ings, at P.];j 1'. M" promises to he one
On 'rhurs,la~', ~Iay 5th, the Xarherth tor or wire basket so that. spad,s won't
/Lowers'! ;l,ohllah , ,., Augusta \Vitherow
Conununity Cluh will haH' the pleasure of the Hlost nota hIe entertainlllents
fly to a shingle roof; or they "1111 he Xowoheh " " " " " ' " .Emllla Mueller
of tntl'rtaining the Connty Con\'ention How mallY "fireside" notes ha \'e ?\arberth has witnessed this season,
placed on the compost heap. Don't '1'",1 Ilarlli 1Ig' ., .... Plorentina Mueller
of "'omen's Fe,lcrated Cluhs. It wll1 be you sent in recently? With un all-"tar east of talente,l sing- Billy Cnllllllings ,., Winifred Williums
place a harrel ncar the si,ll'walk mill
held in the Preshyterian Chureh, 'rhe er", and a lovely chorus of sixteen Sam 'I Johllson .Jackson .... Uuth Haws
fill it \"ith bricks and rocks, the hrick~
morning session will open at] 0.:10, to The business of the new bus line is "Persian Hoses," the foundations have
and rocks \viII come in hnndY-:\l1l1 l'el'llllah ",.'.,' ;lIargaret Fowler
be follo\\'ed hy a box luncheon, There "picking up," he ell lai,l for a show which everyone :-;olllecraha .,.,.' , ... EUa Dothard
besides-8andow has quit coll(,,:ting
will he an entertainment at 2 0 'elock, \I'il! enjoy. If it is IIlusic which pleases
a.shes and ruhhish. An,l 'IX teen "Persian Hoses" in the
to \\'ldeh all the WOIllen of Xarherth :tLlSS ~Iollie Lynell, of Es"ex Avl'., you, thcn ('oIlle anll hear the haunting
1"1' you ollject to a pile of ca n s (·horus!
are in\'ited, Ita" rl'tllrned from al! I'x1.ell"I',1 trip to lyries allll lilting love-songs of old Per·
or bottles, that will make phll'es for
~Irs, Hohert Ralston, t hI' president of Eurnpl'. sia; if it is ,lancing you enjoy, eOIlle Be"id's this, after the show the floors
nlOsquitos to hree,l on a neighhoriug lot,
the ~[ontgomery County Federation, will awl \\'on,ler at the graceful anll intri- an' to l,,~ ,·Ieare,l and a live-piece orches-
llll \'1' them colll'cted in a pile an,l they
ofTieiate. It is a grent honor to Xar- ~[I'. an,l ~Irs. }I. "\, ~[cGrilles spent cate steps of the chorus; or if it is eom- tra will ofTel' the latest" jazz" strains.
will he rl'mo\'I'Ll.
herth anll to the county, to han' se- the day la"t Friday with tlll'il' allnt, edy you like, eome anel he malle merr~' :-;0 eOllsi,ler t.hese attractions aD,1 the
This is onr last chunl'e to gl'l" ri,1 of
cUfl'd as onl' of the speak"rs, tIll' State :\Il's..J. R. DII\'is, in West Philadelphia. hy the inimitable hUlllor of "SaIll 'I \'ery slllaU a,lmi"sion price-7;j eents-
rubhish othl'r than garhagl' :111,1 aslll's
President, ~I iss Florpnce Dilwrt. ~[iss .Johnson .Jackson," In short, if you and ask what conld keep y,JU away. \Ve
until lIext ~Iay, so let ns take advan-
Dihert comes from Harrishurg to at- ~Iiss :t[aizie .1. Sinlpson has returne,l want to sec a good, all-rouml show, jnst "knoll' the answer-it is "Nothing!' ' -
tage of the opportunity amI C1,1':,\:'\
tend this lllcpting, and \\'ill ad,ll'l'ss the from a several we,'];s' \'isit at Brattle- enter thl' A uelitoriuIll either Fri,lay or Sll WP ;'hall look for youl
morning s"ssion, The prpsitlenis of Ashes will be eolleete,l regula rl~' boro, Vermont.
Bncks, Dplall'al'(', anti Ch,'sll'r Conntips
will also ))(' pl'l'SI'nt, and lI'ill 1"'1 111 1'1
the ('In h a"1 ivitics of t !J('i l' 1'('spe,·t i \'e
,luring the suull1ll'r-th,' last w('e1, ill
thl' month only. :\Ir~.
ehas, ~r. Jrdn and ehildJ'l'II. Narberth Girl Community Club" Notes
counti"s. )Iiss ,\nna ~Ld)o\\'l'1I, of
and Ch:l'l']es, ha \'1' ret U I'll cd
Trom a wec]; 's \'isit at ,\sblll'~' Parle Helps Endowment The COJlllllunity Cluh will meet with
Harrisburg will 1)(' anothl'r spl'ak,'r of
th" ,lay. )lis8 ~L"])ol\',,ll will II" well
New Tennis Courts ?\..1.
the COIllIty :F"deratioll on Thursday,
:thy ;}tlt, iu the L'I'l'sll~'t,'ri:1ll Church.
worlh 1"':l1'ing, :ill ,1 thl'r,' nla.\' 1)(' still
ot-llPr 11'(':11:-; in :--tore dl1l'ill~ 1h(' da,\',
are about Ready Everybo,ly \I'allts to hell' the' .Jnniors
-tlll'ir play-(h\'O lIights) ~[a,\' litlt
FOR $500,000 FUND. B""ausp of this nll'ding tltl'l''' will lH'
110 l'Pg'ular lllcetin:.r 11(1](1 011 TtHlsda~~.
~Il's. Halslon \\'ill haH' a most illstl'l\(,- and ith will be gl'l'at. :-;"hool .\ndi- ~LlIl'h invention in wa~'s an,1 mealls
tiyt' t1llt(lrtaiJliJlp· prngT:lIII aI'- WILL BE COMPLETED AND READY
:lllIl torium. ha~ de\'elope'l frolll thl' npcessity for
FOR PLAYING BY SATURDAY, Auy Cluh lIIl'ndll'1' I\'ishing to take
rnllg('(l. an "wlo'I'nlent funll at Wilson Colleg'l',
MAY 7th the autolJlolJile rill<' to \'alll'y Forge
The \Yoman's li'orei;m ~lissionary CIt:llllhershnrg, I'a. 1\[any nlli'jue llleth- ou .:tIay 10th. will hal"" an "p!,ortunit~,
(Continued on Page 4,) F;,wiety of tl\{' ~I<'lh{)rlist Chur"h wi11 od~ of raising' in,li\'i,lual and class to (lJlg-:q.!.·t~ lJ:l:-;sag(~ at t1l('
'1\1"0 importallt ,late's han~ just 11(','11 COll\'CtltiOIl
he "I'IltertaiIled at He hOllle or ~[rs. quotas to Il':t I'll the fund have heen on Thllr:-:d:l.\·~ as thcrL' ar:' still Ylt.t::111-
put. on thl' 1111':11 "tellnis ,,,11 I'll ,1 ar, "
Arthur Slenth, ]0-1 ForI'l',,1 "\ \"l'Illie. OIl adopted with a rang" fro III shoe shiniug (·JP~. Tht'l'l' will Ill' :t 1IIIl11ill:l1 ('harge
mill aI'l' h"r('1..\' call",l to the :tlt,,"tio"
MOllelay afterIloon. )Ia,\- 2, at ~.:;Il. in t.he ']ol'Jnitories to selling hair nets.
The Race is On! 01' l'\'er~' 11Il'llIb,'r 01' th" Xal~)"rth
'I'elluis ,\sso,·iatiou-"~[a~' i a III I ~[a~' ];\.
('oIllilllle,1 OIl Pa,~e '1)
A Xarherth girl, ~[ary Chalfout, who
is a tiophonlore at Wilsoll this y"ar,
to ('0\'('1" ('xI'PJlSt):--.

On tlll' forJIII'r da I ", II('Xt Satur,la~'

('ho~(' an illhll'c:-:ting lllcthull of l'a.i~ing .JUNIOR SECTION, WOMEN'S COM·
It h:IS started! 'rhe :l\[en's Bible af!"l'II''''II. :tIar i-nnll''' a stl'l'ak of
h,'r part of the Sopholllore 'JllOta aud is MUNITY CLUB.
Class of the Preshyterian Sunday School h:ul \\"('atlIPl' illtP1'\-l'IH'S, 111(' liP\\" l'ourt:-; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
s('lling woo!,'n yarn to the sweater aud
starte,l it. They had the temerity to :II lla\"prf'o]'ll :llld :\1t1111g'llllll']'Y :I\"t'J1l1P:-:,
Two Cl'uts per word if cDHl1 ueeoUl· :·wal't' knittt'l':"\, g-h"illg her eOlllIllis:-iion Thl' 1,1S1 ulI'eting of the ;Junior Sec-
ehallenge the Women's Bible Class of will I,,' J'l'a,l.\' for pla,\·ing. all" 111,' sea-
vault's uuvertiSt'lI1l-"nt: oll1erwisl', th·e to the fund. Miss ChalJlInt has adrl'.'d tion was held at. the h"lIle of :Mrs. Uob-
the same school to a l'ontest to see SOli 01' 1!l~ I will be 01"'111"1.
l'pIJ ls rJl~r word. tlll~ study of pipe lIrgan playing to 111'1' ert Xash, Grayling' '\\"'lIlie. on Thurs-
\\,hil'h ('lass 1':111 ~ecurc the l:trge"t per- On the latt"r ,latl'. Pri,1:I~' l'I'l'lli,,!,':",
"lillI'S(' at. \\'ilson alld has played, at day e\"'lIing, April ~l. Th,'re were
centage of attC'nLlance at. eveniug "'or- ~r':IY 1:-:, ill tht· l'Ollllllllllit:,' l'01l11l ill
th,' Y. :tr. C, ,\. bnilding, an important ~ FOR SALE-T(JIII:lto PI:lIlts. ,III ",'nls nUllll,,'rs of stlldent l'I,,·itals. ahout thirt.y IlIelllh,'l's pl'l'Sellt, aud after
~hip lluring the Jive Sun,la~'s of May.
:l dOZl11L, ;) dOZt'1i :t:J .tlll. ;;;;n Dudley 111 th,' appeal now I",illg iliad",' 1'1Ir a a short husiness IUI'ding thl' Cluh iu-
That looks e,,~y to the wOlllen. l:nani-
AI""III1", ::'illrb,'rth, (~!),]» haIr-millilln ('llIlowlIlI'nt fnud b.\' thi, dlllgl'd ill a gl'IH~l':t1 good tillle. ~Irs.
lllou~ly I,!\(l coufiLlently th" ehallenge ('on Ii olle,l on Pag" "I)
was ac:'epted, an,l no\\' the race is on. ('lIllpg", toward whi,.'h tIte "Iudl'nts are <L L. Bl'own, Chairlllau of ,'ntertain-
LOS'l'--l'ink :-;11':<\1' Hal. Pil\ller n" IIlaking' a lurgL eoutrihlltioJl, then' i:-;
JI1Put for the C\·tlU1Jlg, :I1'l':Il1gl·t! an 01<1-
The lIl'lil~ arc IJCing floode,l with in-
sistl'nt Jelllaud~ to be present next Sun-
,lay. Door hl'lls are heing rnng, and
NarberthChoralSociety tlllil to \\'. )lit"h,'II, jllJ FOl'lest AI"I',
H,'ward. (:!!),]»
hrollght to light lIIu,'h int,'rpstillg his-
tory in "lInlll,('tiou with the half ('eutury
fashioued sp"lling he", with Miss Doro-
th~- BottOllis C'aptain of olle ~id" anll

every memher is lwing importuned hy

every other member not to fail. "'oe
:t FOR SALE-Paig,' Car alld
I'It(Jn" .::\arberth jiO!l ~L.
of usel'uhll'ss whieh Wilson College
\\'hl'u ",\uut Sally \Vilsou," pimll','r
~ll's. Hon"·,, ~Iool'l' of th,' oth,'r,
After quite a thrilling hattle, with
llleluhers of e:lI·h "ide falling like ten-
he to thl' slacker in either class next
SUllllay night, It would be better for FOR SALE-Callilage an,1 TOlllH10
of Jo'ranl;lill Couut~' and daughter of a pins hefol'l' sU"h thrusts as "sarsapar-
such an one that he or she had never planls. Jil Brookhurst An"', (:!!)-!' )
thrifty farlller who hall lJl'ospl'red, ga\'e ilia" and "xy]opholle," the \-il·tory
been I'nrolled as a melllber! One eu' :j;:lO,OOO to found Wilson College, she \I'as ,'Iailne(l hy lIIr". ~Ioore '" army. ge-
VISITING HAIRDRESSER--~LIlIli"ur- had \'isions of making possihle to many frl'shlll"!Ils were serv"d anll the Club
thusiastil' woman sadly announced that
iug, sealp and facial trealllll'nt, girls tIt" higher ellul'ation which slw arljonrnecl, 'rhe next regular meeting
she of neeessit~- mu~t he in Altoona NARBERTH CHORAL SOCIETY
"ltIlIllpooing, "\ddress )Iary \\'"ikl'1. "h,~rself hall missell. :'\0 "Jinishing of Thursday, ~lay ;;, will he postponed
next Sunday, hut she dispelled the EARNESTLY BEGINS PREPARA-
PhOlll' :\arl,,'rth 6:;;} W. (:!!l-1') ""hool" of thl' type popnlar in that day for allother two weeks, as the 5th is
gloom that was gathering thiek awl TION OF SECOND CONCERT.
fast in the "Women's Class by triumph- was the ideal of Aunt Sally, Wilson the night of dress rehearsal for the
FOR SALE--Tolllato, l',ab1Jage alld l'gg
antly declaring t.hat she would sec to it Coll"ge, a l'reshyterian iustitution, \I'as .fuuiol's' hig show.
The Choral Society had its first re- piallts. ~Ir, C. C, Elltenlllunn, ~a1line
that her husband, who is a member of founded" to extend to young' lallies the The ~enior Cluh ha" invite,l the
hearsal of the new selections decided a\'l'lill<~. 'reh'pholll' ::'im,berth ]:!+l H.
the :Me1l's Class, would be absent too. same high allvantages for :; thorough .Jnniors 1" take advantage of its Library
lI]lon for the next concert of the Choral (~!)'l' )
It is sincerely to be hoped that the e'lueation-physieal, moral a III I relig- privileges, For the eonvenience of the
to he ;(iven in abollt six weeks, and
month will pass without any serious do- PIANO MOTHS an' uow llUs;}' ell'stroy- illus-as now alToI'lle,l to ~'oung lIlen in .rnniors not at hOlJle during the day,
rl'sl)(JIId,~'.1 "with a vengeance" to the
mcstic trageLlies. It should be added iIlg hallllllers and felts. 'PhOIll' Xar- the hest colleges in the land," .:tIl'S. H. F. \Vood, whose home on Avon
inspiring ba ton of its director. The
that the loser is to proviLle an enter- bl'rth 12,j;j .J. to ha\'e dlllllage,l parts From that worthy beginning, Wilson Hoacl is t.he Lihrary's headquarters, has
nllnllwrs have hcen selected expressly
tainull'ut for hot h 1'l:lssl'S to h,' IIl'I,I I'('ul'wl'd or pre\'e'lth-es applie,l. lJill'i- College has forge'l its way, passing l'onsented to lweI' the Lihrary "open
early in .June. (Continue:!. on Page 4.) "ult l'l'p:!iring.ollr hohhy. Ge(). B. Al1()le, through dillieult years financially, hut for husiness" to the .Tuniors on Fri·
P,ia IlO 'rllner. (::0-1') ahl'll~'s maintaining the sallle high cla~' l'\'l'nings, llt'twel'n 7 Illlcl 8 P. ~L
irleals \1 Jth which it hpgan. \\'ilson has So .Tulliors, hee,l youI' good fortune and
CHILDREN'S elresS!'s haIlll lIIa,le alld a murked reeol'll in supplying teaehers gO sl'le"t some goo<1 reading mattcr
CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. Sill 0,,],1'0], Phone CyIlwy,l 158 .J. aIlll leaders, as it llliS gi \'en forty per from th" eXl·ellent assortment in the
(:!fJ-p) (·pnt. of its alulllnae to the teaehing pro- ~l\lIiol's' Lillral'~·.
Fixed Meeting Dates. WANTED-A high seholll girl (or Hlore fes~ion, many others to mission work

Borough COlUIcil Monthly-Second Monday COlUIcil Chamber ex I'l'ril'nl'ed worker) to assist wit h in foreign lun,ls, :\Il,l sent out thou-
sands of young WOII1CIl into hOlllCS as LEISURE HOURS.
Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Monthly-First Thursday COWleil Chamber llollsework for ~ hours, ;) :1 fteruOOllS a
wl'l'k. Apply after 'rill'sday at ]O(j Christill'j leaders in th"ir respedi\'e
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building "OIllI11 un i tics.
As th,) "haraeler of the man depe11l1s
D\Il 11 ey a I'l'Il lie, (:!!l,l')
Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday COWlCU Ohamber 'ro,lay this eollege is facing a crisis. \'el'.\' mll,h on how he spends his ll'isure
WANTED-A two-roolll, kitchenette 1 'n,ler the plan of standal'llization hour" while a hoy aUll a young man,
Narberth Fire Oompany Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House
and bath :qmrtllll'nt ill ?\arherth. Ad· arloptc,l h~' the Assoeiation of Colleges pal'ents "~\(lll1d see to it that the lei"ure
Narberth Choral Society Weekly-Monday EveningsY. M. C. A. hours of the hoys arc \\',,11 spent.
drl'~s C. I';. \V" ]O(j DlI,lley a \'l'n 11 e, an,1 l'repa mt.ory School" of the Mill,lle
Xarhl'rth, (:!!l-e) States ~l!1l1 Maryland, an enrlowlllent of Teaeh your "hildl'l'n to re:1(1 the Book
Date. Name of Organization and Event. Place Hoar :j;;;OO,OOO is I'ssential in order that a col- of Xat~lre. Bneolll'age thelH to learn
FOR. SALE-Two porell rOI·kl'rH USI'<!
legl' Illa~' 1)(' listed as stan,lard. 'rhough the Ilaoll'S of plnnts, Howers aUIl the
011 encloser] ]Jorl'h . .::\nrhl'rth l~IS.
it fulfill" ('vpry other eOllllition speci, ,lfTl'I'l'nt kin,ls of tn'es which grow in
~ray 5, . , .. Presbyterian Chureh " ., .. 10.:10 ,\. ~r.I\'()mell 's Fed. Co. COIl\-elltion. fiel], Wilson Oollege lacks the half-mil- the forests or hy the roadside; also help
2.00 p ~r. t.hem to observe insects, hirds, anima Is
FOR SALE-Two Pelligreed POHler:Ill' lion endowIIlent.
lUay 6 ....• High School AuditoriuIJI S.l,j P. ~J..rnnior Cl>,h :Musieal Comcd~·. ian pUjJpic". lIIalc mill felllule. Box aIlll their habits, lind, ahove all, teach
~Iay 7 ..••• High Sehool Audi toriulll 8.15 P. lIr..rnnior Club lIIusieal COllledy. them alwap to treut them kindly.-Ex.
9~g. (~W'c) (Continued on Page 3.)
- - Telephones. Of course. we

OUR TOWN STAMP 1267 del1ver - aD1
place - aD1
1268 time.
Owned and Published every Saturday For ,,'\'l'lIt,\'·tltn'l' yl'ars the cOUlltry
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
II,. the Narberth Ci','ic Association. has houored Fl'allklin !'outiuually h~'
}ll'illtillg' hi:-i portrnit 011 thp postage
Subscription price olle ,lollar and fifty
cents pCI' year in a,h"ance,
,tauI" alld, llIOSt or th,· tillll' ou stalll]'s A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
of th,' IOIl'I',t \':>lUI' aud in l'''II~t:lllt

Pre~i,h'nt. ,
March 31, 1921
George A. )Iahl
, ,.Toseph H. Nash
daily 11:-\(1.

Th" lil'st I".stag'" ,talu!'s is,u('11

!j", th,' 1'lIit,'d ~tat"s apI""ln'd 1Il 1~-!;.
'l~hl'J-~' \\"('rt" t\\"o \':t1up:-> ;') ('ent and III
""Ill, 'l'hl,;j ("'lit ~l:JlIlp ],01'(' th,! !'or-
On the "South Side"
Vicc·Pr,'sident, \tlg'tlstllS .T. Loos t mil of j"rauklill. \\'h~'? I','rhal" ],1'- ~ '(1)
?III'S. C. 1'. Pow IeI'
~Ii~~ nlaizie .T. tlimp~on
"all'" hI' \Ill' Ih(' lir~t ('O,tlllllster GI'll- Near W-ynnewood Road
Seeretar,\' " , .. , .. Hohcrt J. Edgar
Diredors, to sep'e ulltil 1!l:l:~: Mrs.
,'r:d 01' thl' .\lllL·ril'all ('olouies lllldl'l"
GtllJr~(' IJ I.
The Brass Knocker One of Narberth's Most Popular Sections
We have for sale an unusually attractive home with practically a
Robert F. \rood, .T, Garlield Atherholt, \\'h"11 posta.~l' was ,II"'J'l',,,,,('d ill IS,'1 .double lot-about 90' x 128'. The living room nms the length of the
1. ,A. Miller, C. LawrelH'e \Varwick, RECOLLECTIONS, OBSERVATIONS
th,' Oll(""l'llt ,til III I' ho1'l' Frauldill,
AND CO~IMENTS BY AN house. there is a central hall, tiled bath room and all connections in fat;!
A. E. Wohlert, Philip A. Livingstoll. a second bath. A dandy sccond floor Still or sleeping porch with the ideal
port I':J it. E\·(·J'.," i~;-';ll(' :lllil design of
Directors, to Sel'Vl' tlntil 1!l:l2: .T. .T. OLD TIMER. southwestern exposure. Of course, there is hot water heat, electric light,
fJlH'*t'I'llt :-;lallll' eOlltaiJit'd hi~ portrait
Cahrey, \Valter .\. Fox, H. H. Hillegas, hardwood floors. back stairway, etc.• and by the way, there is unusual
C. H. A. Chaill, W. H. D. Hall, Harry ul' till 1!11:!, "h"11 the l'0rtl'lIit 01' A fl'i"IIII of OIlI'R dl'ol'!H',1 in the closet space, Price, $16,000.
A. Jacobs. Fl':llll.;:lill W:lS n'1I10\"f'd 1'1'0111 the nUI'- ot!I,'r !'\"'lIillg- "lid t:dkl'd "\I'a~' t\\'" Send this advertiscment to some friend of yours you would like to
----------,,----- -_ .. , "I'llt ,taillp "ud pla\'l.'d upou thl' S, !I. I'''HI'S of \'aillald,' tillil'. It St'(,lIIl',1 that
have locate in Narbcrth.
PHILIP A. lA\'J.\'G~TOX, IU. 11, j" 1:{. 1.j, :?O, :;0, iiO'\'l'ul 1111<1 hl\ ,,'a:- I'Ullf{ lllfdatillt1 an l'ldi~1nl(lllt

Editor. :;;1, ,dill ill UJ],~ 1111 tht' *~ alld ~;"j. ill 1hl' WI\",\". If h,' dOl'S. his taJ<ollts
--------- " - - - - '-, -- .. --'-- '11"1' 1I':1S1t'11, h(' IIl1ght to ('ulist in th,' ::EI.ea.11ic>r
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, REPORT OF FIRE LOSSES. \'i"to]' Talking::\I",'hillL' Co. At Narberth Station Narberth 1710
Oashier. HIIITi,;j'llrg-, I'a., ,\pl"il :?, 1!i21.-'l'he City Office: 1001 CHESTNUT STREET
l~ll1'l'lIll 01' Firl' I'l"0t,'dioll has jllst ('olll- It is lI"t th" ]>1I1il'~' of any 1':'1)('1'
Bend all advertising and news items to pl"t,'d a Ii\"l'-yelll"s au,dy,is of lire losses to ,li~f1('n,,'
fl"l'l' a,h",'rtising-. hut 1hi~
p, O. Box 966.
III ~I(lllt:~"Il)I1I'I'Y County. (IJll\ 1:-; too gOllll to kei'p. Georgt' )'1(,·
Our Town is on sale at the depot hhl'u ill I'l'r el'ut. of 1111 fircs are ~rall11~ . . ~o tlu' ~t()r.,~ f.!.'(Jl':-' , who (lr:l\\~
newsstRnd, nud at the store of H. g,
~Ill'\\-Jl tll lIt' dlH' to lll"glet't 01' ean'll's:--- tht' "F~riJl~illg lip Fathl1r" t':Ll'tOOJlS in
Ul''''''', t hl' I'l"i,'l' I'll i<l is I Il'~'UIll! all tIll' "Jhlllt'till," "":IS (lJl('l' t.'Jl;.!.:q,,~'('(l to
Entered as second-elaBs mattilr
rl'a~(jll. a ~Ytqllll!.· lady ",hose p:ll't'llts \\"1'1'1' llot
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.l
Narberth, Pennsy!\'anin. under the net
\\'it It tl", "'Hlp,'ratioll of the \'lIrious in 1'"""" "j' thl' matdl, '\""onliug-1,"
Fin' Chid. thl' Bllreall or Fire I'rotL'''- it ,,-as. llI"okt'lI (lil' :lilt! Ut'orgp. ill l'l'·
flf March, 1879,
titlll, h.y iJl('l'I'a:--:l'd lllllllhl'r ot' ill:-illt'C- \"('Ilge ~t:ll'tl'jl to dr:t\\" t'ari('atul'es ot' Order your Winter Coal now and get APRIL
ti'JlI:- alll! 1'I'Jlltl\'nl of hazal'lls, hOpl'S to tll(' f:11lie]' "lid IlIllthl"I', '1'hl' "h"ral'ter
r"dUl'e t hI' los,e~ III I!I:? 1 au aPl're\'ia· ,,1' th" h,'"rll,'"" ""lIpit' I~ sai,l to he
OUR TOWN will gladly print
1.1,' "" L'lll. ,'.x:\(,tl~' liS d]'''\\"11 :llId lh" girl to Iw
any news it<:lID about any subject \\"ith thl' idl'a or 1"",lL'l'1ioll iu \'il'''', "\'t'ry I,it as l'rt'lt,\'. We can make immediate deliveries and give
that is of interest to Narberth
1111 (·iti/.,'u, ,h"llid illllllcdilltl'ly c"- you as good COAL and COKE as you can get
folks. but in order to meet the
"1"'I:ll" \\ ith till' Fin' ('hief hy !'l'II'''\'- :--;Olll"/llIC' ha:-- J'l l iJ1H';-;tt'd t hat poet 1',\'
printing schedule, all • 'copy"
iug' l'lIhhi:..;)) and t1t.'hl'is frotll pl'l'lIli:-;cs, 1,,' ill(']"d,'d in 1h .. ""llIlIln, "pry '\"l'11. anywhere on earth.
-manuscripts-must reach the
l"l'II'"\''' lIuy hazllrdous "Ollliitillu allli 111'1'1' g' ~){''-': :
editor by 6 P. M, Wednesday each
\'l"'!' !,ro] '" rt it" i u II' lll'a I' II firl'!,l'O"l' ;\:lrlq,rth j:-o 1111' g:trIl1'JI :"'\Jllll.
('{Illtlit itlfl~ :1:-- I,()~~i Ille. III SlIlIlllll'l', (,old; ill ,,"'intt'}', hot. CHUTE, CASH PRICES
Fire Losses.


l~ll;) ... "

.. ,~:;;)I,iiilO
('\I\llIty. ~t:tte.

\\'(' :11'C' i11t'1:1'1llt'd tliat ~·('ar:-i :q..!,'O \\"llt'll

:\"I'I"'I'lh "'IS ""II,'d EIIII, a J'l',t! "stal<'

Pea CO(;l1 .. $10.50 per ton
1!1]t;""",. ,1:?::,111111 H,-I::I,I:::! prOllltltl't' attt'lllptl"'d
""ill' ,,1' 1,,1 ~ 1111 1h,' ~"lIt It c;ilJ<o. Till'
1(1 "Jill/Ill)" thl'
Nut Coal .. 13.50 " "
1!117 (i')I,-tlll) 17,;~I;::,lj();)
Fire, 350
Police, 1250
WIs ,., .. lill!IJIIiI
l!ll !I .. , .. , .' ,1~!I,.-,11I1
I,',!I~::.~ Ii
thillg- J'dl flat alld 1'''1' S"II11' tilll" aftl'I"
\\":!!'d that Jo(,:l1ity \\":l~ ].\llu,,"11 :1:-- • ~ :--:li!J- Stove Coal.. 13.50 " "
pl'l'.," l"::hll,"

PALACE THEATRE, ARDMORE, PA. Egg Coal .. 13.00 " "

Editorial I'wgr:llli \\'",'k of )Iouda~', ::\Iay :!:
,\I)(Illl th,' ,allle til"C tht' :'\orth :-;i,!1'
"':h flHt\ \":l~t lila}':";}\, lIlIt' of (Ill" frit'll(l:-; Buckwheat Coal 8.25 " "
• 'THE GARDEN OF 'I'HE SHAH" ::\!ollday. )Iay :!-])oroth~' Gish in ll:l\"illg: illt'Ol"llll't1 thnt a fa\'urite

., ,\ t ta Boy', Last Ha,"';" )11I"k I"t'll- p:lstilll" \I hilt' stall,lillg' Oil till' station Coke.. .. 8.75 " "
,\IIoll11'1' l'x""II"ut l'lIt"l't:lillllll'lIt ,,,ill Jlt't CUJlll'd.\'. ".:\ :--\UIlllll('r ':-; l)a~~." plal:"ol'ul "aiting for thl' train, \\'as to
1,,' of!"'I'"d II' iu thl' IIlIl~i,':d ",,",,'d.'" to Tu,'sda~', )Ia~'
:\-)) r. :lllll ::\ll's. Cart!'r tJIl"U\\' stOIlC'S at tlll' fl'tlg:--.. Thi:-i <-':trltt'II
he p!'l',,'uI"d t" n" h~' the ,llIlIi,,1' CO!JI'
1I\111:il," ('III!> ou H"xt Pl'id:l~' :llId ~at­
urd:I.\· lIig·h1:-:.
Jk' l-Ia\"en ill ., Twin Beds;" CrJllledy,
'f (loi ng rl'h rong-h the By'e."
dll~' aud Thur""lay, ~Ia~' -!·;'-Douglas
]-'airlmnl" in "The l\lark of Zoro" (:l
cl1ucs- "r
thl' tille of "I'onds Extrat't" for 1hat

rphr' rt'~idellts of :-,p\"l'ral :-:tn?C't:-o ill

c. P. COOK
Tllis lI'iIl III:lk,' tIll' third lil',j-"la,s
IH'oduet iOIl in a~ 111:111.\" \\"(,'l'k:-:. Quit l' ,hll''.S ":lI'h Ilig-ht, li,:\II, S,III, !I,::II I', ::\f.) th(' tOWII S('t'11I to thin\, that tlil' lIIi,l,lll' Coal Builders' Supplies Coke
n l't't'ord for a tl)\\,11 till' sizp of :\ a 1'- Frida~', :\[a~' li-Tht' Allll'rieall B"auty, of thl' :<i,!L'\\'alk i~ th" proper pla,·1' to
1)(,l't h. Kath"rill" )( al'1)ollal<l, in ,. Cllrtain: " stOl'(' tltt' I'hildren'~ pla~'thillg's ,)\','1' NARBERTH 375
Con)('d~". ~:lt.ul'llay, lIight. S('\,('rlll tilll('S ill the !:lst lllonth
'1'1:" ,~il'ls or thl' .Jlluiol' COlI\ll1Ullit,\'
Chill 'I!'l' :ldi"" :lIHI l'nlhusiasti". :11\(1
\\"e :III I"ok f"rll':ll'd to all "\'l'Uill).! or I
"rroug-h Luelc"
)[ay 7, Eugene 0 'Brien, in "Broadway
:llHl 1[0111(';" Cunll'll~", "The .T()(·l,py."
\\~hill' hll"l'r~'iJlg- to g'l't ]Hlllll' h('t'ore
nine 0 "'lock, \\"e ha\"(' nL'arly sma~hpII
I...--------------------.----~.--------~-------,.----------- __1 I

li\"el.'" "lit l'l't aiUIll('lIt aud ]'('al blt'ul. Childl'ell under t\\"t'l\'(, ~','ar, of age Ihl' p:Ht'IIIl'nt a, a l'l'sult of falling
\\"ill hl' a,!Illifte,1 to the :tftl'l'IIOOII Illati- 0\"('1' l'Xpl"I'SS \\"ag:olls, \"('loeipl'tles, l'oa:-;.t-

To th,' Editor of 0111' To\\'u:

'Il'''''' 1'01' 11 t't'Tlt:-o, ,'rs, et.-" 1,'J't out to t'lljoy tht' l'\'l'nillg'

\\'hat has hapl"'IIl'd to t he old spi I'it

',,'hidl lls"d to he ~o 1I0ti,','a!>le ill th,'
ail'. IV(' gi\'1' !loti,·!' 1I(1\\' that ,,'e \\"ill
lIot hI' 1i"ld respolIsihll' for allY <lamag-l' Wl1r 1JIIl1'ftnn Wi111' nub IDruBl QInntpuul1
High :-;('hool?
to thl' l'a\'!'lllt'lI1. of i\rllworr. l1a.
:-;Olllt' of thl' "01'11 liquor hl'illg- Illadt'
\\'hell 0I1l' looks h'll'k a year or so to If tlH'rp arC' auy l'pad(\r:o:; eonsitlcring-
,10\\"11 South no\\"a,la~'s has a ]lott'II"~'
the l'uthusiaslll for athkties alld the th" pur,,!tas(' of th,' ai)()\"("llll'lItioll('11 Statement of Condition as of March 31, 1921.
all its 0\\"11. The~' tt'll this story iu ii-
I'l'al sl'!lOol spirit of that timl', it is artiell'~, we ('ou],l supply th,'m ,,-ith
Iwr I to h"lil'\"(' it IS the sallie sl·hoo!. Sl'('OII(! hllllll nll"s at a \'('I'y rl'a'''!lahll'
fn the ::'\orth Carolina lIIolllltaills two
:LIlli HJ:lUY of the sallll' StU,h'lIt,. Loans a nd III vest· pi ta 1 St,)(' k
(''I $,jOO.OOO.OO
darki!'s o]ll'llt'd a ;iug alHI ill ,loillg so prj,·", Thl' dt'li\'l'ry i~ I'lIthl'l' !l1l"PI'-
1~1l 't it ahout tillll' SOl11l'OlH' II!, thl'!'l' III en ts $2 ,!lti4,:l1 0.88 Surplus 'lIltl rlllli-
spil]P,1 'I lifth'. Ollt' drop fl'11 1111 II t aill. hO\\"l'\'er,
ou the hill stal'!L'd SOllll'thiug 1 (':lU't MOI't.gag-L's an<l .ludg· \'ide,l l'rofit~ .,... -!:W,140.45
tUlllh1l' hug-, ",hll illllllt'diatt'l~' droppl'd
we ha\"l' a little of thL' old spirit 01' Illents , .. ,. 877,8;j;;,30
his hall.. "Ii"kt',l his heds together. The lIe\\' hus lillt' has pretty !leal'l." Hil],.; Pa~'ahll' a1ll1 TIe-
I'ri,'IHlship alld good filII \\"hieh \lsl'd to Pllt us 'ill thl' hospital. :\ot that a 11,\'
thrl'\\" ha"k hi, shoul,lt'rs and, ha"kiug Heal Estate ,... ~O~,;;40.44 .lis'·O\lllts '. 488,872.83
hL' so 1I0tie,'a~)h', eS!lP"jally to thOSl' a",'idl'Jlt OC('UI'I'(,'!. hilt we ha\"e tal:('n
lip to a hak of ('ottoll tht' t\\"o 11l'gr[J('s D"1l1a1ll1 Dl'-
li,'jug Hear the Hehool. FUl'niture awl Fix-
ha,l h",'ll !'arr,l'iug. suortl'd: a,lI"alltag-" of the opportllllit~· to JIll';S )11 :~it", $:!.Ol; 1 ,if)~.~~
COIIll' OH, studellts. Get husy! tures .. ,......... 8,400.00
"All rig'ht, hig' h()~:. TA't's go!" tht' lnst train too oftell for it to lla\"t' TillIe De-
-.\:'\ ,\I.JI'::\~:'\l'~, 'lIIythLng' hut a hatl eO'eet 011 our health. C,lsh on Hand aUfl in l'0~it:-; S:~2,7:L).(lS
-American Legion Weekly.
Old Timer. Banks ,... ~(j{j,;;3;;,OG
REFORESTING PROGRESSES U('\'t'l' pa~~s in the long
ruu. Look at tht' "orkscrt'\\"-ollt of n $4,319,541.68 I $4,319,5H.68
ILII'rishurg, I'a., April :!;'.-'I'h,' .ioh.
1'l'lllls.\"I\"allia ])L'I"ll't IIleut or ]o'Ol'l'st I'y TKUST DEPARTMENT
11 has 11"'l'lI <leei,le,1 tlint. the fil'Rt.
L'xpects to gro\\" ahout 1;;,000,000 tn'L'S Total Tr.lI[ Funds $314.285.21
we"k of )Ia~' shall Ill' OLBAX UP
.for rl'fon'stiug 10,000 '"'!'l'S of \\"1IStl'
WEj';J..;: for th" Borough of ::'\aI'11t'rth.
land ill this State from the sl'ed it is l\lotht'r-"\\'hnt kilul of II sholl' <li,l Let'~ get rid of all that ruhhish that
plaHtiug ill its forest tn'l' 1I11l'serie~ thi, papa tak\' ~'Oll to Sl'L' while ~'011 werc ill has h"l'n colll'cting ill our ('ellars, yards
spriug, All of thl' sel',l~ \\'iIl hl' SO\\"l'd tlIp (·it~·}" alll! \'amnt. lot for thL' pnst year. 'rite
h,\' ::\ra~' I. Bohh,\'-" It WIIS a ,landy show, Borouglt foree will rollect anything
'I'lte IkpartuIl'ut ha", ,'olll'I'1L',I 700 IIl1l!III1J:l, with 1:t,]iL's dressed in stoel,iugs that you put. out 011 thl' samc days that
]Jolluds of \\'hite pilH'. h"llIl()('k, alld deal' lip to thl'il' Ilt'"ks." the aslll's \\"pre co\leete'l. "OB I ALICE I
hlaek lo"ust ",,'ell, alill ~(if) hushels of I'm so sorry you didn't tell me before!
Geo. B. Suplee,
hllll·k waluuts. aeorlls. aull ash alld POIllP,)ll", L'III~'-' 'l\fu",t I Pllt thi~ Our dinner last night was made a
Street Commissioner. success by BETT)' '5.
maple seeds. Six hUlldn'd III III sixty st:t 1111' ')a 1Il~'self 'I"
POlll11ls ()f piliI', Sprlll'L', aHd larch sec,] 1'ost Ollirt' Clerk-"Well, yon run if "'or]ter--" Mr, Bigmull, I shon1<l like
Such Home Made Bread. that one
han' h"1'1I purehasl'd h~' thl' DI']Jart- ~'ou likl', hilt. it is 1I~l1al to ]Jilt it. on the ypry Illueh to have an increase in my
slice makes one want another.
lI\elll. Il'ttt'r. " \\"ages, 'f. was married yestcrday."
The wonderful Ice Cream and French
EIllI~lo~'er-" I 'm sorry, my goo<l
Pastry. Opposite the Station
Smith-" \Vho are you workiHg for A fat mall hu~ anot.her advllnt.age man; ,,'c can't do it. The company is
I just left a standing order to supply
now?" us with all their dainties-for Jim will We are here to make )'0. lor~el
o\'er his thin hrl'thren-he knows cx- not re~pol1sible for Ilceidcnts which
.rones-" Samc people-wifc and fi vo I IIdl~' whL're his cigar ashes arc going ha]1Jlel1 to anI' employes outside the fac-
eat no other." all )'our baklD~ worrl..
children. " to land. tory. "

A ~s5'ur~.E!A
News of tl1e aJl1urrl1es
On Sunday, :MllY 8tlt, ~fother's Day
will he celehrate.l hy appropriatc HPr-
Narberth Girl Helps Endowment
man in th,' 1II0rning UII'1. ~1lL'l'ial IlIllsi('al (Contillued fl'om I'a~c 1) FIDesl Pholoplay The-
alre 01111I Size In Ihe
THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor. s{'rd"t, h.\' the ChnreIt Quartette in tIte Entire World.
MEETING HOUSE, (l\"(lnillp:. Xot. to be ineluded ill thc list of Pb.toplay..-Conllnuou8 10 A. M. 10 I1.S'
stancla 1',1 eolll'gl's would be a ,lisaHter to P.M.
,Montgomery Pike, Xurberth, was estab· n.:id ~\. ~r. Praycr Sf'rviee.
lished 1682. Here William Ponn wor· !I.~;'> A. ~f. :-\uullay I-'ehool. thiH Pl'l'shyterian ~ehool, as its mallY FOhUs.,Pa.
shiped, as \I'ell as many other noted ] 1.011 A. ~I.-('olllllluaiou S"l'\·i,·". ahlnllla,' \\'ho are 1I0\\' teaching woulll
Friends. One of the historical spots of Sl'1'1II0U hy th,' pa:'tor 1111 "C'ollllllllnioll hold dl'IP'eps whi('h lI'oul,l 1I0t. qualify
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, A. M., B. D., PROGR.AM
America is open for worship every \rith Christ." '!','xt. :\Ia,rk 1~. ]~-:!.'). thl'1I1 for tea,·hl'r's rertificates or ad-
Pastor. IIlit the'" to univcr:,itil'~ for ad\'aneed (::lunday) morning at 11 1.1111 I'. ~f.-Ylluug Pl'o"ll":' :\[l'l'tillg'.
:-\ullda~', Ma~' ]:
o 'clock. First-day School begins at 10 Topit', "Th~r l~il!gd(1!1l C1I11I1l'-IJI 7\lr ~tud~-.
f).,L' .\. ?lL-Sunday School. All
A. nL Yisitors cordially invited. C(llllltl'~·'" :\latt. ti:I-1ii. L,'adl'r, Ed- Aln'a 1y lo~-al ahlJl\nln, han' pledged
'rhe First-day School is held every
First-day morning at ten a 'clock. There
is a class for adults as well as for
will C()g~('~h:111.
1..1.; I'. :\1.-En'lIillg \i"ol':,itip. _\lIui-
\'l'I'"ar,\' sl'n'i,·,'s III' thl' :'\l'l\- \\'orld
] 1 A. l\r.-~forllillg "Tor:,hip. Hcccp-
tioll of IlIelnl>l'I's.
[.onl's NUJlpt'r.
~acratllent of the
$l;JO,O(lO, an,l the Xe\\' Era l\[oveml'nt
of thl' l'l'e:,byterian Churc,h has pronl-
iSl'd $lO'I,(I()(I, thl' gift rontingl'nt upon
"The nome Stretch"
children, and we arc very glad to have :\[0 \'l'IIIl'1I t of :'\orthl'rll Bapti:,ts. :.\Irs. t ht· ,'olll'g'(' I':ll:-olllg $-!1l0,llllO. Th is
liA:i P. l\L-Ep\\'orth Leagup.
anyone who is interested in knowing Chn l'iPs HI'IJ1lillgl'r, of Gl'l'lIt:1ntO\l'lI, will h'a\"e~ :t'~;)f),IlO() to h(' rai~t'(1. Hiu('C' IIIAIN PRODUCTION STARTS All NBA.
IA:i P. l\f.-Eveninh' \\'or~Itip. Go,- AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. ~I .. 12,00. 1.00,
more about our Society of Friends and :'1,,'a1e \\'ilson L'oll,'ge ha:, always hl'f'n in erose
Jll'1 Nong Nerviee. Sel'mon hy the paH- B.JIl. 11.411, 'Mil. 9.80 P. II.
the Friendly illeas visit with us. s.(ln 1'. :\L-\\'l'dlll':"lay "I'l'lIing ::\[icl- sympa t"7 with thl' l'resb~·tt·l'ian Church
t.or. Theme: "'l'he Unreali?pd Ambi·
\I'('l'I, :'l'I'\'i,'l' of t hI' l'hul'l'h. :lIi,1 is the only Pl'eHbytcrian eollege for
tions of Life." Sometime ago a young
,""tr:l1q.!t'TS and \'i:-;it ()r~ art~ weleollll: to


t l'('~( ~('r\-i('('~.
lady ('a lIIe to the paHtor an,] Haid, "I
\I'allted tfl be a mis:,ionary, hut Illy \\'ay
women ,in tht, East, th,' jll'l':'l'nt aJlJleal
i:, direl't.'d fil':,t of all to l're:,h~·tl'rians.
).Inll.\" hU1Hll'l'.Is of :\,ollJlg \\"tllllt'll h:\\·('
Rev. R. F. Cowley. Rector.
was hlockel]. Why diclll't Go,l let
hcpll trailled for tire work of this
Raymond Weiss, Proprietor
1IIl' ?" The sermon wi 1l he an anHwer
Early Mass on Sundays at 7 A. M. 'PRE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
to that and man~' ~ueh questions. All
"hurch b~' \\'i1:'ou Coll"gp, both for thl'
hOIlI(' and fOl'ei;.!;n fit'l(1:--.
Late Mass, 10 A. M.
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister folk :,illlil:trly di:,appointc-d arc spl'cial-
1,1' in vi tecl. 'l'h0 enusc of the eolll'ge, howpvcl', i:-- EXPERT REPAIRING
A. 1If. "'eekdays at S. Evening devo· Church Notes. one \I'hil'h illt,'re:,b all tho:,e \\'ho \\'i:,h Telephone Narberth 1633
::\[I'"tillgs for lI!'xt 1-'1Inda~':-
tions and other services at regular 'fhl' ;-;ullclay ;-;c-ho01 att"llIlanre last to prontot" higher l'elu"atioll for WOUll'lI
fI.~;"j .\.:\1. SlIuciay I-'eholll, A \I'e/,
times. :-\un,la~' :Igain hroke all rec·orcb. of th" type whieh clevclop" Christiau
l'OIl\(' 1'01' all.
l'n':,i,!f,nt l\[osl l'1ll'r. of thc Men':, lellder:,. Thl' fa,·ult~· i:, uot. l'l~:'tril't.pll HOWARD C. FRITSCH
11.1111 .\.::\1. ~[IIrllillg Wllrship. :-'u1>-
13ihle Cla:,s, is ont for a large c-la:,:,. iu its IIIclllhl'r:, to l're:,hytcriall:'. ;-;tu, Justice of the Peace
jCt't of ~t'rll\()Jl, "Till' IUt'aruatt'
ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. Hon. FII't('hl'r W. Stite~ is thl' tl'aellcr. deut,. al'l' lIclJllitted to \\'iboll I'l~gal'll­ REAL ESTATE
Chri:'l of tocla,\'.'·
WYNNEWOOD, PA. ffhe '\'O"(llUHn ':-; Poreign l\n~!-'ionary So- ho~:, of ,'rel'd, alld tlw large perrentage
li.~.; I~, ~1. .IUllilll' Chl'istiall ":11- Fire Insurance-Best Companies
l·il't~· will IIII'd ::\lolI,la~-, ::\[a~' :!, at :!.;;o of gradu:ltes \\"ho g'o forth as te:l<'hers
dt':t ,'ur, Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
P. ::\£., at the hOJl\" of ::\fr:'. Arthur R. .. any the gift:' from their alma mater
Rev. Gibson Bell. Rector. 1.(111 I'. :\1. ;';"lIilll' ('hl'isl iall 1':lId,'a "01'.
I-'!c'ath,i (I,] FOI'I'l':,t ,\ Vl'nul'. to :"·110,1,, of e\"('ry typ" in thi" l'OUII-
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead. Associate. I.~;; P. :\1. E\"l'nilT;l" \rnr:-ihil" ~l'r1l1(J1I PAINTING GLAZING
Thl' "\In,I:t~- Board "'ill he t.he guests try and to IlIan~' IlIi:,:,ion" IJ!>roael. Then'
tIl ('IIIl'. ":"lI! I·'aithl,',,:,. lnJ1 Ik, DECORATING JOBBING
of Mr. A1frl',1 F. Whihllan, ]:!, ::\[erjon are III Ol'l , high :,1'11001 tea .. hers 1'1'011I "'iI-
lip\ illg-."
SOli Colll'ge ill l'l'nu:'~'lvania all,l thl' a,l-
5.1.; .\.:\1. I111ly ('llllll\lunillll.
Church Notes
A venuc, ou Friday en'nin~, ::\[a~- Ii, at
wltielt time thl' Illonthl~' husilll':':' :,,'H- jal'l'nt :-:latl':' 01' :'\ew .Icr:,ey, Dela\\'are
!I.~;; A. :\[. ('h II n·h ~rhllll1. :'\ ,'xt \r,'dll,'sda~'. 1Ill1l1thl~' lill-,la~'
:,ioll abo will 1)(' hl'lc1. allli ::\blyland, thall fl'lllll an~' othl'r Painting and Decorating
11.1'0 ,\.:\f. :\[llrllill~ "ray,-r alld JIlll.\· lIl(ll't illg' III' 1 hI' "'Ollll'lI of the church.
l'ra~'l'r IIn'c,ting' l',','r." \\'pdnl':,clay \\OllWll I . .; (·(Jlll'gP. 212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa.
COlll1l11111itli1. "r'OIl;I'll ':-, '\lIxilial'~' at 111.1111 A. :\1. Phone, Ardmore 1436 W Narberlh 1768 W
('\'CH i ng:. A :,eri,':, of loc,al funel·rai:,illg ('a 1Il-
1'111111\1'".1 hy 1IIIII'JIl'III1. \\'ollll'n':, :\1 is-
l'aigll:-', l'ulIdul'ted b~" tIll' :dllJlIUap and
SiOJl:lry :'.(ll'it'ly 1I11'l'ling at :! P. :\1., ttl
Mnsical Service hI' a,[dl'l'sst'd ]'.1' 11"1'. C. lI. Yl'rkp:" rc'-
fri"lIels (if '\'iboll ('0 Ilt'g'r' in tI\(, din','r-
t'llt ~e(·tillll:-: uf P('IlIl:-',,·lYallia and Ilt.:'igh-
I-'hlll'1c'r Kyril' ,." .. ,. Willh'r t ul'lI,'d ~I is:'illllar~' 1'1'0111 Yih:,it'lI, Chilla. 306 Woodbine Avenue
horing St:dl'S, are lIoW heing org::IniZI'tl.
Glllria Tihi ,., , <3al'J'c't 1 :\11'. r "1'1, 1',' \I ill l'xh i hi t :'Ollll' i nt"l'est- NARBERTH, PA.
Thl' loe,tl ",'ntn':, in l't'lIn:,~'h'allia or
illg' Chilll':-';l' t'll 1'1 0:-'. ..:\11 WOllll1ll of 11\t'
Oll'l'rtll]'illlll." I'rai",' IIi" A"flll :":111\('" thesl' e:t'1I1,aigns an' l'hil:Il"'lphia, Pith- General Hauling and Conlractinlr, Lawn
(·oll.!.!l't\g'at ion ill\-itl'll. and Garden Work, Hedge Trimming
F't'olH ~l,jdll":-: i . I Ja:--t .Jurlg'lllt'llt.·' hUl'g·h, llaI'l'blllll'g. EastoJl, :·"h·rantoll.
:'\ ,'x t \\. t'd Ill'sd a~' "\'C' 11111 g, 1'l'a.'·,' I' Tree Planting And Trimming
,nth illC'i<l"lItnl ,,110:' hy ~Ir:', 'l', :\. Butlcr ,\ltoOIl:I .. I"hn:,toll'n alld '\'arren.
:lncl :\11'. H. ~. ~h·llt)l'. I and pl'ai:-'ll Jlll't·ting.
S:Il\('11i~ ~tallfo1'tl ill P :'\,'xt Thul'sda.\·, a 1I11J1IIH'r of OUI' The h"IIClquarter:, ill l'hila,holphia al'l'
\I'OI:l\'1I will atl"l1,l thl' 1'l'eshytpl'iall at ,~~.l HlIlIetin Bllilding, alld IIlany 10-
CllllIl\lUuion lIY1I11I
G1111'la in Ex""ls;:' 0111 ('hnllt ~Iis:-\ioll:ll'Y HI(,(·tiIlP: ill ;\orrbtowll. "al "'011\('11 ]J('l'l' han' lent as:,i:,tan,',' t"
jl", ]'hiladl'lphia I'or"e.
Narberth Auto
Wh,'n thl' 1arg" ('ontrihutiou of thi~ Repair Shop
:-;tlla II ('ollpgp is ('oll:--itlt\red, a p;('llprou:-,
n'spull:-'(' to it~ propl1t.':-,it\d hr
H('ed b 125 Haverford Ave., Narberth
Narberth Register
Two Lines, IOc per i.sue; Sc for each additional line

',"ritl' ,\"0\11' qUllst iOIl~ 011 :lily gal'l1('u

th,' alul111J:ll' all,l :,tlll!c'uh.
Repairs-all kinds
Supplies-all kinds
su h,jrd-t rl'I'S, sh ru'h:" la II'U:', 1l0we!'s.
\"t,~ptahlt,s or hirds. adc1res:-,iJl~ yonI' THINGS TO THINK ABOUT. EDWIN WIPF
Jackson, Anne. Violin Inslruction. ill'jlJir.\' to 'I'he Garc1Pn Clull, Box US.
GoUMhal1. II. Ii. Public Ac,'oUlltUllt. 303 Phones-Narberth 1726W or 672
COD war Avellue. :-;lIrLJertIJ. I'a. ,
Telepbone• .":ll'oert1l 316-,1, Your questions will he rl'fl'rrrd to one rnlP ail' h(lI'Jlt ('OJlllllCl'ee of Eng'land

lItelm, H. C. Certified Public Acoountant, LOOH, ,1"111111)' n. Iliallo tl"lll'llt>r,

Studio, Arca,ll' Bldg. Pbone. 316-J. \l'ho is qualified to anSWl'r all,l repl." ill I!l:!O was \'alued at $:!O,OOO,OOO. It
ZO! Dudley av•. Phone. Narbertb BOO-W.
AUTO~IOUU_ES. NOTAItY PUBLIC. w ill a ppea r in t he next i~:,ne. cOII:,i,ted IIlailll~' of \\,Olll,'n ':, ,·lothillg
Jell'erle., d. II. 111 Narberth ave. on the illlport side 11Ilcl 11I('11 's dothillg'
Ilnrri",. l~t'Hn~' & ('Iurl"
GaraKe--Rppalrlng Etc, Pbone. 160b.
Lnllt'l\:.;(t'l' ..\\"l'....\nlll1ol'l'. 1'a. Phone, 666-M.
Similson, Harry A. 232 Essex Ave. Q. What is the right date to Plant 011 tlt(' ,~xport sille. It 11]>1"'111':', then'- For Permanent
Phone. Narberth 636. dahlias?
Sce uisplar 1I,lvl'rtisl'Ull'lIt ill this Issuc.
Sarlwrth (iUfllJ.:t". Phone NnrLJertb 1633.
• ~l''' dbqda.r al.l\'l'rtlselUcut in tlllR lsHuP.
T".on. Warren n. ~OO Woodbine Ave.
Phone, NlIrbl'rth 1~02- W. ,\. Dahlias l'all he plallte,l any time
fon', tll'lt ill 1\('1' ail' traele Englllllel l'X-'
t'hallg'l'~ lllen ':-; ('aps au(l ('oats for ",om· Satisfaction
OP'I'ICIAl'iS aftl'r :\Ia~' 1st lllid will llioOJl\ all snm- en's hats IIl1d pl'lti('oat:'.
W!I.f Edwin. Hepairing, etc. Pboue. 1i211- W
See'dlspluy u,h'ertiselllellt in tbis issue. F~nton, Carl F. 506 JoJssex ave, Phone. 61~ \' nler until ,'ut dOll'n h~' frost, Ihe plants Elli('ts l'o~tri('tiJl~ lllarriag(ls issl1(~d hy
AUTO~IOBILE SEIn"ICE. I'hlIu. addrcss. 1U31 Chestnut st. Spruce 77~J7
I.Plltmayer. In,,el.h. 221l S. 15th st.. Phil&. hOln'ver will gl't "wood.\·" and the th(' religiou~ sed~ of Tudia a)'(' hl'1el
Donahue Patrick I'. Phone 163:~.

Smedley Built Home

See dls'plu)' advl'rtiseUlent in thl~)ssue. PAIXTIXG. flo\\"{'r:, Jatl'r ill th,' Sl'ason will gl't 1'artl~' !·(',pon:,ihle for th(' re"ent ele-
Sable Censure. Pbone. Narberth ,h'~. ~e\\'bnrg, "'m., & Cn. :!1:! 'Voodblne Ave. sJl\allpr. '1'111' bl':'t time to plant in this
See displa~' u<1vcrtisellll'nt In tillS Issuc. Phone, Narberth 1758- W. dim':, ill the pric'" of sil\,('I'. Gifts of
See dlsplfi)' advertisement In tbls issue. lo,'ality is about .IUIIl' ],')th. ~o that wh"n :,ih'er ,llId of ~il\"{'r orllalllt'llts aceolll'
"'alzer, Fred. plant:' hloom aft,'r ,\ ugust ];')th thl'y" 1"\\'1"'1 ~hol" Oppositl' station. 117 Wlnaor ave. Phoue. 1247-J. 1'a 11.\' all ilia rriag" ,','rclllon il's in Tllllia,
Sl'~' ,Il"plar lI,l\'prtisl'lIll'nt ln this i:,sul', will flower Oil yOllng- growth. IUl,l tltl' (,did:, an' ~lIiel to ha\,(' he('11 in-
Merion 'I'ltle & Trust Co. phone. Narb'th 3\J8 Un,'d. Horace S. 313 Meetiug House Lane.
Q. When can gladioli be planted fOr
spin',l hy hope:' that t11<' rc':,ulting gn'at WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
See dlspla)- advertisement In tblll leeue, I'llonc 3an. ,1("'I'l'asc' ill the ,It'lIIalld for silver woul,l
nUILDERS PHOTO PLAYS best results?
1t('lp illlpro\'(' IlIdia'~ position in the ('x-
Shand, Alex. C.. Jr. Pbone. No. 1710. "ArcRdIB." 16th and Cheatnut at•., PbUa A. 'Vh~' 1I0t plant gla,liolihulhs ~o
"hallge IlIlIrltl'l.-From the American
Narberth Station.
Smedle,'. Wm. 1>. & H. T. Phone. 600.
,;: .. ~ 'P Q 1J 1u \ ~dvl>rlll'lpn)pnt In 'ht,. t,.IIt118
See advertlaement In thla laaue.
that the~' will bl')l"" in latf' .Inl~· an,l
l'al'l~' August II'lt,'n othl'l' floll'l'rs are
Excllano;e National Bank. COOK BROS.
.'\th~rh()H. S. (i. PhoHI', XUl'ht'l'tI! 1~:14, ,\IH'lc, Ge"r!:,e B. Phone, Narberth 1:!5a-J.
~Pt' (1t:->play lllI\'pl'ti:->l'IIlt'ut in tlll:'; H.;:-l\I t', sc'arc','. As thl' bnlbs Howl'l' in from PLUMBING, HEATING
CANDY. ETC. PLU:lIBING. ETC. liO to SO cla~'s, cll'IH'lllling on the \'arid.'·,
navl•• II. E. Phone. 1264-W. Cook Bros. Phone 302-J. QUALIFIED.
See display advertloement In thla loOue, See display advertisement In tbis issue. ,'ondition of bnlb, locatioll of plant ing
CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS Wall, H. B. Phone, Nurbertb 1602-J.
See dl.Dlay advertisement In thl. laaua
llllci \I'eatlll'r, it would Hl'l'm 1H'ttl'r to Jobbing promptly attended to
oIeoklns. Chaa. L- plant some of 'each varidy on .\ pri1 Elllplo~·,'r-" You sa~' ~'ou ha,'" held
103 Dudley ave. Phone. Hi~4. Niaht Phon.., Narbertb 687
REAL ESTATE an illlportllnt ex('('uti,'c po:,itioll ~"
CO:->THACTOHS. Cold ...ell, J. A. Pbone. 1687
:w, l\Ia~' I, ~Iay ].I, an,l ::\Iay:!L This Day Pbon", Narbertb 302 J
fJaun(.~ Frntuntuni & SonH. :!::n IInIl1I)(l~H Ave See advertlaement In thla luua will gi\'e the bnlhs a ('hanre to l' i l'r'n ,\ppli<':'lIt-" Ye~, sir."
Sl'e display a,ln'rtlst'ment in this Issue.
Frlt..,h. 11. C. Pbone. 262-W. \\'l'lI lwfore thl'~' are ,lug up lwcl thl'y "'Yh It. was it'?"
DEN'rISTS See advertl.ement In thl. laaue.
Orr, Dr. A. L.101 Elmwood aVo Phone, snow. "I \\'as hanglllan at thp ~tate
Phil... Phone. Filbert 4262. Keith BldC.
"'chembs, Dr. John. Phone Narberth 316· W.
Hall, Albert.. Spruce 74!J1.
Lund Title Building, Phlluuelphill, Pa.
will be in goocl l'oll,lition for the fol-
!clld ng season. on. ' '-American Legion Weekly.
The Narberth Electrical Shop
Cor. Grayling and Windsor aves. Nasb. Boben .J. Pbone, 606. 230 HAVERFORD AVE.
Office Hours until 9 P. M. dally. Money tor Firat and Second Mortcalrea,
t1oward'a. Phone, 1267.
See display advertisement In thla lasue.
Phone, 636, or 1420 Cbe.tnut at. ATTENTION! We repair, sell and install anything
ELEOTRUJIANS HOOFING. ETC. This Means YOU! Electrical. Old housc wiring a specailty.
C .... e. lV. G. Phone.3!J5-W. Gl&ra-lIlcGlnley Co. Pbone, 1268-W.
See display advertisement In this Issue.
Pugb. Veri 226 Iona ave.
Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard. Phone, IU·J.
See display advertlaement In thla laaue.
HlIJer, .Johu A. 243 lana ave. PhoDa, 6U-J
Shop, 246 Havertord ave. Phone. 12U.J
Flies and Stable Manure Ask about our three pa~'ment plan in-
cluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W
The Manure Pile in the open breeds 'the Flies.
Gullion. Ton,'. 30U ,Yoodoinc A,l'. Good Wear Shoe Repair Shnp. REMOVE the ManurE'
See dlsplll~' lIdn'rtlsl'llIent In this Issue. Constantine. B. G. 252 Haverfol'd ave.
Phone, Narbertb 1706- W.
Bowman. Samuel P. (Life.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 66B-W.
Trotter Bros. (Fire. etc.)
209 Woodalde ave. Phone. 12n-R.
Narberth Shoe Store. :!O!J Huverford ave.
See dIsplay advertisement In tbls IUlle.
The above department should be of tb.
A covered pit is the best way, but a house built around the
Manure Pile will answer. Anything to keep the Manure Pile
James fratantoni &Sons
Wimer, lVm. Wood. 100 Forest Avenue. Irre ateat U.e to the community, tbe lIat con·
Phone. 326 R. talnll the Dame of every profeaelonal maD in the dark. Contractors of
Comllbell. 1-'rank D. Automohlle, Fire, etc. trade8rnan. mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., wb. If you can afford to keep a horse, you can afford to keep
4 Stuart Ave. Pholle, 3nr;-u. doell or can In any way aerve hili tellow.
LAWYERS townaman. and who la pr0lrreulva eDouCIl
to add name to lIat of Reclater.
the Manure Pile coveted, You cannot afford to maintain a STONE WORK
IlIIr,,:>,. oIohn 211 Essex ave. Phone. U46-R. source of infection to your neighbors.
Pblla. addreaa. 1_lncoln BIde.
Rtltes. Fletcher W. 4U Haverford ava.
All It la dlmcult for tholle contrlbutlD,
tbelr time and ell'ort. to tb.. produotlon of COVER YOUR MANURE PILE! and PLASTERING
Phone, 872-W Phlla. addreaa. CroEer Bld£ "Our Town" to per.onally either know or
IntervIew all aucli. It would be moat belp. OR, REMOVE IT!
LIGHTING FIXTURES ful If thoa.. not now found In tbe prlnttHI 239 Hampden Ave., Narbertb, Pa.
McDonald .John. Narberth phone. 1288,
1638 Chest. at.. Philo. Phona, Bpruce IUK list would aeDd In a memo of tbalr nam..,
addre.., phone Duroben aDd buslna_ or
~IEATS, ETC. protaaaloDII for llatlnlr. Tbls will ooat aa fol· of the Main Line JOBBING Phone
(Jotter, Boward F. Phone, 12U. Iowa: 10 cenu aaoh 1Nua for I lin••; I oeDU
Bee dlaplay advertlaement In tbl. laaull. tor aaoll additionAl lIna.
It is ,rell to bear in mind that we
pose for membership arc urged to send
in the names and addresses of pro- THE FIRESIDE ""£1.1.-1'",' ~A~l!ll.'5 oU1' ON "'-IE G01'
owe much to lazy men. The lazy man spectiYC members at the curliest pos- (Continued frolJ1 Page 1) 0\J"f 01-1 l' INI Eo ~A\JSE /l,\..\. 1"\0\' C.0\>'1
usually works more scientifically than sibl(' date. Ne\\' residents in the \NA.~ IN E.A~I..'! ~ NOe.OO"l'S aeEN
a so-called hustler. For the lazy man Borougll ,\'ho either play tennis, or ore ::'IIiss Hnth Ha\\'s, :Miss Kflthryn John· II" "T' NlA\(E A 1-\0\..\..El'l.,BU1' SEVEIlM_
stan, and :\Il's. C. B. 1Iforton <1ro\'e to ~EOI'LE ClI.NlE A,,-nolt ~A~elt.'3·NS'AIO
uses his h('fld to avoid the squandering anxious to leorn, flncl would like to
of nee'Jl('ss elfort. A lazy bricldayer join the Association, are also urged HOIleJ'brook, Pa., last Snnday.
Illalws the fewest number of unneces· to get in toueh with mem1Jers as soon ~"'I'EIl..·I-I 11' "'lAoS SO GoOOO ~EGESSEO
sary moti ons i a Iaz~' wa iter never as possible. \\'hell the price of daily papcrs was ~E'D I-\Ai'1'A SU8seRIS£. 'N "TI-IEN'
brings a tlish to the table without tak· The COllling tennis seaSon here in inerease,1 ] no per eent., it h:ul the phy· A lo.ll>O'l COME IN '1'01 SI>oIO I-IEQ. ,",us-
Xarberth, HS is the case e\'(,I',\'where eholog'ieal e/Teet of making' e\'eryhody aANO HA.O <;01' NlII.O 'N S1'OI'P~O.•
ing an ,~mpt,\" one :l\l"ay to avoid Illflk· 'tH'C. PAVER au1' "THE'! COUI..ON1'
'ing all cytra trip. Keep an ey" on the throughout the country, prolllis('s to want a higher price. •\ re<lnetion to CH'i' A.LONG \NI1'I-\O\)1' 11" SO SENO 11'
lnzy men working for you. 'rhey are he t'he higg('st aud most popular sea,;oll 1 ('('nt shonl,1 ha\'e the same efl'eet in ACtIN,N' "THEN 1'HE PHONE RANes
iu the history of the game. There re(lnt'ing J>riees. IS Bam"cIG" A'....
not unlikely to originate valllahle labor- Narberth n.,'t 'N A \JOIC.I:. SIl.IO:'1'A\(E OU"t N\'I ""'0-
"1'\o\E HOG IS SOLO '1'01 I COULD Hl'>"lE
saving i(leas.-The Nation's Business. seell'" to h(' more gelleral illtere,;t in
tellllis this year thfln c\'er, au(l ::\'ar· $0'-0 Po OO~EN MORe." '1'1 '" '-E1"{E'~
Yes, \\',' tried to get some flowers S/l\\O,".,.HE V,,",VER'S '-'I'Eo Po. LE1"EIl..
!lerth, iu this respect':, as iu e\'ery olh('r, planted la,;t Satnrduy but we almost got FRON\ I-IONlt" '1'1 we. er01' A. 01es-
New Tennis Courts I'roulises to uphohl its reputatiou as a
thorollghly np-to-date, wide-aw:tke eom·
drowned. NOTXCE I-\OO\( ~U\-LI>o .3oe.\NOIl.I' '1'1 , A.IN'-<
toII~Q A;f NO·00IN ~ /.
are about Ready
(Continllt',l from Pflgf> 1)
lllunity. Quite a lot of Xarb('rth "fans" saw
"Bahe" Huth iu the opeuing gflme at
Narberth Taxi SerVice
Patrick F. Donahue
~) . /
:-:;hibe ParI"
Authorized Taxi Service. by Certifi· t~
business meeting of the Ass()('iatioll will cate from Public Service Commls-
he hpl,], E\'l'r~· III e 11I1)(' I' is IIrg"d to AT NARBERTH A cOlJ1ll1itte(' from the N:u'herth aion, dated November 16, 1920.
fI tt"nd this met't i IIg as St'\'"ra I iJlI [Jar- Chamber of Comlllerl'e is arranging for Taxi meets all trains.
(Continued from Pflge 1) a dilllwr on the occasion of thc next Store orders promFtly called for and
tallt ault'II,IIIIt'lIts to thl' c'ollstitution delivered. Bal1l!'age called for and
\\'ill he suhllJitted for eOllsitlt'ratioll and reg ilIaI' meeting. Seeand Thnrsda;r of delivered. Freight delivered.
E\'(~ry Narherth club wOlllan should
vote. ::'I[a~'. All husiness men of Narherth
Sillee the rrt'lulis A:-i:iociation '8 annual
lJlurk the 5th of ~fay as the most
should be there. Open Day and Night Phone 1633
necessary clay to be fr('e from any
meetillg, two important appoiutments
other engflgelllents, tllfit she mfl)' at·
hfl\'e ~well nJa(le hy Presidt'llt Pattison :l\Iotorist (after hitting pedcstrian)-
ten'l the all day session of the County
awl thp BOflrd of Go\'ernors. \Valter
Cowin has hpt'll appointed chairman of
Federation. It may be years before
Narberth will again haye the appal"
"You were trying to cross the middle
of the block." GLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME
th(' Groullds Committet', :lIld Carl :\[etz- PetIestrian-" What diffeTenee docs
tunity to haye her neighboring clubs
gl'l' Ims 1wpn appoint(',l l'hairmflll of the it !uake? 1f I cross at the corller von OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
meet with lIeI', and to hear such rep'

Entertainment ('Olllillittt'e. Thpse arc \\'ill knoek me illto the mic1;I1e of 'the UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
resentatiye 'YOlllell. The box luncheon
prohably thp two IIIOSt importallt eom- block, and we might jnst as well begin
is always a most informal get·together
mittt·('s in the Assoc'iatioll aud the meDi' there.' , Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
hour at these conyentions; and during
b('rs shoul,l feel gratilipd that they arc Brync1o~~l1~erlilled WEST PRILA.
the fI.ftcrnoon there will he music Hu,l
llCfI(letl h.v mell of slleh eX('t'ptiollahle
other entertaining features, '1'he after· ::'1[1'. alld :\Irs. Frp,1 JIel'lllaUII, IOil
Elmwood a n'nue, elltertniue,1 ~Irs.
Special .. Gue..nsey ,.
GARAnteed Roofs
1I00n is an open meeting to all womell,
New CO'lrtS a Credit to Narberth Gillis, 1111'S. Firillg, ::'Il:iss Call1phell, ::'III'. Milk WYNNEFIELD
whether or not they are cluh lIlemhers.
'rhe work of the Board of 'l'rllslPes, Harry Biggard, E,111a Bigg:ml, Beall'ice (Roberts· &: Sha..ple....• BALA-CYNWV
At the Pn's'hyteriau 'Chureh on 'rhur'" Dal..le.. ) NARBERTH
whi<'!l 11fIs full ('harge of the deH'lop- Biggard alld :\11'. Beek at IUIIl'I\('oll and
day, May ;')th, openiug fit 10,aO A. ~r.
meut of the Ul'\\' groullds'd, is Cream Butte..mllk ARDMORE
anotilt'r matl,'r that is d('sen'iug of
500 curd party lm;t \\'eek at' 1 hl',ir hOlIl(·.
Table aod Whlpplno
WYNNEWOOD Cotter's Meats
puhlk ,·Ollllll(·!lllatiou. Thp develop,
IIlt'ut is OU(' that will Ill' a distil,,'1 as,pt NarberthChoralSociety a1ll1 :\11'''' G. H. Sehulte, fornH'rly
of Elll1 'J'err:ll't', are ()('l'up,\'iug their
A Quality For
to ::\'arlll'rth. aud of whil'h 1'\"'1',\' ('iti·
zeu-wl)(·th"r 11" i, II t"lIlli, play,'r or
Hot. may \\,,,11 ],(' )ll'OlId.
(Coutinued from Page 1)

with the itlpa of producing a concert

lIew l1On\(' ill C;i<'lItlah', Ileal' Los ,\u·
gell~s, California. SCOII-POWELL DAIRIES People Who
'1']\(' 1I('\\" ('Ol1l't:-; :t1'l1 r:lpillly llf':!l'illJ.!'
of e,;pp',ial appeal to the average per-
~[r. E<hl'an] E, Hail",\'. Lallds"npe 45th and Parrish Sts. Want The Best
eOlllpll'1ioll all<1, as fore('ast ill th" 01"'11' sOil who eujoys good music, and will
Gal'd(')H'l', i:-\ t,he ('Ollt l'nt(,ol' doing 11lt~
ing paragraph, uul(',s Ilad w('ath"r illt('r, have iutermillgletl sOllle fflllliliar songs
wor), ill tlint. lill(' for 11. K. :-;lridd"r,
fen's with the ,,'ork, th,·~' \\'ill h(' rpad~'
for playing 011 Il"xt Saturday. ~la~' I.
whieh .\'e all lmow und love,
:\1 r. :'\i('lllllas 'I'hourou, oJ :\[t'riou.
g'a\(' a \'''1',\' iu,;ll'lIdi\'e talk Oil the I'Illli·
\\'ho has jllst: huilt a Iilll' honse on
::\1011 tgolll('ry n \'''11 nc. jllsl opposill' Sti p'
Educator and
Groceries and Provisions
The S"\'pll ,'ourts pla1lllt'<1 for thi, IIt'y's pla .. l'. 0\,<,1' ~(J1I tOilS of stolle
SellSOJl, aI'l' bping built 11.,- ·~Iost's L'a 111.', ulents .-lIld qualifications of choral or·
were required for tlI,' bp,l 01' the dri\'<'
of A)'(]lIlol'l',

of th" !l"st all,1 most
t' Il1-,,!:agl' ll 111 this l\:ill<1
gflnizations, pointing out essential fac,
tors to he I,ept in mind, and the
\\'ay, whi,'h will ha"" n ],ilrodit<' "nl··
fa"e. This 1101I'" \\ill 'he a pll'asillg
Kreider Shoes HARRY B. WALL
"rocI,s" that a musical organization for Children Plumbing, Gas Fitting
of \"ork, iu th,' Ea't. Ill' !luilt allum, :Hhlitioll to our '·OIl11l1l1l1ity.
her of lh,' .. ourt, al tl1l' :\I"riou ('ri .. ],· "h""i" al'oi". :\11'. Tholll'ou al,o r"latt'"
th" debils eonnected with the found· SPECIAL and Heating
<'t Clu!l al Han·l'ford. IIud abo "oul'ls The ]~itl,!! '," l>:ttlg-h1t'r;..; will }\ll1d (lIl'ir
iup; of the Orpheus Club, which started NARBERTH PA
in Gt'1'I11:lIItO\\n. !I" IIlso ha, th,· t'OU'
trnd 1'01' "rt'ding tht' !la('k stops, \\'hi"h with six mell who just" liked to sing,"
rnllimage "al" :\Iay tllird. Those lu\\', on School Shoes
ing runllllag~' will ldl':l:-'l) 11':1 \'(1 a1 -IO() Phone, Narberth 1602-J
\\'ill !It' 1\\'('1\'" f",·t high; th(· ,\'in' !l"iug until it gl'l'\\' into the pre,;pnt f:lIllom
!lIale ('lhlrus, ,,'hidt will SOOll ce1<'hrate
::\'arhl'rlh an'1I11l', III' ~I~ II:llllJ"I('1I a\'e, Better come in and look
held iu plat'(' !ly sul"laul ial irou posts
a III I top pit'"(,,. its Ii l'tieth auuiyersary. Mr. Thouron
11111~ •
them over
If nrti"I"s ..allllo! b" earripd, \\,e will
Thp n('\\, "0(11'1, will I,,· aUlllll;! th,'
,"pry hpst in thi:-; St,(·tioll of tht\ (·t)lIl1tJ'~·.
(·u"oura,.:e,l th,' Narherth Choral So·
('il'ty h~' t'arnpst expressions of pleasure
IIa \'p t h('111 c':<1ll', I for :\[oll,la~', ~[ay
Narberth Shoe Store , DAVIS'
St·t·OIl'1. A FULL I.INE OF'
'1'h,' tll),('(' uPI"']' ('''uris will I,,' 1oppt'<1 iu th(' I"~"ults of the first concert given
iu the :-",hool .\u,litorilllll, an,l state,l
1'l<oas,' ,,:<11 Xarberth ::8li H, or li2:: 209 Haverford Avenue CIGARS
wilh l},n'" il)(,h(', of roll('d "lay. On H il' rUllllllagp is to I", calletl for.
the fonr Iml'('r "ourts, to prm'id" th" 'it was clillkult to helieve surh aecom· Narberth Stationery. Magazine•• Candiea
proper ,Irainag'", it \raR n"t'",sar~- to put pli,;ll1l1,'ut s po"sihlp !l~' a town \\'hich
.\ lIIost'a !lit· t illiP was had h,\'
on ;,n t'ight ilJ('h b~'er of ciutlers, \\'hieh hall hut a half dOZ('1I houses when he th""e \Iho a11plld,',] the !>irtlHlay party
wcrt' roll"d to a firm, sullsta nt ial uloyp,l illto the nearhy eomnlunity fifty gi\'pll iu hOllor of Hllth Dnrhoro\\' last
fouu,lation. Six in('h,'s of roll,"] ('la~' ypars :t~().
Saturllay l'\,Cllilig. 'I'he guc:-;ts iuchHle(l
l'O\"PI'~ 1"hp (·illdl'l's. O\,p]":lll ':-:l'Yl'Jl ::'II:lIJy n('\\' appli('atious were receive,! ~Iiss,'s Jo'rall('i, lIalt, Prant'l's I(eilll,
eourt" will 'h" pla('ed a filial top ,]n's'" last ~[olltlay night for active memher· Hplcn Kpilll, i"oln'ig Knnl'zell, Etlythe
hlg, {'ollsistillg of a thin t'oat"ing of ship, auo! se\'('I'al applicautB aceepted. :\[anll, Edith :-;hindho, Bnth ))U1'horo\\'.
ma('a<1am tlu"t-th I't'e t ous to ('a('h alltl Esther ])ur!>oro\\'i also ~[('ssrs. Cl'('il
court, which will not only act as a hin,l· Andrews, Halph FOil <!('l'slllitlI, Samuel
er, and lllso make the eourls fast, hut
at the same tin)(' mal,,· tht'nl ,lry, aft('r
a hefl\'Y rain, Illlwh quicker tlmn the~'
Sell Property for Every-
and at Any Time.
Hartlllall, Tholllas Knntzl'n, Philip
KlllltZl'lI, 'Gprald Lt' \'all, .Iallll·s :\1,,·
:\i\'('n, :tI)(1 En'rett Phipps.
woultl unc]er ordinary eil'l'UlllstalH'es. THE COMMiSSiON IS 3%
A Big Year for Tennis
\"hile the A"sot'ialion's melllh('rHllip
is not )'('t full, Il('\\' lIlelllhers aI'" ,'om'

During the presellt month we "'ill

ing in quite rapi,lly. ~rt'ml)('rs who
ha\,(' friends whom tht'y waut to pro,
Phone, Narberth 1687
collect asllps e\,pry two ",ee],s, unless
t!Jere is a se\'ere ehange in the weather,
and starting with the month of ~IflY,
New Roofs for Old
the collections will be made during the Economically and Quickly
last week of (,flch J1lOnth.
Geo B Suplee , Accomplished With
LEE'S GARAGE Street Commissioner. ART CRAFT
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on ART CRAFT is firesafe and weather
all cars. All kinds of Auto Repairing proof; it gives lasting service; it comes
Work Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
Main Line Garage in beautiful tile designs-slate red or
Taxi Service Hauliolf of all kind. slate green. Laid right over oM wooden
Narberth 1805 L. C. SHAHAN, Prop. Packard Umouaioe to Hire shingles it saves the expense and labor
SABlE CENSORE of ripping off the old roof. Made by
Phone. Narbeyth 672
Bird and Son, inc., Established 1795,
makers ofthe reliable Neponset products.
..lsi. for our udvice and free estimates.
in the Garden Club of the Narberth Civic Association
alnsliet of fIJt 'tart 250 Haverford Ave.
Address , .. , , .............• Insurance of all kind~
Phone 302 J NARBERTH, PA.
I am a paying member of the Civic Association Auto Licenses Rents Collected
Marriage Licemes

k! l!aEt ROO!
................................................................... Affadavits for Income Tax
As membership in the Civic Association is necessary in order to Workmen's Compensation
become a member of the Garden ClUb, $1.00 to be enclosed, covering
year's dues for new members, 117 WINDSOR AVE.
Phon•• N.rh.rth-1247.J
Mail to the Garden Club, Box 118, Narberth

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