A Unicorn in The Garden

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The setting of the short story entitled The Unicorn In The

Garden written by James Thurber is in the sunny morning
during spring when he saw the unicorn while taking his
breakfast. This story took place inside the house such as in
the nook, bedroom, stairs and in the house garden.
The protagonist of this story is the husband as he is the main
character of this story. He is also the first person to discover
the unicorn and became the character who moved the whole
story. The husband is an independent person as he woke up
early in the morning and prepared the breakfast by himself.
Besides the husband is also a good liar as he twisted the fact
to the policeman and psychiatrist in order to get rid of his
The antagonist of this story is the wife as she is the character
who went against the main character, which is the husband.
She didn’t believe her husband when he told her that he saw
a unicorn in the garden. The wife is a lazy person as she woke
up late than her husband and let her husband had the
breakfast by himself. She didn’t even prepare the breakfast
for her husband. The wife is also not a trust worthy lady as
she called the policeman and the psychiatrist to send her
husband to the asylum.
He got mad after his wife didn’t believe him when he told her
about the unicorn and called him a booby and will put him in
a “booby-hatch”if he talked about the unicorn again.
The theme for this short story is a conflict between a
husband and a wife. From what I had read, they were both
holding something against each other but didn’t talk about it.
Instead, they used smooth ways to get rid of each other.
From line 20, there is a sentence saying “She was very
excited and there were gloat in her eye.” Therefore, I
concluded the theme of this short story is a conflict between
a husband and a wife.
The man is having scrambled eggs for breakfast and his wife
was still asleep.
Rising actions
The man saw a white unicorn with a golden horn and told his
wife about it.
His wife did not believed him as she said that unicorn is a
mythical beast.
His wife called the police and psychiatrist to come to their
house to report about him.
Falling action
The policeman and the psychiatrist came to their house..
They believed him and took his wife to a mental institution.
The husband betrayed her wife by denying everything that
the wife had told to the psychiatrist and the police. They took
away the wife instead of her husband.

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