Our Town December 3, 1921

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Chemist Addresses Two Injured in Just t4Days Until I Home and School
• Community Club Craslt· on Pike D"f'l' III] 1('1' lli, whl'11 you will hnve the
Association to Meet
"l'l"Jl'tullity of hearing' the allgelic
'J\yo ~·oullg WOJllPn ,,"pre scriol.1s1y It is dillil'ult to tl'~' to d";;eri,he SENTED.
Tht' :--lll' :lkt.'1' :It tlit' r(,~lJlar mee.ting hurt last Friday 'Illol'lling in an auto the IIIlIsi .. of this iU';,tm11lellt. to
of the :'\arh,'rth ""/111"11 's ('Ollllllllllit~· ,·,,jli,;ion Ilt E',;ex aud :'II Iln tgO'1Il cry ave· yon who 1lJ\\'e 1I0t..h ..ard the ,ell'~· The reg-nlar Illollthly lI!petillg of the
('lid, 1111 'I'll"sda~' \\'a,; Dr~ \\'. T. Tag-- tial aritis ,'xpn'ss('d 'I' hrilliallt]y
gart, I'rof"s,;o!' of ch"llli,;l,l'y all,1 I~i­

Th,' injnred an" Miss Mary Gal1ilgher, THE FIRESIDE hy this artist,'-. 1'h" strains thllt
HOIII" alld :-;1'!1001 Asso"iatioll will he
hl·ld in the tif'hool AuditoriulIJ nil
red,,'r of the Ch(,ll1i"a] L:lboratory 0'[ 1!1 ~','"rs old, of ;;1 :'Ilanol' road, \Vynn,'· roll so tenderl~' from 1111.1,,1' her T'hnrsday eH'ning', nt"'emhl'l" H., at ~.tlfl
the 1-lIi\"er,;it~· of l'l'"n,~·I\"allia. TIll' \I'ood' :\.11,1 :'Ili~,; Betty :'IleDermott, .IS :'IIi" EUlIi",' \\'illiam, has retnrne<1
skillpd lingl'rs are like the llIelOlI· P •. :'II.
sllbj,·,·t of I['i,; address was, "ShaH "'e ~'('ars old, "'~'nnel\'oo,] au,] )Iont go lll- rrOlll Hntl'a!o, X. Y.
ions sonlH.b of. rippling \\'att'r, as' Talk nb:ont getting a\\'II~: to a fl~'ing
COlltillue to Hllv(' an '\lllerieall J)."p "I'.\.' :1\·,'nlll'S. Both sustailll'tl . ;'('vere ithlllltS 1'01' litth' noo'ks an,l defts stnrt.. POl' olle of' 0111' "~·o\lI1g"ns,o·
Indust f~'?" "ut, and limis,'s. :'Ill'. ,\. 1'. Hawe,; has re"I'lIt!" 1110'1',',1 I
in \\'hieh to piayhiJle'(lllll,seek, "iations, this one is gelti:ng' to he
Dr. tag-gart is a '\'("'ognjzpfl authorit~, Th.. ~· were. ri,l.iilg in a jitney from int 0 U:i \Vill(],.;ol' ;J\'Cllue. I I\llll langhi!lgly ,kip,s, nn aInI(llJ,- "real." Of course, it deals with
on the ehelllieal industry, 'find gave a :'\a rliel't h sta tio!l. 'l'b'e en r,.tlri.\;en hy
wry l'ollll'll'lp nnd eomprehensivc out· Harry Ha·llleI',. 'of :!S ··'A\'·on an'nne, :'III'. H. C. Bllllks, is no~v li\'iug at xo.1 n'sth'ss, lik(' 1II0,t. of 1"'. YOIIIII'ay" t'lId)' subjects,' 'blltlllwuys .]'01':. thl?
elcl,;e~'()nr "yps,all'l. the.lllelodi~s i 'yoqng.;' A'lil!' thJs,e\lmlng, ..ineeting?
line "I' theimportaJicC! of eontiJilling turnl'l] into)lolllgQmery' avenue frolll -i:! Xarbrook Park.

..1 frOI!1 this superb' illiitrUlt'lcnt wnl Wi;lI,we'll .say ioveryo'ne:l1lost Hktol.\'
this ilHlustry. .
He sai<1 that at the lH'gi.nning of the
. J~~spx, iill(l.whilcmaklng- the glllll'p
tUl'll' wlis struek by· a large mlH'hinl'
" war \\'e did 1I0t h:I\'" ('nough,l.\·es of dl'i\'enby .John Thomas, of 1::;; We,.;t
_\ut01110hilp ~1llashups
'Iuite e01lmll.1I!'lal'e ill Ollr tOW1l.
I take rnn hither aildthHher,uilfolll. II-ill go. Why'l 'Vell, th~jil-ogtairL ha,
ing'one hem'ltlful I!re:l111 .anl! . 10 ilo with sOlliething to eat: In other
thought after onother, a'UIl when wonls, the '~Ill'betth Schools LUIl,·h
our own to prillt postagl' st:lIllPS or' <1ye Lan~;;,ler a\,pnue, Al'llinore . The ilil- tlie last striitgha's h,leu lightly Ro II 11\ in aJlit~.ph;,ses is to be tli~; lila in
uniforms for ",',Idier,;, and praetil·.nlly OIl1'uc.«lay Mrs. Hobert Dothard
paet .. l'.:wse,l H:lln... r's ellr to hehndly' tOl1c)i~c1lllJddfes away, 'YOII lire snhject of' disen~sion. . ..
. gave a .eard pnrt~· for tire ben(jfit
left on ahiglrcr ~levnti(in, w i t h H isplulll1,:,i to I;!!ye{)ue IIlnjo~'~nh-
110 dye plant', 1mt .in fivp years' time sinashetl,thr()\ring the girkto the ·r·on,].
we Ila" II d,\'l' indn,;tr~' ,p'j\l:Il to any, 'l'hey',i">!'l' fil k,'n" to Bl'~'n ;\Ia WI' Hos· the Community Club.
ne'v .hopt,g 1111(1' i;realsj,au(!feel that . j"rt for iliscussion(lt eiwhof the As,;o-
.you . lUlve~xp~rience!J;l1 touel1 oiciatio;i lileetings ispinethiIig of-interest
and :11',' lio\\' 10anl!f:II'turing- :100 colors' pital and Thomas was . arreste'l. IJy
:IS g'ood as aJl~' frolll "foreign p.ouJltrie~> LOii'er':'llerioll polil';'. M"gi'trateSti1~ · .:MissJeaill>;. Chalfilllt.ofchd~tll\i.t
he~\~cli.you~o,a\\'il:YI\'ith hf!~t~l'. ," to nil.plmuts, 'nnitlf .j'on lil\~'el;' 'rh'ell
and lid!t'r than ,,110p. wagon held him without ha·il to awnit a\'(lI11~e, Rp~nttheweek eu,1 ntWilson I (\I,d . higher purposes ill life. ' I l t m;yofthti ;iH!etings,yo~'llbe'snr­
In ,'olln,'di,," lI"ith thl? ,]~'e industry th .. ( ..,ull of 1h,' girls' iiljurie,:,. CQllege., .' I
\1','1'1' d('v('I"I"'d th,' III a llIi f:lI·tu·re of -:-..... .... I A fufther:1tttaetive. felltnre \~'in he
prised utthe ,ihtere'Ht of the citize!1s.

photo,~raJllli,' '"JlJlli,'s for It"'roplane · Job;1 .A, 1\fi.I~er 's •CUl'lll1.• 'str,;ek .by I thc,'om})i1Hltion' of harp, ,'ioHn ··allt!
'. A brief :ll1l1.1Ilterestili g a,ldress 011
::;dl~Jt)I tuud! RQolIIswillhe .giVelihy
\\'01'1\, :llld JlllisllJlOl1:-' ga~ u:-;pd ill" the
lI"ar. ,\ Iso "'Illlt' drugs, \1'hil'1l sho\\'~ the
Dance a heavy.to!lrIl.lg. ":li' .and hUllly <1HI.n·'1 l'I;Jlo,l;n'gagc,l-fo'~ thiS' .loealconttin·tof· :\£iss'Enllllll Sme(]]e)', ·Dil'c~tor/.~f'Pllh·
:ig",J,il1l Mondny li10rriiug.·" . .' nle :'l'arberth'Chor~18oeietv 'illlthe '.
.' ..~"' ~." . I .IieSchool~Luhelle~ of Philadelphia;
• illl)lOl't:tnl'l' of this il!dn~tr~' in the Hlat· ""I'lling of Fritlay,Dccember'lH.inthe '
. 'I'h... thil',l mouthly dance of the )<a,l" . It. i~,expeete,F.nl"o toh:we, ..1l "ten·
t 1'\' 01' dd,'n.'l' :dolll'. , ;-\(.'rristnl'l.s pre~elltof a f.ew thrift St· hool Alltlitorhim. 'rhe entire program'
I)"rth PI,,· Department \.vil.l 'take place minute talk. 011 the t~chllie:il':;t1hjectof
In \'iew "I' what lia~ hl'1'1I ael'om· sflpllps "wil1starf:l~'ohng person sav·. will hl' preselllt'd in the lIext iSSlfe of
oil Friihly, Dl'i~ember llth,nt Elm Hall. footlvalues by· oli~ ea pa hIe of' hall'dli n g'
·,dished in Ii\'.(· ~-pIlI'S, should we not . iIlg;Call at win,IQ\\' iJiPosf Offiee.. (lUI' TowlI a 1111 the ·variety 1~1It! selel" .
Ll'l u,:, make these Illplces a. success aud th~ sphject. Theil there·\\,iU:be::l1l ont-
,tand 1>a"k 01' this gl'l'at work ill which ',-'-'-'_ ..
tions eallno! hdpblit )Jlellseth .. ~r:til·al
a. plilee' where the ·resideiits of the'
tlIis "oulltr~' ,Iumld he. the lea,lei'? "~·,;;r roun,C hOlM toWll " maY~leet ,~m()l!g the' l'eeciit, ~rl:ivnlsin lIlusi,,·lo\'\'rs of Nnrberth. .
lii1\J ..:ofthe .practices Ihirslled iii th,'
:'\arbert.h Sl'!lOol, :aftel" whieh a 'tillie
The Kipling Program.' lieI'm is ~(r~S:C.CaJ!lpbell,_who This will he a.rioaloptlOl"tnllity fill'
,'aeh other amid jileasj~ut ·,slil-rounding,.; Ifill be allotted for hl'ief llisi,-ussion I\\'
j"olIo",ing Dr. Taggart'~ talk ol'eupyiug, X{). !lI<Willdsor a·venue. Ilnrlowll to' hear SOme of ,the hest pro·
aJlll nspirit ofgoodfeJiowship. .
'~ ... ... ,
~IIYiJlte~e~te,l,·itizen who may:hl\\:e
r..ssipllal talent, .. without thetrou'1Jle
Kipling progrnHl by the l'ln'hlllelHbe1"S. Aluek\o uUlllb~rl1aile.c ,vill be> a SOI~l(~tliing his or heY nlill,l. . .

· ~lr.an,t ::'IIrs•. JoI1l1 B.Brooks. sp:eut

First was a ';010, "'I'h'" Gyp'sy' 'I'mil," f~at\1r"';"ith favors;' illl.dharidsoll;e a 1111 neecssit{ of going illto Phiil\uel·
. Ailytl)ing else? Well, we 'll~ai "1.
by :'III'S. T. X. Bntler.l\lrs. ILF. Wood the Thank~givinghol\d~y~ iuAtll\'lItic phh, :pi,i at a popular priee.Slihscrip:
ileeoratioll~, i,neludiug "pretty girls, of. 'City.··,· . Apart of the X arberth CliOI'll!' Soeil't~·
th,'n g'a\',' a skl'tl'h of .•\11'. Kipling's fions is !ilI.O.o, Ill\d en" he';l?('uf(',l
eour",', in pr"tty frocks." . win siligtwo·'elections. ~[iss Speak-
.""olllll'l'ful l'!lIIl'al't('1'isti,'s, illustrate,] by. Th,' 1II,'lul:)"rs '01' the Fire Dejil{rtlllellt lIia.n 'rill ]clu1 the eonullnnity singin~
:'Ill'. all,l :'III',. Rol.lert E. G'ree!! .:tn' (Co~tiilUed on Page 4).
his !)()('nis. Kipling's "Butterfly und are (iur. o.\l'n hoys. .\o:lmHill i~ their ora·soll.g or .twll, .a1ld ;It thl'e1ld w~' 're
th.. St:l!lIp" WIlS l'I'llll. hy :'III's. F."1'. oc('np~'il1l-( their new.hung:lIQi\·:it
hOII\(" whi,·h they wish to make a :credit : 'nn'the' ge1lcl'l1l hum ofplea';l'tI rOll'
"an '\lIkell, 1'01101\',,(1 hy :i group of his .toth.. t,mll. ;\s they' give thei.!' servo \\"~~u ":11111 Iona nYe.n~le~.
1'(,I',;:'lti(1I1 \I·.ill s'el\(l ()\'l'ryone awnyill
po('n", r"lld hy l\ll's. E. R. :'Ifusl'hamp.,
The prograHl wa,; l'olleluded hy " solo;
., 011 '!li,' Ho:ul to :'IIal\(laJa~'," hy :'1[1'.
ic,," grati',I"t us heip them to beautify
th.. ir hOIll(', 1I0t;)ljly i,ypurchasillg
H:i\'P ~"1I'1 the"'aMd!ps for' lighting the
Willilows Oil' ChristIna,; . E\"('? It's a
Civic Directors in it. typic.al Xarherth. 'fr:lInl; OfUlillll::
The Assoeiatioll i::- ~~owil~g; l:~~
t il'1~l'!s. liut also b~' ,Ien,ling 'enl'0\1l'IIge·
L, Ea,;hy. :'III'S. A. B. Rossa! the lIll'nt through our. pre~e·nee.
lH'alltif-u] custom. Special.Meeting hOIlIl'S an' ;l1l'l'a(ly 1'l')ll'esel.\t"ll, ;11111
"\'l'rylioll\e with a I'hil,linit shoul,l
_ piano.
Elin.H:d] i, 0ll1' olll\" avililable meet- join up. You'll fill,l it worth·wlJ.i.le, al\,l
'J\):I W:l:-, sfll'yed llurin~. the ~o('ial . iug pIal'" an,j (lau"e "floor, and eve~y )!r. it Keilll IMPORTANT SESSION HELD LAST , 1I,'si,1<', the Ihl"S art'. OJil~' ~iie.a year.
hom by :'Iii", X. C. HUllyau, :!\frs. W. their f.ather's MONDAY NIGHT-MANY MAT-
h,'!1' should lie giVl'n to the :J.'ire Coin· I Bl'tt\~i' get in hl'f(ll'l' th,' memher,hi p
B, Hanw~', Mrs. W. P. Rohinsoll, :'III'S. for I'ah-
A. 1'. Hl'dlfl'r, :'III'S. );. C,Howh'~', :'Ifrs.
pall~' ill its l'fl'orts to make 'the .hall TERS OF IMPORTANCE , is lindt"" ·on. :!l""innt '"01' th,' '.'.'il-t' of the'
H. Hose, :'Ill'S. H. G. Heevl's, :'IIrs. A. B.
Ilion' a/tl'.w/ive.
'Friilay '(l"elling, at .0, Dc~enll)(ir n;"·"rtt
I !I:dl,. or Ii ,;till' illitiatioli fee: i~ 1'1:l1u)ll'd
Ho"', :'111'';. II. I,:. HU"h alld :'III'S. L. C. 1-:1111 lla 11. Ll't us all go. If vou ,10
~I IS. Williaiu LiYing's!illl spen! th,'. Tit.. J)il't'dlll's of the Xar1iei'th Ci\'il, ]'pt's aHg·rt h;gpther.all'li;njoy the
])flll~·la~S. 1I0t kllow a fin'mall to ~'l't' your ticket~ . past week:eli,l at :'Ilaple\\'ood, Xc\\' ..\,;sol'illtioll hdd II s)l"l'i:J! Illedil1gou, IIIl·piing.. As ha,; hel'lI st,ated; thelll:Jill
.It:rs ")"; with hpr' ,;i,;ter, ~Irs. W. K.
frolll, ~'Oll "1111 buy thell1.at the ,1001'. :'olol1day ,'\',,"ing-, :'\0\'(,1IIhel' :!Hth, 1'01' suhjt'i'! IS th .. LUll"h J~1l0111,b.utn5 the
Y:inderve('!'. tI1l'·1IIIrpo;';(o of puttillg' the afTairs ot' .\~sol'iatioll willllot· stnnt! for au~' mi,·
CAROL SERVICE BY COMMUNITY .:'Ilak .. tIJi,; a I'0I'ular dalll'illg party an<1
CLUB CHORUS DECEMBER 19. "II~'" a lIight a lIIouth fori!. COllie·.·· .·the ass~dlltioll on a IllOl'e active basis. rl'!ll'eS('nt;ltioll, it shonld be ~tat('J1 1'01'
'2\[1'. 'au,i ':'Ilr~. H('lll~y 'Snlith, of
:J lOllg-. ' . Yoil 'lJ iiI' ,;nrpri,;ed:" I'~iftceu; of the l'ight~en ,lir~ctors them that 1.1111<'1; . will not. b~~(jrve,l lIt
- Through till' I'ourt('s~' of tlll' l'r('sh~" stfIal't .HIIl].. COllway a.\;.el~lI(>s~lireheing. / were 'present :it tht,: mel'ting.: 'tihe' thp, Jill'eting.
"oll~ratnla'te,l 011 thl' ,hll'th of a sou,
•. teriall Chun'];, it lrll'; 1>('en al'l'angpd TENNIS AUXILIARY CARD PARTY re~igllnHon of Mr: J. G. .-\ therholt\Yas The meetin!-:.wiJI ,ta.rt,·run aild stop
th:it thl' COlllnlullit~· CluhChorns will
I~,'st,'r 1. Ding,·" RlIlith, t.Ol'1l Xovemher I accepted' with regret.
THIS EVENING. with a snap. Eight o'e!oek ,hnrpto ("Ii,
:?Hth. I
l'l'lult'r its ('arol Sel'\'il'e in th,' IllOSt Th .. XIII'hrook Pnrk .pr<iject· was .,jjs. ;) '!.'loek sharp.
aPl'l'o)ll'iat(' ,;ul'l'oundillgs, at the eh11rl'h, Th,· Ladii·,;' ,\uxiliary of the X ar- ('usse,1 at gr"at length. 'Thecoillnlltt~(}s'
(Continued 011 Page 4) are expeeted to present further reports
,,,,:'IlondIlY ('\,('lIing, D""l'lnlH'1' .lnth, at 8 1"'l'th '1'<'llui, A,;,;oeiatioll is holtling a
o "'lode
This ""ITiel' will be of sIH'I'ial int"r·
hig- ..ard j!art~· this (Ratllrday) evelling-,
at Elm Ha!l. There will be tables 'of CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
at th,' next lIleetilll{, Decembr ·15th.
. Finances of 0111; TowII \\'erethen Stolen Car Recovered
est, as the carols will shllw hll\\' Illau.\' hridg-e alld Ii\'e hlll"lrl"], XU1l1erous hro\lgh t up. l'he editor presentetl a
Two cents per word It casb accom· linalll'ial statement showing that, 'while The For,] ear belonging' to .Tean V.
I'rizp,; will II(' a w:.r,le,l nl1l1 refresh·
(Continue,] on Page 4) panles advertisement; otberwlse, live the general finances were ina healthy .J. Allell, 'of ~hiller aveline, 'w,hidl \l'a,
mt'lIt, will Ill' "<'1'\·e,1.
cents per word. '·01l1litiou,. a I'ee.e./lt piliIig 'up of .llnpai(l stoleu about ten days ago from. in front

CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. hills h:1I1 Ipft the treasury low. !twns of theCnrtis BI;ihling, was reeovel'l'd
: LADY WANTS fU1'1li"heil room; light j n'sol\',,<1 . t ha t immel!il! te. st ep" he t~ken ,t1fis.' week. It was fouud in Ne\l' .Tpr·
Fixed Meeting' Dates. hflU:-,pkt\lll)illg. ;) 1.1 \VynJl(·\\"()()d a "P., til brillg these accounts up to .date: sey, Iniull" it,' tires. alHI otherwise .dam·
\'ar1lprth. (s·p) " Ba'] " bills nre to he presented to the aged' hefore !J('ing abnndonerl 'by the
Borough Council Monthly':"-Second Monday Council Chamber
-Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Monthly-First Thursday COUilCil Chamber ,lireetol's at the next meeting for their thiens. .
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building FOR SALE-Willy, Kllight Coupe. Ill' :((~tion..
Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday Council Chamber 'lui/'(· Xarhprth Uarage. (S.p) The bill pn'selited b)' the Borough's
Narberth Fire Company
Narberth Choral Society
Monthly-Last Tuesday
Weekly-Monday Evenings Y. M. C. A.
Fire House
'HighwayD"partm~'ntfor extra 'expense
AUTbcAR TRUCK to 1)(' sold; in 1'1111' , incidental to the Civic Association's
Christmas Bazaar Today
Date. Name of Organization and Event. Place. Hour. lIillg ord,'r \\'ith pr:\l·tieally Ill'\\' tires Cleall:llp Week was ordered paill.. 'I'he Christlllas Bazaar of tht' Ml'lh·
sllo\I'ing- 110 \\'l'III'. :-;01,1 a,;' is. $-!OO.OO. A plan was presentetl and aeeeptetl odistChnr<~h will he hel'l in I-;Illl Hall
Dee. :: :'II"(hodi,;t Bazaar Y. :'II. C. A. Builtlillg lO.OO.-\. ':'II. 'l'h,' (iard,'n Xllr,;('ri,',. (S·e) , to llOlt] II joint ('onferen~e in the near today from 10 0 "'Iock in the lIIoming-
Del'. :L T"lIl1is ,\ux. Card Part~· EIIII Hall " 8.00 P. :'IL futul'l' between a eommittee of the until th.e ~oo,ls are 'old.
Dee. 8 110111" IIlId :-;.. hool _\s,;o .. i-Ition.:-;I·IIl)(!1 .\lIditoriulIl n.oo P. :\1. WANTED-:'II ('II to solicit orders for Civil' Association allli repre.sentatives A \'aridy 'of, useful" :\JIII ' ple:H,ing
D,'I'. !l Fin' Coml'lIu~' Dall'·e 1,:1111 Hall , !I.OO 1'. ':'II. fruit and ()rUlllllentnl trees, roses, from each {)rgan.ization. .for the pur· article, Ill',e orr,'rl·,I, inl'ln,ling Christmas
D,',·. n T .. nllis ,\uxili:lI'~' :'Ileets :!:!l E"'ex Ave :;.,. :tOo 1'.:'11. "hmhs, d,'. 1'lIrt 01' full tiuH'. Pay poS(' of making a. general sur\'ey of gifts an<1 ,·ar<ls.
Del'. 10 ..•. HOllie Bakt', Killg-', Daught .. rs.LogCahill :!.OO P.~1. \\·el'kl~·. Qu:;k('r Hill :'\ul's"ri('s, Xewark, t1ie Sl'ope of each ho~y, ~1Id of effcding-
D,'c. 1:i ('i\'i,· Asso .. iatioll Meetillg Colllll'il Chamhl'r S.1I0 P. ~1. \','\1' York :::;tlltl'. (S'-p) a ..Ioscr l'olhlhorlltion in the 'many ae·
Dee. .It;
Dee. li
(~llorlll :-;,wil'ly ('oll"'·rt
']',·lIlIi,; .\s",,,,iatioll Dall'·p
:-;"hool ,\uditoriun1
Elm Hall
S.OO P.:'II.
S.1I01'.:'I1. PRIVATE GARAGE for f('II!. Apply
tivities. This matter is to he ,1evl'l- Fire CompanyDance
opell at greater length at· the reglllllr FRIDAY EVENING,
Dee. l!l ( '. ('. Chorus. '" .. , , ~ l'n·sh.\·teriall Chnrl'll H.OO P. :'II. i C. .T, Galla~her, :\10 Woot!,;i,le ave., ml'eting. DECEMBER 9TH,
Del'. :!i, Alullllli :'Ilel'lillg" :-;,·hool .\llditoriulII I
H.OOP.~1. \'arli,·rth. I'holl(' :\al'hel'th lfj(J-!·\V. The cntire Board of Diredors is
Dee. 28 ...• Christmas Dance Elm Hall ..............•.. 8.00 P.:'II. i IN ELM HALL
(S·" ) showing u kl'.eli 'interestin these JlInt·
I -'- _
Proeeel!s for Improvement,; to he
tprs, an,1 it is. felt thatn: big oppor·
~falleon Elm Hull.
.As soon as your organization picks a date for any FOR SALE-Two 1IIetal heds eomplete,
ill goo,l (·ollditiol1. Half pri",'. Phone
tunity will be afforded, the :Civic "\s,o.
Tickets, 75 Cents.
dation to serve the eOllllllunity 11101'1'
event, notify OUR TOWN 1i:?Ii·W. (S'p) thoroughly in the' future.
'I \Vashiugton. Of courlle, . . '

:":lrl,,'rl". To thut r.ollllllllnity a half :\0\', :!:!. 1~.1:!1. TelepboneR,
OUR TOWN "I'II'llr," ago 1':1111(' a hanl] of H\'\ctliHh • 'j'hri",tllla:; i~ allllP:-It hPrt,. 1267
deliver - &111
place - &Q
i:II"II~r:tnt:i. SOIlIl Ht'll'f tl:(':,"· lIad llla.• le " Yflilf ,L:'fl'at 1'0:",1 ()ftil'(' J)ppartllit'nt
1268 time.
all 1l1',J :lnd 1'\I],li,h,',1 1'1.'r.'· S"tllr,I":,, i Ill' r' -1'1 t klllt'nt tiJl'fl' ('HlIlt" :lllllll1g 11;1"" a Idg .l0h ah,'ad :ll\d fll't''\S ~'llllr
by the \arhl'rth ('i\ il' .\"i~llt'i:ttillll.
,11"~; 't~ !h"ir pa:-otllf :J young' l.IJP11'ran ".·11'· The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Bllb';l.rilllil'll ]11:"1'('111' lllll]:lf :1111 iif1.'· 111!1l ... tt'r, \ 'lid ~\\"t'n"'llii. Jll' hrqllght ,. Thlnk "hltt i~ lJ1e:llb Itl Ill' :,anta
rC'111:-- l'l'r .'·I':lf ill :1,1\':1111'1'. \\ .!h h;~ hi ... \\ ifl'. a ."!lllllg' \\'11111:;11 ,.f l'lall" ttl 0111' lIllI,flll/I,11/1t1 IIt'lIpJ,' :111,1 to A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
l,i~h ;,k~tl .. all.1 :l :-'llJ!t'rior ord"f of 1!"li\'I'J" t 'hri~tl1lns parr'·l . . til p\'I'rv falll·
CIVIC ASSOCIATION 1:11, 1I~. Tllt'l"t· 'IIItlit' pr:tirip~ fht'." ~tart· il.,· in this grl'at "I1II1"r,\' withill th,' Frll'llIl' hn\'1' slJA'grstpd WI' rl'prillt III OGR
".1 :1 .. ,·i!lltl! \\ hidl lat"f \lp('nllll' Ht'th ... !Jort :""pn("t~ of ~l ft'\' ,1:1.",.. :llltl \\ .th(dJt Til\\''' thl' followlllg 11IIverllsellll'llt which np-
March 31, 1921 ,"'"rt'<1 ill thl' progrulll or the Narberth Chornl
Presi(h'nl. Georg" A. ~rllhl l]i":ll'llnintlll('lIt, ":",'1.,' r at tlwlr If'l'l'llt recital at the ~Ietro­
"It ('an bl l dllllt', aJld ;.{lIdl.~ tf)
,,,,!irllll t .pprn House.
Vice.President ,Joseph H. Xash III l .... "'~ ~IJ. ~\\I·II ... ()J1 and hi:"" \\Ift' \\I,'n'
A\IgllstlJS .J. Loos
Mr~. C. P. Fowler
Miss l\faizie .J. Simpson

tll:.!'·';\l·!' flll'l.,"
":''':'111:;",1 t!ll'
Ill' lift.\' ynllll~ iJl'I'ldt'
•• Ht'th:lll." ()ratl)J'ill

it if \\t' IlUI.'" lta\'l'
to Pllli:-t thl' [l1·ti'·I·
.,"tltH h,~lp.
a~~i:",t:"lt'l' llf
Secretary .. , Hohl'rt .T. Edgar :---q,·;l"\'.·' \Ir ... ~\\I·JJSOII \'as tht' di· I I"'i'r~' 1111.'" and girl in tht' "'1·hOt)l . . <If 0111'

Diredor~. to serve until Ifl33: Mrs, rl,,·tllt". {)II Ea..;tl·r 11ltlrning, 1", . . . ::. th,'~" 1'lllllltr~' ill ~('ttill~ J1nf('\'I~ Inaill'·j THl:--:
Robert F. Wood, .r. Garfield Atherholt, l'l'!l,l,.!,,; 1I:III,lt-\'", .. ~1t'~ooliah" fo;- the \\,EI·;I\: til rl'lil"·'· the r"slt th:1t ""11"'- :\I,,-i,' hath dl"lII:s-of thllt tht'r\' is no cl,mht;
1. A. Miller, C. Lflwn'nre Warwick, oIir,'.-(I,'· 1,,·fllr., (·hristlll:l-. alld it "olltil{l:'" tl14' sa\':Ig-e hrl·~I ... t---at It"a..,t the
Ii r .. ! t: III t·.
A. E. \\"Ilhlert, Philip A. Livingston. •I\\"ill .,"011 g"ll h/lllll~ tod:l~' alld IJll\·t ....";I.\'.
Din'dlllS, to serve until lfl22: J. J. T",I:,," Ih" "Hdhanv Oratorio ~lI'
thi .. 11 It',"'is:q!l' til .,·ollr p:lfl'lIl ... Of "lIl1r,,' IY(' ar" nllt all .a"ag"s-anJ :':OIlle
Cabr('y, Waltrr A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, i'll.t.'··' JIJI~ 1111'1I1hl'r~hip IIf ;-)1).-1, ill'
C. H. A. Chain. W. R. D. Hall, Harry I' ri .'n, 1-: of liS are not C'lltirply (,harmpt! h~' tht: musician'g
.111,1111;':' it- Ilr.·!JI· ... tr:1. 1t ha:..: fj"ndt'rt,d
A. Jacobs. .. '(lllr I",-t,,,a-tl'r has a-ked I," to '1'.·11. thollgh fllr th,' sak" IIf ollr wi"es and
tht ... '11· .. ..::111·' 1l:~ tinlt's. III additilJlI
Illail ,,"r ('hri-tllla- !,nr""I- TIll...; ';11 ""th'·:lrl., Ill' all lid th,' 1',,,\ whrll ralled
1'111 LII' .\. LI \'I \,(;",!,(}\" tt hl~ ["!ld,'tl',l Ilia 11." 111' the other
~ I' :1' ,.~, III:J'" ii·:11 l' rllli Ill' t i (J II.... 1 t h:J-; \\'EEK, f"r, 1I1t1., __ ".' ,]11, l'II"!" ":1111'- IlJll l ll.
Editor. ~llll]l'tilllt'~ the' liard routitH' 111' :l. (l:t~: at the
Ill:t,] Ilia." Ill' SIl Itl'a\','" t1\1' la ... t 1'1'\" ,la.'·..;
1t;ll :"r 111'IIlY ."l'ars atl j1l1ditorilJlIl
:'II\IZII·: .J, ;-;I~ll'''():''. fll'fllrt' t·hri . . . tlll:l..:; that hi' \\'nn't 111' :ddl' !".k or ,·ollll.·il t:tlole trall,f""IlS 115 into har·
\,hll'll \\:t ... Illlilt fnr it ... 11:-11' with a ~t~:tt·
Cashier. t" ,I.,li,.'r :ill th,' JHI'.;,'nt- h:' • 'hri-\ ":lriall' at It'ast. .\nrl 1"" r":leh ollr lire:iide:i
111--: '·:lp:l,·it.\· lIf n\-l'r thrt'l" th()lJ~allfl.
Ill: l:-i '~'"I'. ' hl'at iJ1~ Hllr :-a\'a~r!'\ hrPll.-;t.... lfaven't YO\1 cver
~l'lld :Ill ad"l'rt i:-ill· r alld tH'\\" itl'1I1 1,) il,d", \\,,,,.\.; IlIarl<- thr greatr.'t e"ent"
"'1'111' l'a,,·,'I- IJllIst I,,' ".'11 wral'l""] ill'I'1l 1':Jilt-d a .. hrut!'" or a "hear" ~
P. O. ]lox !1I;ti. ,~ ,,1' th,· .",'"r III till' littlr. pmiril' tll" 11.
Gllr TowlJ i ... 011 .... :Ik :d tbt" dl'jHlt
a",] I;",] alld a,]d,.",,-,',l plailll.,' in IIrd.>r JI is th"11 that tht' dIann or the qllid t","ntry
'1'1,,' ., :'II"--i"h" is "'Il,Jl'rr,1 on Ihr
JH?W~:oIt:llJd, :1~HI ;II the :--to1'l' of H. l:. l
that the'." Ill:t.\~ arri\'l' ill gill)11 (·()ll·litillll ,id., ltll,J th,' IIcll orol.'rerl home w'lIdd most ..
_'\'I'llil!;';' llf 1':1111l ~\ltHla~", ag-ain 011 thl
Davis. lIith thrir I·hri.tllla,-:' 3pl'e"ran,', lin :'1'I"·al. .\11.1 if that hOI1I1' lI'ith its pleasant
Ell! ('rl',1 il:-i ~1'i'111111·1·1:1:-i'" 111:11 t I'r (.\ ,'11 ill;":' ,If (;(HHI Frida~' ;llld fillall~" on
I ":)lldll'll. You 1':\11 }Iut Oil ~"nllr pnl'lcl~I''''' l'II"iTtlllllll'llt j .. within pas.," di:..:tntll"" of the' tlaily
Ort()hf~r t;"), l!ll-t, :t1 t1ll' ll(l"';~ ()ml'I' :It Ill!' t" "IIIIl~ Ill' I':a~tl'r da.v. Othl'r ('1111'
'IlII Il"t "J,,'n IIl1til (·hri,-tma-.' grilld ."ollr ('onte'ntlllent would llc :l~~llrel1.
~nrht'ft", }Jt'III1;":\·]\:I11i:t. lIlIdl'r thl' (I •. : ,·I'rt .. '\11 I 1l111 ... il'al \"'PtltR Illllft', tlr lp~:-i
of :l1:lr,;I. 1~;!1. ' • ".\ Htl, IllllSt 11l~ :1 Iltlllllll~r 'I!]
thl'l'l' tht' :'I!ail1 l.inl' is a towll---famerl not alone'
()Il Y
rt']:;":'illll~ ;11 l·ll:I1':ll·tl'l' arC' gi"C'1I hoth
"llli r 111111"'1' :111'] :1 111:1 i I 1'1"'I'I)t :1 1'11', t, 1'1. r"r It. ('h"r:ll S,,,·i.,t.'·- -hilt ,,1-,) for the beauty
1:1" ;l!1 I l1i~ht dllriTl~ HHly \\"l""k.
fIll', if thl'fl' j~ll·t. :--:anta ('Inus' IlII~~ tit' it:; sllrrOlllldilJg-s·--it..: httr:lt'ti"l' hIJlue:i-its
Tlllttll~1\"II: 1!J:lt 11lltirt' IHlri(lt! tlip littlt' I
OUR TOWN will gladly print .... I.II~t'r. ~'I\1J r 1pI1.'r I'a rril'r, 1I1:l~' !lIlt hi' It:,!,!,:: "hil,II'I'Il---iI5 good Ilr'i"hhnr'l nll,1 the con·
t'I\\;1 ' .. ilil<lIl:.!.I·,J \\ith I'I'OPlt' ill I-::l:-iter
any news it'lm about any subject :11.11' tn filld thl\ llllll":\' \\ lWfl' th., ]')'1' ... · \'t'lI i ('111'\'." 111' it..; 111L'atio11.
. 11 : 11'. :'\i 11"; " 111\ ('J' .. 1'(1111 I' frtllli all ""1' I'
that is of interest to Na.rberth I I'IJ! hl~lotl~·:-i. It is thirtt"'11 IIlinlltl· ..; HIlt II.'" expres:;-and
folks. but in order to meet the ., Th,' :lo1,lr,"'- "II ",','r,'- l"t f,'r, ,,,rd. '-"\"'111".'11 IlIil1l1tt" h." thr. 1..",,,1 trains of the
printing schedule. a.1I • 'copy" Thl' .:.!,J"I·ll 111'1'.1 IIf t1l,' ('a~', :":11 far a~ tJI" ll:ll'kagt' 11111 .. t lw rorrrl't. ('ollljlh,tt', I't'lln",.,·j\·:iII i:1 Hailrnall with n'~ll!ar antI fre-
-manuscripts-must reach the J.:Ii,! ... illlr:..: I" l'III\I'i'J'J\l"1, i;o;. :til :llIdi- :lll,} It'c-ihl,', illl'l\ldiJl~ thl' lltJ11"1~ 1I1ltll qllt'Jl t .... l'r'·jl·L'.
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each t'Il;lllll 'If :1 ,':ql:ll·ity :--l·\·t·ral tillll'S th:d Ill'l' :lllil nallH' Id' .. Ir"l·t, allll thl' . Frlllll' Tlrerr· is a hll- \\'hi"h 11111' I"'ery half hour
week. 11:· ,Ill' ]' rl' "1 II t 1'111' tIl t:t kf' (':1 rt' II f t 111' I
:I,!,lrl .......... hllll},l 111' III the 1I1'llt'r il·ft l'lllllll'I'till~ \\ ith t llf' 1'11'\,3t0d ~It li!lth Street; and
rl J \,- ·1 .... thU . . l' who t"'cnty
I ":111,1 rnflH·r .....) 11J:lt tht' JI1ail \\i111q' r t ' 1'111' aI1101lg' II'" o\\"n a ('af, a
'ri,l' ,.J.; 11·'11 uf I.illd ... llol'g- arl' !ltl'I':ll, tllrlll.,l tn .\·llil ill (·:l.~\.' it i ... 11'lt 'll'li,·· Illilliltl' dri,·l' thrnugh park :lnd ('lIuJltr~" road
!.,. gl'll',\ lll~ llfl ill t}\l' Or:l1nrill :--\Ill·il·t.'·, :Ihhfi'\-iatt' lit' 1":101, ri"ltl I" thrir frollt porl'hrs.
SATURDAY, DEC. 3, 1921 :t!~ ;J, 1" :I!" 11:llllt'rqll~ rIJlrl'~I'Il':dl\I':-i
l'ITd. Pll 1I0t

lltll·:!ll .... l' Tllall\'

11:1 tl; I''''

In "till'!' ""rrls, it is t'<l.S." tn get to-though


Ill' dlrt'l' :":'1'!II')':d inn ... frll111 tll1' .... aJlH~ fam ,\ 111'lt :t}lllt'i·,·i:ltl·,l. :In I h" t""II-f,olk "gree that it i~ mighty hard
I:~!I';H(;E:"('\' 1'1I0:\E I·.\LL:--
ily. :\q~l'.l llilhil,:tl \'riti(':o; h:t\"l' l'!"nssl't! • '1)11t tht' 1'1"1I11l'T' :lIlIOllllf lit' i"l";~:I~I' to le3ve.
Fir\', :~:11I
!'olil'l', ] :2.-, ( I t" I' ~I' I ~ :111 ! 111:111." 11ft h I' IJlll"" 1'1111111'11 I 1111 ~'lIl1r li't~l'r" :!Il.I \\rap thf' iJ:1rl,,·1..: ;-;llr·h i- the spirit of its 1"'''1'11', that they call
1,\1<" '\\1 , ... Ill' .\III~'ril'a think Ilothing' ":lq'fll11.,". ,\vtlill [:1111'." \\riting', "hil'h it 'oll1etillle, "()lIr Town "-other times the
lit' a .iol\ll'Ilt'.\P h:Jlf WU~' af'rOR'" th t"' ('tin· """"'', I""t,,,m,·,, Pll'rk- :111<1 lrttl'r ,'ar, •• YL'ar Hound lflllllt l Town."

Editorial ti""nt flt 111':1,' th\' lkthany ~,"'iet~· in

I'lfll' ,11' it .. ptlrf(Jrlllal}('I'~" Tho:-,(l who
ri4'T:-" to :-,toll Htlll :-'tlld~-, :ltlll tho .. 10";1'
tinll', :lfakl' thr a,l,lr.,-, I'!:till all,1 .':IS,
The railroad and thl' po.t om"p call it Xar,
lIJl\'I' 1t:1'} tll\' pfi\'ilt'gt~ of })l\nrill;! oUP il.," f1 nd, and nlwn~'~ 11:'''1 pC'1l :"In 1 ink
1 1 1Iroli.r.r
THE CALENDAR. (It' t1111"'I' j'Onl'C'rts nn(l of ~p(lndiJlg' some or t:'l)pwritrr nn,l light·rolorrrl ('n'·('·
In this wl'"k's i:.:su,~ of Ollr TIl\\1I ' tillll1 ill thr town of Lin(l~horg nfP tln~ 11l1't'R. so n~ to ,;,::1\,(I the' p~P(~:", of thfl
\\~e are printing' tht.' ('alt'lldar of ('0111' tlli,-::,.t;" II thl'ir prais" of this ltrgan· Jio..:r ·nffil>r ... lprk .. , Dn 1I1lt 11~1' ell "elnp,~,,;
ing ].;"l'ats, II ith th,' ,J,It., "I' """1'." i7:1' :011. Jlllt 11111.'" hi'I'aust' (If what iT hn~ I "f 1I1111sllal ~izl'. Th,' littll' ,,"(,- that
Suburban Offic " at Station, Narberth, Pa.
eVC'Jlt hie·h \\1' 11:1\1' illf"rIllatioll.
of \\ ;J'IlII' !or art. hilt hp(':IlI:-i(~ of t.ht' .. pirlt ,,,.' sO fr"'lll.'ntl.,· 11",01 for I'arols an,1
To ,iu:'tif.\" fhi:..: ('all'lld;Jr as :I IH'r I lit" rl·\-('t'I'Il,·,· :Il1d high 1110ral (·h:l1:1 1·ll'f ll(Jtf'~ at ('hTi~tmn:- :ll1d Ilth('r lH)lilla!"
lualll'lIf ft'ntllfl', alld til iTl~llrL' its . . 11\·· "a-
it i ..
that WI' h:l\'{l prlllllJlt

1111 the future

\\ I",,}, i'
llf lht'
illlillt'li' ",
in"ul"at"d in th., 1lt arts!
111'111'1,' wh'l ha'I' l'tllil" 1l1l1!1'J' its i
tiIlH.... ('~l\J..:I~ :111 \lntold :llllollnt of trOll'
1.1,' a ",I lah"r, a, tIll'," \\ill 1I0t fit "'\1'
1':It1I'I.ling' IIUlI,hiIlf'S and lIlllst thtlrt)f(jTl~
t-:=== The First Thing~~~~
ploll:- vf :\:lfllt.'rtll'~ :Jc·ti'·itil' ....
Thl' ~:lrht'rth (·horal. a~ t'oll1par,~,l III' 1':l1ll'I'!t'rl h~' h:1lld. Hlll';llISI"ll' t ilf'ir to do when company comes is to show off the advantages
l)lt'a~l' llla1"l' it :1 t\, :-01'lId tiS a
:-oil.t' :Itld tetllll'nl'~' ttl slip 1I11t nf a l':l"k-
\\ ilh 'h,' H"th;III." Oratorio, has -ltme of living in Narberth
"lip ot' J,"'I"'r \\ilh th.· nl'<'I',-ar." fad' .!i':lh :lIlt:l~e". Hilt it haRt :tl~o, '-HII1(' :1 :.rl·, t hl''':l' :--111 :l}1 f'1I \'1' ltllll~'" :11'1 1 1l1'lrf>
as SIIIIIl ;IS ."11(11' 1'1:tlls al"t. ('ltlllpletl'll. I
·1,1\":IIl1:I~t'''''. .\s a {.tllIllllunity institu· Ii 1,,,1,'- tll I,,' o,'"rl""k.·,j or 10,.1. One of these advantages is the chance to have some really
Jf 111i~ 1:-- l'otl~i:-i1t'nt I." ,:Olll', a .~n'at "~Iail ~"our II~tt\·l'''' :lilt!
r ."" ha- 1\ It,,,J.-rful pltssihilit i.,s. It pal,j"agl,g
deal of thl' :tnIlO.'·:iIlIT of l'olltlidillg
t':lrl~- ill the' da~",
:..:rt':l·~'· I·lIh;tlll'e'" tlll' :'11111 total of I'om- 1.)('.·:\11 .... " thi . . '\\'nitlr'
datt~~ ('au lit' :l"oidpd, alld Hllr (':dell'
/I111Ili!." I'\lltllrr": it pro'-i/lrs hi~h('st (l\"t'r1():lflitl~ and df'la~'il\~ lJlnil :It the BAKED GOODS
l~:tr will hI' all lit'l'IHatll :llId liSt' fIll (\,:1
,.!:t .... ('lIt,'rtailllllt~lIt: it t'afri('~ the n:ltlll' "11,1 of thr. oIa:·. without mussing up your own kitchen
: :Ill' of Ollr '1'0\\ a. '1111 61l!l I lll·l'd ... flf :'\arlwrth til r('~inll'" I. ,P (IIII' Ifl4'n I Illl ... t rll:l:-f t'r :111': Y'llir

.• f:l J , t.'a"llf'1S will tl'lI ~'nll 11101" a It,,ut the For instance, Rye, Bran and Wheat Br,ead
FIll' 1hl·~t.' :lllll othe'r T(la~on:-:., I pt"tal setTil'r.
•. 1)0 these thin~s, all l l ~"Oll will ",in
talk it over with
Ij". ,·')II,·i,·ti'lll that :"arh,'rth O\\'('S it
I" i:'elt' fo givl' all pos~ihle Sllppnrt the grateful appre('iatit'lI1 "f the pl'''l'l,'
Follo\\iag .111' r,litorial la"t \\t'l'k sug·
all I .'n"llurag"lI1pnt tn its Choral So- iu ~-ollr post ofli.'r. an,[ l'spel'ial1y \.If
~"sting th,' ('!'r.dion of sign hoards
"Your Po-tllla:.:tl'r nrn.'rnl,
ire('tiIl~ t1t'WI'OIlII'r~ to Xarhert'h, we ;I·t,\".


1I,'re in n"'eipt of sl'\'l'ral phone (,lIlls
fro-U1 II\Plllhl'rs of CUUIH·il, giving \1:-"
•• 1'. S.-Don'l forgrt til mail Christ·
the hi"tor:" of t h" l'aSt'. ma, par'kageH THIR WEETC"
It !ll'fH'ars Ihat in the early part of MR. HAWS DELIVERS CIIRISTMAS The enthusiastit' manner in which it
this year, the matter was hrought up
MESSAGE TO SCHOOL was received h~' the stlldents wOllld in- lM:1.ee Zen.'tJ:U.a.yer'e
CHILDREN. ,Jir'ate that Ibe JIll'ssag(' was grl'at1~· flp'
in Coulll·il. ~\ design for an llttrllcth'c
sign WI" Sllhlllittllll an.l nl·l'l'ptetl. Thl'n plL,,'iated flnd that the hoys anll girls KINDERGARTEN
the Lower :\Ie'rion Commission were A Christmas !H('ssage fro!H Po:.:tma'· of X arherth would not forget the R.eopen.ed. Sep'ten:1ber 1~, 1.0g1
t,or (;,'nNal Will H. HllYs to the hoys •• Christmas Message" from the Post· 19B ~1.D.d.eor A'Ven.-u..e
conllllllnil'ale.l with, anll the." gave sUI-('
"n'\ girls of the Cnited States W:lS de· IIla,ter General.
!test ions ns to the best places for these
~igns. "The signs were mnde, but \\'11('11
lin'''',1 to tltl' 3ssl'Jll'hled pupils of the
Xnrlwrth sl'hools on Monday !Horning
they wen' really to put lip, nnother let·
h.v I'oHtmaster Edward S. Haws. In
ter was rc.cei ved from the Commission BE GIVEN BY ALUMNI
prrsl'1I t i JIg t he message the postmaster Walnut 2788
refusing Nnrherth permission to Pllt ASSOCIATION.
I1la,l.' a hrief address, in which he said:
them up on Low('r :\rerioll territory.
., BlIYs nlul girls, I r.ame here this
So there we are. Our Town hopl"S The Entertainllll'nt Comlllittee of the
to get tlJe full story of the matter by n"Hning til Jelivl'r [l message frnlll the
Xarherth High 8ehool Alumni Associa-
next weelt, !lnd ahove nll, the reasons Postmaster General of the Cnite,l
tion, of ",hir.h Miss .Tane Laird is chair-
wh~' our n('ighbors look with (li~pleas­ Rtat,,:.:. It surely is :l pleasure and an
man, has announced an open Chri.,tmas
Ull' on this 1'0nvenieuI'e to Xarherth
hllllor to hn VI' the privilrge of deliver,
danl'e, to be hel.l in Elm Hull on Wed,
in~ 1\ message from the Postm::r_,ter
visitors. n('sdny e\'ening, De('cmhe!' 28th.
G"nl'ral to the bO~'ll aD(l girls of the NARBERTH REPRESENTATIVE 106 FORREST AVENUE
Tieket.s IIllly he ohtaine,l from any
:\'a rlwrth sl'ho01s. WM. MORRIS CORLIES Narberth 18-89 a
graduate-'of the 10('111 High Sr.hool at
"If you knew how intensely Jlnxio\ls
une ,lollar earh. 'No efforts are bein~
the Postmaster General is to have the
i'pared to make this one of the most
A FAMOUS CHORAL SOCIETY. people receive the very hest k~nd of DON'T WAIT until tbe SlIPW storms nre bere. FllI you I' blns with the best
sllce('s:.:ful and enjoynble sorilll events COllI that clln be bought. nnd
service I'm sure you would do ev('J~" REl\IEXlJER
of the year.
To the Editor of Our Town: . thing possible to help him.
,. Will Hays is a little man, hut he is
ell ristmas is altlloHt here. SAVE
Since Narberth's Choral Society has THAT DATE!
been able through its worlt 'to bring very' full of pep. I have met him in
27 Yards in Pblla-
additional honors to our town, I feel Wnshill~ton, spoken with him, and I Spruce 1400
delphia and suburbs
wllnt to tell )·ou that he is ,a good seout KING'S DAUGHTERS' IIOME BAKE. Ardmore 10' Ilt your service:
that many folks of our community will ,,'1

be interested in reading something con- and we all should do everything we

can to llelp him make t1riR the best The King's Daughters will 110Id a
cernin'g. another of America's far-falll-
ChristmlUl-a Christmas when every Hnle of 'hollle-bake(l bread, rusk, pies,
edChora,l Societies.
, Near the center of the State of Kan- present and every l-etter will be deliv- cakes and candias next Slltmday, De- CEO.
cember 10th, frOll\ 2 to 5 P. M., in MAIN
Ras iii the town of Lin~sborg with' a ered on time. Here is the mess~ge:
little more tlll~n half the population of , "Office of the Postma~ter Generlll, the Log Cabin., lIIr. Smedley'a offiee.

~,' .


,"g third ill thl' ,erit"

lIf ., ~ren You
1.00 1'. ~r.-Intcrnll',li~tt' an,] Senior
E. lIIeetings.
7.1.; I'. ~r.-J-:\'t'lling wtlr,hip. The
('ontrihutions, 1~20·21

T"tal , ,

$1,020.86 A RCADIA
CIlESTNIIT. Bel. 18th 81
FID_r PIlolo .31' The-
.Ire or I" srze 10 Ibe
Church Notes. EnUre World.
l'a-tllr will C~l'lain tl,e "It'aning "f the Exprnse;;.
THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' H:I/:tar tlld:t." (n('I·I'lllht'r :~! at Y. ?\1. Pb.loplay.-ConllnunlUl lOA. M. 10 11.1•
Il",,\'.'r H.·l,,,f . $4~4.00
MEETING HOUSE, .\. Hllildill~.
:--1'll!l'J1I'l' ill tht' .\pfl:-'t!" ... · ,'rel''', "IIc P.M.
I'hilla Falllille Fun,1 ........• 425.2;;
. . . . 1;11 I:•.\" ~I·j,(lol
Hn:lrd 111('I't.~ \'·rdn.'~· ,1,·~I·I'J1,I(·d into ht'II."
MOlltgolllery I'ike, :\arlJerth, was e~tab· .Iu n ior Hed ('r'bS :\ e\\'s Sub·
PhU... ? .
Lt.\·. 1)""1'111111'1" 7th. at ~l ('. :'\1. Church Notes.
lisheu IG8:2. Herc Willialll Pellll wur· s"ription' , . :23.05
l'r:IY"!' 111.·.·t ill.~ 4'\ 1'1'." \r."ltlf'sday. l'r:I~','r IIIt't'tillg \\'l'·lllt·~ by c\"I'uing
Bhq\c.l, llS \\ ('\1 liS lllallY other noted ~('h,<iarship ., . 25.00 PROGRAM
Friellds. 0111' of thl' hi"t'Hll'al spots of
'11 s (I '(·lul'k.
\\'t,,,",',da.'· fit I') .\, ~I .. lll,'cting of ('hristll'us Dinaers . ,,3.41
America i" 0IJPII for \\orship e,ery
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE Ih,' \\">lIIt'II'" ,\u\iliary, a",1 at :2 P. :'II., WEEK OF DEC. 5
~'irst.d[lY (C'lInday) Illornlllg at 11 $1,0:20.71
EVANGEL. th,~ 111t'l'tilq.~ of tlJI' 'YnIlI1111'S :\li:-o . . ionary
o'clock. First,day ~l'hool begins at 10
A. ~[. \'isitor" cordially ill\'itcd. ....:.lH· i I't~'. Halallt'" .lfi "The Lure of Jade"
::"I.:\t Fri.la.\" 1'\I'II;Il~ '~11 I!J'I'fill(~,li·
• The Fir"t·Jay :-;('hool is held e\'ery
:ttl' (·hri .... tian Ln.J'·;I\·ur .... ,ll'\,.t.\· \\"jjl T<>t "I " .. , $1,1I:20.,~1)
First.clny mornill::; [It ten a ',·Iock. There
..... ' n il·t·~ ~'ll1li:1.". nl·I'I'lId.!'r -1, I~J~t.
is a class for llllu]ts as well as for MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS A8 NEA.
~I. :11 . \ . :\1. l'rayt'l' lIlt·:·till.~. ttl 111' f.lll1J\\ t'il 1\\" :t .. n,·i:tl htlur. ARDMORE MAN INJURED BY
childrell, alld we art' 'I'ry glllJ to ha,e ( AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. III.. 11.00, 1.01.
~l t.-, \. \1. :--:1111.1:1.\" ~,·111)(11. j)"'ll:lratitills arlO :111'1':1,1." !,t'illg" Illa,lp NARBERTH AUTO. • •..15. 5.411. 1.45. 9.30 P. H.
anyone who is interestet! in knowing
11.1111 .\. \1. :\lill'lliJl.~ \\I1I' ... lIlp. 1'0111' f'JI" :111 t,lahllratl' 1·1,11·1'l'atllll1 q:' ihl' glad
more about our :-;o(,'l'ly 1'1' Frielltl, and
ill it1\tJlI -;.'1'\ i(·.·. SI'rlll'lll tlY 1ht' pastor (·hri ... llll:t~ J.'l'~ti\·;tl, 'I'll,' ~4'1l1'lr t'. E. (it'""!.:e ('. ,\ntler,oll, ,ol'rctar.,· of the
the Friendly idell' "i"it with U',
•III 1II.· t 11 t'llll', " I. if t":,; III:-;!.i 1':1 tillIl. ' ,
·j·t· \ t, .I lIh II lli: ::::.
:--ill.L:' tht'ir (·!Iri . . tllllt'i '·arld ..
of publi(' \ \ f l r.. hip ,,11 I)l't't'lllhcf
a~ tlit' I.Il\\cr ~rprion Board of T,)\\'n,hil' Com-
Illissiolll'rR, i:-, In a .s1~ri(jllR ('oJHlition
frolll i njll rip~ rCl'(~i \'pd l:1:'\t Turs l1ay
7.1111 II, \1. Ytllillg- l'l'lIJ1k'~ Illt·(·tin~. 1.'...;tl1: tbl' ~1I11ih.\· :"-ir·!ld'.J \\ill ha\'c en· Raymond Weil'. Proprietor
t "I1.:.· . . f 1.1,~ill ... \\ ith H:ll't i,t Young tt'rt:tillll1('llts I'll \\·,·"lll,·~\I:l,\" "\'I'lling, nig-hl when he wa' ron tlol\lI hy an
Rev. R. F. CowleY, Rector. 1',.,11'11,· ... :-'.Il·il·1 jt', ot' \\"" . . t l'hi!adt'l- Ikl'I'11dll'r ~1. alld l'rid:I.\' l·\·t'nin~. DC'· :lntolliobile elri\'en b.,' l'har1e, YlJCUl1l, GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
Early Mas" Oil :,-;ulldays at ; A. ~L ~::. alld :111:':'111"1111.,1 ,·hoir will :211,__ Elm Terrat'f', :"artlt'rth, while try·
Late Mass, 10 A. ~L
7.::11 I' \1. .loillt . . . t·I'\,i.·I, ",ith the'

rl'/I.[I'I' a '·hri . . t

ilia'" \';llIt :1~;1 oJli ~hl' i'\'I'Il· ing- to nllss Lalll·,,-ter Pik.' and ,\rg-ylc EXPERT REPAIRING
Y'lllll;":P"(IPlt", ~tlt"il,t.\" and tht' e\'cn· III~ 01' (·ilri~llIla .. Da.\·. Hoad. T olephDne Narberth 1633
Masses on holy day". tl.:lll all,l 8,30
ill g "nllg-rt'gatiIJIl, "h"11 llit' YOllllg' PflO· ~lr. :\ndt'r~oJl. \\ lin i~ n~ y('af~ 0111,
A. M. Weekdays at 8. 1·;"en,a;.: ,11"'0
tions all,1 other sen'ices lit regular I'lt. "ill givl' th.'ir IIIt,nthl~' Wor].!\\;.]e THE JUUNIOR RED CROSS IN THE was pi"ketl up hy ~rr. YOCUIII. plal'ctl
times. t;lIild l'l'ograIIl. E\'l'ryhpdy il\ urg('l1 to SOHOOLS. in his autolllobik :In,1 tak.'n to the HOWARD C. FRITSCH
lit' pfe,('nt l'ro"IJitl~· at i.>~n in (lrdpf \\'IIt'1I th.' t·hd']r,'n "I' ,"tlt'rit'" reo YOCUIIl hOllle. ,\ ph.,',i"ian "'as sum· Justice of the Peace
1 il giVt· tilllt~ til pft'!'\C'Jd tht' laHtl'rn ... pondl'd so valiant!.\" ~I) ~hl~ H,'tl ("ro:'\R Illoneel, who saiel ~Ir. .-\lIrlerslJn was ,uf·
-lidt', illu"trating ., \\'hal I'll, hprn a l" (·:111 for war work: It \\;,~ at nn('c c\·i- frring- fro III shock, a broken wrist anel
t""lIp1ishe,1 in tht' :""11 W"i'j,J ~r,,\'l" dl'1I1 that :l trt·lIIpn.{,)u.'") :IIlIOllllt nf en· lat.pration, and "Illltusillll" of the boely.
Fire Insurance-Best Companies
;.' Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector.
!I"'nt of :"orth('rn 1I"l'li"t-.·' \'r~y :111'\ .... h:I,1 Ilt'i'n di~,
ft' . . nllrl·t,flllll" Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.

Rev. Robert B. W. Hutt Associate. ",'"I I'. ~1. \\,.·,Jllt's,J:lY t"t'lIiltg ~li,J i" l '1'1111 . . Ill,' .llJll or Hl~·l (.'fn~s
\\l'~'k "l'r\i('l' Ill' the (·hllfl·lI. TllJli{', J, In ,';llllt' i111'1 111'ill~, ;111 I "')')11 !l~illitJn~ I)f PAINTI NG GLAZING
thl' F\llll('~s 111' Tillll' l'llri .. t ,':ltlll'," 1'}lildrl'!1 \\1'1'" \\1':1\ ;Jl~ inti' ·!It':r dail.\" "l'llf' })t·t·l'llIht\f II\f'rtill:': of the \\,pst·
~.];"jA. ~l. -('Ollllllllilioll .'.·I"\·I'·P.
/,,'1111,1 1.1' l"i1·l!,Il.1 :111 1'01111' 1:1'1' thr It,illst.'r l'ir,·I., \\ ill 1,1' h('ld "n Ile""II"
~.4;;A. :\1. ~-('hur"h St·b",,:. {;:II:11 illll-:'
4: 4.
l'I',\·IIIIlI.\' \\ ,,1"1111,t' t'l 1ht· ... · :-I'f\ :":lddl'll ,111"1':101 III' ~lll' .I\:~;:"I' l~t',l I ross I"'r'th :It tht' I"",,r "f ~Ir". \\' .•T. WILLIAM NEWBORG & CO.
11.00 A. :'11.- ,~lornill:: I'!·t.",'r :", i
I' ~.
Ill"t Ill, "I :-'rr\l· ... 1.aughlin, :2111 ('he.-tn1lt .\,·.'nlle. Painting and Deooratlng
IIl'rt, "" tbt' ~"'i" I.,n.·, ','11 ,"h,,,,}- ~It'll\hl'r" arc :I"kt'd 1I0t 10 fllrg-t't to 212 Woodb'ne Ave., Na ..barth, P •.
L"i':lllll' ,JllllilJr H,'·1 ,'1" _\':\ li:tril's I'ring ('hri,tlll:1S t".,·s 1'"r thl' l'hilelrcn's Phone, Ardmore 1435 W Na,berlh 1758 W
1;1."! \\ ill t I'r. \\ it 11 ;. ',.:', ",., I ,i t a I.
d /"'11.
Rev. Arthur S. Walls. D. D .. Pa.';tor. Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.
.\t ·llri .. tlll:l~ li:l'\ .\\. :-'l":I~:":'I'tl,,'r,\' "DEBUTANTE STUFF"
~I.·l.-l .\. \1.-- ~lll1d:I.\' ,,",I,hooJ.
:',+,', .\. \I. ~I"II', lIild., ,'J:,--. :--t II ,1 :\l''l"t;II~'': ttlr l\i'\1 ~lllldllY, DCf't'T1I-
For Bowling and
.... ,,' , l. I ~':': I :
g"tll HI.. . , ~rlw('rit,~, 1'r ... 11 frui~ 'II! \ I':":'" " I )1·!Jllt :)lIt I' :--:t IIfl'"
of i... tllt' hall"
iI'S ill tht' 1';Jrldd.,,,, This ,\t·,k
l·'ITlI('rl·i1'lll ~l'r\'allt," \1:11!. 1
:.::: ::.-,. ~I.L-l .\. :\1. :-\\1111\:1.\' :--",110111.
:lll,] IJl'Jll('~' ;"1
Tltt· 1..\·11\:111 :""o"}11I<l 1 lili",l t:.! '11wK
'·hr;..:t~II:I'" dill 11", I",'t "tli"e, ,'sl""'iall~' at ('hr,-tlt':ls
: it: I'. 1)t1:--t plli,'\' 1'III]dn,\'t't'S ~a.\' "ll" 111'
Pocket Billiards
11.1111 ,\, ~1. 1'111,1,.' '\t,r"hil" Tile,,,,'
11.1111 .\. :\l.·--·~lllrllill;"':- \\'''' ... !1 1'. :---"1 ill:!!; alld ~:t\·I' 1:: 111.\", Tilt, 11:1\"'1'1',11'01 th"i!' ~rl'at. dinll'll1tit'~ i . . tr.\'jng to f('ad come to tbe
.. ,'1'111"11, "( )lIr ~:lt'n\,l Hlltlk~." .\ Iso
J1'111I l,.\' t 11 I' p:l st IIr. Fl'it'llt! ... ' Schoo! fill,',] ~.-, ~!lIr'kiJ:~-;. :t1l,1 , ..";fyli~h" 11:111,1\\ J'itil1~, and thi' I'Il ..:t
dlildn'll ' ... ~t·lllHlll. ,. Thl' \l~·stt'fie':-', of
1.1111 1'. ~I.-J-:I''' "I·th I.eag'It',
7.4.-) P. ~l.--(;fI;-OIH'1 ~ollJ,; :-i1·n·il'I·. I. i fl.'. ' ,
t'Yp)) tht'
\\l'l' Kj,l,Ji~'" IH
:li"ir .. h:,ft' to\\:lt'·I,
~Ij~ .. :--iuttllll'~ Ulli"t' I>l'11artllJC'nt
II.\" \\"tlllll'lI ut' a plain
-1.1111 P. :'\1.-.,luuinl' Elldt'lI\'llr, dir('(·t.·
'LOll I'. :'II.'-:-;l'rJllltll h." thr I'a-tor. IJlal\ill~ ('hri~lIJl:I:; i,ri;.:htl·1' fltr 1110 . . (' .\lItlth!'r Itl'SI tlflit,t' t1ifli,'u1t~' ari.'''' No.1 Forrest Ave•
"The :\1,,11 \\'ho h TOll (':lI\t illll'," hc- .,,1 1.." ~Ir. :11101 ~rr,. Taitt.
11 .... :'\ flJftlllt:t11' il.\· lill;tl~ ~~t)('ki!'~-;. Thl' 1)\'1')' tlit· 11:-'1.' of "'111:11: :-il.t' l'llrds :\11.\ t'll'
(·ltristlll:l": dilll1l'I'S ~In,l S~I"'klfl:':''' \\f're \t'lllpt'~, (·(1111111011 at ('ilristllJ:i~ tillit'.
<ii,t rihuted h~' th.' F"tl"ratio!l of Postmaster Haw, ;, n,jdng- I'll'al mer-
('huff·hl's :lnd tht· !fOI1l.' ~"r\'it'e of the to tlSt' t11,' 1'f'glll:lJ' si'l.c rards

Narberth Register
Two Line•• IOc per iuae; Sc for each additional line
Hrd ('rn~s to pO'll' filllli:il'" :l1on~.( the
:'Ilain l.ine alld :" :ht' !f'-<lllt' of the
Goocl :-:>hl'pherd.
:llld ('llYI'!0}lP":
~lo~t tllHil
;I'" 111111·11 as ptls:-;ihl".
t':tJll"t,l1t>,l h~· 1l1:lr'iliJl('::,
j ...
tlllt tllt' slllall t·Il\·p!lljlt·."" haYt' tf) be
For Permanent
l)uring- the \\jllt,.)' ~hl' \I:tllll:tl Tr:tin'
illg ('l:l~~ of t ht' lIa \ "rf'll· : ...;,,·lltlll~ 1l111dr
":ltll.pII{'d h~' hlllld. l·(JIl";\lUliJt~ all cx-
tra 1l rlliuary :1lllollJlt flf lillie' during tlH'

Gott8hall, H. K. PUblic Aecollntant. 303

Cotter. Ho".rd F. PnODe, Uti.
fift.,· tt>-"_, and Ih,· \;"rr," Ii'I' I'lIhlic 1'I1 .. h ~(':U;oll. BUY A
Conway Ave. P.bone, Narbertb 1667-J.
dl.play adverUaemen( In tbt. 1"06. Sr'hnol :!~ toys 1"'1' t ~It' II· .. • :111:" ('hil-
KtIllm, H. C. Certllied PUblic Accouotaot. Jack.on, AD De. Violin lnst ruction. dn'Il of EIIl"llpl" ANNUAL FEDERATION REPORT

Smedley Buill Home

101 Dudley &_. PboDe. N&rbertb IOO-W. Tl')el'bone. l\orbel'th 3]11-.1,
AUTO.\I0UILES . 1400M, "'anny H. Pinn(l tf"BCuer.
\\'ht'n ~[r. II"", t'l _"Ii' "lit hi- dill
.. ~"
Narberth Garl1J;:e. Phoue ~ uruprt lJ Iti3.1. St uello, Y. ~1. C. A. melg. I'hono,
3IG-J. flir hl'll'. the' t'lItlll"i,,-,: 'ht' ,·hil- Widespread and Useful Activities Out,
SP~ c.lh;plny nti\"t>rtl~(,Il1~nt in tid::; issue. NOTARY PUBLIC. drf'1I ill I·arnill;": !Il" 1:.1111".\' ~Jll·.,:~.'h'4'~ lined in Year's Work.
AUTU.IIIIIUI.t: "I"t\'ll'l·:. oI.. lrerle8, 01. II. III Narbertb ave.
Pbone. 666-.14. for thl' Sl'pl't>n ,,;' :h,' :, -'it"t" ,·hil,
Donahue, I'atrh'k F. Phone JGI::
See dlspla)' n<1v~I'II"elll""t ill lltl .• 18"U". , Slmp.oD. Harry A. 232 Esaex Aye. drcu of thl' \\;Ir·r:I\·:I~,·l ",'IIIL~ ril:-i
IIf (Continued from Last Week)
BAKERY. Phone. Narbertb 636-
T,'.on, Warren It. ~OO .\\·oodblne Ave. Eurllpe \\:1" in . . piril1:!. :11l'! til" .. :111\" t'n- WM.D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Betty Sweet Shop. Opposite station. Phone. Nal'b,'rth J~O~-\\'.
See display advertiaement In tbls Issue. thlJ,i:l~1I1 \rH." (I'lt \' hI'! 'll l ' ,'h:lI:i Bryn Mawr College Psychological De-
DANKS Ff"otoD. Carl F. 606 Essex aYe, Phone, 8.B-V Fnlliint> FlIud \\ :1'" r:ji~I"1. 'I'll,' 1.~'III:t1l partment.
MerloD Title III Trust Co. phone, Narb'lh 398 Plllla, aeldress. 16,'U CllPRtnut st. Spruce 77!I,
! Sl'hool ga\'1' a \.('1'." ... ,:,·(·1' ..... 1'111 II:lZaar, Poor Directors.
See dh!lpl&y &dvertll!lement In
Zentmayer, J08eph. 1006 Locust. St., Phlla.
thlll II1"U6

PAINTING. till' l,rfH·t\I't!s of \\ hl,·h \\ "Ilt t'l thi.-- Tlit' Ptlor Ilir"l'\tlr" ha"" h,'ll'e,1 t1ur- COOK BROS.
Bottoms, Geo. W. Pbone, Narberth 1256·W. ' :- ..wborg, 'Vm., III Co. 212 Woodbine Ave. fUII(l. ln~ tht' ypur \\ ith tt'n gfl)l'pry orl1crs
See display advertisement In tbls Isaue.
Shand. Alex. C.. Jr. Phone. No. 1710.
Pbone, Narberth 1758-W.
See dtsplay advertisement In tbls Issue. The girl...; of t1l,' ]\.\·IlI'!lIJ1:-'oI·hli o l h:n·c :111(1 thre{~ tons (If {'llat.
Narbertb Station. Walzer. Fred. talu'll tht>il' O\\ll tilllt' ,I. tH~lk(l six lay- Health Officers. ROOFING
SmedU,I'. \Vm. D. III H. T. Pilon •. 600. 117 WIDaor &ve. Pbone. 1247-J.
see dlaplay advertlaement III tbls laaue. (,tt"s for th., I,a!>ie, "f Furop". \\'ith Thr Health Offi"l'rs lire willing' al·
CANDY, ETC. lloyd. Horace S. 313 Meeting Hou8e Lane. ",hid, thp tt'al'lll'r... \',\)'y gl'IlPrnu.,;,;,}y ways tu inVL'sti!.(utr nll,anitary homes; Jobbing promptly attended to
Davia. n. It. Phone. 1264-W. Phone 3511. help",1 them. to gi\'e information in regar,l to possi. Nlcbt Pbone. Narberth 687
See dlilplay advertll!lementln tbl_ Idue. PHOTO PLAYS
..Areadla." 16tb &Dd Cbeat1lut .t... PbUa The Harelllli Sehool i" gl\-:lIg a "ellol, bilities of quarantine and disinfection. Day Pbon•• Narberth 302J
!lee dlapl&y ..dv.rtla.meDt ID tbl. I..... nrship thi, yrllr tll a girl whORe flllll' Students.
'enlLIDa. Cbaa. L.
101 Dudley ave. PbODe. JGR4. PIAN9 TUNING AND REPAIRS. ily is Sll poor that shr ~oul,1 ha\'e to
Plano Tuning and Player Planoa. It has heC'n a jtrent pleasnre to weI-
COAL AND COKE. leavp sc'hoo1 and w'ork ~ere it not for
Cook. C. P. Pbone. Narbertb 3711.
, See dlaplay advertisement In tbis lasne.
('eorge Abele. Pbone, N$rbertb 12M·J.
Cook Bro.. Phone 302-J.
the .Tunior RCtl ('rOss Scholar,hip.
"omc to th" wcC'kly I'U"! conferences
a number of the graflu:ltC' stu,lents of
Tbe Narberth Electrical Shop
Newton Coal ('0. Phone, Ardmore IO~. As thi, was the ·fir,t yrar sinee thc 230 RAVERFOBD AVE. .
See dlspluy advertisement In this 188ue. See display advertisement in thla Issue. Br)'n ~rn wr Collcge anel to help a jrrau,
W&II, U. B. Phone. Narberlh 1602-J. wllr thnt the .Junior Rcd ('roSS has hecn
DENTISTS See dlaplay &dvertlaemeDt 10 tbla IlI81I•. uate studl'nt of Havcrford Collejte to ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood &v. I'boDe, IU-W. REAL ESTATE adive in thc Sl'hllOIR. thp work ,lone ,,'('ure mlltcria] for her thesis. The C'x-
.PbIlL. PhoDe.Fllbert 4161. Keltb Bid•. We repair, sell and install anything
Caldwell. J. A. Pbone. 1687 was an exocllent start. This ~inter it
Dr. J. Scbemba, Jr. Pbone. Narbertb 816-W Bee dlapl&y ad\'ertiaemeDt 10 tbl. I..De. ('honge of iilcas hetween practical and Electrical. Old house wiring a specaUty.
S, E. Cor. GrayllDg and Windsor AVeS. Frlt...b, H. (J. Pho"e. ISJ-W. is hoped that the hoys and girls who throretieal workers cannot fail to be .:.:
Omce' Hours: Tuesday Thursday, Batur· See dlaplay achertlaement 10 tbla luu•. Ask about our three payment plan in·
daYt 9.30 A, ?rl.untU 5.30 P. M. , Monday, Nub. Robert •• Pbone. '01. hclprd to lIIake chillircn at home and cr mutual help. eluding fixtures. Phone 1688 or S96W
Weanesday. Friday. 6 P. M. unt II 8 P. M. MoDe)' for Plrat aDd Secood Mort....... abroad henlthier and happil'r will go on
Dr. H. F. McDufl'ee, 209 Haverford Ave. ShDplIOn••amee C. 212 E••ex ave: Besides alt"luling the casf' confer-
Omce 644,R.· House, 327·J. Hours: 9 Pbone. U6. or 14~O CbeatDut at. with their wonderful work, and that ence a memlwr of the Psychological
A. M.-5.30 P. M. Eve. by appointment. RECREATION.
It~reatlou Room. No. 1 Forrest Ave. soon elleh school on thel\lain Linc will Drpllrtlllrnt of Br)'n :Mawr is relldC'r-
Howard·a. Phone, 1287. ~t'e diaolay advertisement In this IsBue. be a .Junior Rc,} Cross Auxiliar~', and ing valuable lI,sistanl'e to the work hy
See dlaplay advertleemeDt 10 tbla I..ue. RIDING ACADEMY.
Main .LIDe Dru. Storea. Pbone 1620.
See display advertil!ement in tbls Issue.
David Odell, Belmont Track. Riding les--
sons, Sadale
:"arbertb 1297.
Horses to blre. Telenbone
that p\'Cry bo.,' an,1 girl will fepl that
somehow they hn\'(' earned tlll,ir right
giving mf'ntal test~ to children and
adult, who sC'elll to our workers in any
Cotter's Meats
ELBCTBIClANS KOOFINO. ETC. to wcar the .JulliM Hell Cr<>ss hutton I'll." 'lIh·1I0TlUal. '1'he results of these
Caee. W. G. Pbone.39(;-W. Ga....~lIIeOIDle7 Co. 'Pho,ne, USB-lV.
See display advertlsemenl la tbls Issue. Bee dllpl&Y' !'Avertlae!Jlent 10 thl. I..u.. w·ith its llIotto, "I serve."
PuSb, Veri 126 lona ave. IIlUer, "OM A. 141 Ion" LVe. PbOD., SU-.I Jl1nior Red Cross Auxiliaries.
h'sls are III wa)'l! interostilll.( an,1 often A Quality For
Nar•. phoDe, '60-W.· Ard, PboDe. 181-.1. Sbcp, 146 H&vartord&V8. PboD•. UU-J of great practiral help.
Arcade Eleetrlc Sb"e BepairiDIr.
Ha\'prfon1 ~eh()ol $ :2.50 Red Cross Scholarship. People Who
·Wm. ~Iorrl.. Corlle... Pbone. Nal'ht'rth 1I13ll·R Haverforc1 FricI1l1,' Srhl",1 .. 2.2;-)
See display advertlaement in this Issut' The Jo'l'!ll'rat.ion of Churehes is also
'See dclspln)'nd\'ertlaement In this Issue.
Good W_r flhoe Repair Sbop. Harcum Sehool . 14.70 Want The Best
. INSVRA~CE. Cnn.tantlne. '.8, O. 2:12 'Haverford ave. l\~",isting the Main Line Branch of the
Bo~ ...aD, Samuel P. (Life.) Pbone. Narbertb 1700-W. R:yneton 8ehool . !l.oo H"ll ero,;; in gil'ing pmdiea1 field work
1.18 Elmwood &V". PboDe. sn·w. :2:1,10
t'rotter Broa. (Fire; etc.) Garn'tt Hill J>lIhlie 80hool. .. ttl t.he hol.lel' of il Heel Cross s('holar·
101 Woodslde,&ve. PhOD., lIlI-R.
Tbe above depadlnent ebould be at tb.
,;ti!l.30 Groceries an" Provisions
.re&t••t use to tbe community. tbe lI.t COD Lyman Scholll .............• .<1111' who i, prcparing to enrry on weI·
Campbell. FrlUlkD. Automo\lUe. Fire. etc. taln. tb. Dame of every profe..loDal m&D.
· 4 Stuart Ave. Phone, 3110-1t. Montjtolllery Sehool . :1 Ii 2,;1 6
tr&de.man. mecb&nJc, sbopkeeper, etc.. wbo fnre work in a rllrnl ('onllllllllity.
. KINDERGARTEN. dllea or C&O In any' way aervebl. fellow· Our ~fothrr af Good Counsel.. 12.~!i
ulu Zentmayer'i1 Khiderll'arteD. townaman•.and wbo Ie pro.rei..lv. .DoulIl> Bryn Mawr Hospital Social Service
· N. W. cor, Essex and Windsor Aves. to add Da.me to list of Reel.tar. Phoehe Ann Thorn Rchool _ ... :1,1 !i
Aa It I. dllllcult for tho.. contrlbutlnB :!:2.1 ;; e .
tbelr time ,and e«orta to tbe prQduCltlDn at Miss Ruttoll'S Kin,lerg-arten .. The Departmcnt of Social Service of a '.'
· , . . LAWYERS
, GIlroy. '':'obD l11lllila~x &ve. PhoDe, lU5-R. "Our' Town" 'tQ PlraOllally Iitharknow ar
Bryn Mawr Hospita~ has since its or·
"hila. ·\\ddr.... LlilcolD 'BIde. lut,,"II'" all sucll, It. 'Would b. mo-*t b.lp·
Stites•.·F1"telli!r·. W. UliI.. yerfofd......... ~I If those. Dot DOW fOUDd In 'tbe Prtllt.. Toral ••••..............•... $1 ,020.8(j . "
, .',l'ilonit, IT.·W.l'hllL adcJr.... qrosin B1411. . lIet. would' saDd. In ... ,memo· .of .. th.lr Ilam'" Fillal1cial Report•
ganizat.ion been under tho dirDction of \ " ... ' '.,'

. ".,
~: ':~iOR'1'~G nxnrBEs a4dr"u, ',: phone' Dumbers' .itd IiIlllID..... · ai, tho Supervisor in ehargo of tho 80ci.al
'_eDcinalil: '"obD; .Narberth ;phoDti. U •••.
1&~' Cbe~t. .-*t....bll.., Phon•• SpruQ•.
'profeuioDB 'f", ltatill•• Tbl, will ,olist u fol'
10....-: 18 ceilts_OIlIMU. filr I Itll..; 'ee.to
·for .&Ob. ,,4dltlollal. :11... "
On haJH1, Sept. 1. 1920 .•••.•
Service worlt of tho Fcderation of GAR'AnteedRoofa
4 !\Al\.BERTll, 1',\,-IJLl-:' "["( )\\:\

('hllrt"ll.'R, Thi, ,\"('ar th .. h'''I,it:tl work NEXT DANCE OF TENNIS ASSOCIA-

hal" inl'rp:l:-'l'd ill \'ll!lIlrH' :Illd illlJlnrt-

IIlll'l', through tIll' a.J.I:titll1 (If j'lini,,:-,

:'>Ii<, :'>I"r~"n" ,I . .\r,,",ur III" a,,· DECEMBER 17, (Contioned from Pnge 1)
and tIt.· t':-'t:ddi:-,hl1ll'lIt rd- :1 lll:lft'rllit,"
1101111('1'.1 tlit' "1'l'llillg (d' :1 :-\lluth ~idll OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
,It'pllrtlllt'ld. that it 11:1" 1'1'11\"1',1 !ll'l'l':-O "1'111111'1':-; Ill' tiJl' \"arlll'rth Tl'llIlis
('hiId (;artll~1l ll\.illr!prgartl'll work I :11 \1:1 il .\ 111:1~ \1:1 rl'l,l!'! III :11111111' 1j !I;,
l'l.1lry til ~l'I'llrl' a full tilllt' :-.1I1l4'1"\":"'or ill UNDER ~C', ERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
\":--Ilr·i:ltioll :llld thl'ir fril'lId:" \\111 IHll h 01 i ~ 1:1111 1111 i II t ....
11:: HIlI'kl:lllci ;1 \'I'1l11t'. 1'1"1"
nd.lit iOIl t (I tit.· \\ (I"kl'l' alrl'a,ly ,.tllplt"" l!.1:ld til 1\1111\\ ~h:lt allollll'1' Ill' fIJI' }1I1!"
,.d. Thl' lIH,,!,it:ll :--:'ll\';:tl .... I'n I"" lIt· ilLI!' TI'llfI:~ I>:III,·t'~ 1I:t . . 1."1'11 ~u·IiI·,II1II'd Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
1111~tlll:l.... t.·r 11:1\\'" 1"" arrallgill~. it ..
parlllll'llt h:t~ tit. fl,rCtrl' 111"'(11,1\ :1'; "II TENNIS AUXILIARY MEETING, 1"'1' .....;:ttl~r,I:I.'" 1'\I'lIlll;":1 Ih'f't'InIH'r 17. ;It Brynelovls Cerlllled WEST PHILA.
fir!'l.'" ~'H'p:lr;d,' OI':.!.:llli;t:llJOIl. It 1'"
11:1"; hi ... 1'11 .. 111111, to !la\'I' "'"111l~ of
I: 1111 II :i11. (PedrlaUe Society) OVERBROOK
IJIl' I.oy~ \\htl ;11"1' alfl'l1dillg 1·,,1l1'gl' 11("11'
thl' ":I I'llt':-ol hr'lIt' III' t III I.",' ill I·lr:ll;..:" .d' Tltl' rl'~II]:tr IIlonthly IIll'etiJlg of t}H~ ;11 !'1·;II·tl IItlllll.l'!'''' ·.llIllIt
'1'>1'1'1" \\
Special .. Guernsey" MERION
\\ :111 11ll' .II'li'l·r," of IIIHil during tIll'
hoth agt'l\/il'" lhllt th"tt' \\ ill !H' 1111 \\".11111'11 '... PI' th,' :\:IdH'rth
\ll\illnry ~LI' 'II:'] ;11' til' II.'''! \\I·,'k. :111<1 1111t"I' tI.· Milk WYNNEFIELD
Tt'IIiII" ,\s>;l/l·i:tt iOIl \\ ill lit' hl·ld 011 Fri I 'Ii l'i ~ 11 II :1 ... 11 1111.1 :1.\ ....
Ilre:1 kill til t' '"' II',I i:1 J rl·l:1 I i" II" :111·j I II:,' ~irill:..: 1\11':1'" :'111' Illl·tldll·!':" 'of : hl·ir (Roberts'& Sharpie...• BALA-CYNW,\, D
the ,-llISI'."'t ,'II opl'r:ll :.':1 \" i: 1 ,""ll; ,1I1It- hy. ()t'I'I'lllill'r P. ~f., :It tIll'
!llh, at :: Balrle.. )
ral1l;li.· ... :111,1 frli'I!';~ 11\;1\· Illlt:lill Ihl'lll NARBERTR
'II' \JI~. \\' . . 1. l\irl<I':l1ril'k, ::~I Th,' \\'. I,'. \1. :-;. "I' tli,' \1. E. l'linr,'1i
1Il'1 \\ l'l'lI f lIt'lll. ,1111111'
"roil. H. \l.·II'~·I'r. ,·!J:I:rlll:l11 Ill' 1111' Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
Homeless Men, Jo:~"I' \ 1'11111'.
\\ III 111\ l't ;,1 thl' 11111111' or \11' ..... I~IIIII''''
;1 \
1':lItt·r1:':'lil,.·tl~ (·IIIIIIIl:t11'1'. 1.-, ('hI . .;!wlt Table and Whipping
I·'old.'. ~:.!!J \'ttllh \";11'111'1"111 :1\ 1'11'11'. 1111 Cream.
~('\'I'II IHIIIII'II':-O"; 111('11 h;l \ I' :'ll\dit',l to :1\1'1111".
\I'I1I'!:I-'·. 111'1'.'111111'1' .-ttb, :It ~.::ll (1·,·lllI·!';,
tlll' .dlil·l· 1'01' a~ ... i:"t:tllt·t' :111,1 1\11' Th,' l-:llll'rt:lillllll'llf 1',llll!llitll'I' \\ ,1111,1
MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, \It .. , i!! l't, :l .. <~tl·" ),\' \11'~.
or FIIIII,' ,\
1;)'1 r:lli,1I1

"I' tlll'
till' Poll('l' 1)1 !':lrl:tll'llt :111,J
\rdllll"'I' Y. \1. ('
III p1:lllllll1:.:, 11'1
\. ll:t~ I.PI'1l
tI.l r ,':ll'l', Till'
11111' h h:l t 1111'111111' r... 11"1' 1 1'·\' 1'1 ...
J .1'1' 1'1 I f

:ITI'! "'.'1' flr:lt tltl'll' l'ril'n,l~ :11'" "'''I'\llil·.}

\\ • i 11 t :1' k I" - r;1 fill' r tll:1 II til :11 1':1" II :1 11
,. ::JlII; \ I i II" r.
Pll!i/'I' J)1'11arlllll'llf \\ ill :"::\1' ;1 II i;...:,h 1 ....
BURGLAR HUNT. BUT- 111: .... iltll ... 1,(' jl:::t1 :It tIll' ,111(11' till' lli;..:1t1 \ 1-;lr,1 \\ I'll ,\'pur nall!t' :111,1 ;1,1,lr,·~~ 45th aud Parrish Sts.
Illdgillg" In allY 111:111 :LJ'Jd.\ :II~.\\ llholll 'If tlil' 1!:lII,·I·. \11'. .\I,·l/.~,'r 11:1 ... 1':\11":1 I !H' r,'llll ~ h'lll i,l 111' 1'1\"1.'''1'' I \\: t Ii I" 1'1"·
rl'I·11r.lillg )li~ 11;11111'. :111,1 tIll' 't .. .\1. I' . . \.
:jl Ill' ;..:!:ld t .. /1:1,.',,1. III I -I' 1111' :1 d I 1r...... lit I rt : /111 II~'
1t:11'1\ Yt' to tJIl' tall' tit' :1 tllrill 11,·1,1'1", :111,] ',\ 'I'}'\' ""11111.,.
\\i11 gi\I' IlId~'II~ Itl 11,:111 ~1'111 thclil II.\'
ill~ 1·1i:1"1'. :111.1 !III' ~rl'al 0:11.. \\ hi"~1 011,1 1111' 1111 .. , r~ \\ it h :1 ~ 11' :ll! \" :1"; 111 ".,. ! I ('I'll : h" \\ r:ql!'I'1' ... 1J'lltld llt·'·.lllll' I,,~t Ilf d.
1il t'

1,\·,1., 1':11

i ... hl'illg Illadl'

i!lll 11

f l '11111, ~:

Illi ..... ·1\ i"l' lhl' Y. \1. (' ..\.

I' -

II .... (1111111'" ":11,'.

',\ h I It- ,I pl:ll1
:-'J!ri Ii ~

'!'11.· .. d:l.\·

\1 r" \\',
:1 lit tIl'

Id' llli"
1,:, a,,',
"I' I'h,"l,,,:t
ItI t}wy \'. II 1,:11 l,IlII!I"
\ II ill t.' 1" ~ 1 II:.!.
hi'l' Ill' ,lrliJI hilll

... ; 11'1': :11 j'I':1 t \1 r.· i \ t,'

Narberth Taxi
Patrick F. Donahu.
\\ ill :1"')" I til' FI·,jI' r:tf iun I ill \ l ..;1 i;"':":1 t I' illl" :t rr" "1",,01 :'", th,' 1lc""':I1I,,'r 17 Authoriud Taxi ~rvlce. by Certifi-
:1\ 1'11111'. \,d'lI! (lilt flJf tilt' 1'\'t'Jlillg, 11':1"
1I1t'1I \\ 1111 llppl.\' di 1'1'1'11.\' I" : l\l' Y· .. :-:'1'" \ lot of 1'1·1111\\'" \\ 110 lO:lfl'.l rill tlil'
ill;! tllt·ir 1l.lllli,·jll' ill l·h:lq.~·(' of a littll' d:IIl"I', tlH' ,11'l:lil~ of nhi,·h \\ ill lit' "IIJI cate from Public Service Commls-
n'I:lry fllr :I .. ~i:-..t;IJJl'I·.
.illi. tlli:-; filiI(' 1:1:-ot ,\'1':11", :11'1' IIn\\ .loin;: lion, dated November 16, 1920.
('ollII'I,d g-irl. .,·del't \r:tlll'l . . \lollg :,!Iu\lt II/il·d Illt'l1dH'r~ rhi .. I'(jlllillg' \\ ('I'k \\ IW!I
Fa.mily Problems, Ihl'ir IO:ll-illg (III t,lit, 1'111'11. T ax! meets all traios.
~I.l.-l \lahl'l hl":tld :1 "Olllld, III' ~l'\'t'r:ll : 111." rl"'I,j \ I' t lll·i r t il·k(·t s. Store orders promFtly called for aDd
Thl' 1'll111111nlioll Id' all 11111 \\Itlk l~
Ilf 1111'111, ill tltl' .lin l dilll1 of the' h:lf·k delivered. Bal!'l!'age called for aDd
tht' }HllIH' :llld llit' .t1',I·]IIIHIH·llt llf
prlllll'l' l'IlJlllit;oll:- for Ihl' 11I' .. t SII/'tl of
\'11\\. \1:1111'1 i ... IHI ..... I,:"~t·d til' lildh a Just 14 Days Until HARRY B. WALL dellvtred. Freight delivered.
Open Dayaod Night Phone 1633
hlllllt' lifl·. :111,1 1"I'ry I·fllfrt j ... IlI:HII' ill
111' r'- t 111-" 11'111111' 1';11111' II t :11111 :I tiOll ri .. 11· ('Oli f i Illlt'" frrlll! Page ]) Plumbing, Gas Fitting
nul' \\ol"k to hl'l!, 1':1,·11 IIII'ltdll'l' ,t1' t11l'
f'alllily. '1'\\1'1\ l' .\1· ... I·'tl· I \\ i, l'~ 11:1\'1'
ill.:':' itll:l;...:,ill:ltillll. :--;111' nl~hl'd to tht' 11']· and Heating
1'111111111' :111.\ illl'llrllll'll Illt, 1.11\\'1'1' ~It'ri(lll Illl"llllt.:,h :111," llH'llllwr nf tilt' {·hn:·lIs or I

b('('11 :I... si~tl'.l III "1"'111"1' -I'I'IHII"I rrilltl NARBERTH PA BEl.!. PHONE, Narberth 1256-W
pillil'" :It .\rll!1lllrl' that t\\11 11Ilr~lar~ 11,\' tl·:"l'hllll:ll:.! til \":Irlll'rtlJ li:!7·"'.

ill "111111'
'11' til kl"')1 1 JII·ir II'IIIII'~
uth"1" \\ :Iy. '1'1'11 \III·
\\('rl' tr.,·illg 111 111'1':lk illtll till' lIIIIISt·. Choral Current Notes, Phone. Narberth 1602-J GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
'1'111' \ rdlllun' polit'I' ~lIt ill touch \\ i1h '!:tlly ~1;till J.ilH' sill~l·r... :11'1' 1t1:I1\ifl~
r r i 1'1 J III lit II I' 1''' 11:1 \ I' ;~ III) 1; 1'1 I III' )1. '1'11 -Contractor and Builder-

Tt'f.'rl'l·.! fur :l11,i'·1 1 • Thl'l'l' Ilr tllt'."I·

FI'~lIlk \"l'\'ill, 0111' !Ol':I1 <11111 (If th,' 1:1\\.
\\ hH with :lnotht'r IlIal1 \\(lllt {I\I'1' to
;IS til tllt, rt"llIirl'lIll'llls
111 tiJl' ~(H'jl't.\· .. inn' hl':lrill~
fill' !lll'lll-

Arcade Caralle Building a Specialty
girls ll:l"t' Ill:lrl'i~·d :llId l,~t:ddisl}('d
hOIlI":". III ";1'\'1'11 IIl~t:tII'1 I· ... rt'l'llllcilia
ill\·l'St igatl·.
.\1111111 1his tillll' ~Ir. :'\. ('. HII\\ Ill.",
1111.1"1' lIli
ill tlll' \1L'trI111o!it:l1l
\'I"t'lrdll'l' ..... alld :lJlJdi/·:lfillll:--
Shoe Repairing Shop 420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, ra.
tiolJ:" ha,'" hl'I'1I "I1'''I·tl·'\ 11111\\1>1'11 hIlS
:11'rH"~ till' :-Itl"l·l-t. I·allll' IInlllt l
:1111\ 1I11- l)'t· tll,jllg i.ti~ I!II lill' 1'111' lir:-ot ,';11':111'
hUlids :Illd \\i\I'~ \\lin ft'lt tJi:lt it \':IS Will Move from Arcade
tin'll 1hl':-ll 1\'11 ~trallgl' lI\{'fl l'lltl'ring ·il':-".
110 IOllgt'r I'll~""ildl' til li\-I' togytlll'r. Illit

I1p,'iol,'oI, :tftl'r " t"lk \\it" t".' 1·",oIn,,'

th,' 1':"'"'< hllllit', H,' rail i"to th,' 1111\1<.'
f1('\t door :Iud ~lIt l'('illfuJ'I'('lIlt'1l1~ ill
\11'. l1olll'rt .I, "a-h hI" """"I't",i thl'
,dlil·I' of lIolltll':Ir.\· \·il·I··Pl't, .... idl'll t , alld
On Monday. Nov. 21st DAVIS' II
tiClII \'isitllr, til "try a;":·:lill.·' FlIrty·
th,' -h"I'" III' :'>Ir. .\, .1. .'\"I\t'11 "lid thl' ('horal lias (·\)lrl's .... ~ll To 217 Haverford Avenue
~t'Yt'1I falllilit· . . h:I\'I' 111'1',11'.1 :t~ ... istall('('
\Ir, ,I, (i • . \tllt'l'holt, IIhll wa, IIlakillg its 11i'l'rt"'iatitlll 10 .:Ilr,

",,~h for :Ill his Over A merican Store

nn ltt'I'Ollllt of illllt':-;~ til' tll·llth. 'I'\\t llt.\·-

a \·i . . it at tbl' fOI'fIIt'r':" hOU:"II, :--\l'ping .illtl'rt-""t :Il1d (·(I·operatioll.
fOllr 11"\,,, "pl'li,'oI for "ork. ,\ tot:d of tlit' "l1laralltll'I':-'" al·ros.... thl' w:t.\' It'a,,' :\11'• • JUTlll''''; ('nl:"by Brown, :l IIll'llIhflr Phone Narbertb 352 J
two hlludn'd HII1I SI'YPIlI.v f:llllilil':" !ta\"()
illg' thp hOllSl', tlu' lIC'wl.\' forl1l(ld \'i~il· "f Brown Bruth,'r', "allk"r,. of I'hi!a·
lll·t~n lIndt'r ollr ('Hrt' during thl' )·('ar. :1111'(' t'Ollllllittt't', al'tlll'd with a ,,·ie'ked· oI,·Ii'hi", ha< '":101,' apl'li!'"tioli for a~so·
;\11 iu('nl:lse of tt~rritory
outline of hOllnolar;,'s I'all 10" r"I".rtpr!
alltl tl IIt'fillitp
Illokillg l't'\'I1!\· .. r, start ..d i" pllrsuil.
tl", "ortlt'r of E".,x alld \\'ood,id ...
1'"1""('1" ')i"'lIVl'f(',) t hI' identity of
th ..
{·jall' 1I1t'llIht'rship
throngh :,>Ir, .'\ic'holas Thonron, of
" .. rioll, an HOllorllry ri,·(--I'n·,iolenl.
ill thl' ~,l('i(?t~p
thi~ yl'al', At a ~onfprpnl'l' of thp :-;().
pllr'lll'cl, 1",,1 "atlll'al1~' al'an,lonl"! thl' The Boa r<l of :II :JJla~ .. r, an' Vl'ry Don't walt till the last minute to order your
('inl Rrr\'if'f' and ;\urslng AgPIH'ie5 of (·hasp. jllt'a:-..pcl to /'o-lIpel'atl' with the ("0111-
thl' l\fain Linl'. \\'a~'np "nol L:ln"lown.~, Blit in til(' JlII':Illlilllt' ""Olllt l OIH' l'lsl' lI,nnity ('Inh ('hUrl" in thl' I""ti'olling
it I\'a~ ,h·.. id",1 that ill ,'\"er~' 1':1'" tlll' Ilatl :-,t'., II th(1 two
otlit'(1rs {'liter Ihl' "I' Ih" 1'1'gular ('hor:d f('h"arsal on .:11011'
,listrid 0 ftll!' 10l'al ,nor","~ "nol "wial
workl"lr:-; :-,huilld (·oilll·jdp. Thl' Yillagt'
hOII:"I', :llId fparing Ihat our \ontl l·tlP l:t~·. DI'I'I'lIdH'1" ji), SlI as to g-h'p its Fred Walzer
'"'' in troJllhl" had phon .. ,) th,' .\rd:tlllrl' 1I1t'lllhl'J':" :111 0pP(Jrt\lllit~' to ilttl'lId tht'
of Ithan ha, Ih,·r.. for~ 10""11 trall,f.'rrt',]
to till' ,'art' of th~ \\':tYIl" ,\,'ighl"Hl:oo,]
polin·. III n'~lHln:-;1' to this SI'I'ollll 1·:tl1 "01lt'l'r1 til Itt' gi\'('11 hy thl' t'otlllllllllit~· :
117 Windsor Ave.
Ju.tice 01 the Peace
Narberth, Pa. ."
fllr hell' 1'1'11"1 '\arlll'rth, Ih'" "I' 1',,1" l'lld. t 'h"rn< Oil Ihat oIat ..,
L"lIgu." alld all 01' H:tl't'rl'ord '1".111 :"ltil' taill I)tllI:lgh~' 's dOllght.\' 1:J\\'·t'llfnl'f·t-r~
hal'\ ('0111(' \Il1dl'1' ttllr jut'i~dil·ti(lll. ,join- rt'~lltllllll'd, :llld :Id,lt'd Ilu'ir lItlllrllt'I'S to
ing th,' LIII"dowl'" fi"ld at 'j'''''llshil'
Lilll' alld \\'",<t "I,,'sl,'r I'ik,'. Th .. dis
!hl' g"'!lI'1'al Illix-lIl'. It \\:lS ~11111l CommunityClubLibrary i I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
.. tr:lightl'III'd IIlIt, lio\\t'''{'r, \\ hl'1l it \\:1"" Christmas Postal Card. of all kindt, al.o a large allortment
triet, thf'rt'fort" ll~- IIr,'
Sl'r\'l'll FI'Iil'ra-
fOlllld that tlH~ IlI.n.;tl'rilltlS ~oUJlII ...
of gifta. Don't forget ua when it comes to Xmas Gifts
tioll of ('hll/'('h." .'xt",,,I- frolll \\'.',t \\ hi/·h ~n\·(' li1':-,t ('all for
ri."'" tilt'


(·h."t"r l'ik,' to th.' ",'hllylkiJI all'] WINTER BERRIES,
111'\1' \, ('rt' (·:III.~()d h~'
tlu' ll1all in thl~
fl'OIH O\'"rh"ook to \'il1a '\ov:t, Th,'I'., \I ill h.. all ,,~hihit of willtel'
11t':"t IlilllSl' ltlf·kill;.r his hat·1t dllllL Members of Army aDd Navy AliocialioD
Donations, I,,','ri,', :",tI wild plalils ill th .. ir Il\IlullIlI
"'hi,'h fore't" II' 10 a~r ... , \I ith \Ir,
1'11<' So.. ial ""I'\'i",' D"l'art'""111 Ita,; 11.'1",,·t "t th,' I.ilor" 1'.\' Ill'xt Frilla~'
~h:d\l'''l11':lrl' th:lt 1111'1'1' 1':111 \-1'1'.\' (':''''il.\·
n,lt·l·jvcd durillg- tlit' pH~1 .\',':H },{t'lll;rtlll:-:' :lrtl')'1I0011 alld ('vt'uing. Tilt' :"'p(ll·illlt'll~
tll' (:-;I't~ ht':ldil1~ \.
dOllnti()l1~ of 1110 IJ t':" and :"llpl'lil':- 1'1'1111I \\('1"1' gathl'l"l'd 11.'" s('\"pral lJIl'nI1H'r:-; of

illdi\"itl\lal~, :o(·hoois :lIld /·hl1n·1I :"lll'ip-

tips; of gam:l'lIts frlllll tit" ]o,,:tl """dl,,·
Irork GlIil,b; lIud of I,,-.:::i hour' of ,,'1'\'.
tli" \\'OIlIt'II'S ('Ollllllllllil." 1'111" 011 thl'ir
\I:Jlks ill tIlt' \'i,'init~' of "a.rltel'lh an,1
1111 a In,,"1' til t11l' Pi,,,, Barrt'II' of X,,\\,
wl1e tltriou witle nub· IDru!lt
i"e from Voll1l1t,,"r w"rk .. r-. Th" :-;,"'1'".
tary takes Ihi, ol'!,,,rtllllit.\, to thallk
For Week Ending November 27.

Hi:,:h, Low.
.)I'r,.,~', (lll" .,f tli" ,'llOil'!' exhi"its i,
" 'I,ra\' 111' \I ild nallhl'rl'y with its
it'1I\'''' of l'"rl"" :11I11 gr.'t'll alltl it, fruit
Qtnmpal1!} of i\rbmnre. 'a. ..
t.hl'sl' gl'IIl'I'''US "Ollt rihut"I", wilhollt
Ilal'olot'll'r , .. , ... ,., .. " ,:1l1,40 ~n,!q of ril'll ,'I'arlt'!, .\ 'lila II plaot of
whose hl'l" the wol'1" ,'ould not hav"
""ell "lIrried OIl.
T"lop.'rator,' " . " " " , . , , ; , i :n pyxj", tIll' f1owl'ring 1II0SS of tht' pine Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits over $900,000.00
W'e arl' lookillg fOl'wal'd. f"r th" ,'0111· Huolirlity, pl'r ""01. " , . , , ! l S 40 lotlrt','ns, I' lo\,t'ly in ib antullllI colol's,
ing year, to th,' l'ontinlJ('d su!'p"rt of I'n·,'il'itntion " " " , . ' " . " , ,:in inr'h as is also Ollt' 01' c1l'ndriulIl, the sand Narberth Office; opposite Station
all thesl' gOlH] fl'it'nds, WI' 1I .. "d ~'ollr Tota) ,in" .. .'\o\'(,lllhrr !"" ,:I.Sn inr'hl'" "I.\'rt 1<'. (·at·tails,' 'hayberrit's, wiotl'r·
Tpllippraturt' PX('P:"~ Silll'C XO\"~llIhl'r g-rt't'll or tl'a herrip:,,\, nut! milkweed pods
help lind your illt"I'l'st ulIII w,' h"l't' thut
1, H:! t1~grep:-,. n n' intt'r",ting fl'lltUfl" of th,' ,'ollel"
you will use our organization aud 0111'
fli,'ilities in ."arrying out ~'our 1'IanR t ion, Tht' l'xhibit i, open to (,vl'ry-one,
of helpfuln"Rs for yonr u..ighhors in PALACE THEATRE, ARDMORE, PA, and thl' att"ndunt~ at thl' Library will
I,,· gln,1 to show the spl'cimells anti to
,lifliculty. ThiR is n lo"al organizntiun
whORe work is sllpport"d in part h~'
local churchl's, in part hy dtizl'ns of
I'I'0gl'll1ll w..('I, of :\Ionday, DCI'l'tlllwr
,;: :\Ionda~', Dl"'l'llIlwr :'i, Tholnas Ml'ig·
a ""rer any question" r'onl'l'rlling thl'Ill,
the community. W l' t I'ust t h i, work , hall in "\\'hitl' and rntllarricd "; Y(,I· Coke, $8.00. Chuted
has your cOllfidencl' antI approvlIl all,1 low .-\ rm X 0, ]:!. Tu,,,rlll~'. Dl'pell\ hl'r Ii, Community Club Notes Nut Coal 14.25, "
thnt you will cOlltl'ihutl' to it !!;"npT' an .-\ r~l'llt· Lllpi n Rt Ol'y, fl'a turi ng ,Continul',1 from Page 1)
W.'dgl'wood ,:,\,,\\, .. 11 in th,. most haffling
Stove" 14.25, "
story (,\,,'r 1i1t1ll'r1, ",~,l:I," Al f;t . .John lalltls ill t1iffcn'nt penturies haVl' sung Pea 7 " 11.00~ "
Respel'tfully "u bmitted,
EVELINA C, WALBAUM, I'omedy, "Rmnll Towil RtllIT," \V .. d· thl' .'\lIti\'ity of our Lonl. Egg " 14.00, "
ne~dll)', DCI'l'lIlber i, anothl'r big First 'I:hl'f(' will hl' opportullity also for
Exeeutive Secretnry, !JOe per ton extra when Coal or Coke ia carried
Xlltionul pidur(>, Conway Tenrle and pOllgrl'gllt iOlllll singing, so those who
LOUrSE W, HOW, love thl' ('hristlllll~ Sl'lIson Ilnd 'th,'
Miril/m <'ooper in "The Oath," Har·
AssiRtnnt Executive Repret~HY" ('hristillas ('lIrols are prolllisl'tI a very
01,1 L1oy(l, ., Pistol" for Brl'akfast."
This feature Iwing in t'ight r('els, w" sper'illl trl'at. Con)l' IIntl 1<'1 liS ~ing
CITED FOR VALOR will onl~' hl' ahll' to show one othl'r suh·,
jed, l'hur",lny, D""l'lIllwr S, Lionl'1
'fhe s\V~ill an,? his 'swllinl'S8 had just Rnnymore in ".Tim the Pl'nlllan," HOME COMFORTS FOR THE SICK. or rent, furnished or unfurni.hed, a home in Narbertb, we have the
eneountered nbul1<log thnt lookl'd as Ell'p,tric conll'dy', ., ROl1theru Expo~· If JOu lire ill or your fril'nrl~ Ilre best list in any part of the town at prices and terms to suit.
ure," 'Friday, Del'emhl'r fl, 'May Alli· ill, the Wonll'II's 'COllllllunitJ Club will
if he might shnkl' n 'mean [OWl'r jnw. 3 % COMMISSION FOR S~LL1NG PROPERTY
"Why, Percy," I'he eXl'luiuII'rl as he son in "1'he LaRt Cnrd." Snooky pom- help in 1111 l'1Il(Jl'gen..y nnd will lend
started a strategic retrellt. "You ul· edy, "8nooky'R Blue Mondny,"
ways swore you would fucl' dl'lIth for urdny, DCeomtbor 10, Doris Mn)~ ill n
SuI.· lIny of thl' following IIrtie!l's: Atlju~ta·
ble wheel chair, crutches, sand bagR,
J. A. CALDWELL .- "'.. ..'.... - .'

,me." splondi,l farce cOl11eu)', "TIll' Foolish rubber air cushio!!R, hot water bngs, B:ea1 ':ms1ia1ie
i i I would," he flung hnck over his Age.'" Christ.ie cdllledy, "0, Buddy.'" bcd pans, urillals, pus basins, ice capS, Phone,Narberth 1687 NARS_TH;PA. . , ' .....

,'Ilhoulder, ,. h\\t thlt durn dog' aill't Matinees daily, 11 ecntSnnd 22 ~entfl, Call Mrs. WI11. Livillgst{)n, 108 Chest- B~AMCHOFFICE, 1416 LOCUST STREETi PHILADELPHIA
, dead." Evening, 25 mints. nutaveniJe. Narberth 1238-.J.

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