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Research paper

Instructor: Sir Aftab Akram

Name: Abdul Ghafoor
Class: BS English 4th C
Subject: Novel (18th and 19th century)
Roll No: E18394

Topic: The Role of Victorian Novelists (George Eliot and Thomas Hardy) in the
Development of English Novel

Dated: Jun 25th, 2020

This research paper is explicitly intended to picturize the Victorian writers in particular Thomas
Hardy and George Eliot. These Victorian writers in spite of the fact that they contrast in their
writing style and stylistics themes. However, the thematic portrayal in their works is to some
degree like each other and appropriately on the grounds that every one of them attempt to
depict the happenings of English society when all is said and done in Victorian culture
specifically. The joining of personal components in their works is additionally huge in light of
the fact that it further reveals the odious happenings of Victorian time. Their significant works
acquired a solid improvement in English literature and explicitly in English novel. The self-
portraying components in their works is likewise exceptionally huge on the grounds that it
further reveals and uncovers the frightful happenings of Victorian period.

1. Chapter
 Introduction
 Research Questions
 Objectives

2. Chapter
 Literature Review

3. Chapter
 Research Methodology
 Comparative Textual Analysis
 Research Design

4. Chapter
 Data Analysis

5. Chapter
 Conclusion

This research paper is profoundly going to uncover the methodologies with respect to the
course of English novel in Victorian age. The writers particularly would be Thomas Hardy
and George Eliot. The journey is to assess fundamentally the thematical motifs of these
Victorian writers. One writing from every author would be discussed to check that what
separating components are found in these writers . We would likewise be attempting to
picture and envision the kind of cultural set up that was there in the Victorian age. We
would be watching that what kind of connection is found between the words composed on
the pages and the activities winning in the general public. As such, we would check what
effect did Victorian writers glue upon the development of English.

Research Questions

 How come the development of English novel was brought in by the Victorian writers Thomas

Hardy and George Eliot?

 What differtnt thematic dimensions are secured by the writers Thomas Hardy and George Eliot in

the novels The Return of the Native and The Mill on the Floss?

 How both writers are different in their writing style, thematic concerns and objectives behind


The goal of this research is to consider the sum and significance of the expansion that the
concerned writers took care of in the advancement of English novel. Aside from it, we would
study the stylistic and thematic concerns of these writers in the concerned works.

Literature Review
Numerous sources have been visited and looked what has been done upon this subject. Diverse
online assets have been counseled. Numerous critics have worked over these authors yet no work
done was found through the span of this particular time. Authors have composed crucial notes on
their thematic and stylistic motifs. Oriented features of these individual writers but to compress
of these individual authors yet to pack , thoroughly analyze both of these scholars in a similar
paper has never done.
Research Methodology

In this research paper methodology is going to be applied, that is Comparative Textual Analysis.
The main concern is to examine both the writers Thomas Hardy and George Eliot by looking at
their novels Return of the native and The Mill on the Floss. For this New Historicist
Criticism theory is used which promote comparative study is to happen while
assuring that the study would be finished keeping in view the historical
contexts of the writers and their works too.
Research Design

The research would be completely Qualitative. The research would completely base over the
basic assessment of the composed stuff while ensuring the pragmatics is likewise fulfilled to the
Critical Overview of Thomas Hardy with Respect to “Return of the

 Introduction to the Writer

Thomas Hardy was born on second June 1840 in Bockhampton Britain. He was English
author, artist and short story writer. He was the oldest child of his parents, he got
enthusiasm of reading from his mom, and his dad was a manson. He experienced
childhood in the country life, which can be seen oftenly in his works. He finished his
schooling at sixteen years old. At the age of twenty two he worked as draftman at
London, and he was quite affected by the works of Charles Swinbrine, Robert Browing,
and Charles Darwin. Because of awful wellbeing conditions in 1867 he was forced to
come back to his local land, where he worked for various architects. He was fascinated to
attened college and wanted to become Anglican clergyman, yet because of neediness and
his declining enthusiasm for philosophy shaked him away from that interest and
redirected him towards, self investigation of poetry and novel. At seventeen years old he
began writing and wrote for a long time while practicing archtiect.The novel script of his
first novel was rejected by many publishers, but George Meredith encouraged him and
he set out refining his style. After that he left his architects profession, and began to
write novels and wrote different novels, poems and short stories.He passed on January
11th ,1928, and was burried at Westminister Convent in Writer's corner.

 Critical overview of Novel:

In The Return of the Native, there is a strong conflict among nature and predetermination,
concerning the Egdon Heath, and human impulse, addressed by the characters in the
novel, especially Eustacia. The title of the chief section, "A Face on Which Time
Establishes anyway Little Connection," sets up the heath's activity as extensively more
important than just a setting for the movement. "Face" suggests that the heath
acknowledge human degrees and turns out to be, essentially, a critical character in the
novel; serious and dull, "the whirlwind was its dear, and the breeze its partner." While the
characters fight and become worn out and disappointed or fail horrendously, the health
remains unresponsive and unaltered. The heath is an amazing foe; to be sure, the people
who fight against Eustacia, Wildeve, and Mrs. Yeobright at long last fail miserably. The
moon's overshadowing on the night Clym proposes to Eustacia predicts the mark of
their affection.The evening of Eustacia's demise,an inhuman wind echoes her rough
feelings as she shouts out against her destiny.Like his character Eustacia,Hardy regularly
appears to reprimand destiny for a considerable lot of the of life.Yeobright simply
happens to pick a very hot day to visit Clym,simply happens to show up when Wildeve is
there,and simply happens to be bitten by a viper when she falls apart from tiredness.
Eustacia doesn't get Clym's letter since her granddad accepts she is snoozing.Yeobright
may appear to be misled by Eustacia's inability to make the way for her,yet one must
recall that Mrs.Yeobright never acknowledges Eustacia and endeavours to turn Clym
against her.She feels socially better than Eustacia,questions her since she is a free
soul,calls her apathetic and unreliable,and indications that she is acting tactlessly with
Wildeve.Yeobright is desirous of Eustacia in light of the fact that she needs to quiet
about Clym. She will not go to Clym and Eustacia's wedding and later treats Eustacia in a
unpleasing way.

 Themes of the Novel:

 Fate and Free will

The Debate To End All Debates – does destiny control our lives or do we have
unrestrained choice? – becomes the overwhelming focus in this novel. The tale never
makes it completely clear what destiny is, yet there's is a solid sense that our characters
are living out moments that are to a great extent outside their ability to control and that
their own decisions either have little effect or just assistance to additionally fate them.

 Man and the Natural world

One of the subjects of the book is the manner by which the common habitat
activities such a significant impact on the individuals who possess it. Lawrence
suitably communicated it: Egdon, whose dim soil was solid and unrefined and natural
as the body of a monster. However nature, in the entirety of its grand grandness,
remains totally apathetic regarding the destiny of the cast of human characters that
goes through the ages.

 Pride

Pride is the most noticeably terrible of the seven destructive sins for an explanation –
it prompts a huge amount of issues, for the prideful individual as well as for the
individuals around them. Be that as it may, The Return of the Native truly questions
what individuals must be prideful about in any case. Being human isn't a lot to gloat
about in this novel – individuals are predominated by powers in their general
surroundings, are demonstrated to be stuffed with shortcomings, and by and large
wind up doing themselves more mischief than anything.

 Memory and the Past

In The Return of the Native, memory resembles an absolutely real thing on the heath.
The heath may be memory exemplified as it were – it's continually connected to the
past, similar to a living being. As it were, the past is never extremely past in this
novel, it waits on in individuals' recollections, in the shadows found in the heath, in
the very environment of the heath itself.

Writing Style of Thomas Hardy in Return of the Native

 Symbolism

Thomas Hardy uses different images in the novel: Egdon Heath, Rainbarrow, the moon,
Paris, betting, physical weakness(visual discernment), a tempest, water are those present
for conversation. An enormous number of these are portions of the setting. Like any
image, these images additionally engender some huge implications. They are productive
if they engage a maker to pass on essentialness without compelling it. A huge part of the
above images are fitting and productive; those which are not related with the electrifying
scenes close to the completion of Book Fifth. Images are important standards that can
help with displaying a maker's subject.

 Imagery

Much has been said, pro and con, about Hardy's style in his fiction. Hardy uses a good
amount of imagery to create a genuine effect.Hardy uses a decent measure of symbolism
to make a certified impact. Here are a few models from the content: "Eustacia's excursion
was from the outset as obscure in bearing as that of thistledown in the breeze"

 Irony

Irony is an abstract gadget where the contrast among expectation and execution is
appeared. The subject itself contains Irony, since man can never know exactly what kind
of universe he lives in. Eustacia's misery likely could be brought about by a mixed up
perspective on what life resembles. To be sure, any perspective on mankind comparable
to the universe is helpless of Irony.

Critical Overview of George Eliot with respect to “The Mill on the Floss”

 Introduction to the Writer

The real name of the author was Mary Ann Evans and she was well known with her pen
name, George Eliot. She was one of the most influencing English authors of nineteenth
century. Her books, generally popular " Middlemarch" are praised for authenticity and
mental bits of knowledge. She was born on 22nd November, 1819 in Warwichshire city
of Britain. She used to help her father in house holds as her mom had died. She had four
siblings and she was most youthful of them. At five years she began going to school with
her sister at Attleborough, Warwickshire, and at the age of nine years she changed to
boarding school at Nuneaton. These were the years, she had discovered her enthusiasm
for studying. At thirteen years old she went to a coventry school where she got
preservationist training , which was commanded by Christian customs and lessons. At
sixteen years old she finished her schooling, and came into contact with various kinds of
individuals whose thinkings didn't match with the assessments of various individuals.
What's more, she began changing her convictions, later on she was quite affected by
German school of thoughts.

 Critical Overview to the Novel

The Mill on the Floss is portrayed as Eliot's most close novel for its portrayal of an
intricate association between a sibling and sister. It is the story of a youngster's fight for
improvement and independence against the limitations of little country life, severe family
and unacceptable admirers. Mr and Mrs Tulliver lead somewhat prosperous life in 1820's
Britain. Mr Tulliver works in a water plant on the waterway Floss that has been in his
family for a long time. A liberal and esteeming man, Mr Tulliver is in like manner severe
and unforgiving when he feels wronged. One of sisters-in-law, Mrs Glegg, is brutal and
difficult, especially concerning her sister Mrs Tulliver who she feels is delicate willed
and may have married under her in Mr Tulliver. Tulliver's has two youngsters Tom and
Maggie. Tom seems to have gained the individual characteristics of the Dodson's; he is
somewhat hard and uncaring. Maggie, the novel's main character is strikingly, esteeming
anyway fights to be focused on by her family. Tom acts revengefully living on the
grounds of equity clearing out any exposure yet Maggie acts as indicated by her intuition
, yet each time she laments on the off chance that she would have done things any other
way.The Mill on the Floss seems to be in resemblance with the Hardy’s Far From the
Madding Crowd featuring Victorian Realism. The Mill on the Floss can likewise be
called 'realist' for the impressive speculation Eliot has made to make every one of her
characters practical. She furnishes the characters with the details of their tendencies and
does a lot of reflection for their benefit.

Themes of the Novel

 Impact of Past on Conducts of Present

Throughout the novel, past carries a significant impact and the ground of which is prepared in
the first book by discussing the childhood of Maggie and Tom. Here, the past is not something to
be gotten away nor is it something that will rise again to undermine, yet it is rather an innate
piece of Maggie's character, making loyalty to it a need.

 Family

Family is at the focal point of The Mill on the Floss. Most of the book's characters are

somehow related, and the family association among Tom and Maggie is certainly the

most noteworthy in the book. Family is something inescapable, with positive and

negative results, for the characters here. As disenchanting and as agonizing as family

relations habitually appear to be, they are finally definitive and unavoidable. Family

oppression and limitation is a mind boggling snare an incentive here additionally, to

where it routinely absolutely overwhelms what an individual needs. This book even asks

whether people do, or can, exist outside of their families, and whether it's conceivable or

reliable to have a character separate from the family.

 Bookish Knowledge vs Practical Knowledge

A substantial measure of pages are dedicated to spreading out the differences among
Tom's and Maggie's methods of information. Meanwhile, Maggie's knowledge is perplexing.
Deane tells Tom, The world isn't made of pen, ink, and paper, and on the off chance that
you're to jump onto the scene and says, adolescent, you ought to acknowledge what the
world is made of. Rather than doing damage to himself , Tom adheres to his common
sense and brings a decent name he makes a great deal of merchandise and at last this
reasonableness in his conduct carries prevalence over him. Tom bears no tolerance or
respect for the scholarly understanding of Maggie rather he demonstrates bizarre and
appalling demeanor to her method of information and this is most likely in light of the
fact that Mr.Stelling's methodology towards him was presumably including this way of

 Impacts of Society upon Individual

She emphatically focuses on the setup and working of a society, its political and
economic relations and also that how do they affect the characters to charge in Realism in
her writings. This novel particularly tracks the development of the society depicting the
takeover of capitalistic approach as a driving force. A good number of characters plan to
achive and score a dignified status in the society, such as the Dodsons, or the Miss Guests
through their common values, economic standing, and social circles.

 Writing Style of the Writer

 Narrator

In this novel, Eliot utilizes omniscient third individual account. This aides and causes

the peruser to get more to identify with the character and gets all around engaged with
the novel. Its model can be when Maggie conveys her discourse of dedication while

she is with Stephen.

 Realism

Eliot has merged characters from working class foundation. She isn't concentrating on
elite class characters since her rationale is to take care of in authenticity in the
content. Realistic writers likewise teach moral and philosophical viewpoints in their
works which is unquestionably present in this novel too.

 Autobiography

Eliot has completely portrayed her life story through the medium of Maggie Tulliver. The
character traits of Maggie are exactly that of Eliot’s. The life atrocities and hurdles that Eliot has
painted in the character of Maggie conform to her real life as well. The educational setup, the
family issue, relation statuses everything is in exaction with the life of the writer.

 Symbolism

Floss, the river is representing to the internal flooding feelings of Maggie. Aside
from it, it likewise represents industrialist society.

 Verbose

This book is more than 500 pages in length . She uses fun punctuation like semi
colons and runs to abstain from utilizing periods. Her sentences are incredibly

 Foreshadowing
Throughout the novel, a flood is expected which at the end happens to mark
its curse.

 Imagery

Mill on the floss is brimming with portrayal of setting which makes it a novel rich
of imagery..

 Individual’s Psychology

Eliot has likewise interlinking this procedure, particularly in the character of

Maggie, where she can reveal to her psychology when she is a child and in youth


A detailed conversation has been set in to deliver what this paper sought to
accomplish. Utilizing relative investigation and working in the casing of New
Historicist Analysis, I have attempted my best to objective the plans. Looking
into the two scholars and their composition too, we came to realize that there is
numerous a viewpoint that is regular to both the authors. Their having a place
with the comparable age is shown in the work since they are living in almost the
same situation if the inquiry in regards to the thematical and specialized
measurements is inquired. They did their part towards the improvement of
English novel, George Eliot who began to write affected by Jane Austen, she
through her books attempted to discover routes through which occasions and
characters cooperate to impact the result. She has likewise been contrasted with
Flaubert and Tolstoy and is additionally entitled as the best English pragmatist
(Norton Collection of English Writing, ninth ed., 1355).She likewise centered
around 'The Ladies Question', she attempted to build up a superior comprehension
of society towards the dubious subjects. As indicated by George Elliot's own
announcements, one of her commitments to the English tale was to delineate
regular existence with a thoughtful rendering. Aside from her commitments as an
author, she additionally ventured her feet in the field of scholarly analysis.
Thomas Solid has additionally contributed his endeavors in the improvement of
novel. His books for the most part portrayed the heartbreaking states of Victorian
age so his much commitment is towards the general public, connecting the novel
with the general public and utilizing his pen to scrutinize the standards of that

Works cited

(1) Eliot, George The Mill on the Floss. Every man’s Library, London 1964

(2) Freishman, Avrom. George Eliot’sIntellectual Life. Cambridge

UniversityPress, 2010.

(3) Haight, Gordon. George Eliot : Biography ; Oxford University Press, 1968

(4) Meredith, George, ‘’Modern Love’’ and Poems of the English Roadside, with
Poems and Ballads,

Chapman & Hall, 1862, edited by E. Cavazza, Mosher, 1891

(5) Wordsworth, William, The Prelude : Selected Poems and Sonnets. Macmillan
Press, London 1984.
(6) Hardy, Thomas.1995. The Return of the Native[M]. Hertfordshire:
Wordsworth Editions Limited.

(7) Culture and Gender in George Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss EFD / JFL Edebiyat
Fakültesi Dergisi / Journal of Faculty of Letters Cilt/Volume 26 Say›/Number 2 (Aral›k
/December 2009)

(8) Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native by Sibaprasad Dutta M.A.(English), ACIB
(London), PhD

(9) The Narrative Emphasis on the Power of the Imagination in The Mill on the Floss: A
Critical Analysis by Ibrahim Yekini, Université d’ Abomey, Calavi Published in
International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Volume 6, Issue
1, January 2019, PP 1-

(10) Eustacia’s Struggle ------The Tragedy of Eustacia in the Return of the Native by
XueFei (Chengdu Technological University, the Department of Foreign Language) published
in the IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320–
1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 9, Issue 2 Ser. IV. (Mar. - Apr .2019), PP 35-36

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