Our Town May 21, 1921

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Send In Fireside

OU ~ TO ~.'

N. T. A. to Encourage I Tao Day Next Saturday June to! Big Legion Nioht the 27th
Young Tennis Players I "Charit~. ])eg-inH at home" is the JUNE 10! POST ~LL ENTERTAIN AUXILI-
Hpirit heiug- 1'rolllotl'(l hy the Bryn
FOLLO~NG IN FOOT STEPS OF ",[awr lIospital Conlmittee ill eharge June 10!
CYNWYD AND GERMANTOWN of the 'ra.g- Day, Sat unlay, ",fa~' ~Sth'. Friday ('\'ening-, iIlay ~7, is t,he time
CLUBS-NEW MEMBERS JOIN- fI"lp all other worthy eharities, if of the joint meeting of the Ameri-
ING-ALL COURTS WILL it iH posHi~)le, thl')' say, bnt <10 not e:lII Ll'gion nnd the "'omen's Auxili-
BE READY BY MEMORIAL nl'glcet the onl~' hospital in the ",fain ary; Elm Hall is the place.
DAY Line District whieh has dl'lIlonst rated its On Ihis o,·"asion .the legion post is
nee,l ill the eOlllmuni.ty, and is ,1epen- pntertaining- the ladiC's of the auxiliary,
A't the husiuess meeting of 1he Xar-
herth 'rl'lJllis Assoeiatiou helt] last Fri-
,lenr solely npon local Rupport.
"\1 a meeting of the CommiUpe COII-
THE FIRESIDE "'e repeat~ Save Friday e\'l'ning,
hut I'xtencls nn ill\'itation to all ,dyes,
sisters mJ<1 (~aughters of I'x-Sl'r";('e men
,lay e\'euing iu 'the C'oulmuuity Hoolll sisting- of the sta.tion dmirmell, it "'as JUlIe 10, for the purpose of comillg up or woml'n whether they 11:1\'l' affiliated
You have an important "date" for
of the Y:.\[. 'Co A. buihliug, steps were 'fo1l\1l1 that the in.terest \\'as gro\\"ing to thl' 8chool AuditoriUlII to hear the with the women's auxiliary 01' not, and
.Junf' 10.
taken to enl'ouragp the yOlJllg 11e"ple an,l frien,lly .rindry was stirring he- secoml concert of thl' X:ll~herth Choral woulu also weleome the ,. ,1:J<ldies.' ,
of the community to take up tellllis awl t w·~en the ('ommitteel; of the respec- Soddy, whieh cOIl,eert will eud the Eadl lIll'm bel' of the leg-ioll I'0st is re-
Alllong our leading golfers lIIay IIO\\'
join the AssOl"ia tion. ti"e stations. Each one is planning to Choral's spasoll ill Xn ,'berth until next que3ted to hring his home foil,s and
'1)(' Jistf'd .\fr. H. Rose, of 'Voodsitle
Speakers pointed out the rcnmrlm hIe co, er the territory thoroughly so as frLlI. make the e"ening a jolly gel-together.
a "(.'lIHue.
success of thl' Cynwy<1 Club and the not to allow :lny 011(' to pass through And it's 1I0t goiug to he a warlll COllie O1lt and get ncquainte<1!
Germant()i\\'n 'Crid,et 'Cln'b along this t he day untagged. night either. " ... \tllloHpherc 1'1'l}:-':-"llre" A short business meeting of the legion
illrs. L. B. Ilit,..h,·oek, of Call111l'idg-e,
line, citing the ease of William T. Til- 111 a nUII~ber of the centers, the has l,ecn 'hrought to bear upon 1 he posl is sche,lulpd for 8 0 ' .. lock anu then
l\la.'s., is \'isiting- her son-in-law, .\fr.
oen and llInny other stars who ha\,(' .Tulliors of the "'omen's Clubs will take w("lth('!' 'hoss, nlld a wondl'!'fnll.v .. 001. the 1Il1'l'ting \\'ill he turnl',l 0\'('1' to the
_\lfrf',l F. Whitlllan, of l\[erion Avenul'.
helOll,!!ecl to lh(,se awl other e.l1L~)S in charge of the tagging. bl'Cez~' nig'ht has hl'PII ordere,l anrl joint ~ol'inl COllllllittel's of the ll'gion
and arounrl Philadelphia I'\'er sincp they 'I'he following cOlllmittees ha\'(~ hl'l'n g"ll:lrHlIteetl. ]lost an,l auxiliar~'. l\lany special
.\ list of ,1I'a1'1 ,lespl'tprs will he
were old ('nough to hol,l ra·l·ke1s in their organized: Due to the orgauizatioll of thl' Choral 1'1'.:1 til res arc ·planned. Perhaps there
po:,tpc) in the loh'h~' of the l'ostOfTi,:p
hands. Tildell at'd the others, almost ",ferion: l\frs. Hel'hert Herr, .Tr" an,l so late in thl' yea!', its season is ('xlen,l, will lll' a hite to pat all(l IJl'rhaps a
ou ;-;aturd':Iy 1II0I'lling-, ",lay ::!7th.
without exeeption f'rankly uttrihute ",frs. 'Ve:hster Plass, Chairmen; l\fiss ing to a latp!, period than will be tIll' lilt Ie of the "light fnlltastie." COIlle
much of their sU""ess to the fact that Ele:.nor Gra,'" ",riss :;Uiriam Pole\\"ell, ('sr:t1']i~h,'<1 hereafter. alld see.
",fro allll ",frs. •\. n. Ross are no\\'
",[hs "'alz, }\liss Barbara Lad,'n, ",frs. '1'hl' program planued by the nirp,·!o!' Thosl' w'ho wl're ILble 10 1I11('n<1 the
o,·,·npying their jl('\I' apartluellts at
Guy 'Croyle, ",frH, E,l\\'anl ~trankle, ",frs. and thp l\fusic Comlllittpe, is Yari .. d, hig OP('II lIIeeling of the lpg-ion post in
(Contill1le,l on Page 4) JO~ Gmyling An'lIIll'.
W. Hallowell. ",fiss f'ara ",folloy, l\[iss awl nlOre or less of :1 light \'i,'a .. ious .Iallllar)', \\'ill not nee<1 an." illdl1eelllellt
Charlotta Gihson an,l l\[rs. Hpynolds nature. 11 ..ollsists of well Imo\\'l1 to 1t'!1 Hll'ir So,·ial Sl'cre1I1ri,'s to cheek
Cam I' ou in, thl' sho\\- is fine! "Hiel,s
Pierpont. staJlllartI worl,8 and ,.;olIJe melo,liou, ofT the ~7th a_~ "L('giou :\'ight." A
Choral Society to Open I Anlmnrl': ilfrs. lI. B. ~nJith, Chair-
at College" Jlpxt Frilla~' night. at the
lIla!e ,·horusl's Hllll wom('n's 3 part word to the wise is sIlO·ieien1. All
man; ",[rs. n. ",fax\\""ll Lang,lon, ",lrs. SOIlg-S, illtprslH'rsl'd with the lIJudl oth"l's are illYite,l to gd wisl'.
Steel Pier's Season Pall! 1'appan, ",frs. .\tha T. "'hital,er,
"'ith \\'1l1'1II weathl'r "olIling on every-
]o\'l'd all cl familiar old lime folk mplo, Memorial ExerciSes
di'·.8, whidl an' fOlln,l to piPas(' tllP
in June ilf·;';s Helen Pri('p, ilfr:,. Carl naih'y, ",frs.
ho(ly-tha t. is, mo,t pn'r~'hody, \\'ill
\\'l'lroJJle the n,.Jul'1ion in the pri ..e of
:l]J[l!'e.. iati\'" and .. rit i"al ..ar of Xar-
The Ll'gion post has 1\('('11 iudted
to attel\(l spl'dal n]('luorial t'xerl'ises
1Ia\'erford: ",frs. "'IIl. H. Philll'r, :'III'S. hpl'th.
j(·c crcanl. at Ihl' St. l\fa rgarl't 's Churl'h, .:\orth
.Iohn 1'. '('\\"a,lpl1, ",Irs. :"i),,'110urney :'Ifel- 111 detail, thp prog-l'aJll is as follow,:
NARBERTH ORGANIZATION HON- I Xarherlh A \'('nul', on :"uu,]a," nwrning,
lor, :'Ifrs. G. Ahhott IIuut, ",frs. B. Vail Sh'1rt C:Jlltata, pIix .. ,l Yoin':,), "TIll'
ORED BY INVITATION TO OPEN :.\11'. allll l\lrs. Frallk lJ. I'n's"ott l\fay 2!Hh at 10 0 •.. Iol'k. AI! ex,ser\'iee
ill:ll'sh, l\frs. "\. Dq~r:l1I\Y "'arno"k, :'Ifrs. \·illa;:<.' B1a .. kslllith, hy eharle' P.
MUSICAL SEASON OF AT- all,l ",Ii,.s l'r,'s('ott han' rdurn",1 from nll'n in Xlw]H'rth are \'("l!ll'stl'.l to up-
.J. Thomas Lig-geH, '1111':'. ]Jemy F. Ah, ;\ o~·ps.
a I\'(',ok-end trip to tlll'ir hung'alo\\' at pear ill ullifol'lu at the (·hun·h :It !1:45,
LANTIC CITY PIER hott, l\lrs. Philip C. Staples, l\Tiss Elean, ,rOIllPII '" ;j-pal~t Chol'us, "Cheerful-
O"ean City. so that a lille ('an he formeu and nil
or ])oughl'rt~', ?lliss Ellison, :'Ifiss ?11m')" nps~," h~· E. Grieg.
,'all ellll'r th(' .. hureh ill a 1")I1~'. ~('ats
'I'lle Xarherth Choral ~ociet~' will
Cartcr, l\liss Yirg-illin Carter, :'I[rs. Gl'o.
"\lIlong' th,' jUl'ors dr:I\\'I1 fOl'petit
ChOI'IIS Olix"d Yoiees), "Greetiug fa will hp l'eSl~r\"et1 for px·st..'r\'ie(l lueu.
'1'. Howlan,l, 'lifTS. .Jacques Vauelnin, ~Jlrinl! '.' (Hlue Dallll!he), hy .JohallJla
ha,'p thc' unusual priyilege of sing-ill::; "ourt at Xorristo\\'n ar" Ille :.\lissl's Ruth Ll'1's ha ye a big- turn,out an,l ..ollie
l\f!'s. Thomas, "'frs. :5u1 tOil, ",fessrs. How- Strauss.
on Hr'cl Pier, Atl:llltic City, wll<'H the l're.'t·o!t allll Lil!Jali C'jllll,ton, of :\ar- ill "('its" jf ,\"OUI' Ullifol'111 ha:"i "('ro:-:scd
ian'l, l\fl'ssrs. l\fl'C'all, ~\fpssrs. Baugh, ilf:de Cllorils " Y olga Boot ",1(,11"
1l11.nJla:':l~IHcnt 0IlPJlS its large ~~l~itlo I>l'rth. the bar."
l\fr. .r. n. "'iusor. ;lrd., ",Irs. Howarll ",1:<1 e Chorus " Lassie 0' ",I i Ill' "
audit.orium to Ihe puhlic about th" mid- Decoration of Graves
Ashl.,'. Ch'll'uS (~Iixed Yoi ..".,). "ilIp<1I<'y fr01I1
die t.lf .1\1tH'. W. Arthnl' Cole, of X"l" York Cit~" On :.\fonda~' 1Il0ruing, ",fa." ;;0, lllel!l-
Hala,('~'u \\)'d: .\lrs. Doual,l 8tauogle, th" I"outh," al'l'allg('d hy Hany Hale
TIl(' Ohorus has 1I('('n request-ell to (1I1<! 'V('st Brat-tlehoro, Y('l'nlout, I'pellt 'l)!'rs of th., I,osl will as;;l'lnhle at Elm
Chairmau: ",fiss LaYiuia Getty, :'Iliss Pike.
re1'l'at 1Ihe "Hose ",[aillcu" on this 01'- tl1l WCl}](-Clirl .in :\'arhprth, l'PU{-,\\,illg'
1 Hall to mllke a trip to ,!t'eorate the
OJi\'e Gl'l1.,·, l\fiss Harrid Getty, :'Iliss "'Olllell'S Chorus, ,. illnlIJlIl~' 's Lullah~',"
easiIJIJ, :JIId will '])e :1l'eolllpanie<1 hy al.'ljllaintanees with 01,] upighhors a Ill] :-: ra \'(\~ of Ollr dl)p:l l't pd {'(tIP radl's. Dc~
13":l-1ri,·p Pl'rreirn. l\Tiss l\farga,re1 :'I[a- :,rl':lnl;('d' from llYorak's lIulno!'('sk ..,
the Lehma n I"ynl phony Orchest ra, .\f r. fril'n,ls. tails of this t rip will hI' allllouneed ill
hon, l\fiss Sarah )Iahou, l\Iiss Ca1hariul' h~- OIl:lrlps GilJH'rt ~p!'o:,s.
Lehman sUl'I'l'lllleriug his hatou to Prof. JIPx1 Wl'ph.'H iSHl)(\.
Thompson, .\1 iss 'lila ria n Pie k ford, ",l1ss ~lIort. C':tntata (l\fix"'l Voi'·es). "'I'hp
Nice, an unpre"e<1ente<1 courtes~·. l"ishing talk is again ll('eollling "111"
Eth,,] Y:1I111iyer an<1 Isa,1)('11 ~peering. "-I'l"'k of th,' Ht'spel'lIs," hy Tholllns
In the salue enthusiastic manlier in 1'<'lIt alllnllg nlan~' of our 1l'II<1ing citi· COMMUNITY CLUB NOTES
"\ IIdprtoll.
which the Chorus spraug iulo existen .. l', zens \\'hn lIla),e life llliser:ti1,ll' for the
Chorus ('iI[ix ..,]' \'oi"es), "01' Caro-
so also han' its "apahilities rapi,Uy
be~ome well known anlong llIu:'ieal cir-
Seniors to Present filln~' ,l<'nizens of th,' Ill'e]' along ahout
this time of the ~·I'm·.
li"a." h~' .Ins. Frnll .. is Cook, (Editor Board of Directors
Th" COllllllllnty ('!lIh is noll' :L CIlJ,'1r-
of "Thl' Etll,le.")
cles and ha ye resulte,l in this sp"eial
in\'itation to appear hl'fure an audil'n .. e
Class Play AII~'()nl' hadllg a phonogrnph for Halt'
ft is ,'xpe<·te,l 1hat .James Pr:lJll·is ter"d Organizatioll with hright hopes
for a e luh hOllS" jilth(' 1'lIture. The
Cook (I~ditor of "'['h.. Etude' ') who
nccustoml'll to the l'('peT'1oires of the at. a reasonable pric", or \\'ho cares to Boai'll o,r Din>dors are, s('I'Ying for onO
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE TO BE ha~ PSl'("'ialJ~' arrange() "01' Carolilla,"
most c('le1)J'alp,] soloists of the .. ountry. donf,te sallll' for use at a home "'hen' yl'ar: l\frs. E,C. Bllt·"h"l"r: :'\[rs. A. B.
GIVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL AUDI- ill 1'0111' pal'ts for the use of the Xar,
One ('an not hd1' hnt feel t·hat this 01,1 people an' ,hut. in, ]'lease st'e 01' Ross, ~[rs. H. E. Hlleh :tlld l'Lr:'. Xor-
TORIUM ON FRIDAY EVEN- he,·th Chornl ~(H'iety, will persoua.lly
organization "'ill do luuch toward cOlIlllluni"ate \\'ith Po,~tlllast<'r Haws. lila 11 Southworth; fi(lr\"ing for two ~~ears,
ING, MAY 27TH ('ollllul'1 one of 1hl' rehearsals of th"
spreading the IIIl'rits and fnmp of our Chorus ill onler to 1I:1\'e produced his iIlrs. C. 1'. Fowll'r. ",lIS. W . . J. l\[ul-
little "Year Hound HOllie '1'own" in I'(ave you e\'l'r seen a Senior Playl hollall'tl. l\frs. Htfl>l'rt D01ha1'l1, un<1
Xllr1lerth folks are be"'oming so use,l exa'" illtN'pretatioll of the song.
a mnnnerheretofore unknown, and each Xo! 'Veil, then you han'n't li\'e,l iu J\rrs. Robert Nush.
to the annual SL'nior Play. that it lJeVl'r 'l'h(' Choral Soeil'ty Or('hpstr:I will
and e,'ery resident ha\'ing the inter()j';t Xarht'rth "I'ry nlHn~' months. 'rhis
oecurs to tllf'!Il to miss it. H is a com- rl'll'ler two \'1'1'.'- g-oo,l o,'erlures, und Lawn Party
of Nar91erth at h<.':ll't shuu1<l do all in year's performaIH'e \\'iIl ,be held in the
mon saying thnt disappointments arc will a"('011lpan)' t he 'Charm, in the t\\'o 'l'hl're is to he a lawn party for the
his powl'r to fnrthl'T thl' slwcess of the Hii!'lJ F;.. hool A uditnrimlJ next Fri,hy
unknown up on the hill, and ju,lg,ing short ('antatas. The Orchestra now du.h llIenl!>ers on .Julle 7th. '1'his is to
Narberth CllOml SoeiL'I1y. nigllt at S o'clock.
from thl' r('o('l'ption a ..·eord('(l past pl'r- in-pludl's Mr. Erl Blatly, A'· ..onI]Hlnist, hI' a l'l'al rl'laxation aftl'r a winter
'1'he large casino allllitoriulII on Steel forman cps, those who ('clIne early will ill ;~s Fann~' Loos, Assistant. A(·"ompan- seasoll of many formal alld sl'mi-:I'orm-
Pier is parth'ulnrly nnange,l as to (Continued on Page 4.)
he the ones to get in. ist. :'Ifiss Anne .I:!ek.son, Coneer·t illastel', al o,·(·asiolls. There is to be no fonn-
acoustic pTopcrtil's, nlHl has a seating 'l'his yl'ar's sholl', a pIny entitle(l ",lr. Lon,.;, 1st "iolin, :'IIr. Burt, \'ioln, ality nt thp 1:1\1'11 party, just a jolly
capacity of 4,000. "lIicks a t College," wiJI be IJresented ilfpi'srs. ::\farshall, Knutz(·n. an,] .fosel'h goo'l timL·.. A nlril'!}' of games into
As an e\'i,lenee of interest lind ap- next Frillay night, l\[ay 27,th, at 8.00 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Xa,:h. 2m] violins, ~Iessrs. Ah"l and whieh you lIIay pntl'r. Shady-places
predation, it has been suggestecl that P. l'L shaTp. '1'it·kets llIay he procuret1 'Vm. 1'. Nash, Cellos, illr. ",loon', Clar, to rest-SUlIlly plael's, too, (if the sun
Two cents per word It casb accom-
a large numhcr of Xllrb('rth people at- from any nll'IIlher. of the Scnior Class. panies advertisement; otberwlse, live is shining hy .Tune 7th.)
tend this con'cert. Arrangelllents lire The priee of rllhnission is 50 cents for cents per word. (Continued on Page 4.) '['her(' will he U sllIHll eharge, so we
under WHy to run a speeial train from gl'llCrnl a(lmission. an,l iii (,I'nts for rl'- ,'all s\\,pll thaI. 'huil,lillg fund a little
Nnl'berth (Ered to Atlantic City, lea\'- served scats. more, hut th(' ehal'ge will be so small
ing Narbl'rth in the early afternoon '1'his performance is til<' elim:lx of tIl<'
PIANO MOTHS al'c now husy destroy-
iug hamIllers and felts. 'Phone Nar-
Baseball Today you "'il! not notice it. By the timo
and returning thel same evening to YI':II"'s a·ctidtips in t.he Senior Class, and herth 1255 J. to 'hu\,e oamaged parts X~lr11('rth'8 fir>;t gnme in ilfain Lint'
you IHI"e hau some goo,l rl'fJ'l'shments,
Narberth "ia thl' Bridge Route. shonld draw a re..onl attendance. rl'newell or pre"enth'c5 applied. Diffi- Leagul' St'hedull' to he play('cl at. Waynl' a goo,1 l:wgh and pcrhaps !l to.,· to tallo
As often pluhlicly ex'prcsseu, Nar- cult r~puiring our hobhy. Geo. B. Abele, to,lay. lioO!w to tolle ki<1,lie, you ".. ill feel OS
berth is fortuntIte in having a profes- NARBERTH LETTER CARRIER P.iano Tuner. First ~lnll' 'at home, ~lay :lOt,h, Br~'n t,houg-h you should ha"e bought two
sional director li"ing in its midst who, UNDER ARREST ~la\\'r Hospital Bene/it.
t i(']II'Is for Olll' n,lmission.
by reason of his stanuing in the llIusi- Charles E. Officer, one of NtlI'berth's FOR SALE~Ooul range with wllter All g-a11les ..ailed ;;.15 1'. .\1. The '['he :lll'll1is,.;ioll is fifty ('ents. 'l'hc
cal world, hasbl'en a'ble to lift the postm~n, was arrested on 'Vetlncsday hnck, very good condition. Henson- cn)\\'(l assembles at Davis' Store at lawn is on the eorn"r of ElIJlwoo,l and
choral to its present enviable po.~ition. of this \\'eek, (~hilJ'ged with huming uhlp. Phone Nmbtrth 12;{S-.J, OJ::!-p) about 2.30 on Saturday and goes in
'VyllnC\I\"ood a,'emws. '1'he time is the
If this organization, directly through third-(,Iass Illail matter. machines to "''Uyue, or the 2.:12 train first Tuesdu.y afternoon in .June.
the effo'rts of its leader, is wble to The arrest was made by Fmnk Nev- WANTED-I"eeulings of "arious uunual will take yOll there. 'l'he list from
,., tell the world" !lihout the town of ins, ·chief of the Narberth police, and plunts. Almost lln~' varieties which which tlle team will11e seleeted includes A FINE MUSICAL SERVICE.
Narberth and au"crtise our borough, Postal Inspector Hart. Nevins allegcs will make good display. Tf you hn "0 the naml'll of:
then we undoubtellly owe a dl'1,t of he SlL\\, Officer enter the alXlI"hnl'nt extras, address 1', Our '1'ol\'n. Eugene Da\'is, .Tohn Di ..lde, Earl '1'he Roxhorough Brass Quartette and
gratitude to Professor Nice. house at Essex and Ha,-erford Avenues Dickie, elms. Barker, Vernon Pleclt, Geo. the Chorus Choir of the Methodist
The exact oate of the Steel Pier con- on se"ernl occasions, and burn quau- FOR SALE-For,l Sedau, 1920 model, Fleclt, Bill Humphries, 'Valter Humph. Church afTer you' a IIlusical treat on
cert will be definitely announced in tities of second and third-class lIJa il in excellent condition, $550.00. Phone ries, George Hardy, Frank Hunter, Roy Sunday, May 22, at i.45 P. l\I.
a later issu(', lind any intere.steo "root- matter. Nurberth 36i-W. (32-p)" Chnlfaut, Ernest .Tenkins, Boh Hood, There will be n. brief talk by tho
er" will be advised where he or she It is said thnt Officer has admitted Bob Shellenberger, Dan Laeey, finny pastor.
can secure information as to the de- burning the mail, declaring thnt "it FOR SALE-Double Walnut Bed Simpson, Lew Mortin, QUill Yowell, You are cordially invited to tho
~ai1s of the trip. was too heavy to carry." with Springs, in good condition, $25. ,Church service.
Please phone Narberth 364-R. (32-c) Fleteher Stites and Froo Walzer.
.. I
LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Telephones, Of course, WI
Owned and Published every Saturday
r.,. the Narberth Civic Association.
Abont four or five years ago the
officers of th e Civic Association thought


1268 HOWARD'S deliver - "111
place - ..D1
it would he a fine idea to have a week HELD AT MERION CRICKET The Brightest Spot in Narberth
in the spring set aside for rellloving CLUB, HAVERFORD, P A.
Subscription price one dollar and fifty
cents per year in advance.
mnterial that sometimes aeeumnlates in A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
and uroun,] our homes and cannot he The second county meeting of the
eolleeteJ with ashes. Leagne of 'Vomen Voters held recently
CIVIC ASSOCIATION 'rhe;r founu 11'0we\'er that Borough at rhe",Ierion Cricl<et Clu]>, 6urpassed
March 31, 1921 Council cO\ll,1 not bear the additional
expense as they are only allowed to col,
all expectations in attendance nn,l en-
President Georgc A. M:llhl
Vice-Presidcnt •.•..... Joseph H. Nash
Vice-President Augustus J. Loos
led ushes 11mt that they were (lisposed
to assist to the limit of their power.
1frs. H. L. Schwartz, dll\il"luan, pre- Your 1921 County Tax!
sided. ",liss Gertruile Ely, chairmlln of Bills are NOW available. Unless it is paid by SEPTEMBER 15th
Vice-President Mrs. C. P. Fowler ~o the Civic Association offered to Lower :i\IerioJl Township, the hostess
Treasurer Miss Maizie J. Simpson it is delinquent and may cause you some little annoyance. In addition
Secretary Robert J. Edgar stand the 11l1,litional expense [lllli hn\'o bo,ly, welcomed tho delegates and mcm- to every property owner, a.ll other citizens (inclUding, for the first time
hel'n ']ning so since hers, urging a 100 per cent. memher- this year, the ladies) are subject to an Occupation Tax.
Directors, to serve until l!l23: Mrs.
Robert l~. Wood, J. Garfield Atherholt, This yl'ar the householders sure un- shi.p for women in the League. :i\Iiss Write County Treasurer at Norristown, enclosing stamped, addressed
return envelope for these bills. We are advised by the County Treasurer
I. A. :Miller, C. Lawrence Warwick, 10:l<ler1. The c,ollelltion included range Ely made It. iltrenuous plea for ,,'omen that he wiil have representatives at Narberth for the purpose of collecting
A. E. Wohlert, Philip A. Livingston. hoilers, rocking chairs, slods, bed on the School Board anrI the Board of this tax on June 1, 1921. But, better attend to it promptly by mail, before
Directors, to serve until 1022: J. J. spl'ing's, heds, trunks, lawll mowers, Health It.n,llll'ged that their lltness in it slips your mind.
Cabrey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas,
brit·];s, hoxes of stones, rain lijlOuting either ellSe be giyen much thought und
C. H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall, Harry
A. Jacobs. an,l so on.
'fhunk J-ou, ladies and gentlemen (\f
eonsi deration.
:l\Jiss Saundl'rs, County '1'rcnsurer,
PHILIP A. LIVINGSTON, th e Ci \-ic Association. gaye Iter report, also setting forth the
"Robin" need for fun,ls to carry the work on 1001 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia
successfully. The chairman sug-gl'sted Branch Office .t Narberth Station. Phone Narberth 1710
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, TENNIS AUXILIARY ORGANIZES th~lt eacJl group make a study of the
Member Philadelphia Real Eatate Board
Oa.shier. ele,~tion law:! of our 'State, the laws
'I'he "'oman's Anxiliary Association gOYl'ming our primaries, anrI as fm' as
Bend all advertising and news items to of the Xarherth Tennis Association met possihle, ascertain all they call ahout
P. O. Box 966. at the home of "'Irs. Robert E. Partti- r{l'ospectiye eandi,Jptes to he placed
Our Town is on sale at the depot son, on Fritlay, :l\[,ay l:Hh, J10r lhe pur- upon the ticket.
1l8wsstaJld, and at the store of H. E. POSl' of forming a permanent organiza- :l\frs. Dnnc.an .Just, of Amhler, \\'ho
Davis. tion, ha<1 just completed sen'iug- ou tIl('
Entered as second-class mattar The following o/l"icers wcre electe,l ,jury, gaye her experience in this capa-
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office r.t for the ensuin~ year: Presir]ent, :l\Irs. city.
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act IIan)' Hartll'.\'; Yicc J'resi,lent, :l\lrs. 1[rs. Helzel's report on Prison IIISjll'C'
ot March, 1819. Hohert Eo Patterson, .Jr.; Secretary, :l\Irs. tion was reat] in hl'r ahsl'llee hy :l\[iss
'\Vm. Livingston; Tre\\surl'r,. :l\Irs. "'ileox, of CJ'n\\'Yl1.
Wright. Mrs. :l\f('Cnll spoke on Social H~-g·il'ne
OUR TOWN wlll gladly print All \\"hl's ofl members arc l'ligible 11l1'] Child l'syehology, au,l eheerfull~'
any news itllm about a.ny SUbject to hecome mClnhl'r,.; of this Auxilia-ry. nnswerec1 any qucst ion.
that is of interest to Narberth On FritlaJ', .June 10th, at 2.:30 P. :l\I., Luncheon was sen'ed at 1 P. :l\L
tolks, but in Order to meet the
printing schedule, all "copy"
-manuscripts-must reach the
there \dlI be a nJllsiness meeti ng", fol-
10wl'rI h J' a "silver te:~" :It the home
of "'Irs. Samuel 'f. Atherholt.
The opening a(]l1ress for the a fter-
noon was rleli\'ered b~' Dl'an Smith, of
Bryn 1fawr Collcge.
New Roofs for Old
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each :l\frs. Slade, one of the regional ehair- Economically and Quickly
ml'n, representing fire States and who Accomplished With
hall ,just returuerl from the Xatioual ART CRAFT
Convention hel,1 in 'Glerl'lan,l, spoke
It is ~rati.fying to notice the num])er
SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921 of propcrty owners ,\"110 arc improving"
nl'xt. She referred to the Yel"}' ex- ART CRAFT is firesafe and weather
I hl'i rl'rol)('rt il'S.
cl'llr:nt lines along which the It'ague proof; it gives la5ting service; it comes
\ras organized, that of a non-partisan in beautiful tile designs-slale red or
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS 'rllc Borough 's lIi~hway Department
orgo.1niza.tion, a/l"ording a mellium for slate green. Laid right over old wooden
Fire, 350 is tloing their work well and onr roads
the f1rank rliscussion of all or any poli- shingles it saves the expense and labor
Police, 1250 arc in fine condition, with the eXee[l-
tieal ques.tious rl'gardless of party af- of ripping off the old roof. Made by
tion of a short stretch on 'VYlllle\vood
filiation. :\[1'''. Slade pleade,] the sup- Bird and Son, inc., Established 1795,
Road betwel'n "'incIsor Avenue and the
port of tIle papers jlulllisherl hy the
Editorial railroad tunnel, and this will be made
onr \\'ithin the nl'xt month ueeorr]ing
Ll'ague, as the.\" eOlltaineu the latest
makers of the reliable Neponset products.
illformation on all hills. Ask for our advice and free estimates.
to lHe"l'nt plans.
A FAVORITE. 111 closing, ",Irs. Sla,le warner] the
'1'he entrance to Nal'brook Park is a
noticl'able improy,ement', the gutter Il:l\'-
llIe1ll1ll'rs to wa,teh carefully thcir rl'p- COOK BROTHERS
The aJlllual Senior Play at the High ing hel'n raised several inehl's.
resenta·ti \'e at "'ash ing.ton, and le,arn 250 Haverford Ave.
thl'ir at,titucle on all bills, l'spe\,iallJ'
School has become a classic. So many Mr Constantine's new mtainin~ wall Phone 302 J NARBERTH, PA.
thosl' affecting" chilrlrl'n, as the Unite,]
people look fonnlnl to this evellt each llll'] silll'walk on HaYl'rford A \'enue
Stall'S stancls se\'cnteenth in the list of
;rear that its success is fissured ill ad- l,clo\l' Grayling, is u much needod addi-
eountril's ill thl' ('a$e of 1II0tl1l'r an(]

k! l!aft ROO!
vance. tion.
'1'he Seniors have beell \'l'ry modest Tile Zl'ntmayer sidewalk at "'indsor
'I'hl' afternoon program concltll]l"] an
alll] retiring about allllouneing their nlul Essex Avenues seems to be nhout
arlcJ.ress by 1\[rs.•fohn O. :l\filll'r, State'
!)erfol'lllanl'e this yl'ar, but at last the I
thl' onlJ' satisfaetory walk in the hlock,
Clmirman of Pitt!l]lurgh, Pa.
t hl' others ha dng outlived their use-
date is set, and \\e call hope again to 1rrs. :\lillcr referred eSI;ecially to the
enjoy this annual treat. fulness.
passage of Dr. Finegan's school bill
It is to be hoped that propel~Y o\l'n-
whieh ,\'ill gil'e a liying ,nlge to the
ers rcalizethat they arc responsibll' for
teochers all orer Pennsylrania, and the
UNFORTUNATE. the curbs and s.idewalks. Although thcJ'
arc a part of the public lIigh\HlY and mothers' assistance fund which reeeiye<l
arc IIIHll'r the supcn'bion of our Bor- an appropri:ution of $1,200,000,
A stranger to Narberth, Oil reading ough official, the laying an,1 mainten- 'rhe importance of the passage of
'l'he Piresitle, wouItl prohahly ask,
"Doesn't anyone ever visit in Nar-
berth?" 'fhe Fireside COIU:lln this
llllee is l1p to the 1>roperty o\l'ncr.
Narherth's lLighwayson the north
side of the railroM] are practically nIl
the Constitutional Conyention bill
when prescnted to the people in the
Pall election, and the noeessity for ull
:fBanking lfrien~sbip
week looks half fell. The only way in IlVty fl'et \l'ide, th irty feet of road-bed of us to ,he awake and doiug before and
which it can be madc of the greatest and gutter Hnd ten feet of lawn and at the primaries on September 26, 'when
interest to everyone is for each realler sidewalk. On the south side of the t,he parties nominate their eandirlates, is all asset the vaJue of which is demonstrated daily by our
to make it a point to senll in at least tracks they are mostly forty-four feet \l'IlS strongly emphasized. '1'here is no
service to depositors and clients.
one small item a week. A postal carll wide with a few forty feet, \\'hich mal(es question hut thM the women who took
will do. the lawn anti sidewalk se\'en 1111,1 fh'o the trou111e to ruttend were doubly re- We believe there should be more to banking service than
'Vhenever J'on have a l'art J', make it feBt respcctiYcly, the roadways all he- pai,] for tJlICir e/l"or,ts. just business, .and our charter privileges coupled with the
a point to send in an account to Our ing a uniform wirlth of thirty feeL helpful attitude of our officers enables us to practice our
'fown. Don't be ba~hful about senll- belief.
ing in something uhout J'0I1r~elf; it is FALLS THREE STORIES.
the only wuy we huve of getting it. Open an account hexe, and give us an opportunity
The Fireside is your column. Help us PALACE THEATRE, ARDMORE, PA. to prove it.
Narberth Man Badly Hurt Working on
to enlarge und improve it. Roof.
Program weck of l\fonday, May 23:
Monrlay, Ma J' 2:3-A big, special, all-
mitt :lJlIlrrtuu WUIt nub mru.al Cttnmpanu
Frank Bagel', thirty-seven, u tin roof-
A DAY'S OUTING BY AUTOMOBILE star cast, "Someone in the Hou~e;"
er, of Narberth, lost his hold on the
adderl attraction, every Monrlay, in 15
roof of a three-story house lind fell to nt ~rZlm(lrl'.
episoc1es, "'fhe Son of 'farzall," taken
It often happens that folks with a the sidewalk to<lny. His spine wus in- Ardmore Narberth Bala-Cynw1d
from the famous Edgur Riee Burronghs
machine arc nndedded \\1here to go for jure,],
Stories. 'fuesday, Muy 24-'Vanda
a pleasunt and thoroughly enjoyahle Bagel' was working at the home of
lIawlcJ- in "'I'he Outside "'oman."
day's outing. l\frs. C. C. Herron, 117 'Voodside Ave-
Wednesday and Thursday, May 25-2(;-
I hlwe (liscoverod such a place ahout nue.
House Peters anti .Jane Novak in "Iso-
50 milos from Narherth whi('h pro-
hel," or "'l'he 'l'rail's End," from
vi,dl's not onl J' a delightful d ri n, l'adl
.T:lIl1es Oliyer Curwood's great North- GOOD AT EVERY MEAL
wUJ' on an almost (·ontinuons good REctPE FOR WEALTH
west ,]rama; better than "River's WE HAVE SOMETHING TO IM-
road. 'rhe unnsnully l'ietul'esC(ue destin-
End" or "Lying Lips." Fridl1y, ]\[ny PROVE YOUR BREAKFAST
n.tion and pleasant cO'l1llitions which
.2i-Corinne Grillith in a spectacular "How did Duhhs hecome u million- LUNCHEON and DINNER
hl1ve ,heen pl'ovided fo'!' the pll'l~Slil'e of
pidun', ''It Isn't Being Done 'fhis aire &:> quickly 7"
visitors, without charge, is indeed re- Montrose Pudding Rolls
Season." SaturJay, l\[uy 2S-Bryant "He's un importer." THE HOME OF
freshing'. '111101'0 is good swimming an'] Nesserode Pudding Cinnamon Buns
'VasllIHlI'll in "Burglar Proof;" ,AI 81. "From Europe?" ALL GOOD THINGS
bon.tilJg. The place is known as Brook- Fancy Cakes Coffee Cakes
.Toh II l'omed J', "The Big Secret." "Nope, from Canada."
side, on tho Octararo Creek, {uhout ij Candies Roman p'unch
miles south of Christinllia, Pa.
writer will be glau to gi \'e further de-
hdls to unyone interestcr],
Edward S. HaWS.

ISave Up for OCEANO IISave up for Oceano I Birthday and Wedding Cakes and the
Famous Home Made Bread that no
meal is complete without.
Opposite the StatioD

A ~S~VT~.E!A
Wednesday evening. ing the Cross." Text, Matt. 27: 32. PRAISE FOR OUR FIRE COMPANY.
A COIlllllunicant's Class will :be or- Object sermon to ehildren on "The
g'aniz('(l next Sunday (tolllorrow) af,ter- Hand of Faith." N, ]2.05 A. Ill. Wednesday the Fire Flnesl PholoPlay The-
THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' Company telephone, Narberth 350, rang alre 01111I Size In lbe
noon at 5 0 'clock for all those "'~IO 7 P. M.-Youllg People's :Meeting. Entire World.
MEETING HOUSE, desire to unite with the church at the 'ropic, "l\fy Favorite Sayings of in the Fire House, und one of the ac- Pb.lopl.Y8l-ContlnuoQS 10 A. M. 10 U.S.
Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab- next Conllnunion. The ,Children have Christ's and Why." John 6: 63, 68; tive members answered, and pulled the P.M.
lished 1682. Here William Penn wor- heg'ull re'hellrsing for Children's Day, Matt. 7: 24, 25. Leader, Miss Char- whistle with the other hand. In less PhU... ·Pa.
shiped, as well as Inany other noted whi('h will be eekbr:l'!ell in this church lotte Hillegas. t.han two minutes the boys were on the
Friends. One of the historical spots of 011 the morning of .Julle l:!th. 7.45 P. 1\I.-Evening Worship, In' job with the chief's car in front of
America is open for worship every :-'T elllori:tl Da~' will he observe,1 in spiring Praise Service. Congregal ional .J efl'eries' house 011 Narherth Avenue,
First-day (Sunday) morning at 11 this ('hurdl Oil the Illorning of ~Iar singing with full orchestra. Ser1110n anll thc truck in the rcar on Grayling
a 'clock. First-day School begins at 10 2~lth .•\1I jlatrioti," organizations are es- .\ vcnuc. \Vhile it secmed, when the
theme, "The Rewards of the Faithful,"
A. M. Visitors cordially imited. I'c,'iall.y ill\"ited to be present, Rev. 2: 10. alarm was given, that the barn was
'1'he First-day School is held cvery
First-day morning at ten 0 'clock. 'l'here NARBERTH METHODIST
S P. 1\£., \Vednesuay-~fidweek Bible
Study lIlIrl Prayer. Subjeet, "The
afire, it happene,1 that some brnsh was
smoul,lcring in the rcar and had burst
is a class for adults as well as for Standard of a Christian," lsa, 3::: Iii. into flame. When the family rliscov-
children, and we arc very glad to have Strangers and visitors are welcome to 1'1'<,,1 that it "'as only a brush fire, they
anyone who is interested in knowing nll these services. went to the telephone, hut the Company lIlAIN PROQUCTION STARTS AS NBAB
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, A. M., B. D"
more about our Society of Friends and was all'e:llly on the job. AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. lIl.. 11.00•••00.
Pastor. 8•..111. 11.411. 7.411. 9.80 P. H.
the Friendly ideas visit with us. U. S. ARMY VICTORY MEDAL. ::;uch prompt answers to fire ,llarms
deserve the most sincere appreciation
Sunday, May 22:
'1'he Medal may be obtainc,1 ill per- from the people of Narberth and viein-
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.
!U;; A. ~l.-Sullday ~-;''11001.
grades. '1'he Foss and Stilhllan :Men's
Bihle Classes of the Whartoll ;\1elllo·
son by jlresenting' discharge papers to
any of the following placl's in Penn-
itr, as the memhers arc all volunteers,
and the Company depends on contri-
sylvanin: butions for the support of the Fire Raymond Wei.s. Proprietor
Early, Mass on Sunuuys at 7 A. M. rial Methodist Episcopal Church, Phila-
Late Mass, 10 A. III. delphia, will visit our I\len's Class. Philadelphia-Strawbridge & Cloth-
ier's Department Store, Gimbel Broth-
House find their Helief Association.
Once again, hats off to the Narberth
II A. M.-l\rorning Worship. SCI'
Masses on holy dnys, 6.30 and 8.30
A. III. Weekdays at 8. E\'ening de\'o- mon h~- the pastor on t.he theme, " \Vill ers' Department Store, Federnl Po~t Of- Fire Company, the best on the Main EXPERT REPAIRING
the 01,1 Chureh Comc Back?" Music fice Building. Line. T alephone Narberth 1633
tions and other services at regular
by the Chorus. l'ittsburgh-Yietory ~Iedal Office, 431
H.4;' P. I\I.-Ep\\"orth Leaguc Devo Sixth AVellue.
tional Sen-ice. Scranton-Post Office Building". FlJ' 'l'ourists ov,er the Main Line will HOWARD C. FRITSCH
ALLSAINTS'CHURCH 7.45 1'. l\L-Eycning \Vorship, Thc Hal'l'isburg-Nationa'l Guard Armory. he compelled to carry lunch haskets, Justice of the Peace
WYNNEWOOD, PA, Hoxborough Brass Quartette Im,l the Hl'ading-Vietor~' Mc.lal omcc, Na- says Dr. \Vm. C. Miller, of the Depart-
ment of Health, hecause the General
Chorus \vill ofIeI' n special musicnl pro- tional Guard ArIllor~'.
Rev. Gibson BeH, Rector. For informnt.ion, thl' ex-sen'ir'e men Fly 'C:l.mpaign holds a st,ar position in Fire Insurance-Best Companies
gramc. Brief messagc by the pastor.
Rev. Malbollc H. Birckhead, Associate. Church Notes. ma~' apply to any of the ahov!' placcs, the fly l'ra<lieation work of the State. Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
\Vc illyitc chureh Inemhers, resident nn,1 in addition, to an~- American \VoI'lI was rceei\'ed from Dr. \Vm. 'C.
8.15 A. ~L-Holy Communion. in Xar],erth, to tillite with allll make Legion Po~t, Vet.erans of Foreign \Vars ::'Ifiller, Ohief of the Division of Public PAINTING GLAZING
9.45 A. ~r.-Church Schoo!. Post, Hed Cro~s, Y. M. C. A., Knights Henlth Education, that "Fly Emllica- DECORATING JOBBING
strong' our ::\arhcrth churches. 'l'wenty
11.00 A. ~L-~[orning Prayer und Ser- of Columbus, Salvation Army or Post- tion 'Committees lire at "'ork in c,'ery
persons hl,,"e fa vorcd us with their
church letters duriug May. \\'e hopc mast.er. A letter to any of these will sl'e.tion of Pennsyh"ania and the reports WILLIAM NEWBORG & CO.
many will follow thci r cxample. enable t.he ex-sen'i<'e man to get his whi,eh come in dl1ily to t.he Depa.rt- Painting and Decorating
THE PREBYTERIAN CHURCH Preparatory class and prayer meeting ~[edal without surrendering Di:;eharge ment. of Health, indicates systematic 212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa.
every \Ve,lnes,lay evcning. Ccrtificate or without his IUl\'ing to ap- lI1etho,ls and greater progress thun e\'er Phone, Ardmore 1436 W Narberlh 1768 W
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. ply in person. b<;fore.
"Upon looking over our records, I
Meetings for next Sunday:
9.45 A. ~r.-Sun,lay Sc·I\Oo!.
lIlc']als for those who fell in the con-
flict may be gotten from the same fln,l that the General Fly Clun{l)uign TONY GUILIAN
11.00 A. ~L-JVu]blie ·Worship. Ser- sources by next of kin. 'rhe distribn- Committee of the Main Line holtls n 306 Woodbine Avenue
mon 'rheme, "A Christ in u Home." tion of the lIledal is being patriotically star position. We ha"e had special re- NARBERTH. PA.
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor ports from speeial commi.ttees in the
5.00 P. ~r.-Oomll1unic,nnt's Class. carried on by the foregoing societies Gener.l Haulinlf and eontr,actiDlf, Lawn
7.00 P. ?lL-Joiut meeting of the and establisllJuents. llifl'erent towns and everyone of them and Garden Work, Hedte Trimmilllf
:->el'\'ices Sunday, l\[ny 23, 1!J21: indicnte not only intcrest in the work Tree Plantilllf aDd Trimmilllf
Junior alld Senior Endeavor Societies. Any ex-service man who has not oh-
O.:W A, M.-Pmyer Service. but <h,termination to carry it to fulfill-
7.45 P. ~L-Evelling Worsllip. Ser- tainel] the Me,lal ean get it with a
(lA5 A. 1\L-Sunuuy School. nwnt.
mon 'l'heme, "l\[oml Lepers." millimum of exertion. It requires no
11 A. M.-Morning Worship. Ser- , 'If the efforts of tho General Fly
Church Notes.
Congregational Prayer ~[eeting next
mon hy the pnstor on the theme, "Bear-
red tape. All ,vho served in the forces
of the United States between April 0, Cnmpaign Commit.tee of the Mnin Line Narberth Auto
](l17, and November 11, 1918, nnd who continue, -as 1 hl1\"e no doubt they will,
were honorably uischarged therefrom, there would bc no native Flies, and
arc ent.itled to the Medal, whether they Fly 'l'ourists OV()I" the l\[uin Line from
Paoli to Phila,dclphia, will l)e compelled 125 Haverford Ave,. Narberth
Narberth .Register
Two Lines, IOc per i..ue; Sc for each additional line
server] in this country 01' o\·ersens.
Memorial Day, lIlay 30th, snggests
the thought that surely cvery man
to carry lunch-lmskots."
)[rs. Cook, of Ambler, reeently ap-
pointed 'hy COlllmissioner E,lwnru :Mar-
Repair.s-all kind.s
Supplie.s-all kind.s
wants his 1\lc,la1. '1'0 havc it, to scc it,
to feel it lllld to wear it on that day tin as the County Henlth Chairnwn,
in l'ommemoration of thoi'e who have has taken the plan of organizntion as EDWIN WIPF
Gott.hall, II. l{. l'ulJIlc Aceountnnt. a03 ,Jackson, Anne. Violin Instruction. followed by the ~[ain I.Jine General Phone a-Narberth 1726W or 672
Con\\"ur Ave. Phoue, NarlJerth 1607-J. TelepllOne, Narberth 3IG-J. fallen under the Glorious Banner of
Kelm. It. C. Cerlln.d Public Acoouot&ot. Loos, I"anny H. Plano tClIcher. Our Country, an,1 as a token of llOurt- Fly Canwaign 'Committee and expccts
101 Dudley a..-. Phone. Narberth 101-W. Studio. Arcade Bldg. Phone. 316-J.
felt recognitiion for the sacrifiec each to advocate it throughont l\[ontgomer.\-
t 1'1le-bloo;]ec1 Amcrican is eyer willing County ns an excellent \\'ay to co-ordin-
Harrl•• LeUo)' So: Clark, Inc. Jell'erles. J. II. III Narberth ave.
21 'V. Laucaster Ave.. Ardmore. Pa.
r - ' Garac_Repo.lrlng, Etc. Phooe, 1805.
Phone, 666-M.
Simpson, Harry A. 232 Essex Ave.
Pbone. Narbertb 630.
to make for the sake of his own family
an,l I:ltute.
ate forces al1(] prolllote {l. campaign to
erndie:Lte the flies.
For Permanent
Sec display advertlsement In this Issue.
Narberth Garage. Phone Narberth 1633.
See display ad"ertlsement in tbls Issue.
T~'son, Warren n. 200 Woodbine Ave.
Phone, Narberth 1202-W. JOHN S. E. YOUNG,
OPTICIANS Lt. Col., U. S. ·A., Ret. District Officer
Wlpf Edwin. nepairlng, etc. Phone, 1720- W BY BIPED REPTILES
SeE! dlsplar advertisement In this isslle. Fenton. Carl F. 606 Eesex ave. Phone, 618-W
Phlla. address,lG31 Chestnut st. Spruce 7707
for Pennsylyania. BUY A
AUTO.\WIULE SERVICE. Z.ntmayer, J osepb. 228 S. l11tb st.. Pbll&. Aberdeen, Seotlanl1.-The world
Donahue, PatrIck F. Pbone 1033.

Smedley Built Home

See display advertlseulellt in this issue. PAINTING. Curious Passenger: "Captain, how may be ruled Ihy a racc of bipcd reptilps
Sable Censore. Phone, NlIrberth 672. Newborg, Wm., & Co. 212 Woodbine Ave. in 1,000,000 yenrs or so, aeeoI'lling to
See llisplar advertisement In this Issue. Phone, Narberth 17l>8-W. far nrc we from lan<1?" .J. A. Thompson, professor of Natural
DAKERY. Sec display advertisement In tbls Issue. Sldpper: "Oh, 'hout three miles." llistory in Aherdeen University. '1'he
Betty Sweet Sbop. Opposite station. Walzer. Fred. collared lizard of {New Zenlnnd, he
117 Winsor ave. Phon., 1247 -J. "Ollly !llree miles. ] t 's funny we
Sec display ndvertlsement In this Issue. explained in an address, is already
RANKS PAPEU UANGING. can't see it."
learning to hec-ome a biped and if it
Merion Title 6< Trust Co. Phone, Narb'tb 398 Boyd, Horace S. 313 Meeting Rouse Lane.
See dlepla)' adverUsement In thle I..ue. Phone 3GO.
"Yes'm. Ocean water uin't clear masters th is secret of III an 's supremacy, WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
BUILDERS enough." the rest may follow.

ISave Up for OCEANO IISave I

Shand, Alex. C., Jr. Phone, No. 1710. ..Arcadl.... 18tb and Chestnut sts., PbUa
Narberth station. See 'dleplay adv.rtleement 10 tht. t••ue.
Smedle;.-, Wm. D. '" H. T. Phone, 600.
See dlspl.y advertisement In' tbl. I. .ue.
Atherholt, S. G. Phone, Narberth 1234.
'Sec dlspln~' advertisement In tbls Issue.
Abele, GeorJ:"e B. Phone. Narbertb 1255-J.
See classified advertisement In this lasue.
Davl., H. E. Phone, 1254-W.
See dlsplo.y advertls.ment In thl. Idue. Cook Dros. Pbone 302-J. ROOFING
See display advl!rtlsement In this Issue.
CARPENTERS AND BUILDEBB Wall, H. B. Phone, Narberth lG02-J. Jobbing promptly attended to
"eDkln.. Cha.. L- See dl.play advertl.ement to thIs lu"e
101 Dudley ave. PhOne. 1684. NilIht Phooe. Narhertb 687
CONTRACTORS. Cald\Vell, J. A. Phone, 1687 Da,. Phone. Narb.rth 302 J
James I"ratantonl & Sons. 239 Hampden Ave See dleplay advertls.ment In thIs luae.
See dlsplny ndvertlsement In this Issue
Orr. Dr. A. L. 101111lmwood av. Phone. IU-W.
Phil... Phone, Fllb.rt n5~. Keith BIde.
Schembs, Dr. Jobn. Phone Narberth 316-W.
Cor. Grayling and Windsor avea.
Fritscb, H. C. Pbone, 252-W.
See display advertisement
Ball, Albert.. Spruce 7491-
In tbls luu•.
Land 'rltle Building, Pbiladelpbla, Pa.
Naeb, Robert J. Pbone. 805.
SAVE UP The Narberth ElectricalShop
Omce Hours until 9 P. M. dally. Money tor Flr.t and Second Mortl'al'ee.
Howard'.. Phone, 1361.
SImpson, James C. 283 E..ex aVe.
Phone. 636, or ·1420 Chestnut .t.
See dIsplay adverUsement In thl. t..ue. We repair, sell and install anything

Calle, W. G. Phone, 395-W. Gara-McGlnle;)' Co. Phone, UU-W. Electrical. Old house wiring a speeailty.
See display advertlsement In tbls laaue. See display advertlsemeot In tbJa luue. Ask about our three payment plan in-
l'ol'b. Vert 226 lana ave. Ml1ler, John A. 141 lana ave. Pllone. "1-.1
N..r. Phon., no-w. Ard, Phone. 181-.1, Sbop, 246 Havertord ave. Pbone, 1111-.1 cluding fixtures. Phone 1633 or 395W
Gulllan, Tony. 300 WOOdbine Ave. Good Wear Sboe Repair Shop.
See display advertiseulent In tbls Issue. Constantine. B. G. 2112 Havertord ave.
INSUUANCE. Phone, Narberth 1706-W.
Bowman, Samuel P. (Life.)
116 Elmwood ave. Pbooe, 6U-W.
~tter Bros. (Fir., etc.)
209 WoodsIde ..ve. Phone. 126Z-R.
Wimer, Wm. Wood. 106 Forest Avenue.
Narberth Shoe Store. 2011 Havertord ave.
See display advertisement In tlils luue.
The above d.partment should be at th. COMING SOON James fratantoni &Sons
I'r.Mest uee to the communIty, the lIet can-
Pbone. 326 R. talna the name at ev.ry prof...lonal man, Contractors of
Campbell, I"rank D. Automobile, Fire, etc. tradesman, mechanlo. Ibopkeeper, etc•• "be
4 Stunrt Ave. Phone, 3flr;-n.
Gilroy, Jobn 211 Essex ave. Phone, UU-R.
Pblla. addree., LIncoln Bldg.
eloes or can In any way serve bls fel1ow-
. towneman, and who I. proereulve enoaeb
to add name to I1st of Reel.ter.
Ae It Ie dlIDcult for those contrlbutlnl
lUtes, Fletcher W. ., a Haverford ave.
Phone. an-w Phil... addr.s•. Croser Bldl'.
McDonald John. Narberth pbooe. lISS.
lUa Che.t.•t., Phil... Phone, Spruoe lua.
their lime and eftorts to the production a.
"Our Town" to peraonal1y either know or
Intervl.w al1 such, It would b. moet belp-
ful If those not now found In the printed
list would send In a memo of tbelr nam..,
.ddr.... phone oumber. ..od bualne_ or
profes.lon. for lJatlnl'. Thl. wll1 00. . . tal.
NARBERTH 239 Hampden Ave., Narbertb, Pa.
(loUer, Boward F. Phone, 1281. lows: 10 cents eaCh I..ue tor I 110..: I Gente
eee dlspl..y advertlsement In tbl. "'ao. for e..cb addItional 1Ine.

and make possi'hle the administration will be sent. If not p~id within one
of the Assoeintion in k('eping with Hi! month of this notice, they shall cease well 0::1,\'" GONE I~"'HIS AIN'1' 'flo"
enlnrge<l growth. to be voting lII('mhers. OAWG-ONOe,S,. 6USINESS A.N'4WA'f , \ \
,"IRS1' A. t!lOO& 1:0llllt: IN \N 1"fH Alii 1'0
During till' past wL'ck n nllll1her of Sec. 4. ~\ non·voting member may
A"t 1'\-\E L.AS' ""'INN I" 'N N\A¥.lS us L"n
new memhers 'ha \'e Iwcn takcn into the he r('instllt('d t'l aclh'e lIlelll~lership up- N"fHEN WE \o\At)1'A 'O'fOP 'N VLANE 01'F
Ass!)('iation, an,] lIIl'mhers ha dng on payment in I'ull of all back du('s. A H\c.l'\ CU,. 'N """aN ~. l)A.~"ltS GO"f
friC'llIls who arc ,lesirous of joining, AWrIeLI'; IV. BUILD NOW PUI.I. 0' 'l.I':c:,.~uc.\1"f 'N ~1'uc.",.·~"~Q.'f'
'\"\oIIN' 'N W\:1.API"EO ~OU\'olO -w; RO\.\.ERS
llnd residents of ?\nrbert.h [111<1 vicinity Meetings
who 'are not nl<"n,lwrs Illlt would like Sec. 1. The Annual Business ~re('tin>:
t.a "tHaN ~ IN\<. S"tAR1'EO ~"tREA\<.\~'
N ~~ \>£1."1 6\lS1'EO 'N 'Ne N\I!;~EO '1'H'
tn make apl'li,'a.t ion for memlll'rship, shall h(' !t('l,] in thl' 5(',]lOOI Buildin>: 'tll.MN WIT\-! 1).1' ,,,el(. o· PAP~ltS N SOWlE
arc \I1'g('d to (',Olltll1uuir!ate IJl'omptly during the Christ lllaS Holidn~·8. Each ,"01."5 COMe "eS-TERIN'ltOUNO ""TElt
l\'it1l \V. D. H. E\'ans, 20!l Price a\'enlle, member shall he I'eminl!e,l of this meet- 'tl-\~\R. PAPER') 'N 'tI-\~'t SAME aoos CONIE
who is the cllllirman of tIle meJJ11Jl'rfOhip ing hy a noti(·c Sl'lit to him by th(' 1.:01'· IN ...• ~IC.\( 'eou'f /II. WlI!;1'A"E IN '1'"' "0 'N
NOW \ .)1;:5" Pilat> 'fHIS "OR.IIII-~N"'N··
(,olllmitt('('. r('sponding HC('J'e(ary t\\'o ",epks in \)AWc;.ONE "t\\' O~\NCtOlolE WC\(. AMVWfl.'f
SPRING FLOWER SHOW JUNE 4 The grol\"lh HIH} ']l'n·loplllent of inc ad'·f1.Uell.
~:lrherth 'l'('nnis Ass,wiation that has S,~c. :!. •\n anuual Social ?\[('eting
PEONIES-ROSES :t1rl'ady lwen attain(',l with th(' eon" shall h(' h('ld ill tJII' Jligh School Build-
strudion of th(' n('w grollnds at Ha.v('r- ing ,luring the wl'ek of COllllll('IH·elllent. NOTXOE
GardpII Glu1J Illeptiup' in Council ford and ~rontgollicry aVl'nlleS, un,l the Nel\' memh('rs 1'1'0111 the gra,1JJIl;ting ebss
Chum1JCr, Tu('s,lay l'\'plling, )[ay ~·L contemplated pIans of the still further will be w(']comcd at this lIIl'cting. Entt'r-
E\'eryolle interpste<l in \'('g('tnhle 01' ,Ie\'( 10)lment of the project, lla ve tainment shall h... prodd('d ·by the Hocial
Narbcrlh Taxi Scr~cc
PatrIck F. Donahue
flow('1' gardells urge(] to ntteu<l. arollsed und won tllC interest alH] snp- Committee.
port of ,'l nllluher of the plllhlic spirited Sec. :l. Sp(','al meetings mny h(' Authoriztd Taxi Service. by Certifi-
cate from Public S'etvice Commls-
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS "itiz('ns of the Borougll who, while th(',\' call('d 'hy thp Prl'.,i,lent. or a majority slo~. elated November 16. )920.
a rl' not, and do not contemplate, hecom- of th(' EX("'uti\'(' Boar,] :tt an~' tim('. Taxi meets all trains.
"'rite your questiolls 011 n'getable ing tennis plnyers, IJ[l\'e rl'cognize,l the .\ WI'ICLE V. Store orders promFtly called for and
I'lrblie and community asset of the ('n- Quorum
delivered. Bal?l!age calltd for and
gard('ns to the Gar,I('JI Cluh and thcy delivered. Freight delivered.
will be referrp<1 .to ~[r. A. 13. Boss, one larged tennis dull, and han~ become Sc.r'. 1 On ...·sixth of all voting IIIl'JIl-
of ou l' mC'rnnwrs ,\'110 is 011 c of the hest investors in the certificates of OWII('r- 'ber:; shall constitute a quorum at any Open Day and Night Phone 1633
authorities on this sulljeet in the coun- ship ""hieh the Association is issuing busincss lII('eting.
try. as jlart of its plan for fina.ncing NIP S('('. ~. Fi \'1' n)('mh('rs sllall con>;ti-
'Ve are ind('('d fortll!rat .. in having' . new ,levelol'lllent. tute a (luorulII of the Execut.i\'e Boar,!.
Mr. Ross to help us with our gnl'dening 'Vith respcct. to tlle opening of the .\R'I'LOLE VT. CLEAN---SAfE-··WHOLESOME
prahl ems awl we should avail ourselves new courts, the weather gods hll\'e hecn I Vacancies
of this ('xcellcllt opportunity. playing slIeh tricks \\'ith Narh('rth on,l. In case of vaealwi('s oeeurring in allY OUR PRODUCTS ARE GlJARAN'IEED

yjcinit~· since the first of the month
('lpctiye ollicc othcr than that of t]ll' UNDER BACT ERIOLOGICAL CONTROL

17~S!, PI1iladciiCl:~
THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF BIRDS. that the work of finishing the courts Presi,1l'llt, suell \'[){'allc~' shall he filiI"]
has ~J('en v('ry JJ1lH'h ,lelaye,!. Con- for the unl'xpirl'd terJll hy appoilltmcllt PasteurIzed Milk DELIVERIES
UI 23 South
\Vh('n man st('ps in an'] ,listurhs the tractor ~fos('s Lane is making eyor.\' of til(' Prl'si,lent. ]n case of yaealH'Y Brynelo~ilkcertilled WEST PHILA.
delicate halanee nature maintains
among her wild ('reatures 'lisaster is
possilb]e effort to haye the three upp('r in the ofTi(·c of l'rl'sident such Ya"alH'y
(,(lUrts really for playing' today. But :-hall be filll',1 fHI' the IInpxpir("] tel'lII
(Ped ..lalle Society)
Special •• Guernsey"
GARAnteed Roofs
certain to result this much lllay be defindel)' stated by the Vil·e-I'r('sident. Milk WVNNEFIELD
In the case of our native TJirlls, w(' right no,\': An:rlCLE V]I], (Roberts' &: Sharple..s' BALA-CYNWY
have permittL'd their slaughter hy the .\1I s('\"en eonrts will he posi.th·('l.v fin- Parliamentary Rules Dairies) NARBERTH
wholesale for ('olllmer('ial purpose;; an,l ishp,J, rea<l~' ani! 011('11 for playing' h~' ]n con(ltH·tillg husiness I!1('etings the Cream Bultermllk ARDMORE
for SPOI~t. \Ve have felle(l and burned :\[enlorial Da~', ~rolloday, ~ray :10. ~\s"oL·ia.tioll shall he gO\'('rne,] h~' Hob- Table and WhIpping
WYNNEWOOD Cotter's Meats
our for('sts, destroying their nesting l'1'j,;' HulL'S of Or,]er, Hedsc,!.
sites, until our hiI'd population has fall- ~\ H'J']'C,1JE \'11 J.

TWO OF A KIND A Quality For
('II helo\\" the ,lang"r point, and i'lseet Amendments.
p('sts have multiplied heyOJIf] hounds. Thesc B~··La\\·s lIIay II<' a1l1('n,le'] at.
An,] not alone in agril'ulture is the dam-
I . They say AtlaR held up the h('av·
au.v rpgular or Bl'ceial husiness meeting
People Who
nge felt, hut, of more intprest to suh- ellR. "
tAt' t he ~\I;sociat iuu ;Il~' a .tWlfrlhin]s 45th and Parrish Sts. Want The Best
"TheY'l'e used to it, then. It won't
urban ,lweller", our "hade trees, shrubs \'otl~ of those prespu(, allll \'oting, pro-
he such a shock to them when our land-
and flower gardens pay the penalty as vi,]e(l the a 111 el1l1111 pnt has heeu suh·
well. I'll'll gets there." Groceries and Provision.
lIlittp<l in writillg at thp prp\'ious husi· ,
It is interesting to note how greatly
the varied feeding habits of Llifferent
II('SS nll·('tiug. REDUCTIONS for SPRING and
bird families work out to our ,1(lvan- Alumni By-Laws June to!
SUMMER, .1921
The Woodpeckers Announced (Continued from l'ag(' 1)
Ladiea' Suita IPona:rd, .teamed aDd
pre..ed ........................ 50 cia.
Men's Suit. IPoDlled, aleamed alld
In the past the woodpeckers were pr~••ed .... .. _....•.......... 35 cl •. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
under suspicion, due to their apparent \continlll',1 frolll Issue of ~Iay i) inpt, :\[1'. Old, flute, ~rr. liherti, L'or- Troulera Ipanaed. .teamed and
llahit of horing into tree trunks, yet
pr....d ....................... 15cb. and Heating
11('1. The Or('h"strn is llIilking llllusnal
AU dry cl••ninl .lId repairinll
to th(,lll lIlore than any other agency, we AH'I'lCLE n. pr~)g-.r{'~:"'. al1i~l thf' Choral Ro('ipf:," is prir •• reduced NARBERTH PA
owe the preservation of our native for- Duties of Standing Committees Yl'ry proud to ha \'c thelll assodate,l Ladia.' Suit. srade to order, S25 to S50 Phone, Narberth 1602-J
ests an,1 our fruit trees. Nee. 1. The :-;oeilll Committee ~hall with its organization. Men'. Suib and Extra Trau'era,SI5to $50
The food they are in reality so tlili- provi']e entertaillmelLt fllld program for The Assol·iate ~r(>llIl>prH of the Char· We .1.0 make luita from your own
gpntly seeking consists of the larvne of thc JUlie Sneial ~[eetillg. nl ~()(·j('t:'1 'Yill r(l,l('h'(~ 1hpir ti('kcts 111 ~ material
wood-boring be('tles and caterpillars ,sec. 2. The Hefr~shlllPnt Committee
that burro\\" into trees. 1'hese arc so shall provide rdreslullents for sueh
(11)(' "our"e, for the .llIu(' ](1 eOlle('rt, and

to ot]]('rs the a,lrlli""ion fee is $1.

215 Haverford Avenue A FULL LINE OF
carefully hi,ll]en under the hark tbat llIel·tillgs as the Exp{'.uti\'c 13oar,1 shall 'l'iel,pts ('nil ],e s("'1II'pd from any lIlpm'
only the hinls could discover and dis- Sl'e lit. ],er of lhp Choral, or I'nllll Dr, Howard. Can A bove A meriun CIGARS
Narberth 362 J Store. Co.
lodge them. 1'hey also cat the ants Nce.:1. l'rpss all,] Printing COlllmit· .rune IO-School Auditorium-8.15 Stationery. Magazine•• Candiet
Work Called for alld Deliver.d
that seck small spots of decay left hy tpe shall he the only anthorized chan· P. M. Subscription $1. I

the wood borers, lind which if not n,,1 for eOllllllullieation for the I're8s :llId
checked would devclop into colonies shali take eharge of all prillting re-
that wonlll honeycomb the whole trunk. 'l',irl"] by the Assoeiatioll. THE FIRESIDE ----------- --- ... -- --_.... _------------~-----~-----~-~.

Our lUost familiar woodpeckers arc :-;ce. 4. ?\omillating GOllllnitlpe: The Have Y Oll Been Pa'tronizing the
the downy, hairy, and the flicker.
The flicker is often seen, unlike his
:'\olllinating . COllllllittpl' s,hall be ap·
pointpd Ih;)' the Presidellt at l('ast three (ContiulI'~'] from Page 1) New Delicatessen Store?
cousins, feeding on the ground, and is 1lI0nths hefore :the Annual Bu"inl'ss If you haven't, you have been overlooking
The \\'ol11('n 's Auxiliary of the Harold
particularly useful in checking the ~[eeting, an,] shall ('ollsist of fi\'c IlIelll- A GREAT CONVENIENCE.
·n. Sp('akman Post, :;;3li, of the American
spread of ant colonies. ber~: its l·hairman shall th('n serve on We supply everything in table delicacies.
Ll·gion,.of :'\ar~)('rth, will hoW a meet-
The downy anLl hairy stay with us the EXC{'uth'(' Boar,!. '1'he:'\ olllinating Store open from 9 A. M. to 11 P. M.
illg on II('Xt Friday e\'l'lIing, :May :!ith,
through the "'inter months and can be l'olll!lIittee shall prepare and file with Sund~ys from 5 to 7 P. :M.
ill Elm lInll, at i.:W sharp. As we have
attracted to our houses by bits of suet th .. Heeortling Seeretar.\· a ticket for
nailed to our trees. It is·a slllall return ('Ipdion Olle 1lI0Hth pre\'lous to the An-
1I0t Inlf] a mpetillg for the past two
mOlJths it is hope,] that all the Illemhers
for their faithful service to us, and we Hual llu.,illpss nll'etin~ \\'hich shall. ('011-
will lunke an e!l'ort to he present. Af· ••~ Forrest Avenue • • ~
Opposite Fire House -4
will again he repaid by the touch of tain two names for ealldi']ates for el1('h
tpr the IllL'eting the nl('mhers of the Post'
life and color they alM to the winter offi('e alld for e,hnirmen ()f stalJ(]ing
will (,lItertain the ladips of the Auxili-
lalH1scape. "omlllittees and fi\'e for memlwrs of
the Execntive Board to aet with the
N. T. A. TO ENCOURAGE YOUNG officers. Such tickets shall be printeu
l\fT. and ~[rs. \Villialll S. Hornor, of
TENNIS PLAYERS und mailed to meUllb('rs, together with
North Narlwrth a\'enll(', spl'nt the week-
(Colltinued from Pave 1) tlw notice of the Aunua] Busin('ss
en,] in \Vashingtoll, whcre 1frR. Horner Have You Paid Main Line Garage
hall gone earli('r in the \\'epk to atteno
tlley were eneouragc(l to join the clubs
and play tennis in their youth, aUll
~\cR'l'rOLE nl.
a Baptist missionary ('om·entioll. \Vhile
at the Natioll!alOapital 1[1'8. Hornpl'
Your Subscription Taxi Service HauliDI of all kinds
Packard Limousine to Hire
thnt the old('\' players g('lIerously guve
of their time alld uhility in conclting fifty
Sec, 1. The annual dlws shaH he
cents (50 c.) for all Active and
was a !ll(,1Il'b('r of HIl' delegation that
\\'('1'(' personally r('('ei\'ed hy Presi,lent
to "OUR TOWN 1" Phone. Narbe'th 672

them in the- fine poin·ts of the gall1e. Associate Members, paya.bl(' in advance Har(lillg at the White House, the Chief
\Vith the dev('lopmellt of the :Nar- at time of December Business 1fect- Excnti\'(' shaking handw with eaell one
berth Tennis Assoeiatioll this yl'nr illto ing. With the fiscal ~'enr b('ginning of his guests.
a much larger 0I'gllni7~'ltion, all,l with with tllC Dfrc., 1921, 1\fet'ting' tlwsc
incroo.sed fuciliti('s for taking care of dues shall be $1.00 per y('a r.
junior memberR, it is e:l>.llected that he· 8ee. 2. }\fembers of the graduating
fore the senson is over Nar.berth will clnss slUlll pay one-half t.h(' all10unt of
be well on the wny townrll dl'veloping dues f{lr t,he current year.
:luatttt nf t~t ',art
or rent, furnished or unfurnished, a home in Narbertb, we have the
some very promising young players. Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall s('))(1 to best list in any part of the town at prices and terms to suit.
Insurance 01 all kinds
At t.he Friday night meeting a num- each ~nember a statement of dll('s two
ber 0'1' amendments to the Allsociation's wee-k~ previous to the Decemher :Me(·t- Auto Licenses Rents Collected %
Constitution weTe adopteo, the intent ing. If dues nrc not paid within Olle : Marriage Licenses
of .W111cll WJl;!'~ to ('lurif;~,:the by-laws nionth of this uotie.e a second 1I0tice Aft'adavits for Income Tax J. A. CALDWELL
~ea1 :ms'ta1ie

Workmen's Compensation

ISave up for Oceano up for Oceanol

Phone. Narb.rtb-1247.J
Phone, Narberth 1687

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