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Send In Fireside Send In Fireside

IteD'18 IteD'1s


Women's Community Club to Hold 6ala Final Match in Tennis Tournament to be

Lawn Fete on Thursday, July 14th Played this Saturday Afternoon
Hark yl', fellow·townsillen! Have Street Dancing Big Feature. MONDAY
yon ju,t about dCl'ided that 'UIllJller at Iu the evening, dancing, to the
honw is a dull seaSon, with no lively
danceR, "peppish" "hows, or gay feRti-
swuying tUIH'S of a lively orchestra,
will he' held on the lawns, ~idewalks,
THE FIRESIDE Th,' fillal Ilia I "'I
ill th,· ullnllal Fourth , fi-2j Kirkpatril'k und 8tllples dpt'l'lI·tt'd
and on the slllooth "oncrete surface of of .JIII.'" llouhlt's' TOllrllanll'IIt of tbl' .\'('\\'l'lI alld Urug-an, H-i, 6--4.
vals to hrightl'n the ,lull routine- of A quid Fourth.
Haverford a,-enue. The Community \':Il'lH'rtlt Tl'llnis ,\ss'l!·iation will bl'
work during these hot .July daysl Have pla.yed this :-;nturday aftprlloOlI, at :1 Consolation Tournament
Cluh has serure,1 permission of Council
"As 'hot " thl' Fourth of' .Jul.v" FIrst Round-Alleu and Allen d,'-
you longl'dfor the shore or the coun- to "Io"l' Haverford nvenue helow Shir- o ',·Iol'k, ut th,· "')\' "ourls at HlI"l'rford
lIlt'HI1~ ~()nIPthiJlg.
l,,;' Toa,1 for the l'vening. Auto' will nlll! ~[ontgollH'ry H\'PtlUes. f"all'" Huiley :Ind Call1l'ron, 6--4,.6--4;
try' whl're fortunate pleasure· seekers
han' to detour, so there will he no in- It will I", a goO,llllllt"'l alld '·"'I,,',·iall.'" :-;m,'dl<'.,· lind :-;illli'SOU dpf"atl'd Hllrth'y
have nothing to do hut plan delightful .\. L .. la(·"I" all" faillily ha\'l' ~on,'
tprruption of the cnjoymcnt of this inh)rt'st iug. hp('all:--(l it will l,rin~ to- .alld ~1'1t"n, Ii-:l, fi-O; I';. 'Vurwil'k
fetes for their amusement / I" (':q)l' :'If a~·. IIn,1 W. W. E'alls dl'feute,1 Down"s
IIlOSt novel nnd fascinating dan"l'·floor. gl'th('r thl' "old, reliable" t ..all1 of
We know that you havl', as has And tl1l'u, wh{'n you have danced, Kirkpalri"k awl Htnple', willlll'rs :lntl alld D. !ledif"r, .Jr., Ii-I, 6-2; Wil-
:'IIi" [j"rllth.'" llnrbill i, lit A"lllon, lian"" and \VhitIlP)' def,'atl'd Follin lind
everyone who is human, and we thl're' ~'ou will, of rourse, want to he refresh· rl1tlnpr~ up in a nllluhl'r of j,lIst con·
:\. .1. (;10",', ~-6, (i-4, 6--4.
fore au overjoyed to hl' ahle to teJl cd, so whut could be more (Iesirable t ..,IR, on,1 \Y. \\'. }'rl'tz alltl H. I. Fretz,
;you of thl' wondl'rful surprisl' in stOrl' than. a cooling plate of ice cream nnd 1,,·\\· 11Il'lllhl'r.~ this YPlIr wlto, I'VI'II this
Second Round-AI1l'n lind Allen de-
\\"p <li"n't .. ,pII ha't' a bal! gallll'
for you. Four of thl' ladies of the a pie",' of deliciou' cake, right "nt l'llrly the St>:1 SOli , 111l\"(' gi,"pn HT11plt'
r"Ulll'd to ~llI ..dl ...y and Hi'lllpson :Lt end
on lilt' f'ourth.
'Volllpn '.' COJllmunity Clnh. with a keen your service 1" So you see that every· .., id"IIl'" of thl'ir skill IIntl ahilit~· os of 14th galltl' of :lrd ,pt, hl'cause of ill-
insight into just the sort of affair ~ar­ thing has hpeu thought of for your err tl'IIni, players. IIl'S.< lIf :'II. ('. _-\111'11, thl' S('orl' of mat(·h
:'Ilr. all" :'Ifrs..Iallll's .\. I':ngland alld
berthitl's arpin nl'ed of at present, to tl'rtainllll'nt and comfort, and the only :'0 it gOl'~ without fllrtlJt'r ~:tyiTlg that i al tillll' of tld'aull, 1--1;, li----l, i-i, thl'
fa;nily an' at H"s.. Il,', :\ .•1.
help" drivl' ,luJl care away" this warm way to Iparn in detnil how grl'nt thi' afl"I'II"Oll', matl'h ,'ill 1", w.. 11 :-;lIll'dll'y alld ~in1J"on heing the fir~1
wl'ather, have plannNI a most rl'lllark· the attractions hl're outlined really are \\or1h ~t,till1..!.• . \ny OIU' "ht) i:-: inter- I II It'll I iou('d.
~f:lrg-af(·t Li\in;!RlolI is SIHIJldillg' lhf"
a hIe and attrn.cti ve Lawn I'a rty. to to 10.., i, to "ollle an<l s('e for yourself. (,;'d ill ~ood ttllJTli~ is Hll\-i:-:pd to ht'
.'Ill/Inll'r \\ ith hn a011t at Ea,t "ortlt·
whieh l'veryone, young nnd old, is JIlost The ladies who have dlllrge of this 01' halld I'r'"I1!,tly at thre" o'el".. k.
cordially invited. \"\'l'ly :-;ulllmer Pair lire i\Irs. H. F.
ti"'''. :'I[n"a,·hu,,·t t.s.
Rain Delayed Start
The nttra.-tions arc unlimitl'd llllll
varil'd. The Sl'ene of the rl'velry is
:-;t,,"l'IIS, ~[rs. Jospph (,happatte, i\[rs.
W. ~L SiblPy a 11<1 Mrs. ~[cClellaD.
Eliz:d,,·th 1':ngl:"III and H"I"II {'al<l·
tlut !-it art 1:IHt
11t'I'allsl' til"
Baseball Team Barred
to hI' the comhilll'd lawns of ~Irs. W.
111. Sihll'y, .~07 Hllverfonl llwnlH', an,1
Ti('ket" lit thl' 'mall price of 35 cents,
including ice cream and cake, may be
\\t'll arf' ~pl'lldil1;.! :l

"I' "arian Hnlll'''. at ('app :'II a.'", :\ ..J.

\\'l~t'k as thp gllflsts
ht':!\.\" J':tin
a:-i r
('Arl.," ~atl1rday 1I1(J1"IIill~­ from Field
:\i~!lt \\':tl"!llll:tn Ili,·k F"'lIIO "I.'·S it
of Revel'lll of the ndjoining neighhors. ha,1 from any of the above mentionp,1 rainl'd and lip' ought to kno\\-III;tt!t'
.\11'. and :'Ifr,. .1:""", ('. I!oop .. r 111111
The fl'stivitil'R wiJl start at 2.00 P. M. lad ips, or from nny memher of the it ill'l!os"ildp to roll alld mark th,' "ollrt, END OF FIRST HALF FINDS NAR-
.1uughtC"t, .Julle, ha\ e 11l0\'lld to Hro{Jk·
ond continue until ] 1 0 'clol'k, during ('Juh. Come early and take n peep, to Ih:lt ,1a.,·. Hilt l,right and "arl,\' :'IllIn BERTH WITHOUT HOME
'l'P whnt it is Iikp, and we gunrantee
Iyll, :\. r.
whil'h time there will he pony riding ,fll," ltlOrllll1~, th(' playillg stnrtf't!, alld GROUNDS
for the yOllngl'r gUl'StR, an,1 attractive- ~'our presence for the rest of the evell- tIll' itlC"n'a:--('d fa .. ilitip:-, of tilt' Ilt'\\
p" Ih" "hildn'n lik,' I" 1'0llY rid.,!
ly arrangl'd sales of various urticles' for ing. Hellll'llIher, a day of fun for ~ar­ (·ollrt:-. Illadt' it po:-':..:ihlt, to 1'1111 IIf)' tltd
Britl/! tltem to flit' Lawn Fl't,' Ilt'xt
all, at tahll's l"l'preseuting auy nlllnher berth-Thursdny, ,July 14th. from two olll,\" th .. pTI·!i,llillar.,· wlll"l, 10111 lh,'
Th ,J1'_"lay. "'"1 -'arh"rlh I,,· :t1t1" til I'lll~' haSl"
of departJlll'nts, from culinary to fancy IlIlt il elp",'n-u taste of l"'l'rything "'llIi·fina},' as \\',,11 lH'for<' th,· FOllrth
Ilall for fhl' J'1·~t of lhl' :--l'ason"f
goods. nice.
"Oll dan,·", Thl' nlusi,' will 1l1'
Unot! progll':"'s \\:1:": :l1~1I Ill:ld(' in 1111'
Tld~ qlll.':-'tiolla:--kt't1 hy 1'" hl'illg'
jan.'" at thl' lIa"'l'f"ld alld :-;hirly Hoad IIL:lIl,\" \'1I1hll:-,i:l!'d TIl(' ('fOWl!
it' l'o(Jlt'r~,
C'oJl:-,olatinll 'rOllrllllllll'llt. w!lit·h lIlay
Tennis Players Given i Narberth Choral Society La\\'n Fl'l", .Iul.,· l~tlt.
I'''''ihl,\' he finished this :-;aturday.
"hi"h \\"111 til' t .. thl' H"holll "iatlllJlld
last :--ar'IlI':la.,· f,,"n,l that thl' ::;.,/wol
Ratings ' - III'
lIa \.'
flirt 11111' to'd!
at till' LnwJI
TIlt're will
Ft't(l 011
\I'xl :'Ilollda~' th,' .Juniors ,tal'l tl,eil'
~i,~II':-' :111d J)ollhll· .... Tllllrll:ltllt'lJt~. Hlld
Ho,lrd h:td h:ll'n'd tlit' t(~tlll frOtH lht·
1i,·I,!. all" thai Ih,· gaill" had to h,'
",1\ "I'ford Ho:"I, .Joly 14th. tI,,· till:tls ill I",~h
", "lItS \\ ill 1,,· pla.'",',J
TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE IN- 1I,'xl :-;aturd:t.'" afterliooll .. Iulv lli. 1'1,,'
All::iHr~ art' pr:wti("ill,!! ,pry day for
'1 h" hn"'''nll l-::II",· 0" .Iuly fourth
TRODUCES PLAN WHICH Wn.L "'h" '\ ill take th.' tril' 10 th,' Or..,,1
11:1:"' al \\ a.y~ IH'I'II 0111' of 11)(' hig- fC'nturt~
LEAD TO SOME INTERES'r- fbt· . . !' ('\t'lIt~ aud \, ill Ill) dotlill sl'rillg
Lak,"! You (':111 filld Ollt at tIl<' La\\'u ,,1' :\al'l"'l't" 's ,·,.I,·hralioll of th,' day.
ING MA TCHE8-0THER :1 lJlllllhl'I' III' :'"lll'prij~I'~ Oil tilt· ~(·Jlior:-,.
Fl'tl' Tl11lr:-,d:t~- aftl'rrlt)()11 nlld t'\·I'lIjll~,
LH:-t ~loltl!lI.Y till' galllt.' ('oulrl nor he
TENNIS NOTES. .1111\' 14th. Tit" sllllllllary of 't11llday 's tll:ltl·ht'~
ill 111(\ :--\llllior:..:' 'l'rlurtJ:llllt'1I1 follo\\:-,:
Tit,· a,·tioll of th,· :--,·hool BOllr,l, Wl'
• Th(' Tournllnll'nt Conllnitt(", of the :'III'. Hlld :'Ilr'. . 1."", I'/UUSl', '01' 21:1 Doubles 'l'ournament. "n.l"I·~t'"lo1, ha' l'<'sl1lt"01 from n pro-
Sllrherth Tennis A",so,·intion has intro- I'ril'(' .\ \·l·ll 11('. art' n·(,pi\·iug ('ong-ratu- First &awId· -:'II..I~i'll auol :'Ild'nhill I,·~t n",d,' It:.- '1111' lIr tWlI Tl'sident" Ii,"
dured what might he ('ailed "Thp All
SlIlIIm('r Rating Tournnment." As a
laliolls Oil th,' hirth of a daught,'r, ~IiRs oIdl'al"oI DOWIII" IIl1d IJ. H"dif,'r, .11'.. ill;! 111':'1' th,· ti .. ld. \\ oltj,,(·t to flll' "0
Etea nor Hnuse. Ii--O. Ii-J; "'. I\'. Fl'elz and H. I. Fr,'tz dall/-t"r of foul halk
',:; result there will hp ~OJll(\ Jllighty inter- ATTRACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT
,h'f,'atl'oI lIartl,'~' {III ,1 :--,'0011, 6-0. Th,· kn"\ll,'dg-" thnt Ihl' loss of th,'
esting mutelws in singles among the' AND PLANS ARE BEING MADE 'Thos,' who "ould gl'l out along thl' Ii--~; Hall allol I'attisoll d,'f"at ,·d E .. Iil'l" wa~ inll"'nding haH hllrt th(' spirit
Various n!elllhers during the remuinder FOR CHORAL GARDEN PARTY "Tl'l'ks ill th .. dl'l'l' radnl'S laRt ~[olldu.,· Wnl'wi('k an" \\'. W. E'·all'. !I-i, Ii-I; lIf Ih,· t"1I1l1 nil ,,,asoll. 11111\ has made it i
of the season. Wt'lfl indf'(ld fortllllntp, for thflf(\ it Wf\:-- I-'harp lind Ft'nllll d .. fl'ltt .. tI J. O . .-\11"1' I liard f'l' th"", to "I1Iist thl' proper BUP-
The rating'R arc ha."'ed on till; results ('old, and ~l. C . .-\lI('n, ti-'-;\, li---t; L. \Var- !,ort.
'.•' of last yellr's Singles Tournament, lind \\ i.. II an" :'Ilns"hanlp ,kr"alt'd FlIllin Ttl" Ill" Ill' 'th" fi"ld, and th" for-
while th" Tournalllent Committee renl- ,~aturdll~', .Jul~· \ti, will hI' II r,:al gain (Oontinued on Page 4.) :111.1 Ill""" Ii· -2, 2-fi, 1;-- :'; Kirkpat· f"ilur,' lIf lh,' \\'a.\'I)(, g-a11ll' la't \\'e.. I·;~
izes that perhapH-for a variety of dn~' for thl' .\'arherth Choral H'lt.i,'ty, , ri,';' an<l :--ta1'It··s d"f":lt"d :-;nll',II('y lUll ""d fornll',l th,' cull"inatioll of a l'0olr
'.. reasons, vllNltions, new memhers, etl'.- Ihl' Honornr~' Vicl' Presidl'nt' of nil' i"i"l(lRon, (i-~. fi--tl; Gl'u;!all and :\l'w,'11 '''aSOll during Ih" ril'~t hlllf. Thl' Sl'C-
· the rlltings tlo not ,10 imlllediate .l·usti"e Hocil'!.'· IIn,1 th .. ('homl Orchl'slr:l, II]sO' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ,.I .. f,'al,'<1 B"il,·." anti ('allll'I'oll, li-'1. "II,j h,lIf St:llt' IIl'xt :-;atnl'''ny with
to each player's nhility, the metlto,1 the ,vh'es and hu"huntls of these s("l'ral li-·~. :\ 1'''lIIorp s"hl'dnh'd t 0 pla~' nt :\nrherth.
." they used was t.he only feasihle oap for I IIll'mhers of thl' organization who will Two c<'nts per word It c8sb accom- Second Round-'li",\('11 :11101 (;"II~:II1 \\'ill thl' ~a,,"' h.. pJa~'edl
IUllnehing th(' plan. .: he included in the jnvitution 10 tIll' panies advertisement; otberwlse. nye
dd"ltll'd "'il·lia11lR and "'hitney, who W,· ha\(' 1''''·''i\' .. ,1 ".\'l'raI illljuirips
B11t the COInlllittep has openetl the gar<len fetl' to 1\1' gi"l'n on thl' grounds !l!::=ce:u:t:s=pe:r=w:o:r:d:'==========1 dr"w n hy" in th" Iir,I' roulld, li-~, :lhollt Ilti, sit tlation, lind IIlnll~' frielull<
WilY fot l'ver~' 01,1 lIlemhl'T Ilnd ('very ,)f )[r.. HiIl('ga, alHI ~Ir ..11I~ohs:on that ti-2; Frl'lz lind Frl'tz. d.. fl'at",l :\Id\l'lI. ,'1' Xal'lwl'1h's h:ts..l'nll t"am wish d ..·
new member to "estahlish his right" ,Inte. FARM W~T~D-\Vant to hear fr~llI I Hlld ~1"CHhill, fi--I, li--t; I':tllison und lillit,· inf"l'Iu:ltioll :thollt th .. prospects :.~

to the position in the list to whil'h he I Olyn"r of a fnrnl or J-roo<l lun,1 tol' Hall df'feutl'd l~nll\rl' :11141 PI'lI11U, Ii <., ~ .fll/· flit tJ rt' :!:III1f':--,
Th(' <1iff"T('1I1 "OllllllittI'CH IITI' plallllinJ.(
feels that he is l'ntitled. Any meluber Ralt' f(~r fnll ddiver.,·. L .. Ionl's. Box li--I; Kirkpatri"k IIl1d ~t:tI'It-" .h'r",I\.··! \\'" 11'1I't th:lt thllS!' intl'Tl'stl'd will
:I1I1I1Silll(' uud .'utl'rtllillinJ.[ gnnws to
who is Iistl',l, if hl' thinks hl' is 1I het· 551, Olney, Ill. (:l!J-p) L. \\':lrwi.-k and :'I[II,,·h:lIl'l'. ;; --t, Ii--.-!. "rit .. (Jllr TO\l1l and hrill/! tit .. actual
'''.' t~r player than till' memher list('d just stllrt UhOllt 3 o'"lo.. k ill the aftl'rllllou,
Semi-FinaIs--Frl'lz and I'Tl'tz d,,· i fads I" light for till' 1)('11 efi t of our
· ahead of him, muy chllJleuge "the lIlan whi{~h will he follow I'd hy 1I 8\lppt'r
OU the lawu about six ° 'cloek. III the LOST-Air,!Ide, Inul", tell 1I10nth, old, f(':lI ..d Plltti~oll lIud lIull. ti-~, ~_.Il. ' I.""." 11I1''''ltllll fa:l_~.
bigher up" to thl' best out of three
L \"C'uillg, '~p(~eial I.~Jjt01·tai1il.i\'·jd ... \ ill he
I w,'nrs 1'1',1 ,·nllur. Alls\\'l'r, to "Ham·
sets, report t.hll result to any 11l('1J\ her
gi \'l'1I ill hOllor of thl' Houllrary Vi,·1' hone. '1 Hewnrd. Phonc ;\Iarhel'tlt
.. 0 f I. h e T ournament COlllmittee, au,1 if lli;\()-.I.
"'lI aid result is favorahJ,e to the ehal. Presidl'lIts lIlId th('ir wives, ulld II gl'n- (39·p}
' .. lenger, hi..~ name goes up one point in ernl reception for nil pllrti .. ipllllts, ulso
.t.he listan(1 the "lIlan highpr up"
. 'eOlllCil do""n n peg.
nil uttral'ti \"t' sltort 1I'I.llsi!'n I proJ.[r:ulI iu
d1nrge of Prof. Nil'e.
LAST CALL for Aster, Zinniu or :\furi-
gold plants; 25 '~l'nts P('f <lozen. GllIdi-
olus hloollls. $1.00 per dozen. COllle 1111,1
For New Members. and Old Ones Not
M.r.·HilleJ.[lls is Chuil'lIuln of thl' G,'n·
ern I Rl'reptiOIl Committee;' Mr. Fell 110,
',()Id llIemhers who for /lny reason did CludrlJ\lIl1 of the Eutel'tllillllll'ut Com·
,ee the excellent qnality of our sto"k.
'rhe Geuerlll \Vayne, Flower Gar,hms
(1l<Jjoining Gl'u('rul Wnyne hili.) (:l9-p)
· :not.participlIte iu lust year's Lubor mittel'j Mrl<_ HiIlI'gn", lWll,1 of th,'
. :. Duy. :r'o4rnament, and new members,' l"uPIJl'r Committee, et,:" and with their
',.. .. . . LOST-Be/ginn Griffon. female, lost in 2~S.30, Open To 'Public; Friday, 7-8.30
'.:i:;ha-ve" the privilege of sturting at the IIUllll'rOUsnssistalltl<, will promiso the
" . Xarberth on Sutut'day, Junc25. HilS
:.'.~:.··.·.·.b.l\. ttolll... o. t.he Jis.t und working up, or
f. Ohor,.al, Vice Presi'lonts aud Orchestra-, ..
heen. Beell ill Nnrberth in last few dnys.
f7:i' ptc .. :~ dnyof gnlllxy lind fun,.
bh'cymny apply' to the Tournulhent
. .
!\:,;,ConlJiIittoe, which will give them a rnt-
'\". . . . . ' . .
The Chortil wishes topubHely. than.k
MediuDishoi't colit, color of Irish Ter·
rier, snub no!>o. Re\\"'lIrd. ·Plense noli· .
In Y.M.<::.·A.Lollby
g'".';':::i.D.g ". . an.d .aplaec .in the Jist based on ~ressrs dJ llcobsfor off.erirtg; . . . .' . .
' . . f)' Miss Milrf K. Oibsolh Wynnewood,

i:t;+·th~~ ~~~~~~:~iS'h:~a;:n~he list. He :~:Cj::os ~ro:~:, ~'~~~hll~::C:~::l-u;~~ Pa. . :' (39- p ) , O~nB(j~KS, F~.r:·.,,,,,ree, . •.
a~:)V'a8 .the· ruhner·up in Ill.. styear 's Sin· this fete, withswinga , bro.·oks·,. gn'r'den'
.,.. . . ... , .
OAB SP,A.OE'--(l0tiler.· of .Priee avenuli
NEW BOOKS . 'R ""t··· '.. d:- t'V'" L' ...."
. R ·t· ....
:~:,: ' . walks, and plenty pf rOOIl) for games; . and NnrbrookPark. Nar. ' ..•............. " '. '" ' en,. a . ..ery. OW a .ea.
~ich'ij"~:f:i:;::::~.j,;"."·' '"t;e,;·Jir;,:~, " .:;,1.;":.,:_:,.,.c,~'.,.: ~,:.;:;>d~!:~:i;i;.',.,.:;:,!:;·.;b:.,:~;:.,t~,hk,; 1;~;24,<1 i,R(;:.; .f·~ t;j,~!Jj.~i:i.L: 1;:2:k",.(;, :)·,(,[i'4~:1Ii:;' '-lft~:'.)-i;' :l!:,~:'~ .i~: ~.,: E,~,:E.,~.§.§ .:~.·~.·!·.§:..~·:·~.;~·":·.~';l'.':.§'~"L
:,-:,;.c.,.,eiAL···..•._e. ... .. •. ';;,t:,"'c', : ':,:::' §!E,§§·.',§:· :.: :'§'§'~'~:'~.'~§"~' ~"g'§:~'~
he ,plectcd hy George H. Wirt, Chief
Community Library Telephones.

Of course, WI
OUR TOWN /··"r.'"t Fire Warden, within the next 1267 dellver - &D1
O1rned and Puhlished every Saturday
1"'11 w"ek~.
.\I:I,illr ~ttllrt illdit"ntpd the fol;lIwing Shows Rapid 1268 time.
D7 the Narberth Civic Association. i'''':ltion" of the first eighteen to\\,pr,
that will be put up: Growth The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Subscriptiun price olle dollar alld fifty
cents per yea r in ad 111111"'.
Blue Knoh, Bedford County; Low"r A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of ~he Term
Y "der, Vintondale, and St. La \I 1'1'11"", 1-11 ,,['it .. of th,' \'ll"otillll >+.. IISon \\'hich
I '"mbria Cuunt.\·; Highland Fling. Blair \rail Iliad" IlIHn.\· illroads upou thl' POP\I-
CIVIC ASSOCIATION '·'''llIt.\·: ~lartin Hill, BedflJrd ('ollnty; I,d ilill uf :\arherth, the Commllnity
March 31, 1921 TIISI':lnlra .:\folilltnill. Frallklill (~()\Il1t.V: 1.i1,r,lI'.v had the busie,t ,Ill." in if.>; his·
l're~i,lpIII , . Georg'l' A. !\lahl Ilroad :\lllulltain and Blue :\'!ountain, tllr.\' In:--t Frida~~ aftt'rnooll and ('ven· ON JULY FIRST
Vice-Pre~iJl'nt.. , Joseph H. ""ash 1IIII\tilq,~,Jllll ('(l1ll1f.\': Houud ::\Iouutain, illt! ill the Y. M. C. A. lohhy. WE WILL MOVE OUR CITY OFFICE TO
\~icc-Pr\'sid(lnt A ugu:-,t 11:4 .J. Loos .\Iilllill ('011111,\'; Centre ~lllJW Shop, ~[r" HII"h, thp ,Iistrihllt.illg- Librar·
Vice-Pr",idl'nt. . , ~[rs. ". P. Fowler OUR NEW BUILDING
('(lIlllty: 1.0.":11:-111'1\., Oul', lIngprlllHus 'au, lias ill dlllrg... ~he finds, in addi·
Treasur"I' .. , .. ~[iss ~Iaizie .J. t;illlpson
('fl~:tl1 lItlll"". :llld ('hPlIllllIg, Ly('ulI\-
Secretar." .. , . , , .' .. ' . HolH'l't .J. Edgar
Dire;·tol's, to sen'" lIntil J!I~:l: Mrs. ill,!.; ("Hlllt."; ~tat(' (':l1I1P, (,lintoll ('olin-
t illll ttl f(,(,t'iving Hnd dishursing bookR,
,that :I great ,leal of lI"r time is taken
Hohert J'. ,,"ood, .J. c;nrfielJ Atherholt, I.", :In,] Arnllt, Ti,'gll t'ount,Y. II!, with alls\\'l'ring questi()n~ and COIU- ADDITIONAL SPACE AND MORE CONVENIENCES WILL ENABLE
1. A. l\liUl'r, C, L:I\\"I"'IlI'l' Warwick, Till' ])"p:lrt Iliellt of Foro"tr,\' i~ "llIn' 11I1'lItS. )-;\·pr."lIu" is pleased with the
A. E. Wuhlert, Philip A. Li\'illgstuu. "i,,:,: til \Il1ild ]tiS miles of ne\\' roads US TO SERVE OUR CLIENT!i,STILL MQRE SATISFACTOlULY
t'I'lIl\·I'lIil'lH't ' of the nt'W qUHrt('r~.
Directurs, to serve ulltil l!l~~: J. J, :11101 ~i~ 111;11" of trails in State Fon"t.-
Cabrey, Walter A, Fox, H. H. Hillegas, T\rl' larg'''l'l,,,rt III' the p"trolls last
C. H. A. Chain, W. H. D. Hall, Harry
A. Jacobs.
,':' ."1':11'. Th"-I' 'r":lds "lid lrail- will
,·,I,le fOlesters to reach lin's ""'r<'
I"rida." ,'allll' ill th .. afternoon. Many
do IIl1t know. appllrently, that the Li-
,,'kly. Ill'ar,\' i:-; also "pell Friday evenings, B.eal.'tc>r
PHILIP A. LI\'I"G:-;TU", frOl1l I to S.:\(}.
CIl Y OFFICE (after July ht) 1214 LOCUST STREET
Editor. A FREE SCHOLARSHIP Books for Nature Students. Branch Offic. at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, '1'\\11 ·ne\\' ll:ttllTe stllely hooks have
\ lIy :t Illi,il jtlll'" -,"'llIlIg ill:111 til' \\ IIll1all
Oashier. .iU"t I"'en lidded to the collection of Member Phll.delphla Real E8tate Board
--_.- - - - - - - _ ... _------ \\ 1111 i ... :1 1"":\'''"'" or Our '1'0\\ II, Ill:!,'" st'·
hook,. They nre Chapman's •• Bird
8end all advertising and news items to 1'111'" fr"t' ill ... 11'11,01 ion ill :\lu:-4"i,· pf 1-:1(1'
I.ifl'." a gllid" fllr thllS<' who arc he·
~. O. Box 966. lui lUll,
g'inning hird stud~', and :-\"huyler Mat-
Our Town is on sale at the depot 'I'h,' Ilh:ll"\ ('(IIl"""r\lltor,\' of i\ll1~it',
t 1"'11';' "Wild FloI' ,'rs.'· This hook is
...wsstaJld, and at the store of H. E. \\·itlJ dll' oIl':oii1'i' to .... tillllliatu tlil l :-<tud,\'
illustrated with mllny colorecl plates
Davia. or t!ll"" :11'1-. ,tlr,·I', 11111 s.. ho!ar"hi!,s

~auing--anb murr
nnd is invaluable to those who nre be-
Entered as second-claBB matter \',,1\11,01 I'rolll :j.'ill to $(ilill .'"c'h, 10
g-inning the identification of local willi
October 15, 1914, at the PoBt Office r.t d.'sl·r\ illg nl'lllit':1111s frOli1 allY stnt(' ill
nO\\'ers nllli pl:tnt.". Plnns are forming
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act III" l'n;oll, ,,1101 ,,!ri,'h will "lItitle thenl 10 111:11<" lIatlire ,tllll.\·, hoth for chil-
'of March, 1879. III ill~trtll'l iOIl flit' tlit~ tl'f111 of H l
\ "II-
,hen and adults, an important )Jart of
tt'Ptl \\l'pks, hl'~illtlillg \\ itl! tlll' tllU'1I
thl' Iihrary s"IYi"e to the cOlUl1Iunity.
ill.:! h,' ~"h(lI.} ."I'ar. :-;t'ptf'1J1lll'r 1~ •.
111' t

OUR TOWN will gla.dly print l~l~l, ill :III.·.. llf fht' f(lll()\\'iJl~ d"!l:ll"t- There is more to saving than the mere accumulation of money.
any news item about any subject 111~·1l1 s: Y oi"", \. i, di II. Pi :lllll. 1-:loI'llt jtlll.
Saving commands respect. respect command, attention. and attention
that is of interest to Narpertb
folks, but in order to meet the
J{:11l.) Illstnlll,I'llt":llld
... it', '1'11":"'1' o..;(·!tld:lr ... ltil's
J1llldic' ~i'hofll :\Ill
;11'" :l\':lr.l,'d lI!'OIl
Devon Horse Show leads to advancement'

printing schedule, all • 'copy"

-manuscripts-must reach the
l'Ollll'l't it I(I!I \\ hil·JI j ...
d"'liljrl~ a 11l1l ... i";11 (lr iill')':lry (',11li'ntitlI1.
0P,'II til 1111."11114' Realized 525,000 Saving makes a better conununity. a thrifty communit:-· attracts
industry. and industry leads to wealth!
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each ,\II,"Ollt' \\"i:-:hlll~ ttl
\'l1tl'r tht, ('ltlll]Jt·ti-
week. lioll III' ,1,·..;irilll.!, :-:houl,1
Do your part-open a Saving Account here and make regular
writl' til :\11'. Ut'Clrg(1 C. \\·illialll". l'"'t'l" deposits. You will never regret it,
f'('1 a 1'y-'I'I'I':I"'1I I'PI' of t lit' 11hal'n ('qtl~.. r·
'·:tlor,\· of ~1t1 ... it'. ~. y,. hl'fon' ~t'll1t'iJl'
SATURDAY, JULY 9, 19%1 Society Women's Work
I "'I' 1. 1 !l~ 1.


A 1l1l0UJIt't'lIJ1"llt
.\1 1-. AI'l'hihald
h:1 S 111'('11

Bllrkli(', of lliver
lila (I f' hy
m~t flerinn Witlt ari~ WrU!lt <!1nmpatty
Police, 1250 1I0uSl', \\'a~·I1". th:ll th,' ,·oulltr.\' fair of Arbmorl', , •.
:\1 011 da,\' "as tlil) l{lIiptt':-lt and sallt'st ""l'arlll"'lIt ,of thl' Ih'\oll 1I0rse Hho\\
Fourth ot' .Iul,\· withiu th .. r"I'oll"l'tion and eountry fair. whieh wall 1,,·1.1 :\!lI~' Ardmore Narbertb Bala-Cynwyd

Editorial lit' .. tIll' old .. -t iuhahit:lIl!." Qnit.(' a

olllllh.. r lit' 0111' "arh"rth folks \\,"f('
~;; to :\11l~' :\11, rpllllz,," $23,000 for ils
"olltl'ihutioll loward Bryn )!a.\\r 1I0s·
a\\a.\· at th,' s\rort' 0\"1' the ho1illays, pital, \\'hi"'l wa.s the henl'fieiary of the
hut thos.. \\ho r('llIaille,l at hOlUp, he· fete.
AN OASIS IN THE DESERT hn "('11 ill :1 pry rat iOllal way und, H:l \'C
\ Bryn lIrawr Ho"pitaJ, whi"h wall the

A g-Iau,·,' at til,' "CllulII/1S of Our

for all ()",·,,,iOIIHI hlallk eartridge r,,· lH'uefi('illr,\' of the f"'e. Betty's
port all,l a litt'" rpd fire llllll.the or six HUIl,ln'ds of sod('t,\' WOlllell who
Town ,Inring- ./uly "lid AugU'1 1,'a.l"
onc to belicve that Illost of uur organi·
rOIlI:l1l eHwlllll'-

quiet, and \\arlll timp W:tll ha,1 hy all:

ill th(l (l\'l)lIing, a good,
look Itart in the affair arp o\'prjoyed (It Wholesome
their suceess. The allloultt received is
zations ., hibernate" for the SlIllImer.
The thou,ght of ualleing- 011 a "1'0\\'11,'<1
Drug st ort's
('Tell III al,,1 sod"s illstea,1 of medical
",()on' htlS~~ s<,r\'ing ie{l
Olle of the lurgcst donations for affairs Bread
of its kin,1 every a,·hieved h~' society
floor ill .July is too much for most of supplip" \\'h jeh wllsn't n had stat.. of WOlllpU of thp Main Line.
us;-unless we happen to he in Maille affairs for all (·ollcl'rned. That No Meal
or Canada. Many interesting. r('sults w('rl' a.lso
But now the Community Cluh Illls IInnounced hy Mrs. Barklie. For in· II Complete
come to the reseul', nn,1 is going <0
stanpe, in tit" prizp aWlIrds. the police Without
break the monotony of the IHlmTJl('f dog was won by .Jimllly Altemus, the
'season by a first-class, out-of-duor lawIl ~'oung "Oil (If Mrs. B. Dobson .\ltl'· Rye, Bran or Wheat
.Tane Stevpus celebrated her sixth lIlIIS. \\'illiam H. Wuull,maker, Jr., of
fete, with dancing 'ne\·erything. .hi rth,lay hy entertaining twenty-five of We invite comparison a. to quality and quantity on all our
The road builders IIlltst have lool,l'" Woodroyd, Merion, whose tlall.ghter
hpr little friends on the afternoon of Bakery Goods
forward to this ('\'ent when they hullt r{'rently hpcllme thehric1p of .J. How-
.Jllne 25th. Among those present were
Haverford u\'etwe, for the surfal'e
while not of waxed hardwood, is of a
sl1looth eement, exaetl.\· suited to out-
H,'gillia (·hapl'atlp. ('harlps Chappatte,
,1"1111 1.0'''. lIal'l\'(,od Loos, Mary Tur-
ell Cummings, Jr., cflptured the gQld
mesh hag.
Pau! Thompson.
A fitte,1 l;tllg wa.s won hy
EdwlIr<! T. Stotes-
BETTY'S· SHOP Station ...
chiauua. Rosrdiud Mellor, Agnes Tor-
door dnncing. hury, IlJS W:l' unuouuee,1 previously,
ehiauua, .Johu Delavan, David Delavf.ln,
Whieh calls our attention again to wus the highest bidd~'r for tlte im-
of Narhprth; Pegg'~' Yan Dyke, Dean
the fal't that Nllrhprlh i, thl' "AL.L lupnse boxwo(l,1 plu,nt, ,,-hich was one
ran Dyke, Emilie Kerigan, Helen Kpr-
r1'~AH ROl::-ID Home To\\'n." of the features of thp fete. .
ig-au, .fohu AIrr,!ice, Margaret Alerdice,
~!r". Alex~IIHI('r Brown. who ,lirpct('t!
Dorothy McClellan, J-ohn
, Hel('u ClInuot.• Catherine Cannon and
the "Blue Bird" shop. whpre dresses, ATTENTION
KEEP COOL hats an<! SIl"'1 things were on sule,
Pat riciaHt('\'[us, of l\f erion; .fosephine I wish to inform my numerous friends and clients that I have
turnl'<! $3,000 iuto the fuud. Plans are
I Hohprts, of Bala; Dorothy Davis, of Qpened a Branch Office at
ulreudy uuder wlIY for IIpxt yenr, on(1
Those who kn,1\\' tell us that the Philadelphia; Marie Hood, Katherine
lhnt pnrlieulHr de<pllrtu1('ut of thp fl'!<'
easil'st, way t.o kel'p "OCl) is tn forget Hood, of O\·('rhrook.
will he great!J; enlargl'<! nile! will in·
1415 Locust Street, Philadelphia
the hl'at. in the office of
elllde 1i;lgpri.' allli olher thiu!!'s ,1(,111' to
It is certainly trill' that to "it do\\'n
the fpmilliu,' hparl.
.lInd "pend your time \\'lttehillg the thl'r-
mometer rise is It ver~' dfecthe method
Mrs. Hellry Howurd Elli"ou, of \'il- FREDERICK HERMANN
of melting- away to 1111 infinitesimal I'rugrlt ill \\'(,l'k of lI( onda,\', .J Illy 11: luuo\'a, who ,]iree-ted the eltil<!rpn's de- Realty and Mottga.e.
grcase spot. ~(1ln,lay, .Jul~· 11, Madge Kl'"t"'d~', iu
J1art.JIIput, thp fpllture of whi"h was II
Reliable and prompt services in all branches, Philadelphia. Central
There are so many sha,ly patIn nn,l "Thl' Girl '''ith The .Juzz Heart." ..1011 weelding. surprisell herRplf unrl the
r('main,lpr of the committeI' hy tUI'll- and Main Line Suburban
Ligllways npat' Nnrberth that therp is J-:'pi~odl' S, ., :-\011 of TIlTzuu." 'rues-
no excuse for sitting home to sweltpr. <la.\·, .Jul.,· l~, "The Furnace," f(lat ur· ing. in $1.500. The dQlls \\'hieh took pllrt REALTY
Oct out in tht> e\'Pning and takp a in~ AglIllH A.\·res. 'I'heo. Roberts, :Miltou in t hI' weddiug were sol<l, IIn,l helJ1~'d
Building Association IUld other mortgage funds available for Phila-
brisk .wlI.Ik t.hroug-h tltp count.ry. Crente Hills, Lucien Littlefield, Helen Dunhar to swell the fund l'ousidl'ruhly. Litth'
Waltpr .Jeffords got thp hri,leg-rootll. delphia and Main Line properties. Fire Insurance in all its branches.
your own hrel'ze. "UII '11 SUOll forg-.'t lind MapllP Kelso. Comedy, "'I'hp Dog-
Philadelphia and New Jersey Notary public, Pennsylvania Commissioner
the heat. Doetor." Wp<!ups<lny 1111<1 Th II rsd.llY , Mrs. Ellison Raid at. the metiting,
of Deeds for New Jersey.
.Iul,\' l:{· q, W('sley Barry, the freckle- which \VIIS Iw!,1 lit thp home of Mrs.
fu('(',1 hoy. lIud Collpen Moore,' in MlIr- &rklie. thut her en(1 of thl' purty wn" Houses for sale, fUrnished and unfurnished. Best list in Narberth,
NEW FDU: TOWERS. shall Neilnn'l< Fllnllipst Show, "Dinty." lots of .fun until it came time to cOtlnt prices reasonable and terms to suit.
Ad,lerl A It ral't iou, 2 <Inys, Clyde Cook's receipts. whieh were in nickels, dimos
Harrisburg, Pili., .July; 8.-Major R. best come,ly, i, Tht> Guide." Friday, nud quarters. She fount! it quite a tusk
Y. Stuart,DeputrCommissioner of :For- .July Hi, Elaine Haltlllletstein in "Plell' to count $1,50Q in SIlUlll change.
'. listryjhas.'Bnnounced tha.t twenty-five sure . Hp.pkprs." Hallroolll Oomedy,
Proving that it was a show for every-
s~tes have'b~eildefinitely fixed for for, "The CirC\t18 Hero." Saturday, July body, andotbatall the attendo.ntiJ at tlte Narberth Telephones:
est·llte.observlI.tiontowers that wHI be 16, "Wing To~·," featuring Shirley fete were i~lter-estiJd, tlte committee au- Oftlee: Narberth 1733.
ereC\te<l by t~eDepart\l1eli:t·of FO.l'estry Mason. Sunshine 'Collledy, "Who's nouned til at the 'largest single dona- Residence: Narberth 1687.
th1s summer. OrdllTS,for Jl.ftY~owers Who. ", .you enn always see n dOwntown tIon was only $100, and t\tat their fund PhUadelphia, Bell Phone Connection.
h~ve been' placed with .the manufact- sho\\' at The Palace for 0 quurter of , wns made up of smnll purchasetl nnd
-,.:. "
The remaiDing" ',.,
locations\Vill, 11. dollar. . donations from. very manY. p~rsons,.
'-, J'. \.

A ~s~ur~.e!A·
tisall act for the Ilolllination anti el.,c·
7.30 P. M.-Union Twiligbt Meeting.
,~.f)1I 1'. M.-Cnion Prayer Meeting in
City and Main Line lion of .1 udgl'" \las also rel'l'lIle,l th is


th .. I'rl'shyterian Church. Allied year a lid all .J utlgl" a r.. llo\\, to ht'
rhosl'1l on pa~t~· til,I"·t,,.
Flaes-t Pho.oDlay The-
a"'. ot Jill SIze In lbe
Entire World. .
MEETING HOUSE, (;I'orgp I). ThorJI, c·hi"f "f thf' Bnr,'au Pb••opl.v.-C.... tlnuoU8 10 A. M •• 0 11.1'
MontgoJllery Pike, );arberth, was estab· "f EIt~diolls of th" :-;tat" Il"!,artlllellt,
lished 1682. Horl! William POJlII wur· ,who ha:-: jtl:-'t j:-;"'lll{'d hi!'! clata on 111t,
sbiped, aR w('11 aR lJ\lln~:...~~ed ASSOCIATION
"I,','tiollS for thi, .\·I'ar. ill "Iwaking of
Friends. One of thp lJistorical spots of thp r"J1{'al of th,' lIon'I'artisall j"dil'illr.\· PROGRAM
America is 01,l!1l fnr worship erery Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. In\\, ~aid thl' Stl!lJi' prof,p'l/un' is to be
Takes 11: Mill Creek
First·day (:-'ulJo!ay) morning at 11 ftlllo\\·pt! ill lhe nnluillg" of ('uTldidatl'A WEEK OF JULY 11
o'clock. First·day :-;cho01 heginA at 10 an.d rlt,(·till~ .Jtldg-l'~ :I~ for tht' lIomlllfi'
:\It·etillg.. . for Ill'xt ~l1llda.v: Th.' fir:-,l /lIidi,,:!' iOIl Ill' " 1I 1IlJll't.'
A. ~L \'jsitors eordially inlited. ti"ll and p!PeliOll (If "alldi,)at,," for t}ll'
'fhe First·,lay ~chonl is held erory
(1.1.-, A. ~I.· ':-;11 II .lily tkhool,
:llld :t W(I).'f)IlIC foJ' nIl.
A plaee hl'lI"i,,' I"lrl; 1'1,," 1,,1'
is rfl':-;('I!t('d hy tIll' {'it,\',Park~ .\:-;:-i~lt'ia·
Ih., \I"ill Lin ..
ullin' of Ht'Jlrt~(l1l1a1 i\ t' ill C()ngrt'~-;. "The March Hare"
First·,lay mornill~ at ten o'dock. There Thi:--: ."t'ar thf'rt' ,\111 lit' JllllniJlat(ld
til\!l of l)hil:I,!t'll'hi:1 ill it:-- l'Olllhilll.'d
is a class for aduits as "'l'1I "" for 11.1111 A. ~1.-MorIling wor"hip.
Mr. alld l']pdl'd OIlt' .Jlld,~t' of tht' ~lIrTt'11IC
thirty'lir:-;l alill tllirtY''''''''olld :111111'la1
cbildn'Il, and we IIrl' \l'ry glnd to ha\'e Vall );"" will preal'h on the theme, Court alld I>iHtril'! .Illd:.rl'~ ill di:-;tTi('1~
f'('Jlflrt ."', .i11~1 pri III I'd. MAIN PRODUCTION START8 A8 NBA.
anyone who iR interested in kn()wing "~hall ('hri,t Filld Faith on tbe \\ ht'rp \-:!t,:ttwit':-: l'xi:",t tlr will n(','UI' Ull
AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. M.. 11.00, 1.041, .
.\I~" Ilr\·:11ilill.~ 111:1('1'-; ;11'1' l,rl'll"l""ll
more a hout our :-;nci "t ." of FriendR a no! ,.;" rt h ! ' . tlH' fir~t ~f()lJda,\" ill .Iatlllnry. ]!t~~, (1oTll- ..-.111. 11,411. 1.411. 9.10 P. 1tI.
I "I' :tli I'" 1'1, "I' 1'h il:1I1 .. 11'11 ill.
tbe Friendly idpa, ,j,il with u,. 111011 Plt'tHI ('ollrt .'lldg-l'~ will 111' n:LIIlI'.l
i.:\11 1'. !lL·-I·llion Twilight Meeting Tilt' Id:ttl."'i \\,'1'1' 1111'1':lI'l'd hy Frl'd(\r-
ill t1l0:-;(' ('otillti('~ 1'111' whi('h O{)\'('Tllor
IIIl :'Ifethodist Church lawn. Mr. Van i"1; 1,,,,, 01111'1"111\ alld Arthur ('. ('".


:,\,,', will preaeh on the theme, "~Say·
ill~ Onc'~ I.ife."
IIlt'y, TIII',Y :111\ (wall' lht
'1"i,ili,," "f Kirkhrid .. ·" al1ll th" \'aI1ey~
iIllJlIt'diatf' Ht"
:-;prnlll r,,('pnlh- :I!,!,(,illtt'd .Jll,]gl'~ aft"r
:lppro\ iIII-! I,ills "reatillg IIf'W .fu,lg"s. NARBERTH GARAGE
Rev. R. F. Dowley, Rector. of Ta.('oIlY ('n't'k, Poql1l'HSill~ ('n, .. lc
"PI" .Iu,lg-l" \I<'T,' nallll',] for Dauphin, Raymond Wei••, Proprietor
('lIion Prayer ]\[e<'ling next Wed· 11 .. la" :lrt', ,\·..,tl\lor,·!nnd and B...a,·t'r
Early Mass on Sundays at 7 A.. M. Il e.. . da~· (l"(~n i ng In the Preshyterian Pl'lIll,\·}Hlt'k. alld ('lIhh~ ('n'pks
I1r:t1 p:lrk~. :and I Ill' Opt'llillg lIJl il1 all
n~ 1Iat·
I'ollnt if'ls. GASOLIfiE, OIL, SUPPLIES
(,hllrch. Lead"r, Rev. A. S. Demmy.
• Late Mass, 10 A. M ..
Masses on boly days, 6.30 and 8.30
"I',·ti"", of I'hil"d.'ll'hia (If' sllla\l park"
'I'h .. r" arl' al"o to ],,, .. Il'(·tf',] this yenr
,[,,]pgatp, to thl' I,ropo'''d ('Ollst it utional
PI" ld:l,\'g-rp\lllrl~, The' ('oJllhilll'd f('port T .Iephone Narberth 1633
A. M. Weekdays at 8. E,'cning do\'o, ('oll\"l'Tltion, who will h., dlOSPIl ill th"
:1 IX II 1':'1 tht' :ttl\ :lnt;q.,~·l'~ of ut'1ing oil
tions and other sen-ices at regular samp IlInnllf'r :1~ ('nl1didH1~'~ for ('on-
lho:-;t, IIJ:tftl'r:"' :d tiJl' ('nrlii'~t po~~ihb'
politil'al part,'~

t\\() entldi.lntt'~ nt lh('

11l1!,T'll\t·IlIt'lIt .... of lht\ IHlllkR "of tht'
(,I,,(,tioll. :lnd lIO \ott'r IIlH." "olp for Justice of the Peace
Rev. Arthur S. Walls. D. D., Pastor. K('hllyll\ill i~ :lUllIng thl' :\('1i\itil~H urged
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, lI,or,' thnn !I,'O ":llIdid"t ..s at th .. :'\0. REAL ESTATE
111'(111 Iht' I'ft'.":I'ld tlt!TlIilli:-otTatioll, Hlltl
WYNNEWOOD, P A. 111.:111," of lit, I' IIIHttt'l'~ of 1I10!l1£,Ilt ttl the
\-1'1ll hf'T pIpet iOIl, Thf' t Ii rt'l' I'a ndi.l:t t r~ Fire Insurance-Best Companies
:-;lIn,Ia.\· . .Tilly Ill; "otl'd for al th,' "o\"l'ml,,'r f'1"l'1ion Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
\\,,,11 an' (If' l'hilll,!t·ll'hia lind its citiz"lls
!lA.' A. M.-SundIlY School. who r('('t\;\"l' tht' hig-hp~t JI 1111I lJpr of
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector. :t rt' t '1111' It I'd lI)'(lI1. Thl'rl' a rl\ HU,:.!gl':-:-
\ ott's will he tllf' ,1('1{'~:lt('.....
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. 1LOll ,\. !l1.--Mnrning worship. Ser· tioll:-: fllr 1I10tol' hll~(,'" nil th l, h()llll~­ PAINTING GLAZING
ilion hy the pastor. \arll~ :11111 .111 Broad :-:tl','t't- -po~~il,ly DECORATI Nli JOBBING
i.:\O P. M.-enion Twilight Serviee IIlalll';,:,',1 hy Ih., I'hilad .. l"hia ]{'IJ,id
8.1:1 A. M.--lloly COllllllunion.
Oil thl' lawn, Essl'x an,] Priel' avenues. Tr:tllsit ('Ollll':lll,\·· -for 11('\\ ding-nun):"' OFFIOIALS OF THE BOROUGH WILLIAM NEWBORG & CO.
0,45 A. M.--Churl'h Sl'hool.
11.00 A. M.-~forning PraYl'r anli Ser·
Ill'\' . .Tohn Van Xl'" "ill deliver thf' an·1 ',\i,I"1l1'1\ ,1.1\\lltO\\1I sll'1't'l:-; :11111 for OF NARBERTH: Painting and Decorating
:-;ermOll. ! ;"'!Ii!'.!! 1111 IIII' 'I:tin )~il1t' :111(1 in
tht' 212 Woodb'lle Ave .• Narberth, P •.
l'il\', ,\ \ ig(ll'lllt~ (,hal""1' dt':tl~ with Burgess, Phone, Ardmor.1431i W Narberlh 1768 W
Church Notes. tIl .. hillh"al'd lIui,all(· ... ea rroll DC'\\'Il"'.
BAPTIST CHURCH OF TlIE ('olll'.'l'nill;1 thl' 'l:,in LillI' plall, llrl' Council,
Th., OlHl'ial Board will meet Monday
EVANGEL. ~ rt'llol't Ill'gos tiJl> 1l1'll~lln'a1ioll of tlt,l
erenin~, .July 11th. W. H. D. Hall, Pre"iJent,

'I'll(' l'nion Prayer Meeting will be

\'alleys of :'Ifill ('rt,.. k and (',,1>hs en,,'k William .1. HenderRon, For Bowling and
Rev. Avery S. De=y, pastor. :llld tht, ol't'Jlillg Id' loea.l pnrk~ and Daniel Leitch,
1It,ItI W .·,lnes,la~· .. vening in thl' Presby· Hugh Bro\\'ll.
terian Cburch. Rev. A. S. Demmy will
I'lnY~T'ollllds. It al~1I
JiOI\ 1><'1 \\'''''1\ t,h,' \llIi 1\ Lin!' di"t ri"t
llr~":-i eo-olwrll-
A. P. Redift'r, PocL et Billiards
Services Sunday, .Tuly 10, 1921: WuHon M. Wentz.
I.'ad. IIn-l fh" f'uirJ!llIlIlIt Park Commi"siou come to the
9.30 A. M.-Morning p'~ayer meeting.
i II pia ulli "l! th" t!("''')Oplll,,"t of th,'
Carl B. Metzgll r,
The choir will hold their picnir Sat· Secretary of Councils,
9.45 A. M.--8essions
of the Bible
IIr,lay afternoon, .Tllly 9th, at Valley
plll'li,,"' of th., ~[l'tr"I'0litllll Pnrk sys·
1""1 withill its tf'rritory.
11.00 A. M.-:hforning worship. Ser· Forge. The party will leave the Borough Treasurer,
l'11urch in automohiles at 3 P. :hI.
\i","rs. OllllStl'ud IIl1d Come)' urge No.1 Forrest Aye.
man by the pastor. Edwin P. Dold.
tllat til., \1111".", of ~Iill Creek aut!
{'-"hll, (·!'l'."k Ill' Iliad" park". alit! ill Borough Solicitor. c. L. PARKE
tllat "lIulIf'r-lion SHY: Fletcher W. Stites,
"('"hb" ('rl'.'k \. a II l'.\. , ill lin\prfortl Street Commissioner, ----------_.---
Narberth Register
Two Lin... IOc per iNa.; 5c for each atltlitionalline
to\\lIship, dt'mllll,l more im.nlt'diate nco I
tiou thau ~{ill Crt'"k, for while littlp
PII('rnfiC'hl'd UPOIl lit prt'RI'llt, its land-
George Suplee.
Tax Collector,
Raymond C. Jones.
For Permanent
scalw i" in clang.'r of ht'ing ~t'riollsl~'
illjlll·"'1. As 1111 ,'xtplIsion of Cohh8
Assessor, Satisfaction
ACCoUNTAN'm Loo~. "anllY H. Plano '"acber. Carden Warner.
Gotbball, H. K. Plibllc Accounta~ J03 Xtudlo, Arcade BIds. Phone. 816·J. Crt'pk Park. :lIn'ady in USt' within tht'
Building Inspector, BUY A
Conway Ave, Phone, Narberth ~.....-... NOTARY PUBLIO. city limits, it llIl'rits sppcial ronsit!· '
. . . . . IL 0 certtll.d Publlo .uoollJltaat. "elrerle.. ". H. 111 Narberth ave. er-ation hy tilt' Fairmount Park 00111' : J. Taylor Darlington.
101' Du41.," a_ PhOD.. NarlMrUl ....W.
. - ' Qanlc_aepall1u.. IIltc. Pho..e. 1"'.
See dlsplay advertisement In this Issue.
Phone. US-H.
SlmpaoD. Hany A. 282 Illlaex Ave.
Phone, Narberth Il88.
T)·80n. "·arr.n a, 200 Woodbine Ave.
Phone, Narberth 1202· W.
mi~~ion. It is tht' logil'al place for thp
only large park "l'rdng fi large future
('omnH1I1ity.' ,
Council meets in Council Room,
Elm HaJl, at 8 P. M. on the sec-
ond Monday in each month. Meet-
ingsare open to the public. Com-
Smiley Built Dome
N..-berth G_e. Phone Narberth 16a3. OPTIOIANS Th" importufice of ZOTlillg is stressed mittees cif Council meet on the
See dlsplay advertisement In thl. lalUe. F..own. C.rl F. 606 Euex ave. Phone. "I·" by the t)WO experts, and theassoeia· Wednesday evening immediately
DOllahue Patrick F. Phone 1633.
Phlln. address. 1631 Chestnut st. Spruce '1797
Zentmayer, .Ioeeph. 228 8. 16th It., PbllL lion's report brin!Ol out the fact that preeeding the monthly meeting of WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
'See displaY advertisement tn this Issue. "Philnt!elphia is rapit!I~' lORing the 01" Council.
BAKERY, Newbors. ''''m.• &: 00. 212 Woodbine Ave. I!ortllnity of ])('ing among th ... leadt'rR
1Iett:r 8weet 8hop. Oppollte statlOD. Phone, Narberth 1758~W.
in Re,'uring zoning rpglllations. As 1001g
Bee display advertisement In tbls lalne.
See display advertisement In this ISlue.
"·alzer. Fred. .
117 Wlneor ave. Phone. lIU-oJ.
lI.go as 1!.Jl6 );.'w York 1'IISSl'<I the first MAILS TO AND FROM NARBERTH. COOK BROS.
IlerloD Title &: Truat Co. phone, Narb'th SIl8 gPllern) zOlling' ordiIlHll('e," The re- Incoming Malls Arrive.
See dl.pla)· advertl.emeut In thl. I..ue. PAPER HANGING. port continues: 6.40 A.:hL-From all points. PLUMBING, MEATING
Uo)·d. Horace 8. 313 Meeting House Lane.
fihaud, Alex. C.. ill'. Phone, No. lnO.
Phone 356. "'fhl' pxpt'ri('IH't' of England has 9.00 A.M.-Lochl from Paoli. ROOFING
Narberth 8tatlon. PHOTO PLAYS d''<JIlonstrated that tht' huilding of 10.45 A.M.-From all points.
8IPedle", Wm. D. &: H. T.. Phone. 600. ..Arcadl.... 11th and Che.tunt .lL, PhUa house~ at II JIlllximulll of 12 to the 1.45 P.M.-From all points.
Jobbing promptly attended to
. Bee dlsplay advertlsement In thla Ialue. !-lee advertl..ment In thl. laue.
al'l'p, liS is donl' ill the gar,l('n~itips and 3.30 P.~L-Local from Paoli. Nilrht PbODe. Nuberth e87
(lANDY, ETC. PL\.SO TUNING AND :REPAIR8. Day PhODe, Narb.rth 302 J
l'lano Tunloll' and Player Plan08 gal'dt'u suhurhs. is a matter thun en· 4.45 P.M.-From aJl points.
Daya., R. E. Pholle, UU·W. G..urge Abele, Phone Nnrberth 1255-J.
See dleplay advertleemeut lu thl. I88l1e. hanPt's public health. The typicul two· f1..'iO P.M.-Local from Paoli.
PLUlllBINO. ETC. story, single·family hou8t's built in 8'01-
. <lellk1Da, C....
101 Dudley av•. phone, 1684.
Cook Broe. Phone 802.J.
See display ad vertlBemen t In tbil issue.
Wan.'H, B. Phone, Narberth 1802-J.
icl room" in Philnd..lllhia will u\·t'rnge
Ilhout 40 houses to. the acre. Such ,'011' Mails Close for Departure. The Narberth Electrical Shop
See dl.p1ay advertl.em.nt In thl. l_nL l't'ntrution "an he 1I\·oidl'.1 un~er zon'ng 8.44 A.M.-For all points. 230 RAVElU'OBD AVE.
Jamell Fratautonl &: 800e. 239 Hampden Ave
Bee display advertisement In, this Iisue
REAL _TA'hI: rf'g'ulntlons.' , 1.00 P.M.-For nil points. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
Cald'''eU. J. A. Phone. 1687 In regard to tlIt' impro\'ement (jf the 1.20 P.M.-Local to Paoli. We, sell and install anything
DENTISTS See advitrtl.ement In thl. lau.
,00', Dr. A. L. 101 IIlllllwood av. Phou•• Ill-W. Frlt..,h. B. O. Phone•. ns-w. Hl'huylldll f'lIlhall!<lIlPllb, the <, present :1.l0 P.M.-For a1l points. Electrical. Old house wiring a specailt;r.
Phil&. Phone, ll'Ilbert Ulil. Keith Bid•. See advertl.ement In thle laue. 1I,IlIlillistratioll j, strongly urged to 4.20 P.M.-Local to Paoli. Ask about oar three payment plan in·
8oli_b..Dr. John, Phone Narberth 118· W. HaU, Albert.. Spruce 7491.
Cor. GrayUng, and Windlor aTl., Land Title Bulldlng, Philadelphia, Pa, spi?l' the opportllllit.I·· for the greate~t 6.29 P.M.-For all points. eluding fixtures. Phone 1688 or 395W
OlDce Hour. Ul\tl1 9 P. ~. da111. N..h, Boiled J. Pboue, 101. im'pro\'oment that fi.ny one administra·
DRUGGI8TS Mouey tor Flr.t alld Second Ko~.a••L
8lmp80n. ilame. C. US lIl..e,. ave. tion eould begin. Tbis is urged not Sundays.
Ho_rd'•• Phone, UIT.
8ee advertl.em.nt In thl. \e8Il•• Phone, 816, or 1410 Che.tnut .l. m('rel~' from the point of view of im·
Mail arrives i.10 A. M.
ELBOTRICLUf8 REOREATION. pro\'ing tht' llppearnnce of the city, hut
, ':., -.Caee. W., O-.,PhQDe, 395~:-W-.
. See dlSJ)lay advertisement"ln tbls luue.
l'uah. Veri 211 Ioua an.
. Recreatlou Booin. No. 1 Forrest Ave.
See display advertlsement In thls 18sue.
also from thut of improving the \'alua·
tiou of city proper.ty."
~fail closcs 5.25 P. M.
James fratantoni &Sons
Nar. Phone. 8111-W, Ard, Phon.. II1-J.
a ....-MaOlDI.,. 00. Pbone, 1UI.W. Contractor. of
." IN&,URANOE. See dlllllla,. &4nrta.ement in tIla., lun..
. lIo,"-u. Samuel i>. (LI(e.) Hm.r. Job A. au Iona ave,. PbOll•• 111-01
lil IllIlD_ood an. Phoue, ...·W.
~tter8ro.. (Fire•• tc.)
Shop, 141 Ray.nord aTe. Pbon.. 1I11-.J
8BOmu.JEBiUI New laws nnll chnnges made to old
A vcil of \\'isp~· green, dulling the
1111 ·Wood.lde ave. Pbon., lin-a.
Wbller. W•• Wood. 106 ForHt "'YeDue. Good Wear Sboe Bepalr 8bop.,
Oon.tantlne. B. G. 252 lIavertord ave.
one~ will affect considernhly the elee·
glo'\\' of !!, fallillg horizon. A myHtpry
'. Phone. 826 R. Phone, Narbertb 1706·W. tions to be beld thi~ year in Pennsyl·
(lallipbe11, F:rankD. Automobile, Fire, etc, of grays.' The blue·black vault of in·
4, '.Stuart Ave. Phone. 8!l5·R. I"auin. This being an odd·nulllpered finite. spnce. Wh i"I)('ring- waves, h U;I' 239 Dampdea AYe., Narberth, Pa.
'l'he above department .hould be 01 lb.
'.. . ..... L.t.WYBB8
:'. ' . Glb'O:r; .Johll 111· Ill"ex ave; Phone. litI-It. sreate.t Wle to. til.. communlty~ tb.· Uat oon. yenr, tho eampaiglls will not start unt.i1 gry, phospborescent, conspiring. The JOBBING .• Phone
talQe the .n&Jil.e 0' eYer:r' pro(...lollallDau, late, for the primary election will not
":-,:." pbll"; &4dr.... 'LIDo.oln 'Bide. trademnan. m.obanlc,· .•hopk.eper" .to.. wb' silhouette of a .gbost "hip. slipping
,",,: ·1Itl. ., ·ra.teh..,W; 411 rfor4 aY" ,doe. or o&n In. all,.,,..&J'. a.m ..hls teUow.· be held until Septem11er 20, and the
::.. " .,,: P.b on\l:lll.W' p'bllL .ddr :al~. westwuru. A ·world of sky unl] water,
town"'"~tt.and"bo a. pro""'Y. inou.1I
l~;·· '.. ,LIGIl'J'INO nxTima .' to. add-name 'to It.tot 'R....~r.. . ' general election on November 8. silent, 'culm, IHlIllipotlmt. Suddenly u
.t",:" . McDOilald JobD.·· NarHnbllhonl. 1111. . All It. a., dimollit tor' tIlOll. ' .cilltrltlll\l...
:, :': , ,UII Oh••t" '.1;.
Phil.. Pboae, ep~o. liu. tbelr' *llD. :aD4' 11!0~to til.. ilJ'lI4110tliID o'
"O.ur '!:own" to pe~oil&lI"·.ltli.r boy ..
The're will :bo nO non-partisnn elec·
tions, 'Dwo years agot-be la wprQviding
ringing voice, .li8tinl't, eomll1nt\ding in
tone: . .
:('.'. " ~. '. ','MEATS" -liTO. Intervl.wall .BUoh•. ,It, wolllel be moiR'", b.lp.
\; .. 'Oifter;. K01lanl . r; Pboni. Uti. tv.l It thos. not now ,tound.IDtb. ''JIrtD~ for' Iioll-partisan elections in third·clnss Il Hey, you blnnkety·blank, dod· rot-
·;':·.:,""."e 4Iapl':,. a4vertl.••ment In, this .1_.. u.t ,..oul,4 ..nd In' ot tbttr ,11&III_ cities 'wnS repenled and thia .year the
{.',' '. . ' , l\ltJSIC . ao1dl'ell8, phon•. llUIDHn. aDdbualU__ . U ted, blinking blank-blanksl I 'been up
pro(.-!OQe tor llatlna'. Tble Will l!OiItu ·tOl.' non-partislin hiw for Pittsburgh', llnd in t,:h1s 'blatted crow's. nesttlve hours.
. ".ebou; ,Aun••. Vloiln Inltructlon. ,10_: 1.0:01l11ta tUb 1..... tv.rllln"':1 ....t-
'1'elepbOl\e,· ·.Narber,th 316·J,· . ,,for ',."eb .a4d1tlollal Ua.. ,.. .. Scranton .wnS rcpealed. "The Non~Par: ,Where thelim~in' hell'8 my-relieft"
, ·;:·:.:.,,;:;;:;:;~;,j:i;t<;·: ' ':,.:':"
, ',
.~ "::'", ',- -;-.'
-: ~"
'.,' . ,,:.' .... ''':"' ".'


candidates to join an expedition to the Iler its direction as may be needed to

Equator will find a worthy hody of ('arry on its work: an,1 to foster and
men, capahle of standing any amuunt maintain a fraternal spirit among the
people of our community.
of heat, alllong the players who par-
til'ipatel! in the Fonrth of .Tuly Tour-
ARTICLE III. Cotter's Meats'
HI'"tion I. Memhership. All personH
nallll'n!. Templ'raturc on the courts on residin~ in thl' Boroll~h of Xarberth Ilre
~[onllay not one de~ree II'HS thnn 207! ('li~ihl,' to nll'llIherHhip in this aRsoria-
t ion on payment of Hu"h ,lues and feeH
A Quality For
~Iul'h to his own disappointllll'nt, an,l as IHe hl'r('in Ret. forth, an,1 are entitled
, to attl'atl lIIe('tillgH of the assoriation
People Who
to thp tlisappointlllent of othl'rs, \Val-
t('r ~ha\\', 1II1'IIIlwr of last year's Dou-
and to a vail t hemselv('s of itR benefits.
Applil'ations for ml'mhl'r.hip in this as·
Want The Best
hIps Challlpionship team of Shaw and "flr'illtioa from pl'TSOnH not resielin~ in
L. Warwick, was unllhl" to play in thl' till' Borollgh of ;\arhl'rth Hhall he suh·
mitted to the Board of Directors, aH Groceriea and Promiona
Fourth of .July Tournallll'nt on al'l'ount hl'rl'inafter e<Jnstitllted, for approval,
of IIU injury (0 his right lpg, allll Oil s'H'h approval stu'h applirants
shall he It(]mitted to such elasses of
I~or God and COUIltO·. we associate our, Jllemhership in thiR assol'iation ns they
Kel'p YOllr eye on tbe mtings. There
Relves together for the following purposes: IIlay elpct, Hubjel't to the same dlles and
THE ENGLISH SPARROW AS A To uphold nnd def.. ,,,1 the Constitution of ar(' going to hp sOllie l'hanges soon! j"'l'~ as lire imposeel upon reHidl'nt mem·
PEST t1", "ulted ~Hates of America; to maintain
Inw and order; to foster and perpetuate The Boanl of Tru,tceH, whkh has in
hl'rs; provided, howe\'l'r, that nothing
herein 1'llIltainl'd Hhall he constrlled as
one hundred per cent, Americanism; to l'harge the devI'lopml'nt of the new ell'priving any prPHl'nt member of the Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Th,' dl'pJ'('daliolls of th,' 1':lIgli"h pr('serve the memories and Incidents of our u"'"o"iution in gooll stnntling of his or
HparftJ\\ hn\,' }H'I'Olllt' so . . ('riolls that assoclatlon In the Great War; to Inculcate "ourts and grounds, iH plannin~ Home her memherRhip therein. and Heating
a sense of Individual obllgatlon to tbe \'ery worth while improvements in the ~edion :!. ClaHses of Memhership.
the ;!O\'f'rnlllt'lit has ill\·PRti~llt('d Illt l

rommunlty. State and Nation; to combal ,·Iuh huilding. It is no easy matter to .'.fembership in this IlsHociation HhalI NARBERTH PA
suhjl',·t. lIlI']' ha" iR",,,·d a l,,,II1'till the lIutocracy of both tbe cln8ses and tbe I'onsist of voting members, contrihuting Phone, Narberth l602-J
filla"l'e and eonstruet a development
raIled, ., Th,' ElIj!li,h ~i'al'l''''' .IS a masses; to make right tbe master of memhers, sustaining members and hon-
PI's!." This bulll'lill, :\0. 4!I:t, is 1I\'ail- mlgbt; to promote peace and I{ood will on like the new court" and the Trustees orury memhers; provided, however, that
eartb; to safeguard and transmit to po~­ lIrc moving just as fast .tS th!'ir finan- honorary memberHhip shall he limited to
ahle III' refjlll'"t to the lll'p"rtl1ll'nt of
terHy tbe prlnclples of justice. freedom persons who have held other classes of
Agrirultun·. an,l t"'al, "ith th,' \ariolls
lJIl'thod, of rid,lillg a ,'ollllllllnit~· of
and democracy; to consecrate lind sanctify
our comradesblp by our devotion to mutual
pial resourrl's will permit.
I membership in the aHsociation and who
shall hnve removed from the Borough
Don't forget thc .Juniors" Tourna- A FULL LINE OF
thi . . t1UiSfiJlre. hel!,fulness,-Preamble to the ('onslltutlon of Narherth.
)Iosl ,·lIt·ollra/.:illg i, Iht, fad Ihllt of I be A merlran u.glon, mput for ~in~les and DoubleR, which ::-;el'tion .1. \'oting Privilege. All
paying nH'mhers of this aSRoeiation
starts "ext Monday afternoon, .July Stationer)', Magazln••, Candle.
fJ(Jl'kH ha\'1' hl'l'lI fOlllld to l,p quill' 101'111, shall hI' pri\'ileged to \'ote.
! J. The finals in hoth 1'0nteHtR will be
and iJlstl1l\1'('s aTfl rt'Jlortf'd of g-al'd(,l1~
Ol-'YICERS played next Saturday afternoon . .Tuly AHTICLE 1\'.
that "I'r,' fn',·,1 of "parro", h." trap-
IIi. Silver cups will be awanlcd thl' ket'tion 1. Dues. The annual dues
piJlJ!, n-nd rtllllllilll'd fft'(" th(ltl~h uf"igh
COMMANDER winners. of voting nl('m herH shall he one dollar GEO. WERNER
horing g'ardl'n" \\'t'rl' ,till infl'sl",!. .James W. Follin, ........ 312 Gra)'llng ($I.UO): of cQntrihuting memhers, two
Yariolls 1I\l'thodH or alfn,'king the \,ICE·COMMANDElHS eloHars ($2.00); of sustaining members, ART METAL WORKS
l"parrow lHt'lIH('(' art' rt\('(It1IIlIt'IIt1t'11 h~'
Irvin 'I'. Ward
Walter M. Burkhardt THE FIRESIDE five dolhrs ($;;.00) or more: paJabl!) at
the time appliration is recpived, and
441 Brookhurst, Ave., Narberth
tht ' gO\"t'rTlllJ{'llt. Till' :-',\'!-itt'lIIati.· clt''':- (Continued from page 1) annuallv thl'reafter ut the time of the 259 North Fifth Street.
truetiofl of tht"1if J1t'~ts t'\ t'f.\' 1r'lI oT Horace N, Compton annllal ·nll'eting. Market 0471, Philadelphia.
"HI\'(, ,lnys j, hl'll'fll!. Bnl h\' 1'''1' thl' PORT AD.Jl'TANT The lI\l'mherH of thl' )fetho,list Choir
ARTICLE V. We Furnish Refinish and Repair
hl'"t ml'thod is Ilu' II-t' of thl' gO\'l'rll- lIarr~' A. ~ll1lp"ou,." Phone. Narberlh ti3ti "ud thl'ir fri('lIds arp lit Vall('y Porgl'
Septio!l 1. Offirl'rs. The officers of Br3811 Bedsteads, Andiron Fenders,
nll'nt hnil,trap, dt's"l'ihl''' ill thl' hllll,', to,lay. elljo."inj! tht'ir annual outing. this as"o('intion shall he paying mem-
~I .. ellnl{s, fourtl, Friday of evpry moutb, Lamps, Chandeliers,
tin. Thi~ \\'lll'J;; :--hpllld onl.\" IH' under- hers, and shall consist of a President,
thn'e Virp·Prl'sidents, a Seeretary and B1'all8 and Bronze Railings, Grill811
taK"1I hy ntllllt-, lIlid till,," thol'ollj!hl\, T. C, Trott"r, .Ir.. i H hOllie, frolll
Church and Moving Picture Outfitll
familiar \I ith tlit' hirds, II""
to h" )Illine, "hpre hI' hooked "OI1Il' linl'
a Treasurer. and a Board of Directots
"onsistin~ of I:! ml'mherR. All shall be Electro Plating
trt11~' su(·(·(· ... :-iflll ('un.·l'rt pd ("1tfort in n ny truut, sahnon, an" othpr ('hrand:"," of P]epteel hy hallot. TIJl' President, the
rOtlllllllnit.\' is 111 0:-: t d(,:sirahh', Ih,' tinll,\' trihe. \"i'·e·Presidents, the Secretary and the
INGS. Trensur.'r shall hold office for a term
'Thprl' ar.. IIl1ln~' tO\\'lIS 'II"] \'illa/.:I's BELL PaoNs, Narberth 1266-W
(Continued from Page 1) of one (I) yenr. ~ () Di rectors shall be
in th .. !'nitl'd ~tatl" that ha,,' organ- )Ir. lin" )!r" II, F. :-;t,'\'ens, of pleetpel at the aanual meeting to be
ized hirel-l'lllhs. lInel riel thl'ir hOIllt'H 111'
gIl'S Tournament and is admittedly one
lIal'erford A\ "11111', I'"t,'rlained )lr. und hl'ld in the H'HI' 1!12!, alld at HIII't'l'Plling 'GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
bird enl'mil''', all'! 1Ill',\' nfl' wdl rl'paiel .'.Irs. F. C. ~lirean, of Doylestowu, I'a .. allllunl meetings in the years 1922, 1923
for their eft·ort. )I ..riell'n. ;\I'W Hamp-
of the hl'st players in the Association,
lit un illforlllal "iuller Tupsd",Y ,'\'('n- anel 19:?4, four Dirertors shall be eled· -CoDtractor and Builder-
Rut "tllere arl' others" not far be- eel in ('al'h yenr for the following terms
shire has he"lInll' a falllllUH hirel·"alu·- ing'. of oflipe: t\\'o for :! years, one for 3 Gar".e Sui/dinll II Specialty
hinll him, aUII hl' may expect t>o have
tu"r~', ,,'ith Ih,' rl',ull that gl'l'at flll"KH
of "hi"kadl"''', I'"rplp filll·hl's. ,·rl1"s·hills
t a do "ollie hard playing to bold his
:\Ji~s Fauuifl HPIIlOU, of Pasndl'lIu,
yparH, .lIld 0111' for 4 yl'ars.
81'ction 2, Executive Commit.tee. The
420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, rl.
lea,!. And the same may he said for
anl! jllnl'ns ,,'inl"r all'] j'l'l'el th,·tt,. ant! California. hilS IlI'l'n \ isiting; her ('ou8i" ! Boar,1 of DiredorH shall choose from
holders of other positions all the way their nllmh,'r four persolls, who, with
are :11'\ tUUlfl nR our squirf('ls or pigeolls. )IrR. GertruI!1' !lpn"erson, of J)udley
'lown the line. the Presi,]eat of the association, shall
)fl'lIntiml' thl' first ,tl'l' in th .. rig-ht
Xo. 1 positiou in the list woulll have
A \'I'nul', for till' past w(,l'll, !wfurl' ,'ollst.itlltl' nn Exec'uth't' Committe, of NOT:J:OE
dirpt·tioll is to ~('lId for Ihf' g"()\ ("1I'lIl1lo('l1t saili\lg' for Europl'. whil'h th n Presic1Pllt Hhall be Chairman,
~~nl' to 1.t. Com. Vltn Auken, U. S. N.,
hulll'tin, follow dir,,"'iolls, alld ,,'I' to
it thnt at ]1''' HI thi" 'alk\' fll!'L'iglll'r I
\\'ho won last year 'H Singles Champion-
ship, hut for the fart that he has been
We 1I0tic,'d last \I'l'ek ill ., )fusic" I
whi,·h eonllaittl'e shall have power to
trauHad allY hllHinl'ss of the Board;
prO\'ideel, that an.v ad Ilone hy them
Narberth Ta~ Service
r,PJJ1ains \\'ithollt Ill<' !Jllllndnril'" of our Patrfck F. ['onahue
..\ IIIrriea,' J 011(' of t lJt' hl'st antl HUlst ,hall he suhjert to the Ilpproval of the
assigned to "'a ,Iuty anel will he away
for some timl'. I'ritiral mURi"al nlll/.:azinl's of the "OUII, Bonnl of Direptors. A uthoriud Taxi Service. by Certifi-
try, a most fll\'urHhle writ(,-up 011 tllp Hl'('tioll 3, Meetings of the Board. cate from Public ~r.,vlce Commls.
Thp rating liHt as posted on the .100, dated November J6, J920.
X'ubl'rth Choral ~ol·il'ty. Thl're shall 1)(' regular meetings of the
Assol'iation Bul/din Boar,l on Fourth Board )f Direl'tors at stated times, as Tad meet. all traios.
TO THE DEALER THE SPOn,l5 of .July, foIlO\,,": (As t.he players go ,Iet€rmincd hy th!' Board: provided, Store orden promJ tly called for and
PIl·Jlt~· of !l"l1l101l:ld£l, i('(-"('J"(':l III , and I however, tllllt surh meetings shalI be delivered. Ba.ffage called for ud
"I' and ,Iown in thl' list the changes in delivered. Freight delivered.
t'nkp, dnll('iJlg nud suc'h, at tht' Lawn helel at lrast onl'e a month, exeepting
" About the best game of poker I p"Hition will hl' notcd in these col-
ulllns.) FI'II'. Tit Urs(III.\', .Jul,\' 14, fro III :! to dllring thl' months of .July and AuguHt.
The President shaH have the authority
Open Day and Night Phone IW
ever saw was back in the West in the II P. )1" on ~hirlp,\' Boad and Han'r-
l-Grugan to "nll spepial meptings of the Board of
'50 's," related the old timer. " The ford a \'ellUI'.
2-1.. Warn-ick Dil'l'dor," lit SII"h times as the business
cards were dealt and the pot opened aud interl'Hts of the association may re-
for $5. Carson and Devlin and I Alnon~ tht· :\,111111 odd residl'lIt" of
'Iuire; pro\'ided, however, thnt at least
.J.-Sha\\' forty-ei~ht (48) hourR' notice in writ-
stayed, each man taking one card. Then our Borough \I'It" prohah!,\' "Oil]'! ha\'('
:i-MrCahill ing shall he ¢ven earh memher of the
the betting started. The amount was ~OJl() OVl'r 10 .Jer~(l~· Cit;: lu:-ot :--;aturtlny Board of Di n'!'tors of sueh special meet·
tilted back and forth a few times until to witllesH thl' lil1ll' atfuir between ingH.
there was $10,000 in the center of the )I,'ssr~. Dellll,se.\' and Carpentier if thp)" Seetiou 4. Orde~ of Business. At the
8-WiIliams alJnual nft, •• ting- of t.hl' lls~()('iatillu. and
table. Devlin was betting hog wild and had had the opportunity, it Sl'l'IlIH hut r .. aet:i5 'tifIJ%
9-Pattison at the IIll'eting of the Board of Direc- . Actual ()ye1'ltrenlrfh
wound the pot IIp by boosting it $2,500 fuir to repord the f"d that among the
IO-Xewell tors, the order of business shall he as In • Hellinger EStr."
'with both Carson and me calling." !II.IIOII who a,.luall~'· Wl'r(' tlH'rl' wa' follows: PIT Tlreo' J)anl'er at
ll-l\frKell .tOIlIl llralse or blow-
1/ And did Devlin win f" asked one
12-Hall tl'eTl'an,'1' Connl'lI, .John Dialllond and 1. Roll call. , Dutl b redueedto •
of the interested listeners. Rohl'rt Ha viii. 2. Heading of the minuteH. IIlInlmum. M:eDlneer Ed,. I
13-1lusehnmp :1. Hp,lrt"t, l,r 1I(]j,·.. rs. 1'17 Tirel are Band Hade I
1/ No," chuckled the 'Old man. "Dev-
I.J.-Krusc 4. Reports of committees.
of Super-Vltallzed. Whit II
Rubber-have thO •

lin wasn't, dealing. ' ,
15-Bailey :i. l'nfinished husinl'ss. 'tread arl~ar.
HI-W. D, R, Evans Ii. ~(\W hlJHil1(\:-:~.
7. ~ominations and (']('dion of of-
R. Adjournment.
8000 MILES
Our repl'eIenfatlvl' WI1I tell, ~
TION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS. Ill-Bacr the lavInl' ,"ou make In lIu:riDll'
20-Rrnnlin ARTICLE VI. 1IIe1liD1'erTIra. Also ask abollt
~l-Hartley Sel'tion :!. Rpecilll Meetings. There
President-Mrs. R. .J. Rolston, Fori
Washington. :?2-J.ittll' shalI hI' no other state,l meetin~s of
the nSRociation, hut ull'etings shalI be DJSTRIBUTED Era.USIVELY BY
Vice·President-Mrs. A. Hamiltoll, :!:l-E. Towne "ulIl'd hv the Prcsillent nt flny time
Cynwyd. 2.J.-W. W. EVl),ns upon tho request of the Board' of Di· WALKER LOWEN
2;'-W. Wright J"(I(·tor or of thp Excc'utiyp ('Ollllllitt(ip,
Secretary-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Nar- 1526 Dudley Ave.
or upon the written request of ten (10)
berth. 2f>--E, Warwick
paying memhers, who shall Rtate in
Trea~llrl'r-Mrs. E. GUllebrodl', Poll~· Tennis Notes. writing the purpose for which they de-
town. srientitic' society looking for si re thl' !Ueeting to he calIed.
Sl'ction :l. Xotice of :Meetin~s. When-
('\'1'1' a meeting is to he called it shall
he the duty of the Secretary to issue
CONSTITUTIO'N OF THE a notiee of the, time, place and object oua PRODUcTs ARI! GUAIIANTEED ,!

NARBERTH OIVIO of such 111eeting. Such notice shall be UNDER BACTERIOLOGI,CAL CONTROL
~ . .'. .
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP ASSOOIATION. issued us long before the date of the
meeting as rircumstances permit in or·
in the Garden Club ot the Narberth Oivic Association p . .learlzed Milk , DELlYERJ§~
ARTICLE I. der'that all memhers shnll have rea-
sonahle opportunity to attend the meet'· BryDel~vlll' Certified WEST PHI LA,
Section 1. Nnme. The nUnH! of this Milk
Name organization shall he The Narberth ing, but in no cnse shall a meeting be (PedrlalieSoelely) OVEIIBIIOOK
Civic ASRociritiou. convened on less than twenty-four (24) MERION
hours' notice. Speelal .. GaerDlI'ey ..
Addres/:I ,.....•....... ~ ...........•• ARTICLE: n. Section 4. Quorum ofl\fembers.
M,IIk - W~Et.ELD
Se~tion 1. Object. The objllet of this Twenty paying menihers shall consti· (a~b?,.~:I::rrPlesll'· ~ALA>.CYNWY
;;'::, '," I am......•••. a pa.ying member of the Oivic Assliciation . t' h 11 b' t' ' , ' "d tute a quorum. ' NARBERTH'
aSBoelll l!In sa., e 0 im.\lroVe ,an Cream BatlermlQc
:,~:,~,t,'''':: ' •... ,.'"" ". ",., .'....• , .•• ,., •.• , •• ",. ". , ..• ,..................
beautify tho Borough and vieinity; to
assistan.l to eo-operute with the author-
Table ,_d WblpplDU
Section 1. Amendments. This eonsti.'CreaDl~, ' ';,

~i ', :e:~~~o~~~~=~,1:~f;~~~~;e=s:;~~~~im~t~r~~~:~~~·b~fte~:~:\~~l::~o~~:~~ ~~~~n(jt:~o~ti~~~~d::t~:~be~:;r~l SflOrtpOWCL.'L 0'':'A'I'Rlel'

' ities' in E>nforeing •laws and ordinances;


,:,>.~,,. :".~" " )"ear'lI duGS'

" "
-Box 118, Narb~rth
" '
. ~t!c.ui~i:gW~::;'dl~s~~~~~in~'~~a:;m~~ :hfrt;nt30)n:~;:~ n~~ill:t~'w:i~r:~d~~
' t i o , n on nny:subjlletof general inter· ' the meeting and of thepropos,ed nmend~
, II ,lt~,,', ,II" .: .•' " Ii~
,,' '" , ,
:/, , est; to'form' s~ch /:Iubsidiary,bodiesUll- inents IIha11' haveb(le\:l given.' 48th'and PalTlsh.StiJ.


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