MCQ S 306hr Performance Management - Compress PDF

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Q.1. Which of t he follow ing t erms refers t o t he process of evaluat ing an employee's current
and/ or past performance relat ive t o his or her performance st andards?
a) Recruit ment b) Employee select ion
c) Performance appraisal d) Employee orient at ion
Ans: c

0.2. The primary purpose of providing employees w it h feedback during a performance appraisal is t o
mot ivat e employees t o _
a) apply for managerial posit ions
b) remove any performance deficiencies
c) revise t heir performance st andards
d) enroll in w ork-relat ed t raining programs
Ans: b

Q.3. In most organizat ions, w hich of t he follow ing is primarily responsible for appraising an
employee's performance?
a) employee's direct supervisor b) company appraiser
c) human resources manager d) EEO represent at ive
Ans: a

0.4. Supervisors should provide employees w it h feedback, development , and incent ives
necessary t o help employees eliminat e performance deficiencies or t o cont inue t o perform w ell.
a) True b) False
Ans: a

Q.S. Which of t he follow ing is NOT one of t he recommended guidelines for set t ing effect ive
employee goals?
a) assigning specific goals
b) assigning measurable goals
c) assigning challenging but doable goals
d) administ ering consequences for failure t o meet goals
Ans: d

0.6. SM ART goals are best described as _

a) specific, measurable, at t ainable, relevant , and t imely
b) st raight forw ard, meaningful, accessible, real, and t est ed
c) st rat egic, moderat e, achievable, relevant , and t imely
d) specific, measurable, achievable, relevant , and t est ed
Ans: a

Q.7. All of t he follow ing are reasons for appraising an employee's performance EXCEPT _
a) assist ing wit h career planning
b) correct ing any w ork-relat ed deficiencies
c) creat ing an organizat ional st rat egy map
d) det ermining appropriat e salary and bonuses
Ans: c
Q.8. Which of t he follow ing is most likely NOT a role played by t he HR depart ment in t he
performance appraisal process?
a) conduct ing appraisals of employees
b) monit oring t he effect iveness of t he appraisal syst em
c) providing performance appraisal t raining t o supervisors
d) ensuring t he appraisal syst em's compliance w it h EEO law s
Ans: a

Q.9. What is t he first st ep in t he appraisal process?

a) giving feedback b) defining t he job
c) administ ering t he appraisal t ool d) making plans t o provide t raining
Ans: .b

0.10. All of t he follow ing are usually measured by a graphic rat ing scale EXCEPT_,
a) generic dimensions of performance b) performance of 'act ual dut ies
c) performance of co-w orkers d) achievement of Object ives
Ans: c

0.11. When designing an act ual appraisal met hod, t he t w o basic considerat ions are
a) w ho should measure and w hen t o measure
b) w hen t o measure and w hat t o measure
c) w hat t o measure and w ho should measure
d) w hat t o measure and how t o measure
Ans: d

0.12. Which of t he follow ing is t he easiest and most popular t echnique for appraising employee
a) alt ernat ion ranking b) graphic rat ing scale
c) Likert d) M BO
Ans: b

0.13. W hich performance appraisal t echnique list s t rait s and a range of performance values for each
t rait ?
a) behaviourally anchored rat ing scale b) graphic rat ing scale
c) forced dist ribut ion d) crit ical incident
Ans: b


Q.14. Which of t he follow ing, if t rue, best support s t he argument t hat a graphic rat ing scale is t he
most appropriat e performance appraisal t ool for Suzanne t o use?
a) The firm w ant s Suzanne t o evaluat e her subordinat es on an ongoing basis and t o keep a log
of crit ical incident s.
b) Employees in Suzanne's depart ment w ho are cat egorized in t he bot t om 10% of t he firm's
employees w ill be immediat ely dismissed.
a) Suzanne w ant s t o ensure t hat t he firm is prot ect ed from employee discriminat ion law suit s,
so she has conduct ed a job analysis of each posit ion.
b) Suzanne w ant s a quant it at ive rat ing of each employee based on compet encies import ant t o
t he firm, such as problem-solving skills.
Ans: d

Q.15. Which performance appraisal t ool requires supervisors t o cat egorize employees from best t o
w orst on various t rait s?
a) digit al dashboard
c) crit ical incident met hod
b) graphic rat ing scale
d) alt ernat ion ranking met hod
Ans: d

0.16. The most popular met hod for ranking employees is t he ___________met hod.
a) graphic ranking scale b) const ant sum ranking scale
c) alt ernat ion ranking d) paired comparison
Ans: c

0.17. Which performance appraisal t ool is being used w hen a supervisor places predet ermined
percent ages of rat ees int o various performance cat egories?
a) behaviorally anchored rat ing scale b) graphic ranking scale
c) alt ernat ion ranking d) forced dist ribut ion
Ans: d

. 0.18. Kendra needs t o rat e five of her subordinat es. She makes a chart of all possible pairs of
employees for each t rait being evaluat ed. Then, she indicat es t he bet t er employee of each pair w it h
a posit ive symbol on t he chart . Finally, she t ot als t he number of posit ive symbols for each employee.
Which met hod of performance appraisal has Kendra most likely used?
a) comparison ranking scale b) graphic ranking scale
c) alt ernat ion ranking d) paired comparison
Ans: d

0.19. John, t he supervisor of t he manufact uring dep~rt ment at a comput er firm, is in t he process of
evaluat ing his st aff's performance. He has det ermined t hat 15% of t he group w ill be ident ified as
high performers, 20% as above average performers, 30% as average performers, 20% as below
average performers, and 15% as poor performers. Which performance appraisal t ool has John
chosen t o use?
a) behaviorally anchored rat ing scale b) management by object ives
c) forced dist ribut ion d) alt ernat ion ranking
Ans: c


0.20. Which of t he follow ing measurement met hods is similar t o grading on a curve?
a) crit ical incident met hod b) forced dist ribut ion
c) graphic rat ing scale d) const ant sums rat ing
Ans: b

0.21. Which of t he follow ing is one of t he primary complaint s regarding t he use of t he forced
dist ribut ion met hod for performance appraisals?
a) difficult t o implement b) harm t o employee morale
c) high cost s of administ rat ion d) st andardizat ion of group sizes
Ans: b

0.22. Which performance appraisal t ools requires a supervisor t o maint ain a log of posit ive and
negat ive examples of a subordinat e's w ork-relat ed behavior?
a) alt ernat ion ranking b) paired comparison
c) forced dist ribut ion d) crit ical incident
Ans: d

0.23. The first st ep in developing a behaviourally anchored rat ing scale is t o _________
a) develop performance dimensions b) generat e crit ical incident s
c) compare subordinat es d) reallocat e incident s
Ans: b

0.24. Which of t he follow ing is NOT a charact erist ic of t he crit ical incident met hod for performance
a) providing examples of excellent w ork performance
b) comparing and ranking employees wit hin a group
c) connect ing specific incident s w it h performance goals
d) reflect ing performance t hroughout t he appraisal period
Ans: b

0.25. Wilson Consult ing is a management consult ing firm w it h sevent y employees. As associat e vice
president of market ing, Suzanne Boyle is responsible for conduct ing performance appraisals of t he
t w elve employees under her direct supervision. Suzanne plans t o use t he crit ical incident met hod t o
evaluat e t he performance of her subordinat es. Which of t he follow ing, if t rue, undermines t he
argument t hat t he crit ical incident met hod is t he most appropriat e performance appraisal t ool for
Suzanne t o use?
a) Employee performance st andards are closely aligned w it h Wilson Consult ing's long-t erm
st rat egic plans.
b) Ot her depart ment s at Wilson Consult ing have seen employee performance improve as a
result of providing ongoing evaluat ions.
c) Suzanne w ill be conduct ing performance appraisals in conjunct ion w it h t he HR manager t o
ensure EEO compliance.
d) Due t o economic difficult ies, t he firm w ill be laying off t he t wo low est performing employees
in Suzanne's depart ment .
Ans: d


0.26. Graphic rat ing scales are subject t o all of t he follow ing problems EXCEPT __ .
a) unclear st andards b) halo effect s
c) complexit y d) leniency
Ans: c

0.27. .Which appraisal met hod combines t he benefit s of narrat ive crit ical incident s and quant ified
scales by assigning scale point s w it h specific examples of good or poor performance?
a) behaviorally anchored rat ing scale b) const ant sums rat ing scale
c) graphic rat ing scale d) alt ernat ion ranking
Ans: a

0.28. Which of t he follow ing best describes a behaviorally anchored rat ing scale?
a) chart of paired subordinat es ranked in order of performance
b) combinat ion of narrat ive crit ical incident s and quant ified performance scales
c) diary of posit ive and negat ive examples of a subordinat e's work performance
d) predet ermined percent ages of subordinat es in various performance cat egories
Ans: b

0.29. St acey is using a behaviorally anchored rat ing scale as a performance appraisal t ool. She has
already asked employees and supervisors t o describe crit ical incident s of effect ive and ineffect ive
job performance. What should St acey do next ?
a) creat e a final appraisal inst rument
b) develop performance dimensions
c) rank employees from high t o low
d) reallocat e t he incident s
Ans: b

0.30. Wilson Consult ing is a management consult ing firm w it h sevent y employees. As associat e vice
president of market ing, Suzanne Boyle is responsible for conduct ing performance appraisals of t he
t w elve employees under her direct supervision. Suzanne plans t o use t he behaviorally anchored
rat ing scale (BARS) t o evaluat e t he performance of her subordinat es. Which of t he following, if t rue,
support s t he argument t hat BARS is t he most appropriat e performance appraisal t ool for Suzanne t o
a} Suzanne w ant s t o provide her subordinat es w it h specific examples of t heir good and poor job
performance during t he appraisal int erview .
b) Suzanne encourages her subordinat es t o review and make comment s about t heir appraisal
during a formal appeals process.
c) Wilson Consult ing recent ly inst alled an elect ronic performance monit oring syst em t o help
supervisors conduct appraisals.
d) Wilson Consult ing provides t raining t o all supervisors regarding legally defensible
performance appraisals.
Ans: a


Q.31. What is t he primary disadvant age of developing a behaviorally anchored rat ing scale?
a) cost ly
c) t ime consuming
b) unreliable
d) lack of feedback for subordinat es
Ans: c

0.32. Which of t he follow ing t erms refers t o set t ing specific measurable goals w it h each employee
and t hen periodically review ing t he progress made?
a) behaviorally anchored rat ing scale b) management by object ive
c) narrat ive form t echnique d) forced dist ribut ion
Ans: b

0.33. It is most import ant t hat supervisors w ho choose management by object ives as a performance
appraisal t ool use __________
a) SM ART goals b) EPM syst ems
c) comput erized not es d) graphic rat ing scales
Ans: a

0.34. All of t he following are benefit s of using comput erized or Web-based performance appraisal
syst ems EXCEPT _________
a) merging examples w it h performance rat inqs
b) helping managers maint ain comput erized not es
c) allow ing employees t o perform self-evaluat ions
d) enabling managers t o monit or employees' comput ers
Ans: d

Q.35. Which of t he follow ing enables supervisors t o oversee t he amount of comput erized dat a an
employee is processing each day?
a) comput erized performance appraisal syst em
b) online management assessment cent er
c) digit ized high-performance w ork cent er
d) elect ronic performance monit oring syst em
Ans: d

0.36. Which of t he follow ing is a performance appraisal problem t hat occurs w hen a supervisor's
rat ing of a subordinat e on one t rait biases t he rat ing of t hat person on ot her t rait s?
a) recency effect b) halo effect
c) cent ral t endency d) discrimnat ion
Ans: b


0.37. Nick supervises a t eam of dat a ent ry specialist s. Lat ely, product ivit y has been dow n, and Nick
believes his subordinat es are not w orking as efficient ly as possible. Which of t he following t ools
w ould provide Nick w it h daily informat ion about each employee's rat e, accuracy, and t ime spent
ent ering dat a?
a) digit al dashboard device
b) elect ronic performance monit oring syst em
c) Web-based management oversight device
d) comput erized performance appraisal syst em
Ans: b

0.38. Formal performance appraisals have been eliminat ed by almost all major firms and replaced by
daily assessment s by peers in addit ion t o ext ensive t raining opport unit ies.
a) True b) False
Ans: b

0.39. Which of t he follow ing t erms refers t o an appraisal t hat is t oo open t o int erpret at ion?
a) unclear st andards b) halo effect s
c) st rict ness d) biased
Ans: a

0.40. Which of t he follow ing is t he best w ay for a supervisor t o correct a performance appraisal
problem caused by unclear st andards?
a) focusing on performance inst ead of personalit y t rait s
b) using graphic rat ing scales t o rank employees
c) avoiding t he use of ext remely low rat ings
d) using descript ive phrases t o illust rat e t rait s
Ans: d

0.41. St ephanie manages t he account ing depart ment at an advert ising agency. She needs t o conduct
performance appraisals for t he eight employees in her depart ment . St ephanie w ant s a performance
appraisal t ool t hat is highly accurat e, ranks employees, and uses crit ical incident s t o help explain
rat ings t o appraise. Which performance appraisal t ool is best suit ed for St ephanie?
a) graphic rat ing scale b) alt ernat ion ranking met hod
c) forced dist ribut ion met hod d) behaviorally anchored rat ing scale
Ans: d

0.42. Jason is a conscient ious employee, but he is view ed by most of his co-w orkers as unfriendly.
Jason's supervisor rat es him low on t he t rait s " get s along w ell w it h ot hers" and " qualit y of w ork."
Which of t he follow ing problems has most likely affect ed Jason's performance appraisal?
a) cent ral t endency b) leniency
c) st ereot yping d) halo effect
Ans: d


0.43. A supervisor w ho frequent ly rat es all employees as average on performance appraisals most
likely has a problem know n as__________
a) halo effect b) st ereot yping
c) cent ral t endency d) st rict ness
Ans: c

Q.44. The best w ay t o reduce t he problem of cent ral t endency in performance appraisals is t o ___
a) rank employees
b) est ablish SM ART goals
c) use graphic rat ing scales
d) limit t he number of appraisals
Ans: a

Q.45. Which performance appraisal problem is associat ed w it h supervisors giving all of t heir
subordinat es consist ent ly high rat ings?
a) cent ral t endency b) leniency
c) st rict ness d) recency effect
Ans: b

Q.46. The _____________ problem occurs w hen supervisors t end t o rat e all t heir subordinat es
consist ent ly low .
a) cent ral t endency
b) leniency
c) st rict ness
d) unclear st andards
Ans: c

Q.47. The best met hod for reducing t he problems of leniency or st rict ness in performance appraisals
is t o _________
a) keep crit ical incident logs
b) adhere t o EEO guidelines
c) require mult iple appraisals
d) impose a performance dist ribut ion
Ans: d

Q.48. Which of t he follow ing has most likely occurred w hen a supervisor conduct ing a performance
appraisal is influenced by a subordinat e's individual differences such as age, sex, and race?
a) bias b) unclear st andards
c) cent ral t endency d) broad banding
Ans: a

Q.49. Which of t he follow ing is LEAST likely t o cause a supervisor's performance appraisal of a
subordinat e t o be biased?
a) purpose of t he appraisal
b) personalit y of t he supervisor
c) locat ion and t ime of t he appraisal
d) personal charact erist ics of t he subordinat e
Ans: c
0.50. All of t he follow ing guidelines w ill most likely improve t he effect iveness of a performance
appraisal EXCEPT__________
a) maint aining a diary of employees' performance during t he year
b) est ablishing a t ool for employees t o appeal performance appraisals
c) using a graphic rat ing scale t o ensure fair and consist ent rat ings
d) know ing t he advant ages and disadvant ages of different appraisal t ools
Ans: c

0.51. Which of t he follow ing is t he primary advant age of using graphic rat ing scales as performance
appraisal t ools?
a) eliminat es cent ral t endency errors
b) offers ext remely high rat e of accuracy
c) provides quant it at ive rat ing for each employee
d) links w it h mut ually agreed upon performance object ives
Ans: c

0.52. All of t he following are considered best pract ices for administ ering fair performance appraisals
a) explaining how subordinat es can improve t heir performance
b) clarifying in advance w hat t he performance expect at ions are
c) basing t he appraisal on observable job behaviors
d) using subject ive performance dat a for appraisals
Ans: d

0.53. Which of t he follow ing w ould most likely result in a legally quest ionable appraisal process?
a) conduct ing a job analysis t o est ablish performance st andards
b) basing appraisals on subject ive supervisory observat ions
c) administ ering and scoring appraisals in a st andardized fashion
d) using job performance dimensions t hat are t oo clearly defined
Ans: b

0.54. Who is in t he best posit ion t o observe and evaluat e an employee's performance for t he
purposes of a performance appraisal?
a) peers b) cust omers
c) t op management d) immediat e supervisor
Ans: d

0.55. Employee performance appraisals are conduct ed by all of t he follow ing EXCEPT
a) peers
c) supervisors
b) compet it ors
d) subordinat es
Ans: b


0.56. Which of t he follow ing t erms refers t o several peers agreeing t o rat e each ot her highly?
a) social loafing
b) group t hink
c) logrolling
d) alliance forging
Ans: c

0.57. Peer appraisals have been shown t o result in a (n) _

a) reduct ion of social loafing b) reduct ion of group cohesion
c) decrease in t ask mot ivat ion d) decrease in group sat isfact ion
Ans: a

0.58. You are conduct ing an appraisal int erview w it h an employee w hose performance is sat isfact ory
but for w hom promot ion is not possible. Which incent ive list ed below w ould most likely be t he
LEAST effect ive opt ion for maint aining sat isfact ory performance in t his sit uat ion?
a) t ime off b) small bonus
c) compliment s d) professional development
Ans: d

0.59. In most firms, a rat ing commit t ee used for performance appraisals consist s of ____
a) 1-2 b) 3-4
c) 5-6 d) 9-1 0
Ans: b

0.60. What usually occurs w hen employees rat e t hemselves for performance appraisals?
a) Rat ings are reliable but invalid.
b) Rat ings are subject t o halo effect s.
c) Logrolling leads t o unrealist ic rat ings.
d) Rat ings are higher t han w hen provided by supervisors.
Ans: d

0.61. Which of t he follow ing t erms refers t o t he process of allow ing subordinat es t o rat e t heir
supervisor's performance anonymously?
a) supplement al evaluat ion b) dow nward feedback
c) upward feedback d) peer evaluat ion
Ans: c

0.62. Upw ard feedback primarily helps t op-level managers t o _

a) prot ect t he firm against biased appraisals
b) implement organizat ional st rat egies
c) compare appraisal t echniques
d) diagnose management st yles
Ans: d


0.63. Which of t he follow ing t erms refers t o a performance appraisal based on surveys from peers,
supervisors, subordinat es, and cust omers?
a) 360-degree feedback b) t eam appraisals
c) upward feedback d) rat ing commit t ee
Ans: a

0.64. Which of t he follow ing best describes t he purpose of an appraisal int erview ?
a) t raining supervisors in t he rat ing process
b) ident ifying pot ent ial int erpersonal problems
c) providing const ruct ive feedback t o supervisors
d) making plans t o correct employee w eaknesses
Ans: d

0.65. When conduct ing an appraisal int erview , supervisors should do all of t he follow ing EXCEPT _
a) ask open-ended quest ions
b) t alk in t erms of object ive w ork dat a
c) give specific examples of poor performance
d) compare t he person's performance t o t hat of ot her employees
Ans: d

0.66. A performance appraisal is based on t he assumpt ion t hat an employee underst ood w hat his or
her performance st andards w ere prior t o t he appraisal.
a) True
b) False
c) According t o sit uat ion
Ans: a

0.67. When a supervisor must crit icize a subordinat e in an appraisal int erview , it is most import ant
for t he supervisor t o _
a) limit negat ive feedback t o once every year
b) provide specific examples of crit ical incident s
c) acknowledge t he supervisor's personal biases in t he sit uat ion
d) hold t he meet ing w it h ot her people w ho can document t he sit uat ion
Ans: b

0.68. When an employee's performance is so poor t hat a w rit t en w arning is required, t he w arning
should _
a) ident ify t he st andards by w hich t he employee is judged
b) provide examples of employees w ho met t he st andards
c) be mailed t o t he employee and t o an EEOC represent at ive
d) provide examples of t imes w hen t he employee met t he st andards
Ans: a


0.69. Based on corporat e surveys, w hich of t he follow ing is a t rue st at ement ?
a) Very few employers require any t ype of performance appraisal.
b) Very few employers conduct performance appraisals on an annual basis.
c) M ost employers require a review and feedback session during t he appraisal process.
d) M ost employers use behaviorally anchored rat ing scales for performance appraisals.
Ans: c

0.70. The cont inuous process of ident ifying, measuring, and developing t he performance of
individuals and t eams and aligning t heir performance w it h t he organizat ion's goals is know n as _
a) employee performance monit oring
b) st rat egic management
c) performance analysis
d) performance management
Ans: d

0.71. Which component of performance management refers t o communicat ing a firm's higher-level
goals t hroughout t he organizat ion and t hen t ranslat ing t hem int o depart ment al and individual
a) role clarificat ion b) goal alignment
c) performance monit oring d) direct ion sharing
Ans: d

0.72. In order t o ensure t hat performance goals are challenging and relevant , M at t hew , a market ing
manager, should independent ly set goals for. his subordinat es because part icipat ively set goals
usually produce lower job performance ..
a) True b) False
Ans: b

0.73. Oshman manufact ures small kit chen appliances, such as blenders, t oast ers, and mixers. The
firm has nearly 80,000 employees in 22 count ries. Employees receive annual performance
appraisals from t heir supervisors t hat combine crit ical incident s w it h a graphic rat ing scale. How ever,
t he firm's CEO advocat es shift ing from performance appraisals t o performance rnanaqement in an
at t empt t o make Oshman more compet it ive and performance driven. Which of t he follow ing, if t rue,
support s t he argument t o replace Oshman's t radit ional appraisal met hods w it h t he performance
management approach?
a) Oshman's compet it ors in t he small appliance indust ry monit or t he performance of t heir
employees t hrough elect ronic performance monit oring syst ems.
b) Oshman execut ives w ant t o align t he firm's st rat egic plan w it h individual employee goals
and development needs.
c) Oshman execut ives believe t hat upw ard feedback helps managers improve t heir ow n
management st yle and int erpersonal skills.
d) Oshman has experienced problems associat ed w it h cent ral t endency and bias, and t he firm
w ant s t o ensure t hat appraisals are legally sound.
Ans: b


0.74. Oshman manufact ures small kit chen appliances, such as blenders, t oast ers, and mixers. The
firm has nearly 80,000 employees in 22 count ries. Employees receive annual performance appraisals
from t heir supervisors t hat combine crit ical incident s w it h a graphic rat ing scale. However, t he firm's
CEO advocat es shift ing from performance appraisals t o performance management in an at t empt t o
make Oshman more compet it ive and performance driven. All of t he follow ing quest ions are relevant
t o Oshman's decision t o replace it s t radit ional appraisal met hods w it h t he performance
management approach EXCEPT _
a) What t echnology is available t o help managers gain immediat e access t o employee
performance dat a?
b) How w ould w ork procedures need t o be modified t o provide more frequent feedback t o
c) How w ould t he firm's mission and vision t ranslat e int o depart ment al, t eam, and individual
d) What procedures are already in place t o effect ively ident ify and measure crit ical incident s?
Ans: d

0.75. Job descript ions serve as t he primary t ool f or developing performance st andards because t hey
already include specific job goals.
a) True b) False
Ans: b

0.76. Rew ards offered t o labors involved in product ion, are cat egorized as;
a) Salary b) Fringe benefit s
c) Wage d) Commission

0.77. The goal of pre-ret irement educat ional programs is t o;

a) Improve job sat isfact ion
b) Increase employee commit ment
c) M inimize medical claims from ret irees
d) Ease t he t ransit ion from w orking life t o ret irement

0.78. Alt ernat ive work arrangement s include all of t he follow ing EXCEPT;
a) Part -t ime w ork b) Flexible hours
c) On-sit e child care d) Job sharing

0.79. Organizat ions put maximum effort in measuring performance of organizat ional people
a) It makes procedures cost effect ive
b) It helps in det ect ing t he problems
c) It leads t o product innovat ion
d) It assist s in implement ing new t echnology


0.80. Willingness, capacit y & opport unit y t o perform are said t o be;
a) Performance out comes
b) Det erminant s of performance
c) Performance appraisals
d) Types of performance st andards

0.81. One of t he major barriers t o career advancement experiencing by w orking ladies is;
a) Difficult y in balancing w ork and family life
b) Top management is usually male orient ed
c) Lack of educat ional opport unit ies
d) Common percept ion t hat w oman cannot be bet t er boss

0.82. M r. Ahmed is a cashier and he feels dissat isfied at w ork. What best just ifies t his sit uat ion?
a) His job may not be st ruct ured t o suit his preferences
b) It involves physical t oughness
c) It requires ment al t oughness
d) It involves t oo much cust omer int eract ion

0.83. The _______ problem occurs w hen supervisors t end t o rat e all t heir subordinat es consist ent ly
a) Cent ral t endency b) Leniency
c) St rict ness d) Halo effect

0.84. What is anot her t erm for 360-degree feedback?

a) Feedback loop
c) Upw ard feedback
b) M ult i-source assessment
d) Circle feedback

0.85. The relat ionship bet w een crit ical incident met hod & BARS (behaviorally anchored rat ing scale)
a) No relat ionship exist s
b) Different met hods t o evaluat e performance
c) Bot h are similar PA met hods
d) Comparison met hod is used for PA, w hile BARS is relat ed t o t raining evaluat ion


0.86. St andards are est ablished t o;
a) Achieve desired out comes
b) M eet legal compliance
c) Achieve compet it ive advant age
d) Promot e goodw ill in M ARKET
Ans: a

0.87. The point met hod t o evaluat e job i~ an ext ension of; ,
a) Ranking met hod
b) Fact or comparison met hod
c) Classificat ion met hod
d) Point fact or met hod

0.88. Job evaluat ion is based on t he;

a) Physical skills required by t he job
b) Relat ive job w ort h for an organizat ion
c) Complexit y of t he job t o perform
d) Concept ual skill required by t he job

0.89. Who is in t he best posit ion t o observe and evaluat e an employee's performance for t he
purposes of a performance appraisal?
a) Peers, b) Cust omers
c) Top management d) Immediat e supervisor

0.90. Groups are called if jobs are similar.

a) Classes b) Grades
c) Scales d) Roles

Q.91. Train t he rat ers prior t o conduct t he performance appraisal is an import ant responsibilit y of;
a) Top management
c) Line managers
b) HR depart ment
d) Product ion depart ment

Q.92. Current ly Organizat ions are providing benefit s t o t heir employees;

a) To at t ract new blood in t he organizat ion
b) To creat e st ronger cust omer relat ionship
c) To enhance t he M ARKET share
d) All of t he above


Q.93. Follow ing are all examples of direct compensat ion EXCEPT;
a) Pension b) Salary
c) Bonus d) Income

Q.94. One of t he main flaw s of Classificat ion met hod t o evaluat e t he jobs is;
a) It is an expensive met hod
b) Only beneficial for small organizat ions
c) M aximum probabilit y of biasness
d) Not useful when jobs are different

0.95. Which of t he follow ing measurement met hods rat es employee performance? relat ive t o ot her
a) Graphic rat ing scale
b) Comparat ive met hod
c) Essay met hod
d) Crit ical incident met hod

0.96. The aim of performance management is t o:

a) Ensure employee has t he t ools needed t o perform t he job.
b) Consolidat e goal set t ing.
c) Evaluat e employee's performance against st andards.
d) Ensure employee's performance is support ing t he company's st rat egic aims,

0.97. The increasing use of performance management reflect s:

a) Tradit ional performance appraisals are oft en count er-product ive.
b) The popularit y of TOM concept s.
c) Every employee's effort s must focus on helping t he company achieve it s _____ st rat egic
d) All of t he above.

0.98. Reasons for appraising a subordinat e's performance includes

a) Appraisals play an int egral role in performance management .
b) Appraisals playa part in t he employer's salary raise decisions.
a) The supervisor and t he employee t oget her develop a plan for correct ing t he employee's
b) All of t he above.


0.99. St eps t hat supervisors should follow in t he performance appraisal process include all t he
following except :
a) Prepare det ailed forms and procedures t o be used.
b) Provide feedback.
c) Define t he job.
d) Appraise performance.
Ans: a

0.100. The simplest and most popular t echnique for appraising performance is t he ______ met hod.
a) Crit ical incident
c) Forced dist ribut ion
b) Alt ernat ion ranking
d) Graphic rat ing scale

0.101. The __ performance appraisal met hod ranks t he highest employees and low est employees in
alt ernat e order.
a) Paired comparison
b) Forced dist ribut ion
c) Behaviorally anchored rat ing scale
d) Alt ernat ion ranking

0.102. The S in t he acronym for SM ART goals st ands for __ .

a) specific b) st raight forw ard
c) st rat egic d) source
Ans: a

0.103. Supervisors using t he forced dist ribut ion appraisal met hod can prot ect against bias claims by:
a) Training rat ers t o be object ive.
b) Using mult iple rat ers.
c) Appoint ing a review commit t ee.
d) All of t he above.

0.104. A __ appraisal met hod combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and quant ified
scales wit h specific behavioral examples of good or poor performance.
a) Graphic rat ing scale
c) M BO
d) Narrat ive


0.105. A problem(s) w it h management by object ives is (are) t hat it can:
a) Be t ime consuming.
b) Result in immeasurable object ives.
c) 1 and 2
d) None of t he above.

0.106. Rat ing an employee high on several t rait s because he or she does one t hing w ell is called t he:
a) Cent ral t endency.
b) Unclear st andards.
c) Halo effect .
d) Bias problem.

0.107. The problem w it h self-rat ings is t hat :

a) Supervisors rat e employees t oo highly.
b) Supervisors accent uat e differences and rigidify posit ions.
c) Employees rat e t hemselves higher t han do supervisors.
d) All of t he above.

0.108. Supervisors can ensure t hat employees are sat isfied w it h t heir performance appraisals by
ensuring t hat employees:
a) Do not feel t hreat ened during t he int erview .
b) Have t he opport unit y t o present t heir ideas and feelings.
c) Have a helpful and const ruct ive supervisor conduct t he int erview .
d) All of t he above.

0.109. The process of evaluat ing an employee's current and/ or past performance relat ive t o his or
her performance st andards is called __ .
a) recruit ment b) employee select ion
c) performance appraisal d) organizat ional development

0.110. When goal set t ing, performance appraisal, and development are consolidat ed int o a single,
common syst em designed t o ensure t hat employee performance support s a company's st rat egy, it is
called __ .
a) st rat egic organizat ional development b) performance management
c) performance appraisal d) human resource management


0.111. Performance management combines performance appraisal w it h __ t o ensure t hat employee
performance is support ive of corporat e goals.
a) goal set t ing b) t raining
c) incent ive syst ems d) all of t he above

0.112. M anagers follow ing a performance management approach t o appraisals w ill usually meet
w it h employees on a __ basis.
a) w eekly b) mont hly
c) bi-annual d) yearly

0.113. M anagers following a t radit ional performance appraisal syst em w i" t ypically meet w it h
employees on a __ basis.
a) daily
b) weekly
c) mont hly
d) yearly

0.114. The component of an effect ive performance management process t hat communicat es t he
organizat ion's higher-level goals t hroughout t he organizat ion and t hen t ranslat es t hese goals int o
depart ment al goals is called __ .
a) role clarificat ion b) goal alignment
c) development al goal set t ing d) direct ion sharing

0.115. The component of an effect ive performance management process t hat explains each
employee's role in t erms of his or her day-t o-day w ork is called __ .
a) role clarificat ion b) goal alignment
c) development al goal set t ing d) direct ion sharing

0.116. Which of t he follow ing is not one of t he guidelines for effect ive goal set t ing?
a) assign specific goals
b) assign measurable goals
c) assign challenging but doable goals
d) assign consequences for performance
Ans: d

0.117. The M in t he acronym for SM ART goals st ands for __ .

a) moderat e b) measurable
c) meaningful d) merit


0.118. The A in t he acronym for SM ART goals st ands for __ .
a) act ionable b) appropriat e
c) at t ainable d) at t it ude

0.119. Part icipat ive set goals result in higher performance t han assigned goals w hen
a) part icipat ive set goals are more difficult
b) assigned goals are more difficult
c) t he rew ards are also higher
d) part icipat ive set goals are used consist ent ly

0.120. When using goal set t ing in performance management , t he goals should be
a) difficult
c) doable
b) challenging
d) all of t he above

0.121. Who is t he primary person responsible for doing t he act ual appraising of an employee's
a) t he employee's direct supervisor
b) t he company appraiser
c) t he human resource manager
d) t he EEO cont act person

Q.122. Which of t he follow ing is not a role played by t he HR depart ment regarding performance
a) Training of supervisors
b) M onit oring t he appraisal syst em
c) Appraising of employees
d) Ensuring compliance w it h EEO law s

Q.123. When designing an act ual appraisal met hod, t he t w o basic considerat ions are
a) w ho should measure and w hen t o measure
b) w hen t o measure and w hat t o measure
c) w hat t o measure and w ho should measure
d) w hat t o measure and how t o measure

0.124. The most popular t echnique for appraising performance is t he ______________met hod.
a) alt ernat ion ranking b) graphic rat ing scale
c) M BO d) const ant sum rat ing scale


0.125. Which performance appraisal t echnique list s t rait s and a range of performance?
a) alt ernat ion ranking b) graphic rat ing scale
c) Likert d) const ant sum rat ing scale

0.126. What do performance appraisals measure?

a) generic dimensions of performance
b) performance of act ual dut ies
c) employee compet ency
d) all of t he above

0.127. If a performance appraisal focuses on an employee's abilit y t o " ident ify and analyze
problems" or t o " maint ain harmonious and effect ive w orking relat ionships," t hen t he performance
appraisal is focused on measuring __ '
a) generic dimensions of performance
b) performance of act ual dut ies
c) employee compet ency
d) all of t he above
Ans: c

Q.128. If a performance appraisal focuses on an employee's qualit y and quant it y of w ok, t hen t he
performance appraisal is focused on measuring __ '
a) generic dimensions of performance
b) performance of act ual dut ies
c) employee compet ency
d) all of t he above

0.129. The __ met hod of performance appraisal involves list ing all t he subordinat es t o be rat ed,
crossing out t he names of any not know n w ell enough t o rank, indicat ing t he employee w ho is t he
highest on each charact erist ic being measured and w ho is t he low est , and t hen alt ernat ing bet w een
t he next highest and low est unt il all employees have been ranked,
a) alt ernat ion ranking
b) graphic rat ing scale
c) Likert
d) const ant sum rat ing scale

0.130. Alt ernat ion ranking refers t o an appraisal met hod, which __ . .
a) is based on progress made t ow ard t he accomplishment of measurable goals
b) combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and quant ified scales by assigning
scale point s w it h specific examples of good or poor performance
c) requires t hat t he supervisor keep a log of posit ive and negat ive examples of a subordinat e's
w ork-relat ed behavior
d) involves list ing all t he subordinat es t o be rat ed, crossing out t he names of any not know n
w ell enough t o rank, indicat ing t he employee w ho is t he highest on each charact erist ic being


measured and w ho is t he low est , and t hen alt ernat ing bet w een t he next highest and low est unt il all
employees . have been ranked

Q.131. Suppose you have five employees t o rat e. You make a chart of all possible pairs of employees
for each t rait being evaluat ed. Then, you indicat e t he bet t er employee of t he pair for each pair.
Finally, you add up t he number of posit ives for each employee. In t his case, you have used t he __
met hod of performance appraisal.
a) §raphic ranking scale
b) const ant sum ranking scale
c) alt ernat ion ranking
d) paired comparison

0.132. The most popular met hod for ranking employees is t he __ met hod.
a) graphic ranking scale b) const ant sum ranking scale
c) alt ernat ion ranking d) paired comparison

0.133. Forced dist ribut ion refers t o an appraisal met hod, w hich __
a) is based on progress made t ow ard t he accomplishment of measurable goals
b) combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and quant ified scales by assigning
scale point s w it h specific examples of good or poor performance
c) requires t hat t he supervisor keep a log of posit ive and negat ive examples of a subordinat e's
w ork-relat ed behavior
d) requires a supervisor t o evaluat e performance by assigning predet ermined percent ages of
t hose being rat ed int o performance cat egories

0.134. When a supervisor evaluat es performance by assigning predet ermined percent ages of rat es
int o performance cat egories, he or she has used t he __ met hod of performance appraisal.
a) graphic ranking scale
b) const ant sum ranking scale
c) paired comparison
d) forced dist ribut ion

0.135. John, t he supervisor of t he manufact uring depart ment , is in t he process of evaluat ing his
st aff's performance. He has det ermined t hat 15% of t he group w ill be ident ified as high performers,
20% as above average performers, 30% as average performers, 20% as below average performers,
and 15% as poor performers. John is using a __ met hod.
a) graphic rat ing scale b) const ant sum ranking scale
c) forced dist ribut ion d) alt ernat ion ranking


0.136. Which of t he follow ing measurement met hods rat es employee performance relat ive t o ot her
a) graphic rat ing scale
b) forced dist ribut ion
c) likert scale
d) const ant sums rat ing

0.137. Wit h t he __ met hod, t he supervisor keeps a log of posit ive and negat ive examples of a
subordinat e's w ork-relat ed behavior.
a) alt ernat ion ranking b) forced dist ribut ion
c) narrat ive forms d) crit ical incident

0.138. The crit ical incident t echnique refers t o an appraisal met hod, w hich
a) is based on progress made t ow ard t he accomplishment of measurable goals
b) combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and quant ified scales by assigning
scale point s w it h specific examples of good or poor performance
c) requires t hat t he supervisor keep a log of posit ive and negat ive examples of a subordinat e's
w ork-relat ed behavior
d) requires a supervisor t o evaluat e performance by assigning predet ermined percent ages of
t hose being rat ed int o performance cat egories
Ans: c

0.139. All of t he follow ing are advant ages of using t he crit ical incident met hod for appraising
performance except t hat __ '
a) it provides examples of good performance
b) it does not include a numerical rat ing
c) it provides examples of poor performance
d) it reflect s performance from t hroughout t he appraisal period
Ans: b

0.140. Which appraisal met hod combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and quant ified
scales by assigning scale point s w it h specific examples of good or poor performance?
a) behaviorally anchored rat ing scale b) graphic rat ing scale
c) const ant sums rat ing scale d) none of t he above
Ans: a

0.141. Behaviorally anchored rat ing scale (BARS) refers t o an appraisal met hod, w hich
a) is based on progress made t ow ard t he accomplishment of measurable goals
b) combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and quant ified scales by assigning
scale point s w it h specific examples of good or poor performance
c) requires t hat t he supervisor keep a log of posit ive and negat ive examples of a subordinat e's
w ork-relat ed behavior
d) requires a supervisor t o evaluat e performance by assigning predet ermined percent ages of
t hose being rat ed int o performance cat egories


0.142. The first st ep in developing a behaviorally anchored rat ing scale is t o __ '
a) develop performance dimensions b) generat e crit ical incident s
c) reallocat e incident s d) scale incident s

Q.143. Which st ep in developing a behaviorally anchored rat ing scale involves clust ering crit ical
incident s int o a smaller set of performance dimensions?
a) first b) second
c) t hird d) fift h

0.144. Which st ep in developing a behaviorally anchored rat ing scale involves clust ering definit ions
and crit ical incident s, reassigning each incident t o t he clust er w here rt fit s best and t hen det ermining
t he level of agreement among t he group as t o t he allocat ion of incident s?
a) first
b) second
c) t hird
d) fourt h

0.145. The ent ire follow ing are advant ages of behaviorally anchored rat ing scales (BARS) except t hat
t hey __ .
a) are more accurat e
b) provide clearer st andards
c) are t ime consuming
d) are reliable

0.146. M anagement by object ives (M BO) refers t o an appraisal met hod, w hich
a) is based on progress made t ow ard t he accomplishment of measurable goals
a) combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and quant ified scales by assigning
scale point s w it h specific examples of good or poor performance
b) requires t hat t he supervisor keep a log of posit ive and negat ive examples of a subordinat e's
w ork-relat ed behavior
c) requires a supervisor t o evaluat e performance by assigning predet ermined percent ages of
t hose being rat ed int o performance cat egories

0.147. Which of t he follow ing is a problem wit h using M BO?

a) a t endency t o set unclear object ives
b) it is t ime consuming
c) t ug of war bet w een subordinat e and manager regarding goals
d) all of t he above


0.148. The forced dist ribut ion met hod is similar t o grading on a curve meaning t hat predet ermined
percent ages of t hose being rat ed are placed int o performance cat egories.
a) True b) False

0.149. Graphic rat ing scales are subject t o all of t he follow ing problems except __ .
a) unclear st andards b) halo effect s
c) complexit y d) cent ral t endency

0.150. When different supervisors define levels of performance (good, fair, poor) different ly, unfair
appraisals could result due t o a problem w it h __ .
a) unclear st andards b) halo effect s
c) complexit y d) cent ral t endency

0.151. __ is defined as t he influence of a rat er's general impression on rat ings of specific rat ee
qualit ies.
a) Impression management
b) Halo effect
c) Cent ral t endency
d) St ereot yping
Ans: b

0.152. Jason is generally considered unfriendly at w ork. His supervisor rat es him low on t he t rait
" get s along w ell w it h ot hers" but also rat es him low er on ot her t rait s unrelat ed t o socializat ion at
w ork. Jason's performance appraisal may be unfair duet o __
a) impression management
b) bias
c) st ereot yping
d) halo effect s

0.153. Some supervisors, w hen filling in rat ing scales, t end t o avoid t he highs and low s on t he scale
and rat e most people in t he middle. This __ means t hat all employees may be rat ed average.
a) halo effect
b) st ereot yping
c) cent ral t endency
d) st rict ness

0.154. The best w ay of reducing t he problem of cent ral t endency in performance appraisals is t o __ .
a) rank employees
b) be aw are of t he problem
c) t rain supervisors t o avoid it
d) impose a dist ribut ion for performance


0.155. The __ problem occurs w hen supervisors t end t o rat e all t heir subordinat es consist ent ly high.
a) cent ral t endency
b) leniency
c) st rict ness
d) halo effect

0.156. The __ problem occurs w hen supervisors t end t o rat e all t heir subordinat es consist ent ly low .
a) cent ral t endency
b) leniency
c) st rict ness
d) bias

Q.157. Which big five-personalit y t rait is associat ed w it h performance appraisal rat ings t hat are t oo
st rict ?
a) agreeableness
b) ext raversion
c) conscient iousness
d) openness

0.158. Goals should be challenging, but not so difficult t hat t hey appear impossible or unrealist ic.
a) True b) False

0.159. Which big five personalit y t rait is associat ed w it h performance appraisal rat ings t hat are t oo
lenient ?
a) agreeableness
b) ext raversion
c) conscient iousness
d) openness

0.160. The best w ay of reducing t he problems of leniency or st rict ness in performance appraisals is
t o __ .
a) rank employees
b) be aw are of t he problem
c) t rain supervisors t o avoid it
d) impose a dist ribut ion for performance


Q.161. When an employee's personal charact erist ics such as age, race, and gender influence a
supervisor's evaluat ion of his or her performance, t he problem of has occurred.
a) bias
b) st ereot yping
c) halo affect
d) st rict ness

0.162. Which of t he follow ing could result in a legally quest ionable appraisal process?
a) conduct a job analysis t o est ablish crit eria and st andards for successful performance
b) base appraisals on subject ive supervisory observat ions
c) administ er and score appraisals in a st andardized fashion
d) use clearly defined job performance dimensions

0.163. Who is in t he best posit ion t o observe and evaluat e an employee's performance for t he
purposes of a performance appraisal?
a) peers b) cust omers
c) rat ing commit t ees d) immediat e supervisor

0.164. Performance appraisals may be conduct ed by __ '

a) t he immediat e supervisor b) peers
c) rat ing commit t ees d) all of t he above

0.165. Rat ing commit t ees, made up of an employee's immediat e supervisor along w it h ot her
supervisors, usually have __ members,
a) 2-3 b) 4-5
c) 6-7 d) 8-9

0.166. While peer appraisals have many benefit s, one problem is __ , w hen several peers collaborat e
t o rat e each ot her highly,
a) social loafing b) group t hink
c) logrolling d) alliance forging

0.167. Peer appraisals have been shown t o result in a(n) __ '

a) reduct ion of social loafing in t he t eam
b) reduct ion of group cohesion
c) decrease in sat isfact ion w it h t he group
d) low er t ask mot ivat ion


0.168. What usually occurs w hen employees rat e t hemselves in a performance appraisal?
a) appraisals are subject t o halo effect s
b) logrolling could occur
c) rat ings are higher t han when rat ed by supervisors or peers
d) rat ings are about t he same as w hen det ermined by peers

0.169. Firms t hat use __ let subordinat es anonymously rat e t heir.supervisor's performance,
a) dow nward feedback
b) upw ard feedback
c) M BO
d) narrat ives

Q.170. What process allow s t op management t o diagnose t he management st yles of supervisors,

ident ify pot ent ial " people" problems, and t ake correct ive act ion w it h individual supervisors as
a) st rat egic performance appraisal
b) organizat ional development
c) upward feedback
d) M BO
Ans: c

Q.171. When subordinat es provide feedback for supervisors, t he comment s should be . anonymous
because ident ifiable responses t end t o result in __ '
a) more crit ical rat ings
b) increased comfort w it h t he process on t he part of t he subordinat e
c) more negat ive at t it udes from managers receiving t he feedback
d) more inflat ed rat ings

Q.172. What is anot her t erm for 360-degree feedback?

a) feedback loop b) mult i-source assessment
c) upward feedback d) circle feedback
Ans: b '

Q.173. Which of t he follow ing responses is not t ypical during a negat ive appraisal int erview ?
a) denial
b) anger
c) relief
d) aggression
Ans: c


Q.174. You are conduct ing an appraisal int erview w it h an employee w ho is sat isfact ory, but not
promot able, Which incent ive list ed below w ould likely be t he least effect ive for maint aining
sat isfact ory performance in t his sit uat ion?
a) t ime off
b) small bonus
c) compliment s
d) addit ional professional development

Q.175. Which is t he easiest t ype of appraisal int erview t o conduct ?

a) sat isfact ory-not promot able b) sat isfact ory-promot able
c) unsat isfact ory-correct able d) unsat isfact ory-uncorrect able

0.176. The alt ernat ion ranking met hod is t he simplest and most popular t echnique for appraising
a) True b) False
Ans: b

0.177. When conduct ing an appraisal int erview , supervisors should do all of t he follow ing except
a) t alk in t erms of object ive w ork dat a
b) compare t he person's performance t o a st andard
c) give specific examples of poor performance
d) compare t he person's performance t o t hat of ot her employees-

0.178. When a supervisor must crit icize a subordinat e in an appraisal int erview , it is best t o __
a) hold t he meet ing w it h ot her people w ho can diffuse t he negat ive sit uat ion
b) provide examples of crit ical incident s
c) acknowledge t he supervisor's personal biases in t he sit uat ion
d) provide feedback once per year

0.179. Top employees oft en out perform t he average employees by as much as 100%.
(T; moderat e; p. 320)
a) True b) False
Ans: a

Q.180. The alt ernat ion ranking met hod combines t he benefit s of narrat ives, crit ical incident s, and
quant ified scales by anchoring a rat ing scale w it h specific behavioral examples of good or poor
a) True b) False


0.181. Subordinat es may feel dissat isfied w it h t heir appraisal int erview w hen t hey
a) feel t hreat ened during t he int erview
b) have an opport unit y t o express t heir ideas
c) have an opport unit y t o influence t he course of t he int erview
d) have a const ruct ive int erview er conduct t he int erview

0.182. When act ual job dut ies are appraised, t he idea is t o focus on t he ext ent t o w hich t he
employee exhibit s t he compet encies t hat t he employer values.)
a) True b) False

0.183. When an employee's performance is so poor t hat a w rit t en w arning is required, t he w arning
should __ .
a) ident ify t he st andards by w hich t he employee is judged
b) provide examples of employees w ho met t he st andards
c) provide examples of t imes w hen t he employee did meet t he st andards
d) be sent t o t he employee in quest ion, t o t he manager's superior, and t o t he EEO office

0.184. Performance M anagement is:

a) The act ivit y w here a line manager set s object ives for his/ her st aff
b) To develop punit ive st eps t o address poor performance
c) To ensure all st akeholder requirement s will be met
d) To comply w it h t he requirement s of HR

0.185. Planning of Performance requires:

a) Translat ing t he job descript ion int o object ives and measures
b) Assessing your cult ure
c) Set t ing aligned KPA's and Object ives
d) Defining a development plan for employees
Ans: c & d

0.186. M aint aining performance includes:

a) Checking up st aff t o ensure t hey perform opt imally
b) Provide coaching and t raining w here gaps exist
c) Formal feedback
d) Disciplining poor performance
Ans: b & d

0.187. The-HR depart ment conduct s performance appraisals, develops t he appraisal t ools, and
monit ors t he appraisal syst em.
a) True b) False


0.188. Key Value Drivers are:
a) The asset s of t he company
b) The requirement s and expect at ions of all key st akeholders
c) Formally report ed in t he annual report
d) The basis of st rat egy and operat ional focus areas
Ans: b & d

0.189. Benefit s of a good PM syst em can include:

a) An effect ive HR Depart ment b) Reduced labour cost s
c) Improved communicat ion d) Focused development
Ans: c & d

0.190. M ent oring can be seen as:

a) A t rust ing relat ionship and focus on t he holist ic development and grow t h of a person
b) Quest ions about life, work and beliefs
c) A very formal relat ionship
d) Job observat ion

0.191. Performance-based rew ards should:

a) Be based on w hat t he company has budget ed for
b) Should be highly confident ial
c) Be based on st ret ch t arget s
d) Be known t o st aff
Ans: c & d

0.192. A M anager at t he first level of management is know n as a

a) Top Execut ive b) M iddle manager
c) Assembly- line w orker d) Supervisor
Ans: d

Q.193. Generally, supervisors focus on:

a) Day-t o-day problems and goals t o be achieved in one year or less.
b) Trying t o get t he ent ire organizat ion t o meet it s goals.
c) Long-range goals ext ending over several years.
d) Themselves only and are not concerned w it h organizat ional goals.

Q.194. For a supervisor, concept ual skills w ould include:

a) Recognizing how t he w ork of various employees affect s t he performance of t he depart ment
as a w hole.
b) The specialized know ledge and expert ise used t o carry out part icular t echniques or
c) The abilit y t o communicat e w it h, mot ivat e, and underst and people.
d) The abilit y t o analyze informat ion and reach good decisions.


Q.195. When supervisors and managers challenge people t o quest ion t heir assumpt ions about t he
w ork and consider bet t er w ays of doing it , t hey rely on which set of managerial skills?
a) Encouraging innovat ive t hinking
b) Ext ernal monit oring
c) Empowering
d) Developing

Q.196. Organizing draw s heavily on t he supervisor's:

a) Concept ual skills. b) Good human relat ions skills.
c) Technical skills. d) Decision-making skills.
Ans: a

0.197. M onit oring performance and making needed correct ions is t he management funct ion of:
a) Leading.
c) St affing.
b) Planning.
d) Cont rolling.

0.198. Performance appraisals assume t hat t he employee underst ood w hat his or her performance
st andards were.
a) True
b) False

0.199. Higher-level managers usually spend most of t heir t ime on t hese t w o management funct ions:
a) Leading and cont rolling.
c) Leading and organizing.
b) Planning and organizing.
d) Organizing and cont rolling.

0.200. Supervisors' responsibilit ies t oward employees EXCLUDE

a) Giving employees clear inst ruct ions.
b) Looking for problems and t rying t o correct t hem before employees' performances
det eriorat e furt her.
c) Speaking up for employees' int erest s t o t op management .
d) Being inaccessible t o subordinat es.

0.201. The evidence suggest s t hat part icipat ive set goals consist ent ly result in higher performance
t han assigned goals.
a) True b) False


0.202. A new supervisor's most reliable source of get t ing t o know his/ her new employees is probably
t he.
a) Boss.
b) Performance appraisals of t he new employees.
c) Personnel depart ment .
d) Employees t hemselves.

0.203. All of t he follow ing are suggest ions for making t he t ransit ion smoot h for a new supervisor
a) Set t ing limit s on t he supervisor's behavior.
b) Being a rescuer.
c) Figuring out how t o measure success.
d) Communicat ing w it h everyone.

0.204. Which t heory concerns t he use of object ives t o manage performance?

a) Probabilit y t heory
b) Goal t heory
c) Result s t heory
d) Out comes t heory

0.205. Supervisors should provide employees w it h feedback, development , and incent ives necessary
t o help employees eliminat e performance deficiencies or t o cont inue t o perform w ell.
a) True b) False
Ans: a


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