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.:- Help to Put Narberth Get Back of

on the Map The Recreation Center


The Outdoor Community Dr. Robert Norwood to Address

Center Will Facilitate Big Open Meeting in Narberth
Our School Progress Monday Night
Ht'rl"~ :1 fj\ll· ... titlll- III rl1l1l'1" "llr,I .... 1I1lr Bt\rtl\lg"lJ
:t f:llr llllt' :llId a ('()lIIH'il
l't'rtilH'1I1 -1l1at 1Ia'" lll'l'lI rai . .q ·d ill
0111' i ... (Jilt' alld ollr BOHld of
This i, th .. In,1 (·,,11 f"r th" big ~fll·'\Ooti ttl nllr l"t'ndt'ls. Hi~ Ilallll' is
('UllIH' lolioH \\ith tit" <Jlltdllor ('IIIIIIIIIIIl' Ellul'atioll i", :lIlOtht'r or~allizntitlll. .\nd 1I11'tltirll.,~· llll ~lqlHIn,\' night. H." tllt' tilt", illt rlldlllltillfl "lIliligh and i:-i g:uarautec
. it\" !,'('lItn \I ili..}1 \I ill lop \"1"d "11 1>\' \\ bill· it i ..a: trllv tllal tlur (·itizt\ns foot
~11('11 tilial th(' IHIIH'r g"OI'" to 11ft'.... ,.. Jlf':\t \, Pt'k of a \\,oI'lh \I hil" talk .\1101 "" a"k
tl{" "itiz"I1- "I' \"r1lt'l'til "t tilt' "h"'li";1 th .. bill.; ill hol.h ('a"", as a ulatter ,I!' tl", 11I.' .. till" \l"ill h.. hi~tor\', :lllti all to :-ohow it:, :ll'prt'j'i:ltioll
till' l'Olllllll1l1ity
011 TlI,·"I,,~·. :'\o\'Plldl('I' ~. '1'ad, "'h"t Oil" of th.,,(, hodies do"s in Ih"t I':~II tI" Ih .. 11 i,; t;, 1.'11 VOII to !lol·tor :'\or"ood 1>\' n tlll'lI'0Ut that
:\11'. \\' ..--. :\I'""ford i, at F:lirll'tlllt, \1" ..
'1'" \I'h,,1 pxtellt, if "Il\', will tIle lll:dlt'r uf and l'XIH'lldillg'
\I'. \. a. Btlt :-oirH'(l I' . . p('in~ i~ Lplicv-
:Ill/Illt it. \\ ill tax th,' ('ap:u·it." ;,f 1-:1111 IIn11. The
IIloJlil's j..; ill 110 \\:I\" :dl"l'f'ted or ('nll~
th(' at·quisition hy tllt> B:,rtJ\lj.!h ing," \\'" arf' ~ul'(' that yOIl will want IIlt'Pting i~ frp(' to all tllL' 1111'11 Hf the
of lht' tml'! "I' si~ "n," "I' 1"lId Iroll.. d Io\' II", ",·t;"11 "I' the othl'r fl'i"1I"~.
bod,". ' ~I f~. H"J.,dll:l rt'IIIt1\"{'d to 1 to nott' thp:-:e fn('t~: "Ollllllllllity alld their
", and th., d,,\·.'lopnlt'lIt "I' th"t I 'hil"d"!phi". 1'1"" ..-1':1111 Hall,
land into lIlI Outd"or He,·r":I· CIIIl,,,qll"lit Iy, th" "Le"s·Thall·a· J)Htt'-.~ltlllda.\' 1'\'1'11 i 1I.l!, Od01lt'; :,! ...
.:\1 ill " Blllltl 1"11", "II \\ hi,·h th .. ,·itiz"lis Playground Project to Be Discussed.
lion l'Ollllllllllit\" (\'lItt'1', rt'tard rOI·:'\))~.\ 1"11'" ""Iltaillillg TIIOIII',\'. Ti nl(-'--i.-l~1 1', ~!.
th., \'lIildillg '01' 11t'\I "'h""l "f -"arb,'rth \\ ill \'lIt" Oli d.,,·tilln .la\', Prill('i!,,,l speakpr~])lIl'lor ll. \\'. Xor- Ilo Villi kllow \I hllt i, "1)1Itai1le,1 in
T\I(,:-tda~', ~1I\'f'llIhlll' ~, tfJ llroyide 111n;15 I 'all :tl tb,' I'os: urnl'" alld itll'lItif,\'.
llilildiu~~ allli tlip g"t'lIpr:J1 t'lI- \\ OOtI, of (h·t'rhrouk. IIll' I'iaygroullt! Bont! Is:,u,' !hat is to
lllrgt'llIl'111 of ~t'h{)ol fa,·ilitip-.;
for tht' IH'\\" Olltduur (·tllIllIl\1llit~· l \lllter, Tllpi"-Th,' .\IIIt, .. i'·"11 I."g-ioll "n,1 th .. I", \'otpd IIpon lit the .. 1",·li"lI in :'\0-
will ha\'" :ll"ollltl'ly 1111 b,'arillg 011 the .:\11'.".. Jol," B. Hrook~ ';Pl'lIt Tu",01",\'
for th .. "hildr"l1 of :'\:Irh.,rth! III tlt-":lll I ity \·j-;lill~ old fril1 lld:-o. t'llllllll\llllty. \I·,,,h,,r! \\'l' Ihollght thaI thi' big
Board ul' Edllf'ut illH ':-' right alit! c':lpat'-
_\B:-;OIXTELr :'\0:'\1-:: Other 1··.."tllr.'.-·11j,,·",,;illll IIf th .. IIll'I'ting of lllell Wltuitl alford :111 l'\:r:l'l-
it.\" to pl"o\"ld,' til,· IIt't't'..;:--ary ftlllll~ for ,l,'lIt 01'portll1lil~' to h:l\" tll,' play-
lit'\\" ~(·h(l(d lltlildill)!s. .\ 1I1111:l! TI'nl1i- .\;"o"'llt'ia1 ion II:t II",,· :\"r1ll'rth 1'I:t \'g 1'1111 11 d BII II " 1""'It· loy
H .. r,,·, th,' ,itilali"u iu a [llIt,llt'11. I' '1'/1 nan/'l' 1ll':\1 Frida.\" night. I>IH'tor O .• J. :-;1I\'tI,'r. Entnt"illllll'lIt. ~flllilld lll''d l'~plaillt'd. . \n·uTdillg-ly
The hlllld iS~\1t'. whidl \\ ill l'J"u\'idc' III \ it'\\ \d' tht'..;", facts, w,' Thll~" III\'it"":-.\ll IlIt'lI III' :'\",]ll'rth Ii \' l'allt'd UpOIl OUf t't'1I0\\ to\' lI",tllaU,
thl' flilld, to a"<juin' tIJi, laud alld d,,· lla\',· 1111 ht':,it:lllt'," ill ~:l~'il1~ F"rtV'llill" '""11 "lljoy"d th" hik(' to :lnd their fripn,ls. .\Ir. .J . . 1. ('ahn'\", who i:-o I'rt\:-:idl. l l1t of
velop it, h:l~ Lt'('11 :lllthclriZt·d II,\" thl' that ('\l'ry \'ltil.t'll lll:ty go to \'"Il,'y' F"rg" "" "'allll'da.\', (Jd"J,,,r \.;. .'\ tlllli~sioll - till' :'\al' 1;li,ygrllIl1ld .\"s,,,'intion,

pas:-;age lit' tIll' lll'l'(':,:--ary IIrdill:lllvl' lJ~· t ht' jHdl .. HII I,l"l't illll day llud arrallg'l' for a :-;pt'nker pll tilt:>: ~lIh· ttl
our Borough ('''lllll'ii. :\1:Jllt'r' oi' thi~ \'Otl' "r,'," "II thl' OllldollJ' :\1 r,;, H. ('. (;:11'" alld :\1 i" H.. I"II nara A Rare Opportunity to Hear Doctor ' I'" t. )o'ortllnlltely Dol'for O. ,J. "II~-t.ler,
sort all polll,' uud('r tbe allthorit\' aud ('t1Hllllllllit\' (\'lItpr l,olld i~:-itll' h:l\'I' ft'tllfll{'d ffolll :1 trip to \\':l·..-t!ing- Norwood. \\ 110 wa:-: 01lt' of the illiti:d grllllp in-
within th" jUl'iMlitliuu of ('ollu"if, with tht" ah~(I11ltt' H:-\SIJrant'p t "II, D. ('. 1"It·~t .. t! in th .. playgrollnd proj"..t, hus
t hat hi, III' h 1'1' \. II t" .\\ i II i II II 0 Tltl' ('Olld"11:-:,'11 illf'lIr1l1:ltioll for thORP nllhl'lItl,d 111 di;"oI'II:':-, thl' ... t1!ljl'l·t, Ko
The ",hoI<, lIIatt,'r of s"hool" aud pllh-
way rl'lard the 1'lilarg"'II"lIt "I' ",,\.. J.;. H. H:>I'1,al'd, ll. D., of Ibill' \, Ill) lJavl' only tiUll' to fl'ad tht' top th:tl tlIl' Iltll'tillg 1111 :\1(111,1:1.'· Jll~lll af-
lic education comes under the juri",li,'·
~arll('rth ':-, srhou} fi\t'ilitic:4 to tI,\'r, ::\. ,1 .• ~1l('lIt a ",hurt tillll' \\ith lilll". For all olh,'r" I"t '" atld IliOn' fordH :1 t!lIlildt' oJlpOl'tlillit.'· (If profit
tion of the Board of EduI'atioll ,If' the
Borough-a braud, of our lo,'al or Bor- 1Il"l't th" llt,,'tI,; "f th ... "',ildrl'o t'r;"lId" ill :'\"rllt'l'th thi, IIl,.. k. ,'xldallatioll. \\'hal i_ thi" 1I"'dillg all~" tu tIl,' tIll'll ot' tilt' r'lIll1l1ll1J1ity,
oug-h gU\'("lfllJIII'nt thr.t i:-: l'utirely sepa- of our Borough. how, all,1 "hat i, it all ahollt I \VI'
rati' fr(lIl1 tlllr ('o\ll11'il.
At tIll' :-::1111(- tilJlt, \\l' sa\" til !.o"'T-:'\"ar :'\arl"'l'th "latiulI, 'I'll""' will t .. ll yOIl all Ih:1l Wl' kIlO\\', :llId Entertailunent Features.
yOll \\ ith "'1l1al fr:lIlkllo'.'s 'th"t cia,'· lIight, a ~llIall 111'11\\ II fur Ill,t'kl'it"'p, tht'll WI' will It'IlYl' it til "011 to ('(lllll'
}'uutl~ U.'I',J iu .tli., pur,·ha~,' of laud \\V 1,nnw tlf' 110 lll'ttl')" \'\:tV fur 1"'II:Jrd if 1'1'1111'11".1 tIl »O"t 0111,'(', "lid l'I'ap tl", hl'lI"lit. It i~ th" r,,~t1111r :":1:\\ tilt' ~Ilt'ial t·lllIlJllitlt-'I'. \\ilh its
for ,itl'';, all,1 the "oU,lrul'liou and a vott'l' to JlI(Il't hi ... or h;'1" r\'- I IlllJllthly I!]('l,ting of tht' Allll,)rit':ln \\ i:"t, ill:--ight illtll soIl'h 111:lttl·I'''. has
efjUipllH:lIt 111' =--dl(lId huildiug':', as fixed ;"opollsihilit.y :t~ l'itizl'lI Oil Ll'g·ion, atld ill :!l"('ordall("p with our \\o\O{'11 :l Illlllll!t'l' of ('llft ' rt:lll1llll'llt fl)at~

.' br the ~tal., la\", al'.' rai"'d throllgh

:t 1''''1 '"a,I,'r H:"" alld :\Irs. lIall" at-
pjp("tiou .la.\' lhall b~' \Ooting fl'1l 1ll'll thl' ('OJl'·t':Itill!1 of IJOstlll.'l ... tl'rs polit,y Wt' Sl't out to g-t't tht' hp;"ot in llr"'" into tltt lIIoft> ~l'rillll"" ]ltlJ"tinli!i of

the >lI11'-I,,· thl' Board of Etlucatiou- .lYe:,\" on thi:-: t!lle-tilll!. 'peak"r" til fill th .. l'rtlgrlllll. \\'h"l1 tht, pl'o).:,ralll. Hlld :-ttalld:-: I"t':ld.,· ttl ~lIaf­
"t \\'a,hill~o1011, I). ('.
of houtls ":hidl are authorin'tl hy the. Whd 1>01'101' Xor\\'ood, of II", :-;t. l'alll's 11l" HII1t'I' :t profitahle t'\"('llill,~ Iltl matter
eitiz .. lJ," thruugh a popular \'ot", HC('~lllS(\- 'llorial ('hur,'h, of On'rhrook, "OIlH"lIt .. tI fl'1I1l1 \\ lint nnglt' you lIlay ,·it,\\" the
.:\II'~. E. B. Ford, II ho 11:1- 10""11 \i,it·
The huudiug ('ap:\I·it.\· of th., Board to 1'0111 .. "", thought that it was too \\'p ha'·p
til hL'lipve
Fir,t it "ill n"'}ai'll " trat'! "I' !:Ill,] iug ffit'lIll~ in Hing11111Ht"1I11. ~. Y., has I'fogralli. n';l;-;tlll
of Btlueation i.; entir"ly sl'paratp aud good a treat to k.. "p 0111,\' "'ithill th., thl'lIl, alld are ~t1rt1
that .\"ntI \\il1 do HO
. distinct from the Borough ('"uu('il's rl'llln1<'d to her hOllli', .-,011 E"ex a\'('·
HUt', Lt'h-rlOIl eirc·]t':O-;., :--0 Wl.' h:·l\·t' throwll opeJl aftt'r' lIight. :\n\\· jllst two
'. authorit~· to issu,' holltk the d()().rs to all JlIt'II iII t.he' t'lllllllipnitv. ltillft' w(lrd~ :(111) \\1' :11'(' tllnl\lf..dl--.\I .. L
::\!r. alld .:\!rs. .\!,'xandt'r 1!aidlll"lIt, \\'., dOIl't 1I"".d tn illlrodlll'" Dod;,r O\·T.
-"1'\\' Yurk city.,:'"re ~uest.Hover the
.::7:-1Ianowe'"en" Dance -'ILeagueotWomenVoters of
"t',.. k "11,1 "f tlll·i,· f,'i('lltl~, Mr. :1Il,l


:\Ir,;. It,d,I",\' .\. W"rIlPr, of :'\arherth
a Vl'!lUt.',
Community Club Notes
TO BE HELD IN NORRISTOWN, :\1 r". I,;. ,'. Bat,·h .. lor, l'n',itlt'lll of
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, lb," :'\"rh"l'th \\'''1111'11 's (·Ollllllllllit\·
I 'I,,!., 'P"lIt th" \\"'"k ill l'illsblll'gh, l'a'.,
TO HAVE MERRY PARTY AT 'I'll" "ttentiou Ill' th .. III eudll'rs au,]
ELM HALL-DINNER-DANCE \\ !il'Tt· ~LI' :ttlt'lId"d th,' ~tatt' l'Otl'"t'Jl-
fri"'"b of Ihl' IIII':I! l,raul'h of the t ;1J11 t)f F",lf'raf .. d \\'ol1lt 1l'.... ('luhH. \11 th .. 1IJt'lId,,'r.< "I' thl' ('luh "'ho nt·

Lt'ngue (If \V{llllt'li \"otPf:-' i=- lIr~('l1tl~' tl'Jldl·d thl' 11111t'ht'tJlI. \\ liieh \\':1:'\ a lafge
1':l11<-d to till' tillle :1I1,1 plan' III th.' PPI'('t'Jltagti of tllt' 1I11'1I1ht'l"ship, \\:I1 he
'.:.' The aunual Hlillowe ','u ])an"" "I' the alHIYl' 11I{'l'tillg. \ Contillued on Page 4) a"xiolls to att('lId tlit' lll ..<'lillg II .. Xt
-Narhl'rth Teuui~ _\s""'iatioll wi!1 be Tht' \HIl;'::J:IIII :,l~ arrangt'd for this Tllt'"la\', Udoh"r ~.;tb,
heW next Prida~- e\'ening, U"t"I",1' ~S, day prllndsl':-' to 1lt' a I!lo:-:t inh Tl'sting 1
It i~' \'l'ry ap!'ropriate illasllllll'h :IS it
at Elm Hall. Chairman ('arl B. ~etz­ (llle, All the \\'011\('11 enndi,lnt .., 1'01' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME;hTS i, So 1I,'ar ..1..C'l101l tlay, that tIl(' "ft,'\'· i-illl'h i' th,' anilllat"d op"lIill': of the
g~r has "ugag('(l a popular orl'hestra IOt'1I1hl'r, lIl' the :";"hool Board in the 110011 should h.. parll;\- gi\· .. n to a talk fall,oll' lkll Chorlls 1'1'0111 Paglill('ci,
'and arrange.1 a livt'l~' prograul, nn.l (,oullty \"ill be a~kl',1 to attcllll tlti,; Two "....nts p....r wurd it cllsh llCt'olll- Oil the qup~tioll' whi"h ('on"l'rn -"ar· wlli .. h will bc "1111': b.\· the :'\IHhcrth
tlwre is 6\'t'rv rea'ou to helie\'e that t IIIl>t ting. l
ponll's lldverllsl'lOt'ot; otberwlse, fl •• J,('rlh. J\lJ'~. \Vard l'.. ir"l11 will l'xl'laill ('hora! H()('i('I\' on :'\o\'('lIlh,,'r 'i in the
the' affair wil'l he a hig SUN'PSS. . Mrs, E, S. H, lIcClluley, the ouly ~PU ts IJt"r wurd. th .. ),'arhe:·th 11,','rl'alioll ("'lItr.. and H"IIl'Iit. Conc;'rt in th., .:\ldrnl','litan
Friends of memhers of the Tennis , WOI":lII oll tll,' :-:tat" B"ard 01' Edu.. a- ..]Pdioll laws. ::\Irs. I'pir~on will 1I0t tell (lp('ra HOIIgp,
Associntion lllaY obtain tiek"t, from tiou, will aoldrl'~" thl' lu"eting. .",'11 whi"h I'nrty til'1(pt to vole, hut Thl' full 1'l'IIgl':1ll1 will },(' a 1111111"\(',,,1
~, ','
members, or from ::\[1'. .:\[l'tzgt'r either Aununl ell",tion of olli""rs is also to A REWARD OF TEN DOLLARS will will talk ·011 thl' rllll" whi"h ~ovcrn ill Our Town th .. week pre\'illlls to the
by writing him at his home, X o. 15 be hehl at this time. The meeting' 10" l':li,1 for inl'ol'lllution leadillg to .'\·pry \'ot", 110 lII11tt"r whi"h party it '·tll\('ert.
Chestnut lI\-PI1\H', or phoning him, Xar- 'Ia I't, pl'oJllptly at 10.:10 A. ::\L aud will the Jlpprehen~ioll of person or p('rsOl" lIIa~' hl'. Hh" will nbo sjll'ak upon ~uh­ III tht' nl .. antilll\', lct liS 'Hltlilll' hrief-
. berth 693, bc held in Trinity Hall, corner i::lwede who ~t"ll' the gold fish from the lilv j.'e!s whieh are of vitnl iut,'n"t to Iy tilt' story of I'aglia('''; (pronounced
The Entl'rtainnlPllt ('Ollllllitt"" .1eeid- and 1';lll1 ,tred~, ::-<orristown, pOIl·I at :'\arhprth anti \Vaync A\'e;, pvprv eitizen, I 'a hl·y:Il·('h,'.,), whid, Illcall'-" The
ed to hoItr this dan('e on Odober ~8 in- l\Iel1lbers and friends hnve reeei\-ed Addre~8 C, L, M .. l( .. e, :!:!4 Wayne Ave. M~s, Oeorge Bpan will give all atl- l'la yer~. ' ,
stead of Octoh"r :11, hl"'nu,;e it WlIS felt by Illail post:tl ('anls announeing this ! (::!·P) "I'I'S~ on Current Events. 1Ir~. Bl'all '\;his i~ 11 tll'Illllati.. opera in two acts,
.:'f'!.... "that more !lI"111 hprs would Ibltl it eon- liI"ding', to whidl wa~ attached a re- gave un extcn~i\"l' lel'tul't.'. ('.ourHC in Xcw written hy Leollt'I1\':llIo, :lIltl lirst pro·
veIiient to attellil on the forlller than turn acldre~sl'<1 postal whi('h you are reo FOR SALE-Bed, chiffonier anu crib. 'York Citv la~t \"I'nr, The Clnb is du" ..d at :1\I.ilal1 in 1~!l~, Lellnea\'llllo
the .latter da.te. There are alwnj"s 11 '1'H"teu tu JIIail illllne,lilltely if it is Call Nnrberth 1709-1\!. (2-p) fortunute'in seel;ring 1\1\'~, Bpun for w:ls the son of' n lIlagi.'trate ant.! the
.good marty regularly' schedul"d !lome ~'our intent·ion to attend. this datp, ll~ ~he is very 11l1~Y in the ~tory of Pagliani i" },nse,1 Oil an
<~ '.' .parties on '. Hallowe 'en, aml II good
... many folks cuullot conveniently nr-
'rhe Xllrherth Lpague is planning to
ha\'e 'e\'ernl cal" to trllnsport members
ROASTING CmCKENS weighing four !I't·ture fil'I,!.
Mrs. Joseph Barclay will provitlp tbe
uptual oecnrrenl'e ill the eourt whel'e
his father pre~ided as .Jildge.
to ,;ix pounds for sale. HI Brook-
....... 'range to nltlke the necessary. arrauge- to Norristown, leaving Xarberth i::lta- hur~t nve, (2-1'). lIIusic. Canio is lIIaster of a tra\'eling troupe,
. lIl,ents to a!tell,l dunces on that night. tlon at !I.:W "\.~L promptly, Phone The President, !\Irs. Eo C, Bateh('lor, composed of his wife K ('<l,la, Touio tbe .
The Entertailllllent Committee also YOHr\"ation Ilt onee to -"arberth , FOR SALE-f:lpecial Oakland Touring is now in Pittsburgh nt tending the ('IOWII, Peppll, and Silvio, a villager, in
,..'. anlJounces that Saturday night, Novem- Iti::~-~. Ht:!tc Con\'entioll of \Volllen's Federat- love with Nedda, The troupe urrives
Car. See Edwin \Vipf, (2-1')
.., ·'ber 12., has been selected for the AS80- ed Clubs, She will be at her post on at the village Cnlabriu, aud parading
. ciation 's annual Dinner-Dunce, which Tuesday, howevl'r, anti will doubtless through the tow II nnnoullees a perform-
:,.,', . will be held at Elm Hall. This is the POLITICAL SCIENCE COURSE AT FURNISHED ROOM for rent. -I7l have 80me very interesting experipnces all"e for tbat l'velling, which news is
... ' .Qcellsion at which the prizes' a wnrded BRYN MAWR. Bruokhut~t ave. (2-p) gn'l'te.1 with \lIuch enthusiasllIon the'
to relate, l'llInnuting from thp v:lriolls
iri' the ·annual Tennis .Tournament arc seSsions of the convention, part of the pell8allts., .
presented to tpe winn~rs, It is one of College Establishes Chair in Memory of VIOLIN INSTRUCTION-J. Edward 'rhl' company then disperses und goes
. the. most popula'r features of the Asso- Dr, Howard Anna Shaw, Cro~sley, of the Porrest Theatre, to thl' iun to e..lebruf.e with the \'illag·
Ciation's. social seasOn and members I tCllehcs at -"lIrberth, 517 N. 19th St" l'rs, except Nl'dda, who is left :rlone.
'will ,,"alit to make a note of the dute- 1Ir,. Gllrrip Chapman Catt will hol.l Philadelphia, (2-p) Thp Chorus of the Bells, the number
Saturday evening, November 12-nnd .everal lectures at Bryn ::\Iawr College Since the automobile trip given last to be rendered by the Choral, is sung
. keep it free from au)' other engage- on Cit.izenship. These lectures nre free LOST-Golll Cuff Pin, 011 Price or Nar- spring there have been se\"eml requests hy the p"ns:lnf.s away in the llist.ance,
·ments. lIud e\"prvonl' i" invitp<I: The jirst one be-rth lin'., last HunnllY. Telephone for another such delightful trip, Tho X eddu is troubled for fl'ar Canio, her
is to bl' hpld Ol~ Thurslluy e\-ening, Oc- 123ti-H. (2-p) 2!lth of October has bcen suggest('d as husband, is n\\'are of her lo\'e affair
tober 2ith, Don 'I lJIis~ this opportun- the dny to driv" to Bryn Ath)'n. This with Silvio,
'.rO INO~EASE REAL ESTATE ity. is 0. greater distallce than the spring
GARAGE SPACE for rent. Apply Mr. The clown Tonio intrudes and lIlakes
ASSESS~NT The Nurhert.h League is to hold a drive and will neeessitate starting love to Nedda, While she is there dream-
Plank, 218 Narberth ave, (2·e) tbaut ·11 0 'elock and taking a box
meeting on :November 4th. Program ing of Silvo, but is repulsed, SilviO"
and place to be announeed In next luncheon, then appears, nlld N eddn. promisos to"
":. Is.prop01lition that will be discussed at FOR SALE-Child's. Oak Desk, in good The 29th is the Sutur.lny following
,,'; .. , .a:"meeting at the Women's Club, Ard- week's issue of Our Town. fly with him that night. Tonio spies
- ! condition, Telephone Narberth 636. the Club meeting. Members who drive- IIpon thenl, und ill revenge informs
{-'more; on Thursday evening, ·October 27, i (2·p) cars and are willing to tuke them on Calli 0, who returns quickly from the
j1.," '.' "at' 8~15\ The SUb\lrban Association of
1.' " the Main Line extends an invitatlon to PALAOE THEATBE, ARDMORE; PA. WANTED-:--'A good Laundresll in Nar·
this trip ,,,ill
pleuse notify the Presi· t.avern and just misses Sih'io,who es'
dent not ~ter than next 'l'uesduy at CllPes. There is a terrific quarrel be- '.
Ii',: .. every property owner to hear a discus· berth, to take home small washing the meeting. On. the spring drive one
f,: .. ' sion on increasing the assessUJ,ent on Program Week of Monday, October 24. lind ironing for family of two (2) adults. tween Ca,nio nnd Nedda, in3~~le4 Ca~l()1 ' . ' ,.~"';
of the members Wll8 accompanied by nlmost kIlls her.. ,.-:., '. ,'-:.; ".:. ::,;;.':.",:,;,.,
~(,;. our real estate. her husband ., as ehauffeur," 'I'his may
Monday, October 24; Bert Lyteil in
Call at 214 North Narberth ave., Nar- 'I'he perfornianco is Ilbout't~~t~rt':{:;':";~<~
berth, Pa. (2·p) give some others nn idea. and has a plot exactly in keeplng,;IH"···~·.:"·~:".
his very newest picture,. "A Message
ft.·:·':;··<· The. purchase of the playground is of from Mal'll. '.' Tuesllay, October 25,· a lI1~t to the d~tail, with the tl'~'8d1 .... "
,,\ritill importnnce from 11 health stand· show you eannotafford to. miss "The FOR SAL~Baby Coach and bassi· OHr;r..D~N·S DANOING CLASS TO
beIng enacted III those troupets I hves',
t'~::::~,poiut.Th~chil~rl1riIiild adults of today 26, William ~randing . ~OD," . Wei:1nesdaf;' Octpber . Ilette; aliio five mahoganY. dining Canio is henrt-broken at the loss of his
S.Hart in "0 :Malley of rciomcho.irs;'Phone 'N.arberth 1253·R.. . ~OPEN:s.ATUBDAY. NO\7'. 12, wife's' love, and wonders how heClu .
'. . (2-0)
t(,:; :tiik~ t99 liUle' wholcSOJIl~ exercise in the .:the Moanted' ~.;" T.oonllrville Trol.leYs. . IN' .'!'BE .Y~ ·M•. O. A.. . '. go through with the· faree. Thecurtriip.
is drawn aside, and NCldda llnd Pappe
.:f·"('fJ:e~b,·.:ah':"~~a"{oiit'·do9.t> te", '. Thtl,1's<lay, .Q!lto1;l;er .. 27,: Alice.Brady ·in .. ESTIMATBB' :OiIliIIiBrcrLLY·.. GIVEN ,Thechilc}ren's .dancing clan, .under (her laYer in thetroupors' plliY),llro
,{t;.:;:'lel'e~ti~:n~8h(ll11d be .eneoura~ed.-Dr. "Little . Italy. ,t .. trla~Y','October : 28, . . 011 printiiig ~or~ lO(all ki~ds. Hoine the auspices of t,he Women'!i Commun·. . feu.sting. Finally (just 1\.6 . it)ili.d oc;'
. "Love'll Penalty~" Saturday, October' TownPrintetr,' .:lO~ Ohestnut
\':' "'lIdw!ri O. Town. 29,Viola Dllnai~ "PuP.tllitsofFat~." .
;if.,;':"·'~,"· . ,. .' ". :.' Phone. 1238-.1;" . " (2,1)
(oontinue~on lIage 2.)' (Oontinued" on:. ,Page":)

., ..... '
" -'..', ' . ~. . :':- '-

Th."' hi,g'ge,~t a . . srt'i of n (·()tllrtlllnit.v with rl'fl'rence to the sNvice in which Telephones, Ot course, " .
OUR TOWN :In' t}", h,,:J1th :t1I·1 happilI"s, of its pI''''
ple'. Ttl 1'1"l11l10l1' thl'",l', t !lroll~h ra-
thl'.'· are enga/fe(\'
A "pr~' plellRant frature of the (Wra"
1267 dellver - all1
place - all1
OWTlI'tl nlld Pnhlislu'o 1""t'r,V ~:llllrd:l.\· tjtlll:l! ''11t'1l :1;1' ,·\,·!",·i"'I·, is :t pldi\','" til' "i"n wns a re<'eptinn at tIlt' \\'hite 1268 time.
by tht' ;\:trlll'rth ('j, it' .\'o\ ... tll'i:11 ltlll. t'lIli,~ht ('lIt'.j ,,\'!f lntl·l"!':--I. 1l""SI' h~' l'rpsidl'nt :tn,1 ;'I[rs. Harding.
Ill:. O.. J. :-;\\'1)1':11. tn I"hil'h all visiting' postmllsters and
a""':IIIt1ed dpIl'gate" of pn~tal "rgan'
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
~lIh"I'rilditlll pri('(' (1111' r/011:1r :llld lift.'" i
(,(,Iil~ jH'f .'"'·:If ill izations wpre invited. Thi:-\ t'('('('ption
lIas hl,]tI nn \Ve,lne"tlay afternoon and A Drug Store In the Most Modern Sense of the Term
POSTMASTERS' CONVENTION. \I:" VI'I',I' ]arg'rl~' att,,"·,1e,1.
Tlll' /'(111\ 1·,11 illl! jl~' pllslllla",t('rs and l'ostnll"tpr,
March 31, 1921 I t(J~t a I ElIlJdll.'"l·I· ... ill \\" ;1:·111 i ngt on, 1>. ('.,
Pre~i']Pnt Georg~ A. ;'If!lhl O<'!"I ....r II. 1:.\ I::. II hi,·h [ I".' pril"
Yi(·(l· Pr\'sidl'tlt
Joseph H. Nash
AUg-l1~t.IIH J. L()o~
)l[r~. C. P. Fowler
;'I[i~s 1I!aizil' ,T. :"impson
Hohl'rt .T. Edgar
ill'~~t'd til aftl'lId, \':1'" ;1l·!I'I·d :t Ill(J~t in-
.... j1irillg" alld pl l ,:t":lllt ol'I·;I .. ioll,

Tht' ~1· ...... illll~ 1•.'" pq . . . lll':I . . lt·r .. uf thp
filst :11111 :">"('011.\ l'la ...~ \\t'rt' ht'ld i!l the
:'\:I1i"1I~ll ~rll .... '·lllll :tlld \\ t'n' ad-

Th.' PORt Offi(,l' Del'artnll'nt has

dr'· ... :--l·" In' :i1dt' IIlI'1I jll I ht· . . I·f\·i.·I, frolll d ..,ign:tled Of'!ohPr l!l as a da~' Ilpnn
Ilirt'd"r". ttl 'er\'1' until 1(1~:1: Mrs.
Hohert F. \\. "tid, ,J. (; a rlielll A therholt, \':lriu\I'" ,'dfil'I"'" thr'JlI~hllllt th,' !'flitt'd II hid. a XatinlIal ('ampail-(n i" to he At this time we are able to offer several desir-
I. A. ~rillcr. ('. 1.awn'n,·e \Varwick, ~tatl':'" and :11."0J,,' tlIt· l'o .. fll1:l ... tl'1' (;('11- st a rt 1',1 for the 1'01'1'0'1' of haYing all
A. E. \\"ohkrt, Philip .\. Living"ton. ,·ral. \\'ill II. 1'1:,,"'-. :111.1 tl,,· f""r r<',itl .. nl·rs anti hlliltling's to ",hi"h mail able properties for sale at very attractive prices
.\~~j . . t;IJlt P'I:-itlll:ls!:'r~ (;,·IIt'r:Ii. i' ,1 .. li'·l'rpd providl'tI with a proper
Din'<"'\"r", ttl ,<'rVl' until l!l~~: .T. .T. 1I1I.llher and rel'epta<"1e for the mail.
Cn],rt'y. \\",IIt.'r A. Fox. H. R. Hillegas, Tllt' Illg tl\f)\l~ht at till' (·ltll'·I'Htillll
Thi" is onp of tlie Ilays in "hi"h the
C. ll . .\. Chain. W. H. D. Hall, Harr)'
A. ,Tu{'olls.
\\:lS 110\\ to rl'lldef th,' 11l·~t kind of
:,,>,'l"\. if·l'. \\ i Iii t hI' "ll-llj'I'I":1 t joB ot t }H'
Jlllltlil'. ill "IIIl,ltJl'fiIl~ till' ~i,:.!.·:I111il· hllsi·
['I'HL«' 1':\11 bpst hl'll' 'to I'xl'l'tlit~ the
,!tolin'I'\' of Illail.
lit· ..... lit'- t!ll' I'n ... t Ollll·t' 1)'tlllt·llt. In plal'es wherl' the free deliven' ~ea11;c>r
J 1111.11'\. 1,1\1'(;~To'. ~H\n·ic·(' hn!-l ref't'lltl\' ht\t 1
1l pstahli:-:hptl n
Th:il. il i- :1 J,i.~ IIII"in"" II:!.- illll-t r:d,·,(
EJitor. 11\· 11.,' ))q .... tlll.lstl·r (~t'llt'I·HI \\ hen hp r('('eptacle is recr"ir'e,] hl'fore thl' sl'I'\'il'l' 1214 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
slatl"j th:lt, l'l·gardill;.! jl:ll'l'l·j po:--t IIlat- i- ,'xt,·n,kd. \\'e hal'e tlH'rpforl~ in .:\ar·
~l\ 11.11·: .1. ~I\II''';I)\. hl'rth no problem in thi, re~pef'!1 hilt Branch Office at Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710
t I' r, ill' 11:1' i 1't'.·I·1l t I\' 11t'('11 :t ,I \" i :"'t"! I.,"
Cashier. thp I'r,'~idl'nt of ihe .\III,'ri'·lIn Ilaii· :IS to hOll~c n\lIJ1hcl':'. 'fheTe aTe fluitt' a
ways Expre"s Company that their ,·'tllI· fl'II' that arl' not propI'r]~' nllm]",red,
:111 :l,h·t'rli ... ill~ :llll! Ill"Y' ill'}ll 10 I':IIIY hlld h:III,lll'd fouf IIlillilill t':\pn's~ 'Ind pl','I'Y rl'~itlent in Xarhpl'th whose Member Philadelphia Real Eatate Board
P. O. Itox ~llil;. jl:I":\:I~I'''' ill 1!.:.!lI. • • \\'ell, f I ~II'. lin.":"
hOll~e is ;Il,t properl~' nllnlhered is lIrp;e,1
Our TO\\'l1 i.., (Ill "':'~" :rf th(' dc'/,ot l"t'ldil·d. tllatI. a lot of f111"kagt'~' hut '0 "o'0l'l'r:I!<' in t.lJi.' matt.'r "0 that 1"0 ...
t1('w:-:~talld, and :t1 lIlt, ... t'lIl' of JI. l:. \'.1' iii t1l1' 1)1I t Utlit'l' J)('p:lrtllll'I1t, ill may report our town as IH'ing' lOll per
IlaYi'. Ih,· .'''"11' l'I'ri"d, halId!t'd two billion, ,' .. nl. in this resl'''.-t. \\"hrrl' a house
Elllt-'J'(·.l :IS ~t'(·nJItI'I·I:lS"" l11altl'r six hundred million pa.ckages.' , h:t" 110 nlll1lber ,Iispla,\'ed or an ineorrpct
O"tolll'r ]", 1!114. 'It tli,' I'"" Olli,'" 'It nlllllhl'r tbl'rp is liahll' to bl' <ll'laY in
\\"hilt' "~t·r\'il·('" is th!' watl'll\\ord.
:\:IJ'I)l'l'tJ~. 1)IITIII:,,>\·!\:llli:l. 1111,lt·r lIlt' III" d,·livC'f.'·, parti(·.tlarl,\' when it i~ 1J~ces'
111111·11 :tf!"lltioli i~ g'i'·l'!1 tll tlll'
of ~Iarl·rl. 1.. . ;~1 ..
thrt'l' 111111' I 1"'" I ;111' I t \\"1'11 t "-ti \ l' t !J 0 11."':1 II tI
t'lIqdll.\ t'I'" ill :lH' :--t'I"\'i;'4'.
tllll'l~llt {.It' tl,n"l~ l'11argl'd \\ith tIlt' J't'
(t i'\ tltt'
-al'\' to have suhstitlltl' "arriers on duty
'I h;, "annot I", fallliliar with thl' exi~t·
. 1I~' "(Illd it iOIl.
Ell \\..\ HIl :-'. II.\ W:".
wl1t fltriou witlr aub wrust
:,,>!"tlISil.ilil \' of (rood .... I·rvj('l' that ,.. 111·1i
OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news it'lm about any subject
that is of interest to Narberth
.... I·n·i.·I,
(·:"11 lll'''~ hI' ~t'i'ul'l'd wht'l!
tlf I'llIp}Il.'·l'(' . . art.' prlJ\'idp,1
a 1'111.\'
,\illl 1'1'011"'1' .. ;tllit:tr.'· alld ot1l('f working

.. \~! \\ (tlk :111,1 I'll p!:t.\. 11Inkl':-i .I:I(·k

<nampa"y of i\rbmoft Ja. f

folks, but in Order to meet the l·llllditillll'" IWIH·li,·ial til tlit,jl' ht'aIth aud :1 dll'l 1.0.," . . . .\ ('.lllllllllllity \dlil·h lia ...
printing schedule, all "copy" 1"'1'I,illl·--. \"ilh thi.' worthy elld in :t 1:_ 1'J"('atioli Fit·ld i~ ldl':-:~("l, a:-> it af-
"il'\\', a :"ati"I"" \\','!farl' ('''lIl1('il has
-manuscripts---must reach the f.,r.1H hllth YOUII;': alIt! f1ld all l)1'llllr~\ITl­
, i"'.'11 orC::t:I(/",1 (<II' the I'",t Ollice De·
editor by 6 P. M. WedneSday each partment. it\' 10 takl' 1111l"h nee(ll'd aad much Capital $ 500,000
week. Thn,' i- "" d,",1.t 1,"1 II,,· III a II,\' wI." I1I'~l"I·t(·d tllIt·dou!' t·xl'rc·is('
\-,hidl lS Surplus and Undivided Profits " . 0136,000
\\ ('1",' I'ri\'ill·.!..:.l',j tfl attl'lId thi:-: grpat 1':";S{'llti:1l til lhf' dt'\i'lopIlH'llt of both Total Resources . . 5,000,000
l'pll\I'111 ;1111 tlf po,,1 lll:l~tl'r" alld po~tal
nlind and }.od.'·.----Dr. Romaine C. Hoff·
1'1I11'1IIy'\I''''' "1'l't' gTl'atl.'· ill~pil'l'd and
SATURDAY, ocr. 22, 1921 }"'lIelit,·,1 ",I' II it:d th,',I' .-aw and hl'ard man. 11\.

j':\II:I{(iE\I'Y 1'111/:\1': c·.\LL"

Fi n', ::.-)\t
}I ll ] il·t·. 1~:I(1
Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit ..
Tl.,' I,i~'~t,.:.t :I ... -t'ts 111' a (·OllITlllllJit.," an' not it~ propt'l"ty "aItH's, Acts as Administrator, Exec\ltor, Trustee and Guardian of Estates
Editorial II,,,,,',I'!' i"<J"I,iu~.
'1'1"'.1' art' th .. Iiealth alltl h"pl'in,''>' of it" peopl,'.
'1'" I'rolllo!,' tl"',,, i- a I'oli,'y of .. nlil-:htl'n,'tI self·int,'n,,,t anti of transc'l'nd· Insures Titles to Real Estate
1'lIt i!l<J.lortan'· ... Th~lt is th,' virtlle in l"'pr~' law fJor thp hettl'r orlil'ring
of the (·olunlunlt~· '" affail's, in ever~' I'rojel't for its hetterInent. 'l'hat is

j. . -- ·-Warning· I' tlic' jll,tili"atiun lind the inspirational fOl'l'e behind the ull.'lertakill~ whil'h
t!lt~ :"arlll'l·tli ()utdUlJl' ('OtlIIJllluity ('('lItl'f l'l'pn':-:l')I1.:--.

Kid Yourself !~~II

:\<1 n',id,,"1 of til\' 1'lIrttlll-(l•. it i" til he hop,·d. Ill""j,. at thi" late
Information has been received
by Our Town that fake magazine
lIa.'· ~III.V :1":o'llralJl·,· lit' IH'r~ll:tsioJl :1:-: to
tlif' IIlt'rit:-, IIf the hOlld iSHII(' 1'1'0-
1'""t1 tl"<1 will 1.., I·"t,'d 111"111 :"O\'I'llihel' Sth. Bllt th .. rl' an' "crtain ,'1111,
agents have recently been active
in Narberth. si"l'r;ltilIJl~ to Ill' lIr~t'd frOll1 tht' Jlh~':-\i('ian ':, 1'oiut (If "iew that should •
:ld,! "1111111"::'''111 to l·llI1\·jc·tiClIl tllllOIlg" tll(' l11~~al ~t1pp0l'tl'r:- of th[' plnn.
The fact that we have a neat and attractive
We take this opportunity of
warning our readers to pay no Till,'" i~ Uti llll'n' 1l!:tllifl'st:ltifJll of lll:dl'rial ch vL'lll}lnlf'lIt; it h:l:-i a fnr·· 1
shop does not indicate that our prices are higher
money to magazine subscription J'l':ll'hill~ "ol'ial :11111 J11ol':ll ~i~lIili'('all(·I'.
solicitors without carefully ex-
TIll' ill ... ~illl·t of 1'1:t~" i:-- :"attJrt":-: ~tilllttl\1:-1 in phildhood aBd prp~(,"T'·:t·
than in the city-THEY ARE NOT.
amining their credentials.
ti'l' ill 1\.'11111":.'" Th,' t"d,lll'r t:'lIlIdling a hOlll Oil th(' 1':l1'I'III('lIt, th('
."ouuc:"t,·r lin till' "lIl1dlut di:"olllld. th,' ~tl'i\'illl-: ~'ollth nn thl' foothail
Our Candies, Baked Goods and Ice Cream
A BIG AFFAIR. gridiron. :1l't' following the :--:111](' ill1jHJ1S(\ that :--1'1111:-1 thl'ir fathen.; to the made especially for particular people- those who
sl'a~hllrl' Ill' tIll' golf link~. \\'hPlhl'r 1'1:t~' he th\' most illl}l(lrtant thin;.:
The .\Ilirril·an LI'I-:i"n nleDting at Elm ill lift'. :1" it ~"l'IIl" to the .'·Ollllg, or tll(' illstiIH"tivI' r('laxation frolll pro-
appreciate quality.
Hall next ;'1[011(111)' nil-:ht promi""s to he ,Iudil'\, IllIrk, a' it i, ill thpir eldl'r". all uorllla! hnl1lan Iwing's fe.'1 th,'
the hi:.rgl':-:t affair of it~ kind (','l'r ut·
Phone Orders Promptly Filled and Delivered. Call Narberth 1705
ll(,t,d of i~. :tnd to :--:lti:-ify that JI('pd iH to }:PIIl'fit tht'il1 ill hod.". milld anrl
temptl'd h~' our lo"al Post. "uul.
Certain it is, tl;l1t the "elcdiol1 of Opt·1t air ('xpl't'i:-,C' in its lInlltifarioll~ {"orlllS i:-: thl' id!'al ('xprt'~~i(ln
Dr. ~orwood as thD spc'llker of the uf thl' in,tind. Hut when 1l'ft to thl'l1I,,'I\'1'';, the young ,10 IIOt alway"
eyening will brin~ out wauy Illl'll who \lSI' tlll·ir "l'l"ll'tullitil'~ to t]](' be~t a,l\'lillta/fl': thl'y aI'\' Unhle to faIl illt-.
are not Ll'gion IJll'mhl'rs. Dr. Xorll'oou
0\,\'1' l'xed ion, or to n('quire all ullhalanced ph~'~i<,al tll'H,lopllll'nt. It,~
is Yer~' wi'll kllown hoth :" II pfl'llc·h,'r hen' lh"t thl' luu,h'rtl playgroulI,1 fulfills an iUlp0l'tant rUII(·tion. K'!]lPr,
and spl'-uker, and his great popularit)' \'i,ion-".nlll'"thdil' hut not ollic'ious, seientifi(~a11)' trainl'd hut lIot rig;,1
gives t",stiulOn~' of his abilit~·. Ill' )'('l'rl',,;;il'e-tul'a~ the rl',tl\'" energjl's of youth illto c'hallllel;; whit h
.·\nd in adl]ition to this, an oppurtun·
ity will ]Il,'ll~orded to tlil' men uf Xar·
hl'rth to bel'oIlle thoruughly familiar
insurl' thp I-:)'('ltll'"t I",nefit;; to tlw inllivi,lual anI] to socil'ty. Hntional
Opt'U ail' I'Xl'r,·i,e uu,jer I\'iSl' s\lJ!I'f\'isiou has incalculable \'ltlue.
vi,l"" not onl.,· the lIe['I'",al'~' equiplllent, but a h('althy atmo"l'here an,]
or rent, furnished or unfurni~hed, a home in Narberth, we have the
with the idl'a" and prinl'i]Jll'~ of the Out· ,'n\'irOlIlI!l'nt Ilhi"h bring ph~'sil'nl, mental an,l 1Il0ral hle~~ill~'.
beat list in any part of the town at prices and terms to suit.
door COlllllluuity C('nter, whil'h will he
:-;0 11\\1.-], "IIn,!",t,'nt tl'stinlon.,· has he('n ~iven as to thl' soc·ial value
'. '.,
l'xplaiaed I,y Dr. O. .J. ::>nydl'r. Dr.
of ,'on~uJlllllation of th" pla.'"l-(roun,] ilIPa that eonsitleration hardl~' nN't1s
Snydl'r ha~ bl'PU c\c'l'ply intere~tcu ill
... · thi~ "l'!(''1ldhl uudl'rtakiug sill"e it" in·
"l'l'tillU, and his talk will undoubtedly
1' 1lI l'hasis. .\" a l'l~nt('r of "omlllunity life, as an l'n,'ourn~plI.pnt to C'i\'!,'
pridl'. \ll'i~hhoi'lin,'"' a",l wholesome fl'I1owship, nothing l'ould prolJli'" J .. A. CALDVVELL
"",rc'. \\'ho "all llll'lISUrl' till' illlnll'di:.te lIlaterial and ae,thetie benefits ~ea1 Es1ia1ie
he of ~I'eat intere~t.
th:lt will tlllw fi'olll thp tran~fol'lllation of an unsiglltl.'" waste into a plal'c Ph()ne, Narberth 1687 NARBiRTH, PA.

....... .... ..........

The Legiou, in o\'<'u iag this nlPl'!iug
of lH'aut~·, a "l'ritllhll' garrll'n of <'hildhootl, a perpl'tunl influen<'l' for thl' BRANCH OFFICF, '1415 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA
to all meu of .:\arlll'rth, shuuld I'll' I'e'
hrightening of lin's an.1 the promotion of ph)'sil'al, IIH'ntal and moral
Ilarded h~' arceOI'd attpudnn'·,'.·
II elJ.hl'inl-:·~ ] f he who In.n]{ps t\\'o hlnrll's of grass grow \\'hl're one ~rew
ht'flll'l' hi' a puhli,' IJPnl'fnl'tor, the people of Xarherth hn"e an oppor,
tllnitx J"r a "III I l'din' n"hir\'l'lnent in Sl'r\'i<,e that sholll,1 he melllorahll' ~ ~
.Communications ~
ind,""l. .\"d;t i" 110 nl'gJigihle illl'l'lIti'"" that h~' carr~'ing to StH"'I''<~

thi, :lI'colllpli"llllu'nt Xal'berth \\'ill gi,'l' an inspiring' exalllple to the
To tl\(\ Editor of OUI' Town:
]u ol'lll'r to (Ji~l'el a rUlllor thntis
II hll](' :-Iain Line, I"'rhaps tlrc' pl'oudl'st eolledioll nf ~uhUl'baneoJllmunitil'., •I i
ill tIll' {"nilt',] Statl's..
mOl'lJ or kss ('uTrl'nt ill the hOl'ough iu
BlIt to th., ph~'si('iait tbl' <]omiuating tlllll./!;ht \\'ill be the )lotl'lItial
It may be a bit early to wish you" .rfry (n~riJlhttas" but
regartl to the football gallle played oa now is the time to order your personal Greeting Cards ;
the sl'.hoo} grouads la"t }'rida~', the j.pttPr:lIl'lIt ·()f lif,' for thp illtli\'i(]ulll an,1 the ~rnup. All sehools of
writer ",;"h"" to state thn.t the manager Ill'alinl-: Iq.,:I'PI' no\\' fhat the prl"'l'ntion of ,lisl'llse pl'ovicles for the scicnt, Those who wish an Exclusive Card
alld· plo.)'ers of the Brown Preparatory should see the line shown. by
i,.t n g'l'l'atel' fil'l(l thnll its eurp. Sal' red is the fundion tlf the physicinn

......... ......
team klll'll' before eOlUing ·to X ul'uerth
to alll'\'iatc pain, to ~tri\'e against till' maladies whirh assail the ]IUUI1lI1
that the tcam .thoy wore to pla~' wus
!lot to be a rcpl'cseatati\'o school tellm, 1I1'~llnislll. Eut uO Il'SS is it biR ohligation to cnc'ourngc practices for
JAMES R. iIOlJSTON, 227 Forrest Avenue
but was to be Illade up of school plll~'­ Telephone, 1609 W N.!RBERTH,.PA..
till' P1'l'sl'l,\,atioll of hl'lllth, to tl'lIl'h tIll' nel't an<] coming generations
ers lind ex· pupils of the sehool.
The game. was not a scheduled game,
but was urrtinged BolelJ' tOllfford prac-
ho\\' thl'~' lIlay g' lI in anrl preset've that vigor of hOlly an(l min<1, th!lt
~erl'nit~" of spirit, "'hiph fortify thp eomplex strudure against the in' '. '. . .. .' . . ~ . .. . : .
tice to both tealllS, lleither of whiell sillious at·!l\l'ks of disease.
has. 0. '/luJlieiellt .lIumper.of players to
mak.e s~rim'mag{jpraetiee posilible. .. T.o pj'olllotl' t.hel'e en(ls there is nothing more 'sMvieenble than whole- "MA'KE OUR ·STOR~S· VOUR STORES
. Those ointcr.ested ill ,the school may some excl'ei~e and reInXation in the open nir, whleh will be immeasurably'
. 'rest assured that no pupi.! w.ill be. play;
,erlon nilY .sch901 team Who is. not reg··
elleolli'agel~hy the creation of' a beautiful and well eq\lipped playground
for ~11(J pl'oplc. . Illl. o.
MAINLINE,··r>RUGS·TORES'· .. .: ....:..
· ularly ~nrolled aSIl studeIJ t . in the
· Henao}; .' . .
~:l'Ja . . .' "NARa'ERT~"Ph~~~~lt;20'
." ., ..
(Signed) .Ii~RB~RT s; iIE'R~OG;

,.: c. "",


Octoher 21·2!l is the week of the With Mrs. Brownell and Mrs. War·
NflUB of tllr aLlturrllrl1
('. E. ~ociety were chos.'n last Sunday
I',·.~ning-: President, Miss Solveig Building- Fund Campaign of the Meth· wicl< in charge of the ~ursery Commit·
tl'l' w(' arc assurefl of a successful ven·
. CIIESTNVT. Bel. SI . Ultb
Knlltzen; Yic~·Presi,"'nt, Miss Dorothy o,li~t Episrnpal Deaconess Home, Phila· Flnesl PIIoloDiay Tbe-
,Ielphia. If you wish to a;;sist. see mem' tllre there. In their report it was sug- .Ire 01 1110 SIze III tbe
Bottoms; Secretary, Williard W. Weld; Entire World.
THE OLD MERION FRIENDS' hers of our local Woman's Home ~Iis' g"stl'd that the nurser\' he advertised
Trl'aSllrer, Jame;; A. :lIacNiven.
I.'ong-regutional prayer lIIeeting neXT si onary Society. Illore extensivl'ly, as sCl'mingly few of PI>•• oplav_-Conllnuous to A. M.
'0 It.le
\\'l'dl:<'sday ev·,'ning-. A larger and better preyer meeting our ('ong-regatiou ar.' taking advantage
Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab· of this opportunity of leaving- their PhD..... Pa.
Odoher ::0 ,,·ill hI' ohH'T\'et!as "~ot· l'\·ery 'Vednesday evening.
lished 1682. lIere William PClln war· (her· :-\nnday." I·hildr('n to he entertaiuell and cared
shfpeJ, as \Yl'll :LS IIlllny othcr noteJ for \\·hile they alt,'nll the morning servo
i,·t'. We haye a ntlr8er~' equipped with PROGRAM
Friends. One of the historical spots of
America is opell fur worship every BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE Noted Poet Gives toys which will amuse the children and
,hTdl be delighted to have as many as
First·day (;-;unJay) morning at 11
o'clock. First·day :';ohool begins at 10
Autographed Book possihle !"aYl' their littll' ones in our
A.~!. Yi.-it"rs corJially indteJ.
The Fir~t·,lay School is held every
Rev. Avery S. De=y, B. D., Pastor.
~Ir". Fair, ('hairnlfin of the Flower
Committee, will se"ure the flowers for "The Speed Girl"
:-'l'l,i,'''s Odoher ~;\ to :10, l\)~l: the <'llur.. h during Xov'elllher, an,1 will
First·day moming at ten o'dock. There ~\llldav- PRESEN~S VOLUME TO II{' \·"r~· glad to hear frolll an~' mem-
is a class fur udlllts as w!'ll as for !1.:11l A-. :l1.-l'raYl'r llleding-. NARBERTH LIBRARY. I,,'rs who ha\'" an~' fall flowers fa give
:I ..j,-, .\. )1.-~lIl1d,,\· ::;1·hoo1. het. MAIN PI(Olll]CTION 8TAUTS AS NEA.
children, awl "·0 are 'I'ry glad to ha\·o Xew anrl illterest,in~ hooks arc hein~
1 I.Oil A. ~I.-)Iorlli·ng worship. Junior The Entertaiunl('nt ('oullnittl'e, of AS POS81BLE TO 10.00 A. )1 .. lZ.OO. I.ot.
anyone "ho is interested in knowing SeI"lIlOIl on l'Thl\ \'alue of a Child." arlrll'rl ,'al'h wl'ek to our Xarherth Com' whidl ~[rs. H. r. ~[eConnl'll is chair· 1•..16. 6.46. 1.46. 9.80 P. 11.
moro about our ~oci"ty of Friends and ~t' 11 i"T Sl'1'1I10Il t Itl'llll', 'I The Disnrnul- lIJ{lIlit~· Lihrar~-, hut this past week has llIan. arc in l'e:\(liness to work for us
the Frien,lly ideas visit with us. lIIellt of Errur." Tl·x·t, lieb. 12: 1, brought to the lihrar.\· ;;helves in the all.] with their help WI' are hoping to
., Ld liS lay a"id,' I'\·l'ry weight." Y. l\f. l'. A, huillling a volume th~t for g-i\'e ~arherth a treat lat,'r this season.
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.
7.11(1 I'. ~r.-Yollllg I'eople's meeting.
Leader, .\[iss .leall HOllStOIl. Topie,
" \\'hat We kllow ,\hout God." Psalm
\·arious rrlL,on~ ,,·ill bp of peculiar in·
tl'r('st to :-\arlwrth folks,
Jt is "MrArolli Hal!ll,l~," hv T. A.
TIH' nl'W offil'ers, Mrs. Boileau as
Treasnrer and l\lrs. Crater as Seerl'tary,
alol." I,,'rforllleo. their dnties. auo. ~'e
1:::1: I· I~. ])1I1~·. lind is autographed b.,' th,: author, 1'",,1 that we ha\'e eltici,'nt l'xpcutives. Raymond Weiss, Proprietor
Early Mass on Sundays at 7 A. M. 7.1.-, I'. ~l.-J-:\·I'lling wor"hip. Mr. \\" ho v'l'ry g-raciousl.v prt·spnte.l it to the .\ ft PI' tl,,' husinl'ss nll'('ting adjourn·
Late Mass, 10 A. ~I. ~t:,," "ill I", at the organ and direct :-\arlH'rth Lihrarv.
Freqlll'lltl~' it 'haplwll, that a man is
"d. 11I·lig-htful rpfreshnll'nts W('l'" ;;erv· GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
the ljllartl'lte ill n·,,,ll·ring "The Prod· ,,01 alld n ~oeial hour was enjoye.l. The
Masses on holy ,lays. 6.30 and 8.30
A. M:. Woekdnys at 8. E\'ening de\'o· ig-al and thc :-\ong." hy Willson. un- "not without hOllor savo ill his o'vn "oyem!",r lllPcting will he held :It the EXPERT REPAIRING
der the leadcr"hip of )(r. Patten the I'ountr~'," whil'll hl'in~ tran;;lat('(1 often hOlllP of Mr~. Burns.
tions all,1 other sen·ices at regular 1I1eanS his" own loealit~·." But happily Telephone Narberth 1633
ordu.stm will play "The Evening
times. :-'ta 1'," hy \\·ag-nl·r. :O;prlllon theme, thi~ is not true of 1fr. Dulv. To a!tl'lllpt to g"t :.Jollg with bare . ~------------------
"How (':In We Be :-,Ia,ed froJll 'Var'!" A l'hila,h·lphian h.y hirth and life· fl ....lojtlJltials dOf',.;o }Jot '·orTe.... pond with the


W,'dllesday, S.IIII 1'. ~T.-~1id·week long- re"i,I"Il{'(', 1'om Dah' i.• hath read
au,1 appr"ciate,1 h~- the .. , home folks." 1'1'01"'1' Sl'irit of sllhllrhau lif,'. Xar·
dlllr,·h "en·i'·e. This will he an inter· Justice of the Peace
WOOD, PA. I'st ing nll'etillg eonsisting of a sym· Abo he is popular throug-hout the coun· h"rth 11l·"ds lin OUTdoor H.'·"I"<'ation
pU:--illlll (If SOilg-. ~t'riptl1re UIH] I11cdita- t!'~-. Anrl this is ns it sllould he. for ("'lltl"<' alld '·u:lllt 10 h:,,·O' it.--Clarence REAL ESTATE
tion Iln the' :.!:~ftl P:"a1tll. hi" pol'ms al'l' as fine as anything of J. Gallagher.
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector.
I';v·.'rybody· inYit,·d to these services. lheir killll that haH hl'l'n written. Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Rev. Robert B. W. Hutt, Associate. ;\Iallv of his Jri"h rlialrd \'er;;e' are Phone 1749W-215 Haverford Ave.

8.15 A. :r.I.-Holy Communion. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. !

'I'riiabl" g-PIllS, while his Italian ,Iialed
\'l'r,I'S llrp ,Iistinl'th' and IIllivl'Tsallv all·
fllittl'd to Ill' "itl;out anY riyals.' Xo
Community Club Notes PAINTING GLAZING
9.45 A. M.-Ch ureh School. .\llIl'ri<-an pol'! h:ls done';;o Illu"h as DECORATING JOBBING
11.00 A. M.-Morning prayer anll ser- Rev. Arthur S. Walls, D. D., Pastor. 'Ir. Daly to\\'anl rl'vl'aling to the Amer·
:--\IlJlday. Ut-t. ~;~:
i.'an I"'opl" the 1\ al'lll·hl'artl'd kind1i·
II"S" of the ltalian,
it,· Cluh, will l'l'SUllle it, adivitil's on
thp aho\'I' date.
;1.4.-, ,\. .~I.-~unday :O;choo1. All Tho~e of Mr. Dail\"s manv followers .\[iss )[arjorie CartN will he in Painting and Deoorating
who ,10 not know it' will he interesterl 1'1Jarg-" of the elas~ instrlldion, and
;.:rade~. 212 Woodb'ne Ave., Narberth, Pa.
:l.4;, ,\. ~1.-.\ll~lI '" Bible Class. in learning that he was an olrl friend tIl<' I'onlluittl'e eonsider themselves verv
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. fortunate in having prorurl'll so ahie Ph"ne, Ardmore 1436 W Narberlh 1168 W
~t;ldjt', ill th., ":nal>1,·s, p'lIlllucted by of thp latl' .Tallle, "'hill'omh Hilev and
"OIl. F. \\'. ~tit,·" This week, "The t Ita t t hI' Hoosier poet tool< ol'~asion , a teacher. Miss Carter ha;; h'.'en tutor-
for ~llllday, Of·tuher ~:1: ,'d h\' "onle of th(' hest l11a$ter;; in
I'rodigal ~on.' Illau~' tinH'" to cOlllplillll'llt ){I'. Daly on
A. )T.-Sulldav· :-\chool. :14~ \Yere
\),4;' I
I'l·un~."h·allin all.1 ha;; Ilppear"d in
presellt lust Slllll!:ly.. 11.1111 .-\. ~1.-)loi·lIing worship. Good It i ~ '"t>1"=--e:o.
11.00 A. :r.I.-Puhlie wor;;hip. Sermon
theille, ".\ ~1a,'!'doniall ('al1." Brief
Li t ,'ra t1l re Ila~·. :O;l'I"IlIOIl by the pastor,
.. .\101'" Lif,'."
";\[I·.\roni Balla,ls" cOllt:lins man"
of .\1 r. \lal~' ';; hl'st 1"'(' III S as w('ll as I
IU:ln\' {'lassi"al roles at the Aea,lell"- of
~\'l,,~·i(· and bt'fflTt' wan.'" ('luhF, an'a is For Bowling and
7.1111 I'. ~I.-El'worth League. Heport Ilia 11.\' of his Irish and Ilnlian dialert lJlaking- this her lif!' work. Eyer." l',,,si·
children ';; serJl10n on ,. Putting ~hoes
on a Goose."
4.<\0 1'. )L-.Junior ('. 1-:. IIlpeting.
of delegates frotH the ~\tglell Cunven-
t ion.
\·"r',,". alllong thl' latter two notable
fa",,,·il"s. "So (11:,,1 fol' Spreeng-" and
},Jp nttl'lltioll to dl'tails will be gi\·en
the pupils who enrlll1. Pocket Billiards
7.-l .• P. ~1.~;(I:-:IHII :->Ollj.! ~wr\"il't'. ., FOI' (;oo,lnl'ss f.;ak!" It also inl'ludes Hostes'('~ will bl' assig-nl'd for each
7.00 1'. ~l.-Rcllior antl Jntermediate II'f'l·ting. For tf'flU, :lntl otl,,'r parti,·u· come to the
." .".1111 I', ~1.-J-:\·ellillJ-: worship. Ser· 11\0 hit" of 'I'rse that have It ,Ii,tinet
C. E. meetings. , !:Jr_ phlln(' Xarb('rth ](j:IS·~1.
IA.! 1'. lIL--Eypning worship. Ser· 1I10n by the pa~tor., , •..:\u:-,wer <Jud.' J I'hila.I,'lphia flavor, one, "Along the
man ahoilt "Born Ag-ain Folks." Church Notes.
'Vi"'lthirkon" and ,{ Ruhieam ROI\(] , "
th" la!t.l'r I'pfl'rring to Tom Daly's own
Church Notes.
The following officers fur the Senior
OdLlber :\lIth will be ubsen·e.1 as
\\'"r1<I's Tellll'l'l'llIll'e ~lIl1,1ay.
houH·"t l'l,pt in (i"l'mllnto"J1. The frontis-
pi",'I', whi .. h illustrates "Hnhicalll
Narberth Choral Society No.1 Forreat Ave.
Hoad," was made hy H"rhert Pullinger, (Coutinued from Page 1)
th,' well-lolOwn artist, who is also a ,
..Philadelphian. The volulllP is o.edi.·ated . l'ul'wd a few hour·s beforc) Canio (as
"To the ~1"lllor)' of .To~·('e Kilmer," l'ulIl'hinello) disl'Oypr" the lovers.
Narberth Register tlll' young A nl('r;ea n poc!·"old i('r who
was killed in the Oreat War an,] who
\\"as Olll' of ~Ir. Daly'" 1ll0st intilllate
I'<'r,onal fril'lllls. '
I l'eppe (Harlequin) leaps from the win·
do\\' and X"edlla sings ., Till tonight,
then," which arc the very words she
had used in her promise to her real
For Permanent
Two Lines, JOc per; Sc For each aclclitionalline
~Ir. Daly is also the Jlllthor of four
otl}('r \"OlUlll(l~
" ("aIlZOlli."
of \"rr~(',
l\fa 1ll'igali'
anI] I I Songs
I' Canninn,"
lover, Silvio, earlier in the lla~'. Canio,
with suppressed rag-e, tries to play his Satisfaction
ACCOUNTANTS ~IUSlC 'I I ! part (trying not to l'l'llIelllber that this
of \\'"dlo{'k," all of whirh, :dong with
Gottshall. n. Il.. Public Accountant. 303
ConWay Ave. Pbone. Narberth 1667·,T.
Jack.on. Anne. Violin Instruction.
Telepbone, !"arbertb 3111·.1. ":'III'Aruni Ballads," an' l'uhli"h",1 in
farce is hut a repetililln of his own
conflict), hut at Ipng-th, not ahle to
1te1m. H. C. Certllled Public Accountant. Loo•. I'-auny H. Plano teacber.
101 Dudley s....... Pbone. Narbertb 100-W. Studio. Arcade Bldlt. Phone. 316-J, " unifoTlll "ditioll h.,' H:lTI'ourt, Brace restrain his j"alous~' an~' longer, de-
mands the right to kn.l\v who ~,'rlfla's

Smedley Buill Home

"etrerles. ". II. III Narbertb ave. layer is, whose name hI' ha,l heen un-
Narbertb Garage. Phone Narbertb 1r.33.
See display ad\'ertlsement in tbls Issue. Phone. 6R6·A!.. It ~i\"l':-O IIlt grt'ut 1'1(~asllre ,til indorse
l ahle a;; yet to learn .
..~ : Simpson. Harry A. 232 Elselt ATe. :-\cdda endeavors to pass this all off
AUTOlIIODILE 8EU\,ICE. Pbonl'. Narbertb 636. tht' IIll l \"('JIlf'Jlt t,o :-ip<,urp a Hec'f(\ation
as part of the actual ev.ening- 's I'nter-
· ,Donabue. Patrlr.k F. P·bone 1633. T,·."n. Warren I~. :WO Woodbine A"I'. for .\;adl(·rth. Bud it "otl!d :-'(~('1I1
See displaY advertlsement In tllis issue. I'honl'. Norbl'rtb l~O~·W. tainment, but Canio, now he.ide him-
th:,t lhl' tin,,' i_ IIUW ripe fur surh
Betty 8weet 81J0p. OppOsite station.
Ff"ntuD. Carl.F. 606 Es.ex ave. Pbone, 6IB-'{II adiu};.- Rev. John Vp"n Ness.
self. heroll1l's more an,1 1Il0rl' infuriated.
1'he al"lienre of v·illag-ers lwlieves WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
See displaY advertisement In tbls Issue. Phlla. address. 1()'11 Chp.tnut st. Sllrn('p'T'!!' this to he esperall.\· fine ading, nnd
Zentmayer, JOBeph. 1506 Locust St.. Pblll1. give \'ent to their appn"'iation hy frc-
Merion Tlt.le & Trust Co. Phone. Narb'th 898 Ne\\'borg, "·m., &: Co. 212 Woodbine Ave.
See display advertisement In tbl. leoue,
Pbone. Narberth 1.58- W.
Sec display advertisement In tbls Issue. For Week Ending October 16.
HiJ-:h. Lo\\'.
l"nconseious now of th"ir \'eT)' pres-
ence, Ganio protests against the wrong
inflicted upon him, :\llll rushes toward
Bottoms, Oeo. W, Phone, Narbertb 1256- W. Walser. Fred.
See displaY Ildvertlsement 111 tbIB Issue. 117 Wlneor ave. Pbone. 1247-J. Bar(lmetl'r 30.:i4 :!9.81 Xedda and stahs 11l'r. . PLUMBING, HEATING
· 8/1a,,<1. "lex. C •• Jr. Pbone, No. 1110. PAPEU HA:-i(i1 l'ili.. Temperature Iii :\:1 In fulling-, ~ eo.da erie", ,{ Oh, help
:,' . Narbertb Stlltlon. 60)'<1. Horace 8, 313 Meeting Bouse Lane. Hllllli,lity,. per cenl. .'.... (Hi 29 me, Silvio!" Silvio (in thc audience) ROOFING
8medle~·. Wm. II. & H. T. Phon ... 110O. 1'hone 3::;11. I'rec'ipitatioll T
. See dlsll·lay adverUsement In this Issue. has drawn his dagger lind leaps to the
"Arcadia," IItb and Cbeetnut st... Pbll.
(" T," trace, 11111 Ollll ( too slll:.I1 to platform, encountering- Canio, who ex- Jobbing promptly attended to
(lANDY, ETC. measure. )
· Davis, II. E. Pilone. 1164- W. See display advertle.lQent tn tbl. luue C'laiJT's, "A h 'tis you! 'Tis welll" and Nilrht Phone, Ne.b..rth 687
See dlepllLY aA"erUlement tn tbls Ieoue. PIANO TUNING AND UEPAIUS. Total since Octohl'r 1. AS inf'h. thrusts his stiletto throug-h his breast.
Temperature defil'il'ucr sinl'e O,·toher Day Phone. NubsUb 302 J
<y CARPENTAUl AND BUILDERS I'lano Tuning and PIllyer Planoe.
lieorg" Abele. Phone, Narberth 12:J5·J. 1, 17 degrees, .
As Cnnio is disarlllPd by the peasants
allll led away, stup,'fi('d, he murmurs,
'eDlLJlls, Cbas. I- PLU~IOINO, ETC.
101 Dudley .ve. Pbone. 1084. "The comedy is pnlled!" (Curtain.)
Cook Oros. Pbone 3O'..!-J. WESTMINSTER CmCLE. The stori,'s eounel·te,1 with soiue of
Cook. C. P. Phone, Narberth 315.
See dlsplllY advertIsement 111 tbIB I!lsue.
800 display advertlsemen t In tblll IllIue.
Wall, H. B. Phone. Narberth ItlO2-J.
See dlsptay advertisement In tbl. lua.. The Oct a 1)(' r nll'ptillg of th" 'Vest-
the other choruses to he ~ung by the
Choral at the Metropolitan concert will
Tbe Narberth Electrical Shop
SEAL E8TATE minster Cirl'1e was 1",101 Thllrs,!aY even· be given probably in the next two is-
Caldwell, .1.A. Phone. 11187 ing, the 13th, at the home of Mrs.
Narberth Delie-otesBen and. Bllkery. Oppo- Bee dleplay advertisement In tbls luue. (;lIrroU, Elmwood avellue. :Mr~. E. U.
site I.'lre House, Friteeb, H. C. Phone. IU·W. Also themes of operas given from
See display .Ildvertlsemen t In tbls Issue. See dleplay advertleement It' tbls luue Rmith lind Mrs. 8. A. White were We repair, sell and install anything.
time to tillle in Philadelphia this win-
IlENTISTS Na.b. Roben J. Pbone•. 606. hostesscs with Mrs. Carroll. Twenty-six ter mny be sketched briefly by the Electrical. Old house wiring a speeailtr.
Money for Ftrst and Second Mortlfalf.... members responded to roll call,' and
On. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo PbOlle.•U-W. 8hnpllO.d. "ame. O. IiI E.'eJ: ave. Clh1ral's newspaper correspondents, es- Ask about our three payment plan in·
Ph1la. Pbone. Filbert 4251, Keltb BI.,.. Pbone. U6.or ·1420 Cbest.nut st, there were fifteen g-ue_ts present, sev· pecially those operas in response to spe-
.. ·Dr.J. Sche.mb",. Jr. Phone,Narberth 316·W ernl of whom addetl their nllmes to the cluding fixturcs. Phone 16880t 395'\9
RECREATION. . cial request.
· .. S; Ill•. Cor. Grayllng and Windsor Aves. Recoreatlon Room. No. 1 Forrellt Ave. Illember~hip list.
· . 01D<1e Hours: '.l'uesdllY Tbursday, Satur· See display advertisement [n tbIB Isaue. The meeting was conducted very ef·
,day, 9.30 A. U. until 5.30 P. M.!·. Monday, RIDING ACADEMY.
... .Wednesday, Friday, 6 P. M. unt I 8 P. M. fi('iently by the new Presid.ent, ·Mrs. BELL PUONE, Narberth 12li6-W
David Odell: Ile[montTraek. Riding les--
Arley C. Farmer, "'ho with her seem·
Bo~ard'e. Pbo",.. 1261;
sons,. Sadole Horses to blre. Telepbone
Narberth 1291. ingly endless supply of enthusiasm has GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
Ree displaY ad'Vertleement In tbl. lesue.
lllain Line Drl1l1 Storee. Phone 1620.
dOOFJlli'G. ETV.
"ara-McGlnley Co. Pbllne. lua-w.
urged the members of the Circle to do
their utmost in this year's work.
-Contractor and Builder-· Cotter's Meats
... See display .advertlsement 111 tbls Issue. Bee .dleplay adverils~ment In tbls Issul. Caralle BuilJinll 011 Specially
, . . El.lI:Cl'l'B1()1A.N8 allller. Jobn A. .Z41110naave. Phon.e. 811-.1 ·There are at least fifty nurses' Rurg·
SbOIl, . 248 Haverford ave. Pbone. 1111-J ieal aprons to be roado for' the Chilo
. Cue. W•. G. Phone,395-W.
S~ dlslllsY advertisement In tbls ISlue. 8BOBMAKft8 dren's Hospital of Philadelphia this 420 Rockland Ave, Narberth, Pa. A Quality For
" .l'nCh, Veri ·US lona·lLYe. Arcade ElectrIc 8hoe ReJlalrlnlf. winter, according to the report of our
... ·Pbone. S60.W. Ard. Pbone. 181-.1. See display advertisement In tMs Issue.
.Goud· W ....r tlbolll ae"a'r tlb""• able chairman of the Sewing Cowmit· People Who
.'\"" . INSURAN.CE. Conetantlne. B. O. 252 Haverford nve. tee, Mrs. Wm. J. Loughlin.
8O"man, SamuOlI P. (Life;)
,'·.118 llll.mwood. lLVe. Pbo;'e. 6n-W.
, Pbone. Narberth 1106- W, Then in answer to ·an appeal made by NOTxom Want The Best'
~}":' ·,'·'-'tOtter Bl'Ol'(lI'lre,etc.) Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrick, there is tho
:..IO.··Wo"dillde ave. Pbcn-. lIU-a.
.... , ':Camphell. Frank: D •...Automoblle. Fire. ete.
..'. ·4 stuart Ave, PhOne,.3.1l5.R. . ,
t.,.':, . . , ..... ,.K1Nl>EROABTE.N.
Tbe allove dellartment ebould be ot tb.
f:~::ete~.uee_1.? tbef · community,. t.bleltslt con,
hag to be filled for the Bala Home for
Thanksgiving-but wIlY should we stop
with' filling IL bag' It wascuthusi·
Narbcrlb IaxiScrVicc
Grocerieaand .PrOviaiona
~.i."/' ,'"I'Is .Zenhnayer.'•.JI;l11derlfartim.. . ... ~ n~e. 0 . every· 111'.0 e. ona· Dum astieally voted to take up a ,colJeetion
Authodzcd T a,xl Servfu.· by Cettln-

•",••••."•...1,'.•.... ·, .. •.·· '. N; W..cor. EssLAex.. nd · Windsor A'·es.

' wy·lI. tradeeman,me"b"anlcisbollkeellu;
does or can In ally way· 8erye.. bltletc;. ·.be
tallow· with which to buy jellQ, junket,rorn.
.;., '.' . im8 1owneman, .and .who 1tI. prolfreBBlva. anou.~ starch, and other supplies wanted for cate·ftOlIi Public: Scrvlc:eCommts· .
~!'j 'i, .; :~ilrot ..."iuI Zl1 Es~ex a".,.· PbonOi. 1246.a.
ltI-',.,.;,, , PlaUa. addr.... ·Llncplb Bldlf;. . . .
to add name· to lilt of Relflllar. . .
Ali. ,It . Is .dllftcult f~r.tboll .contrlbllUIII
the bag. And in addition will raid we ·1100, dated November t6, .920.
·TaXi meets aU trdna. . . .
w;:' .'·>'IM,telI,,: J'leteber ·W,.. UI .HavOirford ave,· tbelr. t,tme. abd' atrOrtJlto tbe Pt'Odac.u01l ·'of
our preserve closets ·for . jellies, jams,
,It·. >. Pbo.n•. na:'~ PhUa. ad~""" Oi'Qaer.B,lc!lf.'!Our To:wn" .t9 .personallY elth,r: kilo",',,·
· Store .oidUap!omFUy c:;alle4 .fOt and
\l1.Soih)';'C~~. ·• .
.eonserves and all the. delicacies which
\'>S.. , ':;.;,. ",,,.' ,: ..;LIOJU,'I;KQ··' ~~B8':., ,.. '. " llitervle".· "II· sucll,.lt. ~l!uld.b" mo~· :belp· iuiglttmake,happicr the ·hearts of our · de.tivered.· Ba:rliliccallecl for :aDcI·
\'li;.; . • ., Do '-'d • lui ·N b b bIll.· .. fUI .. lf tb\lsa Dot··Dow,found In the",prlJlt.. 4d~~. iF~g~t ~llVcf~.. . '

.\1'1":' '.' c n.. '. -,' ., ar Irt . :polla,' ,.: -:" '·,.woutclH"d:in·:w,·.m'mci:·'ot'. '~balr,'·"". .Bala Home neighbors.· The' homes 'of
r~i::':·':. ;·UII, at.• 'l'hUa.,;p;hone, Bpruce. lUI.· ad.d.!'~'" ,pho,ne'llumbe~ ,an4.buallll.,.,.,
.' ,:,' -..'" ".:< .. ':.. lIllDATS .:. BTC ,;, : ·C·· . ·,p~.ofeuto~· fO~.,lltItln •• Tb.1II will.- coat .. tOl
.Mrs•.. Loughlin, and Mr$,·War\\ic.k, will :·OpeI1D.Y'a~dNight·PbolleI633
.'.:;'.~ .COtter, ·BowA", :':J'~'" Pbone, Ii... ' ""ta.
lO,.s: 10 e.,cti ,'..... feir. l.lID":1 "DtI·
be Opclito .rec.cive the·donations anY' .. ." ,", ..... .' .
", '.'. :".':"
': ': '.

\::",:... : ~ltIIllat ~"~rtl..m8llttll tblllltllua.for _Ii a~~tf.~U'" . .. . ;. timo. before N~y.em):Jcr .aId;. ,- ., .
.: \. ", ;", ":; .
." .. '
. .. ~.
,' . . ' ..

., .,'"
. ;

, ';. ;::\:.: \. ..". \: ". :.' , ", :, . OJ .

• 1IiilI~'lIl~i){.J~·:~~~~";'..;!~~,· ~';. ~':..~....:, 'i~"'.,~ ·,~;..;i~t;i>!iiC;~~,~;~~~;~;(\,~:kL~ti~~.L, ;~~w;~;~,~~~~~if.~(.wt,~~~~~riI;·":·,;)~:~"~· ~~~~r..ij~~~~~~~lill~~~~~l&ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

•• 1,
.; ."




HELD OOTOBER 12, 1921.
! The Outdoor Community Center 1\& Zen.'t:D1ay e r ' s
Will Facilitate Our School KINDERGARTEN
('la" I, (;irls-I·:. :-:r,'dham, .Tunior .. 10
Highest Total Points.
('Ia-, 11, nirls-·A, :-;,,11, 8th nra,1<' , " .• i
Progress R.eope:n.ed. Sep'te:D1h e r 19, 1991
('!:I,,, II, l\oys·_~1. ('a,e, nth Gmd,', ,1;) \Continued from Page 1) ~2fi "'VV'1.nClsor .A.'Ven.u.e
C]a-, I, 110.'" ·-li. \\'al'll, f'enior., .. , 8
Points Scored. that i- olle of the ,orri",t sights along
('1,.\:-;:-; 1. ('LA:-;S 11. th,' ~Iaill Lilli' or ill ""y of the sub-
Girls. IIrklll aro'" around I'hilndrlphin, alHI
14 point. tl! h (; fadl' ........ , ..... , ... 1'; point-
s!h (; rad,' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]·1 "
"I",·" 1"'l'al1'" it i, ill :\.\HBERTH
rdlet'ts 1111 lIut ollIy UHr town a~ a
Modern Fashions Demand Smooth Skin
Rf'nior:-: " H ,. Use Long's Depilatory for removing superfluous hair. The kind that
~ophrllllnr,'" , n ,j 7th (; rlld" .................. Ii \\ lin!\'. hilt 011 (','pr.'" illdiyidtlal dtizeu,
never fails. Priee. 50 ct.. On sale at
Boys. Boys. '"""'01101, it will (o"k" of that present
h (; rad,' ........ ,
~ I! :.!\I point, all HS:-o,'t to :\arherth as fl
.TUIl iors
1:.! points
) 'I 7th (inld,' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fl
l'Ollllllllllity autl iu {"'l'ry individual res- HOWARD'S DRUG STORE
~o}lh"lIl(ln'''' 1 sth (; r:td,' •••••••••••••••••• (I id,'o! of :-:arberth.
Thil',l. it will "!>1it,'rat,, a hre,,,ling
Relay. Jd:II'\' fur llltl:'.quito:, and t1il'~, :dl of
1S t -S, 'I'h ,mil ,rr.
('LASS ll-nIH!.S.
1,I-Sth (;md,·.
:.!lId-l1th (;md".
(·I.A:-;:-; II-BOYS.
1st-11th limdr.
:.!nd-'th nraolr.
"hi,'h "ollstilute a IO"lla,'" to the health
"I' :\"r1"'l'lh alld to thl' h,'alth of ('v"rv C. P. COOK
lIIan, wOlllan and "hil,1 living in ::\llT'
:\rol-7th Uraol,'. berth.
Fourth, it will give to ::\arherth a
WINNERS OF EVENTS. 1i,·ld for '''ISI'hall, foothall, traek /IIeets,
Class I-Girls. "lid """1'." otlll'r killd of })l'althful,
Coke, $8.00, Chuted
1111' Yarols. Bro"d ,Jllll1p. \\ 1I0)1'r'IIIIII' outdoor Tl'l.:Tl'utioIlal nth- Nut Coal 14.25, "
1. E. ;..: l'I'd1l:l1l1. '~':. 1. E, ~ "t'dlialll, ':!:~
I.. :--:Ilti t h. ':!:! ,
f'i' 1"
i,·ti,·s and 'porb.
j)" yOll !",Ii",'" ill th"se thillg,l Are
Stove " 14.25, "
" (0. \\,,, is-,
V. ('h"lflllll, ':.!:.!.
'I. Kirkl'atrie'k, ':.!:;, ..........• ;, .""" ,,']ling tll I""'k Ill' alit! support Pea " 11.00, "
Hask"tJ"dl Thruw. HI·IIl,\'.
:---.(ll,h Olllllrt':'l.
JIIII\'t·IlJl·t1t~ that Illakl' for t1l'\'clo}llllcnts
that !IIake the "OIIlUluuitv ill which you
Egg " 14.00, "
1. 1.. ~1I1 ith, ':!:! -I~I' 1.
ii", a 1",,,lthi,'1' alid hdlel' place in·ev· SOc per ton extra w-hen COBI or Coke ill carried
" ~1. Kirkpatri1'k, '~:~ -I.-l/li"
PTV \\ 1I\'!
:1. ?II. ]{II:qljl. ':!-t ·l(1f)/~"
'1 I' ,·;,u 01", th"11 go tll the polls on
Class I-Boys. I'lt,\,t i;JII day, 'I'lll' .. da.'", X o\'l'lI1hcr S,

:-;hot Pul.
H. \\'ard, ':!:.! :~:1'4" 1.
Broad ,Jump.
(;. :--:!I"l'r.", ':!:t /1 t11/~"
:aud 'lItt· •. Yl· . . ' 011 thl hond issue that

"ill 1'1'0' ide th,' fUlld, for the Outdoor Narberth Delicatessen
E. )[:l rt in, ':! 1 , :HI'7l!,," " H. \Vard, ':.!:! ,~'71;:..!" ~ 'Olllllltlllity l'l·ntpl".
" .J. Erdl""", ':.!:.!., :10'4" ". ~1. H,'kl'l'J. ':.!4 S'l" and Bakery
11111 Broad ,1\11111'. RECREATION CENTER AT Salads Pi~sand
1. H.
(':tld\\,'II, !tth (;1'"01,,.
~li""'II, sth (irad,'.
1. .\. ';rll, .~th (;rad"
:'\1. l.i,·iJlg·"'toIl, !ltll (~r:ldl'
I;'~JI ..• "
LEGION MEETING. t.omc Bakcd Hams .Pastry
:1. 2\1. Bott"III', ·~I}' (irad". ~1. Lalllhert, ~th (iratlt' ,li'::L:," The .\III('1'i'·all I.'·;.:ioll I'o,t "ill hold Madc
1. ('.
Bask"tball Thro".
Tliallllllld. 7th (irad(, -t!V(i" I. .'I}, ('radt'.
Hl'Iay. - an illtl'rl.'~tillg- 11II1d1(' IlH,(,ting nl'xt
.\llIudllY ,""'IIIUg, ()(·tuher :!,J, in Ehll
Mayonnalsc Fresh Daily
(;. lloll~tHJl, !Ith (~rlld{' .!!1'3!h" !'l h (; rad,'. Hall, at ",hich Dr. O. ,I. SlIvd('r will
:l. .\. ~"ll, sth (;rae"' ·1H'4%"
.'. 't II U n"b', l'xplaiJl ill dl'tail the Jll'W ~ Uutduur 104 FORREST AVE.
Class II-Boys. Hel'reutioll (·ollllllunit,· Cellter ",hil'h
",ill bL' "o!pd on at tl.;, :\o\'elll!,,'r e"'~­
PJant Oppolite Fire Hou••
I::;hot I'ut. 11I0 Ya rds.

1. ?II.
('a",. Hth nrad"
OtlitlTIl(" !Ith (, rad('
1. ~1. ('ase, lIt}, (;rad,'.
('. Knight, .th (;1''''1.0.
H,,\'. Ill'. Hol"'rt \\'. ;';01''''00.1, of Evergreens Now
';1. l'au]'s ~I,'n,())'ial ('hllr"h O\'erbrook


HprJ'oll, Oth Orad(' .. :
Ilro" 01 .ftllll!,.

("a,,'. !Ith ttraol" ..........•'10"

" .. A. Odiornr. 11th nrad ...

I. !It h n rade.
"ill al,o d"]i""r an addre,,/
\\'hil,' this lIll,,'t ing i, b.. ing he1,1 un·
.In thL' allsl'i",·s of the 1',,,t, the of·
Odillnll'. Hth (;raole .......• '1%"
Tillllll~ Hth (trade .... " ... ti/H)/~"
.th (;rad,'. H("t.'r:-: lit' tht.· I..l'~illll \\ alit it t1Udl'!':.:tuud 30,000 TREES --------- ..._ - - - - - - - - -
that th l' alTair is a !,ul",1' oll" and rx- from which you may make your selec- OUR PRODUCTS ARt! GUARANTEED
- - - - - - - _ . - - _ .. !"lId a "ordial ill"itation II) all th l' men UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL

of :\arlll'rth tll attrlld. tion; all of the highest grade; no better
stock in the vicin~ty of Philadelphia. - _.- _.-._-------------
I Orders filled promptly. Paslellrlzed Milk DELIVERIES
Brynelovl. Cerllfled WES'I' PIULA
(Pedrh.Ue Soelely)
. •

(Continued from Page 1) GARDEN NURSERIES Speelal "Guernsey" ME'RION

A. F. Wohlert, Owner Milk WYNNEFIEl-D
(Roberls'a Sharpless' BALA..CYNW\, D
Mrs. John B. Brooks elltertained at Montgomery Ave., Narberth Dairies) NARBERTH
lUllcheoli at the ,,),,\'pnsoll Hotel 011
Cream Bllnermllk ARDMORE'
Frida~', ",hl'n h,'r ~u,'sts "'l're 2\li,s
Tiilile-liIiirWIilppTiiu :-WvNN~V01()D'--'--':
)Iari,' BnieI'Klu-an. <if Y"ntilor; :'ITrs. R.
:\1. L. :-;talltoll, of ('I,,'I,,'a, alld 2\11'. HARRY' B~'W'ALt Cream.
H:dl'h \\'. Bal,'-, of \·int'ianol.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
'I'h(, I'al'llinrl hl,ld 1>\' th,' folks at
Fain'i,'" ';und'1\' :';"hooi Oil Fridav alld
and Heating
:-'at1l1da.\' (,\'l,tli;lg:--; WH:-- '·cr." w<.:11 at-
Phone, Narberth 1602-J 45th and Parrish Sts.
Il'lId.·d by friellds frolll all the sur-
rounding (·Ol1llllllUiti<.':--, A lliust eDjoy~
able time was exp"rienced by all who
I'[,n,('. Onl' hnndred alld eighty·jjv· .. dol-
lars "'a, "'rur'ed for the use of the
:-;uuda~' ~,'hool,
~Irs. ('ora Lnto-h had ,.jlllr"" assisted A FULL LINE OF
I,y ~I 1". E. :-;. ])1101>1<'1'1 M~s: X'ltlrnn Sboe~ Made to Order.
2\lontgOlllery, Mrs. Kerri,'k, ?III'S. HoI'S'
All Kind•.
I<-y, ~Irs. Kirk, ~Ii," Anlla Lall'lI filll! LOW PRICES Arcad. BuUcIiD. NARBERTH, PA.
oth,'r friends.

-neva lob:a van)less
:Re9. R~:F, Cowley
Taste is a matter of
~. :Aver'1S.D~ ~1es E.3Uei
tobacco quality
fiJ~. US ~4e Bo»a1S1ue
Walnut 2788

We state it as our honest belief
o~~e~5 that the tobaccos used in Chester-
field are of finer quality (and
hence of better taste) than in any ,
JF IL, CC)) W Jt ~ ~ other cigarette at the price.
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.

WM.. MOQIS (:ORLI~ N ...berth 1 ~89 R

All Electric; <}(e*ter f~r ~hele,CLi~.,. Moraiql


:'~~·.Q . SM~·DLEY . . .
of Turkish and DOmelRc tobaccos-blended

·Eief~cal,De·f)i~e~ fo~tla~ Home

We'!~.(J~i ~1l :1n~k~~'~Ci{'£l'ectdc~l' A~;]iance'll
'. •.•... .....'. Called ·for-i.rid :Delivered·. .' .~."

~h~~e.N~6.ioth··$3$.J ... . .
":.'" , .':":'.. ,. i'
:·1 •...


. .....
",. ~ .. ,,' '.:

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