Our Town June 4, 1921

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Send In Fireside

Final Choral Concert

Items June 10th


Garden Party For Spring Flower Show

You Won't Want To Miss This Community Club To Be Held Today
Of the 1;';0 memhers of the \\'omen's 'rhe Annual Spring Flo\\'er Show will
Community Cluh of Xarherth, it is ex· he hel,] today in the eOllllllunitj' room of
BOY PRODIGY ONE OF BIG FEATURES. peete'] that a majority will attewl the the Y. 1\1. C. A. building.
Unl'l]en p.art~· to he gi\'en next Tuesday \\'ith forty ,]itrerent c1asse~, coYering
from 2.00 until 5.00 0 'clock on the la\\'ll lIearl~" ('\'er~' kin<1 of ayailnhle flo\\'er,
of :Mrs. Harry A .•Tacobs, Elmwoo!l a\·e· an ',pp"l't unity is :d1'ol'llL"] ('\'el'yolle to
THE FIRESIDE nue and \Ynlllewooll Hoad.
'rhc proceeds of the Gardl'n Party
I'arlil'ipatl' ill the exhihit.
A Plant. EXl'hallge, similar to that
will be turned over to the Buil,ling ,tartI'd last. year, \\'ill he a feature of
Have youI' mail of all classes address- Fund, aH the \\'OIlll'U of the Cluh arc this sho\\'. Dring ~'ollr spare plants,
e,] to sti'eet and numbcr. makillg every dIol't to rai'e the reo ,:i\'isioIlS or dUlllps of perl'unials or
quire,] amount \\'herl' definite adion can '''l',lIillg'S of :,nnuals and exchange them.
DOli 'I. forget the Garden Party 'rues· he taken in starting a COlilmunity I I' they (':111 'I. ],e I'xehangeLl, thl'~' lIIay
,];1)' Building. I.e sold to heip tlefray expensl's.
As the Communit.y Buil,]ing \\'ill be Brillg' your flowers to the Conlluity
::\Irs. :-;u~an D. Brooks will he the not only for the u,e of the melll bl'rs, 1/00111 today lH't\\'een I:.! and 1. .Tudg-
hOIl,e gllest of ::\11'. all'] ::\Irs. .Tohn B. hut for the cOlllmunity at large, the iIIg, ] to :L Show ope II :1 to ii in the
Brooks during the llIonth of .June. horough will greatly bellefit by sueh an afternoon and 7 to !l in tIll' evening.
important un<lel'tnking, and it is ear- Hihhons will he al\'llrl]e,] to \\"iuners
.Tllnc 10, {'oneert of Choral Society nestly desire(] that all fri('11I1, of the of first, se('oll'] and thil'll pla('e in all
I\'ill hc 11llrinll",] lIIu,;i('al treat for Xar, lIlcmhers of the Club, togethl'r with the "1a,;,;es, :\lIl] cash prizl's for the chil-
Cluh melllbers, participate ill this d 1'(111 's e lass(~r-;.
worthy eause. 0111' Garden Clu], Comlllitt('e hns ],een
If y(lIir Comlllunity Cluh fl'il'nd has fortuuatt' ill Sll(~t1ring' a:-, .inllg'l~s l\rr.
~II'';..1ohn B. Brooks rl'turne,] on Sat,
not ha;] th" opportunity of a~king you Hugh Balfour Barela~', COII,ulting Gar-
urd:l \' fl'(l II I :I 1I',,('k', \'i,it to h"r ~ister jll attL'I"I, jlld rl'lIIindh"r (If the faet dl'I!"r, of XarlH'l'th; 1\11'. ,Tames BO~'d,
ill C'ranhurj', X ..r. 11l:lt :-·1111 will JlIl'l't her Oil the gTlllll1l1s I'r",ident of the P,,"lsyIYania Hortic1l1-
next '1'uesday. lural S,)('iety, and Prof. Frank B.
Elltl'I'taillnll'lIt alld I'efrl'shllll'nt, 11a\'e ~ll'yer, Manager of ::\IO\'ilJa Gardens,
~iJ·". .Tohn B. ::\lillitt, of Ta('oIlY, is Ill'l'n pl:lnlll·d alld lila ".\" other illterpst, H:I\'('rfol'd, l'a.
,";11t'Jldillg: :-'{'\"t'ral Wl'(lk~ with her tlaugh- ill" adi\'iti"s will Illake thl' aft,'\'uoon
t"r, ::\11'''. Ed\\'an] Gilli" of DII,]le~' a\'e, Classes of Exhibits.
a ~Illl,t pl"asant di\'ersion, as \1'1'11 us
llue. lI'ivilll r your ~llpP(lrt to the l'a\l~l\, whi(~h
Class I-Best individual white or
~'ill t'l~';\{'fit hoth th,' Cluh and the eOIll- (~l'e:l1n roso.

::\11'. all,] ~ll's..Tohll B. Bro(\ks ('nter· ullit~, at large. Class 2-Bcst individual pink rose.
I:i illl'd at dinllL'r ~llllll]a~' e\"'lIing' at .lost ,et the aftl'l'I1oon apart :1I1<] he Class 3-Best illdiviuual red rose.
thL' Ovc'rhrook Golf Cluh. Co\'ers wcrc on hand, \l'h<'lh('r_~'llu arc a mpmber or
Class {-Best indivi,lual rose not in-
John Richardson. lai,l for five. ani a fr'il'lld of aJl~· llIPJllhcr Wh0111 you
III ig'ht IIl1'eI that a ftl'rnOOI!. e1udeu in Classes, 1, 2 :ulll 3.
The program for th,· XAHBEWI'H ClIOH,\L ~()l'IETY'~ last "oll",'rt of the Tht' Hartlen Part\' i:-; hl\jJlo' rriven hv Class ii-Best l'olleetion of white or
~ensoll ill Xarh"rth oil Frida~' p\','lIillg, .lIlJlP III, ill thl' ~"hool Auditoriulll win 'I'hl' COllllllunitv Cluh \\'ill JIIeet Oil ::\[rs. 1\lilton Alexall',]el' alld SII~. Harr)O eream ro,es (any numher).
(]e]ight its audi"II"" \\'ith thl' follo\\'illg attr:ll·ti\'" ",]Pdioll';; th" lall"lI of ::\[r~. II. A. .1:)(·0],s next A. •J:I<·"h". a,;,;istl'd ],~' 'Ollie of the
'l'Ul',<I:I\' for au afternoon of out<]oor Class O-Be,t collection of pink roses
PAHT 1. 1Il"ll11i"I'S of tl\(' .luuior Cluh.
,port,.' In ('ase of rain the g-arden (any numher).
O\'erture-"::\Iaritalla" , , , "'. Y. \Yannee
I'art~' \\'i11 he h"lL] the next e!"ar day. ClaSH 7-Best collection of yellow
:1'. Allllerton
Chorus-" The \Yre"k of the Hesp('rus"
Violin Solo
::\\asl<'r .TohJl Hi"hardsoll
,.,.' .. S"leeted Daylight Saving to be rose~ (nny number).
Class 8-Best collection of re,1 roses
l\Iale Chorus-Cal "Las,ie 0' ::\lilll·"
(h) "\'olg'a Boat ~OJlg"
, , .. E,l\\'. J. \Valt
"\. '1'. Huhetr-
::\Ir. Georg'e H. Giffon] :1111] ::\11'. Her-
hert GifIon] were \'isitors in Xarhel'th
la,t \\'l'el" ::\rr. G('orge Gifford, who
Observed Here (any number).
Piano Solo Selected Class !l-Best eolleetion of climbing
fOl'lllerl~' liv,"] in Xarherth, has }JUI'- Borough Council Passes Ordinance
Earl Ikatt\' eh:(f(ld :~ htl:-5ine:--:-~ il.. :a('k~oIlYille, J'hl.
I'O"'S, any "0101', all one vnriety.
Chorus'-" Greeting's to :-lpring" : ",., , ..Tohalln Strauss Providing for Change in Tinle. Class 10-Best collection of climhing
PAWl' n.
"\I. a sp(,l'ial 1lIl'etillg of the Xal'herth roses, mix",] varicties an,} colors.
Orchestra-" IIi n Pagoda" , , ....•.. E,]\\,. Brattoll
On the afternooll of May :lIst a card Borolig'h C0111H'il Thl1l'stla~:" c"euing, CIa,;,; II-Best exhihit of single rose.s,
La(lies' ChOl'lI'-( a) "ChCl'rfullless" ,." ' V. Gumhert
(h) "::\Iallllll~'" Lullahy" Ih'ol':lk', HUlllel'eske party was gin'lI 1J~' ::\Irs. E. S. Taylor ~ra~o 2lith, a spl'('i:11 ol'l]illauce was pass,
alld ::\I1's. X. C. Ho\\'ll''' on ::\[r,. 'raylor's any "0101', all one varietr.
Violin Solo Selecte,l l'd to ]ll'o\'ide for daylight saYing dur- Class 12-Best exhibit of single roses,
lawn, fllr tI)(, helll'\i't or the huilding illg the 1lIlinths of .IIIIIl', .Tuly, August
::\Ia'tl'r ,Tohll Hi"ha 1'l1"'11 fund of the \Volllan's COllllllunity Cluh. lIIixeLl varieties anLl colors.
Chorus-(a) "::\Il',l1e~' fl'olll thl' ~outh" , H. Pike aud Septl'llIher.
~ixty ladies \\'('rc prescnt. 'J'he ol'dinanl'e st.ates that the rule Clnss ]:j-Best exhibit of mixed roses.
(h) "01' Ca I' 'lin a " Ta nil's Frallds Cooke
(Arrange,] especially for the Xarhcrth Choral ~o('il'ly h~' the COllljloser) will take efIect on thl' first Sunda\' in Class H-Best exhihit of peonies
Orehestm-" PUllehinello" Vietor Herhert .Tulle and continue until the la,;t ;"un,
Ohjl'et ions on the part. of a fel\' prop' (white).
Chorus-"'rhe \'illag,· Hlaekslllith" '" C. F. Xores day iu' ~l'ptelllhl'l', and that all tUIIC·
l'rtr 'o\\'ners to the lo('ations designated tiou" and a..ti\'ities ill the horough shall Class I;;-Best exhihit of peonies
:Mueh interest all,l l'lIthusiasllI is hl'illg' sholl'll h~' 1'1(':11 IIlusieians alld music hy the Borough Couneil for thc street he "o\'l'l'nl'd, J'('gulate,] an'] "ontl'olled (pinl,).
lovers in the treat prolllised h~' thL' appearalll'L' of ::\1:,,'1<'1' .Tohn HiehaJ'(]son at
this concert. Ma,tl'r Hiehan]soll i' olll~' 1~ yl'ar, of age, hut has prohahly made
ll'tter hoxes lIIay I'esult in the Post
Oll;"e DL'partl1lcllt reea11illg' the or,]er
'It\' till'stalldard of timl' that they have Class 10-Best exhibit of peonies
a~opted. .
as muny aplwarallel'S, in l'roportioll, ill thl' ~'L'ar,; hl' has aequirL"] falllL', to those to e"tahli'h co11e"t.ioll ser\'ice in Nar, (red).
made b~" the matur!' eel"hriti!', of th!' ,·oulltr.\'. herth. Class ]7-Be~t exhibit of peonies
The Choral Man:lI~(,lIIent \I'olll,] al'l'l'l"'i:lte all h"I,],'rs of tick!'!s to he ~!'ated JUNIORS. (mixed colors).
in the au,litorilllll hy K 0 'el,)('k Sl' that th,' oy('rllo\\, at thc ']001' will lIot fill the ::\Ii,;,; (;ertnH]e Ely, of Bryn 1\1awr, Class IS-Best exhihit of larkspur
chnir~ of those \\'ho \\'ill han' IHlr,·has('d ti,']'\'ts ill :I<1\'all'·l'. :ul{lre:-::-,c(l a llll'cting' of "·OJlII.~n voters Hcmem her thL' last OUI'? Of eourse (Delphinium), light hlue.
This is Xal'hel'th's la,t Juu,i<-al tn'at for th,' ,,'a~(In. DON ''1' :MIS8 1'1'! \\'"dneSl]a" arternoon at the hallie of \\'e kno\\' the qu!'stion to he a foolish
FIUDAY EYEXIXG, .Tl'XE ](I, SCHOOL ;\l'DI'l'OHlI"::\I, S.H; O·CLOCK. ::\lrs. "\. D:
Burns, on \Voodside avenue. (Jill', for the falllP of that last .rnlliol'
Class l!l-Best exhibit of larkspur
(Delphinium), Llark blue.
'fhe lllel'tin" I\'as held under thc au' Danee is still rl'soulI,]iug through the
"pi('es of t.h';; Dl'lIlo(,l'Jltic Club of Xar· tOIl'II. All<] so, as a \\'ind,up to a mo,t

Open New Courts 01 Choral Evensong at herth. ~1l('('essf1l1 SP:lSOll, the ~Tl1Hior:-; arc go·
ing to have a 10YL'I~o .Tune Dalll'e, \\"hil'h
will he I'haraetl'rize,] hy the same
(Continued on Page 4.)
'1'he ::\lisses Huth all<1 Esther Dur·
Tennis Association All Saints Church horo\\', of EIIII\\,ool] avenue, returned
last \Yednesday 1'1'0111 a three,weeks'
"pcp," nrtistil'ness au,] g;IO(] lIIusie as
the last ,]anee gi\'en several llIonths High School Students
trip to Eric, Pittshurgh and Cleveland,

(Continued' on Page 4.)

Get YOUI' tiekets frOlll anv .Tunior-
one doilar and a half tieket ;ll]lIIits tl\'O
Present Annual Play
WEEK-END TO CHRISTEN PRIZES FOR THEIR -and he on hand at. gllll Hall, Satur·
CO-OPERATION ,lay e\'ening, .lune 11th, at. tUlO P. 1\1., "HICKS AT COLLEGE" GIVEN BY
for a truly wonderful tilllc.
The choir (,I' All Saiuts' Chun']l, HIGH SCHOOL.
The Narberth Tennis Association CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
~[{)lItgoml'IT nnd \\'ynuewootl Ayellul'S, BACCALAUREATE SERMON.
"opened its new home" OYer last week- Those who were unfortunate enough
end. This is to say, members of the Il'ill hring' to a dilllax a lllu,;t succcss,
I'ul lIIus;',':11 seasoll tomorrow night, lit Two cents per word It cash accom- to have misse<1 the Sellior Play last Fri-
Association played on the new courts panies advertisement; otherwise. five The allnual baccalaureate sermon to ,]ar evening al'L' st.ill a\\'are 0'1' t.he fnct
at Hnverford and Montgomery ave, l'ight a '"lock. tlll' graduatiug dasl< of the High School
The ~L'niol' Choir, assisted by the cents per word. that th"y are unfortunate. \\'hr'l Be-
nul'S for the first time last Sa turday \\'ilI be given in the Narberth Presby- cause since Il\st Jo'ridny evening they
and :Monday. 130,\" C'hoir, will reuder at this' time Il'rian Chureh all Suntlay evelling, .June ha \'e heal'll nothing but gooLl things
It ha,l been hoped that it would be t hl'ir final sel'\'ice of the season, which ,:th, at 8.00 P. M.
will consist of a Illllllber of well-lmo\\'n YOUR PIANO is worth regular tuniug. ahout the "Big Show." Too ll1uch
possible to use all seven of the new Xeglect invites moth damage and re- 'Phl' sermon will he preached hy the credit cannot he given to the Seniors
courts, but the \\'et weather during ~n<1 beautiful allthCllls. Hll\". ~Johu Yan Xes~. B,"erVOllC is eoI'·
pair hills. T\\'ent.y years' experience
May interfered so much with the con- At this time also, IHir-es will he
coverillg eyery detail of repairs and diall)' illviteLl to this servi~e.
:I\\'arded the boys of the .Junior Choir (Continued on Pnl!e 4)
struction work that it was pos~ible to player pianos. Phone Xarhel'th 12;';5 J.
play on only thrce of the courts last 1'01' their excl'·lIeilt work and assistunce.'
'1'he program, pre~entl'd under the Ueorge Ahele. (35-p)
week·end. But these three proved to

(Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 4.)

WANTED-\Yoman to do houseclean-
ing, one ,lay u week. Mrs. A. Hall,
\\'iJlllsor and Wynnewood aves. (34.p)
Fixed Meeting Dates.
BABY COACH, Bloch reversihle model.
First' class c{J]ll]itioll. \V. C.•Tohnson, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
85 WilH]Hor a\,e. (:H·p)
Borough Connell Monthly-Second Monday Council Chamber
Narberth Bldg. and Loan Ass'n Monthly-First Thursday Council Chamber COMPLETE DINING ROOM SET, hanel Meets
American Legion Bldg. & L'n Ass'n Monthly-First Tuesday Legion BUilding carved. paintcd blue lIlII] white. Glass
top oval tahle, huffd, sl'I'\'ing' table,
Narberth Civic Association
Narberth Fire Company
Monthly-Third Thursday Council Chamber
Monthly-Last Tuesday Fire House '
cellarette. lin'] six I'ush hot tom chairs THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 9th
for sale. ~\lso blue axminster rug', 7.tix!l.
Narberth Choral Society Weekly-Monday EveningsY. M. C. A. :\Iay he seen hy appoiutment. Phone
~arh"rth tij(; auy eveuillg next wl'dt,
At Y. M. C. A.
hl'tween 1i.:10 and 7.:iO. (34-p)
Date. Name of Organization and Event, Place Hour _ .. ---- .... -- Interesting Discussions. Prominent Speaker. Social Hour
LOST~FiHher fur hOIl, hetwecn Elm-
June 4 •... Sprillg Flower Show ......•..Communit~· Room •....•... 3.00 P. M. woo,] Ilvenue and Xarherth Station, on
'I'ue,,]ay, May :il. Will finder please You ATe Urged to Attend
June 7 .... Community Club Garden Party .Elmwood and Wynnewood .• 2.00 P. M. notify Wheder, telephone 077-.H (:H,p)
.June 10 .••• Choral Society Concert •..... .school Auditoriulll ....•••• 8.00 P. M. Tickets on Application at any of the Stores
June 12 .••• Bac(~aluurente Sermon ...•••.. Preshyterian Church........ 8.00 P. l\I. CAR SPACE, corner of Price avcnue
June 13 .•.. AlulIlni A~so. Social Meeting.Sehool Auditoriulll .••••.•• and Xarbrook Park. Phone Narberth
8.00 P. Y. 1241-R. (35·p)
= ot course, "e
'Ware the Fly
11 lace - &111
DANCE. 1268 time.
Ol'"ned and Published every Saturday SOME FIGURES ABOUT THE MUSCA
. , the Narberth Civic Association. One of the ]uost successful dances DOMESTICA, FLYDOM'S WORST
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
ever conducted in Narberth was that
Subscription price one dollar and fifty which was hellIon 'l'hursllay evening, A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
cents per year in adv.ance. ::\[a~' ;llith, un(ler the nuspices of the A general des{'ription has been sent
loeal council of the American Associa-
tion for the Hecognition of the Irish out to all residents of the ,Mn in Lino
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH Hepuhlic. Every ticket which wns is· by the General Fly Campaign Com-
CIVIC ASSOCIATION sucll for the affllir was solll before the mittee of one of the grelltest l1Iurllen'r.,
,e\'(~ning of the dance, with the result
March 31, 1921
President ........•... George A. Mahl
Viee.President .•...... Joseph H. Nash
that the c~lsh allmissions represent ell a
VI'I'.\' considerable part of the total at·
of infants known to science.
description is of ~Iusca Don!l'lstica, eOln,
Viee·President ....•. Augustus J. Loos tl'llllance. !llOnly known as the hOllsc l1y. TO HELP BOOST YOUR HOME TOWN!
Viee·President .....• 1\11'5. C. P. Fowler The proceeds was for the benefit of Ht~ should 1I0t be COli fused with the
Treasurer Miss 1\Iaizie J. Simpson the fund whieh is being acquired to bi,tillg house, blue hottle, gn'en hottle, AND TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO AN EXCEPTIONALLY
Secretary Robert J. Edgar puhlish the sille of the hish Hcpublic PLEASANT TRIP!
to the American nation) and the large little house, dnl'gar, chcl'sl', fruit, or
Directors, to serve until ] 923: Mrs. lIul\lher of visitors, from the borough latrille flies, he('lluse he is tIll' gn'atl'st
Robert P. Wood, J. Garfield Atherholt,
1. A. Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick,
allll all parts of the township, reflecte,l
the great interest which the Irish situ'
spreader of dispase llllt! lll'stro~-er of The Narberth Choral Society
A. E. Wohlert, Philip A. Livingston. lifl' in all 11.\'t!OIIl.
atioll has for the general public. Has been paid a mighty big compliment in receiving the invitation to
Directors, to serve until 1922: J. J. Thl' program was alternated with He is tlill'i('ult to ('atch hl','aus" his
Cabrey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, officially open the musical season at the Steel Pier, Atlantic City,
AlIIl'rican an(l Irish dances aud those 11l'1ld is o('('upie,1 h~' se\'eral th(lusantl
C. n. A. Chain, W. R. D. HaJJ, Harry ,\'110 were not previously fallliliar with e~'l's. The prl,hos"is protullillg' _ frolll
on SUNDAY, JUNE 19th, by repeating their splendid
A. Jacobs. thc Celtic steps expressed great apIHl, success, "THE ROSE MAIDEN."
the ullder alld ha('k part of tIl(' hpad j;,
l·iation of the treat which was accoTllell
thelll. ~Iessrs. Hanlon, ]o'lellling aud !\Ic· the most intercstillg part of th,' fl~-.
:->orlev forlllcd the COllllllittee which ar· :-;lIdion is ]ll'rforllll'll by the pharynx A Special Train
Editor. lang,:,] thc alTair anll their efforts \I'ere all<1 the suhstance is drawn into the Will leave Narberth at ONE O'CLOCK SUNDAY AFTERNOON (19th)
,------- --------- aldy SCl'OIl,/Pd hy a corps of ladies who (Il'sol'lIagus, tolwl'outiullpd through the Returning, leave Atlantic City at eleven that evening
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, pro\-idcl] thl' rl'freshllll'nts anll lent ef,
cashier. fcdivc aid in accolllplishing a hospit- narrow IIcl·k illto th,' thorax. If thl' Round trip ticket, $5.18.
ahle allll highly lll'lightful occasion, food is solid it IIlust Jirst he dissolve<1
1 hrollgh thl' I[(;t iOIl llf sali"l' s"('rl't,'-1 THE CHORUS WILL GREATLY APPRECIATE
8end all advertising and news items to
I,~- the sllli va 1'.\' g-lalllls or redu('ed to THE INTEREST YOU SHOW BY GOING
I' O. Box 966. WEDDINGS
\-('r.\· millllte partic]e;;, ALONG. THEIR EFFORTS WELL MERIT THIS
Our Town is on sale at the depot
compton-Edick l"rom the nop f(lod is freqlll'utl,l' CO·OPERATION.
GI'wsstand, and at the store of H. E.
Olivis. l't\gul'g-ita1 ed, aPI't'nrillg n.1 the I11l111t 11 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVENIENCE, RESERVATIONS CAN BE
Tlit· ~[ethollist Episcopal Chun·.h was
Entered as second-class matter th" Sl·,'nl' of a p!'l'tty wedding \\'l"!IlCS- parts in the forlll of slllall glohull's. to MADE AT OUR NARBER'fH OFFICE, OR THROUGH
October 15, 1914, at the POst Office r.t da~' at1l'rlloon . •llInl' 1st, \\"h,'n .\11'5, he agaill deHlIll'cti III thc insl'l·t '5 lei-
"Iarherth, ppnnsylvania, under the act 1"lon'IIl'" :-;a 11 ford 1':,Lic k h"t'a nll' the sllrl'. It is this hahit of rcgurgitation,
"rid" of :'1\1'. Hohl'rt Cll1l1ptoll, ~Jrs, MR. WILLIAM J. HENDERSON
of March. \8i9, or \·,"uitillg, whi('h n'IIIj,'rs Hi,'s ex-
lIol\'ar.l llotl'lllall san~ I . Uh, I'nJllli,,' BE SURE TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW!
:\1"." all,l the hri<1al l,air I'lltl're,1 to treu,ely ohjl'ctiouald(' 1'1'0111 a sauitar~'
thl' straills of tl", "I,oh,'n~rill" \\"1'11- stll!ldpoillt, pllrti('"larl~' as th(' 40111-
OUR TOWN will gladly print
&I1y news it~m about any subject
dill;! ~Iar<'h, plaYl'(l hy :'IiI'S. Edl\'ard
~tal1lt'.\·. The (·(lI"l'IIlOJl.V ,,'a~ J!Pl't'OI'IllPti
h.\' thl' l'astor, thl' Hl'1'. Arthur ~,
a('h ('on1l'nts arc nhtaiul'd in IIIOst ill-
s.tllll('es frolu filth alld gllrhage, ROBERT J. NASH
that is of interest, to Narberth "'alls, Both of the principals III',' of
Xl'nrl,l' all J!ics lin,,',l ill (Irgaui,' filth. El.ea1'tor
tolks, but in order to meet the :'\arh,'rth. Thl' hri,l,' W:lS "harlllingly 'Ph" slra nil of flies ill nlria hl~- sec II
1001 CHESTNUT S.TREET, PhiladeJpllia
printing schedule, all "copy" attirl',l ill gray ea,nton ,'rcpl'. '1'hl'~­ ahollt pla('l's of this ..!taral't,'r lluriug'
Id't illllll,'diatl'l\' aft l'r the cel'l'1llonv for the Slllllllll'r' scasoll is all illdi"atiou thllt Branch Office at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
-manuscripts-must reach the' till l'xtt1ll!led h;JIICy'IH,OOll tour. .
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each not only fl'edillg hut al'tual propaga,
tiOll is ill PI·O('PS:-i. Melnber Philadelphia Real Eetate Board
week. Harris-Bell The range of flj~ht of hou:-,e flit':-i is
~[i,s Emily Bl'lI, formerly of .:\ar-
hl'rth, a1l11 ~rr. Elphra G. Jlarris, of
()I'flillllrily not p;rl'al. 'rhe~' prohahl.,· . . ... ....
I'Il'asant ,'illl', :'\ . •1., Wl'rl' lIlaTried on seldoIll traH,j ilion' thall half a mil.,
SATURDAY. JUNE 4, 1921 \\','<1nl's'::I.\', .lunl' 1st, at the Hicharl]- froll1 their hrl'e,liug 1'1111'" UIl1l'sS Cllnil'l]
-on ~J"lllorial Chlll'l'h, nOth 11Illl' \\'alllllt by the willds, an,] IIsllall~- th,'refor"
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS 3ts., Philadelphia, ~Iiss Do-rothv Wil, n'lIlaill \dthill :!flil or ::O(l ~'lIr,ls of tI,,'i,
,Oil, ()f :'\adH'rth, \\·as thl' hri,le;s only
Fire, 350 poillt of origin, '1'hereforp, if fli,', arl'
attendant. and ~[r, ,John \\-ilson \UlS
Police, 1250 hl'st lIlan~ ~[r. and ~Irs, Harris Il'ft
i11l'llll'lliat ph- aft "I' the cl'I'l'lIIony for
X~\\' York:
fOIlIl(1 ill a particlllllr npighhorhood it is
far proof ,that they dl"'l'lop('d in thc
ilJl'lllelliate vi(·illity.
:fJ3anking lfrien"sbip
If l'esi,lellts of the :\lnin Lille ,1iseo\·er
flips in any quawtity, thl'Y nrl' urgl',l
A NEW NARBERTH ASSET. to telepholle "\rllmol'e l-l.::i, 11I1II the
1\1 r..Toseph Snyder is a visitor' at the is an asset the value of which is demonstrated daily by our
COllllnittee will selld the illspl'l'tor, who
hOllle of his SOli, Dr. O.•T. Snvder, of service to depositors and clients.
'We fcpl that the Xarhl'rth Tellnis Xarberth avenue. • will try to have thp bl'eCllillg place
Associatioll is to \,e congratulated on. Mr, :->nYller is a vdl'ran of the Ci\'il ('ll'alle,1 up. We believe there slloullt be more to ba'nking service than
its ne\\" groulltls an,] courts at Ha\-er- \\-ar, having enlisted in the Fourteenth just business, and our charter privileges coupled with the
Indian:l Infantry. On Melllorial Day DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY OF·
fonl a\'l'nue anll l\lolltgOlncry Pike, hc joillcll till' ranks of our local Amer- helpful attitude of our officers enables us to practice our
which opelll't! last ~aturt!ay, il'an Legion Post in thl'ir visits to the FERS FREE EDUCATION. beliel •
This new ,levcloplll('llt is all ullller- 1'('Illl't,'ries to ilo honor to the melllory
taking of no lllcall proportolls for a of those who gavc their lives for thcir Harrisburg, Pa., :Mll~- 2:>.-.-\ free cd- Open an account here, and give us an opportunity
,'ouutr." iu the \\'or1d \Vllr. _lIcation in forestry is offered the young to prove it.
cOlulllunity the size of Xarl>crth, and
is one of which not olll~- the mcml>ers lIlPn of Pl'nnsyl\'ania by the State Dc·
of thc 'l'cnnis Associatioll. hut all of PENNSYLVANIA STATE LEGISLA- partmellt of Forestr~', Gifford Pinchot,
our resil!L'nts Illay wcll bc 1"'011l1. AI- i
ready it' Illay very fairl~- he spokpn of
TURE. the Chief Forester, today annollllcpd
that cOlllpetitive exalnillations will he witt .rrtOlt wUIr at1~ Wrulit (llnmpUltY
as a borollgh assct, a lid whl'n a lJ the Bill for the Protection of Firemen held .Tune ]ll and] i, at Harrisbl:rg, for of 1\t'bml1rl'. l1s.
courts arc (·ol\lpll't.l'll allli thl' other im- Became a Law April 21, 1921. fn'e scholarships to tile State Forest'
"\l'a(lemy, at 1\Iont Alto. Ardmore Narberth Bala·Cynwyd
provements of the gro\lluls which arc
contemplatell arc ca1'l'il'd out, Xarbcrth 1 t shall be Ilnla wful for any persoll The tell highest Illell "'ill be appoint-
in one more respcct will han' taken its ('Xl'ept a person connected with a lluly c,l to the Forl'st A"allellly, ,,'lll'n' thl'~'
place along with the progressi\'e ant! l'ollstitutl'<1 fire 11epllrtlllent to dri\'e at will hegin their stlldy of forcstry nl'xt
worth while suhurban cOlllmunities an l'xt'essi\'l' rate of speell to any fire f;l'jltplllhcr. .\ furthcr test of six weelcs'
urounll Philadelphia. or to race with any fire apparatus to work will he givcn on On(' of the ~tatl'
any fire. It shall he unlawful for an~' fnrt'l-its.
A BIG THING. persons to park any lIlotor vehicle with· Young mell hetweclI the ages of 18 Betty's
in one thousllnd feet on the sallle street allli 2:> who have c()llIpletell a four
The trip OF the Choral Society to
.Atlantic City on .Tune ] [lth wili uu,
of allY Jire othcr than such lIlotor ve- ~-cars' high school COllrSl' allli \\'110 have
had pxperience in farlllillg,'lumlH'ring,
ldeles as Illa~' helong to any fire lie,
douhteilly be OIlC of the higgest pub,
licity features Narlwrth has e\'('r hall.
partllll'nt 01' as lIlay lJO usell hy any
pl'rson l'onneeted with any fire d"part-
sun'eying and other forms of onttloor
work, are particularly llesired. The
Events in the town itself s~'nd thpir ment. It shall be unlawful for any seholllrships pro\'ille frce tnitioll, boaI'll,
echoes out to other plal'ps, hut the jlPrs(l1l to 11rivl' any Jl\otor vehicle over room and lal1lll1r~', 11pon sueel'ssful That No Meal
forthcoming recital at "\tlantic Citv all~' lillP of hose whieh for the tillle he· "{)llIpletioll of, the ('oursI', which in, Is Complete
will put the nallle of "Xa r1wrt h " i'n illg is (,eillg usetl for the llUl'JlOse of dUties thorough anll practical trainillg,
the vocabularies of more outsiders than cxtillguishing any Jire. It shall he the a tlegree in forestry will,lll' awaI'l1(',1. Without
any other reccnt e\'cnt. (luty of the driver of any motor ve- Informatioll ahollt the ~tate Forest
Narberth Choral So('ict~-, wc congrat- hi('le upon hearing the approach of any Al'lll1elo~' and appli('ation hlllllks for or Wheat
ulate you. fire apparatus from either direction to the examination, may he hllli hy writ- all our
illlllll'lliately bring his Jl\otor vehi('le to ing to Eo "\. ~ieg1L'r, Diredor, Pennsyl·
To the Ellitor of Our '1'own: a ~tan,l still on his or her right hand \'IlIIia State Forest Acarll'm~', Mont
'We lIre surely paying up for the re-
cent mild wintl'r with frosts in ::\farch
sillc of the road or street, and to re-
main stanllillg until such apparatus has
Alto, Pa.
and colll spells in Ma~-. Slulllel; hursts passed his or her motor vehicle. This
of heat, with equall~' sUllllen falls in aet shall not apply to any amhulallce or
temperature, do not help in g,lnlen jloli('c patrol. Nor shall any person he
growth or human comfort, One forgets hl'ltl to havc violated the provisiolls 01'_ TUESDAY, 2-5 P. M.
this ad with rcganl to parking if the
how often he has relJUilt the iUl'llaee
fire. Ids hlooms nrc wcak for lack of
winter cold and roses feel the effect of
aet of parking was done prior to the
"omlllenCl'nlent of such fire.
Lawn at Elmwood and Wynne-
wood Avenues
Any person violating the provisions or rent, furnished or unfurniehed, a home in Narberth, we have the
the spring freeze anll (]l'Op their 11Ctnls.
of this nct shall upon conviction in a Benefit of Community Club best list in any part of the town" at prices and terms to suit.
Only the Oriental poppy makes its
usual strong growth and unfolds its sunlluary proceeding before a justiee of Building Fund 3 % COMMISSION FOR SE.LLlNG PROPERTY
brilliant hlooms with seeming illlliffer· the peace or alderman be sentenced to
enee to change in the weather. Corn
and tomutoes grow along slowl.r, vainly
pay a fine of twenty-five dollars.
Approved the first da.r of April, A. D.
See Article in This Issue of
Real. ::EIs'ta'te
hoping for their accustomed heut. And
as yet peppers and melons dare not ven- NARBiRTH. PA.
ture into the open ground. Phone, Narberth 1687
CAMOLEN. Ocean O··Coming Soon Ocean O··Full Moo·n


Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. A RCADIA

Finest Pho'o .y The-
.Ire 01 lis srze In Ibe
Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab·
:\lectill~s for ucxt HUllllay:
1l.-t5 A. :\L-SlIII,lny School. A place
An Appreciation in Which Every Entire World.
P....opl.y.-Conlinuous 10 A. M. to U •••
lished 1682. Hore William Penn wor-
shiped, as well' as many other noted
Hlld a IIl'leOIilC for :dl.
quit" a nlllllher of uew srlwlars were
ellrolle,l last ~ullda:·.
Well-Disposed Narberth Resident PhUa..P••

Friends. One of the historical spots of

America is open for wprship every
First-day (Sunday) Illorning at 11
11.00 A. M.-~rol'Jlillg worship. Scr·
11I011 thl'lIle, ,. '1'he Christ of 'rotlny." Will Heartily Accord
o'clock. First·day School begins at 10
6Aii 1'. :\L-.Juuior EIl,I"avor Society.
Iil'auers: Elli:h :-;wall nll,1 Elizabeth
An auspicious occasion arises for a fine manifestation of civic
A. 11. Visitors cordially indted. Hosl'r.
The First-day 8chool is held every 1.110 1'. :\I.~"l'uior ElIlka\"(>!' Roriety.
1Il""t in,L!. J.,ea,it'rs, Martha ~[artin a 11(1

A proper L'egard for the efforts of those who have achieved for
"The Broken Doll"
First·day morning at ten 0 'clock. There
j[ahrl Hanc~·. Prof. lJon:t.lrl Eo :'IIao("
is a class for adults as wcll as for l.'·l:l'Illi,'k will s)",al<. the town in which we live a distinction of outstanding merit-
children, and we are vcry gla d to ha \'e i.~'; P. :'IL-I';I"!'llillg \1'C>rship with A distinction in Which we all share. IIIAIN PRODUCTION START8 A8 NEAa
anyone who is interestell in knowing ";,:'l'ItI0)) 011 tilt· thpJlIP. ""·orldng out
AS POSSIBLE TO 10,00 A. III., 11.00, 1.00.
more about our Socidy of Friends awl our ~a,h·atihll." The Narberth Choral Society has been invited to open the Steel B.,llS, 11,411, 7.411, 9.80 P. U.
the Friendly i,leas dsit with us. Church Notes. Pier at Atlantic City with a Slillday concert of their own selection
Prayl'r aJlll Praise :\[\~etillg lIl'xt "'I'd·
1Il'~da.v e\·t:"lIillg'. ON SUNDAY EVENING, JUNE 19, 1921


Childn'II's (lay ,·"h·hratioll 011 SUII'
d:':', .11I1l!' 1:!, 'i'hl' Illecting- will hegin The invitaticn has been accepted and preparations are under way. NARBERTH GARAGE
1'1'1:1111'11.\' at 11l.:W A. :\L
Rev. R. F. Cowley. Rector. The event is extraordina:g.
Raymond Wei.s, Proprietor I
'j'h\~ Bal",,:t1allrt'ale '~"I'\'i\'ll of the
Early Muss on 811I1d:'.I's at I A. :\1.
Late Mass, 10 A. :\1.
S"llior Class of tlrP :\arlwrth High
R"lwill will l,,' h"ld ill this \'hllrch on Atlantic City, with its visitors from aU over the world, will come GASOLINE, OIL,. SUPPLIES
:Masscs on holy days, li.:W and 8.:10
the P\'l'Jdll~ of .11111P ]:2, at ~ o'eJoe]{. to know Narberth and what it stands for- EXPERT REPAIRING
A. M. \\'eckdap at S. EIl~lIing del'o' As the kind of town which holds aloft the highest standards of Telephone Narberth 1633
tions filld other sen'i,'''s at I'l'gular I EPISCOPAL CHURCH citizen-endeavor, keen for wholesome influences on its family life,
times. zealous for peace and progress, the most stalwart type of American
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, A. M" B, D.,
comnumity- HOWARD C. FRITSCH
Justice of the Peace
BAPTIS'f CHURCH OF THE For this is indeed the spirit which lJrought forth the Cltoral
I"nnday, ,lUlIl' Ii, ]H~l:
EVANGEL !lA;j ,\. :\L (Daylight Sa dng 'riml')-
SUllda\' Sl'hool. Fire Insurance-Best Companies
l1,O!) A. :'II.-~[orllillg Worshi,p. 8"1" And now that it has been asked to serve in, quarters where only
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
Rev. Avery S. DenmlY, Pastor. IllOII by the Pastor. :\lusie hy t hl' Chor· the most accomplished of talent is known, let us all agree to do that
U~. which is obviously the fair and square thing for us to do-
Scrl"i,·cs :-;1111 ,1 a.'", .111111' ,j. ]!):!1: 6.'1,; 1'. :\l.-EpwoTt h League Devo· PAINTING GLAZING
(Daylight :-;al"illg 'riml') tiollal :\[el'tillg. GO DOWN TO ATLANTIC CITY WITH THEM! DECORATING JOBBING

11.00 A. M.-:\[ornillg WOl'ship. He· 1.-t5 1'. :\[.-EV"lIillg Worship. 8er·

ceptioll nf :\('11' :\[I'IIII,el's :111,1 Commun- Inon by th" Pasle'r.
:'I[lIsie b~' the To be on hand when they make their bow to that metropolitan WILLIAM NEWBORG &COe
and cosmopolitan audience, to stand by as friends and neighbors, to
ion f-;eJ"l'ir('. :-;''I'1II0U h~' t hI' p:"tor ou
"Ghrist's I'romi"es Fulfille,!." Te:d. Church Notes, urge them on by our presence and our interest to that wonderful effort
Painting and Decorating
Mark h:16. The 8tall,lanl Bl'an'rs' ~oei('t \" "'ill 212 Woodb'ne Ave., Narberth, Pa.
which we know they can make.
2.:\0 P. :\[,-1('h il,!rcn '" Ua y EXI'J'('i"l's hold their lllectiJlg Tue:.;dH~· C':flllillg. Phone, Ardmore 1436 W . Narberlh 1768 W

of the 8~lllda~' :-;,·11001. All ;re inl"ited. .June ith, at the ·home of Oil!' of th('ir The occasion tests our mettle.
mCllrlwrs, :\[r. Roy ~lIlit,h, :\10 Essex
1.00 P. :\[,-Youug 1'l'ople's :\[1'('( ing, A\'"nue. Therefore, we shall not fail them, we shall go down a thousand
To'pi,' "Thy' Kin"dolll COllle-11l the
Word." iratt. 6:1-15. Leader. :'I[r.
The Annual 'Children's Dav cell'hra·
tion will he held Sunday, .In;Il' l:!th,
strong, we shall prove ourselves true-blue. Narberth Auto
La l1I'ence Houston. 'l'he ,\nnua.1 StraWhl'IT\' Fl'stival will
I.-t,; P. :\[,-J~n'IIing Worship. ;Sp"rial hl' held next 'l'hurstlay 'c\'cuing-, .JUlIl'
nth, ou the Church lall"lI.
Repair Shop
Illllsie 11.'" cn]arg-c~l ol'(·1testra. ~PI'IlI(l1l With fUll confidence in our measure of civic pride, guarantees
Preparatory ~kmbl'rs (,Ja~s an,) Pray,
thelll", "'I'h(' Uplifte'] Christ." T,'xt,
l'r Meeting e\'ery \\'edu!'stlay e\·elliug. have been given the Pennsylvania Railroad which have resulted in 125 Haverford Ave" Narberth
John ]~::1:!'. providing a special train to leave Narberth about 1 o'clock Sunday
For all ehul'eh lll('!'t iug-s, h('giullillg'
\Yl'dn('s,la.'" ('v('niug, at S 0 ',,!()(·I,- lI"ith ,June i:ilh, thc houl' announcl·rl 1'01' afternoon, June 19. •. Repairs-all.kinds
Song, pra.'"c-r and Bihl!' stl\ll:·. the llll'etiug \l"i~1 he :lccor,ling to :Day· S'upplies- all ki, ds
f-;trangers :II1l1 visitor" :lre \1"1'],'ome light Sa\'ing" Time, in"te:1I1 of ~tan,l:li'Il This gives you ample time for church.
to lh"sl' sen'i"I'''. EDWIN WIPF
We will travel by the Bridge route and arrive close to 3 o'clock,
allowing several refreshing hours on the Boardwalk. Phones-Narberth 1726W or 672
The same special train will bring us home in the evening, leaving

Narberth Register
Tala Lines, IOc per issue; Sc for each aJJitionalline
the shore about 11 o'clock.
Straight home to Narberth, no stops, no delays, no hurrying, no For Permanent
scrambling for seats.

Jackson, Anne. Vlol1n Instruction.
Gottshall, II. K. pubJle Accountant. 303
Conway Ave, Phone, Narberth 1667-J. Telephone, Narberth 310-J, When before did so little provide so mUCh, a special train trip BUY A
kelm, Ii. CJ. CerUlIed Public Acoountaot. L008, "'BnDY ll. Piuno tenclJer. with townsfolk, a day at the shore, the tribute to achievement, the
101 Dudley a'-. Phooe. Narberth 100-W. Studio, Arcade BId!:. Phone, 316-J.
recogniton of distinction, the support which the Choral Society most
r-' Garace-Repalrlng, Etc. Phone. 1606.
Sec displaj' adl'ertiscll1ent in this Issue. Phone, 666-M.
"ell'erles.... U. 111 Narberth ave,
SlmlJBOn, Uarry A. 232 ESSeX Ave.
assuredly deserves.
Let us agree, then, to do what the circumstances warrant, to go
Smedley Buill Home
N..rberth (;arage. Phone Narberth 1633. Phone, Narberth 636. down enmasse, to proclaim that Narberth is indeed alert in accepting
See display nUl'crtiselUent In t1lls Issue. T~'8on, Warren R. 200 Woodbine Ave.
\Vlpt, Edwin. Hcpulring, ele. Phone. H20- W Phone, Narberth 1202- W. its part of the general obligation which imposes on the whole cOlilltry
Sec dlSI>laj' adl"crtlsl'Ulcnt In this issue, in advancing the real spirit of America. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
F~nton. Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Pbone. 618-9 And to you, newcomers in Narberth, we bid a special welcome.
Donahue, I'atrlck I". Phone 11133. Phlla, address, IG31 Chestnut st. Spruce 17Uj
Sec display adl'l'rtisenu'nt In this issue, Zentmayer. Joseph. 228 S. 15th 8t.. Phlla. This is your opportunty to meet the folks among whom' you live.
Sable (."cnsore. P1lOue. !\nruerth 072.
See display nd\'Crtisl'Ulent In this Issue.
You should know them and they should know you. Utilize the splen- COOK BROSe
DAliERY. did occasion.
Betty Sweet Shop. Opposite station.
Newborg, Wm,. 8< Co, 212 WoodbIne Ave.
Phone, Narberth 1758,'V.
Sec display advertisement In this Issue.
Sec display advertisement In this ISSUe.
lIJerlon Title 8< Trust Co. Phone, Nurb'th 3USI 117 WInsor ave. Pboue, 1247-J.
See dlapla)" advertisement In tbls 188lle. Telephone Mr. Hillegas (Narberth 367-W), or Mr. Henderson Jobbing promptly attended to
BUILDER'S PAPER II.<\NGI~G, (Narberth 603) and full details will be fUrnished at once. Do not Nillht Phone. N.rberth 6117
Sh..nd. Alex. C., Jr. Phone, No. 1710. Uo)'d, lIarace S. 313 Meeting House Lane. delay. please, as it is important to know immediately all those who D.y Phone, Narberth 302 J
Narberth Station. Phone 356.
Smedle,', Wm. D. & U. T. Phone. 000. are going.
See dillplay adverU8ement In lbl" IlIuJue. PHOTO PLAYS
Atherholt; S. G. Phone, Narherth 1234. ..Arc..dl..... 16th and Cbeetnut ste.. Pbll. Therefore, do it now, as this ought to be a handsome thing hand-
see display advertisement In this Issue. See display advertisement In thle I.eue.
0.1'1•• II. E. Phone, 1264-W. I'LU:lI8INO. ETC.
somely done, with good generous spirit and hearty accord. Ibe Narberth Electrical Shop
See dt.play advertleement In thle leeue. Cook Bros. Phone 302-J. 230 HAVERFORD AVE.
~ee display ud\"ertlsement In this Issue, MAKE SURE TO GO.
CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS \lall, U. B. Phone, Narberth 1602-J.
"eokloe, Cb.... L- See dlaplay advertleement In thle leen. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
101 DUdley. ave, Pbone, 101'4. We repair, solI and install anything
James Fratantonl 8< Sons. 239 Hampden Ave Caldwell, J. A. Phone. lr.S7 INTERESTING MUSICAL RECITAL. METHODIST MINISTERS' WIVES Electrical. Old house wiring a specailty.
sec display '!'dvertlsement In tbls Issue See display advertleement In tble luu•.
Frllsch. U. C. Phone, 152-W. MEET AT NARBERTH Asl{ about our threo payment plan in-
See display advertleement In tblll luu. 'rhe pupils of :Miss Fanny H. Loos cluding fixtures. Phone 1033 or 395W
DENTISTS gave a very pleasing recital a;, her
Orr. Dr. A. L. 1011!llmwood aVo Pbone. ua-w. lIall, Albert.. Spruce 74Ul.
Pblla. Pbone, Filbert UU. Keltb Bide. Land ~'ltle Building, Philadelphia. Pa. hOllie, ·Hi Ha\'crford :l\'enlH' on I'nday
8chembs. Dr. Joho. Phone Narberth 316·W. , Na.b, Bobert •• Phone, 605. aftcrnooll of last 1I'(·ek. '1'he program '1'he l\Iinisters' \\7i\'es As~oeiation of .
Cor. Grayling and Windsor aves. Money tor Flut and Second Morteasee cover"'.l a wille range of compositions, the l'hil:ulelphia Conference of the
Office Hours until 9 P. Ill. dally. llimpson, James <J. 232 Essex ave. all of an iutl'resting character, rell- :\[ethodist Episcopal (..'hurch hehl thei I'
Howard'•• Pbone, an.
Bee dIsplay advertlsemeot In tble luue.
Phone, 636. or 1420 Cbeetnut et.
G..ra-McGlnley Co. Phone. 1S6I.W.
dered with l'xcelll'nt tl'chnique and ill-
telligent interprl'1atioll of thcir m.c:lll -
ing. 'l'hose who took part \\'erl' lI11sses
."pring l\leetin~ last. 'I'hlll'sday, .Iune 2nd,
at the Methotlist Church. 'l'he ladies
from all l>Hlis of southeastern Penns:"I·
James fratantoni &Sons
See display advertleement In thle leeue. Huth Ashton, May Banfield, Maileleine \':lIIin, arrivetl on the morning trains, Contractor. of
ELECJTBICIANS 111IIer, "'oho A. UI Iona ave, Pbooe. 161-J I11H1 f'rr.m \Vest I'hilarl!'ll'hia via 'Nar·
C....e. W. G. Phone. 395-W. Shop, 246 Havertord ave. Pbooe. 12U-J Baughman Dorothy Br:ul"n, Helen But-
ler Heleil Cal,hi'cll, Lois Caldwell, herth Bus Line, 'fhpv were receive,[
See display advertisement tn thIs Issue.
Push. VerI 226 lona ave.
Nar. Pbone, 660-W. Ard. Phone, 111-3.
Good Wear Sboe Repair Shop,
'\n'n[\ Compton, Elizilheth Durbiu. Eliz- at the church hv )[ r8. A. W. \\'~1"lI, STONE WORK
aheth England, Louise Englantl, Gladys President of the 'Ladies, and :\[1'5, Ar·
Const..ntlne. B. G. 252 Havertord aVe.
Phone, Narherth 1706- W. (lrovcl', Helen Hoffman, Frances. Hunt, thur S. \Vall~, 'I'he 1'I'esilll'nt of the and PLASTERING
Bowm..o, samuel P. (Life.) Mary Kerrigan, Marion Miller, Evelyn Assul'iation, )[I's. C. Lee (laul, of Ches-
116 Elmwood aVe. Phone, S6I·W. Pattoa, B:lrham Sutherlanll, Mahal,a tl'r. presided at all sessions. 'l'he lllorn- 239 Hampden Ave., Narbertb, Pa.
,~tter Broe. (Fire, etc.)
209 Woodelde ave. Phone. aU-R. Tbe above department IIbould be ot th' Whitman lIl\l1 Mastl'rs Hobert Harns ing waS spent soeiully and the after-
Wimer, Will. Wood. 106 Forest Avenue. createet uee to the communIty, tbe lIet COD allll Stanton Nickersoll. noon with business and n program of JOBBING Phone
Phone. 326 R. tatne the oame ot every prote_looal m.n. cntertainment. '1'he chureh was decor-
Campbell. Frank D. Automobile. Fire, etc. tradesman, mecbanlo, sbopkeeper, eto.. ".b.
4 Stuart Ave. Phone. 3115-R. doee or can In any ".ay eerve hie tellow. IItel] with flags, [IlLlms and 1I0\l'el's.
LAWYERS townllman, aDd who Ie prosre_lve eoousll PATRONIZE HOME :MARKET A committee of the ladies of the
GIIro,., "ohn III Eesu ave. Pbone. au.n. to add n&nle to list ot Re~ster. Mother: "John must be enjoying his churl'h of which Mrs. C. L, Smith was
Phlla. addreu, Llnoolo BIde. Ae It Ie dll\1oult tor tbo.e oootributiol
lUte., . FIeteher W. US Haverford ay..
Pbone. 172-W Phlla. addr.... Cros.r BIdS.
tbelr time aud elrorta to tbe produotlon
"Our Towo" to penonall,. eltber !mow or
0' Eu;ropean trip. lIe says in his letter
ho is very enthusiastic about the fjords
chuinnMI, 8l'rvl'd the noou-Irour lunch-
eon. There were eighty mem'bers of tire
LIGHTING FlXTUBE8 Interview all euoh. It would be mo.t lIelp. of Norway." vi.siting orgunizu.tion present, nllll the
KoDonald "aIm. Narb.rth phon.. lUI. rul If thoee oot oow tound In the print"
lIet would .end In a memo ot tIletr _ _ Dad: "Oh, tlrey'ro all right enough. Ministers' \Vives hud one of their 1Il0st
1611 Cbest. et.. Phil&. Pbon.. Bpruce 1111. addre... pboo. oumben and bDll1D_ .r But if he stayed right hero in Detroit meeessful meetin.gs, and expressecl
IlIEATS. ETC. pro'euloOB tor lI..tlns. 'l'b1.B WIll 0Nt &II tol·
Cotter, Ho".rd 1'. Pbooe, nil.
8e. 4lapla,. advertleement 10 thl. !Mura.
lowe: 10 0.0 ta eaoll lene tor I IIn_: I "IIU
'or saob additional 11...
he'd see more of them nnd learn how
to- spell them better.';'
thelJ1sel ves ns charmed with our "All·
yeur-round-IHomc-town.' , GARAnteed Roofs'

ties, shown principally for attractive ar- HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS PRE-
Clnss ill-Best exhibit of pansitJs.
Class 32-Best exhibit of hardy
(Continuel from Page 1.)
Scntch pinks.
allIl the st\lllcnts who helped them put
Class 33-Best exMbit of pyrethrum.
ovel' this show. Espedally is credit due
Class 3.J--Best exhibit of poppies. to the two coaches whose untiring work BUILD NOW
Class ilil, Suffrage Class-Best and assured the success of the play.
most artistically arranged vase or bas-
I,et of yellow flowers.
'l11C leadijlg man, or Hiram Hid,s, as
interpreted hy Philip Knutsen, cannot therholt bathroom
Class 36, Decorative Class-Best and be given too much praise, [lIlll Prances
Diallloud as .1uue Grant sure was a
most attractive centrepiece for table "killer." :\t the Vl'ry hl'ginning, when and
,Iecoration. l-;,lwin ilfartin appl'llred as Peter, a
Children's Classes :-;we,le, no one eould help hut fel'l that 6 BlUrt»daft Aw. r;:::=:y", our heaIth-
they were justi{ie,l iu coming- to see the Narberth 1'1'4
Class 37-Best allll most attractive
pla~·. An,l so \l'e mig-ht go 011 and elllllll- Every fixture bearing the
SPARE THE FLOWERS. arrangement in vase or basket of wild erate eath separate olle, hut those who name"Maddock"is designed
flrmers entercd by children under 10 ~aw the sho\\' lIep,l not he rpmintleel of
the mallY clever parts. NOT.l:CE to do more in protecting
Thoughtless persons arc destroying years. First prize, $2.00 in cash; sec-
All in all the i'-\ellior Play \\'as a huge your family's health than
ond prize, $1.00 in cash; third prize,
NarbCrlh Taxi Sci~cc
the 'Wild Flo\\'l'rs until ~oon some of all the prophylactics that
sucee~s, hath sotiall.v and financially.'
thenl will disappe'ar elltir('l~', hence: ribbon. could be stored in your
Do not. pull \l'ild plants hy the roots, Class as-Best and most attractive Cast of Characters. medicine cabinet.
Patrick F. Donahue
nor hreal, off hrallehps of shruh~ and arrangcment in vase or basket of wild Hiram Hicks, the Bra ino mall,
flowers enterell by children, 10 to 15 Philip Knutzen Authorized Taxi Service. by Certifi- Maddock hvatories are provided
t.rel'S \\'ith flo\\,prs, hilt. lea \'e ph'lIty of cate from Public Service Commfs- with a patented cleansing feature
flowers to go to :-,c.'e(l. years 0111. First prize, $2.00 in cash; 'rom Horton, who writes advertise' lifoI', dated November 16, 1920. which makes it easy to keep
h'T OCT F1HE:-; lX THE WOODS. sl'"onu prize, $1.00 in cash; thiru prize, ments ..........•... Merritt Davis Taxi meets all trains. the overflow clean and sanitary.
rihhOll. Fritz .Tordon, Horton's chum, who Store orders prom~ tly called for and Maddock closets have extra large
plays haskethall. ... Ernest .T enkins delivered. Bal!li!age called for and water surface, which insures the
THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF BIRDS. Class :l!l-Best and most attractive utmost in non-soiling sanitation.
A,lam Bi,l<1icut, professor in Nar- delivered. Freight delivered.
arrangcment in vase or basket of culti- Maddock bathtubs are made in
herth Univcrsit~-.. LansflJ1'l1 Knapp
The Flycatchers. va tell flowers enterell hy children un- .Tosh Al1l1erson, a haskethall enthus·
Open Day and Night Phone 1633 the latest designs and of a con-
Like the sll"alloll"s, thl' fly"atchers struction which is germ-prOOf and
fee.l on the wing,ll1ld aJ'(~ very u~eful der 10 years. First prize, $2.00 in cash; iast, easy to clean.
hecause of tll1'ir consumption of wingeu sl'eond prize, $1.00 in cash; third l,rizc, Dean Smiley, Dean of the School
insects. . ribbon. of Arts in Narherth University, Let us give YOu estimates for a
:Most of us knOll" the phoebe, the most
familiar ml'mhl'r of this famil~', allll we
Class ·lD-Best anu most attractive
arrangement in vase or basket of eulti- Percy Hohhins, a reeent arrival
Hobert \\'ar,l CLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME complete bathroom equipment of
this character. Or, we will gladly
all rl'mpmhl'r the thrill we feel when give figures for any single unit.
from "Deah Boston". Carl Kremcr A request for this information
we wako some morning in iI[arch anel \'ated 110we1's entereu by children, 10 OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
know by ht'r plaintive nr t.hat the A,lolph Hopkins, a lazy hoy, wl1l not obligate Ylilu.

to 1;; ~'ears oIu. First prize, $2.00 in UNDER HACl ERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
phoehe is here ag-ain. Alhert Waru
"ash; seeollll prize, $1.00 in cash; third BaHtian Brigg-;.-, a dig, _._--------_.-._-------
To the phol'be, 1·liek-hel'th·s, ~fay
prize, ribbon.
Iwetles and grasshoPPl'rs are choice Charlie P:llllPt., reporter for Our Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
morsels. She also enjoys the locust '1'o\\'n H"""oe Smedley BrynCIO~ilkCerlflied WEST PHILA. 526 Dudley Ave.
leaf miner, that pest. which sometimes l'pters, the popular propridor of (Pedrlallc Soclel~) OVERBROOK
hlasts the locust t.ree,.; over wide areas, THE ANNUAL STRAWBERRY "The Pal,"
as if hy fire, anel she fep,ls on many Special "Guernsey" MERION
FESTIVAL \\'alker, manag'cr for thl' Braino n'an, Milk WYNNEFIELD
varieties of Hies that annoy our eattle.
Since the phoebe raise tll"o' hroolls each E<1wal'll ~[artin (Robe..ls·&Sharple8s· BALA-CYNWY
~eason, of from four to ~ix young, they The Ladies' :\i.1 :->ol'id\' of thl' .Tune Grant Frane"s Diamonu Dairies) NARBERTR
ueserve our gratitude and proteetion. ~fl'thollist Episl'ojJal Chnl'l·h· will hold Polly Porte r Elpanor Brown Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
The king-bird, III' hee hii'll as the Ih,'ir allnnal strawltl'rn·. f,-st ivaI alld
farmers call him, has he en shot in the
past. as a robber of the hives. Now
lawn fete on 'rlIlIr:->(]ay' e\<l'lI i II;.!, .JUlIP
!Jth, on the I'hurl'h I a·\\" II, Essl'x :lJlcl
:-;eniors, eh1lllls, and inten·st.eU re·
speeti\'cly in Hortoll and .Tol'llon
Table and Whipping
Cotter's Meats
s('iencl' has proven that thc percentage Clairl' AIIg-eline .Tones, a stage-
I'ri"e Ayes. stl'lwk girl. Doris von Culin
of hees eaten is vel'\" small anll that the
great majority of t.hose are urones, anu
1I0t workers. ]\[oreover, thc kinghirtls
eat the small fl~- that attacks honey
A good s(wial tillle g-Ol'S \\"ith il'l'-
l'l'iI:UU, stra.wllprries, ant! 110nW-Jlladl'
"Id,,', and all at the slllall I'xjJl'nsl' of
Suss~' Sprig~ins, a freshman with
a erush , 1·'ranees Keim
Daisy :\rmstrong, an athletic girl,
People Who
bees, so t.heir b:lll rcputation i., un-
Ihil"t~··fh·(~ ('('Hts for a e,oellillg's outing.
Helen Keim
45th and Parrish Sts.
founoed. Head.v to s('n'<', IlPg-inlling- i 1'. ilL iDa~'-
Fluff Linley, a fusser girl. .Lucia Keim Want The Best
'rhe king-hir,l hns a great a version to .Jig-llt" Saying 'riUH'.)
hall"ks anel croll"~, so t.heir small feath- Flora Belle Delamart~'r, a waitress
erell neighbors are sure of protection at. "The l'al" Alice :Ualthy
iI[rs. Cobh, housekel')ll'l' at "'1'he
Main Line Garage Groceries and Provisions
against these enemies. I have often CHORAL EVEN SONG AT ALL Taxi Service Haulin, of .11 kind a
secn a crow in full flig-ht before the at- SAINTS' CHURCH Quarters" Hose Hicklin Packard Umousine to Hire
,tacks of two kingbirds, only half his Lily, maitl at "The Quarters,"
sizc. (Continued from Page .•) SABlE CENSORE
Lucia Keim Phone. Narbe,th 672
To see the other most common mem- Billposters, newsI)()~'s, IIll'mbers of team,
bers of the flycatcher family, the great-
cresteu unll t.he peewee, we must visit
tiin-dioll of ~[r. DaYid Spratt, the lead-
er, is as follows:
the woods, and fortnnate il1l1eed is the I'nh·l'ssional. all ward Christian Soldiers Plumbing, Gas Fitting
one who finds the peewee's ncst. Be-
cause of her habit of ornamenting it
Psalm ],18, UU, l;Jll.
~Ia.!.!nifi,·at ill B Flat ....•Iohll St·miner THE FIRESIDE FRED WALZER and Heating
with lichens, it is one of the most beau-
Anthems iJulIUcr of t~r 'rllre
tiful nests known. (Contillue<1 from Page 1) NARBERTH PA
The peewee resembles ller sister, the Ikhold Gnd is Grl'at., .. E. W. ::\'arlor Insurance of all kinds Phone, Narberth 1602-J
phoebe, but is smaller and of more re- 'I'al'l',\' with 1IIl', oh lily ~aYiollr, where they were l'ntl'rtained by many
:-;. A. Balthl"in Auto Licenses Rents ColJecled
tiring hahits. 'rhe kingbird can be fril'nds. '1'he Jirst week of the trip
i,lentifieel by his dark bad" light With inci<lental solos hy ~[rs. II. Eo Marriage Lieenses
the~' were accompanied hy Mr. and Mrs.
hreast and the white tips to his tail Huch
feathers. All the members of this fam-
ily can he easily recognize,l by their
Li ft Thine Eyes, 'rrio, frolll ., Elijah,"
DurlJorow. Affadavits for Income Tax
Workmen's Compensation DAVIS'
peculiar habit of darting suddenly into Grie\'e not the Holy Rpirit of God, :;\ll'morial Day as eelehratcu hy Har- A FULL LINE OF
old D. Speakman Post., of Narherth, was 117 WINOSOR AVE.
the ail' from a llead hranch in pursuit
of their food anel quickly returning to Pi.'r,·l' was the wilel !JilIow,
.1ohn Stainer
a dl'eide,lIy impressive eeremony. The Phone. N.rb.'lh-1247·J CIGARS
their perch to watch again. '1'. Tertius Noble sen'ice is a beautiful one anll was rev- NARBERTH, PA. Stationery. Magazine•• Candiell
Uloria ill EXC'l'lsis, from 'l'\\'elfth ilia"" l'l'ently heard h~· huntlrells who gather-
PALACE THEATRE, ARDMORE, PA. illoza rt ell round the gran's of those whose
-:-:Ullg h~' Ho~~ ~opr:lllo:,;
memories \\'l're honorl',l hy our local
Program week of Monday, .June 0: Post on Monday. •
Allel all tlte 1'<'op'" sa\\" thl' t.hnn,1<'ring-s,
:Monday, .Tune Oth, ,Tustin .Johnston in . .JollIl Stainer
"Plaything- of BrOllllway"; "Sou of :-;I'yenfolcl Amon John Sta iner
Tarzan," third episode; 'l'uesday, June }{ l"~\'ssi ()Jl:d.
7th, William Farnum in his latest pic- l"ight \I"ith gOOtl, light \\"ith all th~'
ture, "His Greatest Sacrifice"; \Veu- )lIi~ht.
nesday and Thursday, .June 8·n, Norma
'ralmag'e in "'rhe Passion Flower";
\\'e,lnesday night three shows, 6.30,
Personnel of Senior Choir
Mrs. '1'. N. Bntler, Mrs. V. L. S:U1der-
Holl, ilfrs. D. V. Sti,e'klll'~', ~I iss ~Iar·
You Should Know
S.10, U.30; Friday, .Tune ]0, a Hex Beach !.!arl't iI(<'1>ol\'"II, iI[rs F. H. Git1"lI'll, ~lrs.
special lll'oduction, "Out of the Storm," ,I. U. Athl'rholt. ilfrs. 11. Eo HUt'll, ~1rs.
featuring 11Il all star cast throughout; W. L. Owen, ~frs. A. B. Hoss, iI[r. Y. L.
adtleu attraction, a 'rorchy comedy; Sat-
urday, .June .11, \ViJliam Hussell in
:-;andersoll, iiiI'. .1>. IJ. :-;t i,~loll'Y, iI(I'. B. that
:-;. •\fl'lIo~·, ;\1r. Philip Lh'illg-StOIl, ilfr.
"Bare Knuckles." A powerful story
of powerful men. Heal \Vestcrn dramu.
.Tohn Dow, Mr.•Tames N. Knipe, !III'. A.
B. Hoss, 1\11'. John Uoherts.
You will see wild hlizzard scenes filmeu
in "Bare Knuckles" 8,000 feet lip in
the Sierl'l1 Nevada Mountains. OPEN NEW COURTS OF TENNIS
SPRING :FLOWER SHOW TO BE (Contillue,l from Pare 1) Economically and Quickly
HELD TODAY. Accomplished With
(Continued from page 1)
be so fine in every respect that the dis·
appointment. of the memhers was for- The Great Show
gotten in the pleasure find fun aITol'll· ART CRAFT
cd by the t.hree courts that were in
Class 20-Best exhibit of larkspur "coltulliHSioJl.' , ART CRAFT is firesafe and weather
(DelphiniulII), in combinatioll with a
few other flowers.
1\11'. Lane, the eontractor, anu the
Boaru of 'rrustees of the Assoeiation
is proof; it gives lasting service; it comes
in beautiful tile designs-slate red or
Note-The idea being to develop the have been "llouble cross~l" so many
Illost artistic combination of larkspur times h:r t.he \Veuther Man during the slate green. Laid right over old wooden
with another flower or flowers.
Class 21-Best exhibit of columbine.
Class 22~Best exhibit of Canterbury
last fel\' weeks that they hn ve stopped
makillg prophesies allll predictions, but
it is t'lll'ir hope, nevertheless, that the
remaining four courts will he finishetl
hy this Sat.nrllay· anll rl':llly for pluy-
OCEAN 0 shingles it saves the expense and labor
of ripping off the old roof. Made by
Bird and Son, inc., Established 1795,
makers of the reliable Neponset products.
Class 23-Best exhibit of Sweet Wil- ...lsk for our advice and free estimates.
'1'0 say that the members of the Ten-
nis Ass;wiation welc()med the opening
Class 24-Best exhibit of foxglove.
Class 25-Best exhibit of iris.
of the Jirst three courts last Saturday
would he putting it-as someone else
Class 26-Best exhibit of Spanish iris. remarke,l once hefore-very mildly! 250 Haverford Ave.
'l'hey were out" in force" hot.h on Sat-
Class 27-Best exhibit of sweet peas. urtluy afternoon and all tIny MpJIloral Phone 302 J NARBERTH, PA.
Clnss 2S-Best exhibit of col'll flower
With the constrnl'tion of these seven
Coming Soon

k! [raft Rao!
Class 2!l-Best exhibit of lilies. new courts ancl the enlarg-ed member-
Class 30-Best exhibit of many vurie- ship of the Tennis Association, there This June
is everJ' reason to helieve that tcnnis
is going t.o enjoy a season of unpre·
l'('dented popularity in Narberth this Full Moon
Ocean O·..·Say It So sumlller.

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