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No. of
No. of Percent Item
Objectives/Contents Days
Items (%) Placement
1. Note significant details in a selection listened to
4 5 8.33% 1–5
2. Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries/
5 3 5% 6–8
thesaurus (EN6V-IIIa-b-8.1,8.2
3. Infer meaning of borrowed words using;
- Context clues 12 20% 9 – 20
(EN6V-IIIc-j-12.4. 1.3)
4. Use particular kind of sentence for a specific
purpose and audience in asking permission using
may or can 4 5 8.33% 21 – 25

(EN6SS-IIIa-f-1.8.1, 1.8.2)
6. Identify real or make-believe , fact or non-fact
4 5 8.33% 26 – 30
images (EN6VC-IIIa-b-6.1, 6.2)
7. Infer meaning of borrowed words using;
- Affixes and roots
- Other strategies
6 7 11.67% 31 – 37
- Prefix
(EN6V-IIIc-j-12.4. 1.3)
8. Use particular kind of sentence for a specific
purpose and audience;
-Asking permission
-Responding to questions 6 5 8.33% 38 - 42
- Making request
-Expressing opinions
(EN6SS-IIIa-f-1.8.1, 1.8.2, 1.8.3, 1.8.4,)
9. Use particular kind of sentence for a specific
purpose and audience;
6 8 13.33% 43 – 50
- Following and giving directions
10. Identify elements of a story in a selection read.
5 7 11.67% 51 – 57
8. Revise writing for clarity;
- Correct spelling 5 3 5% 58 – 60
Total 50 60 100% 60

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I
Third Periodical Test in English 6

I. Directions: Listen to a selection read by the teacher and answer the questions that follow. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.

_____ 1. Who started the work on the Las Piñas Bamboo Organ?
a. Diego Cera b. Mark Lesage c. Leo Renier d. the people of Las Piñas
_____ 2. How many pipes does the organ have?
a. 1, 031 b. 902 c. 1, 933 d. 1, 331
_____ 3. Why was it unplayable before 1917?
a. Because it was overhauled by the Japanese
b. Because of the Philippine Revolution
c. Because of earthquakes and floods
d. Because it was destroyed
_____ 4. Why did the parish priest decide on the total rehabilitation of the organ?
a. Because the Japanese overhauled it
b. Because that was the only way to save it
c. Because it was reassembled in 1917
d. Because the parish priest will sell it
_____ 5. When was the declaration of Las Piñas Bamboo Organ as National Cultural Treasure of the
a. December 14, 1987 b. August 5, 1985 c. November 4, 2003 d. July 14, 1943

II. Directions: Read the dictionary entry. Answer the questions that follow.

hide /hid/1.) n. any of various old English Units of land area 2.) n. the skin of an animal
whether raw or dressed 1.) v. to put out of sight or to keep secret 2.) v. to give a beating

_____ 6. How many meanings are given for hide?

a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
_____ 7. What parts of speech are listed?
a. nouns b. verbs c. adjectives d. nouns and verbs
_____ 8. What does the word hide mean in the following sentence? Carmen try to hide her surprise.
a. any of various old English Units of land area
b. the skin of an animal whether raw or dressed
c. to put out of sight or to keep secret
d. to give a beating
III. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. The boldfaced words can be replaced in one of the choices.
Choose the letter of the answer that will best complete the idea of the sentence.

_____ 9. People covered their noses because of the odorous smell.

a. unpleasant b. foul c. fragrant d. good
_____ 10. The guest speaker delivered a comprehensive speech.
a. complete b. lengthy c. incomplete d. partial
_____ 11. The interest of his bank account was corresponded.
a. added b. mixed c. deducted d. removed
_____ 12. We must guard against unexpected events.
a. untoward b. toward c. expected d. coming
_____ 13. The news reporter inquired about the victims of the accident.
a. explored b. requested c. heard d. listened
IV. Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Select the best definition of the boldfaced word from the choices
_____ 14. At the end of the term the manager received one thousand pounds as retirement pension.
a. strikes heavily b. units of money c. units of weight d. break into small pieces
_____ 15. After examining the caves, the archeologist pronounced them the finest gallery of
prehistoric art.
a. testing the condition b. inspecting closely c. inquiring carefully d. looking closely
_____ 16. The green trees and the bright sunshine were something to behold.
a. radiating: reflecting b. intelligent; clever c. lively; cheerful d. lovely; shining
_____ 17. Lakes occupy less than two percent of earth’s surface, yet they help sustain life. For
instance, Lakes give us fish to eat, irrigate crops, and generate electrical powers.
a. support b obstruct c. prolong d. destroy
_____ 18. The ancient Greeks pioneered many of kinds of writing we consider standard today. They
wrote speech, plays, poems, and books about science and learning, and long histories of
things that happened to them.
a. complicated b. developed c. destroyed d. explored
_____ 19. The archaeologist carefully removed the tome from it ancient resting place and proceeded to
read the pages to marriage ancient Greece. What does the tome probably mean?
a. pen b. weapon c. book d. fossil
_____ 20. Fifty-five mostly prominent, male delegates attended the Philadelphia Convention in 1787.
About seventy – five percent of the delegates had served in Congress and others were important
people in their home stage. These men are often referred to as the Framers of the Constitution.
What does the word prominent probably mean?
a. unimportant b. unknown c. common d. important
V. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct word to make a request or in asking permission.
_____ 21. Mom, _______________ I go outside to take a walk?
a. may b. can c. will d. shall

_____ 22. _______________ you pass the salt please. I can’t reach it.
a. may b. shall c. will d. can

_____ 23. I need to research for my assignment. Sister, _____________ I use your computer?
a. shall b. can c. may d. will

_____ 24. Maria Magdalena, ______________ we borrow your coloring pens?

a. shall b. can c. may d. will

_____ 25. _______________ you take me to the airport please?

a. may b. shall c. will d. can
VI. Directions: Read the following sentences. Identify real or make believe, fact or non- fact.

______ 26. Every Filipino thinks that the country’s problems can be solved through miracles. The sentence is a
a. reality b. fantasy c. truth d. fact

______ 27. In some parts of the Philippines, giving a dowry before a marriage can take place is still practiced.
a. reality b. fantasy c. dream d. fiction

______ 28. Everything that King Midas touched turned into gold even his beloved daughter.
a. reality b. fantasy c. true d. fact

______ 29. If there is life, there is hope.

a. false b. incorrect c. make believe d. fact
______ 30. Prometheus was a demigod, a being with more power than a human but less than a god.
a. reality b. fantasy c. truth d. fact

VII. Directions: Complete the sentences with words from the italicized words and correct affixes.
_____ 31. Many pilgrims go to Antipolo. The _______________ usually occurs in summer.
a. pilgrimage b. pilgrim c. pilgrimation d. pilgriming
_____ 32. This drawing illustrates the process but more _____________ are needed to make it less
a. illustrating b. illustration c. illustrately d. illustratable
_____ 33. This bridge is not yet complete. Its ______________ depends upon the availability of funds.
a. completing b. completable c. completeness d. completion
_____ 34. It is easy to satisfy my mother. She finds my passing grade in English ______________. Her
satisfaction about my class standing makes me happy.
a. satisfying b. satisfactory c. satisfactorily d. satisfactoring
_____ 35. The Philippines is a rich nation. Filipino is the national language of Filipinos. Pilipino is
their ____________.
a. National b. nationality c. nationalizing d. nationally
_____ 36. Hope should spring eternal in our hearts. To feel hopeless is just like a floating log. We should
always try our best and be ______________ for the best to come our way.
a. hopeless b. hoping c. hopeful d. hopefully
_____ 37. Young boys and girls love nature study. It is ______________ for the narra tree to shed its
leaves. The leaves of the San Francisco plant change naturally.
a. naturally b. natural c. nurturing d. maturely
VIII. Directions: Read the following sentences. Write the letter that correspond to its kind in each blank.

______38. What you say is true. But there are some things you cannot do.
a. asking permission b. making request c. expressing opinions d. responding to question

______ 39. May I be excused for dinner tonight?

a. asking permission b. giving directions c. expressing opinions d. making request

______ 40. Clean up all these mess.

a. expressing opinions b. making request c. asking permission d. giving directions

______ 41. Yes, we are already here. And you are late.
a. expressing opinions b. making request c. answering a question d. giving directions

______ 42. Can you please give me a week to finish this?

a. asking permission b. giving directions c. expressing opinions d. making request

IX. Directions: Read the doctor’s prescription below. Answer questions on following and giving directions

Acute Bronchitis
A. Tricanyle Expectorant
½ tsp 3x a day for 1 week
B. Klarisid Suspension
4ml. 2x a day for 1 week
C. Bendryl Expectorant
2 tsp. Every 4 hours
If fever persists, give the child 2.5 ml.
Tempra drops every 4 hours (after meal)
If in 48 hours the fever does not subside,
bring your child to my clinic between 8-10 A.M

_____ 43. What does tsp. mean?

a. tablespoon b. teaspoon c. two spoon d. tie spoon

_____ 44. How many weeks will the medicine be taken?

a. 4 weeks b. 3 weeks c. 2 weeks d. 1 week
_____ 45. If the baby takes Tricanyle Expectorant at 8:00 A.M what time should he take the
next dosage?
a. 12:00 P.M. b. 4:00 P.M. c. 8:00 P.M. d. 12:00 A.M.
_____ 46. The Bendryl Expectorant should be taken every _______________.
a. 1 hour b. 2 hours c. 3 hours d. 4 hours
_____ 47. What illness do Tricanyle Expectorant, Bendryl Expectorant and Klarisid Suspension is for?
a. Acute bronchitis b. Asthma c. Common cold d. Fever
_____ 48. If fever persist, what medicine should you give the child in every 4 hours?
a. Tricanyle Expectorant b. Klarisid Suspension c. Bendryl d. Tempra
_____ 49. What should be done if the fever does not subside in 48 hours?
a. Stay at home and continue giving the medicine.
b. Bring the child to the doctor’s clinic at 8 – 10 A.M.
c. Bring the child to the hospital.
d. Call for the doctor.
_____ 50. Why do you think, does the child need to be brought to the pediatrician if the fever did not
subside after 48 hours?
a. The child is cured.
b. The child needs another set of medicine.
c. The child is not cured and needs to be check again.
d. None of the above
X. Directions: Read the story. Answer questions on the important elements of a story.

The Fox in the Well

A fox once fell into the well. He tried to jump out but each time he did, he fell back down.
By and by a goat passed by. Looking into the well, he saw the fox. “Hello,” he called. “What are you
doing down there?”
“Drinking some water of course!” replied the fox. “Is it good?” asked the goat.
“Good? It is the best water I ever tasted in my whole life,” answered the fox, drinking a gulp of water.
Without a second thought, the goat jumped in. After drinking some water, he looked about for a way
to get out of the well. “How do we get out of here? “He asked the fox?
“I know what we can do,” said the fox. Looking at the goat from the corner of his eye. “Stand on
your hind legs. Plant your fore legs firmly against the side of the well. I’ll climb on your back, and I’ll
step on your horns. Then I can get out. When I’m out, I’ll help you get out too.”
“That’s a good idea!” said the goat happily as he did what the fox told him to do.
The fox climbed on the goat’s back and horns. Then he jumped out of the well and started on his
“Hey!” shouted the goat. “Help me out of here. You promised to help me.”
“You silly goat,” said the fox. You should have thought of that before you jumped in. Next time,
look before you leap.”

_____ 51. Where did the story happen?

a. into the well b. near the well c. in the forest d. inside the house

_____ 52. Who are the characters in the story?

a. the goat and the chicken b. the fox c. the goat d. the fox and the goat

_____ 53. Who fell in the well?

a. the chicken b. the fox c. the goat d. the fox and the goat

_____ 54. How did the fox get out of the well?
a. The fox tricked the goat.
b. The fox pleaded help from the goat.
c. The fox get out of his own.
d. The fox asked help from others

_____ 55. What kind of a story is read?

a. fairytale b. fable c. novel d. myth

_____ 56. What makes a fable unique?

a. The characters are animals with human attributes
b. It entertains and informs
c. It gives moral lesson to the readers and listeners
d. All of the above

_____ 57. What is the purpose of the story?

a. to persuade b. to entertain c. to inform d. to pass the time

XI. Directions: Choose the correct spelling of word that best complete each sentence.

_____ 58. She believes she is just a ______________ school girl.

a. plain b. plane c. plan d. plaint

_____ 59. Which _______________of the moon represent this?

a. face b. paste c. phase d. phrase

_____ 60. Businessmen work hard to earn their ______________

a. prophet b. profit c. profited d. prophetic



The Las Piñas Bamboo Organ in St. Joseph Parish Church in Las Piñas City, Philippines, is a
19th-century church organ with unique organ pipes; they are made almost entirely of bamboo. It was
completed in 1824 by Father Diego Cera, the builder of the town's stone church and its first resident
Catholic parish priest.
The organ has a history of survival for 160 years. With the help of townsfolk, he selected the best
bamboos which were buried in beach sand for six months to cure and protect them from wood boring
insects. It has 1, 031 pipes of which 902 are made of bamboo. Time, nature, earthquakes, and floods took
their toll on the organ. It was unplayable for many years, dismantled during the Philippine Revolution,
and reassembled in 1917. It was then continually repaired by the Japanese in 1943.
In the early 1970s, the parish priest Mark Lesage and Leo Renier, together with the people of Las
Piñas, decided that only total rehabilitation could save the organ and its dying beautiful music.
The organ was declared a National Cultural Treasure of the Philippines in November 4, 2003. The
St. Joseph Parish Church, the church museum at the old convent house, and the famous organ is a popular
tourist destination for Filipinos and foreign visitors alike in Las Piñas.

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