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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Health 9

Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Community Health Problems

Prepared by:


Module in Health 1
What is this? Foreword

This module is one of the learning modalities indicated in

the Learning Continuity Plan of DepEd to make learning

happen amidst the pandemic.

This module has cotents similar to the lessons delivered

by the teacher in an online platform. It is also congruent with the discussions of

the teacher via recorded lesson, and forms the same with the assessment

indicated in the learning activity sheets.

For clarity, it makes use of icons that indicate the parts of the module.

These icons mark the stage where the student is in when he makes use of this


The students are advised to ask further questions from the teacher for

guidance and clearer understanding.

It is hoped that this module serves its purpose to ensure that learning still

takes place.

HAPPY Learning 

Module in Health 2
What to see? Parts and Icons used

Objectives: explains how a healthy environment positively impact

the health of people and communities (less disease, less health
care cost, etc.) H9CE-Ib-d-10

Guide Questions (Formative Assessment): Questions that will

be answered after the student finishes the module are written
here. An activity can also be indicated here to assess what
students know.

Discussion: The topic is presented here in the simplest manner

possible. The discussion must be aligned to the MELCs and must
point out details on how the formative assessment can be

Examples: Illustrative examples are indicated here to further

explain what is being discussed. At most three examples are
written here.

Exercises: Exercises arranged in order of difficulty are indicated

here. The exercises have 1 item/set each for easy, average,
challenging and enrichment.

Answer Key: This provides the key answers to the exercises

given. The format of the words are inverted

Module in Health 3
References: The references in Chicago format are listed, as lifted
from DMOS.


explains how a healthy environment positively impact the health
of people and communities (less disease, less health care cost,
etc.) H9CE-Ib-d-10

Guide Questions (Formative Assessment):

1. What are the causes of community health problems?
2. How to make our environment/community healthy?
3. What are the effects of a healthy environment to
the people living in a community?

Module in Health 4
Question: When can we say that a community has a health problem?
Answer: There are so many factors that can contribute to health problems of a
community. These factors vary according to the economy, politics, geography,
culture and social context. Lets try to study the picture/diagram below.

 Human Excreta and Sewage – These are our personal wastes and how
we will properly dispose it. It will be a problem if these wastes are not
properly disposed. Example, throwing used diapers at our backyards.
 Disease Control – Just like what is happening right now, the covid-19. It
became a problem because it is contagious or easy to spread. If we
cannot control these kinds of diseases then it will become a problem.
 Peace and Order – Every barangay has it own program in keeping the
peace and order within their area. It will became a problem if the people
living in that community doesn’t follow the ordinances created by the brgy
 Waste Disposal – Disposing our garbages not properly will cause
problems to the community. These garbages can contriute to floods, filthy
environment and also diseases.
 Food sanitation- Basically, this factor falls to food producers who are
selling foods as part of their business. If they will not handle it well, it can
cause minor disease or health problems to the community.

Module in Health 5
 Water Supply – In Metro Manila where people rely to the Maynilad in
supplying their water. In Provinces, we have our own deep well for water
supply. It became a problem if we have scarsity in water supply or the
water is being contaminated.
 Drug Abuse Prevention and Control – Drugs are one of the most
pressing problems in our country. Though as we can see in the news, the
Government is aggressive in solving this problem.
Question: How can we make our community healthy?
Answer: After learning these factors, we must be aware of the solutions or
preventive measures to to make our community healthy. Lets talk it one by one.

 Human Excreta and Sewage – We must have our own septic tank for our
personal wastes.
 Disease Control – Immunization, health programs by the Government
and maintain cleanliness in the environment.
 Peace and Order – Officials being a good role model in all ordinances
and cooperative community.
 Waste Disposal – Proper segragation and disposal is the key to address
this problem. The Government has also the program in collecting the
 Food sanitation – All food business must have their sanitation permit as
proof of safe food. And also, they must maintain cleanliness. In our own
homes, we must observe cleanliness especially in dealing with insects and
other rodents.
 Water supply – Enough water supply and testing the water if it is
potable/drinkable or not.
 Drug Abuse Prevention and Control – Proper dissemination of
information regarding Drug Abuse. More Sports festivals for the youth.

Let’s Examine your community!

State your barangay and identify the health problem. After

identifying, make solutions to address the problem.
Barangay: Darapidap
Community Problem: Flood

Module in Health 6
Solution: Water Drainage system.
Effects of the solution to the Problem: People will not worry anymore on
improving houses. It will save them money.

Let’s Improve our thinking skills!

Answer this question and write your answer in a ½ sheet of paper.

Note: All activities will be compiled and must be passed by Monday the following

“What are the effects of a healthy environment to the people living in a

community?” Explain.
5 – Stated a clear answer with example problem and solution.
4 - Stated an answer with example problem and solution.
3 - Stated an answer.
2 – Attempted to give an answer.
1 – No answer.

Module in Health 7
Answer Key

If the environment/community is healthy, we can live

healthy as well, free from worries. For example in
disease conrtol, immunization will make our body
stronger in dealing with diseases. If we will not get
sick, we can save money and we can live healthy.

Doria, Jose P., et. al., 2014, Physical Education and Health –
Grade 9, 1st Edition, Pasig City, Philippines

Module in Health 8

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