Dancei: Narberth League Women Voters Community Club Notes

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Send In Fireside Boost Narberth

And Knock No One


• I

Narberth Choral Society Permanently Community Club Notes Narberth League 01

Organized And In Full Blast Women Voters

TIlt' 1IIPl'tillg: or tilt· \rOIlH'JI':-i COII1-

Bl'l()\\" :lrt' gi\,PII. for your illfol'Jlla·
Jl\Ullity ('1111, will I,,· hc·ltI 1I,'xt TII,,~,Ia~', t ifill, :'OJJI(\ of' tllt' lllO1'(' itllportallt lIJ(·a·
Yt' all:-\t.'Jlt :-:.illg-l']':-' .1'1'0111 tIll' ol'g-ani- .r. Loo~, ~fr.
\\'. :-;1 it,,~, ~fr.
,F. Ft'hnlHl'\· ~:!. at :.!.:':ll (I '('10(')';0 The
.f.•r. ('ah\'('~-' ~\Ir" ('aITolI j)Ol\'lle~, :-inrt's introduc'l't! iJl tllf' }ll't ' :-i('lIt ~e~·
z"tillll 1I1l'l'till~ of th,' ~"rh,'rlh Chor,,1 ~1',':J!\"r 'of t h;) a f1PrJl''''JI \Ii 1I I,,' :'II i~~ I'Ji' ~ioll.
~lll'it.t~· last ::\[()Il(la~; tlYt'uing" 11111:-;1 ha\"(~ :'III'. C. Howard ::Il"('art"r, ~II'. HalTY t:l ])O\\,il', who will gi\''' a l:dl\ 011 IJlt,'r;"r Tlll' Jllo:,1 iIlll'0rt:lllt lllt'H~l1l't\ \\'as
had lHll"lIillg' {'ars! l\lnll.'- trii.t1tt~:-; Wt~re A. . fa"ol>~. ::II r~. C. P. J,'o\\"il'r, :\f.r. ?\i- Ih'('flrat iOIl. 'I'hi~ I'roul;~"~ to 1,,· a \" .. r~'
('hola~ '1'hollroll, ~II'. ,\. I·;. ~1t,,('hl\lIIl', I')'t'~"lIt,'d1,.\' :-;"lIl1tOI' Willillll1 E. Crow,
p"i" to th,' ~oo" ~illgl'r~ of the ('Olll- ntlr:u,tive at't(']"IH)ol1. .\11 \\"011)(111 arc lit' Fay(·ttl' ('O\lllt~'. It is (io\'ernor
11l1111ity, whit'h al'(~ :-;0 111111)('1"0\1:-0, aud of .:'111'. II. H. llil!l'ga~, CllIlllllallCl"r l·'olliJl, illt,·r.. ~t"d ill th,' I>.. allt iflll 1hillg~ ill :-;I'rolll'~ hill allthol'izill~ th,' ('1I11i1lg- of
whir'h ~arhl'l'th i~ ~o proll,l! :'Ilr~. :-,;. '1'. Zoolc ?>fr. Hellry Hose, Dr. lift', all(1 so 11111St lit· :lllxiou:, to hf'al'
n. .T. :-';1I~'dt' 1'. j\1 r~ Jo'. W. :-';1 ite~, :l\Jr. II "oJI~titntioll:d "'JlI\'('lItioll, all,1 1'1'0-
You '('all \\,(On illlag'ill(~ that a (~Oll­ th .. 1'1"'~"lItatioo of tlJi~'"t. YOII viill's that at tl11 ' )ll'iIlIHrit ' :-' ill ~ept('Jn­
Yt'llillg' (If :q)]ll'oxitll:lt"pI.,- :-;ixty Pllt11usi- \ \\"111. D. ~lIIetlley. \"ill abo 10,' "Jlt,·rtaiJl .. tI lo~' a ""Jlt mlto
:1:-:1 ic' ~ilq~'l'rs :lllll illt l'l'l's~t'(l sp()Il~()rs
\'~'ou)d "sfHrt ~f)J)lf'thjJ)g!" AIlIl it sure
'1'h,'~e ~poJl~or~ of t he Choral Society
\,"l'l'tl at tlH~ IlIl t.'tillg" ::\louday CVl llillg,
l 1
THE FIRESIDE sill~,·r. alld th,' 1I"lal "wial hOllr will
1",1' t]I(' "ot.,r~ ~hall pa~~ Oil the que~­
tioll \I"h .. th .. r thl')'t' ~hall 1... a f'01l~lit1l'
folIo\\' 1 h.. !'rognllJl. tiollal C·OIl\"('lItioll. If tlli~ rIt]('~tioll is
,lid! alld "'ere .ill~t a~ "lIthll~ia>ti" ahout it H"JIIPIIIIll'1' th., t!ate~-::Ira)'(,h :11'11 alld
as tl11~ H('tiyc JlHlJllht'I':"'. and o:f1'cred d",·id.,c1 ill th,· IItlil'lllllti\· ... 1I1(~ 1,ill 1'1'0-
. 0111' ~fr. 'Yilli"ll\ :-;. HOrllt'r ""I<'d a~ ,rth. Thllr~t!a~' alit! Pri,lay uight~, 'reIlJli~ ,'iilt\s for till' ('Ipf,tion fit' dl'h\gates at
eh" i1'111" II 1'1'0 1<'111 .. ,,11,1 ,,~ ::Ill'. HOI'IIt'I"~ Pv,']'y pos:-iihle assistallep :'lJltl ll)H~()Uragt.'· JUNIOR MEETING
,\~"J('iatioll'~ Big' ~ho\l", E11II Hall. tIll' :-;O\",·llIh.. r .. ketiol1.
('olll]lt'h'J1('~" and ('ni(·i{)l1(,~· has long' ht't~1l II It.'11 t.
The ('ollvI'Jltioll III:ly stlll1l1it :t whole
1'1'C(lgllizpd in COIIlIIIUllit~· an'airs, it. i~ \-ery ('ollll'l'lell!' all,l wi'h'-n\\'nke olli- Thl' .Tullior :-;,·c·tioJl It'ill holtl its IIl'xt
If' yOIl Plljoy ,1allei\lg' alld s'1l'ia1>i1ily (·o",·titutioll or I'II"I~ to tht' 11('01'1,' all,.1
1It',',ll,'~~ to t'1l'II~e on the ex('ept iOllal ('l'r~ were elected: llltl('ting ()Jl Tht1I';-:lln~' llVt'llillg, F ..I.-
:lIl1id JlJpa~allt ~IIITOUJldillg~, it 1>t'1lOoV"~ this I'ro\"i~ioll Illa~" pn'''c'lIt th .. n'j""1 ion
lll:lllJlel' in whi"h he hallc1Ie,1 thb lllt','t- 1'1'l.~it"'lIt, ~Ir. H. ,\. I1aywanl. "i"e rllary :!.Jth, at th" hOlflt' of ':'Ilr~. HalT.\·
~'(111 to attelld the SdlOol COIlJIJllIllity of thl\ whol" ('oll:--1ill1tillll for :-,OIlW 1111·
ing. Tht' 1I\(\11111t J'H of thp Choral are
l're~idellt, ~I r~. ll. ,\. Braclley, Heeord' .-\ • .Ta(~()h:-i, :~ Ehnwnud .\ "t'. ..-\11 " (-'SI'(lt' i-
I ):ll}('P lI('xt :\Iollda.,· 1'\'('11 i 1Ig". :frit'JlI;S pOl'1I1ar ~ ..('tioll, II~ hll~ hapl'011t'cJ in
cl,,('p]y :lj'pl'l'c';ali\',' of hb help in the illg ~eeretary, :l\li~~ Huth I';. J're~cott, ally attrH('ti\"p Pl'ogl':l1ll will II(' giYl,jl
of tht' ;--;('110,,1 nrt' :u,;;~('d to ;!i\"l' ',his otlll'r ~t lit .. ~, .
organizatioll of it~ Sodcty. FillaJleial ~eer('\ar\". :\11'. P. ~Iillwood hy tllt~ Hlt.lllllH'rs of tlip .1unior sl·(·tioJl )'l'J1llsylY:tllia ',-'; (lflJl:-:titlltioll has not
'Ye want to tell ~'on ri~ht 1I0\\" \\"ho all':Jir (whi,'h i, for t]ll' h"lIplit "I'll",
.rust it~e, TJ'l':lsnrer;::\l r. lI(lr\"t~y I{eilll, of tIlt! 'VOlll"II'~ ('11111 "f l:i,I!,'\' Park. IU l'1I l't'~'is('d for 0\-1'1' -IS '"l':IJ'S and is
tIle ~p()J1~or:-\ of the ~()(·it,t~· :Ire-they .\tllldi,· A'>o";at;lIlI) 'h"ir :'I,'ari.\· "'i'" ~Ir~. \\'~'III1Ii"ltI :-;. :'If:lt'li.. llr.\·, of

Lihrariall, ::I f. 1'. H. ,\. Cnthhel't. ulI~lIil .. d iJl lila II \. \I'a"~ io III .. d the
an' 111"n all" \\"01l1l'1I of ~ar],,,rth alld A~ t illle did 1I0t ]"'l'Illit, tlw l'J'e~i,lent,
1''' rt. Intll,'Y Parl\. forlllt'rh' :-;tal,· (·haiJ'lJlall ('hallg"ps ill sl)('ia i ('l)fl:lit JUII:" "I f this
"il'initv WhO:-;(1 llallH\~ YOu onlY have ::III'. Hayward, wa~ for,·,·d to hold ill of tIlt: .Tullior,. \rill ''':C·(''III':lJI.'' th .. \'i~it "OIl>titlltioJlIII "oll\'('Jltioll i~ not author-
to Jllt'n't ion to efl'c"'1 t hI' ;'0Illlllt'1I1: "Oh. ~Ii~~t'~ Ullth alit! E~tller Dllrl,row, ot jllg dp!l'g,'ati(lll :llId :l:-i:-,i~t ill gh-illt!, the;
al>e~-all"e th" sP!(',·tioll of a ~[('Illber~hil' iz,·c1. it will I1I1'al1 a c1t'la\- of' these
y"'. of course, e\·er.\- I>od.\· kJl()\\~ hilll (~o])llllittee, ,I)ul,lic'ity COIIIJllittee, et(~ .•
EIIll\\"ood ,\ \"('1111", r"('l'lItly ~JlPllt ~"ver:tl rr'hl' )I:\l't in 1 1)J'O~I':l11l i:-; g'ivl'Jl
t!ay~ ill J'>lIrgh,;\"isitillg fJ'ielllls
illll'ro" .. d ('hall~t'~ f"olll .11111: 1. l!l~;l, to
(or 11I'l'I, wh~' lIot!liJl~ of J't'al I"'ll"lit all,l al~o 1I111 e1,·,·t iOIl of a Boanl of uelow.
j'rolll D:t11:l:', 'fexas. .11111. 1. 1!l~;'j. l'rgt' ~'ollr Sellator und
i, 1'\'''1' I'nt Ihrongh hen' "'ithont their ~lallag,'r~, whi('h \nl~ cl"fC'lTl'll ulltil the Reading lI"elllhl.\-1111111 to \'t,1t' fol' thi~ ]'ill.
~alll·tioll :tlld h:u·ldllg." ..:\lld to prove lIt'xt IIl"e\illg. liCl\y"\'t'I,, the matter of ,\I 'l'ht' Matill"" .:'Ili" ::Ilaxilll' Ba~helel'
thi, to ~·on. \\"t' 'II jl"t t,,11 ~'Oll their YOll "all get tiekets for 'J't'lIl1i~ As·
Skit (Continue:! on Page ·1.)
:,(wiation 's J~ig Hho\\' froBl all~r lllClll-
::If I'. (,harl,'~ E. HjJ't,~, ~Ir. A. (Continued on Page 4.) 'l'i,·l\l'ts Plt'a~" (B.\- fOllr .Tulliors)
h,'r of t he ,\~~ociatioJl. ).Iisx (lol'IlP1ia ('I':t\'PTI,
:1Iri~~ Yant't tin :-;llIll'ter,
.\Ii~~ Rllth :l\1d1ur1\.
Something Doing
Original Three Act Musical Comedy To H(~1I1PJll1Il'J' tht' d:tllt'j~ to he gi\'clI
Ih,' .JlIlli"r ('OIIlIlIJlllity Clllh 011 :'Ilan'h ?>Ii~~ ])oroth~' C]\(,~tnut.
In Narberth
Be Given By Tennis Association •J ill 1:1111 Ilall.

:1 ('()lIp1f~.
The lH\Pts 10 1>•• :i<1..'jO Din·c·t ..d I,,· ~fr~. Clarell"e Seamen .
AtlditioJla( IIl1l1d,,'r~ art· to he on thi~
progTHltl, Illlt llt'lillitf inforlllation is l HII\'prfonl .\ " .. II lit'. 1'1'0111 E,,('x to
1:1t·ltill~ at thi~ tilllt' of writlng. :-;lIr1>,'rth '\\"PIIU"~. ~hould I,,' ll .. tt.~1'
IT'S CALLED "THE SUNKEN OLIVE GARDENS" AND WILL BE THE _\ JIIt'"till~ oj' Tile ?\,·"dl,·work Gllilcl ;\11 outliJl .. of th,' .rlllli"r~' :Il'ti\"iti .. ~ li~htt'd. .
BIG ENTERTAINMENT OF THE YEAR-TO BE GIVEN TWO will 1>1' h"ld at the hOlllll of' the l're~i­ will'll", lot' gin'lI I>~- th .. \'ariou~ "hair- '~lIl'h,'rlh ~ic"'\\"I1I1\~ ~hollld he walk~
NIGHTS-MARCH 3 AND 4-TICKETS MAY BE HAD d"lIt, ::Ilr~. Jo'. 11. H'''.I"itt, Oil Frit1ay, IIh'lI. Xarl,('rth .11111iC)I'~. ph'a~~l g"ivc' thp -prop.. rl~· .1 r:1i 11 ,'cl-1I11 d 1I0t p1ll1,lIes.
r"lt. :!;'jth. at :!.:W P.)1. All ])ireetor~ Hidlt'y Park g-il'l:-; :I rllll:,illg \\"plj'OJlH', ~"\\' ~t rt't'l ~i~lI~ ~hollld ht' ,·".. dec1
and ('olltl'ihutol's arc v;P}{'OlllC. h~~ lH'illg: l'l't.':--t ' lit ~'o\ll':-'I\lf at this JIIPI't-
a1 0111'('.

illg', Chilc1n'l1 ~houl,l III' prohihit",l roller,

Th" ,,'('ret is out at la~t! t il~:-l hy not goiJlg' 011 1Ill' pl'cd'pssiollal ~Ir. ('. 1'. Fll\dl'r I,. ~ jl"t retllJ'llell ~]wlillg- OJI JIa\'ert'onl '\\"elllll', ht'tweell
stage. E~~ .. x allcl ="al'l>"rlh .\ \"t'III1I·~. tn their
"\ml as 0I1t' of ::'\arhert h 's leading 1'1'0111 Chic'ago wht're '" att"u,led the
"'l'he ~unk"n Olive (;ar,l"I1"" i~ the MUSICALE AND RECEPTION g'J'(\at dang"l\]' and :IIlHoyallt'l' of Huto-
citizells ~aill the otht'1' night after he allllllal "'JlIV"lItioll all" I>all'lllct of the
litle of thj~ thn'('-ad JIIu~i"al eOlllecly _\IIIt'ri"all EIt·ej ric Hai,'~'ay ,\>soeiatiOlI. 1I10hilt' tlri\'t'l'~.
had heard a lletailell outline of the
ant! t he plot i~ Hot Ollly lllli'1ue, Im't +. Thp 1lltlsi(' ('Olll111i1 t I'll of tIll' Xa r- :-;ahille A\'ell1l(·. frolll Essex hI :"lIr-
,'xtrno1'lJinary ant! a~ thrilling as any Thllr~d:I\'
alld Friday. ::'.Ian·h :11'<1 allll I"'rlh \\'omen's COl11l11l1uit\, Clllh arc I,,'rt h "\ \"'lIues. ~holll,l ht' all a \'enue
"\\'ell, this beat~ anythill~ that has
('\'el' 1,,·t'I\ ulldertakell the, town
of, Xarl"'l'th or the ~r.ill LillI', or, so
'n 'I'heo,lore B. Kranlt'l' JIIl'lo,lralll:l. Ye~,
ancl there j~ lot~ of "oJll,'dY iu the
Ith an' 11;,'
date~ for' tIll' allllllal ~how
of th.· 'J"'lIl1i~ ;\~~'l('iatioll at EIJII Hall.
plU1l11illg an intpl'l'sting n;l1:-ii('alt', foI·
10\\,(',1 by n l't'c·'·l'tioll. ~"l Jo't'hrl1ar~'
1I0t n III 11 cl 1'o:ltl. h""aIJ~t' it faees the
IlIlIill t'1I11':111('" to 0111' pll1>li,~ s('hools.
lill"~ a~ \\'1'11 a~ in the songs: tweul~'-"i~hth, at ,·ig·ht o'c'loc']" at the , Th" plot of ~T""l1d lIorth of the
far as I lUlO\I". ill :lilY ~Ilj,urh withill AllY re~i,klll of ~:Irl"'rth \"ho nJi~St'~ y. ~r. c. A. rllilrollc] ~tatioll ~h(I1Jld I", attr:ll'li\-ely
t,,'ellty lIlile~ of City 'Hal!!" I>ot h • perfllnn:llll'''~ of .. The ~11111\ell ~Iolltlay "velJillg, the ~h;t, S to .l~ Thp :-ioloi:--;t:-; will hI' }-'Jol't'IH'I' ],t',,-j:-i, I'lallte,l.
"\l1tl the mall "'ho ~pol\e the~e "n- Oli\"C' (tardeJls" is g'oing' to llliss the 1'. ~1. \\'hat aholll it! \\'lly, the of l'hil:t'klphia. LIl~i Ha,·,'IIi. tl1(' c·,'it"
thll~ia~ti(' \\"ord~ "'a~ \1'e11 \rithin the tn':! t of t he year. ;-';c·holll ('OJIIIIlIIII it v )lal"'l' illt h" Higll bral"d I>lilld ],aritol1(·. ~[r.•10"'l'h ~:,,1J. (Continued on Page 3.)
boulld~ of a jndi('ial ~tate\llellt. Take No Chances-Get Your Tickets ~1·hCl()1 ~\lIdit()rill'lIl, Itf \'0111':-:1'. ('(llllt' yioJini~t, :1111.' ::III'. P"n'ival :'\a~h, e.'lIo-
Will'illl'" \"(111 (~:tllt'(1 til' 1l11! alld ist,
March 3 and -1 the Dates
,\n,l lhe ~"l'ret i~. that Oil t \Yo e\"'ll-
'fhe :--t1<'('('S:-l of last YP:I l' 's :--;ho\\" ',"as
so prflJlollJu·pd, and t he'l'l' "'t're so IlIHJlY
11I:lkl' it '}'t':d ~()('ia1Jlf' "hOllll'Y" kiu(J
"f all all'air. Olliy i;'1 e"lIls a tid,,)t, (lll,l
111"]'(' "lIj"yllll'lIt 1 hall a ~how in the
Tht" progT:llll ,,-i II :l h-;o illl' hllh st'lt'j'-
tious h~- th'l ('lul, C'hnrll~. lIud,'r the

B. & L. Earns 81 % 3
illg:-:. Thur:-,day llight. ;\lan·h :-~J'l1, and ,Iil',·(·t ion of ':'Ill'. Dayic] :-;I'r:tll, aud .:\ gTl'at JllallY ]~lIil(liIlP: :Iud LO:ln
lwopll) \rho w:llltl'd to ~e(~ it thall
agaill till Frida~- ni~ht, ::'.Ia)'(·h .Jth, the "i I Y a t ~:.:JO per. Ihl' ('1111> YjoEu Qnal'tl't. ~li~~Fal1u~­ ill\·t.l~tllI'S tl'~~ 1u t:t1.;l' :-t(ll'k ill c:ll'h
('ollld lll~ :It'('OJllll1otlatpd on the 011('
nll'Ill],,'rs of the ::"ar]"'l'th T"lllli~ "\~~o­ L(J(I~ :lIH1 :\1"1':-:, .\, ]~, Ho:-,:-,. a('('()Jllpall~ i:-::-'\lt' ill
o}'.lf'r In 11:1\"1' 111t'Ili Jllat lire
nig'llt, 1hat this Y":lJ' llu Tt'IIlJ1S Ass()c·ia~

f·intioll anI going to give their llig lion dp('itll'd to gi\'p it two llig·hts. :'Ila1\,' it a ]J"illt to ~o to the ,lallf'e 1:-;1 ~, t"-I\I'~' yt':ll' artpl' lhl'ir fin,t :-'l'l'i('s Jlla-
allllllal l'lltertaillllll'llt ill EIIll Hall. :It th.' Hi"h :-;dlO"l. "II ::Ilolllla\" e\'t'II- E. F. Barclay, ttll'lIS._ \\"hil'h :,.!.·U:II':llltt'c·S thl'lll a :-;t(\:ld\"
Ti('la'l s for hut h IH'rforJll:lJlI't'S are
::\fo}'(lo\"(lr. this Ycar'~ l'lIt ('rtaillJIIPlIt is 110\1" iJl lh,' h:tll.b of th.· 11I"IJlI,,'rs of tIl('
ill~:. tilt' :?Ist. ti;)(~d 1I111:"d(~ :LI;" real, Chairman of Music. illC'UllIt' for :1:-'" IOIl,~' :1 1 illl!' n~ tlil'\" tnl,'n
g'oillg' to' g:o f~lr lH~.,p()Jlll last year's l'I(I:l1I t'J1.ilJ~·IIIl'lIt, uJlfl(~r tltt' al1:-ipi('es uf 11111 lip\\" :-it'ril':'. .\~ 1IJt'}'(' :lI"C two
'J"'IIJ1i~ ,\~St)('iat itlll alld 1h,'\' \\'ill JIl)
~ho,,· allll (',"prY 11l1l\ who :--:l\Y la:-:t ycar's :-:(ll'il'~; i~Slll'd 1':11"11 in ~ra}'f'h
~dad to sllPI'I.\~ all~'t1IIt' \\"ith~ a~ 1llall~r Ih" ;-.;dlUol Board. \"1':11', lllle
p,'rfllrlliall"" ~yjll acllnit thai til:lt i~ tic·],,·t~ a~ th,·\" \\'allt. ]1' YOIl arc 1I0t
METHODIST CHOIR MUSICAL "lid th,' otlll'l' ill :-;;'1'1,'1111".1'. olle share
~ goi llg ~()nlc."
:1l·tjll:tiJlt,'d \I·fth allY 01' 11;,'
1IJ('IJlIt('r~, Tht\ ('il't'ulatillg" lihrary IIf tIll' Cfllll~ SERVICE t:lkl'lI Ollt 1':I"h \"":11' ill ":Il'h of th('~o"
For thi~ ~-('ar'~ prodllction is 'to be an lllllllit." ('1111, h:" :dn·ad.\· jll~tilil',l its s('l'il's Sholl)ll g-i\~' :Ill i,j('olllp of $·J-OO a
e1rop a liJle to C. L. \Yarwil'1\. ~I!J
'1'11,· ('horlls ('hoi I' or t lie ~ft't ho,li~t .\'t':1 r :J 1't l'I' you I' Ii 1':--1 :-'l'rit':-' lila 1tl ]'(I;-;~ and,
origillal, flill-fl,'dW''', thl'('(,,:\(·t lIIu~it'al ll:IJlIJ"I"1I A\"t'III1,'. ~arh,·rlh. or pholl') l'I't'atioll, .illdgilq,~· ii,\" t II(~ illtl'I'l'St ,,"hich
('hlll't'h will g"j'-t ' :1 Jillt' "lll~l~if'nl pro- of ('0111',";\'. "Ollr illt'Plllt' would ill('I'ea~e
r'()]n('d~', writt"1l hy a 111"1111)('1' lIf th(' ':'Ill'. \\'arwi"k, ~arIll'rth,1Iif)i-"·. n'l lI:I:' IH'('11 :--!tOWll ill it alld tllt' illerea:-:illg
'J'tJlllli, ,\"o(·iatioll. din·,·t,',1 I,\, tl", d"lIlalld fur the l)Ool\~.
~T:1l11 ClII ~Illld:l"~, Fl'!II'l1:11'Y ~7th at I",. llJ(~ 1I11II;hf r III' :-,II:II'~'S \'oll 11:111 takell

i:-; ('lwil'lIlall of the tif'kt't t'ollilldttt'c

author-;Jalll"s I·'. DOlIlll.II.\·-alll"1 1'1'0- :JIIll \\·ill I", glad 10 ~lIppl,\" ~'Oll \I'ith
i:"l.i P. ~r.. 1IIldc';' th" dir",·t·iou or ~Ir~. o;lt. 'I'h,' 01:1,\' 1""IIt to fi;ld \\it h ~han's
j':c!wa I'd :-;talll.,~", ol'~aJli~l, indl1,lin~ t::I\1'1I Ollt this IUI\" i> tli:lt YOIlI' first
dlll·,·d 1)\- oth"r 1I1l'llIh,·r~. t ic·]"'I~. !lOll't w,lit IIl1lil tIl,' la~1 IIlillllte to !ht'~l' :Inthelll~: 1111 t i{
Yl". :;11,1 it i~ a lrH'al :\arl"'l't1l 1I11"i- lIo\\"tlvllr~ ""C 111'~l\ P\'l'l'\YOllt' to ~t"~t1l't\ ~·,·t \'''"1' ti,·I\,·t, 1',,1' "Thl' :-;11111\"11 O!i\"e
:-i.'l'it':-i dlll's flot 111;1 f II )'(' hl,t\\"cclI
"I .\111 ,\ll'ha." :-;iailll'r; .\11 the ,·k\·,·11 :111,1 t \\,·h·,· .'"":11" I'rolll the clate
e:11 ('Oll](',j~- al lha:- ~al'h"l'th ~dlillg~ ti"k,'t~ a~ (·arly ;I~ IH,,~ild,'. ,\lrl'a,l.\· (;:11";1<'11:-'." tllv Clri,~ill:d 1l1tl~i(':l1 I'ollll'dy Pl'llplt' ~:I\\" Thlllldt'l'illg:-;." ~t:lill('l'; til' i1 s i!-'Sllf'.
:III'] ~al'),"l'tlt ehamc'!l'rs! tlll\l'l' hn:, 11('('11 a IIlark('d tlt'llI:lllll fIll' to lH' giYt'lI II,'· thl' 1I\('llIhl'rs of the 'I'h,· ])a.\· i~ End,',I." Bart ]"ttl', with fl~he Ill'\\" ~lJol't TI'I'1l1 ~{'ril':-' 10 he
1i('I.;t't~ for 1101h lIig"hl:-i. Bt'IIIt'lll1ll'I" ~arlJl'l'lh T"IIl1i~ .\"'I(·iati,," ill Elm
They'll Make Mr. Ziegfeld JealoUS ,"joHn ol,lig-ato, :llld H,lt·l·tioIlS h~p ollr ~la)'I,'d :II tli,' :-1:11',"1, I"".,till~
or the
"The Rl1l1kl~ll Oli\"(' (lal'llpJJ:-;" \\"ill 11(\ Hall, ~\laJ'('h ::I'd alld "Ith. 1I11\\"I,'~ oq":"Hl!iZ(\(l lilah' qll:lrl1'l (If s010 ~:ll'!ll'1'111 Bllildillg :llId Loan .\ssoeia-
_\ tal w hpJ! ~·Oll :--('t~ t IHIS(\ "('C1111pll't (\1~· gi\"t'li Hl'st Oll rrhul'~da~~ e\·PlJillg", ~ran,h
"Xr':tl'pl' :\J"y nod to Tlj(I(I "
)'(1110\":\1(\(1" Tt'lIJ1i:-: playt'l'~ llladt' into ::1'11. :llu1 again oil Fl'ida~~ ('v('lling, ~](lO Tn':!:-'lll'y ~;:l"illg Cl'l'tifkat('s :L1'l\ I .Johu~ou: "\\'lIl'u 'the ~Ii~t~ Ha~"1' (Contmned 011 Pa~c 2,)
ellOI'IIS ~irl~. ~'o\l'll ~,." a ~ip;ht that \\'ill ':'Ilan'h "Ith. Ea"h l'"rl'orJlI:IJl('l' \\'ill be-
lie slInie-i"lIt to t Ill'll ~J 1'. Zil'gf"ld gn'l'n
with en\"y
"\n,l \\'1,,:n '\'011 ~"e tIll' kaelin" ehar-
p;ill at S:l:; :,hal'p.
Ul't ")1I1l' of YOllr l'hila,lt'lpllia frieJl<l~
(or :-,:111.' at thl' Pll~t Otli('e ~S:.!,(ill (':tell,
TIH':'I' (;O'"t'I'IIIl\('lIt :-'('t-urit ips
('II':II'l'cl ,\ \\"a~-," Co i ffe.
arc reg-
n('ter:'-'\-~lI.\'01l'1l a,llllit thai 7'"rtain
to "Olllt' Ollt Oil 1h,' traiJl 1I1at leayes i~tt'n'd ill \'~~l~hillglflll :tlld :11'(' :III :11':-'0-
------------------------~ IALL HOME-TALENT I
Broad :"t]'(,,·t at i:.J:; alld ~how tltem Jllil'].\- ~"fe illYestment.
re:'i,lPnt:, of ;lIlr eOllllll1l11it\" who arc \I'h:lt :-;:lrl,,'rlh (':111 flo in tht' \yay of a
11l1l~i(':L1 C'OlllCdv THE
llll'illllt'r:-, of tll(': rl\\lITli:-- .:\ss,;eintion arc g"t\lIuillt· :lnd orig"illa)
~fl'" .T"hll B. Hl'oo]\~. of' Xarl>"rth A Farce in Three Scenes :
c·"l'tailll.'" lIIi"ill~ \\'ollllt'l'flll opportun, "II t .'rt a i1IJ110J1 1. ' •

,\\'('11111'. l'IItl'rtail" .. l at a yalelltille
hlll"h"oll 011 ~f."lIelay. 'I'llt) gllt'~t~ ill- The Cis,rict School at Bluebeny
..)1\11 ..,1 ~fr,. Chark~ Y"J'lJ:l. of '\'YlIIle, Corners "-A play with just one long
CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS. \I·"'HI. ~\fl's. Hill alld )1 r~. BI'.\·,]oll P,'a>", I scream-will be produc'd on Friday Evea_
"f ~arll('rth. allel ::'.II'~. }\'rll]ey '1'. ing. February 25th, at Elm Hall. Time,
Brtl"I\~, of Phila. • 8.15 P. M. An all-Narberlh cast of f
Fixed Meeting Dates. of the Season I twentv_ nine. Auspices of Methodist

Episcopal Church. \Velch Ihe Bullelin
~li" .h'allll"tl<' (;]Ili~. of D\Il1l"y ,\\'e.,
Borough Council M;nthly-Second Monday Cmmcil Chamber Boards lor the poslers. Card. of adm:J"-
,,"tl'l'taill,'d at ,·a]'(l~. ~L Yalt'lItillt"S sion are on sale at fifty c~nls.
Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Monthly-First Thursday COlUlCil Chamber II i~ht. ill hOllo)' of :Mi~~ Elizabeth H. High School Auditorium
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion Building IT: ~fllllc'lI. "I' l'hilarlt'lphia. all,l ?>[j~s
Monday, February 21st
EIlJih' ~lath,·r. of ~fl'aclo\\"brool(, l'a.
Narberth Civic Association Monthly-Third Thursday COllncil Chamber Tlull';l \r.'I'I' t WPl1t~·~two guests 1ll'CSCllt.
8.00 to 12,00 P. M.
Narberth Fire Company Monthly-Last TueSday Fire House
A School Community
Date. Name of Organization and Event. Place Hour
Dance for the benefit February 2211d 8 P. M.
Two cents per word It cash accom·
panles a<lvertlsem~nt; otherwise. five
of the Athletic Fund
227 Forest Avenue
cents per word.
Feb. 19 •••• Chil,ll'en's Dancing Class ..•.••.•.•••. CoIllJllunity HOOJ11 .• ~:OO P. :l\L
Mr. A. V. PENT'
Feb. 2J. W. C. C. Liternture Class I::! A\"on Hoad JO:30 A. ~I. Tickets 75 cents each
Feb. ~~ •••• ":(I]II:'II'~ C(~Ill.ll1ullity Club ••••••••••. COllllllunity Hooll1 .• 2 :30 P. 1If. FOR SALE-Small oak sideboard. Teacher of the
Feb. d .... \\. C. C. :l\hlhllel'Y Class •••.••••••••• f! EJll1woo.1 Aye D:45 A. lIf. Phone ?\arhel'th 35·'V. (18-p) NATIONAL BIBLE INSTITUTE
F('b. ~4 .•.•.Tllllior COll1munity Club •••••••••••••• 3 Elll1wood Aye 8:00 P. 1If.
Feb. 25 \\'. C. C. Choml Class .. , ::!::3 Es~ex Ave ~: on P. lIf. FOR SALE-Baby Sulke;}", Crib llnd A High-Class Affair Subject: "THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON"
Feb. ~5 ..•• W. C. C. Orehestrn Class ••••••••••••• :n::! Essex Ave 3:45 P. :M. Pen. Dre~ser, Cedlll' Box Couch.
Feb. ~Ij" ••Chil.lrclI 's Dallcing Class ••••••••••••• Collllllunity Room .. 2:00 P. :l\I. Phone ]G4D-W. (19,c)

hv the "oUllt\' tr.'asllrer, whi(,h adde,1

Captain Ebbert to Speak Telephones.

Ot course, "1
OUR TOWN t;) th,' halalll:e of o\'(~r :j;:lii,;,O(lO, lIIa(le
a totlll of on'l' $:!,lliii,OIlIl, alld thc dis·
1267 deliver - aDJ
place - any
bllrSl'IIII'lIts W('l'l' :j;1,!I~!l,OIlO, ,\"hi"h ll'ft Ca\'taill Frallk B. Eltl"'rt who will 1268 time,
AI: Exp~riment in Cfl-operative a bit 0""1' .$I-li,1l00 Oil halld at thc sIi"ak at th" <.'onllliullit~, l\l,'dillg' to ])('
Journalism-:No Paid Workers. start of this Jenr. h"I" ill til" J'n'sl"'t"I'ian Chur"h to' The Brightest Spot, in Narberth
II is ,'('('tai!1 thp ('XI"'IIS"S will havc IlIOTToW nigoht. ill til<\ iIl1('r('~ls of Prd:

Owned and Puhlished every Saturday to hc ('ut qllit,· a bit to 11l"l'! th(' blld, hi"itioll Lnw Ellfol'l"'III"lIt, is th" Asso- A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
~1 the Narberth Civic Association.
g'l't of 1!J:!I. c'i:lt(, OPIIPral ('()l1ll~t'l of tIll' .-\uti·
La:-;t Y('al' t he alJll:-;h()t1~e ('o~t $!l-l-,- :-;alooll 1~t'agl1P of .AIlJ<.'rien. 111 b n 1

0011 alld' th" I'risOlI lI"arl.\' :j;:iII,III)O to distillg'lIish"t1 lall)','r. a \'l·t,·rall of .tw"
Suhscl'iption price one (Iollar nnll fift J•
cents per ycal' in :llh'a!l(,c.
oI"'rat,·. TIll' ('()\llIt~; 1'"0!: din·,'tors WHI':-; ullcI all ('loq::('lIt :IucI ('on"illC'illg' "SAMPLE OFFERIl\'GS"
ask,·d for $100.11110 this ."t'ar and are Jlilhlit· :"rt'nl,:('l'. For t'ip;ht ~'('ars h(\
gin'll bllt $,~II.Oilll, "'hil,, th .. pl'isoll n" FROM OUR LIST OF ATTRACTIVE NARBERTH HOMES
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH ('"i v,'s hll I $:!i .0110. $9,500.00 X,,\\' t\\'o stor~' hollow til" hUIIg'alo\\', three Iw(lroollls. tile
CIVIC ASSOCIATION 'I'h,' faillln' 'of th,· ('ollrt to filially hath, larg,· li\'ing room (slol'" "1'''11 fin' 1'1:",1'), dilling' roonl, Idt"h"n.
March 26, 1920. s"ltl,' th" s:dal',\' IJlll'stioll fol' thl' Di~, frollt alld h:Il']' ("·1\I(·))t I'or"hps, ['nusual !>IISI'III"IIt. Lot ii(l x II i. Best
trid "\ttorll"\"s o!li,'" has ,·:tlls"d thc I,"'atioll,
Prcsident, Hobert .1. Edgar.
('Ollllld~~ioll(,l'~ t () .pro,·idp 1'01' t hI' em· • $12,000.00 :'\"arillg- ('olul'll'tion, ""1'11"1' 1'('sioll'lI"", "ol"lIial 1'11111, {III-
Vice· President, Joseph H. Xash.
('l'g:PJ!(':'" by ~(q1illl-!.' :l~idl' *~l.()IlO for IIIl'di:Jt" \'i"illil.,' of I'roIH'rti"s up 10 :;::W.1l00,
Vice'l'resi(lent, Augustus J. Laos.
Vice,President, l\Irs. C. 1'. Fowler. Disl rid .\ttorJ)('." H"lIl1illgl'l' alld his $15,000.00 ('olollial farlll housp, n'Ill(ItI,'I"d illto d .. li;..dttflll pig'ht
'l'rensurer, Miss .\Iaizic .J. Silllpson. aids, shollld I h" d""isioll ],,, 1':I\'orahlc rOOll1 ]'(·sid"II'· ... hot wat"r heat, "Il'(,tl'i(' light. ..t,'. Llll'g"l' lot, !ille
Secretary, Miss Buth Eo Prescott. to that olli"ial. old shad,'. att radi\'(, st'ttillg. A I"'op .. rty illlpltssihI,' to dllpli('all', g-ar-
'1'h" hridg,' total :11,,1\'" ill"llIdes ngf'.
Directors 192:l, l\Irs. A. n. Ross, Mrs. $Si ,sso. r"I';','s"lIt illg t h" sha 1'" of the
D. D. Sticknpy, .1. Garfield Athel'holt, llan' "Oil Sltllll' fri"llds that \'011 wallt to hl'ing' to Xarhl'rth! 'J'hb
I'. & H. l1aih\"a\' for th" ('ollshoh,,,'k,
I. A. Miller, C. La wl'ence Warwick, A. ofli,·" will 'g'ladly gi\"(' yOIl ,'olllpl,:l\' d,·tails of lilly of 0111' jlrop"l'til's that
('II lJl·jdgl'~ anti 'whi('h i~ listl'tl as an
E. Wahlert; Dircctors 192Z, .J • •1. Ca- y01l thillk Illig'ht illtl'n'st tlll'III,
brey, Walter A. Fox, H. H. Hillegas, Road Foreman Named,
Charles H, A. Chain. W, R. D. Hall,
Harrv A.•1aeohs; Directors 1!)21 , F. A.
Lall n'ha II , Dalliel Leitch, George T.
.Tohll ;\. ('arl. of PottstoWII. alld
B"lIj:lll1ill :-:II:I\\", of C.'"lIw.'"d. han' 1,,',,11
:El.ea.1' t o r
al'l'0illll'd rond fOI'l'II"'n 1'01' ~Iolltglllll'
KllutZCII, .1. B, XCSpCI', }i'letcher \V. ('I'\' ('nullt y. hy t ht' (·Otlllllis:-.iollt'J':-\. 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADElPHIA
Stites. 'Both of' tl,,: II('\\" 1'0n'\II('1I hal"" hl'ell Branch Office at Station. l\Iarberth, Po. Telephone. Nerberth 17 J 0
iIlSIH'('fol':' 1111 ('OHllf:,' ('out ,':It'is tlt1rillp;
HARRY A. JACOBS, the' l'asl ~".:tr. '1'11" I",sts t1l".'" 1I0W fill
Editor. art' II"W OII"S, lIud('r 111<' dir""t iOIl of r-··· .. __ .. _----------------------------------------,
COllllt ,. Ellgillt'l'1' CI'(IS:--Ill:l1LCarl will I
havl' '('ha]'~l' (If tt'll foach-. :uld ~h:l\\' I
~t1IH'I"'i:-iitll'l O\"l'l' (.'ig-llt ill,thp coullty.
Th"i I' sa la ri"s an' fi x"d at $i 1"'1' d:I\'.
III lilll' ,,'ith th,' Hl'lI .. ntl poli",' ;,f 1
I 1
Send nIl advertising and news items to "('0110111.\', it i, "X],,·('(7'd a halt ,,'i'u h,· I
p, O. Box 966.
Our Town is on' sale at the depot
,,:II1<-d Oil t1l" ,dlOl"sal" plln·has,· of
land fo)' th,' ('xt"lIsion of \'all".\' FOl'g',·
new8stllnd, RlJd at the store of H. Eo J'a l'k !>~' t h" )"('I"'a I of t hI' Ja II' whi .. h I
)H'I'llIit~ tht' park ('ollllJlissiollt'l'l" to II
lu'pp Hllliillg 10 th(' parl~ groUJlds. Captain Frank B. Ebbert
made at the best and most modern equipped
Entered as second,class matter .\ liill is 110\\' Iwf"n' th,' I"gislatur,' I •
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t
Narberth, Pennsyl \'ania, under the Rct
of March. 18i9.
spollson'd h.\' i""lIalol' T. LaITy E.'"I',·.
of \\','st ('hl·sl,,1". ,dJidl wOllld appro,
pl'iat" th .. Slllll of $li,;l,lIlIlI to th,' "ai-
1(':,' Foq.!;p ('()Illtlli;-;sion('r~. .
WI'S at tltc h"a(1 Ill' th" L"gal D,,\,art'
IIlt'lIt of 1h,',\ nt i-:-;lIlool1 L"agu" ill
Chh·ag'o. Through all th('~l' :"(':11':-: he
IlIat<-l1<'d his wil s alill lIis ,,10'111"1:<'"
coke plant in the world, and at pre-war prices
The price for Anthracite Coal is, in the main, governed
Th" d"at1l. th" past \\""l'k, of :-;a III II "I ,l"ith tit" ahlcst la\\',",'rs lhal tit,· iiqllor II by the law of supply and demand. If the same law were
:-;, Hartrallft, sllp,'rillt"lId"lIt of the fo)'('"s of th" \\'illlh' Cit" w,'n' :dtl,' to allowed full sway the price would be higher than ever.
\'al"'~' Forg,· J'ark. alld that "I' At, :-:(\1111 :tgaill~t hilll ':I i :---:jlring'lil'ld, lit I
OUR TOWN will gladly print
tonl"~' .r. 1'. Hal<' ,1('lIkiIlS. alsll a park fiu:t1h' WOII his lll1ttl .. IlIld th" law "II' Legislative laws are a doubtful remedy.
any news it':!m about any SUbject ('0111111 issioll til', :-:("'('1':1 I Wl'L·lo, ag;o, I(la Ye
that is of interest to Narberth t,,'o '-:"'III)('i"s Oil till' hoard. "\"hi,,h will
fO)'(":IIl"lIt "ocl" that h" I'rl'l'lIn'd all,1
"ael"·11. \,'as filial'" Iliad" til,· law of II Let one-half of the people of the Northeastern Atlantic I
folks, but in order to meet the h(' fillt'd ill th,' lI"al' flit III"'. Bllth 111('11 that :-;tat .., alld j's 1111 .. of th .. III1lst I Coast States turn to coke and soft coal, now made cheap by I
had h"I'1I C'OIIlIl'('t "d wit h t ht' pa rk the natural law of supply and demand, in full swing, and both

printing schedule, aU "copy" "Ir,,(,ti\'(' ill th,· wholl' "1111111 I'\'.
-manuscripts-must reach the sill('" its "sta!>lishmellt.
'1'h(' :\!olllgonll·I'." ('Ollllt~' BoaI'd of
Thl' :-:ill1atioll in Pl'llllsyl\'allia i~ \'llry
anll,' at this tillll'. Till' ,\lIti':-;a!oo;1
labor and capital in the Anthracite business will be standing I
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each on their heads in two weeks' time. :1
]'001' Dil',,(,tol's appoilltpd ,\ttOrtl"~' H.
\\'ibon :-;tah1l1""I,,·I'. s"n.. taIT alld
Lt'n~'t](· h:l~ had hit ]'lldlH'l,d a II Ell fort'n-
1I1('I;t (~od,' whic·h ,dll at tit .. Salll(' tillll'
so!i('itlll' for lh" hoal'(] at a sa'lan' of
We know from personal experience, some twenty years
l'l'p":11 th,' Bl'ollks Law alltl till alla~' I
$1,~1I11 a \'''al'. ,Tohn n. Bartman' '\":IS I with thl' (,Jltin' lin'tl:-:t' :-'\,:-,tl'lIl. Tlll~ I ago, of a town of 3,000 people about 500 miles west of Pitts-
1'(',,,I""1<'d' st"ward and Mrs. Bartlllan old orga.lliz,'d li'luor ill!<';'"sts of thc burgh, Pa., who then and now use soft coal, few having ever I
SAT., FEBRUARY 19; 1921 matroll. at salari,·s of :j;1.:J~1J and $ii-W. :-;tat(' are fig·htillg dl~Spl'l'atel.,p to l'lltain
I seen Anthracite, and where no one dies except from old age. I
l't'SP(l(·t i"pI:,p lHlt' ~Pf':ll'. 'eht':'p
jll'ais('(] fol' l1,,'il' ,,'or!, at the ('Ollllty
honH' In~t Y('ar.
were the lieellse SyStl'llI. Capta in Ehlll'rt is
eXI""·t,,d to lila\«' a "I<'ar statl'lIIcllt of
th,· lIIcrits of th'<s fight.
.The price of coke delivered in this district is $8.75 per I
ton m the cellar, Every cent of easy money has been eliminat- -:
Fire, 350 .l:,,'o!> klll p was a]'jloill!t·,[ h"ad I ed in making this price. We will have to sell a great quantity I
Police, 1250 fal'ln,'1' at a $I.~1I11 salan'. \\'ill1l"r AI,
1,,!>:)('1I. assist alit fa 1'111(:1'. at $ill p('r !
B. & L. EARNS 8 3'10 I
I of this coke or discontinue it altog·ether. Please g'ive us an :
lIlollth: Fl'aid, Ball'·I'. labor fOl'emall, I order and tell us what you honestly think of it. I
at $S~.:;II :1 lIIollth: .1:1(·o!> Hafll"r. head (Conth:ue:l from Page 1.)
Editorial hak"r. at $ill a 1I101I1h: ~lic'ha,,1 Har-
11"1'. \\":I1,·llIlIall. at ~-l;; a 1I101lth; :\1 a 1',"
E, ].;""I'\H·I' S'·:lIl1stl't'SS. at $~.; a month,
tioll will ollly tak<' about six years to
IlIatlln·. wlti"h will apl'"al to a great I C. P. COOK I
I Coal I
A natin' ]'''lIns~'I\"allia \\"hit" pin" III asking for all i11('I"I':lH' of $1.'),000 Idall\' ill,','slors alld will also Ill' of b"Ill~­
frt1l\ fh"l' fl'l't hig-h. ha~
t h,' Cham]"'r of ('Ollllll,'n"', of Los
1.l'(,11 ~('nt to 0""1' th" al'jll'opriation of last y"al"the
Jlool' diri'I'tOI'~ wpn' ('oll~il1('ritlg c1('-
fil t'o thos,' who ha\",· tak"l1 out IIC\\"
sPI'if'S ('a('h Ypar with th{' idl':l a~ - W'ood - Coke
.'\ IIg,,1<'s. Ca Ii fom ia, h.\' t h" }"'IIIIS,\'I,
"allia l)l'partlll"lIt of Fon·str~'. '1'hl'
111:lllcll'd ilJ('J'('a:-i('s ill s:dal'ills at the'
('Ollllty HOIiIl' alld Hospil:Jl at BI:u'k
:-:ta1l'd :11111\'('" to 11n'·I' :til
Buildillg IIl1d L"all ,'a('h ~'ear, If you
itl('()IIH' frolll
tn'" whi"h is 1'l'lIl1s\''''ania's ('Ollt rihll'
iioll' in tl11 '4VOJ'(_,~'t of tht' ~tn.tes"

that is h.. illg (·stahlish,·d Oil tl,,· 1'a,,'I-

I1'H·k, ,\ISet for m,'di"inl's and nll'lli"a]
att"lItioll, 'I'h .. ],oard l'olllld d",·tors
""11"1":111\' 1I11\l"illili H to IIlak,' all\' pl'OpO'
ha'·t' ~Ollll' of tIt(, I.olIg Tl'I"t11 ~pri('l" that
ha~ rtlll fOlll' OJ' fh't' '~('ar;-; anti dl'eitle
1tl tal,:(' SUIIH' of t11t' 'JIl'\\, ~hort Tl't'Jll
._--------- _. ---- ...__ ------~-----_._.-._-_ .--~---------~-----~-----_\

li<' ('oast, wa~ g'rnwlI hy thl' ll"I,,"'tm"lIt ~i1i(lJl:-: '1f1 e1u tlll:-' "-ol"k fUI"' f'prfain :-;Pl'it':-' whi('h will lIIatlln' hl'1'ol'<.' Yuur
of POl'l':"tl"". ill it~ Jltlt';-;l'r,· at ('r('l'lI· slH'c'ilil' :llllCl\1lltS )H'I' ~'PHt', as l)('I'(,to- lin,;f Long Tpl'Ill ~l'ril·s. :"ou will Ill: en-
\"ood~ lIllll'tillg-doli COl1l1t:'~,' fel1't l • aldl'd to n'alize 011 t1l1' :-;hort '1\'1'111 ]"•.
fol'l' ~'Otll' fi)';-;t :-Ol'ril':-' III t Ill' Long T('l'Ill
ot We Will Measure Up
If YOU 11:1\,(' l)('PII 1akillg- tt'11 ~harl':-;
H ,y(':;)' ill 1he' Lflng' T('rlll ~L'riL'S. yon
Tax Rate Unchanged TIll' nl('III],,,rs of th .. :'\arlH'l'th '('t'III1i>.
.-\:.;;-.;oc'ia1 iOIl ,an' t \I Ill\ ('0 IlgT:l t ulatl'd.
will n'""i,'" Oil its IIll1turi'" $:!.1I110 ill
bl't W('('1l (,I('v('11 a TId 1 \\,(lh'p ~'l'ar;-; on the
It was said of George Washington tbat tbe oflice of
President of the United States was' 'cut to his measure"-it
l'\·I'TI ill adY:lII('t'. Oil 1hpil' Yl'rr pl'l'tt'll- pnyllll'lIt of (lll" ])lIl1al' a' shan' "al'11 fitted him better than any other man of his time,
COMMISSIONERS CUT DOWN tiflll~ llllli ('ulllllll'lIclalJ1l' plrll]'t~ ill ('Oil Illollth, alltl if ."ou slloold tI""id" to take
Ill'('lioH wilh th"ir forlh"olllillg' allllllal ~h:l)'(,~ ill tilt' ~1J(lrt Tt'J'1l1 ~(ld(':-" \yhiC'h , The life of each of us is cut to our measure-it is up to us
INCREASE :" 11 0'\'. will ll1alul"I' ill a!>out six \'I'ars. it woul,l to recognize and live up to i's fuJI capabilities.
This ,ppar's ('ntl\rtailllllt\lIt i~ to 1)(' a flll'" 1)(' Il('('l'~~:lr\' tit ta'kt' fh'p Shal'l'S
Rate Is Two Mills on '",hi('h ~'Oll wo'lIld PII~' two dollars :l This institution IS doing its best to fulfil the purpose for
rt':,.!.'1l1al' 'lhrt'l'-:tl't lllw..\ic'al ('Olll('(l:,p, ('Olll-
\,os"d I,~' a 11I"lllh"r of tI", ;\sso"iatioll lIIollth to "lllial :;:1.01111 ill half tht' tilno which it came into being-to assisfthe people of this cOlllmunity,
'.rhl" :-lolltg:oll1l'ry (·Ollllt.'· C()lllllli~· IIl'I't'S:":!I'\' to Illatnr(' YOUt' $:!.IlOO ill the through the wise management of finances, to attain their full
aile! \,roe!lw,'e! 1,.,' otlt"r 1I"·lIIh"l's. .\11
sioll"rs fixl'd t h,' tax ralt· for 11,,' ('Ollllty olltsid,'r who has llt'''1l g'ralllt·d tl,,· cour, l.t)llg' T(:l'lIl ~(,l'ics. . share of success,
th" I,ast '''I·"k for J!I~1 at t 11'0 mills, 11':-'y oj' \'h'\yillg" IIl1t' {If tht' l'phl'aJ'~als Th" a""oullts of th,· :'\al'l"'l'th Build,
tlll :-o:lll1l' :l:-> th(' pn~~(,llt ratl'.
ing' :llId Luan ..-\~:-:Ot'i:l1j(l1l h:\\'(1 ht'l'1l
illfonlls us tltllt "Tit" i"llllk"ll Oli"e
] twas J'('porh'd frolll solll(' quar- auditl·d for th" past y"ar aud th" rate On Washington's Birthday this Insti-
Oard,,"s." whi,,11 is tht' tith· of this
It'rs that th" lillall("'s of th" "Ollllty Ill'\\" Illusi('al ('(Jtlll'd.\~. i~ an t'xeL'('(lingly- of I'l'olit IIIIS bl"'J1 foullll to "', S ::/lO~'(' tution is closed, to honor the memory
would I'l'quiJ'l' :l faisl' ill tlll' raft'. like· '1'11" ('''lIdit iOIl of 1 h,· XII rh"l't h Build, of a great man who measured up
('n'dila"l" l'i"('I' of ,,'ork alld worth.\' of
I~' 10 f01l1' mills, hut tllls was lIot roulI(1 iJlg nlld Loan .-\~~Il('iat iOIl will ('OlllpHl'L
th .. authors of IlIall,\' of 0111' Illost popu, to the work cut out for him.
Ill'('l's:-:.a r'p. at" pl'C)f('s~i(lll:d 1lI11l"ic'al ('OIlI('llit"S. fa\'ora!>I.\' with a1\,\' Btlildillg alld Loall
TIll' \'011111 ,. Cf)11l1Ili~siolll'r:.:. how- ,\S"willtio!1 ill I'hiIaclt·lphill or \"i"init~,
"'I' f,'P) tltat :'\arh"l'th is to 1>e "011'
\.l,·('r. IlIadt l ('\;ts ill SOIll(' cl('pnl't Illl'lIt~, '1'1 It' loans IlI1 ,prolll'rt~' hl)"(' hl"'11 \"'1')
~]'at nla1 (It!011 lla\"ill~ ~o :ltllllit ions alltl
alld sh:l\""d th,' hlldg,,·t to gd the ('OIlS,'I'\'lIt in', alld it has 11("'''1' had to
(':lpahll all ()J'~:tlliza1i(l1l as th(' '.1\'11 II is

:llIlOllllt IIl'l'dl'd for all "Ollllt,\' purpose's

do\\" II to a poillt whl'r,· two mills
.\~:-itl('ial ion. t a 1,:(' 0\"('1'
Tlw Dil'l,(,t 0)':'; of t h(' Xar
Illllrt g'ag'p,
a propP!'t.'p or fOrl'('ln:.;<.-' a
The Merion Title and Trust Company
lIollld "ll\'"r the' total. ,\ lot of 111'0\,1,' t1l'1a,\'('(1 g"ttillg tirk- i !>I'rth Iluilding aud Loan ,\ssof'iation
Bas,'d Oil t hI' figlll't's Sll 11111 itt l'cl h~' l't~ rill' tlip Tl'lIl1i~ As~()('iatioJl 's hig HI'(' ad i\'l' ill it:-- lllall:q,'('lIll'nt allli t-heil ARDMORE NARBERTH DALA.CYNWYD
thl' (,Oll1l1iissioll"rs. :r;I,::,lii.iSO "'ill lie
sit 0'" last ~'l'al' aile! "id 1I0t g'd in-the al t"1\dllll"" at thl' l))ont1l1~' 1II"l'tillg'S is
]'('IIIJiI't'd to "I"'l'atl' th,· "Ollllt~' for this nl'lIr1y pl'rfl'('t. .\n,\' 011" of th" Din'dor;;
hall '\":IS I'II"k,'" ],~- S 0 '('Io"k! Takc
\',·al'. or Olli",'rs will h" g-Illd to I'xplain to you
WHI'Jlillg and g'l't your tid~t'ts fo1' this
. TIll' following' apprll]ll'iat iOlls \\'l','t~ lhe Builclillg :lIHl Loan idt'H of ~a"illg'
\'1':lI"S l"how "Till' HUllkpll Oli"l' Gar-
lll:tdp: Brid~l'~. *:i:.!.nso; t'lIl'l1J1ikn~,
~1('lls." illl111I'diat('1:,', 1'1'0111 allY IlH'll1her nlolll·.\, "I' pur"hasillg' II hOllll·. and will
::;1-1i,iOil: IlIis(·"lIall""lls. $11:l,liOIl; pt'lI- 1,1' t h,· ,\ssOl'in t iOll, JIIakt' arl'all~(llllllllt~ for you to takl: XarlJerth Playground As~oeiation, 1\arherth, Pa.
al illstitlltillllS. $101.0011: almsholls"s, eit hpJ' HhoJ't OJ' LOIIg' Tprtll :--t(wk in thl\
$SII.IIOO: illtl'I't'st llll hllllds alld l'l'I1<'Il1J1' Ill'\\" Thirty-lirst i:'eri,·s ,rhi"h ",ill O[ll'll { go on r('"ort.l as (leelarillg' that 1 helic"e in the To\\"n where 1 Illal,e
tioll. $li:?IH)O; "Il!III"issionl'rs' olli"i.. at 10;111I Hall, on '['hlll'sda~' "\'"lIi1\g, Illy hOIll(' all(1 tllat I alii willing to acccpt Illy part of the general obligation
$-10.0011: COllrt s. $:i!I.;;OO; 1'l','or(!l'r of
lil'l'ds' olli",'. $:1:1.000: "lp"tiollS, $;]0,- Piano Lessons :\Iar"h :11'.1.1'1'011I i until D,
'I'hl' Annnlll He[lort of thl' ~arherth
ill cffecting its wclfare anLl progress. Therefore, I subscribe to .,., ... , ..
shares of stock in thl' Xa1'berth Playground Assoeiation, at $100 each, terms
000; prisoll. $:?i,OOO; rl'g-i;;t<'r of will,;' Building' all,1 Loall A",o"iatioll will he
olli,'". $:?:;,OOO; allowl'd for distril'! at- Thorough instruction for begin- rea (1\- for (list rihutioll at the ]\[ar"h and ~ondition~ as a,h'crti;;('(1 ill a predous issue of Our 'fawn,
tOrtl .. ~· 's olli,'l'. $:!I,OOO; 1'0:\(1 ,Iant:lg't's, ners. LesSOllS may be taken nl"l'l'ing', and w" \\"ould sUg'g'"st 1hat you
$1;;.01111: jll'Otholloary's olli,·l'. $1:;,000;
eoul1t~· treaslll'l'r's olli,"', $1:;,000; sher·
either a.t my home or tha.t of the tal,,' this Annlllll Bpl'0rt all,1 figllre out
lu)\\" lIIu(,h you han' sa \'(. (I hy hl'ing a
Kallle .... ~ ~ ~ ~ .
iff's 'l.fli,',·, $1:!,iiIlO; eoul'thouse,$I:!,' shareholder.
0011: "olltroller's ofli,·l'. $'11,0011; house PAUL DABBACK,
Address ... ~ ~ .
of ,1 l't l'1I1 iOIl. $10,000; d,'rl, of eourts' QUITE SAFE.
506 DUdley Ave., Suhscriptions takl'n for one to ten shares.
ofli"e, $1l.OOO: l'orouer's o Ilie l'. $:!,OOO;
justiee of pcacl', $500, Narberth, Pa. .JOlIl's-" Thl'y l"a)~ Grl'l'1I has heen
"'a lull'l'illg' in his min,l lately," !\fail application to Harry A. Jacobs, 'freasurer, ~arberth Playground
'fhe allllulIl statl'lIIent of Count)·
Phone, 1265·W. Narberth. Association, 3 Elm\\"ood n \'cnue, Phone 662,J.
Controlll'r Hornet' \V. Sl\\l"Ul'v showed BOlle~-" \Vl'lI, he's safe cnough; he
that $1,i:?1,2liO wa:; recl'i,'e,1 'last ),ear ea n 't go fnr."

A !:1s5'trr~.E!A
NtWS of tIlt aUlurrllta
scrvice of the ('llIm·h con']uctcd by the
St]'nll~(,l':-' allil vhdtol'l'i a1"p WCh'OII1C I
Birthday Party Literature Class
to all ollr ~ef\'iccs. i Finest Photoplay The-
l\[i~~ l\[uv Aillm \Vl'i~s Pllterlainctl atre ot Its Size In the
Thc Lilerature Class of the COllllllun-
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. iI hl'r friPII<1s' at hl'r h<>llIe, x,,'. 1-l Avon it~' Cluh lIIet last Monday IIIOl'IIillg as
Merion Meeting House, Merion, pa., Hoad, on hl'1' I \\,(')fth hirth<1a~' anni· Pb.toplavs-Conllnuous to A. M.lo 11.31
NARBERTH METHODIST j \lsual, alld COlltillued its reading of
\'(ll':.;al'~\ :-;atul'(la.'/ llvelling',. •r:t1uw"r~,r P.M.
i :!Oth. 'I'he h[)u~l' ,nls 1lCautifully "Ad\'('lItures alld," by E.
t I de"ol'ate'], alld tlH'I'(, \\",1'<' lot~ of good Y. Luea". '1'h(' lil'st hal f hour was spell t PhlJa.. Po.
Merion Meeting is open for worship ! Ihillg~ to l'at and a fayol' for e"ery ill diseussi 1Ig' I'Ul'l'Clit IIC\\"S of hooks and
every First·day morning at 11 0 'clock. Rev. Arthur S. Walls, A.M., B.D., Pastor author~ and in J'('a,lillg poetry hrought
We COldially welcome any visitors who ill h)' lIIelllll1'l's of the e)a~s. Florcnec
D('('"rati"l1~ Il\' :III'S. Weiss, ~I~~i~ted
Suudar, Feh. :lO: Ear1~ Coales, of Philadelphia, who hag
desire to worship with us. !I:~;; A. :l1.-~untla~· Se·hooJ. All h~' Mr. \\'ei~s, ht'1'11 d,'"i"'lIat,'d hv thc Slate Federa-
ea t"rillg h.,- ;\11'. \\"'is~, as~i~t e[l hy
g-rndes. tioll of "':'011[('11 's Cluh~ as the "State
,\II', E. ~ Oallil. of l'hila'l"lphia, will :'Ilr~. \\' l'i~~. PROGRAM
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. I'Ol't," was l'a lied to the attcntion of
O"<'IIP~- :!II lIIinllt,,~ of the houl' with Ch:'lIl'rOllt'~. l\In Frank O'Brien, 1\[l's.
\y(1 i:-;:.;.
the ela~~ through her poellls, "'fhe
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. Oil" of hi~ ,,·olld"l'ful olt;j['d tal1,~, ,"iolill," a 11,1 "His Fa('e.' I Discussion
'l'hi~ ~"hool attain",] all ob;j"rti"cs in :\IlIsi,' h~- ell t in' a~selll hlagp.
of Hohel't Fl'Ost's pOI'I", "SolllL'thing-
Early Mass on Sunuays at 7 A. 11. it:-; Thirtr-ilay l'n1l1l1aig·tl, ~pellring'
t W('11t '"'OIlP liP\\" KUlId:n' :-:;I'hool workers.
.\1I101lg' tho:""c I'l'('scnt ,,"cre:
Elp:lllor 'J\'l1lp1r~ton Fn'lla Lang
1111'1''' i~ that dOl'S 1I0t lo'-c a wall," WEEK of FEBRUARY 21
Late Mass, 10 A. 1'1. "OIll'lud,'d thc IIIl'eting.
II :1111 ,\. :l1.-:\!ol'llfng worship. 1'as- ]kt I v Cook Ehlla B,'e~e
Thc da~~ 1IIl'l'1~ ('Y"I'~- 1\Jonday 11101'11-
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 lor "ill 1'1',,:II'h th" thil',l ill the ~erie~, :\Iar.~· 0 'Hl'i('1l H:IYlllollll "-l'i~~, ,Tr.
illg, frolll IO.:W to 110011, with l\Irs.
A. l\f. "'eekdays at 8. E"cning dcvo' "~l'I'lllClIlS That Hp,-i\"('." 'rht1llle, "'Yho BL'1I~- K"lIIptOIl ,John Hharp
Hohel'l \Yood, at I:! A\'oll Uoad, lllll]
:\Ial'ion 81J:11'p ,lallll'~ O'Brien
tions and other scn-iccs at rcgular
] ~ To Bla III"! I ~ GoLl!"
('hol'u~ choir~
:I[usic hy the
. Loui~e SIIIl',lIl')'
'I'h('1111:1 Lotlgl'
Ollr~oll Klli:,dlt
Kt'lllleth Kllight
i~ opell to allllleillhers of thc cOllllllunity
"Paying the Piper"
Ii:.!;; 1'. :l1.-Epworlh Leaglle (,Ii~­
IlJisspcl in t imp to nt1"('1111 the TplIl1)Cr· C.'~llthia Lol1gc C;POl'gll 'Vitte
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE- (;I:llh-~ nro"l'1' .lallll'~ SlIlith SOMETHING DOING IN
all"" Hall~·.)
WOOD, PA. 7:~;, l' :\L-I'nion Anti-f'aloon I,t'on'ora LOlIghot IWIII (;al'dllt'l' Cro\Yl'lI NARBERTH
L,'ague "\lInllal H:I1I~·. "\ll chun'hes :'IlarT \\'ittl' CIII','OU nl'('{'u<'
"ollihilling. Plan' of :lleet ing--l'l'l'~hr­ :'Ita rga I'"t I'CI'<'~' .Jo~"ph Donohue (Continued from Page 1.)
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rcctor. DOl'OIhy Percy 1>ayi<1 :\Iulllfonl
t"l'ian ('hul',·h. :-;lwak"I'-Caplain F. B.
Rev. Malbonc H. Birchhead, Associate. EI>It(,I'I. "\ 11 1I1l'lIIh"l'~ of 0111' eongl'cga- TIll' Bllroug·h High\\'a~- Dl'lHlrtlllcllt
t iOIl are urg,',1 to join in the Union Xellie Fratanolli DOlla'ltl Lainl shollltl ]ll'o"idl' a 1I[('all" or ,li~posing AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 111.. lZ.OO. 1.00,
Hall,'. or rllhhish frolll our st ores as the lIIer- 8 •.JII. 11.411, 7.411, 9.80 P. U.
Sunday, ,January 30th, 1921:
":,,tl., F"h. :!;\nl. S 1'. 1\L-l'ra~-er ('hallt:-i have 110 Illl'all:-i of disll(lHing of
8.15 A. l'I.-Holy COIlllllunion.
fI,4G A. l'L-Chu'rch School. :I",('t ing. Ardmore VIM.C.A. News I'uhhi~h, all,l th" a~h ('o)]eetors ·an,]
gal'hag,' <'01l('l'101'~ will lIot take it, and
11.00 A. :lI.-:lIorning Praycr an']
1Il'~ide. the 1II1'1'l'hallt~ wallt to ·kecp
Scrmon. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 011 thl' fil'~t Thursda,' and Friday of
:\Iar"h, ;1rd alit I ·ah, (;Ur illstnll'lo'r in I
Ha "(,I'ford A ""IIU(' spi"k alld span.
\\'ho ~lal'le,l all this I NARBERTH GARAGE
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. :\1 illiIlPI'.'· aud Drl'~5I11akillg, :lladam I Wll\': f1'he Xarl"'l'lh Challll,cr o}f
Raymond Weils. Proprietor
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE COIllIll;'n'p, or:,~'allizt\d by t hp lllcrcha nts
Tha:.;ill~ will O}lroll lll~r:-;prillJ.' ('OUI':';l'l-> for

Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor.

:l1""tillg" for :-;11 II tla.", Felt. :!():
!I:.!;; ,\. \I.-Sunda~- S,·hool. ::08 pl'e~·
Ihe 1ll'lI,'fit of tltl' ,,"01111'11 01' th[' :\lain
Linl'. 'I'hi~ willl'l'oYitl" I.h" opportullity
of Xarllt'l,th. to 11Ial,,' Our TowlI a
1,,'ltL'l' tOWl! ·alld for ilIa 11\- otht'r good GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
PUl'pO"'~. to I", aIiIlOUI[(·,,;l later.
"lit la~1 Hlln,lay.
II :1111 A. 1I1.~:l10I·lIing \\'ol'~hip. Set"
of t Itt' l"l'H:.;OII for
Ihl'ir ~prillg and ~UIIIIIl,'r hat~ and
thl' '\'OllH' Jj to JlIak.,.,
\\'ho's in itl
S('rvir('~, Sun,1a~', \o'('hruary 20, Ifl21:
moll th"lIll': "~"paration I'nto Christ." gowJI:-;. I1l1dl'1' thl' tlil'{l(·tioll of all f'X· ])('1'(' th('\, are. T.lephone Narberth 1633
!I:;W A. :lL-Praver Scrvicc.
.!:IIII 1', :l1.-,Tllllior C. E. l\Ieetilig. Ill, .. t fit 1PI' alld d(l~ig'II('J'. '1'h(' COUl':-:i(,:;; I'I'l'Sitl"lIt', ])alliel Leitl'1I .
!):-l;, ,\. ·l'l.-S,'~~ion~ of thc SUIl!]a~'
;,:1111 P. :\1.-('Ollllllllllieants' Cia". will hl'g-iu 011 Ilw datl's aho'-e men· Yin' l'I'/'''idt'lIt, ,\Iex C. i"han[l, .11'.
Sehoo]. 7 :1111 1', :\1.-S"lIiol' C. 1':. ?lle('t ing. tioll(\cl anti ('olltilll1(1 for t\\"l~l\"ll ,,"ceks. S(,I'I'/'ta I'\'. ]I ['nl'\- T. Xa~h. .11'.
II :1I1i ,\. :\L-:\Iol'lling \Yor~hip. Thc
7:·1;' p, "'I.-I'nion 1Ilel' in inter- ,\nallgl'IlIl'uts have' l)['ell lIIade to have TI'l'a"ul'l';', A E. \\'ohlerl.
Quarll't "ill ~ing "I Will Lift rp
Min(' l;\'{'~." I,,' A,lal1l~, Childrcn's
""t~ of Ih" Allti·Saloon Le:ig-lle. Ad- a group ill millillp)',v IIll't't (lVCl'y rrhul's, Directors I
Spl'1l1on 'iJllI~t rat ;',1 IlY eartoon~ on thc
tll'l'S~ h~' ea pIa i II F. H. Ehhl'l't; ~lIh;ject, dn~· Illol"Jlillg', ll('g'illllillg' .:\Iarl'h, at Xar~ ]loWl!l'tI Cottcr. "BIGGER BUSINESS"
~uhj"C'l 11,\ :\I['ITV H;'al't," 1'1'0". 17:2:!. "'I'h" l'nlillish",] Battle." 1"'l'lh, alld two d:l~~"s ill our As:;oeia- "'Ill. ~. Howard,
Ad;111 'S"1'11I01l, ·Xo. -l in the scriPs Church Notes tioll Building' at .\rdlllol't'; OIl(' OIl rri- Edw,lI'tl ~ Ha\\"s. In order to handle an in-
1';xt"l"i,·(' plall~ are h"illg- made for da." al'l['l'IIoolI I'I'OIll thn',' to lin', the !iohert .T. :'\a~h. creased volume of MAIN
I I Why ] ]kli,'v,,-Whv I Belicvc in
tIll' Enlllg"li"ti,' :l1"l'tillg~ to hc hclt~ othl'r Oil Frill:l~' t'\'('lIill;2: frOIH :-;('Yl'll to EIl~l'Il(' ])a vi~,
111l1ll~rtalitv," 'I\'xt, .Tohn 11:26.
7:01l 1'. ~L-Yo\lllg ]'('opl("~ M('"tillg. ill lhi~ "hlll'"h llllrillg th(' t\\'o weeks HiliI'. 011 Th\ll'~lla~' t ' Yt'llill).!." a C'oUTse ill "'h"n' do Ih,',- 1I[('d! I
»1't'~"'III:1killg ,rill Ill' gi'·"11 at 0\11' Bllild- III Hoh"l't Xa'"h'~ !'l'al ('stall' olli<'(', ' to add to OUR SERVICE,
7:.1;, P. :l1.-l·lIion Servicc in thc Ill't't't'lling Enstpl'. -
iTq_:: ill . .\l'tllIlorl', ...\l'r~lllgl'lIlt'nt~ al'l' UIl- :II th" "tatioll. CITY and COIIIMERCIAL
1'1'I'shvt nian Church. 'l'h,' Pra~'('1' 1\ll'"t illg IlI'xl \V("]lIes,la~'
:\to;1I1av at S:lIli P l'L-'I'he :McII'~ (lVt'lI i II g wi 11 ha Yl' ~pl'('ia] ref'cl'cnec to d,'1' wa.,· 1'01' pl'll,·idillg a l'1a~~ at \\'a."lIc \\'h"11 do t 1[(,\' n[('ej"! PROPERTIES we have
111(':.:(' 1l\(·('till~S. E,"prr 1l1l'lllht1r i~ ur~cd Oil Th\ll'~d:l~- :lft(\l'lI11llll~, frolH thl'(,c to 011 t h,' Sl"'O;" I Th \I r" la ,- of ('very joined forces with-
A~"H'iati'oll will 111l'('1 al th(' hOI1l(, of
til 11(' 11I'es(,lIt. Ii "l'. :1[01''' d,·fillit" anIlOIIl"""11'lIt~ ('011- 1l101l1h, at S P. :\1. '
?llr. (,harl,'~ 1':. Om""r, :!lI!I FOI'I'l'~t Av('.
'I'h[' :l1"II'~ Hihl,' ('la~s arc planning ('el'lIillg' this ,,·ill 11" Iliade a littlc later. 'I'hl'\' st:ll'l,'tI IlIall\' Otlll'l' thillg~ to
Dr, W. E,1Il':lrd Haf1't'1~- will gin' a
St-el'opt l('on L(lc'1ul't 1
on "X pal' Yiew~ a IlIo~t illtL'I'('~t iug au,] hl'1pful 11l"'<'tin~ '1'ho~c illll'rl'~I['d will do wl'll to gl't in I,,' h";1 I'd fl'olll laler: ALBERT HALL
1'01' u['xt Fl'i,la~' ,'\','uiug, All int[,l'esteLl to\lch ,dlh II~ e:lrI~', :" th[' l'1I1lllllllent Thp Jlll'l'tillg was fa r 1'1'0]11 a knock~ 810-12 LAND TITLE BUILDING
of th(' :'\('ar East." fe's\' ill f:l('t -th[' nll'lI,hl'l's all ]"'0"('11
\\,,,dll<'~lla~- at s:on P. :lL-ilfil]-weck UIl'U iuvited. IIl11l1h['r 1Jl\l~t JIl'[·,'~~al'i"- J,,' Iilllil"ll. alld Philadelphia, Pa.
th"re \\'iIl lik"I:,' h(' a ~I'eat ']PIII:\I,,] for to he hig hoost"r~ ~or Xarlll'rth, the
this work. iIllPI'O"('lIIl'"t~ 1IIt'litioll('d \\'('re all o Phone. Spruce 7491 for Real
Oil ThuJ'~ll:I~- lIigJiI. }\'l,I'U:[J'~' 10th, Il'l'ated a~ po~~ihilitie~ alld the {'J'itic- Estate Ser'bice that brin9s results"
Hidl,,~' Park ~"]lt IWll Ba~kl'thall t,'aJllo ,'ISIl1 was all con~tl'ul'1i"e.

Narl,erth Register
Two Lines, lOc per issue; Sc for each additional line
O\'l'l', who lUle\\- "'lloUgh ahout 1ht' g:lIl1C
to ,I"f,'at our ('0111<'1 I,'alll 1,,- th" ~COI'C
of -1:1 to :!·I. whil(' thpil" Jil'~t tl'alll
ha IId",1 our Ji I'~t I"a III a ,,'on' of Ifl I il
rrho~c ~prtlSl'llt ngTl'ptl
h"rlh'~ sehools \\'cre of th,' JiIll'~I, ~ar­
hprlh i~ unusuallY altral'1i,'c as a
~nhurhan hOlllc sit~, our pa n',l ~I n'els
that Xnr~

17. all i"alunlay e\',,"illg. I-'"hl'ual'.'- ]n, aI',' thc bpst PII\,CI[ and 11(,~t main-

ACCOUNTANTS XOTAIU' PUBLIC. our COIIIl'1 tl'alll 'I·ill pl:I~- thp .Ta[J:t I taiup<! Oil Ih,' ~Iain Line.
0111' 1II"l'phants )lro,-id!' all Ihat :L1I~'­
tcalll of ,\nl!llon', hetw""11 lh",,' Iwo
GoUshaJl, n.Ii. Public Accountant, 303
Con\\'a~' Avcnuc. Narb"l'th. I'n,
Ji[e1m, H. C. Certified PubJlc Acoountant.
"elferle., J. U. Ul Narberth ave,
Phone, 6G6-M.
Slml"oll. Uarry A. 232 Essex Ave.
I'll'al t"alll~ all illl ('n'st illg' galli" will he
olle mighl eX]lcet ill a snburhall tOWlI,
0111' };l',,·pr, water, el(·(·trle. gal" alld
For Permanent
203 Dudley av-. Pbone. Narbertb 100-W.
Phone. Narberth 636.
Tyson. Warren It. Phone, Narberth 1202-W.
all I"alurd,[\', 1,'"lIl'uan' l:!lh. a 1I111J\~
ht'r of' our II(~r~ .ioul'll{",:pd to ('allldt'!I.
1l,lt~pholle :--;pl'vi('e are not :--ul'pas:"iptl ill
all~' hig ,'it~·, ill fad not ('l(lIaliP,l.
L_' GaraKe-Repalrlng. Etc. Phone, 1605. OI'TICIA~15 ~I'W .T,'r~"r, 1<> tak(' pal'l ill th" Y •.~1. Our train spl'vi('c is qui(·].;:pl", JlIOrC
Narberth (;arlll;e. Phon" Narberth IG3:l.
See displn~' ad,'ertlseUlent In this Issue.
'''.-ntol1. Carl If. 606 Essex ave. Phone, 618·9
Phlla. 11I]III'l'SS. 11;:n Chestnut st. Sprucc 1114
C. A, Il1door Tl'al'k :11",'1. III spill' of "01111'01'1 ahle alld IIIOrt' 'r!'liahle than BUY A
th(' fad thaI 1IIl'l'l' 'I·,'n' 1:ll'g" t'it~' "\~­ t1l .. t 1"011(1:'- st'rvic'c ill tllp big- ('it ics
AUT())IOBILE i'EIH'ICE. Zentma)'er, Josellh. 228 S, 15th st.. Pbll&. st){'latiolls rt'pl't'St'lItt'll, ill('huling' thrPl~ anll Ih,' low('r lax,'s Jlay~ th,' ,1il1"'l'l'n"e

Smedley Buill Home

Donahue, l)utrh'k 1". Phone 10:tt hllildillgs 01' 1'1Iil:lllt'lphia. (;"l'Il1alltow'l in po~t.
See Ilisplar u,I\'ertisclll pnt in thl~ Issue, PAINTERS
Sohie ('cn!'Oore. PhOIH'. Nal'lH~rth Hi',!. ! Walzer, Fro·d. alld ('alll,l['II, otlr hoy~ look third place. ,\ l:trgl' adi,'" 1II1'1II1)('r~hi]l i~ all
Set' db;plny :Hln'l·ti~l'11It'llt in thi:-; i:-;sup. 117 Wlnaor ave, Phoue. 1247-J. \\-aldo KlIl'ta :Illd "-a~'II" Pl'ie,' tloill::: Ihal o til· Ch:lll1h,'1' of <'olllln!'I''''' 1I!"'[1s
BANKS 1''\1'1<;1{ IL\XGIX<.;, eSIH·(·iaIl.,- g'lIoci work, t ht' la UPI' winning '~lId all tho,,' 'rho beli,',·,' lill Xar-
:'\ICl'iun l'itlt~..":. Trll~t Cn. PlIOIH', X:ll'h'th :;~IS Bu~'cJ, ][orlu'c S. :n:J .\It'cling 1I011:-5e Lane. t'l·ll Jil'st place~. h"l'th'~ futul'l' ~houl,l Po-oIH'rat", :111<]
See dlspla,\" advertisement tn tbte iS8U". Phone ;)~l().
I)[',·,'''a]'il.'' all who li\'e h['J'!' I",li,',-c or
nUII.lllms I'UOTO PLAYS will l<-al'lI that tli"Y lia,·c dlOs,'n
Shand, Alex. C .. Jr. Phone, No, 1710.
Narberth Station.
Smedle~·, Wm. H. &: n. T. Phon,'. 1l00,
"Arcadia," IHh and Cheatnut atl"
~ee display advertiBement In tbtl la.utI.
New Hospital Requested .

See dlRplay advertisement tn tblll Issue. I'IH';;I<:I'\N;;. P ARCEI.. POST TO FRANCE

Uuniel l~. Stedt.·lu, ,:\1. I)., Phone, Narberth 1687
CANDY, ETC, Contagious Disease Institution Urged
:!1:! FOI'1"('st Ave. l'hOIlt', :l\nrlJerlh nOl. Increased Weight Limit
Da,·I., II. E. Phone, 1264-W. I for l\'[olltgomery County
Ollic,'lJolll's: ,-~Il', ~I., \\'CLlllC,;'rS l'"c,'vteLl.
See display advertlBetnent In thle hu!ue.
PLU.\18IN'G, ETC. The COIIII .. il of ~'J('ial \\"'lfare of ]'n,ler all agroemcnt mauc with the
"enklns, Cha.. L.
Cook Br08, Phone 30:.!-J,
See dlsplnr ud\'el'Llsement In thIs Issue.
1\[Ulltgollll' I'.'- t\)1I1l1y aftt'r its ol'galliz:t~ I""tal a<llllillistration of Frallce, elfee-
103 Dudley ave, Pbone, 1084. \\'ull, U. 8. Phoue, X'll'bel=th ltiO:.!-J.
See display adverUBement In this t.IU.
tioll ill XOJ'riz.;tllwlI \retllle:-:1laY, dtl~
eid"d to "all thl' "tt('lItioli of' the: :lImit,
ti,·" I-'eh. ], ]!J:!l, thc lIIaximulIl weight REAL ESTATE
CONTItACTOIt 01" PLASTEltllIO~ g·Olllt'J'~· Count'.. C()Jlllllis~ioll(ll'~ to the lilllit of parcel post paekag-es exchallged
Fratnntonl, Jalnes, ,. Sour;.
230 HUI1l(lden uve. 1'llOne, 1Gn·W.
('1I1<llI'cll. J, ,\. Pholle, lH~, IIt't'd of a. ('()I~t:lg'ioll:-i llise:l:-ic ho:,;pitnl I,pi ,r"!'11 t h,' ]'. S. an,l France is in- and INSURANCE
See dlsplt1), adverLtsement In thll!l lalue ill thl' l'ouul\, "lid a~k that OIiC he "!'L'a"!,'] 1'1'0111 .11 pOIlIl']S (;; kilograms) to
l>ENTIS'l'S }'rasch. II. C. Pbone. 262·W. "I'l",t",l,11 the: f'ar1il'~t p,,,~ihlp dal". ".) PO\lIl']S (]O kilograll1s). NARB£RTH. PA.
Orr. Dr, A. L. 101 Il:lmwood avo Pbone, S93-W. See display advertlf,ement In tbtB blue
Phlla, Phone, Filbert 426~. Keith Bldg, rnH\ organization, ('Olllpos('ti of proJu·
U)'berl:". nent T. ~pl'nce ,-WI.
Sehembs, Dr. John. Phone Narberth 316- 'V. See dlspla)- ad\'l'l'tlsement In this Issue. ill('lIt 1I1l'II alltl WOIII"U of the e[Jullty '1'he foregoillg is applicahle to parcels
Cor. Grayling nod Windsor aves. l\;a.h, Robert J. Phone, 606. illtl'J'('~t<',1 ill ~ol'ial work, cleetpd :\[i~s for till' r. S. anLl its i;;Jaml posscssions OPPORTUNITY!
Omce Hours uutll II 1'. M. dailY. Money tor FIrat and Second Mortgage•.
SlRJIUtun. Jnlnes C. 232 E8sex aVe. Kall' BI'II~tar, lll'l'~i,ll'lIt; Mi~s :I[an' OIL thp one ham] and continental Francc,
Phone, fi3G. or 1420 ehe.tnut st. Lellt,'r l'L'['ol'tlillg' ,'ccretal'."; ?I[oITis I Corsi"a, Algeria, 'filII is, French :r.rorroco,
Moderate Prices
Hal'l'ison, "r~-II<·Otr'. "0 I' I'l'SpOII rlill g
Howard'8. Phona, 1267.
See dlsplny advertisement In thie Issue.
Garll-'\!<'Wnley Co. Phone, 125S·W.
Sl"'I'"tal'.'-, :1I1l] l\lis~ Chil,]~, of :'\ol'ris- I :11111 the )lrinripalit~, of 1\[onaeo on thc
other ham1.
See advertlaement In thl. 1.lue. town, treasurer. MUSIC FURNISHED
ELECTRICIANS •• For All Occallions ••
IlIlIer, John A. 243 lona ave. Phone, 661-J
Case, "'. G. Pholll'. ~m;j· \Y. Shell. 246 Haverford aVe. Phone, 1235-J
See dl8pla~' :lIlvel'tl~eI1lellt lu this Issue. Write to Q. UBERTl
Pugb, Veri ~26 lana ave. SIIOEMAKERS 315 Hampden Ave" Narberth, Pa.
Nar. Phone. G60-W. Ard. Phone, 161-J.
Good Wear Shoe Itellalr ShOll,
(:ol1"tuntil1e, n. (•. ~:;:! Hn,·ertord nV"e.

Bowman, Sallluel P, (Lite.)
Phone. l'ul'bl'l·tb 1IOIl- W.
~arberth Shoe Stort". :!O!) Ban'rford nn~.
U6 Elmwood ave. Phone, 66S-W.
!froUer Bro.. (Fire, etc.) See dlsplu~' udverLlsemeut In thl. Isent. Justice of the Peace
209 Wood.lde ave. Phone. 1262-R,
Wimer. "·m. Wood. 106 Forest Avenne.
Phone, 326 R.
I'rlnlO,t. II. :.!:ll Han'l'fol',1 :I"P.. :\"al'bpl'th.
Gilroy, Jobn 211 E •• ex ave. Phone. U45-R.
Philo. addre.s, Lincoln BldK.
See displar :I,!,·el·Ll"'lIIeut III this ISSUe.
PLUMBING HEATING Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
BUte., Fleteber W. 4lB Havertord ave. Tbe above department ahould be of tb'
Phone, S7t·W Pbll... addresl, Crozer BidS.
McDonald "obn. Narberth phone, 1218.
greate.t uae to tbe community, the lIat coo'
taln. tbe name ot every proteulonal mao
tradesman, mechanic. ehopkeeper. etc., wbl
ROOFING The Narberth Electrical Sbop
1538 Cbelt. It., Phlla. Phone, Spruce nlS. doe. or can In any way serve his tellow' and who II progreulve eoousll 230 HAVBRFORD A VB,
to add name to lIat ot Regllter.
Cotter. Bo"ard F. Pbone, UU.
See dllplay advertllement In thll Illue.
A. It la dlmcult tor thoae contrlbutlnl
their time and e!'torts to the production ot
"Our Town" to perlooally either know o'
Jobbing promptly attended to ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
We repnir, sell and install anything
Interview all such, It would be moat help-
l\1USIC tul It thOle not now found In the printetI Electrical. Old house wiring a speeailty.
lI.t would lend In a memo at their namal,
Jock.on, Anne. Violin Instruction. address, phone numbera and bualne_1 or NIGHT PHONE N AR. 687 DAY PHONE NAR. 302J Ask about our three payment plan in-
Telepbone. Narbertb 316-.T. proteulonl tor IIaUnK. Thla will COlt .. fol, cluding fixtures.
Laos. Fanny H. Plano tPRcher. 10wI: 10 centl aacb luua for I IIna.: I canu
StUdio, Arcade Bldg. Pbone, 316-J .. for eaoh addltlooal lin.. Phone 1688 or 395W.
hack YOllr stock loan or paying off wisp at this tillH' to enact additional
'your ]1101't g;ngc loan. poll tax lpgislation.
XO\\' is Ihl' tillle to start the "Col- Coneul"l'cnt. Hpsolution Xo. ], spon·
Kill That Cold With ll'gc FlIncj" for that little fel10w or
liltl,' girl. YOllr snhsc'ription to five
sorpd in the Honse hy Reprl'sentative
Glass, of l'hi1:\tJc>lphia, alii I provi,lill~
MR, GRUM'" EI" 11' DON'" P"",'l
1" AO\l E 1;;:\1 sa , W~'l oaR P\L.\. "\1+
shan's in this se!'i.,s :ulll five adtlitiona.1 for all invcstigalion of the prit'e of
+\L(:~ sh:l]"t·s in :l St'ric's two Years later will
gllaralltl'l' Ih(,t11 thl'ir ~t:;rt in the world.
anthraeite ('o,d, \\'as pass"ll ?-rollllny
night ,,'ith n large favorahle vote. "\1-
OOIN' I"? \-\UI--I?

YOIl1' sa\'ing' fllnd accollnt in n hank though it was oppospt! hy l't'p]'(',;('lltati\'es

is hllilt II]' for a rainy tlay and pays frolll counties in thp Anthrneite and ~U1' \ oON"\"~Iwe ,0

CASCAItA QUININE illtl'n~st frolll :j.;)(/f- to ·L~;)(/;-.

:-;lI\'ing in lllOllthl~' dl'posits in onr
.\~~()('i:ttion l':l~'S ~'()11 frOll) 7~f~ to B(A
Hi t \lIuiniolls regions, by lahor represent.·
at i\'t's anll l'oal,lealt'rs, :Mr. Glass argued
I'VE: BEEN l-\eR... SO

\..Or-Ju 1"1-\1>.1' e\le?''1BOll...,

that nut eoal in .l!111i was sold at t.he
FOR AND oil all average f;crics. Inille f. 0. h. shipping Iloillt at. $:3.7;; IC.NOWS ME
Colds, Coughs La Grlippe alld the freight to Philadelphia. was
YOIl don't han' to go to Philadelphia. $1.70 an,l the lahor for putting iuto
Neglected Colds are Dangerous 10 S(lt' a )"l'a} 11lllsi('HI (·Ol11Pd,\·-~_~o ~ec our I'pllars wa" $1.::::, a total of $Ii,il'i;
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy haney for the first sneeze.
"Thl' :-;\Il1kl'n Olin' (;arlll'ns," a fllll- I that tocla~' tI,,· sam,' ,'oal at. thc ship·
f!I'dg"oI, t hn"'-ad 1I111s;,'al "OIne,l~', eOIll- pill~ point ('(lsts $.l,7S, thp fn'ig-ht ah,'l)
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - Relieves I""""], din'I'I"c1, l'rl'Sl'nt"d b~' IIlPlllbprs has illl'l'easpll ancl is $~.7J and the cost
Grippe in 3 days-Excellent fol' Headache (\1' thp :'\arh,'rlh T,'nllis ,\ssol'ialioll, nt of Ill'li\'l'r~' has inl'I·.'as"d to $~.oo, lIlak-
Quinine in this form does not affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic 1-:1111 Hall, :'Irarl·h ::n1 allll ,l1h. ing a total of $]().:;~; Yl't in I'hila,le1·
Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's. phi:l the sl'llillg prie,' is $I;'.;;() or ~n(j.oo,
all,1 in SOlne "iti,'s as high as $17 and
ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT ~ Jnnior Section the eoal is ;'0'/;, slate and ,lirt. The
r"prl'spntat iyps 1'1'011I Bit nlninons Ilis-
Women's Community Club Irid. nppospt! the n'solution 011 the.
groulld that as thpr,~ is 110 Ittw in this
NEXT MEETING The last meeting of the Junior Scc- ~tHtc to punish prf)f:t-t'('l'~, tllt~ itlvl'~tiga­
t ion was hpld at t hp home of ::'Iriss Ella. I iOIl )I'oldd he fnt ilt" 1hey had pr,'\'ious-
']'he nC'xt 1Il1'I'tiug of the Harol(l D. Dothanl, "'ynn"\\'I)()(l HO:1l1, on Thurs· Iv seeure,l Ihe e1inlillation of Bitumin-
Spcal{]unn Pn~t :~;)fi. AJllerif'HJl Legion, clay "\'t'ning, .l·'.. II]·n:\]·~' 10th. ;\ftcr a (;US <,oa 1 1'1"0111 1hp i II \"l·~t ig-at ion, The
will he heW on Friday ('\'('uin" Feh- hll~iJll~:-;:-O 1I1l't'1ill~ ill whit'h th(' \-nriOlls l't'I'I't'scntati\'es frolll :ulthraeite dis-
rnary ~;'th. Come m;,l welco;;e the c'hairlllt'll or ('Ollllllitt(lp:-; for 11t(' dallefl, trids anti lahor r"p]'('sl'ntati\'t's 0PI)()se,l
Ih~"~ ]llel)) hers. :'Ilarl'h ;;Ih. ga\',' promising n'lJllrts of the resolution on th .. ground that the
pl'ogT('Sri, t11p Cluh sJlent n 1l10;-it intcl'Pst· appropriation of $:i,OOO was too slllall
ioa honr in n'\'il'winn- the lift, and n sum for the iU',pst igat ion. This
POST HOME wl7rks of ,\ Ifrl'c1 X o\'t.; :'Ilrs.:'\ O]'llla n I'p:-,olut ion ,,-as r('fpl"J'l'd to the Senate
C::AA.~:ll .. C~
:-;outhworlh, vil"""h:;i]'lnan of the Jun- all,] was Jaill on tltc' table. Do not 6'-J(rt--t~g£

The quarters of th,' Post ha\'c hl't'n inrs, gal'" a sp1l'ncliol sunllIHlr~' of the hpsitatp to let vonI' :-;I'llator hpar where
made Vl'ry eOlnfortahk mill the llIl'n lif,' of this "!Illl"llling- English popt, .you stand rpga~,ling this.
are urge,l' to make thelllseh'es at home
at all times.
Ilhil·h sh,' was ahlt, to pn'spnt thp 1l10rt~
n'alist il'ally sinee she h:ltl t\\'i'~e enjo~'etl
hl'aring 2\fr. Noyes himself. Mrs. 80uth-
\101'1 h then selected several pocms fr01ll
U 123 South 17!'! S!. Philadelilbiii: ~
his nll1nerous writings whidl werl' read
to exelllplify his extrcme Yel'~atility.
For God anti Country, We associate aliI"
sch'es tog<'l1ler for the following purpose's:
To nllllOld and def"nd tlll' Constitution of
"'e are pleascd to report that Com·
r:ltle ]\[artill Cummer is ahle to be out
:'Ill'S. :-;ollthwol'th rpa,l "'rIll' :'Il:ill \"ho (Continued fr01l1 Page 1.) GARAnteed Roofs
the Cniled ~tntes of Amerlea; to maIntain Db"ovP!"t'd a Chair," :'Ifiss Ella Dot hard
anll hack to work.
law and order; to foster and pel'/lelnate g-aye ·"I'ho llighwaYlllHII," .:\Iis:-- ~:1111­ pllblicity was Il'ft in the hands of Mr.
Comrade "'altcr COUl'lI. .Tr., is re,
one hundred per cpnt. Allwrieul1islll; to
cI)\"pring from a prolongl'd illness :\1111 pIp, "Furt:v :--5ing-ing SeaIllPtl," ~li:-:s .1. Holland Hc"I" who had so thoroughly
pr{'scl'\'C tlw memories null ilicidl'1J1:-i of our ,[l'lIl1l'tte Gillis, "Hallntell In Old .Ja-
assoelnllon In the Gl'l'at War; to inellil'uL" we wish him a speedy r<'"oYery. halltlletl that phase of the work in the
a sens" of lndldduul obli/.:lltlon to I hI' pan," allll the ""'olllall,:-;oul." alld Ii rsl staW's of organization.
t1l0 allloerlle~'
Stntp nnd Nation; to l'ombal
of bolh Ihl' class..s and th,
~liss :'Ilargarpt Eyre, "TIll' \'in,lic'
ti\·L~," :11111 "\rirelcs~."
A By·Laws COlllntit tl"', consisting of Cotter's Meats
masses; to mnl\:c rig-hl till' mastel' of NEW MEMBERS ~[l'ssr". F. H. :'Ilitl'lwJ], F. C. Smith, P.
mlg-ht; to III'Omotp )H'Uee and g'ood will till Thc Club lhl'lI "njo~'e,l the ,kli"iolls .\T. .IlIstil'e, sllhmilt,'t! a "ollslitution
earth; to saf(·gll:ll'(l and transmit to pos 1111llch allol I'akt' pro\'i(leu by the hos- whil'h was acec]'tl'oI, with a few ex-
teril~' Ihe prlnell'i,'s of jllstie,', freedom
and dCIl1oel'Ucy; to cotls('('rat.e nIld SHlll'tif,\'
'1'he l'l'sults of the memhership cam- t l'''SPS of the p\'t'lling. Bl"'allse of the ('Ppt ions. Howen'r, t he important nJa.t-
A Quality For
oUr cOllll'ad,'ship by our 1!t"'Otiou to lIlulual paigll show the amount of work not !t'ngt h of the ml'eting, GI,'e Club re· tPI' of ",Illes" was tlisl'lIssed at length, People Who
belpfulnl'ss.-I'I"l'nllll>lc 10 lhe Constitution a fl'w of the "ollllllittee ]'ut in to make ])('arsals \n~re poslponclJ, bllt sOlllothing
of the J\ 1lll'l'lcan Lpg-lan, allol UPOIl 1lI0tiOll of :'Irr. :-;. A. Hlltlolph,
it a success. hig- ill the \\·ay of a "Mllsil':l1 Sur- it was tl,',~id",l tltal th,' nnnlinal Slllll Want The Best
l'ri:-;l'" is "('olliing oy('r" ~OOJl-;-;'f) ]icep of $1.IiO hI' I'hargl',l for all entrance
()FFICEHS Th<' IYII,nl'n 's "\uxilial"\" of Ihp Harold your t'y"s all,l cars open.-An(l mcan- fpl' to th,' Choral :-;,)('i'·l". alld no otl"'r
D. HpPH]{lll:111 Po:--;l, :;;')li, :d' nUl ~\llH'l'it'HIl while,-!"t'IlIl'llIhcr :March 5th! dut's ,,'h:l1p\-L' r, thl1~ )"pli'('villg the ~l)f'i­
Jnm~s "'. Follin .. " ..... :n:! Grn~-liIlg ..-\Y(',
Lpp:ioll of :'\ul'hl'rth, will g-i\"P H :--erip:-, pt Y as a whole of ,·tllltl,,'rsollle ,let ail. ,Groceries and Provisions
Y lCF.-CO~1 ~l A "n EJ:S
111' l'arcl parti,·s for thl' lll'nl'fit of ~Ill' NARBERTH LEAGUE OF WOMEN 'Tht ~c)('iet\.. "'as lIJ1:lUilllOllS in its

lnin '1'. \\'a,'1l Anxilian·. Thp first on" will he ghen VOTERS ilt\'itati;lll to ·Prof. C. C. Xi"l' to be its
\Yalt,'r ~1. lIurl;hlll',11 on :'Iron;la\' aftpt"IIolln al ~ o'l'lo .. l" at director. Prof. )';i"e ael~eptetl the
POST Fl:>iAXCI-; OFFJ('EI~ thl' honll' ;If :'III'S, Hho,la Cutts, ~11 por- olli"", a1ll1 outlillPll thl' work allol bright
lIol'lIee 1\, Cou'l,lon
I-Inl'l'Y .A. Shlllison ...• PlIO lIP, :\al'})t'rth O:Hi
)"(I:-;t :1\(11l\J(~. Both "hri(lg'll"
":,UII" \\'ill he play,'d. "\ll\II issillll. ~;;
(CoJ:tilluel from Page 1.)
future in store for tIll' orgallization.
The :-;ocict~· will start its work at
I'O~'l' llO~m
"l'nts.· '1'111'1'1' \\'ill 1><' 110 ]'rizl's. ]t j" Sella tor :'Irax LesEl', of Alkghl'lI~' olll'e-:'Irolltlay PYl'llillg Ill'xl, at S Plumbing, Gas Fitting
COl'nC'1' l'~)lIlwoocl ancl E:-:;spx AYflS, hop"t! that all tIll' hllil's of thl' "\nx- Count~·, intro(luCl'd a hill ill the Senatl1 o'..Jo"k sltarp, at till' Y. :'Ii. C. "\., all,l
~rectill~s, fourth Friday of ('\,pry tHouth, ili;;!'.-. will c'(JllI(' :tnd hrill:,!; :IS lHallY 111' )Iropoz.;ing to gi\'t' old ng(' lH'Il:-oioJls 1 () will give an eX('l'ptiOIl:dl,\" Hue ~pring and Heating
1lll l ir fl'jpJld:-- a:-> )Io~~ih](', lll'r~olls Hit I l"(' 1hall (j;") :,·p:Lrs of ap;(' who
ha\'e lol'('n rpsid"lIts of thp state I.;
"OIIf,(,rt •
RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED AT THE "\ttplltitlll th"1I, all y" singprs! For
~','ars. It wlluld authorize ,'n'atillg (is a St'O!"t' of the Hrst Pl"lllllll'l.iOll of lite Phone, Narberth 1602-J
3rd Series Opens hoards to adlliinister the 1\('lIsiolls. OIlC
"plltral board allll onc for I'aeh eOUllty.
The St at e Willi 111 np]'r0l'riat<' :j<;;Il,1l1I1l for
Xarh,'rth Choral :-;I)(';,·t.,·, appl~' to the
Librarian, or tn the ~I'I'rl'tary, phone
"Whereas, a llIll\'pllll'nt has hcen
institnt ,',I to a,lopt t he pupp~' as the
l11(,llIorial 110w,'r of The American
Tuesday March 1st the cl'lItral hoarl1 an,l jlro\'ille the
·]llOll<'~~ fCll' llu' ]H'Jlsiol1s Hl\(l th(' ('OllIlties
nlllnl"'I', Xarberth (i~7 \\'., all,l aplll'ar at
tltp strol,e of S lll'Xt :'Ilollda.\' "VI', Fl'b-
nlllr.\' ~Ist, lIlI,ler 1h,' hospitahl,' roof DAVIS'
Legion thrllug-hout the natioll; and, to l)]"O\'idl' all other costs. The ob- of the Y.:'IT. C. A. This ('hmal belongs
"Whereas, ont of this shonl,l COIllC 'l'he :1\arherth .Amcrican Legion Build, ;jpc·tiolls to this !Ilea"urc ~eetlt to he to X a rb"rt h allll a 11 a djoi ni Ilg Ill'igh bor- Washinglon's Birthday Novelties
some' S~'lllhol to P(,l'p('tuall~' rl'mind lIS, ing a11<l Loan .Asso,·iation will open its th" l'l'lllo\'al of inlportallt illl·,'nl i\'"s for hoo,ls. See that \\.1' all "pitl'h-ill" all,l A Full Line of Valentines
:111<1 to 1llIfailing-l.\· t ('al'h coming gen· thil'll snil's 011 'J'nl'sda~' evening, :lITarch ill,lust 1'," alld thrift. 1I1\11 the sUI'J1I~'illg IIla!;1' it a big fl'atll!"t' of 0111' "HOllie
1st, at 7 0'1'10"1,, in the 1.l'gion IIp:ttl- of a large llumb"r of .i0],s whil·h 1'011111 CIGARS. STATIONERY, MAGAZINES
I'ra1 iOIlS, th .. \':tln,' of the 'Light of Ton-H," <1011 't wait- to 11(' :lsl\Pcl-g'l't ill
Liherty' all,l Oill' 111'ht to those who quarters, at thl' CorJll'r of Ellllwood I", adtltillistl'n'll politically. at Ih,' stan lIl'xt .\IOllllay ''''l'llillg,
111'11'(',1' to sa\'(' it for us hy paying tho :IJ1d ]':~~l'X j\\"cnucs. .\s,,'ulhl,\'lllllll .10hll G. Marshall, of 'j'hl'l'~\ is ahso}llt('l\- Ito r~'asoll ",hy
sUP}'('UI<' ;;anifil'p, 111111 that ,,'c may not rrhe .A~s()('ia1i()n i~ to he ('oug-ratu- Il"al'pr ("lIl1lt\', has entl'rl'tl a bill \\'hielt w,' "allnot so sll""l'~sfulh' all\'lIllCe ~
for.~.. t t ha t latp,l Oll ha\';llg :\lld",l to its 11irpdor- ;1' l,as"',1, 'viil allthllrizp a po]] tax of ('horal SOl'iplv in Xarhei·tlt that this

'In 11a11<1,'rs fi,'l,ls thc poppies grow

~hip tlllrillg the past fl'''' months, Flet·
chI'!' IV. ~I ill'S. ESfj.. 1.1. Co], 1sa(10re
rmm 011" to Jh'l' ,lollars 011 each male
and f"fllak l'l'si,l"llt ot' all cOllllties
Oil" fl'atll!"t' '-dolll' will put our town
for Oll"l' allol all tillll', 011 thl' mal', alld
Among' tllt' ('r():-;~('s~ro\\" on ro,,", , ,\. :\Iillpr alld J[,'nr~' .T, Xash. I'XI·,,]'t ,\l"'gh"II~' all,l l'hila,]Plphia, for l'\t'll dt' sig'II:I1p it as an ,'di1ioll of a
'1'he sltarl's of sto"k ill the Assacia· ,,'It 1101 llllrl'0sps. ,. B:ll·h ]-"'st i \'al Chorus," eOllyillcillg OUR PRODUCTS ARE GIIARANTEED
.\s thl' poll tax fjlll'stion was sho\\'n

"Therefore be it resolved, h~' 'J'lll' tioll lIrc 0Pl'1l for snhseriptioll to the tIll' SUrnl1lllllill:,r l()('alitjt's~ without H UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
,i\l11f'rif':lll L('gilltl ill (·OIlY('llti.Oll :1:"- pllhli,' at la rgl'. to I,,' ;1I\·ol\','d last fall. hanlly lillY dou],t, that this ,'olllmllllity is composed
Sl'lllhl",], that thp llln\,plll('ut to ha\'<1 Oil" ,101la1' ($1.00) per share per 1 \\'0 ('Otillt illS follcndllp; tltf' sall"c rule or "all,wool :11111 a Yard-wi,le" wi,k-
till' popp~' allnptp,1 as :th(' l1Jl'lllorial 1II0llth paill on all a\'l'rag" of 1:18 mOllths allol as thp ('ollslililtiollal He\'isian COIl1- a \\,:11,(' p)'ogn'ssi v(, ];us1]P)'S, ,,-ho C:ln Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
11owl'r of '1'hp Aml'ril'all Legiou be cn· 1I1l'a1lS a sa\'ing of $~OO. In other mi,;,;illll rl'l'olllllH'l1l1l'd that the payment "110 thillg"," HIP! lUI'! HOOIL\Y! BrynelO~ilkcerlilied WEST PIli LA.
,1nrsl'll; all,l he it fllrthpr wonls the a\"('rng'e ~hare in finy one of :t S1:ltl~ or c'tltlllty tax ns a qualifi('a- 1-'O]t '1'111,; X,\HBEHTH CHOIL\L
(Pedrlalle Soelel:v) OVERBROOK
"Resolved, that p,·,,·h 11ll'llIl,,'r of TIll' series lila tlln's (or h"I~ollles of $~OU tioll for \'otillg b,' "Iilnillaleol from the :-;OC IE'" \"! liE H ,.: ':-; TO '1'HE OXLY
1\1110J'iP:lll J ..(lgion he' 1Il'::r(l (1 10 \\'par :l vallie) in ]3S mOllthR. :-;Iat" l'ollstitlltioll, it would sccm un· Special "Guernsey MERION
reel l'o]'P~' 011 :'Ira~' :10 of e:l<'h yt'ar; If YOIl are a horrower on YOllr stach.
\\'hil'l~ is p\'pr~' StOc-ldlOl,le!"~ privill'ge;
a lit 1 hI' it further
"Resolved. thl' the ::\ational Cony('n- or if ~\'()11 ha\'t~ ~l~l'lll'(ld a lliortgago loaIl~
yon ,,-ill find the ~traight full time,
r-------------------; (Roberts' & Sharpless'
tion allopt tIl(' poppy as the ollicial
J]lC'nHHial 110\\,('1' of 'J'he An1l'rlcan wholl' share assoeiation stock the easiest FRED WALZER I Good Things to Eat I Cream Bullermllk
Table and Whipping
L('~ioll." an,l most eeonomical system of paying
;Dustier of tlll' tyrur.r
I at the
Narberth Delicatessen Store !I ,Cream.

lnsu,.once of 011 kinds
I Home-made Salads, Burk's Cold
Meats and Bolognas, Heinz's and I

Auto Licenses Rents Collected
Marriage Licenses I
Rohner's Best Delicacies.
Bread, Rolls and Buns.
Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on Affadavits for Income Tax I Store open to 11 P. M. I 45th and Parrish 8ts.
all cars. All k.inds of Auto Repairing Workmen's Compensation I Store open Sundays from 5 to 7 P. M. I
Work Guaranteed
Narberth 1605
Oils, Gas, Supplies
L. C. SHAHAN, Prop.
Phone. Narbertb-1247.J
Phone Narberth l7,W M
- - . JI

~._.M._.M.~. __M._._. .._.__M. ._._.M._. M
__. • . -------_ .....•.••. .---.. _---_._---_._ ...
Kreider Shoes


I?atrick F. Donahue
on School Shoes
Taxi Service Hauling of all kinds
Packard Limousine to Hire I Authorized Taxi Service, by Certificate from Public Service
Commission, dated November J6, J920
Better come in and look
.them over
SABlE CENSORE Taxi meets all trains
Store orders promptly called for and delivered Narberth Shoe Store
Baggage called for and delivered Freight delivered
209 Haverford Avenue
PHONE NARBERTH 672 Open Day and Night 'Phone 1633 Narberth

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