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Narberth Choral In
Voters Approve Bond Issue For CHILDREN'S
DANCING CLASS Snccessful Concert
Recreation Center by Big Majority ~:Ilnl'tl:t,\",
to 01"'11
:\ovt'Jllher ]~tl1. At the Opera House
~ 1'. ":'II.,
The Women's Community Club IZATION.
~7 fOf Ifl L"S"OJ1,", :11 _\,~\"alll'I'
Th . ., \"(It,r,,, lit' ~:trlll'rth :ll'llfO\ I,d tilt' I
Playgroulld BOII,I 1..... 111· II," :1 \ldl' of
nf'arl.'" thrl't· ttl n/ll' ill TLt''''!:I.'" ' ... t'lt'!·
Two School Board THE FIRESIDE H,'t'lIrt'
1'1'1111]1 :111t
:t largt' ;IlItlil'lI"I' :tt tlll'
()III'r:1 1IIIlISl' 1111
'rllt· ... I!:ly

tilill. III :l!l. 11111.-, \ \ I t ' · ... \\\'I"t' ",I . . t 1111

thl' '1Ut·..;t illll, t \\ t'IIl.'" tlf \\ hi,·" \\ ,'rt' III-

Members Re-elected ' .\lr. . I:llllt'S :--:trt ' 1,·11 ha:-: gOIH' ttl Tre· Borne and School 11:;..:1It. till'
"1'1I~l'd a
\:lrllt'rtlt ('hol':IJ ~{Il·:l't.\· fin"
!lrllgralll \\ hidl rt'th'l·t,·.j tlip
'validat,'d \•• "':111"'" ,.1' ill"II1'I"I'1 or Iltl
llwrkiIlg". T~Jt'r,' \\ ,'[',' 7:;-. ,"qtl'''; ,··:1.... 1 MRS. GRACE C. BATCHELOR, WHO
\'llrt,III, 1':1., fill' :111 {'\tl'II,lt'll ,·isit.
Association Meets ;..:.rl'Ht I' .. t ('I"dit 111'011 it "l'lt'
1111' tllWII that it fl'pI'I'St'llt:-.,
:t 11.\ UpOJl

:'IIi"" I·:ulli,·,· I.. \\'Jlli""'''' "f \\",'"UII'" Till',\" \\,PI'I' a~~iHtt'd ill thi .. l'OIlI'l'rt h~'
in faYOf of 11:,' 111:\11, :11l.J :':.-,11 :I;':;lill~t. HAS BEEN SERVING BY AP-
., :\
gI"tJ"'~ \'rl'olt"
\ '/lI:IIl;i~~IIIl"1
111 tIll'
Ill~i,'/' (lr tlu'
-:.... \'11': .. 11)\\11.
\\ (lilt/ :1\·t'IIIIi', i:-i \·i";till~ ill :\1'\\ "~!I~ PERMANENT ORGANIZATION EF-
1~lll',\':\l:lr:-:h, soprllllo; ,lllhl1 l?il'hardsoJl,
""Iilli.t. "1'.1 Ih,' "idol' th·,·h".lr:t. The
h.O\\,t·Yi'f. 111:IY ill\\;111 :111' \\;',11" .. 'd tilt '
l'rogr:llIl rPlldl'ft'd \\:IS IIllt' 1Io;h of
Th,'TI' "('1'1I1~ to I,,· gl'lll'r:d :--at l:--f:lI" NOTE OF MEETING. ""·Ii,,i,·,,1 ,Jifli",dt .,. ;1",1 l'''l"d''r "1'1'",,1.
V01t·f .. :111.1 '""'rillll"d~' ,Jllh.\' :llt ' :11;111,
t ;1111 \\ i1l1 111,' TI':--lIl1 of thf' t'lt'l·tillll ill :llld tht, :qlpn'(·i:lfioll (d' th,' :1I1,lil lll'll l

A Serions Blunder. Thl' 111,;:11' :,11,1 ""'!IUlll .\:--"11\':;11;"11 1'1'

'rh,' \\lIr,1:!lg of tllt' \1:,:;,11 ",'Ip]d;,',]
"" l1 ... rt I,. \, :,,,, !lIH IIi ft·.,t I't! t i 1111' :llld I illlt' ,I~:till
r·,·,' t t·,l ;1 1','111.:1 II" II t tIl ~;II::"I;1 ~ it III 111\ :'\ I'
'!llri II':": t ht· 1'\ I'll illg.
to lhl' HOl'lll::..:,h oIl'~i:':Il:':' "'\"11 ill
'111,1·1' \\ illl 11:1\ I' :j,!i 1:11.. ,'11 til' 1 h,· \ "1111'1'1 It II. "lll II : hI' '·'111,1 Ill',": llig
Till' IIlCjl1in'l" :-::Ild, ill :1" Y'1']llll't III tht'
erpa"'I ' ill,' IIllt·ldl,dlll'·· "i ~111' ·... ,·IIIHJ!
1'u: i...... l.t ,ll1d d,) ""I ~<lolll, :\ .. t lit' ~rlllllld \' :1 ~ \1' J, I 'I I l!l t' : I!)' 1 • I' rill 11, 'I t J II' ill II,
, 11Il"I'rt: "111 HilI t""t,ll"Il! ,'II",'1111,Jp
I>i~tri,·t. '. ;11 .. 1 ";1'] tit' dl,' HIII"lll;.:.h.
,I Ill' ~ ,Ill'. Ii,' .. ,·l:tl,J!,. 'r~II'I" \\t'I" ill :1~t,'11 hll"I'
.. ill;....:.illg \\:1'" di~t·t'rlli\dl· tht' \ll':t,·rif'('d
Our TtI\\ II. \\ :111 111,1 :I:,l 1'1 '1111' i1.,;
!t,.·l ]"'r"lIlJ", :1~ll"rl:' \\ 1111111 \\ I'r.· flit, 11:llld of j'1:I1""III'I' (', :\il·I'. th,' ,Iirl'l·tllf,
eO'OIIf'r:tlill;':' t·,l:~lIr'" l· ;!:\ I'~' '....: ltill~
( ) II t' 1.) f 11\1 f ]'11':11 \\ :lr ~:Il"dl'llt'f'" 1"1' ''It'llllll'''"' u: lh,' HI':lltl lit' l>irl"·t,,l., :llld
\\ Illl }I:I~ Ill'1111gll t ,111' """I,·II't ." tl) a
thl' ('ai),"I' Ill' tl:I' ,'1'1'111', \\ 11;"11 !II:IY (':111'
}lort· pil'kt'cl " ],,, If J"'" k Ilit"h of l"'lft'I," :tlld !"Idillit\- ,If tollP
eel thl ' l'l:tYl..JHl1llol l,j,I •. tiulI, llllt tlH>,
l:li,:1 \'1·::··..: .. ··ltlll tltl' \ :11.· ... :n F.);II1\\;II:':' tilt, ... i!I;"::l1:.!"1' ".\lllt·I>:I"
I"I'lIl:lrk:ddt! ill :t :1":: jlrllftl~"':I'Il:tl :..:.rollp
pllJlt'r \'-",d :11 )11'.· .... ~tt'l 1';lrl.\· ~11 lddail1
ll.\" ~ltl' :1 ...... I'II:llh~I·, till' t'·1111IOI":lf." l'rt' .. i- lit 11111 .. j,·i:lll ....
all t h,' f""l '. .1"111. "':dl')11 \1. \"t·ut/., !"llrl· ... ..:t,d
\\Yl' art' :!l:I.! ~" :1':11'11. illl\\ 1' \ 1'1', that l';"'I'("';ally :lpprt>l·jatt'l! \\ t'ft' thl' vio-
:'II r. ""'! \1 I ' . ,\ 11,1'1: \Y. :" ,',,,lli"ltI, \\ til"' 1 lit' "-I'll·'111'" tl) tlll' ;11Id:I'lIl"',
lill ""]1I~ g-i\ t'll !I.v .10hll l\il'!l:II'IIStlll. thp
th(' fault dll":'" 1IIIt 111' \\ itb 1\111" BorulIg-h
II r 1tl:: t 'h.· .. 1 fllll :1 \ "lI Ill'. 11;1 \',, ,ill:" t rt' \\ l't'I' :;}' lJ f hI' 1.11": 1l1':,,- III' t1l(' "\"'lJiug'
gOVI'f!IJlH'Jlt, The fldltlWllJ~ j ... :1 ,'tl}l~'
1.0.\' ,ill1illi·t. This Y1l1l111ful I'l'pt!;;.:y is
tlllllt'" fI'llllJ :--;1<11(' t'/l11,';,:,·, "ht'I"I' tlll'y \\ :1" 1. 1';"::111. Thi· c·tlll~i..;l t,d lIf t 1\1' :ldllll :t1f('~ld.,· \\1,11 kllOWFI to :'\:lrJlt'rlh Ilt'tl'
of tht· JltltiJil'nlill1l hy tht' Bprtdlgh ~ll­
:1 t t 1'/1.1", I tIll' }I('IIII 1):1.\' l11111:-- t' 11:11 ( \', t jllll Id' II,'· 1:1\\:-: :llltl 1111' \'It,,·t ,ll\l (If :J
Id,' frolll hi· :IJlI'I':lf:llIl't' "itll tht, ('hllr:11
licitor. Oil (ktuhl'f 1~, 1" 1111' ('llllllty
I d'I"IIl:( 11 t II I IIlI;lr,1 I I r I tIlll'" r~. ill th .. ir .full'· Illth ",,",·,'rt ill :"arl,n!h.
_\ ~li ...... i~'II:lr." :-';"I(I";:I~ ill ,\ ('lllll'l,iltl't ' {III H.'"·l~l\\~ Ii:1 l !'il"1l
()..t"l",r 17, 1!1~1.
111)11111' ;11111 Hi ... rt'IHlitil1l1 of tht, 1:I,t 1II(I\'('lIlt'lit of
Mrs. Grace C. Batchelor.
til \\t')(·tlllll' Illt' III'\\" Illt'llJht'f" Ill' \\'0- :ljl!IPilltl"] ill :111\·:1111'1', \\!lll Ilft'pari'd a T"'t'!laikowkski':; ('(lI1I ' t ' l"tll, :1 Jlll'l'P of
..;,;, Mr. D"ni,'! F. "t""t. ,'hi"f t ·I"rk.
111:111'''' FIlrl'igll ~Ii~:-;itlll:lr~' ~tl\·i!·t.\" \\ill l·:tl't'full." wllr,lt,d :-I't (If artie·II's for tllt ' 4!ff'at tt'(·hllil'al ditHI'lllt.,·, hr1.l1q,,:-ht a
I 'Olllit ,'" (·01111Ili ... :--i ll llt·I' .... Till' Plt ·('tioll 011
Ttl('~da.\' fllr two posi-
I", h('id '"
Ill,· \1, t:ll"li·t J-:"i"'o!,,,l ~llid:llj('" (It' Illt' :1~"'ll'i:ttitlll. Th;s 1'0111-
.:..:1t·:lt dt':d of :ll'plallSt' t'rtlill thp :uldi·
:"lIrri:"ttl\\ II, Pa. ti,,"" Oil th .. ""ho01 B"ard !"t,stJlt,'d ill
('hurl'h (Ill ,,·('tlnt·' 1:1." {'\'t'llill~ at ."'1 lllittt't' /'lIl1 .. i~tl'd of Pnlfl' ..... or Lllr(l~' .\. I'llI't', HI' ,nt~ hrollg'h1 b:H'k for all
Dear ~Ir. "tont: Ih .. fl"(']""lioll of H"I,,'rt .J. ])"thard Ki,,;:. "ll"ir"I:III; _\. " .. Burtis. 1-'. (.
It'l'lllek, XtJ\"t'lIdll'r llith, .\11 w('\l'"mp. !'IWlll'!' aftt,)' hi.'" last 1l:IIlI!tt'l', '/(;."Pl'"Y
The hullot for th,' Bor""g], "I' :'\ar- and l\Irs. (int,·" t'. Batdlt'!or, rlllllling
I'"tl"" ",,01 \Yal1"ll :'II. "'""tz. ~1'rt'lladt.', Il~" Yaldt'z,
. ,', herthat the {'-ulBing cle(·tiou Blust gi\'t.' Oil thl' /{"Illlhli"all tif'kl't.

:'IIi'" Hllth K .. tll". "f :,\"w York, i" Th,' by-law., as dmft",1 hy fIJ,' ,'0111' 'I'Lt, :IPJll'aralu·tl of ~liss Lu('y
-:', _·the voters a chall~t' to vute UpOIl a 1'1'0- Mr. DIIII",rd hlls }1("'11 a IIll'lllhcl' of
'1"'Il.Iill/r a f('l\" r1u~., x:th :-.riS""fl Ruth IIlitth', \\ .'rt ' '11,:llli1l1UII:--:.l~" ndoptf'fl. ~lal!"o~1 :lS 't1prallo ~Illoi ... t W;I'" anotht'r
.pollett--nli1tll1l>,m('·o-r :j<:W,fIPO rur th,' pur- fTll ' Boan1 for ~jx ~·(~aJ'-.t. lHlt th:s i:, I
all,] E"th,'r Ihlrhor"" . . \11 tl](> girls ar" Th<,." l'fo,·idl'd for :1 pft' .... idt,llt. ,'j('I'
f"al ,,,... "Ii ·h "dd .. d a gr,':ll d,'al of
". pose of plln'lwsillg- " puhlic I'laygruull'l. ~Ir". Batd,,,lor '" first !"t'gll!ar t"rllI. "h,'
h:I,·jllg: :.t ft,\,- da~" \·:ll'atioll frUlIl (it't- I I'ft':--idt'lIt, :"t'I'I"l'tary, tn':lSllft'r fill,l til!"
l'II,lo.'·1I11'IIt 111 th .. pr(lgraill. ~ht' f('J)-
The lJlIl'stioll is ttl h,' .t"l"d till th,' \\a" apl'oilll"d ill .1 II lit' 1" fill th" \-a·
t.,- .. hllrg ('"llt'gt'. Iltt,ltd'('r .. at l:trg,," til :-ol'r,',1 011 tilt' .It·n't! 't,,·t'l ,I solo 1111 TJdIl'f:-O, :Iud :t~",i!-'t­
ballot as f"llo\\s: I'HIl('y c':Il1:--l"! by tllt ' rl' ... igllatioll ot'
Ext'l'ut j,.p I '0 III III ittf't',
•. Shall the bonded indebted- I,d tlH' {·htl.lls with t\\"11 Ilullillt·r...... Olle
\\'altl'r Y. "hu\\"' 111 o!"th'r to ,'xpl'ditl' lhp "ork "f tIJ,'
:'IIi." Z"k TsulIg "'a II g-, frolll Chilla, I l~' wll: ,. h ":1'" t llf' 1t :1 1ia fl :---;t ft't't :-'OUg',
ness of the Borough of Nar- The 1'''11tl'.,;1 w~,~ :1 ,·10":1' ntH 'rhl' l

t,tlkr'd to tIlt, ,·hildr"11 ill lh,' priIlUlr~' t"t'llillg, :1 :\'llllliJl:ttillg" t'llllllllitt{'l', :\11
I,,'" \"id"r !I"rI,,'rt.
berth be increased by the sum I\\'o J)"I111",rllti,' ,'alldidat"s, Hllrr." :'II.
01"1'''1'11111'111 of tht' (>""sh~'t,'riall "ulltla.\' 111 l'llllllllt'lltillg Oil till' ('Olll'prt in it~
of Thirty Thousand ($30,000) ,'h"lf;,"1 aud ~Irs. .\hhi,' \Y. ~i"k,'r­
~1·ho(ll 1111 ~llllda,'" Illoflling ahout th(' . Continu(·,1 on Page 4) is'"" of \Y, ,}lIl'sday u,orllillg-, tilt' I'lIh-
Dollars for the purpose of ac- S"II fail"d of Ilolllillation Oil thp Ih'pllh·

.'. quiring a tract of I:.nd to be

USed as a public playground?
li",," tif'kPl ill the prilll:tries, but ",ere
1I0minllt .. d h." th,' D"l1loerats, althollg-h,
of ,'ourSt', rnlluillg ind"!"'lId"lIt of I:art~·
,·11i I,] !"t'll '" ('h ina.

TIH' ('i\'il' .\~:-itwi:lt:ol1 :It'kllo\\'ll'dge:-i Christian Endeavor

\ '];(lrll~
fllt'l, cllt,
!.cdgt'r :'laid:
ill \'ohllnt'
\\ ork
q\1n1it~- td·
(If the

t!1:-1t rihl~tctl

No "ith tlrallk· tlr,' f'01l,,-\'-ing l'tlntrilnllion" l",t\\".'11 th,' r·]Pf~. Th"i'P was Illithinl:(
\,'ill you pll'aSl' Sl'e that til<' h:illot
Thl' IIl1t1lher of volt's I'oll,'d fur "'It·h to fnrtlu'! the work "I' Our Town: ~ar·
h"rth Building- an,] l.oan .\",.ol'iatioll,
Has Spirited Contest of Ill(' ,'x'ph"iv" ago"y "Ill' "fl"1l C:".lR
fnc-ing fhl' onlp:d
,', is prepared So thnt thi~ qu('stillJl 1:-- ('HIJllidatp WH_"" Il:-' follows: HBIOlIg :ill1:!1llur:-: of

stat ell as ahovl' ill,li"atl',l'~ _.\ ""I'~' of Rohl'rt .T. Dothard., , . :;sn $:::;.011; Xnrhl'rth Ch"ral ",,,"iety, $:!~).110; MEMBERS OF PRESBYTERIAN Y. P. l'uhlir' app,'nrrllll'l'. lrl"t,'atl, l\tI('lll'y of
the ordilllll)('(' authorizing the SlIhlllis· I,ill~'~ Dal1~htl'rst $,.,00. SOCIETY JOIN IN INTEREST- lIttl'ralll'I' aud ~H'lf-I'n~~('~:o;ioll of Ulan-
Mrs. (hat'(' ('. Hutf'h{'lor " . .' -HI
sion of the <jllt'stion to thl' vOlpI'S is ,'n- l\lrR. _-\bhil' W. ~if'kerson . ING EVENT---.TO LAST Ill'r markl',l th" work of the silll:(ers,
closed -ht>rewi tho Harry M. Chalfullt The ~Ii"'l's Kathryn and Elizah"th
, TWO MONTHS. alltl thl' auclil'n('{' rl'lH'atl'tlly gave aR'
V ery truly ~'ours, ~lagl1irl'
,'ntl'rtainl'd a Illllllll('r of thl'ir ",'rti\"(' l'"id"Il"l' of its approval."
(Signl',l) FLETCHEH W. ~TlTE~, frit'tul" nt a Hall'l\\" 'en danl'l' on Fri- Th.. """ior (,h ri"l i,tll E",It'a "01' "0' ('I'rtainl~', thl' ":ork of this splClltlid
Borough Holiritor. dll~· e""lling, ~on'lIIbl'r -Ith. A Illost ,'i"t." of th,' Xarh"rth l'n'sh~·tl'riatl musil'al orgulli7.ution will do Illueh to
\Ve are told that till' County COlli III is- NEEDLEWORK GUILD MEETS. l'nj,,~-nhll' l'vening was spellt, aftl'r ('htH('h ha~ IH'g'Ull an inft.'r('!'titing- C'OIl- d"v"lop hoth "ollllllullity "plrit uilil fa-
"':!I--sioner's offi"e assulll('s all hlnuH' for , whif'h refreshmcnts wer(' "l'rv,"!. Thl'fl' t,·"t la"ting through Xo\'emher awl De- vornhle outsicl(' ('omment for Xarherth.
The anllual IIIl'ding of th,' Xl'l',lle' Thi, Philadl'lphiu appenran('(' an,.I the
.~ ,-. the error. Chief Clerk Stout excused it Wt'fP ahout l'iixty guests prt.lsent, I'PUllt('r RUci having a half dozen airlls
on the ground that they hnl! sevl'rnl work (luil,1 of the Narherth Presby· ' ill dl'w. Fin' tt'allls, t1lr('(' "Olllpl,,('r! "oll"ert at Atlallti,· City ear1i('r in the
'. bond Ulsues of School Distril'!S, and terian Church was hel,l last \Veclne",lny of the girls lind two of the hoys, hav" ~'l'ar havl' servl',1 to Rpread th(' reputa-
in the ehureh. (Continued on. Page 4) t iOIJ of th(' Nurhl'rth Chornl Hoeiety
,,:li'that he inadvertently allowed the words ht','n l'ntl'J'("!.
Th" "ont('"t ha" he,'n arranged on the i hl'~'oll,1 the hounduri('R of our little bor-
·.·School Di~trict to go into the "tate· Aver)' sU(,l'l'ssful nH'l'ting wus hpI,I,
.., --ment of the Plnygroun,l que~tion. Our 1247 garull'nt" and $-t-t.OO in money nrdt.'r uf a tr:H'k nl(·t.~t, pn,('h " ( ' \ , f l l t " ough. So it will he comlllunity pride,
being recl'ived by the Guild. The ob- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS as well as a lov(> of goo,1 musil', whieh
:.. , ·T.ow·n hopes to publish fuller informa- ,'ollllting- for a "l>rtnill nnJllht'r of points,
.·tion next week. jl't't of the X I'e,llework Guil,l iR to The team Illlving the highest numher of will assure tht, future "UC('l'SS all,1 ron·
Two cents per word If cash accow-
Other Results. l'oll"d new garment" to he used for lJ8 n les advertlsemen t ; otherWise, Ihe points on ,IanUltr~' ISot is the winner of stant growth of the organi7.ation.
,.. , - Othe-r borough offices filled at this relj('f work through organizatio"s, and "I'nts per word. the "ontl'st. The prize ha" not yet h('en Thl' Ill'xt local l'Olleert has been un-
;".::: election, with the nUIll ber of votes cast in private eases. HnllollllC'('d, 1I0ull"I',1 for Dl'('l'D1hor 10th.
;.. ' The aft el'lloon Ression was adclres,ecl
.•... in each cas(', are: CORD WOOD for sale. Phone Narberth The C\'l'nt" and credits for pnl'11 are
hy :Mrs. Eo F. Holmes, of Tal'ony, und
~gess. 30/j·W. (6-p) ,," follows, X l'W III em h('r~ (pl'n"'ntag-e
~';:'Carl B.
~., .. Metzgar (R) 800
(D) 166
Mr. Alfred F. Whitman, of Xarberth,
Hl'cretar)' of the Hociety to Protect
hasis), highest ",·on>. :10 points; att('n,]· Community Club Notes
SALE-l'pright piano, in fine eonui- :lIu'e kunda.v (,"l'ning" (Iwrcl'ntllge
Chil,lren frolll Cru('lty.
School DireCtors (6 Years) tion, rug-, tahl('s, chairs, hl'd, ,Ii,he" hllsi,,), 20 poi"ts; sp('~ial t'omlllitt('e The Cluh will meet on 1'UI'-srlay after-
Two to be electe,l. l"d~' 's dl'.k, fir" screl'n, ctp. II:! nrn~'­ work, 15 points; ont' spl'pial "stunt," noon. :'\ovelllber 13th, at 2.:W. One of
,. Grace C, Batehelor (R) 548 lillg IIH'., Xarbel'th, (5-1') I., points; s{'lllling ,Ielt'gat('" to uther the for"lIlost e,lu('ators of this part of
!""~ :R6Qert J. DOlharu (R) 580 RUMMAGE !lALE. s{)I'iet ie', 10 point,,; rt'ports nt munthly the ,'ountry will a,ldre"s the meeting,
", Harry M. Chalfant (D) 403 FOR SALE-Black Russiun Pony Goat, lI,e"tings, 10 points. This nlllk('s II to- Dr. Luey Wil"on, Principnl of the South
1:·:.·., .Abbie W. Niekerson (D) 423 Do not forget that rummage )'OU in, full length, good condition, Ext'ellent tal of .100 point" po.<sihl", alt-h()ll~h nn Philu,lelphia High School for Girls,
.~"" Town Clo\U1cU. tend giving to the King's Daughters for Jarly who drives, Price reasonnble. l'xfrn !'i point" will h,> allowl',1 'for espl'- , will talk 011 "Intelligence Tests" and
,r.. . " Four to be elected. for their sull' in Ardmore, November 1\'ll'phone ~arberth 331-Y. ('l-p) "iall,\' goo,1 work on IIny event. oth"r a,lvlln('e,1 methods u!'oed in her
,,',. 'Hugh W. Brown(R) 790 15th. Kin,lly send ail ~mall artieles Dl'll'glltl'S will )j(' sent to other so- s"hoo!. Tl'lIehers, mothers and' all who
~{ (D) 156 not later than Monday morning, No- LIBRARY TABLE in good condition. cieties in or'ler to obs"rve in what "'ays 111'<' int('rested in education should take
fi:, W. R. D. Hall (R) 783 vember 14th, to 116 Essex avenue or Will ~ell reasonable. Narberth 1218. improvement may be nllllle, anll these ndYll11tllge of this opportunity to learn
r;:. (D) 157 212 Hampden avenue. Notify by phone (5-1') delegates will make 'suggestions at the whllt Philrl<ll'lphia is doing for its pu-
f.:..1>aniel Leitch (R) 784 Narberth 623 R or 386 R, and llfiVil the monthly bllsines~ and social meeting". pils. Narberth may be able to make
[i-\' " (D) 1tlO larger articles clilled for Monday morn- FOR SALE-Special Oakland Touring. Eaeh team hns also taken unto itself use of some methods suggested.
~. '.
ing, November 14th. the work of a special comniittee. One of the Club members will gIve n
'1:;,/":"."", Walton M. Wentz (R) 783 Cnr. See Edwin Wipf. (5-p)
fbi,'" ..... ,_ (D) 161 Team A is the, Missionary Comn\itt-ee, hook review of Arehibald Marshall•
.•.i~:·J~ce of the Peace. FOR. SALE CHEAP-I baby's crib and as such is giving a one-minute talk
·(;·<lWnlzer (R)78tl Little girl returiling from the movies ~ott1plete, 1. cradle .with spring, 1 high ench SundRy evening on some subject , The Club is proud of the fact that
4~!"', '. . (D) 165 was run OVer by an automobile. An- pertaining to missions. The team is its President, Mrs. E. C. Batehelor, has
ehair, 1 lIursery chair, 1 double iron

lX::" .(Co\ltillucdOIlPagc 3)
other <horz:ible .exnmple of -thednngers
of children ' going to the movies,
cot; all in flrst- claslcondition. TeIe- --_.
pboneNnrbertb. 163ll'M. (5:1') (Continued on Page 4) (Ccntinueu On Pnge 3)
... ';'.~ :



thl'.'· 1\:1111\\ a TlIII It'r of thing ..:. whie'h, Telephonee,
OUR TOWN il" : h~,.' had thCl1Ldlt \' l1rth tt'lling, would rOR WEEK ENDING NOV. 6. 1267 dellver - aDJ
place - aDJ
11:"\' 111'('11111'\\ .... ttl tilt' rl· ... t II!' t1~. ~o
O'Y,,"'] '"1<1 l'nhlish,·d I'\,·r.\· .__:o1l:r.I:I.\· 1268 t1JDe.
•'ll't III' :1(r.llol 1p .lId il 011 :I postal High. Lo\\'.
hy thl' \":I)"lwrth ('i\ il' .\..; .... l·i:tl in:l.
~lIh~"riJd ;I'J) ilril'l' 1'111' ,I,tl::tr :.11,1 lifl.'·
r, I ~ 1'1 i' 1 iI 1" 11". Bn rlllllf't t'r . _ :~Il_:~
1 :!~(.ili
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Tt'lllpl'fatul'l' li-l ~~)
('('II t... 1"'1' .'·I·~ll' ill :1 "h·:t 111'1'.
HlImidity, )H'r {'('1It. Uli ~7 A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Prt'I'ipitat ion .H:: 111<'h
Communications Tt,t1'1H'rn t 11ft' t'\ l'I':--~ j J}l'e X o\·em lIef
March 31, 1921 1, :.! dpgf(\(':-i.
T H 1111' I·: d ~ If r 'I f () I ~ 1 Til'.' II :
I're,idl'.nt Georg" A. \Iahl
Yicl'·llrl':'.;j, It'lit
" ..loseph H. l"asb
A ug-u:-,t '1~ .T. 1~()o:i
1Ilrs. ('. 1'. F,)",ler
~I iss M aizic .T. Sil11]\SOl1
Thl' \\ I'i:,'r \'. '1lJ)·i ;:I\t' 1'1 !l:I'
I,r", ... jllli frllll' jJ:lr"t1~., \\ i~h l'llildrt'll in

\\ ht'~lll'r
'II" 11111
tIll'." :I!'l'
.... 1·}llllll~
Ill'rfl·(·!ly "'di:-,-
t' all

:1 . .

Speaking of hravpry, all prizes go to
tI,,· Illan wh,) first atc an oyster. Wyne Farm
A. C. SHAND, Jr.• Owner
- Narberth,
::;"" rctary , . H,d"'rt .J. E,lgar ASH COLLECTIONS FOR 1921-1922.
1)1 \\.'. h t It I' 111'1 .... 1.111 ;1 rr:IIl~"JIl"llt
Ihrednr'. to sen'" lIutil 1!1~:J: 1\lrs.
Rohcrt F. Wood ..J. (iarliel,1 Athcrho!t, \\ !lil·ll ;...:j,I·..... 11.1 ,·l!ll,lrl·/t '1"1'1.1." thirt.\'
On MONDAY u"i,,'s will bc I'ollpcted Desirable bUilding sites in a very wisely restricted section. Located
I. A. \Iilll'r. C. Lawr,·n--,· 'Var",iek, J;.i/lllll' ... · 1,;1,,· fill" l~:t1,·h. 1'''lllJH>~lill~
1111 },olll :-,idll~ of (',111,,":1.\' aY~'Il\le, ;\tl.r-
A. E. \\'ohl,·rt. I'hilip A. Liviugston. thl'I!1 1'1 I';;' l!l,'il' 11Wll'}1 :tt .... 1·hOld. ]t
on a hilltop, splendid old shade trees. Street improvements completed.
1'I"(I',L 1I;lr\.:. \\'.\"111'1'\' ntlt! :"·('1111·', :"":1 hi Ill'
Dir!,,·t',r'. to ,,,rVl' lIutil l!)~~: .J. J. i.... lit' ,·olll"~I'. "ld ;'dl:11 \\ hl'1111'!' tIll' I'hil- Excellent neighborhood. Prices from $1500 to $4500 per large lot.
('al,n'Y. \\'altl'r .-\. Fox. H. IL Hillcgas, :I'-I'lIl1t l , \\'Yllllf·\\"lIo.1 (·oud. :\Jnntgo!l1'
,ll\'ll .. h:ll1 I,rill.l.: ]';11":1 'It" 1111."
it. hl1t Several attractive plans available to help prospective home builders.
C. H.' A. ('haill. W. H. D. Hall, Harry l'l"y :\\·,·IIt1I·. to \":I1"'II'rth a\-t'1l1H~. ~tl'P­
A.•la,·ohs. 111i ... Ilt·\\ :111,j :11'11:11':11".'" Illl:ll~ ,d' thl'
nl'y Plare, Elm Tprral"'. west Bi,lc
~"}I tl,.l I~ll:j 1 ,I :1}1111':1 r.. • II I.', I' til 111\ :11\
"1111.11' .\. 1,1 \'1
\,;~T' ''-. I illl,I\:1

11:1." ;111.1
t;, "I
11' ,t
t II II. :11,1'
~ II I 1,'~;
: hI'
1.11 :' iJ'


of E:":it'X :l\·t·II11('. and hoth ~idl':-i of
1I\l'III'.\" :1"1'11111', \\'ill,l:-:lll' :l\·"J!IH'. frtllli
Fo:n· ... t a\·I'Idlt' In :\;Irl·rollk l':lrk.
J. NASH :J:l.ea~
\ l'llil'IIlT Ill' ;!t" . . ,·hohl".-i.
\1\ 17.11·: .J. :-;1 \11·.--',\.
"\11' .... "'oilll'rl '·'1I1'lt!:llll" :lllllllt thi:-;
Cashier. nue, botb sides of "Ynynp a\'el1lle, Pri"e Brancb Office at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
:lrr:tll.~t'IIH'ld. :1'" ... J/t' {I'l'l." that tll(' t'llil-
tl \'l'lI Ill', huth ~ides of ~arhcrth avenue,
~I'II,I all nd\"t'rl j ... ill:..:. :III'! 11,'\\ : 1'1:1 1 II dr"l! ~l't illlJlrlll,,'r 1l 1 1lIri .. 111iH'lIt. The Member Phll.d.lphla Real Eetate Board
~r\lllt~(lllll'r.\' ll\"l'l1llt' from Xnrherth to
P. O. Btl\ ~ltiti. Jllnd, 1II:1.,· !", .:..:"".~. 1,;),J nr iu.JiffC'ri,t1t
()Ilr '1'11\\'11 I... 1111 :-<,11 :11 lill' dl'pll1 lon,l avenue, JOlla ;1\"I-lIUl\ froll1 .:\Cont·
j",l r :t II I 1\ 11'1 \\ - t hi' 1·11 il, 11"1'11 :-Ot't'lll ttl
llP":-:. t:llld. :llld nt Ihl' "';111"1' lit II. J:. gOlllcry to "'oo.Jhilll' avellue, "'ooc!·
Da\'i . lik,' it - 11111 It i..; f;lir1y f'X jl"Il:-,i \'1' alltl
!Iilll' :\\1'1111\' t'l"tllJ\ !1l1l:J til I'~""':'""I'X ;1\'1"

:1:-; :-;1'I'ulld l·l:j .... ~
O(·tollf'r 1.i. l!ll-l, :11 1h.' I"I"'!
l'I'IIII'"'y!':llli:l. 1:II,il1"
:q'lI:ln'llt 1.,- 1111111'1·(' .... :11'.\·. \ \ \ ' Ji\'I' ntll~'
:1 ... hurt di .. t:lll(·I· fl'llll: rl "'1'11(101. and l "
!loth ,ide" of (;raylin~ avenue, and

Forrest "v"nIlP.
I-As Keats
of \lar'·'I. 1<~-'.
,t' thl' t·llil·lrl'll 11:1·1 f'Irt.\' l1\"t' Illillllt.P:-'
rllr 111111·11 1111',," 1'1I11],j ;,:., hllllll·. If till'
llllll"h l't'l'i'l>l \\ 1'1'1' hour
prl!\oll!.:l"! to ;111
W:E:DNESDAY --![;"'erfor,J
COIlW:I.Y to .,r.))lt~()t1lery, ~ront­
Didn't Say··-
gOIIlt'ry HYCllliP from Ha\'('rford til Iona
OUR TOWN will gladly print think 111':11":.'· ;111 1111' 1'!:IJ.\rl'lI "\1111d :1\ VilliI', \\'oodhilll' a\"t.'lIl1t' froIH ),Jnut· \
lWy news it~m about any subject ;.!."l·t litlllll' 1'111' 111111.11. It i.... (']:lilllt'd by
g"n1l1ery to Jona '3\"-')'ll1(', hoth sides of Chilly evenings all remind us.
thl' ~1'h'l(ll Bn;ll"'! tIt:lt t1l:..; thirtY-IJlin-
that is of interest to Narberth \\'illialJ1s a\·,'nll,'. ~I" .. ting- lInll.'C Lan",
llll' IIlllt·11 111'111,,/ ; ... :Ili tIlt' t inll' tilt'." "rinter's cold and summer's hot.
folks. but in order to meet the and hoth sidl's of lona a\ enlle.
(·:tll :--)1'111'. fill' it" lit'tl'('1l or thirt~' Tllin-
printing schedule, all "copy" THURSDAY-,\lI .,r the 801lih ~idp. Good idea to stop at Betty's-
-manuscripts- must reach the Iltl'''i \\1'1'1' add.,", til t111' 111111·h period tlIt'

editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each 'o.·h"l;lr ... \, (llJ!ol ;'(111'.' h'lIl'I' .. 0 l:dt\ ill tht\
A cup of chocolate hits the spot.
week. t,\t'l1il1~ 111:11 l],t' Il!ljl'l·t;Hll" fllllli t1l\'
1':11"1'111'" \\ 11111,1 111' ... \'riqq .... ])nlgralll \\'l'l'){ lIt" :'\OVI'lIll11'r 1 t: :\JIIII·
I \\:tlltl·.] to !:lk.' thi ... !1!~lttl'r lIJI IOIl~
.1,,\. and '1'11,· .. 1,,\'. :'\(}\·t'llIbt'r 14·1:i,
:1.:":11, hilt di,1 1lot \\:1111 ~il IIT'iug- thi:-- (·h,·lde.'" ('lI:lplil1 ill hi:-, 11I,,,"(·."\t pi(·t1Ife,
SATURDAY, NOV. 12, 1921 lil·t'ul"I' tlil' jl\l1dil' \\hl1t' tllt' fig-lit for .. Tltl' 1')1,' ('lass." A spe"ial addcd
~I·hllid Ihl"t,,·tlll" \\ :1'" Illi. Howt'\I'r, I
:I t t ral·t it))l :\11)llday. ,. ~I nOll Utlld;" OPPOSITE STATION
J-:\IEHtiE:,\('Y »H():\~: ('.\1.1.' II\t1~t "':IY tll:l! rh;;t the ~I'h()tll !'t'e~
Fin'. :\:,11 )-;pisod,· III "'1'1,,· Y"Jlo", A!'IlI." TllCs-
Board i .. [1'1l1:lrk:lldy :trllit r~lry-' flot to '"ioln in ~tt1fT;"
]'ul l (.(" 1 ~.j( I lby, 1):111:\ "HollH1
:-0.:1.'· I·tllltr:tr~·---ill thi ... 1I1at:I'l', and ns :-'n"h I'nll"rd ,·oll\(·d~·. . . Fifte'cn .:'IIiu·
Ill'af a . . . I 1':111 --,'I' thl' fp(·lill,:.! t\xisting
ut t's." Thrt'!' shows 2\1 o"da~', li.:jll, S.IO,
Editorial alllllll~ tht'I,11 .. t't'1l1" to 1.1' I' HIl' pHhlip
!I.:;o 1'. ~1. "'(',IJIt'",la~·. ~o\'pJllbcr Iii,

ijJ~r :!Irriou IDitlr au~ wrust

lit' dalllllt' l. .,
ThollillS :\I .. ighan in "The Conquest of
.\. I·:. \\"()HLEHT. Canaall." Thurs,1:ly, :"o\'t'mher li,
SOMETHING ACCOMPLISHED. Elain(' H"mn\('rs!pill al1l1 ~fatt )fonre ill

B.\· a ,.Jose \'fltp. thl' ,·itiz'·Il.s of :":lr- LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS TO

"The Mira..J" !lIn: .. " Fri,la~', l"U\,Clll'
hpf 1S, EI~it' FPfgll . . on in II ~a(·rl'tl and
(tin-mpuny- -ttf-:Ar~m'nrt-"-';h;-
herth havp dt\t·idpd a~:lill..;t :t I'h:lng-t' in HOLD MONTHLY MEETINGS. I'rofallt' Lnl't'." ~"turtlay. ~ll\"'mhpr
thc IH"Sl'llt p"r,ollll,,1 of th,' ~"hiJol Hl, EarlP \\'jlli,lIl1s in "1t Can Be
Board. Thl) :\"()\'PlJdl(~r 1111'I'tiJl~ uf tht' ::'\ar- DOlIp:" l\I'lI'k :-"'lJut'l ('unl .. rl~'. "Hartl Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits over $900,000.00
BlIt,lJlOlIgh ill org:llliz:ltioll till' BO:lr,l1Il'1'tll Ll'agtll" of \\·01111'11 Yutt'rs, hc,ld Kn()(·k:-:. "
.~ -
ltn~ not hpPIl ('hang-ed,the hot fig-ht for at the Jlfllllt' Itf :'Ilrs. 1I11g-h "'. Brown, Narberth Office, opposite Station
thp two l'ositinns ha.' Illatpriall~' "hang· :!114 \Yood:-,idp :lYPJ1\l1'. IJII Frida~r, XC)-
e,l thp attitlltlp of thp '·Ollllllllllit~· :" a \-l'lIlht,J' 4th. \\:1:-' \\t'll attt'lIch'll and,
who]p 1<1\\'IIr,l nul' .,;,·hoo! proh!,·"ls. .illll~·ing' from thl) Ill:tny qlH..... tions rt:-.kl""ll,
The fUB~~' >tenog had !ook..d at ]IPI'
rnfortllnntel~', Ih .. pllhJit'it~, dllrin~ arou:-'l'd a k('pn itltt1rl' .. t in l1l:tttl'f:-' with \,~rist-\\"ut('h a lIumh t l r of ti!lll':-i ()nt~ Ze:n.'t:D1ayer's •
the f'ampnig-Il iu\"oh'PII too many exa~­ whid. the Leagut"' i~ t·lllll·prl1(\11. TlHlrning.
geratp,! and o\'l'rdrawll statelllt'llts to 'The 1J1l'(~till~ "-n:-, l':llll'd to ~lrdt'r. anll
~()IJl(, 1•.'"·1a \\ ~ wc're
"I ha\'p a .late for llluch and don't KINDERGARTEN
he takell H,~ a lJl(':lsure of our ~('honl aft t'r Ili:"l·t1Sl"1Hn
\\'Ilnt to miss it." shl' pxp!ailll'd to the n.eopen.ec1. Sep~e:D:l.ber 19, ~9B1
pfliripnr~·. HO\\'p\'f'r, t he wide a iri ng of adoptl"!. Thl' 1I1111111d ,·II',·tillll of offi· om,·(, boy wht'll sht' fO"II,1 him watch·
tht' vRrious phngps of St'!lOoJ n,llIlillis- ('('r:-, folloW(ld, with tilt' fnl1nwil1~ rC'-
195 "VV"1.n.d.sor A.-v en..u e
illg ],,,r curious!.".
tration has llwal,,'ue') thl' rOllllllllllit." to suit: I'rl'sid"llt. ~Ir'. ('. 1'. Fll\\ Icr;
"Huh." rt'pli"d th"t youth srorn-
OIiP fnrt, n:lnJeJ.y, thut our i.;,·ho,>1 BOal',1 \'i'·I'·prp,itl,'nt, :\Irs. .\. H. Hils,; S<'rre·
fully. "I don't nt'"d 110 \\at,'h to kllow
represents the pPllple lllld shOll]') kllOw t;II'~', l\Iiss .\nna :'Ila.-];;:'·ag: tr"asurer,
whpn it's lun"h·tillil'. I got II hell,
the- spntinlent of the pl'opl".
"'ith Ollr Home and SdlOOl A,sol'ia'
:\Irs. Etlgar <-'o .. krill. Thc -ugg"stiou to'
dist-ril'l thl' to\l'n ulllil pra..ti,',dly cvery
tion on .all aeti,,·c basis, alld with par· t hl<h'k has its lca,I,,1' wa" h.'arlily ap· or rent, furnished or unfurniphed, a home in Narberth, we have the
ents awake to the problems pn'sPllted, pI'O\·(·,1 h~' thc nlcmhcl's. This will best list in any part of the town at prices and terms to euit.
nlpall that thl' L,'ag\l~ "all he l'r"ssed
Present Borough Government
a lIlorl' gellPral illt"rpst in ollr 101'11) 3% COM ~ISSION FOR SELLING PROPERlY
SdlOOls JIla~' he ]ookp,] for-a Hd Ih is is into :-'l'r\"i('(' on a ('ulllp:trati\'j-ll~r ~hort
jllst \"hat our R.·boo! Boar,l dp"in's antI
Mrs. A. C. .:\Ial'tin, of "'H~'III', ill h"r
:lddn'ss spokc with the highest ap· .Rea1 :::EJs~a~e

WHAT IS NEWS? proval uf thb s~·:--tt't1I, dting all iJlI'i- Burgess, Phone, Narberth 1687 NARB£RTH,PA.
dl'lIt in H Ilparhy tlJ\\"fl:-ohip tIl d(,lnun- Carroll Downes. BRA.NCH OFFICF. 1415 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
Thp following' ad"ic'" ha- 1..... 11 slrut" how pfTIeielltl.\' il ":111 lljH'l'HtC in
wv.kl't] out h~· OIH' of oUr Il~~w:",r:til('r:-: HII t':llprgt'!J(·y. Tht' parti,·t11ar ('ase re-
W. H. D. Hall, Pr{!sident,
to ",11 il" n'[ltlel's' a Itl'n t inn to \\ Ita t " f,'rr,·,) to \l'a" th:lt of ;l IIlall who had William J. Henderson,

If AI'ybody 'Has-
('OlJltJIittl'd a II1'O:-,t

:IIII'(' UpOIl a SIl131l I'hiltl. ulltl ha,l, after

.1tr(H'iol1~ IH,t'form- Daniel L.:>itch,
Hugh BrowlI.
Modern Fashions Demand Smooth Skin
A. P, Rl'flifpr. Use Long's Depilatory for removing superfluous hair. The kind that
Dip,!. a 11l'lIrin~, 1I('('u paroJ!·d h.Y tlH' jl!dge.
Tht' WOJlH'll. rfl:-:Plltill~ t.he judge's (le-
Walton M. Wentz. never fails. Priee. ~O ct.. On sale at
Eloppd. Cllrl B. Met7.l:('llr,
:\[11 rriPd. I'ision, pili tlIP hl,wk "~'stelll into o!'pra·
Secretary of Councils,
nil' or,'pd. tioll, and in a fl'\\" hOllrs 11l\Jll nn in-
('hn r1, s ". :".wL
Lpft to",n. dignation lI1Pl·till;..!;, I't''''l~ltitl~ ill n peti·
I lillll, wi'th :In ov'.·I'\\'h"llIting IIIIInh()r of Borough Treasurer,
A 1.seon,]pd. . signl,IIII'1's. 10 tIlt' jndg'(' 10 n'mo\'.:> this Ed"'in P. Dold. MAKE OUR STORES YOUR STO~ES
\ T11all 1'1'0111 th(.. · )oO.tft,(,t ... :\1111 sl"'nd him to Borough Solicitor,
Hail n firf'.
Hnrl a hab~·. his ,iu:o-t il'p, tlten'h~· :,p·euring thl1 s:lfety
of th,' othpr "hil,)r,·,J. :"P",lIl's,; 10 Sll~',
Fletch(·r W. Stit{!s. MAIN LINE DRUGSTORES
Rultl a farm. Street Commissioner, ARDMORE. Phone 1112 NAIlBERTIf. Phone 1620
Rel'n n rrl'sl P'!. )t. had tlHI dl':-,irl'd n'-illlt..... Thp \\"011I('n Georgp SlIplee, "I
\\-('n' ,",'It ('r~.
Come- to town. Tax Collector,
('rn<'11e,1 a SII fl'. :\11',. ~Ial'till is :l \'('r~' eutl1Jl-siastir
Rnymond C. ,Jones. DO:-;'T '" Al'!' unlll tht' ~II"IY storms 'ure h"r,'. Fill ~'tlur bln~ wltb' th,' i)pst
Rnught a ]10111('. sllppllrt.(·r l'l' the L"aguL' :lnd ,lIn,lt eoul that eUIl \", htlll/-(ht. lIlIll
PPOIl it:"" :";PI'"j('t1 IUld opportunities to Assessor, RE~IE)IDEn
Killt-,1 1111 0!Ti""r.
inform WOlIll'll 011 p"litil'al. matters. Carden Wllrner.
Hobhc"] II hous".
Been assassinH.t I'd. _'hs. \lllltin alsll "I"ikl' of llcr expl'ri· BUilding Inspector,
COlllmittp<! ~lIicille. ('11"" at tIll' \Yillinmslowu Collcge of J. Taylor Darlington. .27 YUJ'.is III Phil,,·
J'olit i.,s. ".,rut" UOO
delphia 1I11,1,;"h'II'h5
1"all"n from lIlI HirplllJlp. Council Illeets in Council ROOUl, .\rdmorr 101
That's news-write liS. Th .. :"nrherlh Lp:'q:('ut' will hold its. r-:lm Hall, at 8 P. 1\I. on the sec, it t )"011 r "'1·1·\·11·t~ . .
We thinll this pI-an n ver~' good one. 1I1l~l'iill~s tht' S('"olll! ~Inll']a~' in c-3cb ond Monduy in each montb. Meet-
ings are OPOll to tlJ() public. COIll-
.. Oftynj 'wheu, tlllkin" . to some people, mouth. The next one, on Dece-mber 12, III ittees of Council meet on the
/t,boy'wIU siy, .\vhen asked ifnl1ything will he held at the home .of :Mrs. Sam-
uel7.. Shop",10!; Ionnnvenuc.Ollt-
Wednesday ovening immediately GEQ•. B~ .• NEWTON~COAL. CO.
l).nppenc.i' over their w'n)'; " No, nothinll preceding th1l,1Jlo.n thlymeeting of .. l\IAiN ()F"'IC~f: F.nA:NJJ;r;IND~NK·DI:tI1ILDI~G, .
wlin.tcvrr i dQn't kJ.lOw a thirig; '.' hut if lilie of progrnm will nppenr ui thelle Council. '. -lU18J\N89>i. S~ItI']~T.
you· tlllk n few JIlin utes ~'ou will find colu1Jlns.

A ~5'ur~.2!A
i.OO 1'. M.-¥oung People's meeting. Shlllie.- in the Pa rahles. This week, tions to he dedded, hut, on the other
Nrms of tlyr allyurrlyra Learlpr, )Ir. Benjamin Griffith. Topic, "The Pearl of Or"at Price" and "The haut!, there arc elose to 19UO registered
Hid,len Trca~nre." Matt. 13: 44-46. voters in :"arberth. "'h"rc were thc FID.' PIlo'oDl.,. The-
, '!:lible Exumples of Personal Evangel- ....e o' I" l!ilze III the
Hon. F. \\'. Stite ... teacher. IIth,'r !lIlr) ,'ut,'rs? h it sllffi"ient that, ED....eWo..ld.
i~tll. "
7.+.; 1', M.--E\'<·ning worship. The 11.1111 A. -:l1.-:-;,·rlllon h.v the pastor, in a tU\\ n a' ..Iosdy orgaaized as Kar- Pb.topla,..-CoalinuollS 10 A. M. 10
pnslM will ,!wak frotu Deut. 11: ::!1, "!I!I(lor; I'r<,fit- Snrer than Liherty l.erlh, f,'lI' tIlore than half of those
Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab- Phil... Pa.
lished 1682. Here William Pelln wor- " That ~'our days lllay hc as thc days Bon,], --:\IIO'!, ,\lIl1nal Divi,lcn<1s." ,'ligli>1.· til vote HholllJ tllrn outl
shiped,' as' well as many other noted of h"II,'en upon thc earth." One-hour i,lll) 1'. -:l1.-Epll'urth LeagtH'. Th.· WlIlIlen are uot the sla"kers, for
Frieads. One of the historical spots of ,."ni'·e, beginning and closing prompt- i.+.' 1'. :l1.-Song servi"l'. t1l" ligtlr," show that +04 \lOIIIl'a \'oted, PROGRAM
America is open for worship every .... 110 1'. ~f.-SPrlllon h~' t1l,' p,,,tllr. a ... agaill ... t .-IU,) lIll'I!. Tht're llrc fc\\cr
First-day (Sunday) morning at 11 Tuesda~'- -:II pet i ng of Woman's Mis- ".\ Pi.'l·t' of RrH~g," or ".Tunk." \I ,,1I1I'n !'l'gish'red than IIIl'U. ~o that WEEK OF NOV. 14
o'clock..First,dny School begins at 10 !"iollar~· Cirrlp. Church Notes. tlll'.'- t'~l'rt'i:-'t'd tIlt'ir right of ",ulTrage
A. M. Visitors cordially in\·ited. ]11.:;11 ,\. ~I, \Yhit,· Cro .. ~ \I'ork. Th,' am.'ia1 Board will meet -:110 nol a." ill l\:-i largl' proportions a:-i did the tllt'n.
I't'rtailll.,· thl'rl' is an 0ppllrtllllit~' for a
The First-day School is held every :.!.::n 1' . :\1." ('rll:-,adt'r:-i' IIlt'pting in tIlt.. l""·I'Ilillg. :'\o\"l'lIIbt'r 14th,
First-day morning at ten a 'clock. There :-:'lIlldn," ~('h(Jill rOOIll~, A s,wial tl'a will clo,.e th" pl'l,y,'r l'[(,"l'r ]Wfl't'lltioll of civil' duty.

is a class for adults as well as for :.!.::ll p, ).1., )'li:-.~inIlHr~' pro~rnll1 in Illt'l't illg \\'l'dn(':-,da~· {'\'clling', XO\'Clllh(1T ,Juolge IIf Eh-f'tions \\'illialu .T. Kirk,
l1i11l. '1'11,' \\'. F. ~1. So will combine !,:<lri"k a<1<1,'01 to the ,·"ting li,t i3 ~IAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NE"'.
children, and we arc very glad to have ('hllrl'\, AII,lilorilllll.
A8 POS81BLE TO 10.00 A. M •• 1%.00, •• CIe.
anyone who is interested in knowing \\'1'.1 Ill'S,] a.,', S,I){I P. -:If.-ChllT<·h their l'Oll:-il'f'ratioll scr\'ipf' with the U:IIU," h.,' atlidavit. The .. " ,'utPrs, whosc
I.JII. 11.411. 1••11. 9.80 p. II.
more about our Society of Friends an,l Ilrn:'l'r lllf'llt illg', ('hllfl'h Jlra~'f'r hour, and nft0Twarll 1l:lll:l'.' ,\ Crt' Hot on till' li:-it, were ob-
the Friendly ideas visit with us. Fri<la~-, ;;.:lO-i.On P. ~I.--Chllr"'l fllp- ""[\,' III the -''''ia! hall. E\'l'ryho<l~' !ig"t! til "I'ear t1lat th"y had I>el'lI fl,,.i-


pl'r in thc Y. -:If. (', ,\. Ruil<ling for the
I ,,·,"'lit of the .Jllnillr Hllnday School
\'t'!I'II:JJt', ,knt. uf the State fllr at least two
y,'" r,.. "uol Ill' the ,·ount." fur at ll'a~t
t\lU IlIlIut1ls. Th"y a},.11 st:<I,·d that they
Rev. R. F. CowleY, Rector. t'qlliplIll'Tlt,
NARBERTH CHURCH HOST TO haol pai,! a ~tate or "oollty tax ill the
Raymond Wei••, Proprietor
E'-l'r.\'one is Welt'IITIIl' to jIlin in these
Early Mass on Sundays at i A. M. MAIN LINE SUNDAY SCHOOLS.
Late Mass, 10 A. M.
~l'T\. i \'l'g, !;l",t tWH ."('aT....

TIll' figure", abn sho\\t'd that tht're

Masses all holy rlays, 6.30 and 8.30
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo, THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.
Th,' tl,irt."·flJurth annual ,,,,sion IIf 1\I'r" ,.. ,,, st might )1,'!",hli,·all. no EXPERT REPAIRING
tlit' Tri-('rlllllt,Y :-'illlday ~('hOHI ('Ollven-
,I .. "ight Ilelllo"rati" allol olle straig-ht Telephone Narberlh 1633
tions and other services at regular tilln "ill he held Friclay, Xovl'mlwr
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. :--,It'ia li,t ha IllIts c'a,t. Thl're w,'re abo
times. hth. in thO' :"arhnth :l1f'lho,li,t Epis,
.-,~<! M!>Iit li,'kt'!~. BC'.·allsl· of the >Iilli·


)Ipcting,o f"r npx!. SlIn,la~':
I'llpal ('hnn·h. Thp conf"rcnce com'
pr;,"." I'rlJtl'-tant ~'Inda~' S"!lIIols III al!
I·lllt.\" ur' ('ol1nting thj:; large Illllllher of HOWARD C. FRITSCH
\1.4.-, A. ~1.-SlIn,]a~' S,·hool. A I,JaI'C "oIit ballo' .. , th,· ele,·tioll tell,'I':', who Justice of the Peace
WOOD, PA. dt'UlIlIlillations in the ~fail1 Lint' di~­
and a \l1'1"OIlle fllr all. II.-'Ially Hnish th"ir work at ahout 1:2.:;0,
trid from :"arh,'rth to -:II a l\'" rtl. Pre, oIid II lit "lInlplet" th., "ollnt IIntil 4.:!0
11.011 ,\.:\f.--l'lIhli,' worship. The
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector. "l'l'Ilion will lll' ,II'Ji\'<'Tl',l lJy Hev. Her,
\'iOlb {·llll,·pnti(\l1~ Wt'n' heltl in Xat'"
,\. ~I. _\II."ho<1.'· \lho thillk~ the .. Iedillll Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Rev. Robert B. W. Hutt, Associate. 1"'rl It in 1!ltlli. ]!lJ 1. 10] ;'. tlllil·i:d~ ha"(1 a ~lIaJl .lith, just tr~' to Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.
l'l'rt \\'. Bi,·!>"r. O. 0., pastor of the
Thl' pro~r:llll thi~ YC':lr 'Yill lit" of rx, 11111 an ('ll,(,tion for t\\t'l\'e hours, and
{'.\'Ilwyd Prt':"ih.\'tl'rian ('hllrf'll.
8.15 A. M.-Holy Communion. ('C'JltiollalI:' high ordl"r, ~f'ssif)n~ nt
,\.11111'. -:l1.-.JlInior ('. E. Illeding. tlll'n tahul:ltl' for lliJll' hllllr:-- IIIort', 'I'hl' PAINTING GLAZING
9.45 A. M.-Church School. ]11,1111 ,\. :II., 1.::11 allol i,llll I'. )1. .\mollg
i.11l1 1'. ~I.--Int"rnll·diate C. E. an,l ldlit·ial.. grl'at\~' apprl'('iatt'd the DECORATI~G JOB81NG
11.00 A. M.-Morning prayer and ser· th.' "l"'ak,'r" will 1>1': 10,-1:1 A. :\1., 1I1i" tllllllghtfulne>s uf ~I .. >. ('. 1'. FLlwlPr,
:--'t'liior (', E. 1IlP('tiIlC~.
mono i.I~, I'. -:11.- }-;\'.'ning wor .. hip. :\Ir.
Elll111:1 n, l.llllll'JI. tIll ('hildrcn 'H \Vork;
\\ hll SC'lIt arollnd a hask .. t of tirsl'(']a" WILLIAM NEWBORG & C08
]1.:(11 ,\. :11., H"I'. ('. 1.. 1.a])lIc; ::!.:W
"an :"ess will d"!i",,r the sC('on,l s"r,
P. )1.. H,·,·. E, )1. St"phenson, on 1I1is,
dOll~hllllt~ during th" ('\,Plling. Pllntlng and aloorating
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE Ilion in thl' s"ries on the Apostlcs' ~Ir. ~Il'lzgar I'0lll'd the highl'~t 11llln, 212 Woodb'ne Ave., Nerberth. P •.
(· ...,,·d. " H,'li"f in (;,,,1 thl' Fa!hl'r AI, .. ioll"r~· \\'lIfk; :: ..-,:1 P. ~f.. Mr. Frank ' 1"'1 of "olt's with !lfiti, :.11,] :\Ir. Kirk-
EVANGEL. Phone, Ardmora1435 W Narberlh 1758 W
D. (; .. tt,·: 4,4., P. :II.. Hev. H. 1'. Guh,e; p:ltrit'k :--l'I'OIltL with Hn'-I. ~Olnl'(Illl'
Illight.", )(akl'r uf HI',,\','n an,] Earth."
"',1111 1', :II.. )1",'. E. H. :"ill,I,' D. n,. of
('ollgrt'gatinllul prayl'r lllcetillg Ilf'xt \\ rotl' th,' nalilC of !llllll'rt E. l'atti"l111
Rev. Avery S. De=y. B. D .. Pastor First ~ll'lhll,li,1 J-:piSl'opal ('hurl'1l, Ger,
\Yl'e!IIl'sda." ("'puing", in '" :llillorit~· ~lIspel'!lIr. l-.rivillg him

~er\'i(le:\ :\'o\"PlIlhC'r l:\·:!tl, ]f):!l:

:\11'-, :""tt;" :lllIorl' Chain. ~oprano,
0111' ,'III", This Illeans that if -:llr.
~llIith j .. nllahlp to '"n'" at an.,' elP .. .'
For Bowling and
Sunday- METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. all.1 )Ir>. ~largal'l't :l1"Kinh'~' Sdllni,]t.
0.:1O A. :-'f.--:llorning pr:I~'er ,n,'et,ng.
Rev. Arthur S. Walls, D. D.
",",tra1l0, \I'ill -ill~ at ea .. h 'e.~ion. Mr.
tioll. ~Ir. Patti,.oll will gd th,' joh.
If tlll\l;.!hlltlt s art' alw:l.v:"i thl' ordpr tlf
Pocket Billiards
9.+.; A. ~f.-Bil,je ~",hool. II ora .. ,' Elltrikl'lI, t"lIor. will be among thp ("'l'lling, he nHl~· IH'\'l'T ~t't a come to the
11.00 A. :\f.-:\Iorning wor,hip. Ob, the tait-llt. :llr,., E<1war,1 Stanl,'~", of !
(·haIH'l', I
ject talk for children on .. Lives that :--';ulllla.\p, XO\,PI1I1H'r 1::: :""rherth, will he con\'l'ntion pianist
Will StUIHl," Phil. +: 1. !-lennon b~' the llA.' A. 1I1.-slInday School. All
'"1,1 organi .. t. ~Ir. Edward Stanley will RECREATION ROOM
pastor on the thl'llI", " "'bat Lack I
YeU" Text, Matt. HI: :!O.
!U;; A. ~1.-M"lI·s Bible Class.
('ollolnl'! th" l'rai,.e Sen'ice ut 7.00 P. M.
He\'. .Tohn Yan Xess an,l Rev. A. S. i
Community Club Notes No.1 Forre.t Ave.
D,'m,n~' will con,luet devotions at 10 (Clllltillll<,d frllllt I"ll'(l' 1) c. L. P,..RKE : .
-. A. ~r. :lnd ].+.' P. ,:J.r., re.spedively.
lJinJll'r an,] SlIpper will I", Sl'rve<l at 1",,," plI'd,',l b~' the p,'opl,' of thO' town
til sen'C' as a IJirl'l'lor 011 the Boar,1 of

Narberth Register I::!.l.' anll .'.:lO to ,]eleg-ates in the Soeial

Hall at fifty cent" pcr plate. Edll,'atillll. ~Ir~. Batc'helor is the first
The pre~i,lent of the cOIl\'cnt ion is i \\Olllan ill :"al'herth to ,H'r\'<' in this For Permanent
Two Linea, IOc per inae; Sc for each adclitionalline

the He,'. Charle~ Dan;pl Bro,lhl'ad, of .. al':tI·it~'. She is now fillillg an unex·
Bryn ~Iawr, and the se,'r<'tary, Mr. A. I pired teTIn a" ,lirec·tor. I'pon the ex-
1\1. Collier, ,d Ha ,'erfor,!. piration of hl'r presellt :'l'poinlt'd term,
Vo&\er. Bo...rd F. Pbon•. UBI.
OoUshall, H. K. Public Accountant. 803
Conway Ave. Phone, Narberth 1667·J.
t3ee advertl.ement tD tbt. lMU.. All ~essions are open to the public. .. he will th,'n ,'ontinul' her sen'il'es as BUY A
"elm, H. O. Certill.d PUbllo AooountAnt. ~1VSJC all eledC',1 IIIl'Ulher of thl' Boafl!.
Ja~k1lon, Anne. Violin Instruction.
JOJ Dudley a_ Phon., Narb.rth 10t-W.

Smedley Built nome

'w Tt'lephone, Narberth 316·J.
AUTO~JOBILES. L008, .·IIIIUY 11. PI ROO It.'aeber. Dul' to IInfavorahl" weather condi-
Studio. Arcadp Bldlf. Phone, 316,J.
Narberth Oarall'•. Phone Narberth 1683.
See display advertisement In this Issne, NOTARY PUBLIC. Incoming Mails Arrive. tion', th,' ,Jri,·,· to Bryn Ath.,·n was
AVTO~IOBILE SERnCE. "ell'"rles. ". H. 111 N .. rb.rth ..v•. pn~tl'ollt'd to "·f'dl1("'~(l'l~", :'\o\'emhpr
Phon.. 666·AI. 6.40 A.M.~From all points,
Donahue. Patrh:k F. Phone 1633. Slml.8on. Harry A • .232 ES8ex ATe. llith. -:I[I'mher~ ma~' make their n's,'n'a,
See display advertisement In this Issue. 9.00 A.M.~Local from Paoli.
Phone, Narberth 6S6. tions at Ihe Illedillg next Tues,l:t~·.
BAKERY. TJ'_on, Warren R. 200 Woodbine Ave.
Phone. Narberth 1202-W.
10.45 A.M.-From all points. WM. D. &H. T. SMEDLEY
BeUY Sweet Shop. Opposite station. 1.45 P.M,-From all points.
See display advertisement In this Issue. OPTICIANS Tho,,' who att<,nded thc ~Iontgomery
BANKS Fpnton. Carl F. 506 Eue" ave. Phon., 61B-'" 3.30 P.M.-Local from Paoli.
Philo, address. 1631 Chpstnut st. SprucP'li!l7 County F"d"ration ..()f \Vomen's Cluhs, ;',
Merion Title & Tru8t Co. Phone, Narb'th 398 4.45 P.M.-From all points.
Zentmayer, J08eph. 1506 Locust St., Phlla. lit Con .. h"hol'kell, heard -:l1i~s E,thcr
See dl.pla~· adveruaemeDl In tba. 'a'''n,
Newborll', Wm., I: Co. 212 Woodbine ATe.
6.50 P,~L-Loeul from Paoli.
Grim,', talk Oil th,' work of thl' COllncil COOK BROS.
Bottoms, Oeo. W. Phone, Narberth 12lI6·W. for Xur,.ing Edu .. ation. Anyone who
See display advertisement In this 188ue.
Pbone, Narberth 17118·W.
See display advertisement In tbls Issue. Mails Close for Departure. consid,'I'~ st ud.ving to be a nurse may
Shand. AI.S. C.. Jr. Phoue, No. Ino.
Narberth Station.
Walzer. Freel.
111 Wln.or ..v•. Phou•. 1241·J. 8.44 A.M.-For all points. appl~' to this ('oullc'il in Philallelphia ROOFING
Smedle;\'. Wm. n. &.H. T. Pllonp.600.
,:~ See display advertisement In tbls Issue. PAPER HA:'oI<iING. 1.00 P.M.~For all points. and r,'c'l'i,'l' all~' informatioll eoncern-
Jobbing promptly attended to
CANDY, ETV. Boyd. Horaee S, 313 Meeting House Lane. 1.20 P.M.~Locul to Paoli. ing an," ltl"pital regarding its nursing
.:,' ,-.,Is, H. It. Phone. U54-W.
S.. display ad v.rtl88ment 10 tbls luu•.
l'hone 356.
:UO P.M.-For all points.
+.20 P.M.~Local to Paoli. courSt'.
NiIl'ht Phon•• Nuberth 887
Day Phone, Nuba,th 302 J
..&readl.... 16th and Ch.stnut ste.. PhU. Mis, ~r.vrt.le Barger >poke on thc
CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS se. ..d v.rtl••m.nt In thl. luu•. 6.29 P.M.-For all points.
l .. niLln8, Ch... I.. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS. treatnll'nt u~l'd for ehililren who arc
_ 10J Dudley ..v•. Pbon•• 161l4. I"lono Toning and Pl~yer Planoa. 11I111ernoul'i ..h",!. -:lbny of these casl'S
, l;t'urge Abele. Pbone, Narl1ertb 125:1-J. Sundays.

.'; ..
.Cook, C. P. Pbon.., Narberth 375.
. See display adnl·tlMewellt In this Issue.
Cunk Bros. Phone llO'~.J.
il a rri ,es 7.10 ,\. M .
Mail eloses 5.25 P. M.
are among "hildren apparently well fell.
!II ". Ali"l' Camphell spoke 011 " Oeru-
The Narbertb Electrical Shop
lSee <I,"play advertisement In thl. Issue. ::30 HAVERFORD AVE.
~ DELICATESSEN. Wall, U. B. I'houe, Narberth lIiU~·J. paLllnal Therap~' as. Applied nt the
Narberth Dellcate••en and Bokery. Oppo- See dl.pia)' advertl_ement In tb'. 1••U. )It. ,\ ito Tuber"ullll' Sanatorium." ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS
'site Fire HOuse. " REAL ESTATE
Thl' (·OUllt~· ConlJui,sioner, ~Ir. Roy
See display advertisement In this Issue.
('"Idwell. J. A. Phone. <']\l!>i
See dlaplay adverU•• ment· In thIs luu.
FralMl", H. V, Phon., 152-W.
Voters Approve A. Hattl"I,I. tol,] of the great need of
We repair, sell and install anything
Electrical. Old house wiring a specailty.
Orr. Dr. A; 1..101 Jillm.wood a.,.·Phon•. UI·W.
. Pbll... Pbon., 1"lIb.rt UU, Keith Bldll,
!Jr. ,J, 8ehemb., Jr. Phone, Narberth 816·W
See advertl••m.nt In this la.u9
N••h. ache... I. Pbon•. 601>.
Mo·n.,.. tor Flr.t and S.~ond Mortlralr_
.Recreation Center a ('ou11 t.,· Ho'pitlll for Tuberculosis.
Otlwr ad.lrl"ses, report~ :In,1'
Ask about our three payment plan in-
cluding fixtures. Phone 1688 or 895W
'::l. Iil. Cor. Grayling and Windsor AVes. Slmp80n, Jome. C. 232 El••"" av", (Colltinlll,a from Page 1) ment nla,le a full program.
Omce Hours: TuesdllY Thursday, Satur· Phone, 616. or 1420 Ch...tnut st.
dl1Yt .9.80 A; M. until 5.80 P. M. · Moaday, RECREATION .
. WeuneBdaY, Friday, R P. M. unt lI 8 P. M. R""reatlon ,Room. No. 1 Forrest Ave. TaX Collector. JUNIOR SECTION COMMUNITY
Dr. ·H. F. lIIeDuffee. 20ll Haverford Ave. See dlsvlay advertisement In tbls Issne.
. Omce 044-R, House, 3:!7·J. Hours: 9 RIDING AVADEl\IY. HII~'1lI01t<l C .
.Toiles (H) ,,:Iii CLUB MEETING.
A.M..5.30 P. M. Eve. by appointment.
Da\'ld Odel~ Belmont i'rack. Riding les··
sons, SadQle Horses to blre. Telephone
Narberth 121)1.
James' F. Pur~e' (D) 34;;
Thl' Junior Sec,tion of the Community
Cotter's Meats
.,' How..rd'.. PhOn... 1261, ltOOFlNG, ETO. Auditor (f1 Y ,'a r,).
..... ' :. See· illspl..., ..dv..r1I••m....t· .In thl. 'uU•. C'ara-Ml'Glnle;; Vo. phou., UU-W. ('luh hl'l,l their nll'eting on Thnrs,llly
. MainLine Drug. Store8;' Phone 1620. Will. G. Bartlett (n) 785
,",pe adverU••menl In this I•• ua.
.. See, dlsplo.y adverUsement In this IS8ue. tllllpr. "ohn A. ~4I Ion.. ave. Pboo., 661-.1 H. F. G \l.der (D) 178 evpning, :"oyemhl'r :\rcl, at the home A Quality For
. . ~LBOTBIClANIl. Shop. U6 ·Hav.rford ...v.. Phon.. 1216-J .j\uditor (2 Y,'ar~. 1"IlI'Xpired Term). of Hell'n .Tonl's. As a usual" thing, the
,('RAe. W. G. Phone. 39l'i-W.
'.. 'See dl8play advertl8ement In thl8 IS8ue. Art',"l..
Electtle Sltoe Repalrlnll'. F. Wchnrcl Gifford (R) 7i8 program b ~i\'l'll h~' the IlIelllhers of People Who
". ,Puh, Veri. 'U&lona· ave. ' See dlsplnY advertisement In this Issul' the Cluh. hut ut this meetin~ the
N..r; Phone, no-w. A.rd. Phone. 163-.1. Good Wpar 11110... ft4tp"lr Shop. .To~epl~ McGarrity (D) 186 Want The Best
. . INSVJlANCB. ('on_lonllne. B. G. 2112 HaverfordllYe. Judge of Elections. Jllnior" were ontl"\'tnine,] h~' three of
Phone. Narberth 1706-W.
Bowm';'n, samu~1 P. (Lite,) W ..r. Kirkpatriek (R) 70;, Xarherth's well-known men. Mr.
,,,.. Ue Jillmwood ."•.. Phon.. 61l1-W.
. S'rOtter. "rOe. ··'(1"lr8, etc.) 'l'he above ·department .bould be of tb. (D) 170 , Fleteher W. Stiles gavc (1 verY illter· Groceries and Provi.ion.
" lOB Woo.hlda "ve. ·Ph'one. UU-:a. Itrpat••t uae to tbe eO'mmlinlty, the IIsi oon· esting talk, Mr, Sehastian Hnuolph ,.,,'
'.Ca.mpb'eU, FJ'a.nk b. :Aiitolllohtle. 'Fire. etc. taln.the. illUDe of""eryprofe..lon..1 lnan' Inweetor of Elections.
PI :I"a R trade.m..n•. milohanio;· ·shopkeep.r,.te., whe Hohert A. Mueller (H) 783 sang. aceompani(,ll In" Macleline Mc·
4 St1lart ·A\'P, . lonp,' "". . !lo.s 'or'oan In' an)' .w..y .erve .hl.teli"w.
...., '. . " .KINDERGARTEN.: tOwnsman,. 'andwhQ l.prolrreuIY".nOu•• Edw. e. Smith (D) 192 Coy, ancl Mr. Hohert H, Durbin gUye
tU...:tentm"Yfll"II Klnt1~l' ..arten. to add U.t 'It Re~.t.r. '
,J!:i'. W. Cor, lll8se~ ..a~d W~nds.oi'Ave8. ..... A. ii t. dlmoult tor tb"•• contrllJutlnl. A Large Vote. seycral I·ecitations. The program was

., ' . L A W Y E R S ' th91r t1ni~ and "· of There were9!)9 'ballots cast in the most noyel nl~d interesting und the
'.Olko,;· oJobD'''11 lIliiaaz',:ave:Pho ne, un-a.. "qu';: TOllfn" to per.onallY. "Itber aowor
Phlla. ad4 r ... LIncoln Sid.. ..Intervt.w·. aU .uoli,., It ,woill4 H most "bttll1-' election, the largc~t 1I11nlber ever polled girls enjoyed ~"ery bit of it. The
It,telI, Pletllbel': W. 'UI . '-anrtord ,tullt.tbos~·"i»t.,nowto.llia4.,ln . tb•. pillle" :,.~" . . , ,.. -. ,

: '..:Phon•.• TI.•W. '., PbUL.· "' .. 4....~. CrO••1' BI '· 'U•.l would· blld Jna ',memo' . CIt tbatl' - - . in Narbertii. W4enone colJ,siders that 'Club is growing rllpidlyllnd we arc
-. - addre. . · .pbon.· 'D!Uilben..and tn.IIl.... · or ,-this is an "ore" elelltion., the lo.rgapoll glad. to se!! new faees oat eaeh meet,
. :.:. JdoJrrri(o' ~T1nd:8.. Prot"~oDII torll8tlQ. 'rblJl wtlle~' ail tot
.aDoll&ld· "'olui,;' Narllerth ·pbcm., 111... . :.10"".:.10 oentlt ll&Cb·l-Ua (Qr·i·UnM:-", ...~
" UII (lbf!ilt...t...·Plilla. .Pbone, . 8!i~·1l.';: tnI" .aaob· ~tll.tlo.....lf.... ., .
. 8ho~ys considerable il;terest in the ques· lng. GARAnteed:Ro,ofs
.:.:.,., ..
'0· ..·


tOIllS, vi"l'·presi,ll'ut; Donald Murphy,
THE FIRESIDE Ht"'rl't41ry; !\lay BlInfield, lIHHistlint !lee·
rl'tllr~'; .lallll'H :\llIl'Nevin, trcaRUrl'r,
(Continued from Page 1) Th,' HO"iet,v lI1(,l'tS at tl1<' I're s hytl'rilln
('hllr,'h at ,,'\"l'll ,,',·llIek H\lIIlIll," ('Vl'n·
iug, and Ii ('ordial Wtll('OlllP i~ pxft\nd{'11
~li:--:~ Zok T~lIt11! \\·:111:': \"isitpd ~liR~
to all ~'(Illng l't'oplp who (10 Hot Httf'nd
Huth HawH, "f 1)11.111'," a\'t'nll", O\'t'r tllP
Wl't'k t'lid. 1Ii~~ ,Y:tllg i .. It ~radllatt' of
BY J)O,\ALD ~Il-H]>HY,
Chil'ag o l·lIi\'t'r..:ity aJld j ... nnw H 1I1Ptl·
TL\ ~I D,
i"al ,tll,iI'ul :It ,1,,1<11- H"I'I,iu, {'ui",'rH'
i t~·,

Home and School

I )111' (,h:\ 11;"::1' : II t 111' 1'(1111 I':'" ( ) f \t't·
tIl :1

(·:trrit,I''':, ,hI' rt· ... ld\·lll~ 1111 ;\(lrth Association Meets '
.:":llllt'rth :1\'1'11,11', (;r:lyl:ll~ :l\t'llllt',

H:llllJlI"'1I :llld 11111:\ :\\\·1111" .... ltH':llt~d 11('

t\\.'I'1I 11:1\-"1'1'01'.[ :t1Jd \\·ill,l~(lr a\t'llllt'~. Jll1illt,'d 111 :Id, :lIH't', of \,hi,'ll 1:. ri.
will 1", "'-1,n"I'11 I,\, (';11"1".'1' t '!:trf'III'I' .\llrq.!.·~q \\;1:-- c·l!:lirTlI:Jll, Illad(' tbt' fll;]"\\
l.l'llg-. ,Il~ Jltllllill:lt iO!ls;

The Suburb
1,'(11" ')I'I' .. idt'll t .~

\\'"It"" \1. \I·""lz.

TIH'l'r' i ... Hllfhi!]:..:. "'11 fl' ... t 1'111 til tlit' I
~'l) r \" i (" (' I' I"t':.;: llt'll t
t i I"t'( I \111": i lit'S'" 111:1 II :1.... ;1 ri lIt' ill till'
H. H. II I li",I.J:I".
('nulllfy til ~t'l' tilt' ].illh(l;:r.!"'.
\, (i, ("1111 pt, 'II. To be of the city but not in it is th~ advan-
1·'1 I r :--;'.'I'I'.'f:l ry
\1", .1. \\" \1"\ldifT,', tage of those who live in the delightful com-
Christian Endeavor Has i 1·'111"
T. '\''''1 Hlllkr,
munities that surround the great metropolis
of Philadelphia.
Spirited Contest' ,,'. ,'.
\I', .t. H" ;1",\',
1':<1 I "",

.\ t 1~:I rgt' ' ,--- Near enough to be a partcrf the industrial

(°tlIIIPII:--I'c! tl:' IIt·k:, 1\:\'~JII I (':lptaill
I .. \1, I, ,'il", or commercial life of the city, but distant
l.l't'C1y .\. l\ill~.
:-·..:qd"l·i:...:, 1'111111.1-11 I ::t'lll,'Jl:lllt • Dor 11 lhy
Thv 'lilt', \\hi,·!J \\:t' th.'11 I:I1,c.1, I'-
enough to enjoy the shade of trees -and the
\,. i :s,tlt • I: I'llt 1'11:1 II! '"1':111"1'''; 1,1 i Ill,
""1111',] :11 tJI!' "1']l'('1 jllli t~f \\':j!~ ~I )1 scent of flowers, the suburbanite is doubly
I)l1roth,' 1"lilt/t'II, 1I1 ~\'IJ \Iol:l!l :111.]
\I'""lz, I,,,'-i 100"1: 11.1(. lIi1kg-,,-, \ fortunate.
1·:liz,t1",ll, \1"t/,l!"r,
l'I,,_i,~,'''I: \11_ ..1, \I', \1,· \"lifT". -""1"
Tt'ltlll B i .. ,ht, BI'flt,·lIllll'''' ('11111
'''1'\': \I' . . t, 11";1,,,·. tr""-lIr"I, ",,01 I.,
tllitl,"', :llld 11:1" I'rll~III"I·.l 10 prI1\itl,· In the-deve1opmel1t of Philadelphia's sub-
roy .\. I\lll~. ";It 1:ll'gT.·'
fill' t111' "1,;11 .... 1'111" :111 ,,,It'i;I!~,
nl('t.tillg~. ('1.', I>lll't1thy Hottllllt' i ... tilt'
1'T'l':-.:illt'llt \Yt'lItZ ('ulltill,H'd ill ,·11:11 I' urbs the men and women of the Bell Tele-
(If tllt' I'rogr:tlll. \\ lJir-l1 \\ ~o I
(':Iptllill (If thi~ tt':IIII. \\ ith I.tli~ ~IIJith
:1." !:11I111,,1
phone Company have had an important part.
;IS til gi,'" t111' rt'~i,ll'llt~ Ilf' :'\:11"11/,;"11 :111
:Iud ~t:l"t'l I'irkp:ttri.·" :1" lit'iltl·lIallt~. Their effort is to provide quick and constant -
idllH uf the IHI .... i11ilitit,~ Ill' a HOHll ;':1_ 1
Tht' othl'r 1111'111111-1"" :lrl' \I:lrtlt:l :\I:lrtill.
] JIIII i:-:t' I·"rt·(' 11:1, I': 1i /:1111'111 .l c 111"S :111. I
~I'llll\)1 "\,~ .. t l l ' 1;lt :tlll, communication betwee.n home and office,
~lnL \\", I,:. (jll'l'Il\\Oprl. of 1'(\:111'''' ~ll'.
:\la\',,1 lI:1n",\".
t !'t':l:'lll"l'r of tllp :--;tatC' AS~(ldatioll, gave
between neighbor and neighbor.
Tt'altl (', fh,' IIJf'tlflll:ttitlll ('tlllllllittt·p.
:L .. tir-ring talk 011 \\Il:!t tht' ~:lrill'lth
will gi\"l.' IlH' ~llf·il'l.\" :l \\.'(·kl~· Olll'-lllill· Day and night they are alert to mam'c:-.l:1
.\:-;:-;tll'iatioll 1'(1IJ1t1 alld S}IIHlld d,\ ill \'1
lItt' talk :lllollt ('hri .. li:lll I-:ndl':l\'or 11('\\"~
all (I\'t'r tht' \\orld, tllgt,tllt'r \\-ith itl llls l
dt'r tll 11(' (If 1'1":l('ti(':11 ";lll1t' ill fllrt11'-1 the high standard that distingu:sl-;.e:; tck-
illg the iJ)tt'J"('~ts of 1lit' ~·q·h(l(ll:-, ll( t!lc-
ahout its hi~t(Jr~' :llId nrij!in, LnRt
borough, l-It'r talk W:lS \"1'1'," t'I'IIPli,'i,.l
phor:e service in America as the best in the
~lIl1day t"'t'1I1ng tlit' c'h:tinIlHII of thi~
t'''llIlIlittpl' ttl:,: abllllt tht, g-rl'at ('Ull'·t'Jl"
to tlil' u('w}y<t'lpctt'd otli('I'r:-; ill gj,·ill~ world.
thl'1I1 all in:-light into tht'ir rl':-:lJ(lll:-:ihili
tion h"I,1 la,t ,lilly ill '\1'\\' York ('it~·,
to whi,.]1 ov"r :!II,(11 It I ('hri-tiall End .. a,·· tit l ..... Tlil' 1I11'llIht1 1"H, as wl'lI, \\"('I't' told
ill Itll lJll('('rtalJl f('nJI~ tllat ('0<°1"'1':1':011
orer" .. omin~ froll. "II I'nrt, of the
IlIll,t at all ti,,,t,, t'''ist oil th" part ,,1'
world, were iu ntt "llllal"·I'. A Jlllflldl',
with ].',1100 in linl', \\'a8 hel,l ou Fifth Ill\.
An'lIl1t', an,1 l'!'t'sidt'lit Hardillg, ]>,,,t- H"r t:l1k \\a, foilo\\t'd h~· I'rofp-s"r
(;('org(' H, \Yilson. who ga\'P aJl instnw· P,';NRY MATHEWS
JIIaH"r Ueul'ral \Vill Hn~" :1I111 otht'r
llotahl.,s w<lrl' lilli-Ill' hnllul'ary tlJ('ll\lH'rs
ti\"f' di:,wnurs(' OIl tht· :O::t"hoob of iodu\'. District Manager
of thl' Hoci,'t,\'. Willialll .1"lIning' Bryan a"d ('xprl'''t',l thl' pl,'asllr" of til(' fa ....
,,11\' ill thl' fad t Ii'lt t ht' 1"1 n'llts of tht' ,
11l1l'!<- " \\ondl'fflll :"Idrt'-,.
I"ouiSt' England is ('uptain of Tpalll "'hool "hihln'll of thl' hOr(\llgoh \\t'r"
C ~lI,' )~ a~si~tt',l by Lit'tltt'lillJlt~ :--:howiJlg kl'l'lI illtl'n'st ill tIlt' \\1111\ of

thl' :-,(·hoo]l"l,
Et11l'] Hanfl,'ld and Faith ~[,'AulifTl',
with \Iay Banfield, _\ulla ~,'II, H .. lt'll TJl(lo rf'('rpatioll ('(lilt!'t' projP(·t \\":-1:-0 d: . . ·
('aId \\1'11, O]ad,\", \\','is, and :\Iilluic ~usst'd h.v HOll. FIPlt·h,'r \Y. Stit .. -. fo!- i
Hl'ard fllrllling" tIl<' n"t (If th,' 'qu"d. 1,1\\ illg whieh theft' \\a, a go"llt'ra] ,Ii-· ,
N, E Cor. 12th and SANSOM STREETS, PHIL4DELPHIA Narberth Delicatessen:
Tl'1l111 D iH tIl(' \"Ihli"ity '·olllmitt<,l'.
"\l8,ioll of the subjl'l'l, Il'd \I." \lr.
It, in!<'lltion is to let tIl(' \\'ork of. ~he ~t,',. This Illattl'r had hl't'll j'fOlc:llt
Walnut 2788 and Bakery
SOCil'ty hI' kuown an,I' til I'oust it in -t'8' thl' attl'lltioll of the :\SHtll'i,,1 "11

en'ry \\'llY possi hI... TIll' 1Il1'1II1H'rs of through a suggt'Htioll from thl' ~l;lt"
I Salads PiGS and
the tl'lIm are ,ll1l11!'S ~I'''':'\e\'in (cap· IJl'pllrtIII I'llt of l'uhlil' InHtruetioll. It home
wa:" :ll,tpd upon at on('~, nnd thr\ ..u:,!.h
Made Baked Hams Pastry
If lL(()) W IE IR& §
tain), Philip Kuutz"ll (lil'utl'naut), Ii
thl' kintllle's of :\lr. i-Hites, sl'vt'ral im-
Donald Hoffman (Iieutl'nllllt), John
(lortant points (,olll'l'rning the proje'"
Fresh Daily Mayonnaise
:Mae:'\l'vin, Donlild ::\[urphy, TholllllS
l\IcAuliffl', Hi"hIlTlI Otliornl', HOml~l' \\t'rl' llIadt' ell'ar to tht' lIudil'n,·e. I
'VlIu:ullakl'r, "~<lwiu Martin, Hi"hartl Throughout the entirl' program, )ris, I
Elizabeth Speakmall, musi(' instrudor WM. MORRIS CORLIES Narberth 18-"'9 R
Bll'~~in~, 'VilIar,1 WI'I,I, Hl'rhert :\f('· Oppo.ite Fire Hou••
Carter, and Dougla~ O,liorne. at the (luhlil' school, r',()II,lucled thl' sing·
'l'l'am E iH the LI'I1\I·a·Hantl Com· ing hy thl' audiellce. Mr. Peter Stal1J
BELL PaONE, Narl!ertb 1256-W

lIlittl'e. It hopes to be a hau,l of will- prl'si,II',1 at tht' piauo. Mrs. Peter Stam
ing helpers whl'rever it~ a~si,tunee is sallg • (Thl' Bil'd with the Brokell Pill- GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
iOIl " an,1 •• Beholtl the Lilies."
neede,1 in Chri~tillu En,lellvor SOl'il'ty -Contractor and Builder-
or Sunllny Sl'hool. This i, Iln impor· Profl'ssor Ll'roy A. King WIlS the lust
Hpl'akl'r. III 1I forl'eful address he Rpokl'
OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED G"r"•• Bailtlin6 a Specialty
,. •.
tant tl'RII1 anti its work will he upprl" UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
cinted. The tPIIIIl is ,'olllposl'd of Ed·
win Gilfillan «'uptain), Herhert Bur·
rell, (Iieut.enant), Clarl'n",' ::\Ietzger
(lieuteJlllut.), Hohert Gilfillan, Wells
"t'ry highly of thl' new lIssOcilltion and
it., possibilities for good ill the bor·
ough. He toul'heu 011 the value of the
Tl"'f('atioll "entrl', all,l of the eo·operll·
PasteuriZed Milk
(Pedrl.lle Society)
420 Rockland Ave. Narberth. Pa.

NM~s I
\Vunlll1lllker, K"l1ul'th Kl'illl, Duuwoody tion net'c"sary to make the H'oJ1le lIn,l
Zook, Alexander Burt, Chri~topher Hl'r· I"t'hool Assol'intion nrenl factor in t.he Speel.1 .. GueraseJ' .. MERION
Milk WYNNEFIELD Narberth Taxi Ser~cG Plant
ron and Douald Brown. community. Hllving had experienl"C
All the teams IIl'l' thoroughly inter- with such ""lll'iations e!sewhpre,
rl'lllllrks were most hl'lpful ill crl'ating
his IRobll!rts·.Sllarplns' BALA-eYNWY D
Patrick F. Donahue
Authoriud Taxi Service. by, Certifi-
Deciduous Trees, Now
cHted lIu,1 each 1I11't last wel'k at. t.h(' Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
ill the minlls of hiH aUtlil'lll'c the spirit cate from PubUc Se~vice Commll- Fruit Trees, Shade and Orna.mental
hOIllCs of vllriou~ 111 rill hers to orgllu, Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD .100, da.ted November 16, 1920. Trees, Shrubbery, Flowering Bushes and
ize lIud make arrangements. All arl' of ( 'hoost illg, " iustead of " knocking, ' , ICr_m. Taxi mull all trainl. Hedges should be planted now.
workiug hard to get up Il spl'cial ill all matters prrtaining to the welfare Store orden p!omr:tly called for and
• 'stunt." Team B alre'ltl~' announCCH 11 of the borough. delivered. Bargage called for and GARDEN NURSERIES
Thanksgiving social for Tlles<lllY evell'
ing, Xovcmher 22d, to whi('ll the whole
The ml'eting IItljourneu at, 10,,10.
Hl'guIrlr meetings wiII be held on thl'
dcllvrred. Freight delivered.
.Jit.. F. Woblert; Owner SCOTI-POWELL.,DAIHIES
Ave., Narberth Open Day and ,Night ,Phone 1633 Mont,ornery ".r.-,

society and friendH will be well'ollle. seeonrl Thursday of ellch month, The 46th and Parrish Sts.
Team C will invite the sO"iety to a Sun·
tlllyevl'ning sernlOn, which it expects to
meeting 011 Xovl'lIlber 4th was the only
olle, however, to he, held ill NovenlPer.
deliver jointly with the pllstor ill the
near future, The other tl'lIl11S have not
There are Ia2 homes represented in
the charter lIIembrrship of the Home
lind School Association. In many cases
c. P.COOK Plumbing, Gas Fitting
and Heating',
yet lIunouneed their intentions, al·
thoilgh it is rUlnored thllt an auto ride
autl a {llmolis speaker lire under con·
the hu!!band anrl the wife are each
members of the association.
sidem tiol1, Everyone in the society is Coke. . $S,.OQ. Chuted
keenly interested and there is fi~e NU;iCoal '14.25. "
: promise of a larger and better society ARCADE:EJ.ECTIUC . ,Stove" '. 1.4.26. " DAVIS'
in 'every respect. The membership
,numbers over forty anrl many new
,Egg " 11,.00. "
'me~ber8 are in sight.
Shcie. Ji~d.tQO~c'i~r~ '"" .
,tl.i»e1r1D. of All KIDd•• " 1 •.0,0. " SBE~LENBEa6ER·CB8tOLATES
':Th\l ,offi'cerso.! the society nre Sol· A..... cl....U"1D.
.' '".,..ARBlltTY;
. " ' . PA;.'-.' , , ., ,,~.,

,velg :'K~i:itzcn, president; Dorothy :B,ot·,

. "

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