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Send In Fireside
·0' . . . . .
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'·· R . .'. .: ·
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..",. '1'·····'···,····0··
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Tennis Tournament
Next Saturday


New Series of Stock in Narberth B.&L. Annual Tennis Tournam~nt WiD Start
Will Open Next Thursday Evening Next Saturday Afternoon, Sept. 3
Narberth in Tie Community Club to AT TWO O'CLOCK-PLAYiNG ALL


For First Place I Meet on October 11
AND ONE HALF .\liss .\,iPle Can'." alltl ~Iis, Jlan'i"t ENGAGED
Our :'\al'''l'I'lh lta'C'''all "111" all,1 1'0111' Thl' :I 1111 lIal LalHlf ])a\' Ttl~ 1'I1:llllt'llt
YEARS 1'", ,,1'1." an' u1 LII"alelt£', :"I .•1.
of th,' oth£'r lIill('s-.\rdllloJ't·. BI'f\')'Il, of tllt' :":trht1 rth Tt'lItJil'O .\"":"ol'illti'}ll
Highlalld I'nrk all,1 \\':\."11". nn' nil tied 'i'h"I'l' i, :I hilll til' :I ut 1111111 in th" air.
~t:tfts lI('xt Sntnnla.\· aftprJlth)I1, ~l'Jlt(,-1I1­
T1I,' :\al'lwl'th Buildillg Hu,1 L"all As· for fil'sl pIn,· .. ill tl", ~(aill Lill" :1[1'''. Iloyal D. Tholuas i, ""t"rl,,i", The variolls t·tHII1l1ittt'('~ of thp '\·olll('n 's
1, .. 1' ;11',1, 011 tht· IIl'\\ "Olirts :It 1I1I",'r-
:<O"illtiol1 is ~,,"di"g out hlotl""s this Ll'agUt· rlll'(', a" till' rl':--tilt lIf la .. t ~at­ ill~ h('1' t'atllpr, ~rr. }Iril'p, of Pitt~hurg;h. (·Ulllllll1llit.\" ('Itlb ~lI"t' 11l1~.\· 1'lHJlJllIIg thl'
((11-.1 arId ~rtllltg'olllt'ry Il\"Plllh· .....
week ",h;,'h lIill !J" dplivl'r"d to """'y urlin,\' l~ g-a1l1(,~. ",illtl""s \\ Hl'k fill' th., tlq.~Ulliz:tl JOIl ~llld
J'lll.\'ing will Rtart I1)'(.)Jllpt 1,'- 111 ~ 0'·
home in :'\lll'h('J'th, (,lIlIing 1I1I,,"tiol1 to :'\nrll('l'lh had """II
ill firth pIa'·... hut Litt!" Ita; joillt'd his f'l1l1il,\'
"1:11"'11<'" (·\'t'r~·\\.'h(,l'l· t ht'r(' i~ t'\'idt'lIt'll of P:lg... ,1'
,·l""k, :111,1 ,"al"h"s will lI .. ",.]1<',1\111"(\
the new Thirty,,,,,,,oll,l Heries wl,i"h \\ ill th(' c!Pei:,i,'p ,-il·tory 0\'('1' Bryn ~la\Yr, ill :\ "\\ Ellg]'"I']. for 11 is "a"at iou. illtt--"rt,:"t ill t}lI' \\lIrk and Ida~' Clf tlit'
I'llI' all L"h"r lIa.'·. ~I'"IJI:I.'· tit.· lifth,
open Thnrsdny £,"ellillg, S£'pt. 1, at Elm all.] Bl'f\\'."11 ':-- "it'fllr," 0\'('1" ~'\l'dIIlOre, ('oJllin}! St.'HS{)n.
11l'I.dlllling- at H :\. ~l.
Hall, from ;.:;0 to !l.OO, wh£'11 1."" shan's IIl1d \\'aylll' 'R d('f"at of Highllllltl :I[i,," )-'rall"'" I("illi. of :"nilh :,\'"'' Ttlt':--dny. ()"loh,'1'
I It1l. i:"i 1111' tilllP
can h£' tak('1l alit ill ('ith('f tIl<' short Pal'k. "I<'aled tit£' IIl1i'lU" siluatioll of hprth a\"(lIIUP, is :-p{lJIClilJ;! this \\ t,pk at ~t'l fill' tht' llpt·nill1-:' lUtlchl'lIll. TlIt· :tlt- Entries Close Friday NClI."t
or long t£'rlll si'l'i"s. fi,·p of th{' ].t'ag-ul' 's 1·lulls Ililill~ til'd Lallgh"I'III'. JlOt:t:C'C'lIlt'llt i"i II1:tdp thll~ ('.n'l~· ill nrdt'l' [·:lIlri .., 1\111"1 ),,, ill Ih,· 1,:1:1.1, or the
Thi~ _·\~s{)("iatioll i~ now four.1(lPII alld for lil'"! pIa" ... that 11Iflllrl'I')'~ lila.," fPspr\,l' tht' datt'o TC!UI"Illtllltlllt ('Ollllllittt'p hy () P. )1., lIt.'xt
n llalf ,\'''llrs old 1I1l,1 durillg' that till'" Tilda." :'\arl'l'l'th play" .\1'.111101'1', at :Ill'. alld :Ill'''. .I"au .\Iit'u \tlUtor"d ;-';IH':lkc1r:- "('I't' c'lIgagt'll for this UC'(·i\· FI';,la.\', :--\ppt t'lllIH'''~, Tll(' IIH'll'bt'r~ of
hns lllatul'l'd 1,li,;V2 shar"s or paid to .-\rtlillort.', .tlid IH'n' 's J,!.'IHIlI hH·l{ to our 11\('1' 10 :\l'\\ Ro .. 1I('11", :'\. Y., t1:'i~ """'k. :-;ioll as ('ady :I~ 1a~t .luJu TJll~ l'rtl· 1
• tlJi' ('tllIlI.l,itt,·.. "1',' Hoh"rt r. ]':ttt.i-
it" "to<'khol,!<'l's "I' to this ,Iat£' $~;I.),J(HI. hlllll(' tlll\ II t,'alli. TIll' }'1l'S"lIt ti" for fltr a fUT·tllighl·:-: \ isit. g-J':tlll is 1I1(JS! ;lt1J':lt'li\'p, and thj~ }irolll- "''' . .11'.. ,·h";I'I\I:lII, \\'. .1. Kil'kl'"ll'i"k
Assets Close to Half Million I('ad"rshil' 1\;11 It" hrol"'II, alld th,' :'\al" i~l'~ to h0. '\ Lat t'IIt'l1 ill :-'lIt'('(,~!";()1I ha'" ;llld A. T. Thp t'IJ1I';llll'l' ft'(·

The fls~ets of the ASHl}('ialioll ar\' Jlt'l'th ho.'·s \\ill do th"ir I,..,t to 1I1:111£' II tI Iii lit'" of 1 hI' ,\"()Ull~ jl('(l111(' of hC'llH 1.,'1'01'1'. 1111' ('lilli's llllJ~t dt'li~htfld fOr t 1 :1,,11 Jl1a~'I'I',
in I'a('h ('\·t'IlT. i... :"t'\·pu·
OVl'r '1'4:';(1,11011, ,.oll"istin~ prill"il'ally of th(l "lll'I'ak" I'tllllf' our \\ay. :'\arl ... rtlt 'I" lit la"t :--iUlllh,\· at ()C'l':lll IlIllt·he·c·lI. ty-fh'l' c·t'Jlts, ('X('PI" for 1111' .JUlIirll·:-'··

nlnrt~q~l\:-: 011 ~arh(lrth propt rtip:-i, alld

1 ~I.\I:'\ I.I:'\E 1.1-:.\(;1'1-: :-;'1' A :'\])[ :'\(;:-;. !'it,\'. I'll£' \\ illll']' Ilrtlgr:llll~ art' :--t·lJ(·,lul,·d, :-'ill!.:I,'s alld If'"'I'],'s, whit'h i" tifty
th(';" ·nlUrtgag,·s ha"e all bC£'1I grullted W. I.. P.C. I'lit \\ith snlllt' (·:a ... til·il.\·, :Iud 1he, Pr('~i­ .'t·f1I~ 1'111' (,:ll,h !'l~ly('r ill t.1:tt'h t'\·,'lIt.

Ilft£'r a ('ollllnilt,'" of t111'£'£' of 1h£' Jli· :'\arh<'1'l iJ .1 .1i00 :III'. ",,01 :III'''. . lolI"s a",) f'"I,il.", of dl'llt \\ (lllid lit' glnd to ltlarll if tll('J'p is Tltt' .11111;"1'" 1I1"lt·h.,,, 1'1'01",],!,' \\ill lIot
re..tur", hll \'" "lIn'full,,- <,xall1 illl',l t h,· Bt·rw.vll •..•.....• " ·1 .IiOO CJ'P,\'IiIlg' a\-('II11t', an) spt.'nditlg tlu'ir \:t- ""," slIh.i",·I II Itit·h 111<'1111,,'1''' "I' tIlt' CI\lh ,ta .. t I'litil artt'r Lahor l)ay.
propl'rt.'· and al'l'loH't! thl' ap\,li"atioll .-\ rd II t'cH t.' .. ., .1i00 l'atlOI1 lit (){'(l:11l {,it~·. pnrti('ularl.'- \\ ish to s.·" illt'1uol",1 iii t h,' Tht' t'\-Pllt:-: :-,('h('cI\l}t'd ill th.' :-'l'flitll'';;' I

Highlalld l'alk ., .liOO ~·(·:·.r·:, \\ork. _\lldrt.·~:-; ~lI('h 1'{'CjlH1~t~ Tt.!lII"II:lllll'lIts art':
for a loall. anu whi"h has also 1.""11 oJ

n~pl'u\'l'd hy th,' "l1tir£' BoaI'd of Pi· W a,\' Ill' ...........• , " .ljOO :III'. 1Ia"i,'1 Lt·it..!, alit! falll i I." tll til.; (']l<'>,tllllt ~\velllli'. :"_:illgll':-'. :Iud ('tlJls,dntioll ~iu~lt..·t.
'.::;. 'reetors b£'for£'· it was grullt£'d. Bryn 1I1alll' ...... II .. .1100 spl'J1dilig thl'ir vat·a1 illll ali \1:-.11:11 at Tht' lJ~l1al 1J1\l~i(·:t1 Hlld lit('r:ll'~' :1I·ti- Ilouhlt's. a lid ('oll""la: iOIl )ll·uld,'so
.,':. ';
The :\'arh.'rth Builllillg" uu,1 Louu As· O .. ,'all ·Cit ..-. \ jtit'~ will 11,- rt'S\llI\l'd alld 1I:llIlt'''' :-1)"(1 L:1l1ip~' ~itlg-lf':-;.

soeiat ion is ('oll1pused of II1"U at "I \10, Narberth, 10; Bryn Mawr, O. a 11""" 11." I,,'ili~ ,'"wlll'11 for I1lt· F"II L"t1i"s' Ilou],lt's.
men 'who saH' to~eth('f by puttillg a,\':,.'- Left." Hood \Ill" iu ~rt'a t 1'01'111 la,t ?II r. alld ~II'''. Hob,'rt I lot ha rd. of :llilliJ,,·r.'· ('l"s". ~l i x,'d J )ollbl,·s.

ell(,~ mOllth illto tlH'ir own Tn'llsur." II :"aturtlay, holding Hr.'·1l :11:1\, I' t.) liH' \\':"ullt'\\ood Hna.l, :tn' ltIotoJ'illg through Thp otlil·t>rs, aIJd t'hairlllt'll (If t1l(' .JllllioJ':-" ~1I1g1ps.£' SUIll kl1{JWII as ",1I1£'s." This ~iJlglt.'s and ~t'(lriJig a ~hut'(l!lt \-il·t 111','". I ht 1
POt'OJ)OH. \":Iri(JlI~ ('Olllltll'fpc's st'll'(·tp.I to (~:Jtt', for .1 UlliflJ's' j)·oulJlps.
mOIl£'y i' th('11 ]oall£,u to sallie of the :'\AHBEHTH. tIll' (·IlII,II1.:! ~'l.':l~on arl1 : III th" fir,1 r""l1tls of' the val·jour<
,"l<tockholtl£'l's 011 r('al ,'stat£' S"('Ul'il.'· r. 11. o. il. ('. :IIi", 11,,1"11 H""lillg. of l':"l'x al1d Olll.cers. tOUl'lIallll'lIt,. Ih" TOllrllalll£,.llt ('l>1l1l1lil-
Or (In th£' s('curity of theil' Own ."toe·k. I'nw"ll. rf. :, 1 II o \\'illd~clr H\"t'JlUt.':O;, ha:o:: J'{'turIlP(l from :I
I'J'l'siclt'IJ1-:llrs. E. C. Batt·1H,],'r.
1t'" \\ill I'I'1ILiddy 11;00(' :dl tilt.' ('0111'!:-- 1'111'
nnd the· illt£,T("t s£'('un',1 lIl1d ('olledl',l Di{'kie, l"l" • • • • • • • • • " II I ':I',atioll sl"·,,t at UchollOth, D,'lawllr<'. tllll1'II11lJlt'lIt Jllatl'ht'~, 1111t :Il1lJdl' 111'0-
Fir~t Yi('l' Pr(·~itll'llt-)Jr:-:. L'lHI'I'II('C
monthl." frolll the' llll'llllwrs who horrow Burns. ". . (I II II \'i~ioll will lip II:adl' for thl' lI\(~tlllH'r~
)0'0\\ IeI'.
the ll;ol1ey· :t1so go"s illto their OWII Y. Fle"k, d I II (I II ~Ii"s .Iallt· A. :'\orris. of :'\orth :'\ar· \\ 110 an' l'lillliunh'd ill thp early l(Jutltl:",
•....:(>(·oll,l Yin' PI'~'.·,oidl'1I1--~Irs. _\. B.
Treasurx 1111'1 is h£'ld for the bl'lIefit of \\'. HUllIl'ltri,'s. ~b .. I II .1 .-) o herth H\'("U\I(', hn~ J'('turl1pd 1'1'0111 ('a~t'(J ~d I hat tllt',\' \\ ill h:1\'(' plellt.\· of c1ill'ur-
ull of tIl<' m'HI1,j,,,rs of the Asso<'iutioll. n. I·']('('k, If. 1 :: (I o Ba.'·. :llnhl£'. tUllit~· to I'la." llt .... llghollt tIl<' t""I'Il:\-
Trt''';Ilr<'I'-' :'1[1'-. Haro]d }'£'1I1l').
\Vh"11 thl' dill'S pai'l ill and the ill' Yl'\\ell, lh (I 11 ] o Jllt.'lI t.
H.'('ortlilll! :-;",. n't II 1'."-:'11 1'". "'" III t'r .:\[ t.'mbprs \\ hI) ll:l \-P 1I0t f'lltc'rt 1 d
.. terest eurlH',1 on same amotint to $200 I.'\l·l'y, ::1.0.••... ,.. I 1 :J o :llal't ill's 1>:1111 lll's l"'l'lI I'0plllar willI Owell.

a ,har£', th£' 8t'H'k matur£'s nnd ill this Hood, p :! II o "arll('rth s\\ i'lIIllCI''' all tlllrillg the sum· lhp \'lll'iOll~ tOilrllUII1PJlts :ln' uq.::(',{ ~o
Associlltion in the long term series it
t'lIr-rf'''Il(ludill~ ~t'(·rt.'t:lI'y--':\fr ... E ..\.
j.!flt ill tou('h wltll Chnirtll:lll Putti~nll ..:
tnlles e.I£'\'('n .'·ears' und four 1ll0llths, Totals .. , ..... , . 10 !l ,)-
~I Hi o (II' bliP of th(' otht'l' 1I1("IIlIH~r~ of flit.}
or in other words hy paying olle dollar BIlY~ MAWR :III'.•JoSt'ph \\'hil<', of Woodside ave· Chairmen ('oIll1llittp(' illllJl('dialply, at.lll not ,,-ait
~a'eh mOllth tUltil ,\'OU have pnid $136, r. h. o. a. e. hilS retufIle,1 frulll a fishing IIn.l
11U('. Litel'llture-~Ir". Hohert F. \\'ood. 1I111il thl" last thill!! Friday afterlloon.
::":'. _th.c: ::;to<.-k.·nloturcs and ~"ou are paid $1200 ('ul'\\'in, SS. • •..••• () 1 () 1 o ,!:'ullnillg trip to ~rain('. L,'gi'!lllioll-~fr.,. Ward W. PiC'J'sIJll. The dra,\\ illg,s for thl :\lplI'~ ~illgl(..s 1

.. ,'
.' '.11 share, a e!£'lln profit 01'$64 for £'uch FllrnulIl, 1'1'. . o 1 J tl 1 ~rtlRi,,-)JrF . .J os('ph Barcia.... all;] Doublt" \\ill I", Illude Fri.1:I~ night,
Ilhare yon llOld. Alhcrt"oll, 310. ••• , o
() o 1Thl' fri"lIels of A.•1. Newell wiII 1ll' 1 l?reRs-~In. Harrr .JIl£'Qbs. all,1 (!vl'r.vtltillg will lte rCol·l\· tit "tnrt .. (
":, Long and Short Term Series Dilworth, d. o o glu .l to learn that he is r('("ovt~rin.g from
o 1 l .lullior-)frs. Horace :Moore. thl' first mat,.)l£,s prol1lptly at 2 t.> "']o"k
The Narherth Building and LOlln As- L. H 'ugh, ill.
J J o (I
o a sev('re carhun£'.le wh ichhlls confin('(1 '* Finnll('~~rrs. E,lwin C{)('krill, 011 l4aturc]u," aftf'rllOOll,
Burns, rf. . 1 tl . o 1
him to his hOllle for the past week. :\f"n,ll('rshir-~[J's. G£'orge Gilpin ..Jr.
, ..... ,.
. .socin.tion has 8,104 shares in force,
.. "wlJieh means a payment of $8,104, 2 o o
~Iaguire, c., 1'. .,. o 0 (Oontinued on Page 4.)
,:"wiIicb, together with tlle interest, fines' A. H 'ugh, I h. .,., o
tl o ,)'fr. llnd ~frs. C. P. Fowler and

,rlndthe amounts paid off by borrowers, Cooney, 1'. () :,l o 0

1 daughters Margaret IlIHI Thelma, have FALL ARBOR DAY, OCTOBER 28. LANDS BIG FISH
'.: makes '. tbe receipts of the Association gone to Long Islllnd for n t.wo wl'eks'
~om.$10,000 to $15,000 a month, so Totals , 0 5 24 5 ;; visit. Dr. Thomns E. Pillegan, State Sup('r- \Vbil£' 011 his vacutiou in ~[nr."lalt'j
. 'that each month there is mOlley avail, Bryn Mnwr , 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0- 0 intentlent of Public Iustruction, has last \\'e£'k, ~fr, Nnthan :Montgomery, of
.'able to loan on good mortgages to bome ~arberth 0 0 3 0 7 0 0 0 x-l0 The Misses Shny lind t!wir mother, 1',0\lsh urr<t Farm, landed n rock fish·
nllnouncetl that. nfter n ~ollfercn('e
buyers. Double plays....:Dickie,. Humphries !lnd Mrs. Shay, ilf the Winne Apartments, with the Governor, it nas heen deeitle<l w('i~hillg eighteen 'pounds. Mr. :Mont-
," ··.":Thc short tenuseries benefits· in the Yowell; Lacey alld Yowell. Struck out nrc va£'ntionillg at 'I'\nv£'sillk, N. J., fin,1 thnt the .fllll Arbor Dny and Bir.1 Dny g'I\II"I'r il' n nati\'e of Mltl'yl:tIId and
'earJililgs to the same extent as the long -By Hood, 6; Cooney, 11. Bases on la1er will go on to Collnecticut shoull] be observed 011 Priday, October ItIlS dOlle conaiderable fishJng i~l 'the
.terlll,.and by paying in two doUars a balIs-Qff Hood, 4; Cooney, 3. Umpire 28. In due time II proclamation will SIIRqlll'hnlllla. Hi\,('f, allcl his Intl'st :catch'
'.sliilreeach month in plnce of one dol- -Boone. Mrs. Agnes Biles find 'laughter Lois, be issue,! by the Governor allll a pro- is ,Hid t () he one of the largest" rl)('ks';.....
" " (II.r, its' in the ICIng term, thestoek mn· , of Brooklyn, were the guests of Mrs. gntm preparecl hy the Department of tIlkeu froJll that river in severnlycttl'i<.
,."..,.turlls inn little mOre than half the Berwyn, 5; Ardmore, 4. C. P.Fowlcr, of 10i Elmwood avenue, Publie lnstrudion. Commissioner of ?Ill'. Doremus Brownbnck, who !teeom-
);'., .:: :time; IUid for filly one who' is using ll. In a close and exciting game at Ber, for several dnys. Forestrr Gilford Pinchot has been· re- I'lluit'<! ~fr. Moutgomery 011 th£" trip,
:,.:<'. Buiiding ancI Loan Association to ac- wyn, Berwyn defeated Ardmore, 5 to 4. queste.\ to IlRSist in outlining the pro- also hooked n mouster fish but ho got
~fr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood Wimer nnd
gram to be ohs£'rvl'd tllToughout the H'\:1". But such things'willhaPPCJl
(Continued 011 Page 4) (Continued on .page 4,) son Billy ':who are 8ul1JJIle~ing at ·Ocean $tate. with thc'hest offis!Jermen.
Cit,y, have hlla as their houtieguest for
four we{'ks, Jfr. Wi'l\Jor's sister frotil

.~ . N.ARBERTH••.
··,.,ns·,,···:o·,o···:·n.·.. t,.,,:. L··,
. ~';'
*h~~l'·Q . . .OLASSIFIED,
' ... AD~ERTiStMEN:16
, .::, ." _. ' "

Open ToJ»ablic, Tridal, 2-5.30;

., . ..... - '. . '. ..
.. ' .....
' .• , i
.... ; .. . .... .. , -'
; ~' ' ; ..



lIuturnli~t. J helievc you will admit th,· Of coune, we

Ih,' Fire,ide larger thun any timc in Telephones.
OUR TOWN th,' histor.v of thl' pupl'r. llUllIl' of the lllte John Burroughs as
tlUlI of u lIalllrlllis!. quote his
1267 deliver - aJiJ
.\ .. haill is 110 strong"r than its \\"cll.k- 1268 Ume.
Olrned and Published every Saturday ('st link. an,l a 1'01ll1llUllit-y pl'I,er only opinion uno· ehsl'/'I'ntion on the English
b7 the Narberth Chic Association. I't'flt-cts thl' illl"rl',t "f it" friends. "'e sp'll'ro\\'. Thl' latl' lamented Col. Th"II' The Brightest Spot in Narberth
:1 ....... 111'(" our r(,:ld,'1's of' otlr appre(·iation dorl' Ho"s"I'1'1t WlIS an Illllateur 010·
Suh~cription price 011<' ,Iollar ulI,1 fifty
cents per yeur in a,h IIl1e('.
of this h.. lplul "')'''pl'rat i,,". II hi .. h gin·s ~ei'\'t'r of lin IllP:l1I \\"()rth~\\hat dOI'~ A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
JlI'(llHi~t' H.t' a lal'~l'r allil in.'n-a:-lillg1y Ill' ",)' of th"I1I/
itltt'l't,~til\g paper ill t1ll flit tnt', 1 Thl' ",",·h IUII"'lIt,'d ;'\('lIz,' Blalll·hall,
OFFIOERS OF THE NARBERTH thl' Bird Editor III' :\lItllrl' Lihrary
(lhlllhlt'day.l'ag-1' & ell.). 11111:111 ofl1~I\l't
March 31, 1921
, George A. Mahl
1111 'ag-rielllturalist of 110 1I11'all ntt"ill' Are You Thinking of Buying a
p(llit·~· 11If"llt, H ('it." alill tOWII Illan of' H('('OIll-
Joseph H. Nash
Augu,tus J. Loos
Mrs. C. 1'. Fowler
":l!! tIlt'

York Tilllt's'
that's lit to I'rillt,"
tlt'\':" i:-l
llut. pli.,I,II"'III. alld all 1I1't ist-I'ollsult hil1l. Home?
OUl' '1'0\111 ha.- II 110'11 S p"lil',l" that is AI,o '-III1'lIlt .'"hll HI'('I·k of L'alifol'llia. AT THIS TIME OUR LISTINGS OFFER YOU A SPLENDID VARIETY
TreasureI' Miss :Maizie J. Simpson
Secretary Robert J. Edgar -1111,,'11 hat lIiff"I'I'II1. "'" helicyl' that \\'hat dot's all this talk ahout hirds
l·\-'·I.\"tltillg' that h:tppt'lIs fll' i:-i :-il'1l(:,dul~d Ilt':"lill~ around our hOllll'S ('()Jlll' frotH ~
Directors, to !'erve until 1923: MrS.
It has it orij..{in nut in n po:-; . . ihlp l'ontli- IN A SHORT TIME THE FALL SELLING SEASON OPENS AND THE
Robert P. Wood, J. Garfield Athorholt, tIl h:lj'I"'ll. :t kllllWltl.)g-I' tlf \\-hif'h wnubl S

1. A. lIliller, C. Lawrence 'Vurwiek, lit' llt'lll'fi(·i:d to :'\arht'rth anti :'\nr- till". I'llt ill lhl~ wi,h thut it mighl hI' OPPORTUNITIES THAT ARE NOW AV AILABLE WILL BE GONE.
A. E. Wohlert, Philip A. Livingston. 11\'1'1 h pt'old,l, i~ Ilt'" "'-- nnd lIPW .... or 111p "'. I hal'(' told yOIl ""I'('r:d tlllll''' that
Directors, to serve until ID22: J. J. 11'1' hal'(' all thl' Ioir,b of all till' I'uri,',
Cabre~', Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas,
C. H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hull, Harry
A. Jucobs.
Ii ".. 1 i III portH lIe",I,

fhi ... l'lllllltl(·tillll
to tb(1 fir~t·pagl..'
\\1' ('all
,\'(IUI' at· til'_ that w,' ''''1'1' h",I. alld ill ulldilll-
illi."hl'o II II III Io,'rs, alld olle has dun'l! tn
;\1.'1\11 th,' Ilt'W :-it'l'illS of stOt'k to bl' i:",· "olltraclid lilt·. I hlll',· gn'at r,'sl",,·t
PHILTP A. LJ\'J.'\G~T(j.'\. ,""" I,," the' ;'\arllt'rlh Buildillg allel all.1 sYlllpathy for thr goo,1 1)('01'11' who 1214 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
Editor. L"1l1I .\"')I'i"ti"lI. TI",t artil'l,· \l'a!' put "I'al'(' thl' '''"111'"".1" of 0111' fl'ath"f('d
llll tht l
fin~t pngf' hl'('au~f', ill (lUI' opiu- nl'ighho"". hut II'h~" ("J")' for till' lIIoon. Branch Office at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
MAIZ1E J. SIMPSON, i"u. it tll'al, \\'ith a :.;uhjel'l thaI i!' of HIli" hiI'd!', orioll'!'. lilldH'S lllld th,' Yal'i-
Oashier. \ Ita I illlp",·tall .. e to Ollr Borough all,1 ou:-o \\ ild ('lIllaril':-< Il('\'pr (lid ne:-ot in our Member Philadelphia Real Eatate Board
Ollr PI'oldll, Thp .:\~so('iation i ... n mu- l'()n~hc:-; anti lI<.'\'l'r will; they art' ~l1S­
Send all ad,·tlrtil,ing and news items to ttl!l {lr~alliJ':ltjOJ\, 11:\:-, hf't.'11 a hig- fur· "i"i"us 1I11d shy of us. T('lIl·h the
r. O. Box 966.
till' ill h,']pillg "","y p"opl,· :Il'qllil'!' :lIId gO'III 1,,"01'1,' hll\l' to hidl' hinl hoxes
Our Town is on sale st the depot ill illl'iting hut s,'plllingly illllll'I'ssihle
I",ild th"il' hOIl'''!'. allil has hplppd Ollr
ae~tl8ta.d, and at the store of H. E. "llI('I'S, alld t(':II'h th,'m to kl'ep the ,oat
I"t,:,..j.jPllt..; ill thpj" hll . . illl'S:"lIS all,] ill ~n\"

Duia. ill::, tlll,jr 1l11l!l(I,\"."; for \'ari()Ll~ pUl'jlOSPloO, ill propl'r hOlllld,. alld you will tl'al'h
Entered as second·class mattor In 0:111'1' wurds, \\{' I'(.'gartl R. & L. HewS th,'11I how to han' hinl n('ighhors, lIlId
October 15, 1914, at the Po8t Office r.t as gl'lllI i II \~ HI'\\"~-l'OJl:-;~'l'ur-tiy(\ lIt'\\·S, at (hl' sUllie til1ll' thl'Y will wOlry h'!'s
Narberth, Pcnnsylvania, nnder the act lIbout the sparrll\\' Illld his sUl'po!'l'd
:1I111 quill' :l:-; illlportHnt as loiOIl\l' of tht'

of March, 1819. ']"I>rl'dutioll.
Illill"l' tlrall afil' h:l)lp(,llill~s of tIlt' da,\',
With all th is 'Illl'SI i,," Jlli;,d,t al'i"l'.
Is thl' sparro\\" useful/
OUR TOWN wtll gladly print Cvmmunications "'" arl' 1I11 l'milll'Jltly lIlatl'l'iali,,1 i..
any news ihm about any subject pl'Oplt'. So 1 \\'ill aIlSWl'l' the mlltl'rilll
that is of interest to Narberth T" 11,,· Edit"I' of Our 1'01111: ,id,' fir,t. r snt Oil l1Iy port'll at O('elln System in saving-as in business-produces the greatest results.
tolks, but in order to meet the ',"uull! it lIot Ill' a g-ood thilll! til l'ause ('ity. X.. J., o\'l'rlookillg Illy glll'dell for
print1ng schedule, aU "copy" thi' all'i'st of ,Oil'" of th,' trlll'k drivers say tll'·lIt.l· days or 1)lIrts of ,lay" ill A fixed sum deposited regularly with us means certain growth. for
-mauuscripts-must reach the \\'ho ,lri\ l' t hr'''';.:h \'al'Iol'l'th a" though SU('('('~SiOIl, anrl ,,'utt'lll:'d 1hl' InO\l'HHlllt~ the principal is always invested. no matter how little or how much itl
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each tra:H,' alld :->'ll','.1 n'gI11atiol\:-i did not of a pnir of I'~llglish spun'ows. whi!l">
week. ('.d:-ol! I 111(":111 Illtlt\l partieularl,\- tilt'
may be, earning interest that is credited regularly.
they II'l'l'I' bllsily l'ngagl'd ill f"l'lliIlJ
d(·lin·l',\' t 1'1II'1:s Ill' thl' lal'g" J'biladl'l- t}]('l'l'. To ohsel'\'1' tlll'ir qui"k re.<tks; Let us give yon further information.
phia stfJI'I''';,. Thl~.\· P\'ill('l' a ('ri-ntinul l'H'r nll'rt lIIo\'elllent~ W!18 "OllstalltOI'-
SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 1921 ":'I'h',!,'"'''' fill' th,' rights of the othl'), ('lIpat iOIl for onl' SO lIIind,·d. It s(','III ('fl
f,'Il11Il". RB:-'IDE.:\'r. to lllP thnt they were thl'rl' 1'01' hllgs,
l'ggs llnd lnrvae, hut how wus I to
kllow hel'HlIse of their e\-i! rl'putntioll,
m~r :!IIllrrtnu IDitlr nub mrust aInmpanu
Fire, 350
Poliee, 1250 RAGES Hnd were lish'd UH of "no n('('ount" of Arilmort. , •.
to thl' gardelll'r. After sUt·h time as .. "
Ardmore Narberth BaJ.·Cynwyd
To 1 lit' 'Editur of Our '1'0\\'11: wns IIl'l',lful for the growth uno in-

Editorial ",t
., Lit\'lona- ill\t':"'ti~'1ltillll h~'
Ilatllrali,t I"" ,ho\\'11 that. to a
thl' ~r(lat· de]Jelldl'nl'e of thl' youllg of this pail',.
I "[lIlsrd OIlP of thl'lIl to hI' shot, alld

)- ., 1Hit
Th~ ,'alt'lIdar says" AUg-l"t :.~. j jar~t'r "xtt'l1l, th,' ElIg'li,h 'I'arro\\' 1 ('1I9s
to n'I,la,'" otht'r sp"I'it's of hirds arOllllll
examille'! t h" stollllll"h of 1 h,' •• poor
suffl'l'ing for knoli'll'dj.(l' 's sak,'.·'
the tang of AUtUIlIII is in thl' Blr. (lUI' hOHIt·s,·' i:-; 0pt'lIl1g' pa-r..lgraph:-i 011 was nol al nil astonishell to linr! a

liD\\" nre yUHI' tlahlia~ ('Olllillg; along;

)l:l!.!."f' -!, .\u~u:-;t ~Oth
~·ll\Y, 111," dl':l1"
i ....... up of OUI' '1'0\\11.
sir, It·t 111'.1 i S:-o lIt' n
I"l\l'it'ty of l'ntomologi"nl l1lat('riul in
that hird's sto1l1ach, running fl'olll the
DOII't forgl't th,' Fall FlolI'('r :-holl 011
Spptemlwr 2!.
din'j't ('h:tllell,!!.l' to
thi" part i I'lll til' ,'harg,', Pit'",,'. oh pll'a'e
.prillt thl' uaill" of lhl' lIutlll'lllist, nlld
."(ltl to :-'tlh~ta1ttiate ,·.ggs of the 1'0.I1I1l1on L'olom'!o hrptlp to
fl'JIlnll' lIuts, and WI' <,ountpt! h\'('nty
41 iff"r('n t su hstu ncrs.
",'\"lll'lI n 1...·111'1' n('('d" a fl';"II'!' '-- tht' occa,ioll Oil ",hi..!, or for whi~h he Xot ~onlenlerl wilh Ill,\" 011',1 t'xp('ri- To a
school opell!' Tupsdny, I';I'['t"IIII,l'l' ti. or sh,' (the lIatllralist) Iliad" slleh a f"1)l'C' , I wrote fa I'III£'r anti H.n.r(l{'ner Loaf of Our
cli:Il'gt' alld tl1(' 1I1l'diulll of cOIIJllllllli":l- fri'.'llils in sel'cral wid ply sl'att"J'l'd Bec- Wholesome
" 'YeTI. Wl' 11011 't hUI'1' to I'ut tIll' lawil thll. tions of this ble><s('c! count 1'." of OIlI'S
many more tillll'S, allil that's ll(tllll' con- Ll't IItl' tl'lI yOIl sOlltethill,:( of the IIwI deliA'lltfully founll thnt they hud
solatioll) e\'ell if the alllntl'llr propbets
say it will he all "old fashionl'rl win·
hi,tor." . of the origill of ,0 III " of the
r"ports and the psycholog~' of thl'se 1'1'-
hn·] similnr pxpcril'n('es, and froUl them
datcs Illy o"fl'uee of the 1lI1lt'h 1ll1l1il1f!l'd
tel'. , ,
]Jo)'ts. 111 the fir,t 1'1:"'1', 1II0St of them hut fri"ndly biJ'dR. w. particularly pride
oun.l.e. on our
a,·,' IIIU'ho (thl' 1'l'lllIrt,,) h,v pl'r~olls 1I0t :-Io\\' II" to authenti l· side of thl' de',
Anllual Labor Day Toul'lI'uncnt of the spl'eiull.l· truiu"" as ohst'rI"'ri!, olld ure fensI'. Spnrrows as all obj'l'! 011 the TWO DELIVERIES DAILY Phon. IIINb.rtb 1705 .,' ..
Narbl'rth Tennis Associatioil sturts next th" out('om" of a DE1fAND and not lan,lsl'npe arc pleasing to thl' l'yl', thl'Y
.Saturday aftcmoon, September :~. The
now eourfs of the Associutioll are cer-
. tainly n credit to the town.
th" spolltaueous coutd-bution to science arc symllletricai. ~purrows arl' jo.,·ous.
that your denuneiation of the sparrow 1"pnrro\l's nrc with liS all th" ~·I'llr.
\\'oulo lead 0111' to helieve: JI1 conclusion, h,t lIlC thn'll( y011 for
.\ ft"r the SplllTOW had h(,(?ll imported the cOllrtesy you ha 1"\' shown me ill so
Our efficient young ladies at th.· Post illto. this coulltry 1I11d released. for tho pntiently heal'illg with Illl'. 1I1ld niNO al-
OfUcesay thcy certainly will QI>preciat.e purpo"e of assisting in thl' Ilestruction low me to cxpreSK IllY' ndmirntion for
.it j-f those of our men folks who call of (·,'rtnill 1I10ths, thl' IlIrvlle of which YQlt ill that yOIl llll\''' hel'JI uhII' to
at the Post Offipe for thoir mail, will .\\"1'1"1' very dl'stnirtil'" of 11'111' lifl' of decipher my lIwful sl'raw!. It has sel-
be so kind as to hlow the RlIloke of
. their cigar, cigarette and pipe in almost
trN's, mllinl.v i/l ;'\.'\\" England, it ",us d'OIll been my plel\slll'e to hu I'e a puh- ATTENTION
fou/lo thut the)' (the spul'row!') w,,/'e Iisher who was nhll' to read my copy
.. any dil'ection but right through the I wish to inform my numerous friends and clients that I have
/lot pUl'tie'ularly f01lI1 of thi!' form of without help.
•... window. opened a Branch Office at
. foo~1. It is quit,· Jlllt untl thut th,' P"orll' Respl'd fllll~'1
I'esponsihle for the importution Wl'ro F. W. K ~1'I·mE~L 1415 Locust Street,. Philadelphia
The Women's (~olllnlUnit,y Club has disJ.ppointe,1 ulHI .,·ou 1l111~' rl'st IIssurl" I
'don,e many worth while things in and werl' llhunduntly j,,.hed by the neigh- in the office of
for :r\arberth, but none of their nchieve' hoI'S. Then ])('l-(lIn the ,lelllulHI for To the l~oit')r of Onr TowlI:
ments is more de.serving of public spnrrow killing. 1{y little suggestio II u fl'w wCl'ks ago FREDERICK HERMANN
~,,',:':':'. .prnis.e and' commendation than their tlIll. t tl Ie Rpurrow' ent I1l1l!1l\S
. t rIIl,se
. tlWill
, rpjuvellation of the Nar.bertll Library.
"¥Oll mu~t know thnt thl' "rl!inary
employe of un ag,ri('ultural stlltion is for his O\\"n e,di.ficntion hus hel'lJ til ken
Realt1IDd Morlga'f'
',; ~,
,","', ," The ,'ery nowest llnrl hest books arc the nlld"rgral!uatl' of the eollegl' or by olle of your corre8poudl'ul!' to llleUll Reliable and prompt services in aU branches, Philadelphia, Central
.; valin'blo to the 'lmblie and e,-cry ef·
• 1\.
sehool of whi,.h the station is n pnrt. t h ' I Ill' S)IllIT{)\I' Iover
ut SOIllO l'urtlcll and Main Line Suburban
:,,", .':
. for't,is made to give Narherth efficiont OUr agriculturnl I1xpert .. receives it de. . ",'IS re I' Nrc(.! t o. Fa I' f,rolll 1 't:M
. "yon Iy REALTY
. 'Hbw:ry service. IIlllnd for ideus, II dl'lIllll111 for methods thol,lght in eouectiim with this ~\\"as that
'i>' 11Il·1 IIll'uns to kill off this o,wful sOl11e· liS liearly everyone is doing his best to Building'.Association and other mortgage funds available for Phlla-
;,'.'._.;'.):. WE ~HANX YOU thing, \I'hieh some ono carelessly thrust wipe out th; pest, t,hO fe,w hlird ,1ov~rs delphia ..and Main Line .properties.· Fire aU its bro.nches..
---,....- upon U~ with the i(lell of helping us, thul' CIIII to.('rato t ICm ShOll il "onliuo PblljuielPbta and New.iersey Notary Public, pennsylvania. Oo~ioner
F> The splondid'response in the last few out in reulit~- reNu~tiJlg in injuring us,' thl'ir interest ill.this sjll'cil's til SOllll' of Deeds for New Jerlley.
~;, .':""eeks to our-request· for news material niHI l.\Ir.. Agriellitlirnl Expcrtfllkoll ·or- ' . point II'hl'l'e they wm~ot illtl'rfcre with HOUSes' for ;8.Ie, fUrnished o.nd ~fUrnished. Best list in Narberth;
{"':,"',, h~fl been indeed gratifying. Knch week del'. He pduts n bUiletiu and pay~ his others' lltteJilIJtsto keep thelll from prices reason"ble o.nd. terms .to sult•.
~fl::' , -:~e'linVIl receivo'd crozens ofletters With bill nt pllblil·expenSe. NOI\'sonllJOne their OWII -property. •. ... l ' .

!'iF:::.. Qh{9rliloroFirelii~0 items, mn~y from higher ~P.. Bee· thes bullethi lllld' 'i\'al\t~ . • I Jiu\'e boeh voi'y ilUlChiutcrest!Jd in.
't~.;",: .toJlis'who' ~~V:~hi,t~erto Belitin·ud'll)a~. to.' know thercRlI9u."·hy; So ~{r.th06figil\li.l, ller ies ,of. Ili'ticlell 'in Jhe
'I', 't'erial , . , .' . . . . AgricU1turt\lExl>ertogRin'get~.bU:sy<. Gnrd!ln'ColiUllu<h~' C" D. 'R.) lui tho . . . '. NARBERTH·"A. '.
TIJ.i~';0~~Cll~ii~'8pirit.of:.c~'o'poi'lIti~n···.!i,i4 :wlU~;' nll.ilf which ,is "'0;1' '.• '. ee.o,liQ~il1~.vallieof birdl\,. and thQ ,spllr'··
: \ . , .. " '. J "
: •., : : , : ; tellaus . Narberth TillephpJl8S:'
, ' ; has' ,.be~~, .ill o..·.lal'~~, ,meas\lr(lj'. ic8p~Ji~:.deJ'flillii~iJilt: 'up .from'n.s;Yi\;~l:·~¥~il'· . row .eyik ·.In 'We "f8,~e of the'. accuracy' ·omce:Narborth.17l1S.)· ,
:,",' t~tpl(j lor thil ::flie"t . t\1iit' .~ 'OJlf' Town I '··iil: . f;O'nt6·. 'f{)rbiddi!lg' hIWl',' iitt{l·~ which· '. of this Bcries. 'of· ~rti~ie8iI.,Cailn~tuil~·· . , B.e'id~ce:.1i&.tbe~ 1687.
~t~ ;', hu" bee~ ~li.\lbled'"to, rtin uni~t~rt:lll?t!!d" .' the' iluliti.ever··~ines:~·lld. fro~.\ ,vhi~b. d~rst~n(l·. the '~ol1.~tnn~.~em.i\ndof'.iiif
?:<:·~h*~l,igh. .'Atigust~~ifO.l\: ~~,..:ii~t:tt~~:'JD:~ :,::gr~I$S uiid·.s_hrllb,s;.und.~tr.eeil':ellih'elY.l!r~,: ,o~)]io~eilt .. oft~i~:!,~O~CIilCl1t; •. !or.·fuct!,: ...'.. ' •". Ph11a4elphia, .Bell Phon~ Connection.

,.;,:,,8~Y;~i~1~~~~i~i~~I.giiil~i;~ ',;1:l~~ii~Kf~~~:,3~:'1:~!~&;:~~~,!~;,,~?~2:'l[,i :~~~z~~~~~~£f~~;~~i~::i.J,J.~:··d·.~~~ti:;~~:z~:t":;;j~·~''''l''i''~'''~''''~:&'~' '~'~'Et:tt~~'~''j"~"~'.~.~'i'j"3';;::~j~~=tZ~~ii:;l~

. ',": . ;", :;.' .':"':" .,"":~ ,,':; .: 'j:"""


Viea Versa Twins

Church Notes. Communication.
NrlUS of tltr UUturrllrs Fnion l'ru~'er l\heting Weduesday (Oontinued from Page 2.) Flaesa ftlotoDlQ The-


e\'euing, August
Chllr('h. Leadpr,
:lbt, in the Bnptist
~Iiss Ryu, of Chiun. The series of nrliples was a l"'II",rkahly
Are At It Again .tre 01 Its SIze -fa tbe
Eatlre World.
PIt.toplaye-CoDtiDDoDS 10 A. M. 10 11•••
MEETING HOUSE, Hou. Fletl'111'r W. ~'Hites, of Nar- 11"1,11 gotten tog-etht'r collectioll of flld~. P.M.
bl,rth, \\ill hc thp speaker nt the Lllhor And in reply to the Btatell,pllt, iu BUT ., VISA" SAYS HE'S THROUGH PhD... ? ..
Montgomery Pike, Nnrberth, vms esta.b-
lished 1682. Hore William Peon wor- ~uuda~' Hally lit tht' I'uion Twilight :'III'. l"l<'del)l's lettpr of Inst \\('1'1;. I WITH" VERSA" AND IS AFTER
shiped, ns well o.s many other noted ~('r\'i('l' oil ~lIl1dl\.", ~l\ptl'1Il1J{'r 4th. think it is evirl,'ut thllt- ONE M'OAH!LL-Ol'HER
Friends. One of the historicnl spots of Fir,t-Thp c'asp IIgllin~t th,' 1-:1I~li"h RATING MATCHES PROGRAM
~I'"rrol\" hilS h,>ell estllblishp,1 by th.,
America is open for worship every
First-day (Sunday) morniug at 11
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. lifploug stud.,' of trniup,! 1I11c! l'uthusi- WI'II, tru'> to our 1'1'1',li,·tion, the Yba WEEK OF AUG. 29
o'clock. First-duy School begius at 10 I R!,tir. ill \"(l!'\tig-afoTR. ProofR ",hil'h tli~-
\'pl'~a 'I'wins had III10th,'1' Sl'tto this
A. M. Yisitors cordially invited. Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. agrl'p
with anotlll'r'~ ,--i(,\\'~, or P\'l'JI
his 0\\"11 PXIWn'fH'I'S l'an Hilt in
P11~t wepk. :11111 ('hllng-(ld' Hating TOlll'll:I;Il··nt of 1h.'
I')U(''''S OIl('P "The Snob"
The First·day School is held every IIl(lI'{' III
fairness I,e eallpc! igllol'llllt all,1 ahu,i\'"
First·duy morning at ten o'clock. There ,,It',,ting,, for August ~sth: :'\arhprth Tl'lIni" .\ 8:'01' ial iOIl.
is a clnss for ndults as woll as for !'.-l~l .\. ?l1.-f-\lIu,lay School. Classel \\"l' ref\')', of ('our:-Ol'. to :\'I(·~~l's. Hoy
sC"'olld-Th,' "tllt,'III,'lIt that all thl' IlIAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NBAB
children, nnd we are \'cry glad to hnvo for :III. \\'illi'lillS 1I11d 1IowlIl',1 \Vhitn·'.". \\'hplI
birrl!-l that {'Y('T did ('{)lIgrp!!uf(' or lWttp As POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. M.. 1••00......
anyono who is interested in knowing tl,,· rllting lias first 1'0,,,'.1, Whitl"'.\· ••JII. 11.411. 1.4lI. 0.80 P. II.
11.1111 _\. :'II.--:'Ilorning Worship. The and IJ(\~t 1l(l:lT nH11I ':-;. ha,hitation ('ontirnlP
more nbout our Socit>ty of Frienos and fll·(·lIpip.1 pIa ..., :'\0. Ii. Hoy thought that
St'l'Ilion \\ ill hI' d.'!i\·"l'l'd by Hev. L. 11. to do ~u ill ("f}lIal·rR i:-o n~~llill~t 1h(l
the Friendly ideas Yisit with us. lias all wrong alld .. hallt'lIgl',1 Whit lIey,
KI'illl, of )iarlJerth. :1('111:11 t'XIH'ril'IH'I' of thnll~all(l:4 of ldrd


Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.
i.flo I'. ~l.-I·nion 'I'll ilight ?llel'ting,
\\ ith speakl'r furnish"d Io,\' tht' Baptist
lovers throughout tht' ,'ounlry I\"ho ha\'.'
assistpd in the ill\'t'stigntiolls of' the
an,1 \\'on, and thl'lI Roy IW"HIlIt' :,\". G
anoi \\'hit elropp"tI down to ~o. i. That NARBERTH GARAGE
('hur,·I.1. status of this pl'S!' I kuol\" of' c!OZI'IIS
"tat" of affair didn 'I Illst 101lg- I,,'c'au,,' Raymond Weil•• Proprietor
Early Mass ou Sundnys nl 7 A. M. Whit f.'}t I'ertllin that l{oy's vil·tory
Late Mass, 10 A. M.
X(>~t \\'edlll'sday l'\"'lIillg -th" {'nion
Pra."" I" :'vlc'l'eting II ill bt' 11l'lel in thl'
of pt'rsons. ul'ithl'r ignol'lInt nor IIhllsin',
II ho havt' hlld tllt'ir \:p"t .>fforts lit at-
was tlte mert"t llIatter of .·han'·l' alld GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
Masses on holy days, 6.30 nnd 8.30
Baptist ('hure·h, lI'ith It'acll'r fronl the tradillg vllluahlt· hirds to th,'ir groulllls i to pro\'e that he ha" the goods, hl' EXPERT REPAIRING
A. M. Weekdays at 8. E"ening devo·
~Iethodist (·hutl·h. th\lllrtt',f h~' tht'sp husky ill1l1lillrallt~. (·halll'lI!!"" Hoy, und won, lind \\'hit T .lepboDe Narberth 1633
tions nno other serYices at rogular Ino, ed "1' '111(1 Ho~' mo\'l"! dowlI.
T,hird-Youl' I· ...rrt'''l'0lldent if) last
times. Wl'pk '~ i~~l1t\ '{uofl'S lily stntelllPnt that i
! Last :'I[onday thl'." I\",,"t at it uf.:aill,
und this tilll(' Roy won, un·l thl' lute"t
: DEATH OF MISS MARY FOLEY 1ht,]'(, :lrp O\'l'l' H 11111ldl'('11 SPll('il\:'\ of
rt'ports frolll tllp frOid :-iay that lll' i~
I>il"d" ill this loe·alit.,· to prove that thl' I Justice of the Peace
ALL SAINTS CHUROH, SHOOK. TO HER MANY FRIENDS holding tl,,· fort with hoth fl",t lin,!
:-;parrll\\ has Jlot dri\"l'lI tht' hirds frol1l
our hCl1l1Ps, ~ 0 011(' t;l\'l'r s,:·dd, l"I() far i
both hands. Wheu s"eu hy n rt'portl't REAL ESTATE
:'II iss :'lIar." .\. Fol.·." oii"t1 oil TII,·"oia.\" :IS 1 klloll', tl,at th., Engli,h 'PllrIOII' ha"
for Our To\\ II, :'I[r. \Villialll" sllid: Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector. i at '\('1' hOIl"'. 111~ 1-:11111\00,1 :l\l'IIUl'. 8ht' rl'c1n.'t'ol th" ""1"10,,1" of "ithl'r in,li\'i- I
"YOII ilia." "uy fflr III" thut if :'Ill'. Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate.
! ::" ,1,,,::~':;;:'lIiiiol~o;'f S:;;':~~:~I~t.::I~:::\h:r ~~:::ll tlunl~ or sp('eil'l'l. Tht' :o:parrow H dnng'pr I Whitney desires to play lIIe ugp.ill, 1,,>'11
is the pI'O(·('.~:o: of rc'pl:lf'('llll"ut, uot l'lim-
have to make his arrun~elllents with
I illg filII)' rt~"o\"'red from 1111 illll.·ss illntioll. If this k",')" III' \\1' lI'ill h:"·,,
m,\' sc"relary. My utt"ntion is now DECORATING JOBBING
S.15 A. M.-Holy Comlllunion. I \\hil'h "IH' ""ff'I'l'l',1 last "l'l'illf.: while ('elltered on :'\0. 5, helel by a gentl"lIlan
tlit' ~llarl'o\\'. nlld Il(l~~ildy thl' rohiu fillli
fl,45 A. 1L-Church School.
11.00 A. M.-Mornin~ Prayer nn,l Ser-
returning from a trip to B('t'tlIuda.
Th,' l' UII P I'll I will he hl'l,1 thi, 11101'11-
hlll,·k,hird ahout 0111" hOIll"", all.1 he
nllllled MC'C'ahilJ. 'l'his ?llr. MI'ClIhiIl, I
am told, is II \'l'ry estilllllhlt' fl'llow
mon. 'iug at 10 o ',·10,"k, \\ith l"01t-1Il11 Hpqui"1!l
ol>ligpcl to go el<:.,!' inlo tIl(' forl'st" to
lind a \'pry d,>termilled plll.I'l'r, hut 'I"l' 1
Painting and Deooratlng
:-oPt !Jlan." of 0111' lJl'Hlltiful )Hltiv(·~.

shall S"l'. • • Whnt'" that? (husi- 212 Woodb'"e Ave., Narberth, P ••

~ra:-,~. at ~t. ~l:tr~·art·t ':-, ('hut'(·h, of
NARBERTH METHODIST EPISOO· Fillall.\·. In aaSIl 1'1" to ~Ir. l"t"dplll '" Phone. Ardmore 143& W Na,berlh 1768 W '.'
Rev. Arthur S. Walls. D. D., Pastor
\\ hi('h :\Ii ... s F't,}t'.'- \\llS H IIIPI1I1H'1'. IlIt(lr-
Ul('ut I\·ill I,l' Iliadp at 1101." Cross (\'n,p·
,,1":1 for fir,t-hnnd o!""rvatiou, it i~
,·viol.'I,t to '"I~'OI''' who klloll's lilly thing
nl'ss of swinging arouu,l in his swi\','1
chair anel ,,,j,lressing office boy) .\ -------------
t I'r~·. man nanll,.l \Vhitne.v 011 the telep110lle
111' I'f'Ht'HI'c,h ill 1'I'It'ltC'(l of :tu ind£'finitf'
Sunday, August ~s:
:'Ili"s FeJiI'.\- ha" hl'pu a rl'"ioil'ut of
:'\arl"'l'th fol' "'\'I'ml ~·.'al'". ~hl' ht'l,]
"atlln', ,,"('h as ontitholog~·. thut th,>
ohs(lr\"atiol1:" alld opillio.Jl~ of nn.v in-
lin" hI' sa.\'S h,,' wllnts to tnll< to m.,!
Tell him I'm 110t in!" For Bowling and
flA5 A. l\!.-Ruuda.,· R('hool. All Mt'aJI\\'hih', ~ll·. \\"hitnl')', during th"
I a res!,oll,ihl,' pXl'e,uti\'1' po,itioll with
11.00 A. ~!.-l\foruiug wor"hip. Ser· I thl' F. Walli" .-\rll",trollg- .-\d\·prtisillg
c1i\'iolunl nn' of \"t'I"." little sigllific·:ln,·".
Th,' "oll('lu,on" al"l'i\'I'd at h~' the lIlallY
l,~ lIr :?O lI,;nllll's thllt he oceupied ::'\0.
G, tu('k}e,1 this BllIne ~rr·. ~:[~Cahill RUC]
Pocket· Biniards
Ageuey ill Philllell'lphia, aud \IllS re- lifp-lolIl! stu.l"nl" of orllithology, us
mOll by the Re\'. A. ~ Boyd. wus defeutt'" ill two struight sets, 6-----L come to the
7.00 P. M.-ruion Twilight Service gnrd('rl a" OIlC of the most pllpnhle wo- quotco' in thl' IIrli"I"s ill thl' garrlen
lIl('n iu the ac1vprtisiug' profes,ion. Her
on the lawn, Essex 1lI111 Price A venues.
Sermon h~' the Rp,·. Daniel G. Stevens, .I,>ath "antc' lI" a gr<'lIt shoek to her
column, III list curr~' far more weight
than the opiuions of :1I1~' olle person, or
.J "all A 11,>11 WOII pla(Oe X o. H h~' dl'- RECREATION ROOM
lIlan~' friPlloi". Rhp is ~ut\ ;\·,'c! h~' her
f"ating l'utti,.on, 1-6, 6-2, 6--1. Bol'-
Ph. D., of the All1eri"au Balltist Puh- '"1\' group of IIll1atpllr,. No.1 Forreat Ave.
~'I'r .ldeat,>,1 TOil II ll-H, 6--0, :111,1
lication Society. mother IIn,l sistpr. OR:'\ IT 110:-'.
tl,,'nTo,,"II tllrll"c1 arolllld uu,1 won 1'1'0111 C.L PARKE
Hn!lo\\-pII, H-:l, .i-i, i-;i. the lnttn
NARBERTH WEATHER REPORT llIatl'h being tIll' rpsult of Hailowell', I.!:========!l
FOR WEEK ENDING AUG. 21. dlltllengc for II place.

Narberth Register Barouletl'r

High. Low.
Little ('OlltiIlU"d his upward dimll,
tI!'f,'atillg :'Ilus('hnmp,_ 6-:~, 6-·l,
:?H.72 Warwiek tll'fentl·tI Hcanlin 6~1, 6-11,
E. For Permanent
Two Lin••, IOc per i..a.; Sf: for each tulJitionalline
Hlllltidit~·, 1"'1' 1"'''1.
nutl S!lll'.lIey .Iefeated \v. Evans "r. Satisfaction
Gott.hall. H. K. PUblic Accountant. 303 J.cbon. Ann... Violin Instruction.
I're"ipitlltioll 0 1.11 iuch
Th,· ratillg' list, with ehuuge., result· BUY A
Conway Ave. Phone. Narberth 1667-1. Telepbone, Narbertb 316-J. Tota! siul'e Allgu~t 1 -I.H inl'hes ing- frolll last week's mutches, follows:
a.m.•. K. C. Certilled Publlo AooollntADt. Loo., "'an07 S. Plano teacber. TeUlpel'lIturl' ,leficien,·." ,in(';' AU~II,t 1,

Smedley Built Home

101 Dudl.,. a_ Phon•• Narbertb 100·W. Studio. Arcade Bld~. Pbone. 316· J. Changes in Rating
NOTARY PUBLIC. ;Jfi IIegn'('ls.
AUTOliOBILES. " ..trerlea. ". H. 111 N.rb.rtb .ve. ~o. 1.-0rllgnn
Pboo.. 888-)1. :'\u. ~.-Kirkputril'k
N.rbertb (l.r...... Pbone Narl>ertb 1633. Shnp.on. S.1'1'7 A. 232 E..ex An. SPECIAL REQUEST STAMPED
See dlsJlluy IIdvertisement In tbis Issue. Pbone, Narberth 636. ENVELOPES. So. :l.-L, Warwiek
Tyson, Warren R. 200 Woodbine Ave.
Sli:R\·ICB. :'\ o. -I.-ShaM:
Pbone, Narberth 1~02· W.
Don.bue•.Patrlck F. Phone 1633. OPTICIANS 1n ord.'r to illsur,' d"li\'cry or rl·turn )io.5.-McCnhill WM. D. & T. SMEDLEY'
See display advertisement lu tbt" Isslle. Fenton. earl F. 608 E .... x ave. Pbone, 811-""
Phlla. address, 1631 Chestnut st. Spruce'17ll7 to "l'nder \l'ithin 1I spceificd number of I
RAK.BBY. Z..ntma:rer. "o.ellh. 228 8, tlltb .t.. Pbll&. ::'\0. i.-Whituey
· Bett7 Sweet Shop. Oppo8lte station, clay" th" "l"l'e"ial Hl'qUl'St" enve-
.see dl8plllY advertisement In tbl8 18SUe. PAINTING. Xo. S.-McKell
Newbors. W ..... Co. 212 Woodbine Ave.
Phone. Narberth 171)8· W.
See display advertisement in tbls Ilioe.
lopes .should be used.
Tht·." an' on ,"11' lit tht' Post OOire, ;'\ o. 9.-,J. Allen
I~o. 1O.-Puttison
31erlon Title'" Tru.t Co. Pbone. Narb'tb 398 ~;'; for 5i ('ent" \flO for $2.26, stantIai'd
See .d....rtl.ement. 'In tbl....ue. W.....r. Fred.
111 Wlneor ave. Pbon., un·J. quality. No. Il.-Newell PLUMBING, HEAnNG
1I0ttODllJ. 0..0, W. l"bone, Narberth 1256- W. PAPER JlANGING. X 0. 12.--8tn pIes ROOFING .
See display advertisement tn this Issue. Boyd. Horace S. 313 Meeting House Lane. :'\o.l:l.-Cowin
-.ShaJilJ. A1ex.C.. Jr. Phone, No. 1710. Pbone 8ll6.
:'\0.14.-G1osc Jobbing promptly attended to
Narberth Station. PROTO PLAYS
8medl..1". Win•. D. '" H. T. Pbone.600.
. See dlaplay advertisement In tbla Iilue. . Aread.... fttb and Cb..tllut ';18., Pbll.
See dl.l)la7. a4vertteemei>t In tbl. taeu.-
/No. 15.-Hnll
::'\0. 16.~Follin Phon•• N.rbert" 817
0.7 , ........ N~b.rtb 302 J
0.,,1e.· H. E. Pbon•• 1JU·W. TOllinS 8Ild PI»_ :f'laDo.
Be. .d ... rtl••m.nt 10 tbl. lAU•. Burgess, No. l'8.-Sharp
George Abele, Phone. Narberth l2lIG.J'.
Carroll Downes.
1.Dk1Da. (lh... I"
'Cook Bro.. Phone 802.J'. Oouncil,
No. 19.-Little
NO.2{).-Musehamp The Nuberfb ElectricllSbop
. tOI Dudleyav.; Pbon•• 1684.
See dllplaY advertllelDent In thla 1110e. W R D H II P 280 HAVEBFOBl) .~~.' . .
.' COAL AND COK.B. w.n. H. B. Pbone, Narberth 1602.J. • • • a, reSI'den t , No.2l.-Bailey
Cook. C.P. Pbone,' Narbertb 875. S•• dl.l)l&" .bertl_.nt In tbl. ..... William J~ Henderson, No. 22.-Kruso ELECTRlcAL CONTRACTORS'
. See display advertisement In this Issue. . BB&Io mAT. Daniel Leitch, INo.23.-W. D. R. Evans We .repair, sell and install. anytbldg··.··
DENTISTS Caldwell. J. A. Phone. 1687 Hugh Brown, No. 24.-Baer Electrical. Old houBe wiring a speeailt,.,
. Orr. Dr. A.L. lOt mlmwood a". Phone. III·W. Se. dlspla" .d...rt!H.,nt In thlll tan.. A. P. Redifer,
Pbll.. Pbone. ll'1lbert 4161. K.ltb aids. Frlbeb. II. C. PhOD•• IU-W. Walton Y •. Wentz. No. 25.~Smedley Ask about our three payment plan in· .
Dr. I. Scbembs. Jr.Pbone. Narberth816'W Se. dlll\ll.~ .4Y.rtl......nt. In tblll !Hu.. Oarl B. Yeh/gar, elUding fixtures. Phone 1688 or' 39SW .,'.', "~~':
s. E, Cor. Grayling and WlndSOr,Aves. HaD • Albert;, Spruce· 7401. , No.OO.-W. W, Evans
'. OtBce a:. -O~rll: T'\JeSda1;L.Thur.sda.l. sat.ur. Se~ of Oouncils,
da,yt 9.80 ,A. M. untU·Il;auP. M..• Monday,
· Weo. neSday.··, Fr.ld.8.y.•...6. P.M•. unt I 8 P. M.
N.......... J. Jlboa.. '.,5..
Land Title BoUdlng, Philadelphia, Pa.
Wons7 tor rlrst .a4lecond Horts..... . V.'Noel.
iNo. 27.---'Boryer
SII.peon. lam. C•. UJ 1Duez' ."e. No. 28.-E. Town
'. . . ..' iJBUOOlirr1l Pbone. lSI. .or 14.10 "Cb••tnut .t. Borough '1'reasurer,
Ho_rd~••,. Pbon., lIiT; BEOBIllA.'~ioN. Edwin P.Dold. No.2!l.-E. Warwick
Se. :-dlll1lla)'· ..a4T.ertlll.IIl.Dt .In tbl. !HU•.
0' .' . . . '.'
.' _ . ..' .' ELIWftI,IClANB
. Becre.t1OD ~m.:_ No.1 FO!lrest Ave.
.See . display Ulla Ialue.
Bo.rough SoU·c·ttor, No.30.-8cnnlin Cotter's Meats
·c...~ W. o•. PhO~e, *~W.. ...KOOmo,IIlTC.· . Fletcher Yf.
S~Hes .. No. :ll.-Hnrtley
." See dllplay advertlsement I». thll Illue.
'''ueb, . Vorl 'JIl .Iollllo ·a"..
· '.Nar; ·Pb"n.;· .lio.w. Ar4.~bon.. 111-3.
o...-lleOlDieioo.··PboD.;. 1I1.~W,
S.. !l18Jl1." -,4,..tt18.8IIl.nt. ta .tblll.
MWer,-cIoblt A.. IU

.'1011& a"•• Phon•• Ill...,

_Ii.. Georgo Suplee.
Street Oo--'~~'oner, iNo. :le.-Wright
(R. Fretz, 'w.. Harris, and Hallowell
A Quality For
;',.' _.. .. ....I~~ORA~(jB. 8bOIl..I4I 1I"".•rford· _v,..Pbon.; tJJI~ '1'AX OoUecto People Who
1:.:':'.' •• OWIll8ll.~.~ p;. (LIt•• )
to be rated by Tournament Committee.)
.. ' .' SHOJUlA.l[DIl . . r,
'.':,c._ .: 1.... 1lI1J1lwood iLv" Pb'On., "I-W. OOocl.· W.... 8boe~-.r8bop. Raymond ,0. Jo06S. Want The Beet
s:. ',::<" ftO&ler"-' ,Broa; '(:1'1"•. ,.~) .- '.' . c::oD.~ntltle•. P. G, 2Ii:! Haverfol'\l ave.
"'." . ,10" Wood.ld..." •• PbOD... un.&. - Pbone, Narb.ertb 1706.W. ABs8uor,
;f.~:.::",rali!r, wliI.;:W-.~d.':1.Oi!Fo""'t:,-venue. '.. ' .... ~ '. . 0 d W"
;:ili\..... , .~llone. 826.11. .... . . '.' . · . ' c .'. . ..' ~... ~.~.ttIn~~t:.b~UI4··b.ot,tb.
... T.bti '. • . e.narner. MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEDEBA·
~:t,. _,.~mJlbeU. Frank.·D•.. Automobile, Fire. ete.~t••t .\1••. to' tb•.OODUliUDlt,,··th. lI.t oon. . S. XDs
. Bu11d1n .. PeQtOr, TION OF WOM:::ElN'S CLUBS. .. ro"·n.·e.•
G an.' c1P.rooVU.·i.OD.' ':....:.'.':.~...
. >,-,,~·.~~artAve•.p,. 3.oti·ll~ . ,c.·..:·ta!U·.tb•..hDI•. ot· .nl'J'''.J1i-ot-,o~·, iat.D.
LA~'" . .rto~~~~~~::~::~o'·;"~~~.~iil:~e,~I:~~' J.·~arl~r ~~rli~t()n.
...- .
." ....., '. .. ,:" ....:.. "
;,CiIkw,·tJ4!uln __ .v~Pbon••
. .. '.'
Wll8lDall;.8Il4 ~o'llIpl'Om~n ·.IIII!la1t
. -"-'-'
·.Oouiioilm"eet"·il.. ~oo~;Pre"ident· Mrs R J -Rol to
.....'. .'. ,·it

'• •~~:ft~~.".~ii~a\l~Cb• ~d~t ~:II~:J.~,:r~~:;a~b~ ~~ 8~.':M;~

i •• I ....'. F t ' : > i : '
on, t)ie Blle,W8shfugton--:-: ' . • . • . ' '.' ;.:Y;S

~.; .: J,{.n~:~·P.:.w::.;;; ,., '.~.;'~.'

'.'~: :.' .~'_.'_.' ~.', ~
.,,'..'PbU.... &d4n.,; Llnilola Bids. . '.'. ,to '.' 'l!IlJilllall,. s n, or

. .r•.•: e. .•. '.QIti).".'"
. •;..'.;.' •.. .. . ' •.' '.:.:.'••.', .•.: ' :.'.:.;.'.\.•. ..:.:•. ,:.•.:.
".- . .,.. . ~" ..ur.rg. Me:;' . ' . ,.ildct,:- ..Pb::.:..... "...Il' ........... ,.,. ,'.preeeding·theD10lithly;meeting.of
.•. ·....:.u:-;.t~~,;~~~c::~~·~:..':~i;" )ij~~~~tei"\~·!~~~:;f·.ir,.:::~;·,r,~;;~~':t:~".i,~:;:;~: ·~· :~'·i~·i'~;~i ri~·~ -;·\i·.- .: ~-'~.~·~.:;i·~ri:'·il:;-;i:li'T~/'i:;:wj~:".,_.~.
'~':'~": i':i-: '-d:':i "i '-' ~.·~'1·~:·~e~~u~er~~i~:-E).:~Ud~~i~de".~p~t~~ G:ARAii·t~~if.:.ll~if~::i:·
. .
. iii'" ,,#<,'" ..
~~~~.i~fj~;]~~~,':1L~;:.~ljS~iiijj;Y;i~l~~~~t;:;;~~;~.~~~ ~~~~~~ii&,,\J" ....... 'j.'

PALAOETHEATRE. ~Ianhattllll, iln,1 }Iiss Lillian Redifer,

Are Yon Using The Ardmore, Penna. motored to Reho'hoth Bead" D(')a\\,ure,
this past week whl're th,'y werl' guests c. P. COOK
Community Library? PROGRAM WEEK OF
at the' of }Irs. :\. HI''',], ulso of
Monday, August 29
NEW BOOKS ADDED AND MORE A 1IIillion Dollar Prol]uPlion aile Day
}Ir. 11110 }Irs. If!oII r,\' /lOSI', .\11'. IIl1d Coke, $8.00, Chuted
1Ilrs. C. Howul'l] MeO,1I' 1 "1', HIIlI :\[r. Nut Coal 13.85, "
Charles MeCnrter, lllUtor,'ol ,]011'11 to Stove" 13.85; "
1IIll.ryland Friday for a two days' I'isit
and fishillg trip. They will h,' th.,
Pea " 10.75, "
Furth,'1' pl'ogre" has he,'u nll,,1,~ this
wt't'k ou the ,·"t"]o~uillg of th,' I·ooks
Tuesda.y, August 30
gu('sts of :\Ir. und :\Irs. ('harll" HUIII'
Egg " 13.50,
of the Y. 111. C. A. lihrary, alld "ithin in phreys, formerly of XarhC'Tth, at Ih,' SOc per ton extra when Cosl or Coke ie carried
a fl'w I""l'ks th" lH'st of the fi,·tion an,1 • 'EXTRAVAGANCE" H IIIIl ph re~'s' fa rm.
~enernl li!<'ratul'l' ill the ('oll('dioll will Wednesday, August 31
be relldy for <'ir('ullltioll. .\hout oue JUSTINE JOHNSTON Miss }Iaizie .J. HilllPSOIl au,] }Ir. and
11l1/1l1n'd lIud fifty of the \'olullIe, wer"
In"pared I'llI' l'iJ'<'ulatioll at th" opelling
in }frs. William S. Horner ]I'ft this w('ek
for Yermont, where thl'Y will sll('11l1
of the lihml'y lIud hn",' hl'l'lI u,e'! 1'011- Thursday, September 1 sCI'eral ""e('ks us the guests of ~Ir. alld Plumbing, Gas Fitting
,talltl.'-. Thl' ,aul(' '~'Slt'1I1 "I' pO"kcts LIONEL BARRYMORE ·}Ir,;. Arthur Cole, formerly of ~arherth. and Heating OUR PRODUCTS ARE GVAIIANTEED
a Ill! "ar,18 i, 1I'"d iu tlti; ,·oll",·tion as iu Th(' Oole furm ,. A om('wood " is 011 UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
ill that of th,' \\'olllall's CUlIIllIunity Ame.s Hill, six miles" III'" from Brut·
"THE GREAT ADVENTURE" Phone, Narberth 1602-J
Cluh, thp olll~' difT"r,'n,·l' hpiug in the Friday, September 2 tleboro, and ol'('rlooks t.he COllnel'lil'ut Pasteurized Milk DELlVERIES
('olor of thp ('urd" "hi,·h while white SHIRLEY MASON Valley. Bryaelovls CertUled WEST PHlLA.
ill thp WOlllnJI', ('oll'lllunity Cluh Li· ill BELL PHONE. Narberth 12li&-W (Pedrla.Je SOCiety) OVERBROOK
hrnry i, huff I'o]o)"t'd ill thnt of Ire Y. William .J. Kirkpatril'k wus gi\'en u Speelal ;;:G;era.e;JI" MERION
M. C. .-\. Thi, lllak(,8 distindioll he-
Saturday. September 3 birthday surpris<' party by n group of GEORGE W. BOTTOMS WYNNEFIELD
tw,'eu th" tllf' groul" a 1'1'1'." ';11I1'11' BEBE DANIELS fril'nds lust Mondny lIight, lit his home -Contractor and Builder- (IIOb-.r~~~PI_· BALA-CYNWY
lIIatter. in on E/;"ex nvellu('. In additioll to :Mr. NARBERTH
OratlllulJ." th~· hooks are lind }I·rs. Kirkpatri~k, thc party ill' Gflrqe Bai/dinll II Specialty Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
IIf ft·ft'Tt'Jl(·(,' "TWO WEEKS WITH PAY"
heillg l"llde a'·'·"8.,ih],o for "ou,nltation A <l,It'11 At t ral'tion: ~lud('(] :\Ir. and :\Irs. H,oh('rt Cllmeron,
420 Rockland Ave. Narberth. Pa. Table aad WblpplaD WVNNEWOOD
ot th" lihrllr." ill th,' ":I'('S on th,· ,tail' Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels :\Ir. anti }Irs. Willialll B. Goodall, Mr.
1IHllling,. :-;"",'r:tl \",1111111'; of th,' EIl- in " The Flirt" nn'! :\Irs. H. D. Fellno, 311d }Irs. lIll'! Loan stock is to take out IIl' II'
('y"lopedill Brittaui"a an' Iui"ing-. It
is llBSUIlH'd thnt they IIlUSt hll"" lJl'en ANNUAL TENNIS TOURNAMENT
Curl Grl\~e, lind :\Ir. Illld :\Irs. Arthl\l
shares in e'·l'r.,· Bl'ril's which are issued
I'very six months, so that when the
horrow,'d h.,' SOU'" r,,;id"ut of :\'arhet1h WILL START NEXT SATURDAY
}Iiss Ruth lI('l('n Dialllolld, ,Iaught('r
stock starts to matu)'l' YOu havc Ull liS· 45th and Parrish Sts.
and aU.I· iufoTluation "ou""l'IIing thl'se AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 3 sUI'~d inl'ollll' for liS long a pl'rio<1 as
volullle' will hl' IIp]1I'el·i:,\,',1. Th"r(' ar(' of Johll S. Diamond, of Woo,!si,le an· yo:! desire.
(Continued from page 1) 1111", and one of Narlwrth's most popu·
also lIIi"ing th,' first \,,,fuUI(' of P"o,e·
ve]t's "\Vil1lliJ1:,{ lit' tllt' \\·(l,.. t," and lar youllg ladies, will hI' lIlarried n('xt Of ~pec1al Interest to New Residents
,"ohml(" til 0 IWI! four [If :-;hort ~tor~'
Many Surprises Expected.
Th(' Tournalllent this year will proh-
Tuesday to }Ir.•John W. Stapleton, of Any of the Dir('!'tors will he g1:Il] to
explaill the Buil,!ing lllld J.,"UIl idea,
Clnf'~i('!'\. Dot's all,\'olll' kllow :tll~·thing Philadelphia. The ceremollY will be A F'ULL LINE OF
ahout these 1 ailly b,' the I)('st that has ('\,er 1"'1'11 held pprformed by Rev. H. F. Cowley, at an,! to arrallge for you to h('eoml' u
ill :\'arherth. The 1I\('lIlhl'rshi" of thl' HI. Margarl't's ChuTI'h, ut 10 A. M., ,to(')(holcler in th(' 1Il'1\' sl'rit's, if it will
,\s~o,·illtion is largt'r than 1"','1' hefore, Stationery. Magazine•• Candle.
Tht' 1I0ti"I' of tIll' ,',hihit of I,ird,' and will he followed hy a wcdllillg" -Iw ill1po~sibll' for )'IIU to attend to the
Ilesb at1 raC'1 ",I sutli"i"lIt attl'lItion to Oll"'t' art' a numher of n('W lIlellJllI'l's who hr('akfast un.1 receptioll at the -bride's mattl'r .vourself ou ~ept"lIIher ]st, anel
11':11] to tJ1<' gift of otlL"r III'-t; for th,' h:1\1' 11('I'er hel'n S('('II in lo('al tourna· home at ],]3 Woodsi,ll' uvellue. Upon th .. nl'\\' residents of :\'arhl'Tth arl'
111"11 t ~ and who ure likel.v I () "upset tlwir retum from tl'l'ir Ilolleymoon, :Mr. ('Sl'('dally invite,1 to take out stock iu
t'xhihit, Sf) that ill addition to those
the 1I0)J('," alld the III'W eourts-se\'en Rt~pletoll nn,1 his hride will reside In th(> nell' s('ries, 3S this Assol'iutiun IllIs
mentioned in Jast ,n'('k's Ollr TOWIl, NOT:EO:m
th"H' tlT(, thl' nl's!- of " brown thrash· illst('ad of four as Oil th(' old groun,]s, Tioga. h"en well IlIltnage,l. It, e:truings for
er, a \\'00,1 thrllsh, a ,·alhircl. nnll lln iu·
(ligo hunting. This latt"r was taken
urI' fast alH] will he in the hl'St of Shlll'l'
for the Tournall\(>nt.
Hell~ell\bel', tellnis mcmoers, ent ril's
last year wer(' 8.:1</<. Its Board of
Dirl'dors attl'nd th(' lIIonthl.1' 1I1('l'tings Narberth Taxi SerVice
Patrick F. Donahue
, .. ' in ·to Ih;' A('IHI('m~' of :->,'il'll"e in I'hila· BERTH B. & L; WILL OPEN NEXT
and tuke· pride in keeping tho Assoeia-
d<,lphill for icll'ntjfi"ati~'II, \\'hl're Dr. for all tournaJlI"llts clo~e at Ii 1'. ~l., tion lip to tI,l' high standard whil'h was Authori%cd Taxi Service. by: Certifi-
Ill'Xt Friday, H('ptt'mb{'r 2. THUltSDAY EVENING set. hy its originntllr~, and w{' feel ~('I" cate from Public Service Commfs.
Stone ,'asi!~' i,]entifh·,! it by the white
:\[el1lhers alld their fa'ui!:,'s and alOD, dated November 16, J920.
l)or~p hnir lining- aud tlH.> ll':I\"P~ \\"0\"('11 (Continued from Page 1) tain that ~'our 1Il0n"y will Ill' sofe]y iu- T pi meets all train.. . .
illto th" Ollt,,1' \I:dJ,. friel:ds, and IlHlIIY other r('sirl('lIt s of vt'sted and "nn 10(, withdrawll nl an.I' Store orders p!omFt1y called for and
X:.rlll'J'th who are illl(,Tl'st<,,1 ill tenlli" ('ulI,tllllte nlon('y, this short term ,,('ril'S tillle thnt you see fit. delivered. Bagea~e called for and
The magazin,' t"hh' pn'8"lIt, '1'1 in- are urged to rell\emb('r thut Ih,., tOllrna· is a great nd\"Rut agt· as your sto('k is Uelllem1Jer, Thursday. :--"pt "II,],er 1 ~I, dellvned. Freight delivered.
teresting displa~' of (·u rJ'l'n t lllil gllzi III'S, III "II t Illatehes start promptly at 2 0'· mHtl1r~d in nhout six Yl1urJo'. in the ev('ning from 1.:10 to 9.00, at Open Day and Night Phone 1633
lIIuny of whidl 11l"~' 1,,, takl'n hOllle. (·I",·k. IIt'Xt Hatllrda." uft"rllooll, 8"l't,'III' The i,]eal wOJ' to ill\'est ill Buihliug Elm Hal1.
Coutrihutions of "(ioo,] 1I011BI'kl'l'pillg" h"r :1, {Hid lire iu\'it,'d hy th'! Tl'lInis
an,1 "The :\'ation:l] ('"o;.:-raphil·" ha"e Asso"iatio n to Jll' pres,>nt alld witness
hel'n .J'e('ei",''] thi. ""1'1.. EI','r~',,"e is th,' mat,·h"s. :\'0 adlllission 1'('1' will lIP
we]I'OIlIl' to ('01111' illto the lillrar,l' on
Friday aftl'rn,"'" all,) I""'uillg to en·
joy th(' privill'gl' of rl'adillg snch maga·
zincs as are on the tallie. 'I'hree new
books have heen n(ldcd to the library
(Oha l'g"pcl.

(Continued from Page 1)
__ ~'

9004 Word?"
this week, "Th(' In,liscretiolls of

Archie,>J by P. G. 'Vo<lehouse, 1\ hu· :\Ir. D. W. Steck beck and familJ-' arl'
morous story of the ndvelltures of a at Rulphur Springs, Pu.
young Englishman in ~ew York; the
poemS of Joyce Kilmer, a victim of }Ir. ant! }Irs. Blodgett llnd falllil~'

the 'Yorld War, who wus eonsid('red ur(' home from th{'ir ,"aeution.
·one. of the most promising of our yuung
poets, and ., Quill," by Alice Hegall
}liss lIfary Gnrn (almost) 81,{'nt the
w('"k·('nd lit Glen Mills, Pa.
MY YOUNG ststel'.
HAS. A Ouija,. board....
• • • ·..
SO 1 shut off quick.
TO HEAD oft any,

}Ir. and Mrs. E. K. Haws \I'('r{' in
Gl'ig.ertown, Pa., over the we<lk·end.
AND SHE believes it:.
.AND TALKS to Noah.
" ..
• • •
•• •
·• • .•
THEN I stopped to smoke•
(Continued from Page 1) AND I think she talks.
• • • · ..
G('orge S. Rose hus return'.'d to Ktntt'
·. .

Lewis held the hard-hitting Ardmore TO HER best feDow. AND AFTER a whlle.
teani to seven widely sell ttered hits.
College. • • •
WHO'S DEAD but doesn't know It,. I CRANKED up weejee.
Black, -though striking out thirteen o • • . • ...
nl:en, was hit hard, :MeCue leading
Dr. Clarence T. Fairies and family AND I used to give her. AND ALL of a sudden. '. ,
hll VI' gone to Smyrna, Del., for a month. e, • .• • • •
with a double and two singles. THE LOUD, rude laugh. IT STARTED oft.
Ardmore ...• 1 0 0 2 1 0 00 OO~
..",. . . ..
o • _. • • . - . '

Mr. A. R. Bartlett has returned fro.m

· , .•
BUT I'M sorry now. AND QUICK as a flub.
Beiv.'yn ,..... 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1-5

. Higliland. Park, 8; Wayne, 6.

Oe<'R1I City.

Miss Lillian Heron, of Philadelphia,

BECAU8.ELA&T night..
I WAS home alone.
IT SAID something.
At, Wayne, Pat 0 'Brien's Highland is visiting Miss Ruth Haws, of DudIey
• • • ••
80 I got th& board.

·· .".in.a:caU•.
. 'l':arkteam tied the 8core' in the ninth avollue. * •.•
. . . j~ninir at 5·all on:singies by :Nass-ami - - .. ---- - - .- -- . AND-:-PUT
- ~ ~- ---==-..:...~-_.- -_._~._---_. -~",,--

. :M:oMfI,hon Rnd a double by ,Vhitline.

:1n. tlie. tenth' Wright, the Highland
·~hortstop,·with ihe'bases loaded, drove
·Mr. Frank· H. Engelhart, one of Nar·
berth's letter .carriers, will reside after
Septembor 1 on Essex. avenne.
" , ".
,", .... ..
FOR JOHN Barleycorn.
. '~SATISFYt'-t1ult" ·the goQd
. .word~ . Just .light UP a
Chesterfield and •. see· what u,.
~~ir,ipie t~ right 'field, .scoring three B.UT THEllnewas busY. perts cando with:fiileTurkish
run$' aDd beating Wayne, 8 to 5. ~fr. and ·Mrs. Carl F. Schmidt, of
• •• and Doinestic. t()baccos When
<i •.•
" .
theybleild them in that can't'be- .'
)Iighw.nq Park 2000.00.0 1 2 3-8
,."... copiei:I Clie~rfte14 way.

BrookhUTSt ll.venue, are spending a fow 'rHE:N .iCh~ated' a: Uttte. You'll
::'\V~yD,e:;,.• ,.. 00: 1,0 2 0 0 2 0 O~ "'ecks in Lebanon Pa. . . ,.. ::..
" ~ , ' say "they 'satisfy.'''
AND ITlIpelledthls.
,~- ~ Did ¥o~ _holo aboaftlre
.T\vO "

Mr. and Mrs Edwllrd Connell have reo
turned to their home on· Woodside ave-
.' .0,.. ..
"ORAMMA8HOTTA SEVEN."' '. Claat.rfid4packqeoll01

ilue, after an extende.d 'vacnt'ion tour

~arberth·r~sideJ!.t8 will beiilterelited through' New'Y'ork state, which in·
::.·,·!n··ih.ll fact th~tt'r0 ·wo~leq",-Mr8• .t. clJlded a sto(lllt Sarlltogil.Springs.
· ... :p.:::~ell!lril, ,.Jr", Qf.' .Me~~on;!il).d Mrs.. ll. __
·;i'Yile,9.n'.~·M:oorehousci,·.. ~f ·.ArdJppr.e:-are' . Mr.' and- :Mr$.,'.iame8:.B~.s~th, :lio
'::prii~Uc~ly 'ilu'r~, of Illec:tion. as. members .A~onRoadi h~VIl:;been:ent~rt~iJli~~ :Mr.
. )~'f;;.;tJie,Se~~ol·: ~pD.rd·pf 'I,.ow·er·¥erioli .George.·A. "Gracle,: of. Orildell,New'Jer',
:t:~o#~~ip;~t:th~.:lfpv~mlJer:ele~tlon: .. ':' '8e1.;s.nd:t~~ii-nei~e;WB8.~liiherjlle·j\;.
;'~!~:~'~i'·~i;:):;.~~~·~~rs~~~o;;:;.;':iI:~~,:. .~.~.;··Ri~.~r.,~df~;···~~t.lerBeY:~.'.,."
,i~~/ftil'.,'"ontht(~pub.:' . ¥isscs. ,MlI.r~aJ'et ,'J,'ll.elm,a., Fowier, .~o~
;uca~k·tftSit~ia·Di::hd.Ve·'; been: 'ell:d~t8ea· bY, .gether. with: . tJreit '.' gu,ell~Il,' Jhe . ,:Misses'"


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