Our Town June 18, 1921

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il OU~.
TO Send In Fireside


W. Y. Shaw Resigns Summer Concert 01 Shirtwaist Dance Next ;Many Features to

As School Director The Narberth Choral Friday Evening! Commencement
Society a Great Success
Week Program
ING COMMENCEMENT Those of tl:-: who \"l~rO fortuna.11' .IJl~ PARTY AT ELM HALL
EXERCISES ough to hl' at till' lIig-h S"hool on 'Pri'
da~' "H'lling', .Inue JOth, list"ned to tlle
\"t'.'\t Friday t"""lJiJlg;• . lulI\' :!-L tIll' I
.\t the rOIlIIll<'IIl'Plllellt eXl'r,'isl's at ii 11t.':.;1 III u:-:h'a 1 progrH tllille c,"er l'l'lI l!pl't'd
);a rI "'I I It 'J','nnis ,\sSlwiat iOIl lIill ]10.1.1 The Baccalaureate Serman.
iu :\arhl'rth; and whell on" I'ollsilh'rs
the sc!lool ThUl'sday night, Mr. C.
Hownl'd ;\[(,('l1l'tl'r, pf"sidenl of the the short. spnl'.e of tiJlle that I'rot'"sH"'· THE ,FIRESIDE the first shirt waist ,lance of the season
at Elm Hall. A good jaz:r. urchestra will Tit" allllllal ha"I'alaureatl' scrlllOIl 10
Sehool Board, made alll1'<I\1l1el'IIIl'lIt of :\il''' had to 11()\'(~I01' :md traill a gl'onp
Ill' on han'l to dispcns" t h(' mllsie and 11I('lIlh('l's of the gradllatillg' elass of the
tit' pl'opll' \\"110 hall lIe"cr l'llllg together ~liss Ruth :g. HawB spent Snnday in
the resi~nl1t ion of :'Ifr. 'Valtl' I' y, Ifig·h :--.,)1001 ,,·as I'n':1('h,,(1 last Sunday
,\ tlallti,' City. melllh,'rs of th" .\sso('intion, thl'il' wi"e:;
Shaw as a lI1elll],(:r of 0\11' ~,'hool Board. nlltJl a litll<' 0\'('1' threc 1I10llths ago,
lIig-ht It,v the HI'L .John Vall NeBS. The
fLJltI fl'il'lId~ :IJ"U loo]dllg' 1'OI"\\'a1'11 to a
At this tilll" Ill' also statl'd tlmt :'IIrs. is illd""d short of IIlan·elons, alld was
dl'lightflll I'Yl'ninl-r. s"nic('s W('I'<' heltl in the Narb('rth
EIIII"in C. Batl'hl'lor. I'rl'si,lcnt of the only 'hrou!!ht ahout. 1>y the' d08" apl'li- ?III'S, IIplI!',\' .Iallles I'age, of Pr:lIIk-
~["mhers urI' lH'ing sllpl'lie,l with I'l'eslJ)'tel'iall Chul'l~h.
\Voman 's COIlIIl1\1nit~· Clu1> Ill' Xarhcrth "ati(1II allll l'oIH'l'ntrarion UpOIi the \\'ork 1'01'.1, was th" gUl'St of ?I[rs. .Iohn H.
1il'k('t~ HlId t1l0:')(' dpsirillg extras luay :'III'. Yall Xess took as his text a part
hnd he'ln appointl',l to jill thl' IIl1expired in band. H1''' 01"" 011 'I'uesuay.
o'htnill th'lln h," al'l'l,"ing- to Carl B. of the 8"1'111011 on th" .\lonnt. "But
tenn. She will assume this position "Th .. UOS(' :'Itaidcu," \\'hil'h "·as ll1e ""\'k y" Hrst the killg-<1QIII of God,"
Th()llla~ ('. Tl'ofl('l', .IL, ]Ia:-- gOIlt' 1u ~ft'tzg't~r, ('liairlllall of 1he Entertain-
with the reg-ular .Iuu" UIl'".tin;!, th,' first IU'o,lnl'1ion. of the (~hOl'al ~o"il'ty, ?llal thew 6::1:1.
rPlIdprl'd a few weeks ago, was simp- ?llaill" 1'01' a f .. w 'reeks 011 a lishill;! nll'lI! Committl'l', Or admission JlJay I",
In,,t :'lIon day "f this mouth. lie sp~k" of th,' ,·all1" of youth, pro-
'I'hl' appointnll'lIt Ill' ?III's, Batdwlor ly n rnn'rtlJlIH~r of wll:t1 W:I:-: ill :--1 on' 1 rip. I,"id at thl' .1001' Oil th .. night of the
I i:t ~; l' (1,
p"rl,\' llil'<~ct.. d, as a gllidiug force in
agrees with a popular fl'diug- that fol' tIll' I'('sid .. llts 01' :\arlll'l'th, and \\','
t h" worl'l; of sa,'ri1i"e and devotion.
should a yaeall"Y aris(', a woman would littl .. dn'aIlH'(l that !Ito ","sieal 1'1'0- Ill', ('harles' Banl"s, of K,"r'l{:usl', ?\. HI'llleml,,'1' thc date--lIext Priday
YoO ,·isit,,01 .\11'. alld :\I1's, Edward :--. '('Ill' st ury \\ a" "it",l of the young JIlall
be the logi/Oa I ,·llOic" for a position on gr:I1IlIlIl'S of s\ll'h quality "ould1>" aI" l'~'en ing. ./ 'lIll' :!~. Sh i rt Waist D'lIlee,
who. thl'oug-h th" 1II0ther'~ ~elf-saeri­
the Sehool Boanl, and the selection is l'all~('d :lnd tlt\,-t'loppd ill :"'11(']1 :1 ;--;hort lIaws, of !JudIe," An', ut Elm Hall.
fic'(\, ohtaiuoll a ('ollegt el1ueation, aBcl

I'('rtain to meet with unanimous ap- spal'e of 1 illl", hO's h" took th" 11I"<1al presellted to him
1'1'01'111. It \lill I", a lIoH,1 ('xl"'r;""I'(, to tra-
Jt is illd"ed "'1'.1' dilli,'uJt to l'llIl'has' t'or s,'holarship alld pinlled it to 11ll!'
'1,1 011 H P :-;lHwial" train Irolll ::\:\1'-
si7.(' allY I'arli,'ular IIl1nlh,'" or Friday l"I<led "hawl, d",'larillg· that she IUlll
berth to .\tlallti(' City and return on
Getting Ready For l'veuillg: 's prognllllllil'. 1-::1t·1I tllll' j:--;
\\'ol'lhy of sp""i:11 1I1l'lItioli. JII adoli\ iOIl
~ulldll,\', .llIlIe l[l.
l'arJlt'd it.
In l'on,':ll1sioll ],11'. Yall Kess quotell

The Tennis Contests to Ihe sl'1(,(·tiolls I'l'lId"I'<'d h," th" eh"·l'a]

~o(·il't.\·~ ~LaHtpr .John Hiehal'dson g":l\"P
It' ,\'ou wOllld like to g-o to Atlantil'
('ity Oil tl", .. ~l'('l'ial" 011 SUlloIa,", "all 11"111' 1'<'lllls,,'}Yalliu Hailroad:
a pal't of "'],h,' Hause hy th" Sidl' of
lh,' Hoad," II,\' :-;alll \Yalter Foss;
:I WOlldel'l'ul 1"'1'1'01'111:111"1' (III llH' d"lill. \\,,,kllOIl ~-Oll un' hnsy alld I,will II0t "it ill the ""orner's spat.
SENIORS AND JUNIORS OF N AR- 111' ~II', Hiil('g'as, wlto \I·ill arrange for
II .. is \\'ithout qll ..slioll a ,oast,'r 01' lhis ·111",' YOllr trials alld lri.llldations, :\ 01' h II 1'1 t he I~YII i,' 's hall-
BERTH ASSOCIATION PRACTIC- t 1':11l:-'!lortatioll.
illstl'lIll1elll, alld thos" \\'ho did 1I0t h,'al' jllsl nit' :-;:t IIle :IS ,\".. Ita Yl', but will IlIlild III," hOlls" hy the sidc of
ING DAILY FOR TH;E COMING this youth """,,'.1 illd""d a I'lll'l' IIIIISi,·:d the road,
':III ~I yOIl St'lIcl n "(lUI']" nf Bleil
TOURNAMENTS ":-;,,,',,ial" 1,'aH's :\ar1>"rth ~ullda~',
11"':lt. \\'olld,,)' if "',' 1lI11," 1101. han' Ill,' '"l to :\UI']ll'rth to ·t rilll III' th" ,\IIl! h" a fri""d to Illan.
at I I', ~I.-lhoSl' \l'ho Jillol they ('all
opportllility flf h.'arillg lI1J1I SltllH' tillll' .!,l':lSS :lrollHtl tht' slat ion. pUl'ti-
8,pulOJ' :111\1 .JUllior IIIPlllllt.'r:-; flf t.llt' g·o at th,' last lItillllle sholll,l ,'om,'
ag"aill ill tlll~ lle:!r fntul"{'! 1. :llll :-iun' 'ulady a1'olllld th,' ill'hound sid,,' ALUMNI NIGHT
Xarherth Tl'lIl1is ,\sso,,·jation aI'" pra,'- I :r1 o llg·,.. ,if th('I'I' is 1'00111 ,"ou will I",
he will he g"j'.l'1l t'y('1I a ;':I"l'atel' "·Plt-olllt' A ue! \\'1' 'd ab, 1,e ohlig,..d to
ti"illg 'laily for th" I'onlill!! tOIlI'II:" \I,'h'ollll'--and there will be room.
thall that whi"h h,' rp"ein'd th .. olh,'r \·ou if .\'011 1lIO'"t', or ha '.(' 1I10,·('d. Dill' of the ph'asallt"st featurcs of
Hll'utS. ThC' da.vli~ht :-;:I\·ill:.! ]1:1:-: l,t'oug·llr ('vl\lIiug. rhos(' rather ullsightly iron pip"s ('OIlIIIlCIlClelllellt w(',,]{ WlIS the allllual
out lllUII.'· playl-.r:-i 011 WPI'1\. d:I.\' {'\"('II i II;:.!.·:-: ~[1'. IIlId ~Irs. ('hal'les .J. Ue('k,'r han'
Xar]Jl'rth is illd(,l'd to he "oil- tlso 011 th" ill,hound sid,', 'rhi"h Slwial nl"ctillg of t1l" Narborth High
nlhl th('l'p i~ ","('ry 1"l':lsoJl 1t1 I'l'pdipt ,pul,,·ltas('d :!1:! Jo'oJ'J','st '\""1111(', alld
i gTatulatc(l lJpon JUt,"illg':-:lleb a ]llll:-:it'nl hn Y'~ ]-,('('11 111en' for fluitt, a IOIlg" :-""h"ol Alullllli Assof'iiltioJl, held u"
that the\'(' \ViiI 11" "lIIll' spirill'd Ida,\" ! aft"l' alt"ratiolls 1111'"'' hl'plI ,'oillpletl'd,
! (lrgalli7.atioll as the Cllol'al /':jo,'.i,'ty, :tlld tillle. :'I[ollda)' ""('lIing-.
iug' jll 1h(' two (·Ollt(':.;tS. will 1I10,'e ill \I it h their family. ?I[l's.
the \\Tit"r is Sllrl' that there arc IliallY .\\'1' rolks h"r(' ill );arhel'lh do 'I'h" IICW I-rra'lllates of this year's
'I'he Seniors' dO;lhlcs "'ill stInt Satur- B,'('!,('r \\ill hI' 1t.'IIU'lIJiH're,l as ~liss
II11lSi('al tl'ea1~ ill :--lol'l' for our" 1-1'"11" tIll' Ill'st 'H' hoo\\, holt' to k .. ,,1' "lass \\'''1'<' \\' .. 11'01111'.1 illto t.he AIIIJIllli
day afternoon, .July :J, nnd the .Juniors' Eliz:r1"'lh \'il'gillia ~t"oI('lIl.
'1'0\\11" folks 1I,'xt ,Year. Xarh,'rth alld Dill' 0\\·'1 hOllll' grounds ill ship- ,\ssoCliatioll at this II1"eting. Ahollt
Sill~ll's alld PlIuhl ..s will start lin :'1(011-
thl' Ch 0 I'll I ~l"'i,,ty an' "'(I·h to Ill~ ,'Oil' ,hap" all,l \\'" tak,· "ollsi,lt'J':!hle forty IIH'H ch 1'1':-: :lJlll two gncRts ,vetc
da~', .11I1~· 11. "Ollllliall'\<ol' alld ?III'S. Charles IT.
,~r:l1l1l:ttcd ill h:tyiIlg" :t ;.:('lltICIIIHIl whl) pridl' in Olll' horollgh and it:-: nl'- Pl't~SPJlt..
Th .. FOllrth or .ltd," oIoll1l1"s 10llrlla- ~ha\l 111101 ('hildl"'11 of A,·oll Road ha""
I'''",,'ss,'s t h(, 'lualit i"s 01' Il':I,krshil' Ill'.:tr:lIl(·I'. ',"hPII llll(' of 0111' ?II arga n't 1,:,\')"', pl"'sid('llt of the
lJlf'nt will 1H; 0IH11I 111 :111 :-:elliol' 1110111- J"t,tllJ'lIt'd fl'tllll a \ i:..;it tu ..-\1I111ers1, ).rilS~ ••
l'xclll}llili,'d ill IJrllfessor ~i(·l'. Pl'tli'l'S- 1J(~ig"h htll's lIt'gl('('1 s 11 i:-- la \\'11 01" ,\ll1IlIlIi Assoeiati';Il, lila de (L short s[leech
hers of tIll' Association. 'I'hel'(' is an ,rlr"(I' th",\' WI'''' th,' g-u,'sts or ?III'S.
:-:01' :\it·l' l';lll also he cUlIg-rat,111atl'd ~aJ'l]Pll alld p(,l'Il1itH IIllsightl," Ill' W(']('OJllt' to tlu' Ill"\\" Inclubcrs, and
('n1rauc'(' 1'l'(' ,.I' 7;) t'('lIt:"" fIjI' (';11"11 I'Ja,\"c'l" ~lrall' 's p'd"'lItS. ~Ir. a 111 I ~ll's. "'. II.
UpOIl haYing at hi" "0111111:111<1 "tll'h a II':\:-:h to :Il'l·llllllllah'. "'l' t J',\', ill lI"h'lI ]("illi. 1"'('sid"lIt of the Class of
allll "Idrips IIIl1st 111' ill th .. halld, or 111,' I I. ~Iol'gall.
IillP gTlIlIP of 11ll'1l alJd ""OIIlt.'1l l':\paldt' :1 l't'a:,onahl(· W:IY, 10 plll'~tI:ldt' Ill:! I, rcspolld .. ,1.
'I'ollrllalll('nt ('IIUllllitt"e lIy (i 1'. ?lL Fri-
hilll ttl ~('t 1>u:-,y
:Iud ,·It'all Ill'. ,\II'. \\'ilsoll. pl'ill"ipaJ "I' the ,,('houls,
da,", ,[ul~' 1. The 'I'oUl'lIament COllllllit, ?III'. and :'I [1'B, Houler A. 'Varner, of
"\II~' ht'Ip YOI1 ,';111 gi\·t' u:-: :lloll~' th(lll :Iddrp~~·wd tllp gTadllat(\S, assuring"
t,,(, is ,·olllpos..d or Hohert E. Pllttison, (ContilJued on Page 4.) , :!Il \'arl"'l'th .\"'11111'. 1I10tol'('d to 1'0-
Ihis Ii "". with r""I'",'t to lit" th"l1l of his ill1<'I','sl ill the Alullllli, alld
.11'., I']l:iirlllall, "'illialll .1, Kirkpat,;ck t'OIlO, wht'I"t, tilt'," :l1'l' .:-:I'l'udillg a \\"('t'1\

trOll! lishillg- with the I'ltila,l<-Iphia 11001 ·:t:ltioll ,!.!.rcnlllfl~, will !It' :lI'}It'P- t"lIill,~ "t' """" lIt' th(' IIpport.ullities fol'
,;n,1 A. 'I'. Clrugan.
I·jall't!. YtllIl':-: "l'r~' trnl~'l tltal hody to assist ill th" growth ot'
'I'hl' final llIah,lles will he for the hest ANTI-PROHIBITION ORGANIZA- :11111 (;1111 ('11110. of whi"h tIll'." are !lI,'III-
h('l's. "Our Town." t h,' s"hool.
TION. ~Ir, :\[,,('arl .. I', pl','sid"llt of till'
(Continued on Page .t)
:-;I,It",,1 Boa I'd, sa id :1 fn'" wortls, \'011-
\11', alill ?III'S. . I .. hll B. Brool,s' en-
,\ t a wl'1l atteuded IJleetiug, Monday gratulatillg' th,' asslwi:11 iOIl u[lon its
Hospital Tag Day ,',','uillg at Elm Hall, thc Narberth
t,'rl"ill,'d iilrol'lll:r1I,\' at "'a 011 ~llIlIla,\',
wh"11 1111' glll'st s ill,·luded ?I[rs. F,'rlll~'
{lI'O,:"!Tt'S:-: d 1I1·j 1Ig' t Jill 11:1 st yea r, and praiH-

Results Announced
, BJ':IIIl'h of thl' A""ociatioll AgainBt the
I'rohihitioll "\IIU'IJ,lillelJt was orguuize,l
'1'. Brooks al,,1 ~Iiss lIplell Brooks. or Stin Another Chance illg- th,' hal'd ,yol'1, dlllll' It,Y sOllie of th ..
ofli,'ers ill a",'olllplishillg the reorgani,
~t. 1'('1 "I'shnl'g', Fla" ?l1r. 'l'holllpsoll
a lid a fllll BCt of oflil'er~ c1el'1ed. zatioll "t' thl' Alullllli Asso,~iation.
Brool"', of \\','st ('h('st"l', :lIId ?III'. all,.1
Further IIIl'etillgs, su bj""t to "all of You llla~' y,'t he a hI,' 10 seeure are- Till' 1I1('('t iUg" W:l~ th('11 turned 0\·('1'
$2,500 RAISED THROUGH CO-OPERA- ~Irs. \\'iJlialll ('. Brooks. or Phila,
,,!tail', will hc heW, s,'I','atioll on thp special train 1'1'11111 to .Ialll' L:Jil'll, l'hail'lIIall III' the ";lIt('1',
ORG~ZATION&-NARBERTH \/1'. IIl1d \II'S. I"~. SI(',h'''I. ?lliss ?llar,l' Narberth to Atlantic City, on Sunda~', t:lillltlt'llt ('olllllli1tt'p. 'Ph,' IIt"HV Illenlbt.'l'~
CONTRIBUTES GENEROUSLY SI('dl'1I1 nlld Doc,tor Dalliel ~l('dplll hn\·p .111111' Iii, as th .. ?'o:arlll'rth Chol'al So,'i"'~'
REBURY NARBERTH HERO. 1110,'('(1 frolll 2i2 Forrest Ave" to 323 Illall:l;.!.ellIPllt is holding' ~(Jllle ('xtra l-i,'a1 s (Continued on Page.4.)
'I'h,' final rl'turns. of the Bryn M'Lwr UIMlylillg: .\,.(,_ ))1'. J):lJlIPI is
Slpd"ll1 1'01' p('oph' \\'ho find it illll'0ssihle to
Hospital Tag l)a~' show a gTllnd 1ot a I Private Charles Connelly Died in IIs:';sl'llit 10 Ill'. 1[1'r1,,'rt [J. \'orthrol', IIlak,' a d""ision IIntil pral'1il'ally th"
of almost $2,:'00, 'I'hc La,li!'s' COlli' I'rofessor of ~IlJ'I-r('J'Y, Hahnemanu Col- la,'t millut I,. '['h('r('fol',', shouhl ~'oll
France After Armistice.
mittl''' or the n!',·oo Horse :-;ho,,· :tllll I,,!,I', I'hil:lOlP1I'lti:l. I'll. Inak" up YOllr milld as lat<' as :-;atllrd:l,'"
Ill'\'. .\l't1lnl' :-;. Walls. I'llfltor of tiJI'
Coullty Fair, IInd,,1' \Vhose allspi"cs th" ,111111' IS, yOll ,'all sto,p at ?Ill'. :\ash's
1'ri"at" Charles COllnelly, :J;l years Xal'herth ?lfetho,list Epis"opal Ohlll'('h,
'Pa:.~; !)a.v \\as l'J'ollloted. ;In' (lxtJ'l'H1PI~p
oHil"l' to g;,'t a til·ltt,t. af'tl'1'1I001l or l'\·PII-
old, of );arherth, \l'ho died in 1o'rancc (('nnt i lined Ilil Page 4) lIa" hOllored ·hy \\'ashillg-toll C()lI,,~,'.
illg, as ?Ill'. );ash ha~ a1'rangl'd to I,,'cp
gratifi",1 ""ith t h,' I'e"ults. Oyer ""\'('11 tw" dllys after th" arlllisticc waB ~ign­ Ill'law:ll'l'. 011 \\'".111"",1:1\' • •Iunc 1.;
whpn hl' W:l:-i :.ri\"(·1l tilt' d~~,!!rcc, DO(~tol:
thollsalllis tags "'l're sold, alld this ]'l'p' hi, otli,·" "1','11 IIl1til [l 0 '<,Ioel,.
I'd, was bllri('d l\londay morning with
01'. l'O II II' ,10\\'11 to the stlltioll 1I0t
r"Hl'lIts pral'li('all," Olll' for ""('1'," h011l" filiI Illilitar~' IllIlIurH. HiB funeral wus I
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ot' Ilhillit.", ill ,'ollll"dioll wit.h th,'
fro III Ba1a,C,"1I w~',1 to "'IIYlle. lat('1' thall I:!A.; SJlllrla~·. alld ,"011 1II1l)'
lal'g,'I,I' ath'ud"t!, alld llIallY \l'ho fought I :J!lt h "OIllIlWII""IlIl'1l t of I h,' ,'oll,'g'l'.
All of th,' ...tat iOIl l'1J:l.il'lll"11 alld their , with hilll ill th" World War \l'erl1 pres- h(' "hi" to s("'II1'e a 1'"s"I'Yatioll at that
Two cents per word If casb accom- Ill', \\'alls gradllat,'" fl'OIll "ra~hillg­
panies advertisement; otberwlse. live filllt'.
,'o'lIl1liH('('s \\'orlH'cl \'('I'y hard ill tI"'ir ('II 1. toa in ]fIO:l alld lat,,1' 1'l", .. iv"d'llis .1,,-
efl'orts to ""II thl' tags. hut th('ir <'frorts i The fUlleral took place frolll the home r~n ts per word, Th" train will lea,·" \'arlll'l'th ~ta'
,~r"" of A. ~r. \\'ith his fantily, h.. is
\\'''1' .. \VplI a\Vard ..d ill th,' "orllial 1'('- of his sistcr, 1111'''.•'o~cph Simpson, :J07 tioll at 1 P. M. sharp, stoppillg at XOl'th
sJ"'lIlling' this ",,,..I, at ('h.'sft,1' TOWII,
spons!' of tI", pUhlie. "'01'.1 eOIlIl'S 1'1'0111 ForJ'('st al'l'lIue. The body of COlluelly FOR SALE-Child's whit" iroll hed, I'hila,"'lpltia at 1.1;; alld arri\'illl-r at
statioll aft('I' station to the e!fl'l'I that \l'as alllollg' others whieh arrived from "'I':Il·til'ull," 11,'11. (',til :\arl"'rth I:!S::. Atlalltil' ('it," at :!.::O. 'I'h" l'('tlll'lI
without ex("'ptioll the people "'''re ~lad FraJH'e last week. l :-Hj-p) sp('('jal \\'ill I('an' .\tlantil· Cit," at 11
.to g-in' their assistance to the Bryn
?I[awr Hos'pital. SUIlIS fronl <Jlle pen;IY
ServiceB were cunducted in st. Mar-
garet's Church b,\' the Hev. Dr. l~ieh­ FOR SALE-Roed s.troller. Good condi-
1'. :'If. sharp, stopl'ill;.r at :\orth Philll-
d('lphia at ahllllt I:!,l.; alld arri,'illg at Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
to onl' huntlr.. d ,Iollnrs ",ere r"I'eh'ed anI 10'. Cowley. Intel1lJent was ]n St. :\arlll'1'th at 1:!.:12. DONATION DAY
tion. L. L. Sharpe, 107 Merion Ave.
hy th e tagoge I'S. Dell is' \Jemetery. Counoll.r enlisted in (36-p) :-;ll1JtlUY \\'ill h" a wonderfully SlUWY AT
The ~[erioll C011llllittee, under the t he Tank Cor1's of the Hainbow divi- clay, and thp trip is 1!oillg' to hl' u "ery The Holiday House
..hnirlllanship of :'I[rs. Herhert '1'. H"rr, Bion. He spent twenty-six months ENGLISH SADDLE and two riding "lIjornhle olle. 'I'h" ret lI1'll fan' is *5.18. FRIDAY, JUNE 24TH, 1921
.Jr., and Mrs. ·\Vl'uster Plass, l'ul'l'iell ahroau and was wounded once in bat· bridles, for suII' chenp. Phone Nul" You (awl thllt doeH 1I0t IIll'all th"
ofl' the honors 111111 reeei "ed sp~ial tle, Latcl' he contracted pneumonia, h,,;,t h ] 255-.T. (:lli-]' ) "other fello\\' ") ad at Olll'" alld 1IIak('
lIl(lIltiOll. The enfire :\Ierion tcrritory whieh causeu his death. youI' r"""rnltioll at 1Ifr. :\'ash's ollie",
wus thoroughly orgulli7.e,1 and hon().~·­ Members of Hurold Speakman D: FOR SALE-BuJb~- Crih, ~eale bn,sinl'tte. or phone to :'III'. Hillegll" (:Hji W), 01'
eOlllllw<l with \\'orkers. No olle ('scapell. Post of the Amerieun Legion and other spring cot, nrmy h>nt, portable (·hi"k· to Mr. Henlll'l'soll (60in. Don't wait
military organizations attended the fu- en house an<1 ten 'Iuying' ht'lls. Gill! until the last minute if you ea II possibly
(Continued on Page 4.) l'\arllerth 61\)-,1. (:16.p) ,leride earlier.
Sinee the remo"al of the objection- and they ,]ta\"o rightly made such use Telephones. or course, WI
Olrned and Published every Saturday
by the Narberth Ci~.jc Association.
able repf 1 lind thnt 'the members of
Illy hOllsl'holrl sleep better, anll I sus·
pect that the many skippers \\'ho go by,
a matter of pemlission, to be decide,l
hy thl'JIIsel\"es. The school house ,lOCi!
not helong to groups, it belongs to
1268 HOWARD'S deliver - an,
place - an,
experielll'e great.el' r'olllfort, both of the citizenship, made up of the indiYi· The Brightest Spot in Narberth
hody a 1Ie1 tJf mind. <lunls of the cOlllmunit)·. But the re,
Subscription price one dollar and fifty
cents per year ill ad vance.
Hesperus. fusn.l of nny hour'] of educatioll to A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
permit. the whole COIlIlJl1\llity to use its
NARBERTH CITIZEN MISQUOTED 0\1'11 .property as it desires, is all in'
CIVIC ASSOCIATION BY CI'fY PAPERS ",tance of servllnts giving orders 10

March 31, 1921
George A. :Mahl '1'0 Ih,' Editor of Our '1'0\\'11:
their masters; it is an intolerable lIsur·
pal ion of authority." Rally 'Round Our Ball Tearn!
Vice-President Joseph H. Nash III I'ie\\' of the cditol'ial in last. week's The author then proceeds to relat" JUST LIKE WE DID WHEN WE WERE KIDS!
Vice-President Augustns .J. Loos iSSHe' of Our '1'011'11, rl'glll'dillg locatioll a II illl·it]pnt \\'herp jJ](' hoa I'll of edu-
Vice·President 1\[rs. C. P. Fowler The ,. Home Team" has professional ball beaten a mile. and the.
'l'reo.sur0r l\[iss Maizie J. Simpson of loail "oxes, permit 11'(' to state in nil l'ation of \\'ashing-toll ..ity refuse<1 the first thing you know you will be "panning" the umpire, and then cheer.
Secretary Hobert. .T. Edgar fairlless, alld with no eritielsm for llll~" usc of the school huildillg for c\'rtain ing your head off when one of our fellows knocks a home run or makes
a sensational play! For the combination of real, tmadulterated joy
Direetors, to serve until ]!J23: :Mrs. one, that the :l1,tic!es appearing ree,'nl· pUl'pose'S. This r,'sulte,l in an act of and heartaches, happy expectations and disappOintments, we recommend
Robert 10'. Wood, .J. Garfield Atherholt, h' ill I'hila(lelphia lIew'spapers ('onel'rll' COlIgJ'(I:-;S aS~l'rtillg the rig-ht of th(l the "HOME TOWN BALL TEAM."
1. A. :Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick, i'II~' tlJ(~ maUl'r, arc ill:l('C'Ul'ate and at 1'''01'11' til <1"l'iet" as ,to the use of th\'ir GET THE HABIT. Bring the family up Saturday afternoon to the
A. E. Wahlert, Philip A. Livingston.
variallt'" \I i.th the faet.s. :\0 altelll].t puhli,· sl'hool huiltlillg. Permit me to School Field. You will find a lot of your neighbors there and maybe
Directors, to serve until 1!J22: J. J. you will be surprised the way some chap you thought was a "hard-
Cabrey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas, was llI:ult', lIor peJ'lllissioll reqnested, sa.I' h.,' W:i~' of ('Ollllllellt that I I'egard
boiled egg" comes to life at the critical moment!
C. H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, Harr.r to 1<)(' a t" all." IIInil hox Oil pl'opel'l~' :\1 I'. ]{elll'Y's rpnsolliug a>< 'Soun'!. For
A. Jacobs. o\\'II,'d or o('cupie'] by Ille. a spllOoI hoard to permit the usp of its

PHILIP A. LIVINGSTON, (/';<lillll"s Sote:

Charles H. A. Chain.
'I'he l'ditol'ial ill
pl'or,'rt~' for PHI'." passin!! show or :
,'nt"rt:tillluellt Ilould he [I serio liS mis, ! ROBERT J. NASH
Editor. last l\"l,l'k's "aliI' '1'0\\'11 did 1I0t I'd'er Inkl'. 011 1I1l' othpr hnnd, if the town
1001 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia
10 :111." sl",,'itk ill,lid,IHa] IIll'lIt iOlled ill had a Chor:l! Soeit'tO" largel." representa,
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON. Branch Offic. at Narberth Station
Phone Narberth 1710
lh" l'hilad,'lphia papers, hut to lhos(' tin' of tht' "OIIlIllUllity ill whieh the
Cashier. Member Philadelphia Real E.tate Board

Send all advertising lind news iteme. to

of 011)' n\~·;jl1tlllt s who gi \"P out h~dpl':-' all
opportunity to question Narberth's
1IIl'lId,,-l's olc\'f.t" lI11'ir time and talents
101.11(' "ntertainment of ,the people \l'ith· .... ... . ... _- .... _. _.- ...
])I'ogrc:--si yeneRS. Clut I'r.mmerc.ial llrhnntnges, it '\'ould
P O. Box 966.
\r,' n]'c glad to reeeh'e this stall'lIll'1I1 s('pnl to JIIe nn nhsolut..'ly clear e:l.~e thnt
Our Town is on sale at the depol
1'1'0111 :\11'. Chaill, an,1 ],(·:l!iw lhat hin >Ilph an organization should ha"e the
newse.tand, aud at the store of H. E"

lI"as 1I0t th,' 0111.,' lIaHIP ns"d iHl'uJ'I'l'C'lly pril"iliges of the puhlic school huilrling,
ill thi, n'sl,,'et h," tIte I'hiladplphia 111lcl I belie\'(' that if t he public pulse
Entered as second·class matt,'r
H"\I"I'al"·l's.) II'PI'" propl'rly felt, there \\'ould he prac-
October ]5, 1914, at the Post Office /'t
Narberth, Pennsyh-aDia, under the aet
of March, 1879.
I i,'ally no opposition.
:\arherth hns all amateur base ball
t":III1. .Tu']gell 'h~' the cro\\'<1s which 1
'1'0 thl' Edit,,!, of 0111' 'l'UII'J1:-
1 \IIH]('r"I;III'; 11::t1 SOII,(' qll('stiulI;;
sa II" 011 t,he qrClUllr]s thp other duy, the
"OIllIllIlUltY helie\"Ps in its tpam anrl
OUR TOWN will gladly print
ha I'P 1""'1, wised alld cOllsidprahle dis, ol"sires the prhilege of s('ping it pla~·.
any news it':lm about any subject to linnncial independence is always helped by proper bank-
cussioll has reslllted concernillg the usc It Sf'ellIS to me that this i~ a cnse when'
that is of interest to Narberth ing connection.
of the public school propprty for eel" I he ,'omlJlunity ea]>itClI shoul,l he Jlsed
folks, but in Order to meet the
tain purposes. I f ' ] am eorrectl)" ill' 1'01' a ,·onllllllnit.y purpose. A Savings Account earning interest is the surest begin-
printing schedule, all "copy"
formed, some folks lun'e questionp,1 the II Il'as III." plpasure to hear one of ning, and regular deposits of a fixed amount make the goal
-manuscripts-must reach the
right of the Behool Board to permit the I II(, ('lIllr:d :-:o,'il'ly's I'oneerts, and r am easy to reach.
editor by 6 P. M. WedneSday each
;\arlferth Choral Society the' pril'ilege pl'Cll1,1 to he a I'itizen of a town "hi"h
week. Consider tile aClvantages depositors enjoy here. and r.l1ow
of hol,!illg' its eoncerts in the school ,'an ('OIIlIll:lJIIl so nlueh talent and use
us to personally explain our service in detail.
11:111. 'Php malleI' of perllIitting the it for the,I"'lleI11 of the ]>Ilhli,'. It was
c(J1nnlullit~· hasc hall team the privikge like\\"isl' JIlY l'ri,'ilpg'(' 10 \\"jtll('~:-- 011(1 of
SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921 of IIsillg' thp sellOol athll'lie groun,ls at III" has .. hall g:lIl1es. So far as T "oul,[
tillll'S whell thp school is nol ill session, it W:lS \,Ip:lll alld whole~()Il11'. ~\H
Wl1r tlIIlrrtnu mUIr at1~ IDrufit (lll1WPUUt!

EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS has beell ealle,] ill qnl'stioll. " t:lxl,a.'",-1' all,l ,'iliz,," of Xarl.erth, ]
Fire, 350 I hanl ;illst finished rpadilll-( :t boo], 1\"IIIIt 10 l'xprl'ss Ill.'" approY:11 of the'
:,,'Iioll of th\' Board ill permitt illg- thl'
of i\rilmort. Ja.
Police, ]250 ('lItitle,1 ,. 'l'heColllllI1lnity Capil "I." II
('hllnd ~o,'il'i~' :1111] 111" "ol1llllUllity ha~e
------------- eOIlIPS from the p"n of one of Ameriea '.s
mo-;[. giftp,] Congrpssmell, :\L CI.,·,!I' hall 1":1111 1'1'1'" II''' of t h(' ,,l'11001 alld
Ardmore Narberth Bala.Cynwyd

Editorial Kell1'Y, of Pitt sburg·h. 'J'h is hrilliall(

YOllJJg: lllfUl wa~ l'eurt l1 on a fanH :11111
atlil,'lil' g-rollll'ls, holh of 11"lIieh org-alli,
z:l1iolls an' "ap"hl" of I,ontrihutillg
has lwen in turll a Sf,hool 1<'a"her, np\I'S' ial'g'ely to th,' happill"ss alld ",..Hare
paper p,litor, state legislator and I,as I1f the' POIIl1I11IUit..'".
While tal,ing a stl'OlI through the
hl ' l'I1 fOlll' tilllP:i l'lC(,tllll
In that body h,' had a"llieved the i'lL
to ('UIIg-t'l·~~. HartY M. Chalfant. Betty's
,,"Buds Inst ~\IIH:':l,". \\ {' IlIl't :L U.-t.'II1.lI'III:l'!
:lIId two "IJihIQ'ell ,Iiligl'utly sear,'hill!"

putation of heing OIlP a 1ts (. 'HH';;
stu,lents and dearest thinkers. lIe has
for llil'ds' uests. I U<jll i 1'." l"lll'lmkd tl,,·
fa,·t tha.t this was ali l'gg hUIlt. '1'1",
pspp<'inll~' ,lpI'ote,1 his tilll(' alld eller,
g.I' ill the ('frort to make hilllself 11101,'
.\:-. "liP (If tliP f\\\\' ~llI·,-i\·ing' L'x-!':di-
mall sai,l h,' illtelld,',] 10 lak,' "(1111,1' 11seflll all,] h<'1pflll ill pl'ollloling- til!'
lors 111' Our '1'0\\"11, I f('el it l1Iy dut.I' to
OIH' egp: I)'OIlI t)-adl lil'sf" for a ('1111(1(.- W(lIf':ll'(' of 111(. )ll'opl(' throtl~'h tht.' llll'lli. That No Meal
"Ollilll<'ld IIpOIl .. erta i II N al'])('rt h th i IIg-S
lioll. 11111 of 1111' pllhliC' school.
1'1011I tilll" to tillil', with. the' salIll' feel, II Complete
\','sl-roh'hilli! has h,'en Oil" of OIL' III his lat,'st hook ~[r. 1\:"l1e,\" shows
ill;!" all,l spirit as thnug"h 1 were st.ill Without
hig'gest factors in the spriolls oIl"·I'"as,· I hI' foll~' of the' folks of a t'(lIIIIII1111il~'
acti\'(l]~· PJ1g-:I.!~·('c1 ill 111l. ' work of YOlll'
ill t h" nU111her of mun.\' species of wild lil'il:g- apart 1'1'0111 each oth"r allOJ fail.
binls. 011 the sllll,j('d (If takillg 0111' ing to III(,pt :11111 ruh ellHlws ,,"ith ,,:I<.h
lit I Ie pappI'. Rye, Bran or Wheat
It is aholll the :\arl",l'th ('horal :-:,,-
e;!p;, Chester A. Hepd. the noted Ilat11l'- oth\'l'. The l,r ohlel1ls of thp nation :I!'(' We invite comparison as to quahty and quantity on all our
,'i,'I,I' UPOII Ilhi ..h 1 alii U,,\\" "UIIIIII('lIt-
alist writes, ,.I,'arl,\" 1Ilf'. pnih!"II's of thp "Ol1ll1ll1l1ily
iug', nlld p:l1·til'lI1:u'I,'· rone(\l'lIing 111('il'
Bakery Goods
"Nine out (If ll'lI of' 0111' wild bird., i ill 1l1a.~lIirh'd and 1II11ltiplit'd forJII. ]f
will leave a Ullst if a single l'g-g" i:-:
dplIJ(ll'l':l"Y lS to attain its full fruitioll

thp folks of the ill,]il"illnal l,olllmullity

811111'IIl'r ('''lIr,\.,.t ;!il""u last ]<'rida.~',
""l'lIillg- ill th,' AII,litIlriulII of t.h .. Xar-
1"'I,tl, Ilig-h Sr,hool.
,BETTY'S SHOP Opposite
'l'he "ol1pclillg of n"sts anll "ggs, ,'x" IIltlsl kllo\\" "a"h oth,'r, 'I'he,\" thl'l'l"
In the lirst pIa,'", I IlIlIst eongr:du,
,~epting for seientifi,~ reference, aDrl by I forI' 'IC'l'oI a 11I('pt illg' pIa,'e wh"I'" they
1:11,' lhe Societ.'" for its gTeat. fortlllll' ill
)'ccognizcll lIHtl1raIists, is now lllli\"('r· I (':Ill join to;!:t·tht'r ill their H,.ti\'iti(lH
i\ll.dJlg Profesosr Clarellt'p C. Ni,'(' so
"all~· condellllll·'1. \\'p 'I not<' a part of wIll Ihpl' thpse hp for entel't.ainment, ill'
"los.. at hallel,. alld to kllOll' thnt Ill' iH
th .. Pellllsyh'allia Bird Protl'etioll ,\("1
of !lfa~' ]4th, ]8S!I.
* * *
1,'llp,'ll1al ,'lIl!nre or the dis,'us><ioll of
,'CI1I1 III II II it ,I' atrail's.
Th\' logi('al ,'alii,
IlIlIliit,\" ,'apitol is th\' IJllhlil" s("hool
otH' :ltlIOUg' 11:'" ill OUf hOllle 1own,-~,qlt'll
II "tllllfort to l,ltn\\" t.hal \I'" ,lid II 't 11:1.1'"
Spetioll" ;\0 persoll shall tal\(\ III go a wa,'· frellll hOlllf' fot' 0111' ](\:1l1cl', or rent, furnished or unfurniphed, a home in Narberth, we have the
01" 1111ildilig', with it:-- gTOllluls alit! (\qllip" best list in any part of the town at prices and terms to puit.
lIeedlessly Ile-8troy the JlPst or for. spareh if .1'011 will,'f[ll' allcl \\"id ...
a II~' sOllg or ",il,] hir,ls.
Th,' aUlhol' hol<]s that the,eolJlmuuity
10 JIl" it. dO"sll 't. Sl'eUI possihll' thaI sll"l1 3 % COMMiSSION FOR SELLING PROPERTY
'ill:dilil's of master and I'llpil [I,S ,]rs,
* * * is :1 h,'a I'," los!']' heeause of its fail,
:-:ectioll 7. Any person 01' 11l'I'SOllS
Yiolating any of lhe provisions of tItis
un' 10 utili"" its s .. hool propl'l't," for
play"d lasl l"rida.,· lIight, eOll],l hal'p
1""'11 hrong-ht tn.~ether 1I111ess then' was
olh',,1' IJlII'IlOS"S thall t.hl' illstl'Ul'fiou of !!I'l'al ,'OlltlllOIl fl'l'liltg to ha"1') prolll]lte,l B.ea1 ::EIs'ta1ie
net, shall he deeJlH',1 guilt.,· of a llIis, ,'hildn'II, 'I'hl' latt,,]' is, of eourse, its
<I 1'11I e:lllor, puuislm1.1(' h~' imprisllJJlllellt
sll"1i a \\'oll,I,'rful spirit. as was sho\\"lI. NARB£RTH, PA.
prim:II'." purpose and 1I0thing whate"0r It "('I'tailll.'" docs takl' hOl1le-to\\'n fe,'l- Phone, Narberth 1687
iu thp county jail of not I,'ss than fiyp 1IIIIst I", pel'lIIith',l to illlerfeJ'(' with illg- with hOllle'lown fnlk to gpt at th,'
nor more thall thirty days. 01' hy a fiJll' that. I'l'al helLrt of things, c'spel'ially whm:
of 1I0t less 1hnll tell 1101' more 1h:l II We f] uol p from ;\11'. K,'I1,'." 's hook ,'I'('ryolle eOIl"el'lIe([ kuoll's I'xaetl.,' ,"hat
1i ft.,· doJlnrs, 01' hoth at. thl' ,lis!'rPt ion as follows: he is nbout.
of t.he court.
(Note: English Sparrows (passer
dOIlIt'stieus) ar .. Itot IlI'otecte,1 hy th is
"Of "ClUI'Sl' the liSP Clf lh" sehnCll
huilding'=-' as ('01Hl1l11IJit~.. ('(llltel':-i i~
.\!lel el'CI'\' IIIPIIII",r of lhp Ch"raI
Srll'iet~' See;IH'<I a dtal PliTt t.o the'
t'THE 400"
I>as,'d \11'011 the fael that Ihe l",op1t' whol". \Vatchillg' t.helll dosl'l.'", ,"011 400 PACIFIC AVE.,
act.) al'P SO\-t'J'l'ign 0\,('1' tllP:o:t' huildiu;.!s and
t'o'.1I,] lIot fail to 1I0ti,,1' the ill.teutive' ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.
Nad'e'rth IS ,ituated in II rpgion II:iI'" all IIl1qualili",1 rig'ht 111 liSP 1hcIII IIP!-lH, tllP earll(l~tti('~s and HPlf-t'Oflfi-
ahollllding ill hirds. allll aside from tIl(' as tht'~, desirt'o It is unforlunalely Distinctively 1>eautifUl residence with delightful innovations. Ex-
tlelll'e displll~·e,]. hy pa"h l1Iember dill" quisitely fumished rooms, single or en sUite, with private bath nnd
Il';.ral prot(',',tioll, e'aeh l'itize'll shoHld tru" thnl lIIallY t inl('s. hl"'ause of lack illg the l'en,]pring of the Y:lrious sl'le,'· shower, Breakfast, the only meal, is attractive tray service in rooms,
do all in his 1'0\\'1"1' to ell('ourai!p thes,' of (lffp('tivl' 'Ol'p:nllizatiolit 110H1'11:-; of NCllr Beach. Private Garage. Spacious Verandas. All the advantages
lions. 'I'hnre was al\\'a~'s an all'rtuesH
il'e!ponle "isitors, a Hd to rll't el' ,..]1 il,lrl'1I ",]ul'aliou han' USIII'j,,'<1 111(' 1,,'o"ple'H of a beautiful home combined with the independence of Hotel Lifo.
Ill' ~)liJ'it, n hrightnl'ss of eye, so 10
from nl01c~tin1! th(\ ('g~:-- nUll t1(l~t.1iH:.r~. ,'oIIr,cth'e :l1lthlll'ily. Th"," ha n' often Little home dancing parties and afternoon porch parties can be ar-
speak, Ihat glll'e so IIlllch life to el"elY ra.nged. Rates cOllUnBnsurate with service and Rurroundings. ' Reserva-
rpglll'de,l thelu,,'II','s as CI\\'II"I'S, iustea" moment. In chornl sillg'ing'. often1illj('~, tions can now be ma.rle by writing Miss Ivy R. McLean at abovo address.
of agents and hal'" f,,1t eOlllpl'tent to
Communications la~' clown 1:1 \IS for the I'pry Ill'o]>l" ,dlo
thl'rp art' times of IlJ'llg'ging, 1Il01Il('uts
when one part o,·er·balances the ot her,
ell'ete,l th\'111 to ]>1' trush'"s alld nothing with o.n enoea,'or of the leader to hring'
To tho Editor of Our TO\\'I1:- morl'. thl's" pal·ts IIp to their requirecl st.all·
I think r "oi"l' l'hl' Opillioll of Ill~'
Iieighbors in eOllllllell,lillg- our Strel'!
As trusl<'I·s. the hoanls of I'llueation
ha \"l' hpell ju~tifie'l in rcfusing to nd·
,lard. Not Ro wit'lt,our own Choral Ro·
riet~·! 'You l'ouldn't finrl them off their
Have You Paid Your Subscription'
Commissioner for thl' iJllpI'O"e'IIIt'ItIS mit an~' right ou the part of any spec·
just made 011 l\ferioll A '·I'IIUI'. ial group to use the school huilding, (Continued on Page 3) to "OUR TOWN?"

A ~s~ur~.2!A
1U0n by the Pastor. Theme," Son and preparatory meeting will l)e 110ld next and Stripc,;, ~alnte of gUlls uucll'r tllO
NtWl1 of tltt C!llturtIttS Heir. " 'Yednesda~' evening, whell the sermon supen'i"ioll of properly t.rained gun-
Church Notes \\'iIl be llelivl'rNI h," Hev. %. H. Cnp!" llcrfol, I'ill~,dllg: uf ('hlln'h bells, patrioti(~ Fllllesl Pholoplay The-
atre 01 11ll' sIze In lhe
THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' '1'he Annual Sunday School Pimlie 01' Phi1:ldl'll'hia. ,(,Iw church lluartett.l' songs alld "pl",,·h,',;. Xoise is not EnUre World.
MEETING HOUSE, will siug at this meeting. ]Jatl·i()ti~lll. Pbeloplays-ConUnunus 10 A. M. 10 11.S.
will he held Saturday, June 18, at Bel-
Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab- 1l101l!, PI:1t('au. Fairmount Park. :1\£eet '1'hp Children's Da}' eelehration in The tire-l'l':lcker j,; a national nuis·
lished 1682. Horo William Penn wor- this ,'hllrl'h last :-;unda~' morning will ann', alld its usc should ho avoided in PhUa..Pa.
at the church, F:ssex anll Pricc "\.\'es.,
'shiped, as weH as many other noted :It 12.30 P. M. long h,' !'l'lIlt'll1lJered h}' all those who the interest of safet.}'. Avoid calamity
Friends. One of the historical spots of Prayer llll,,'tin).! evory \Vodnesday wen' I'rl'sent. ;\[u"h credit is r1ue ?I[rs. hy " "afl' anti salle "elehmtion un the PROGRAM
America i~ open for worship overy ""pning. E. S. lIa ws a n,1 her eflieil'nt corps of. COJIlillg' l.udplH'lIcleuee Da~v.
First-day (Sunday) Inorning at 11 Preparatory IlIl'llfhers will 11 [(.'(1 t the IIp]I'''r'' for thl' splendid program pre-
o 'clock. First-day School begins at 10 I'n"tor We,lnesolay, at 7.15 P. :M:. Sl,,,tl"!. All previous re('orrls 1'01' at·
Chil·f. BUt'l'all of Fire Protection.
A. M. Visitors cordially invited. tl·,,<lalll'" \\','re ],rol,ell, 444 heilll!; pre'"
'1'he First-day School is held overy • BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE
011 t. "A \Vise Fool"
First'day lUorning at ten 0 'clock. There EVANGEL.
is a class for adults as well as for
children, and we nro verj' glad to have Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor. Communications--- Continued MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEAll
anyone who is interested in knGwing 8cl'\'i,'cs Sllllllay, ;Juno l!l, Hl21: AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. AI.. 1:1.00, 1.00.
more about our Society of Friends an,l standard last Fri,lay evening'. E"er.\- l1ul"'rt J. Pet,'rs, director of the Bur- B.JIl, 11.411. '1'.411. 9.80 p. U.
the Friendly ideas dsit with us. !l.30 A, ~L-1'rayor sl'rviee. moment foulll1 ench singer at his bost, oau of Employment of the l'enllsyh-ania
9.45 A. ilL-Sunda}' S<'1JOo!. with 110 undue urging fro111 the I('aller. Department of La.bor and Industry,


ll.On A. ?l1.-Morning worship. Ser- Anrl yon didn't h:1\'e to watch Profes-
mon h." the I'II"tor on the suhject, sor Nice \'ery closel.\" to know that he
has sont out :1II auuoullcelllellt to fnrlll-
ers, pointing out tho [.l\'ailability of NARBERTH GARAGE
"Seein~ 00,1, ., Text, Hev. I: 17. \\'as the happh.'Ht one present. It is numerous high sehool hoys for farlll Raymond Weils, Proprietor
Rev. R. F. CowleY, Rector.
7.45 1'. ~I.-E"ening \\'orship. Praise .such ellcourngen!"nt for th" singers to ,,"ork.
Enrly Mass on Sundays at 7 A. M.
servic(' wit.h th,' orr-he"tra, Sermon know that their work is npprecia tell by "At this ti III I' "'hell the public GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
Late Mass, 10 A. M.
Masses on holy days, 6.30 and 8.30
theme, "Doill~ the IlJlpos~ihle." '1'cxt.
2 Ki IIgs Ii: Ii, "A nil t.he iroll <lid
their leader.
01' course, the \\'ork of ]\laster .John
schools und the hiJ.(h school>' through-
out the State are l'1usillg, there arc re-
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening dovo- 8\\yitll. ' Hichardson, Violini"t, anll ~rr. El'l leased. many boy" whose sen'ices can Telephone Narberth 1633
tions and other services at regular

\V"dlll'"da}' ,','ellill~ at. 8.00 ° '<'lock, Bentty, Pianist, was wonderfUl, hut the we1l be used UpOIl the fanlls. \ViIl you --,------_._---------
times. Devotiounl Bihl<' Stlld.,' and prayer
Hleetillg', Suh,iel't," With Christ hy Gal-
occasion demall!l('tl such great tnlent,
for the Choral 80l'iety's work \\'as of
please, therefore, eall the attellt.ioll of
the f;lrlllers ill youI' !'oullty to till' fa"1
ile"," .Iohn :!1: 17·1n. such cnlibre that to ha"e nssoeiated thnt many ahle-hollil'<I and ellergel ie Justice of the Peace
~tl'all;.!.·I'I'H :tlHl ,·j:..; jtol':-\ arc \\'CICOlll(l all}' othcr but the hest, tnl"nt woul,1 hoys aud youths nre availahle for suit· REAL ESTATE
to :111 thc:-:c' sel'\'il·p~. hal'e underestill1:ileol thl' "tan,lar,1 of
ahle work upon the farllls d urillg .lul.. ·. Fire Insurance-Best Companies
our Society. .lul}' alld August') I aUI slIn' that lhel''' Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rcctor.
I And the Orchestra~ While \I'" ,"ollld· arc Illany fUl'lllers iu youI' ""ullly "Ito
Rev, Malbrne H. Brickhead, Associnte-. I n't see just, who was who, }'ct, after I can usc the sen'ices of th""" hoys. alld
ReV'. John Van Ness. Minister.
I all, we (10 not. "see" music. we "hear" [ alll sure that these lJO~''', Ulldl'l' PI'''I'''I' DECORATING JOBBING
S,l;', .\.~r:-'Hol.,· ('''llIllIllnioll. it, an,l \\'e did hl'ar the \\'ork of the ~nidalll'e anJ cJlt'ol1ragt.' llll'Jlt, call }'II}"-
!I.,I:; .\. ~L---(·htll',·h
IUlil ,\. ~L .. -~I"l'lIillg 1'1':1.""1' an,1
~f\\\,tillg':-; fot' u('xt ~t1l1da~·:
Choral 80ciet~' Orchl'str:t.
\I'a,; a COlll'crt 'h}' itsclf. :mrl thl' Chornl
]ts \\'ork forlll eXl'I'Uellt' wOl'k.
"Farlllcrs ill YOUI' (~Ollllt~· (':.Ill r;l'c',lIt't'
n.'I.; ,\. ~1.-SlIlIda}' S"hoo!. ;\ pinel'
Societ}' is JJlost fol'tunatc 10 ha"e such I the services (If "neh hoy" t h rong·1t ~II',
Painting and Decorating
and a weleollll fol' all. 212 Woodb'ne Ave., NlIrb'erth, Pa.
assistance, and of' hOllle·to\l'n folk, too. : K. ~[. Coolhaugh, superint'.'I .. lt-lit of th,·
] 1.'111 ,\, ~I.---:\lol'ning \\'o1'ship. Ser- Phone, Ardmore 1436 W Narberlh 1768 W
It ,,'oulll talw tOtl !Iluch spal'" to go in- ! :-'tall' Employnll'1I1 oll'i,"', J"l!1 .\r,·h
NARBERTH METHODIST HlOll 111l'JlIl', "Th" 1.; 1'1' all,l Light of
Men ... to "Ietnil regarding the wonderful pro· Ht I'l.'l't, Philullelphia."
~ranl. If you \\'er,) th('re, }'ou ha"e seen
7A:, 1'. ~I.--E\','nill~ \\'0 I'"hi 1', pr('-
Rev. Arthur S. Walls. D. D,. Pastot. ('eded I", a llli,'j' Ol'gJlII I'eeital l,~' :Mr.
StaHl. ~II'. \'JlJI :\"S" \\'ill !In':l('h on
and helJrrl it nil. If yOIl Iveren'l, I'm
sorry for you, and \\'onld a,hi"e }'Oll
For Bowling and
ne\'er 10 mis" allotl\('r ('oneel't, as 10llg 1 PALACE THEATRE, ARDMORE, PA.
;\. ?lL-Sn Iltl a," Sr-hool. All the th'·JlII'. "'1'11" HIIU:l\\'IIY Slave."
Church Notes. as }'Oll Ii "e, especiall," if it i" gi \'en h~' Pock et BiJliards
11.110 A. ~r.--;\11l1nal 01,1 ]'oll{s 8('1'- :Ur. Peter St:J1J1 ..Jr .. \\'ill l'1'esi,le at 1hl' ::\'lJr1Jl'rth Choral S""iety, a""ist l·d
PrograJII, week of ~loll,Jn.,', .Inll'· ~u.
hy thl' X:ll'herth Choral Soeit't~· On·llI'''' come to the
d,',.. i"pecinl scrlllOIl h~' t h" Past 01'. t.he orgaJl ton:ol'l'O'" at both the 1l10rll' , ~lolldny, ,JlIne :!U, t!lc· 1'1'l'1.tiest ~id
Old 1'1I1k, nnd shnl,ill" will lll~ calle,l tr:l. (m,l d ir('1'\ I'd hy T'rofe"Sllr Cia J'('ll"l'
for with alltolllohil,'s. if I':lstor i,; not i·
ing unci ('.\"l'lI i IIg IIIl'l)t,illg":-;.
T]H~ ~:tt'),:ltlll'llt of tlu' L01,(1 ';-; ~uppcr
(' Nice.
I in the ,,'orld, Allene Hn.". in "\\'l',,1 o(

! Th,' Hio Graude." ;3th epi""de of •• Th,'

fil'c1. Phonc Narherth G5B .J. will h,' IIdlllilli"tl'n~d ill t.his ('hnrch Harry A. Jacobs. i ~Oll of '1'ar7.all." Tue",lay an,1 \\'"d"l'" No.1 Forrest Ave.
7.4;; P. ~r.-E"l'lli11~ \lomhip. i"('1" Sabbath 1Ilol'Jlillg', .11 II Il' :!Ii. The lI~nal I day, .June 21-22, ,("~eil B. 1)P~li1le 's 1'1'0'
<lndion, "l"orllid.lll'll Fruil." Featul" c. L PARKE
ing Agnes ,\'\'1''''', Theo. Hohel't", Knth'
1~'lI \Yillialll", ]>'01'1'1',1 Stallll'}', .Julia
The ~Tl':tf ~:I(·r.ili(·~1 of lifl' and e1l'- ----------.-~-..

Narberth Register

Fa." allll 'J'hl'o. Koslol1'. This i" thl'

strlldioll of I,ro!,,'rl." thl'llllg'h th,' "art'·

Two Linea, IOc per iaaue; 5c for each aJditionalline

IC:-ls h;llllllill:~· tit' Hn'\\"ol"k:", nnd lirt "
I'itltul'(' that hac! a ('ontillnou" 1'I11t in
:\lm' YOl'k hou"es for ten \\"'l'ks al :j;:!,i10
For Permanent
l'J':ll'k('I's "ho1l1t1 hI' n "1I11it-i"lIt r,'a""11 for

l'1l1ln~ill;.:' th,' usunl III"tho,] of (','i,·hral·
admission. '1'\\'0 shows at night. ),.'" a ,
I ul'e bogillnillg at 7.10 an<l n.10 P. ~I.
ACCOUNTANTS ing- th,· tI".,,: anti illste:ld of ,1i"j mI'!·
Jackson, '\nne. Vlolln Instruction. 'I'hnrsda}', .Tulle 2:1, .TustinI.' .Johnston in
Gott-hall, H. K. l'llblle ACCollntllnl, 303
Conway Ave. Phone, Narberth 1667·J. 'relephone, Narberth 316-J. lng' IIlli~t':-i IlI'PlhH'ed 11,\" thp firing: of
"~hl'ltl'rl'<I j)aug-hter~.'· Adtletl attTa,"
S:e1JD. H. C. C..rtllled public Accountant. Loos, 1"anny H. Plano teaeher, gUllS, l'i:-;f'ob, fin'-('I':te,kprs and llthpl'
201 Dudl..y av-. Phon... Narberth 10D'W, l:itlldlo, Areade Bldg. Phone, 316-J. 1 ion, '!'oonl'rvilll' Troll,'.", • 'The :-;kil"

Smedley Built Home

Nlunlly dnllg"l'ous "nto'h-I','nll~' affair"
per's Narrow E:=-eapc." l~~riclay, .!lUll'
AUTO~I()lliLES. NOTARY PUBLIC. ,\'hiclJ tlftt'n I'csult ill ey{':-:; ht~in.!.!,· tlp-
:!4, a ;\[elro 1'1'",luetion of hig-h lIIeril,
' - ' Garace-Repalrlng. Etc. Phon•• UO~. Jeft'erle., J •. H. 111 Narberth aV... strayed. ar:II' to1'l1 "Cl', lin's lo~t and
Se(' displaY advertlsement In thts Issue. Phone. 666-M. "Love, HOIIIII' [11111 Obe}'." Saturday,
Slml.son, Harry A. 282 Essex ATe. Jlropl'rt," lou 1'11(',1 thn'ug'h '·arel"""lIe"H.
Narbertb Gara!:'e. Phone Narberth 1G33. Phone. Narberth 636. .Iune '25, [l l'('al wpstern thrilJe'r, :\1',,1
See dls[1la~' alh'ertisement In this Issue. let ns g" I,:",], to th" OLD Il.\ Yi" \\'h"11
T~·.on. "'orren It. 200 'Voodblne Ave, l1art in "])ang-pr \':111".,'," Purl''''
Phone, Narberth 1202-W. the Fourth of .lul." ",,,.8 ",,11,,1.,' ,·,,1,··
hrute,l I,." th,' IIIIf1lrlillg' "I' th,' St"I'S
Hi,ler ~o. 7. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Donahue Patrick I'" Phone 1G33. OPTICIANS
See rll~play ul!\-ertlsement In this Issue, Fenlon. Carl F. 606 E .... x ave. Pbone, 611-'"
Sable CenHore. Phone. Nnl'lJcrtb (;T~. Phlla, address, 1631 Chestnut st. Spruce 7797
Sce display ",II'l'rtlSl'nH'nt in this Issue.

ZentmaYer. J 08el.h. 228 S. 10tb 8t.. Phil&.

' '01.,
Dett)· Sweet Sbop. Opposite station.
See dlspla~' advertisement In this Issue.
Ne..-bor!:', &: Co. 212 Woodbine ATe.
Phone, Narberth 1758-W.
See display advertisement In tbls Issue.
Walzer, Fred.
~Ierion Title" Tru.t Co. Phone, Narb'tb 3!lS 117 Wln.or ave. Phone, 1247-J.
See dtspla.\· advertisement In this lfi"ue. Jobbing promptly attended to
llVILDERtl PAPER HANGING. The Great Show Nisht Phone. Nerb.rlh 687
Shanll, Alex. C.. Jr. Phone, No. 1710. lloyd. lIorace S. 313 Meetlng House Lane. D.:.- Pbone, Narb.rtb 302J
Narberth Station. l'hone 356.
Smedley. Wm. D. ,. H. 'J'. Phone, GOO. NEXT WEEK
qpfll (]I fIIpl fl Y ad vertlBement 10 thl. Illume. PHOTO PLAYS
Ath..rholt, S. G. Phone, Narberth 1234, ..Areadl..... 16th and Ch...tnut 81•., Pblla Four Evenings
See dtspluy advertlscment In this Issue. See dl.play advertl8ement In thll 1•• u8.
D.."lo. II. E. Phone. 1264-W. PLUUBING. ETC. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY The Narberth Electrical Shop
See display advertl.ement In thl. l ... u., Cook Br08. Phone 302-.r. 230 HAVERFORD AVE.
See display advertlsement In this Issue
"eoklns. Cus. L.
Wall, II. B. Phone, Narberth 1602-J.
See dl.play advertl...ment In thl. I ••u.
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 1Gfl4.
ST. MARGARET'S LAWN We repair, sell and install anything
James I'rat.mtonl liz Sons. 230 Hampden Ave Caldwell, J. A. Phone. 1687 Electrical. Old house wiring a specailty.
See display advertisement In this Issne See dl.play adv.. rtlsement In thl. luu. The Big Event of Narberth'. Year Ask about our throe payment plan in·
I"rltsch, II. O. Phone, 2~2-W.
DEN'fIsTS See display advertl.ement In thIs I••u.., 20 BIG ATTRACTIONS - 20 eluding fixturos. Phone 1633 or 395W
Orr, Dr. A.I•. 101 Elmwood av, Phone,
Phlla. Phon•. FlI~ert 426~. Keith Btdg.
lIall, Albert.. Spruce 7491.
Land Title Building, Philadelphia. Pa. Including: I
Sehemb., Dr.•John. ·Phone Narberth 816-'V. Nalh. Boben J. Phcn... 605. THE NARBERTH STOCK EXCHANGE
Cor. GI'al'lIng and Windsor aves. Money for Flr.t and Seccnd MorteaeeL
Orece Honrs until 9 P. M. dally. Simpson, Jomes C. 232 E••ex ave. THE SCINTILLATING STAR
1I0....ard·s. Phone. 1261.
Se.. dl.play advertl.ement In tbt. luu...
Phone. 636. or H20 Che.tnut .t.
James fratantoni &Sons
Gars-AlcGlnley Co. Phone, 1268-W. THE OASIS OF 0 CEAN 0
See dl.play advertl...ment In this I••u.. Contractors of
ELECTRICIANS HIller, John A. 241 Iona ave. Phon.., 81l-J THE WORLD IN ITS WHmL
Case. W. G. Phone. 395-\\'. Shep, U6 Hav..rford a\'e. Phon... 1211-J THE PONIES AND THE STORE
See display ad ..ertlsement In this ISBue.
Pncb. Veri 225 Iona av". SROll:MAKEBS
Good Wear Sboe Repair Shop,
Nar. Phone, 650-W. Ard. Phon.., iSl-J.
Constantine, B. G. 252 Haverford aTe,
Pbone, Narberth 1700-W.
Bowman, Samuel P. (LIfe.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phon... 661-W.
!I'rotter Bros. (FIre...to.)
209 Wood.lde ave. Phcn... Un-R. The above department .hould b.. ot tb. ROLL ON, OCEANO, ROLL ON
Wimer. Wm. Wood. 100 Forest Avenue. create.t use to tbe community. th.. lI.t con' CASSIA'S CASH JOBBING - Phone
Phone. 326 R. talns the name of every prof....lonal man,
Cnml.bell. Fronk D. AutomoblJe. Fire, etc. tradeoman. meohanlc••hopkeeper. ..to hs THE DARTFUL DARTS
4 Stuart Ave. Phoue, 3ll5-R. . does or can In any way ...rv.. hi. fello . CANES A LA NEWBORG
LAWYERS town.man. and who Is proere..lv. ..noucb
GlIroy. John 311 E'.ex ave. Phon... 1I45-R. to add nam.. to lI.t of R"cl.t..r. BRASS BAND CONCERT
Phll... addre.s. Lincoln BldC. A. It I. dlmcult for those cOlltrlbutlns
lIt1tes. FletCher W. 411 Haverford av... their tim.. and ..«orts to th.. production 0' SATURDAY EVENING
Phone 872-W Phil... addr...., Croll..r Btdc. "Our Town" to per.onally ..lther know .r rara-M~Ginl~'O
McDon..ld John. Narberth pbon... UII.
InterView all .uoh. It .ould b.. most b.lp.
ful If those Dot no... found In th.. print.. COME ONE COME ALL UI23South 17!'!st PhIIadc1~~
I~U Chest. st., Pbll... Phon... Sprue.. lUI.
lI.t would s..nd In a m..mo of th..lr _ ...
addre... phon.. numb..l'II and bualn._
prof lona for llatlnl'. Thla ...!II coot as fol.
CoUer. Ro" ..rd F. Phcn... U'I.
e....display ad v..rtla..m..nt In tbl. lAue.
10 : 10 c..nts eaob tuu. fcr I lin••: I _u
for ..acb addItional line.
GARAnteed' Roofs

HOSPITAL TAG-DAY RESULTS Thy chain of harmonies divine, presellted InallY serious and valuahle
ANNOUNCED FashiOll'd "ith links of truth anJ lo\"e, points.
(Continued from Page 1) Binds all the goods of life ill one, 'I'hl' ,~xl'ellell,t worl, Ill' the High
Dru\\'s Roul to soul, an,] earth to hea\" 'n. Sr,hool ('horn" ,lid lunl'h to hring ubont
'1'he worl, wa3 donc vcry thorong'ldy :lnll W.S.H. tho SIH'I'l'SS of till' e\"ening. In all six
~.ystemltticall'y und, as thp result, the seleetiolls w('re J"('lIdl'red, in addition 1"
committee collected $1,318.00,-more GE'l'TING READY FOR THE TENNIS the s"h"ol sOllg ,dth ",hil'h tIll' - pro-
than one h·a1f of the total SUIlI. CONTESTS gralll "lId,,(1.
'I'he taggers "old tags at th" hall (Continued fronl Page .)
gumes of the :"I['ain Line Bnsebnll
Lpague. 'l'his wus done at ::\'arl,erth,
"\rdlllore, Highland Park, BrYII :\[all"r,
out of three sets, the salllp as ill the
prclilllinar.\" rouuds. ~nita.hlp }ll'izl's
\\'ayne, . and' Berwyn, 'becausp p"ery will he [unlr,1ed the "illners of tIll' (Continued from page 1)
'-. 0' ,-"-" tealll ill thp J4cague wus anxioll~ to ,lo I'pgulur nlld ,~on"olntioll toul'nanl('nts. :\11'. alld :\ll's. L. W. ;':il'l,er~oll awl
THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF BIRDS. ils shan'. The Junior 'fournamellt. f[lluily leH' Narlll'l'th 011 Thul'sda.v fol'
The other station committees collect- The tOUl'nanlont for juniors will start 1.111) ~Ullllnpl', \\"hil'h t.llC~- will sIH~lI,1 at
('II the following amounts: :\Iondny aftemoon, .J uly 11, at 2
The Vireos. Cape Cod, :"Ilass.
$la.:]1, B:da C.YlJwyd; $nG.os, Nar- o'doek and will be for sin).!h" ns \\'ell
Allied to the warblers in their care
1lerth; $122.00, Wynnewood; $142.79, us doul,les. Bnt therp will ],1.' /10 con-
of onr forests arc the vireos and ori- i'je\"l'ral ,Y0ullg fo\l\8 of .'\arl)(,l'tll
oles. 'l'hc vireos arc a family of small
Ardmore; $18.0ll, Gludwyn; $:OWO.OO, solntioll Illatches i/l eithl'r singles or
lIaverfor<1; $103.50, Bryn Mawr; $35.00, 110ables.
have returned home 1'01' their snlllmer Cotter's Meats
hirds slightly larger than the warhlers ,·aeation. AlIIong t.lrelll are :"Ilary Chal-
Rosemont; $100.00, Wayne; $46.54, Ber- All preliminary matdlps, in these
and less highly colored. '1'hey frequent ",yn. fall;t, frolll \\'ilsoll ColIl'gl', Gl'rtrude
the tree-tops and consequently onl.y one junior tournanH'nts will ha\"" to he Ross, from :\1 t. Uolyoke, and A "a :\[ul- A Quality For
III n'spollse to an appeal, which the playell ,luring the week Iwginning" .luly
or two of the family, the red· eye and holland, 1'1'0111 the Connecticut College
"o/lJlIIitteo Illude to a number of organi- II, so as to be rl'ady for the finals 1'0 r \r 01l1('11.
People Who
the warbling vireo, arc very easily
z:.tiolls alollg the )laill Lille 1'01' till' which arc s(·heduled to),e playe'l on
identified. 'l'heir food consists largely
Bryn :'Ilall"l" Hospital" the Banyall Tn".'
Want The Best
of caterpillars, especially those forms the t01lrnamCIlt. courts at -l P. :"IL "l-:at-
Lodg-p, .'\0. ;:is, I. O. O. F., sellt OLt' 'I'11e Ladies of the l're"hytpl'iall
dependent on protective coloration for llrday afternoon, July 16. The ,~ntrance
hUlldred dollars. Chul'ch elltertain()d :1,) shut-ill 1'11il,lreu
their existence. Few birds are more fee for ('uch player for I'ach en'nt \\'ill
from PhiladPiphia, Oil I"atlll'dn'y uftl'r-
Grocerie. and Proviaion.
The ~[lIin Lille AIIIUSI'llIl'ut ConlpHllY, he 50 eents. Entries should he in the
delicate or thorongh in this work of noon. I';ntl'l't.ainment anrl plenty of
\\'hi('h will ,'rl'.,[ Il lurge awl mod"':l1 hands (~f the 'J'ollrnument Comlllittpe as
insect destruction than the rcd-eyed good "at s WI'I'C 11I·o,·id....l for t hpnl. :;.: ot
111(l\,jJi;! ph,.t 111'(1 huuse ill j\nlnHll'l' this
vireo. SOOI1 as possiblc.
SUIII/nel', agret'd to set asi,1c 0111' wholl' the least. enjoyahh, part of their out-
Beautiful cups will hI' gi "en as prizl's
The orioles, especially the Baltimore
oriole, nee<1· no introduction to Phila-
dlly in th(' Fall alld tUl'll all the re-
,·,'i 1'18 oYer to the H ospita1.
to t.lle winner in the sillgles awl to the
ing \I-as the trill out :In,l I'l'tnl'll in thl'
:llltOlllohill's supplil'd 11." lIIallY fl'ipntls.
delphians, though perhaps it is not gen- t "'0 wi n ners in the uOlLhles. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
The Girls' ('ollllllunity Cluh 01' ,\1'11-
erally known that he was named after
Lord Baltimore, the' founder of the
nlore (:0111 ri.hnl l'd I en dollars. MANY FEATURES TO COMMENOE- and Heating
Maryland colony, whose livery was the
The .Tulliors of the ArdllloJ"(' '\',1- MENT WEEK PROGRAM FRED WALZER NARBERTH PA
lIIau's Club and the Main Line Fe<1er- (Continuell frolll Page 1)
same' gorgeous orange and hlack. Rose 31ustttl' pf tlJt Jtare Phone, Narberth 1602-J
ation of Girls' Clubs will eaeh give a
growers shoul,] he grateful to remem-
d a llee this 111 outh and turn the proceeds were asked to gj\'(, an illlproillptll pIa.,-, lnsllranct! of all kinds
ber that this oriole destroys great
0\"1'1' to the hospital. and ten minutes \las allowe<1 t.hem to
quantities of aphids or plant lice and Auto Licenses Rents Collected
scale iuspds. Rut his greatest service
consists in h is war upon catprpillars,
The Merion Civic Association gave
t.he Merion 'rag Day C01l1mittee one
write. rehearse, ('ostllllle alld slage UII'
Marriage Licenses DAVIS'
hundred dollars to start tbe good work. The I"eniors \\'''re tl'lual to Ihe OC('a- Affadavits for Income Tax A FULL LINE OF
of which the h'nt enterpillar forms a
large part. In the western' part of
The 1';as1l'1'Jl I"t.ar Lodg" of Glau\\''yn sion, howe\,pr, and to the tune of a Workmen's Compensation CIGARS
a Iso helped their local tag cOlllmittee, IUrge, walke<1 mllurll fully iuto t.he roolll, 117 WINDSOR AYE. StationerY. M.gazln••• Candie.
this State 1 have seen whole trees en-
liS did a .~I'OUP of \\"onlplI ,\"110 had a t.wo boys carryi 1Ig" flora I d(}(,"l'ations, Phon•• Narb.rth-12.7_J
velope<1 in Ule nets of this iuse(·t, and
":"'" and "lIl1d~- slile for tIle 1"'II('fil oj" anu Iwo others l'l'aring" the hod~- of the NARBERTH, PA.
it is interl'stiug" to not<> thnt in that
III(' IIospilnl. "late depart,',l" Lilliau Redif"r. "I'hl'
section orioles are as common as robins,
I'he Bryn :\1 a \\T BlIs;n('ss .\"s'h'iathn moumers dl'da.red ~h(\ had di"d frOIll
and ill the faII their graceful nests
I'Xllt't't:" to '~iYt\ all entl'rtailllllcnt ill the sho('k of haxillg' gTadllall'd, and the
ma.r be scell swinging from almost ev-
III(' IIpal' 1'111111'" alld lurll tlte r""ei"ts soulld of their "'''''ping was heard for NOTIOE
ery tree in a village.
'I\'PI" til til(' Hospilal. hlocks. "Babe" made a good corpse,
Narberth TaXi Set~Ge
In fad, this curions ahility of the
\\" fl1'cl \\":1:" rC{'l'i ,'pc} fr01l1 ilia ny other but sppdators \1',,1'1' of thl' opinion that
hirds to seep out a section overruu by
"rg'anizations saying that they were she laughed 11101''' t.han a d ig'lIili,'<1
some special pest has man~' times saved Patrick F. Donahue
SOl"l"~- lIot to ]':1"l' J"('I'pi",'d \\'orll before corpse shou1l1. The drama was roundly
large areas from the total destruction Authoriztd Taxi Service. by CUliEi-
th";1" :\In.,- 11I,'pl ing', hut that the.,- ",ill 1l]1pl:1l1l1ed.
of its vegetation. cate from Public Service Commls-
('OII:"idl'l' it at 1ht' ,rUBe l1H~cting_ A ('oJlh~~t jn sl'ulptoring was J1t.~~d
.IOll, dated Novembu 16, 1920.
The less brilliant l'hestnut ani] blnck
('olored orchard oriole, named from its
Th(l linal lllpl'ti,ll!: ,,1' the Ladips' ('0111- held. Eaeh pl'rSOIl I'l'es('lIt wus g"i\'('11 Taxi meets all train•• A lavatory you'll
Store orders prom):t1y called for and
preferenep for orchards, is also most IIdtt"l' Ill' Ih" J)p"on Coullty Pail' will a slid, of gUIll, a "al'll, alld a t.ooth-pil'k,
delivered. Bal!l!age calltd for and be proud to own
I", ]J('ld :iI th,' rpsid"II('(] of ~Irs. ,\I'chi- alld asked to lIloll1d ~ai,l glllli (aftl'r
uspful ill (lestroying worm~ and eater- delivered. Freight delivued. This Maddock lavatory will stl!l
pillars, nud is very valuable to fruit hald HarkJip, 011 .\[olld:I,Y, .111111' l;\lh, usp had relldl'red it plia'hll') into SOIlIl' bit the pride of your bathroom
when the n'I"ll'ts ,,1' the "ari"us Co Ill- falllilial' oh.i,'d. _\ til' hl't \\"l'l'lI (;l'l't- Open Day and Night Phone 1633 after many yearll of service. It
lllittees will bl' III'onght in. At this l'l1l.h' (lox:.; alld L':!WI',.·Ilc..'P lloll:'\toll \\":1:::-: is made entirely of glistening,
pure white, vitreous china that
lIleeting tl", Ill'fillite r,'sults of lhl' wl,01,' d(, .. idl'd ill Ihl' lalt,'r's fan>r. hy dra\\,- is easily cleaned and is practi-
"lIll'l'prise will l,e :lIInonll(·ed. illg' l()t~. Thp wiulliJlg' t1lotl(~l was :l cally unbreakable.
The EXP('1l1i,·p COllllliith't' of' 111p li':Iil' r,'alisti .. Inl'tle.
\"\'1'.'- CLEAN---SAFE·_·WHOLESOME We will gladly tell you how
little it costs to install this mod-
wish to l'xh'lId tlrl'il' thallks to tire :\[aill Th" last, alld 1'''l'lailll~- not lea"t illl-
LillI' for thl'ir spl"lldid eO-II1,,'rat ion, as lHJI"tHIl1 1':ll't til' tlu' P\f'llillP:':-: l'ntt11'-
ern fixture in your home. Or,
OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED we will be glad to give figures
Tltp Will' Del'artlllent is llIaking a \\"ell as the illdiYi,luals 011 wholll Ihe~' tainmen t "-ere the refreshments. These

UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL on thl!' cosl of a complate bath-
special e/]'"rt to distribute Vietory "alkd 1'01' assistnnce. l'Ollsi~t(ld of 1,,,h·1\. in.' ('realll, lad,\"· room or such sanitary equip-
:M:edals to all Gold Star ?llothl'rs or E,-el''yolJe who hns helped in any way lingl'l'~ and I'a],,,s, I"'o,'i,l"d by I h.. I'JIj- V--men~,
Pnsleurlzed Milk DELIVERIES
the lleUl'l'st relative of eVllr,\' ~oldier 'l"hatS'''''I'1' l'opis Il liltl,' ,·lospl' dl'a\\"l1 "il'lI! Hl'frl'shn)('1I1 ('Ollllllit II"'. h,'aded Bryn;lovls Cerlilled WEST PBILA W.lker L. Owen
who llie(l in the sl;n·il'e. to the Bryn Mawr Hospital. Milk •
hy EI ..anol' E~·l'e. (PedrlaUeSoelety) OVERBROOK 526 Dudley AYe.
Licntenallt Colonel YOUIIg", who is in The following is the Narl)('l"th ,'''111- Thl' 11I1','t illg adjolll'l)('d at t('n II ". I(l\' I" Speelal .. Guernsey" MERION
charge of thp Pellllsylvania District, Illittee that Ilssistpd ill thl' 'I'a).! Illly: thl' 11I .. lIll11'l's Ijp(·larillg it \\as the lIlos1 Milk WYNNEFIELD
prolllisps ""er,'- lIlothpl' or the IIl'arest I :'Iliss :-Inrgaret Fo\\'lpr. Chainlla II; :,n""essI'1I1 1'\"1'1' h"Jd 1,y th,' ,\ssIH'ia- (Roberls'&Sharpless' BALA.CYNWY
relative a l\[pdnl, if the~- will COllllllun- :'Ili~s 'rhplilla 1<'o\\"lpl'. :\Iiss :\1,al",1 lIall",", tioll. Dairies) NARBERTH
ieate with thp Victor.\' 1'ledal Office" :'II i~s :'Il:">!'l loCi I'k'l'at I'i,· Ie, :\1 is.' :'Ilal'i:lll Cream Bullermllk ARDMORE
U. S. A1"IIIY, Post OBiee Bllilding, ::;erall-: "'11i1!,I', :\liss Lois SlIlith alld Miss Eliza- COMMENCEMEN'!' Table aDd Whipping WYNNEWOOD
ton, Pa., without tlela~·. i,dh .I,")\,s. • Thp :I1l1111:d t'OJlllllt 1 !l('L'IlIPllt. (lxt'r('ist'~
Cream. Main Line Garage
\\'1'1'" hl'ld ill thl' 1""!I011( .\nditoriullI 011 Taxi Service Haulina of all kiDd.
Packard Limouaine to Hire
Thursday t""l'll i II;.!"

T\\'~II\'(1 stlldi'lIt~
IIIllIas. as fnlJo\\'s:
at (·jg'ht o'(llol'k.
n'c,(li\""11 thl'il' dip SCOTT-POWELl DAIRIES SABlE CENSORE
Phone. Nerbe' th 672
The Presbyteriau Sunda~- 81·11001 pic- ETY A GREAT SUCCESS
Eleanor H. Brown,
45th and Parrish 5t8.
nic will be hel,1 nt Georg"e's Hill Oil (Continued froll1 Page 1)
;Fralll'(':" 1\. I>i:lIIlOllcl,
Satur,lny, .11Ine :!.l. Transportation will Pralll'ps :\I. ](pilll,
be provide,] for all hetween the l'hurch of /,l"lIdlwiug" ulldcr ]lis 1":1I1,'rship such 1:'11 pnitt ])a ,·is.
and the pi(,)lil' grounds. First I'ars will ('u!)('erls HH Wt' ha\"P hpt'll t'ortullate 1I,'Ipn :\1. J{l'illl,
leave the ehureh at !l '!'lock in the° !'lIollg-h to listell to t.llis last sprillg. La 1I"l'orri I·:. Knapp,
. morning and "an' \I'ill 1", at the 1·llllmh I I is III' to pal'll :11111 1"'1'1'.'- "111' of th,' .\lil·" Jo:. :\Ialthy.
at 1 1'. 1'1. for tho~l' who \\"ish to goo 1','s;,Il'lIt" of ;':arl",rth to gpt hehind 1':<I\\,ill II. :\Ial'till,
for the nfternoon.
thi:< org:lllizntioll 0111' hlllldred ]11'1' eent. Lillian .J. .\. Hedifer,
Ex!'rl'ss ."0111' apprel'iatioll alld int('rest Hose Hicklin,
h.,' yonI' "o-olH'l'al iOIl. (';\"('ry hOllle ill Hosl'oe D. SlIIe,]Jey,
TENNIS AUXILIARY HOLDS TEA. :'\arl"'I'1 h should hI' n',!,I·,'sellteI1 11.'- at Alhert "Vurd.
. l(la~t Ol1tl a:-;so(,jatc wt'lIdlt!1'. .'\n,,·olll' The speak('\" of tJJ(' evening was the
The "'ollleIl's Auxiliary of the Xar- \\"ho has 1I0t alre:\l1.,· snhs"ril,,',1 for a 1{p,.. Davitl :\f. I"h,ple, Hec.tol' of the
berth 'rennis Assol'iation hcltl It silver 11I('llIlJ,'rshiJ> shoul,] do '"~ ],y \"ollllltal'il~­ Chul'l''' of 8t. Luke and the EJliphan.y.
tea 011 Jo'riday, .Tune 10th, 011 till' lawn gpttiu;.! in 101H-h with the ~tleretar_\'l The address was filled with sound ad-
of the resid('nl'e of :\[rs. SUllluel 'I'. n[is.~Ruth Pl'pSl'ott. She will I.., Ilion' yj(.p alld suhtll' hUIIIOI'. 'I'he spcakl'l'
,\ therholt. than gl:1l1 to tpll yOIl all n bout it. and emphasized IlIl'nlal, physical und social
Some business \\"as trallsaete(], by- Pllt.l~],· ~·OII1' n:lIllC as a lllclHhor. halalll'e, all 11 thl' emhodiment of till' The new price of Chandler Cars. F. O. B.
!tlWS rpad and a"('eptml and future Again I \\"oul,1 extelld l'ollg"l'atulatiulls Ihr,,(' g-ral'cs, fa it h. hope u'nd charity, factory. With Cord "J ires.
plans discuss('d. ]\f rs. Hartloy offered to Pro1'l'ssor ;.: h·,. :llId tl](' ;.: arhNth in the. life which the gradllntes were Touring. - $1795
to be hostess at thp meeting in .Tuly, ('hol'al Soeiet~·. PII terilll!. Roadster 1 79 !OJ,
but since then it has heell decided that Dispatch 1875
"Ha,'p II ,'are wholll y01l IIIl1i'ry-if Coupe - - 279 ~
as so mallY of the members will he out {J 11('11"'11 1001"11 I!:ift of Aong, thy power do 11Illl"r.'"~" "':IS one pi(l"t of ad-
yOIl l
Sedan 2895
of to\\'n, all regular meetings will be 1'"I"'1I1111c(1 rlll<'s till' hpal't of mall; \"ice. :1I1l1 t.he sf ory wus tol,1 nf till' Limousine - - 3395
postponed until September. Th,," \'nil't ('an soothe till' dllPJltlst grief,
l'olle~e In'esident whose faculty can- We are the direct agents for Chandler CaTS in Narberth
Nevertheless, it is planned 'to have Con sweetly lighten darkest hours. sistetl only of his wife au,1 hilllsl'lf. and vicinity, and have fitted up a first-class Service Station.
several porch and lawn parties'through- 'Yhl't hpl' 1'0)' l'Ol11':q.~P~ lo,"l' or }))'U iHe, A laugh follO'wcll the st.atellll'lIt that GIVE US A CALL NARBERTH 1606
out the sUll1mer, at which the members \\'hl.'l hpl' 1'01' joy, or ).!Ticf, 01' woe,
may play cards und enjoy a pleasant
"your tasl, frolll now on is to hl'ing" LEE'S GARAGE
ThOll, leJl(lin~ hcauty fl'OIll Oil lJigh, up 'yOUI' pllrents properly."
aftel·noon. elitist voitlC elllotion:s fuireHt drenms_ 111 tllis frielltll.'- lIHllllll'r, Dr. Steele

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