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Development Control unit

Qamir Sohail 14-ARID-3686

Muhammad Miqdad Hussain 14-ARID-3656


Ms. Sidra Tahir

University Institute of Information Technology, PMAS Arid Agriculture

University, Rawalpindi
Project Title:
_____________Development Control Unit
Group Members:

S# Name Registration # Class Section/Shift E-mail

1. Qamir Sohail 14-arid-3686 BSCS-7 A/morning qammar.khan112

2. Muhammad 14-arid-3656 BSCS-7 C/morning miqdadhussain12


1. Project Summary:

Development control unit is an idea where we can control lots of problems which disturbs the
society in pollution and diseases. People want to involve for solving the issues so instead of
complaining the issue to the relative department, people will help them to solve the issue. The
aim of this project for implementation is to support the involvement and contribution of
citizens with the municipal authorities for damaged roads, broken street lights and garbage
collection and make the country pollution free thus provide neat and clean environment.
“Development Control unit” is a service for the civilians to post infrastructure related
problems around them with a picture of the concerned issue. It is android application. Citizens
can highlight issues related to infrastructure so that the different stakeholders should be able
to find the issues and take action against the complaint. The user registers his complaint by
attaching the evidence picture, description and location which will be uploaded and saved on
the server and can be easily viewed/seen by concerned authorities.

2. Introduction

A rising quality of life, and high rates of resource consumption patterns have unintended and
negative impact on the environment - generation of wastes far beyond the handling capacities
of urban governments and agencies. Cities are now grappling with the problems of high
volumes of waste and infrastructure issues.

It is the privilege of each native that the issues they are confronting are illuminated with the
goal that they can experience their lives calm. In Pakistan, there is no effective system for
tackling the issues of the residents. In the event if a person tackles an issue, he needs to go in
individual to the concerned office and submit his application. At that point the application is
sent for the procedure and after that work begins on the application. In Pakistan, there are
systems at department level that deal complains of the citizens related to them. But there is no
platform available for citizens where they can post the petitions or complaints and get them
solved in a specified time and can also know the status of the complaint or petition he has
lodged at any time.

Development Control unit is a smartphone application which facilitates the citizens of

Pakistan to highlight the unnoticed issues of the area by marking their location on the map
and capturing a picture of the issue they are confronting. The user can also view suggestions,
reported issues and check their status also. The user is notified when the reported issue is
taken into consideration by the city council and he receives notifications when the problem is
addressed and solved.

3. Project Aim:

Our idea of “Development Control System”, mainly concentrates on controlling the

infrastructure related problems, providing a smart technology for waste identifying, involving
human intervention and effort, which results in healthy, waste ridden environment and better
living standard.

4. Project Objectives:
Development Control System is an idea where we can manage lots of problems which
disturbs the society in pollution and diseases. The waste identification and reporting has to be
done instantly else it leads to polluted environment which will have adverse effect on nature.
The main objectives of our proposed system are as follows:
1. Providing a smart technology for infrastructure related problems.
2. Increasing waste collection coverage.
3. Involvement of citizens and Development Control unit.
4. User capture image and write description of the complaint
5. Municipal authorities will receive notification.
6. Municipal authorities will solve the issue.
7. Municipal authorities can assign the complaint to relevant employee.
8. Employee capture Image and write description after solving the complaint.
9. Municipal authorities can update to user about complaint.

5. Project Scope:

Our project will provide different options to the citizens when they will be lodging their
complaints. Features included in our project are as follows:
Mobile application:
Development Control System will be a mobile application.
Capture image of the issue:
This feature will enable the citizens to capture the image of the issue they identify anywhere.
The citizens will be given the option whether he wants to post the complaint and add its
Locate on map:
The citizen will be able to locate his problem on the map along with the evidence picture of
the issue.
Follow-up complaints:
This feature will allow the citizens to keep the track of their complaints that whether their
complaints have been accepted /rejected by the development authority.

6. Problem Statement:

The road to success of every developed country is that they have resolved the root cause of
every problem that they confronted in their journey. In doing so, the citizens of that country
have to play an important role in raising their voices and also by highlighting the issues they
faced in their daily life. Different countries have introduced municipal management systems
to tackle the complaints of the citizens regarding the infrastructure and many other issues
faced by the citizens.
Currently there is no system in our country which facilitates the citizens to report their daily
city issue against infrastructure related problems. There are department related complaint
management systems to which mostly people do not consult for submitting their complaints.
Also the concerned stakeholders such as civilians, government authorities, NGO’s etc. are
ignorant towards the problems confronted by the citizens against infrastructure issue. The
complaints are reported on manual basis. As the stakeholders do not pay any heed towards the
citizen’s problems there is a communication gap between the citizens and the stakeholders
involved. People avoid lodging a complaint as it is a time consuming procedure. No
systematic record is maintained of the problems reported by the citizens. The citizens are not
provided with any facility to keep a track of their lodged complaints which they complained
for garbage collection or any infrastructure issue. In addition to it, the complaints of the small
town people are neglected by the different stakeholders involved in handling the issues faced
by the citizens.

7. Proposed Solution:

For all the problems identified in the current situation we are proposing a smart solution in
which the citizens will play an important integral role by highlighting and raising their voice
against the issue of infrastructure related problems placing at everywhere. When the citizen
will see garbage or infrastructure issue anywhere they will capture its image, add the accurate
location from the maps where they spot the issue, add description and submit it. The
complaint of the citizens will then be entertained by the municipal authority. The complaint
will then be solved by the different stakeholders of our system. Reports are made further on
the base of date to date or on weekly bases. Reports tell the total number of complaints,
pending complaints and completed complaints. There is also a module for status which tells
the state of complaint either the complaint is pending, assign, completed and invalid.

8. Project Timeline:

9. Hardware Requirement:
 Android
 RAM (Minimum 1 GB)
 ROM (Minimum 4 GB)
10. Software/Tools Requirement:
 Android Studio
 Wamp

11. Proposed Implementation Language(s)

 SQL Server
 Android
 PHP framework laravel

Chapter 2


The software requirement specification of the software system is in the documentation

part in which we analyse what is the system for, what is purpose, what are the features,
how can we develop this system and what are the components of the purposed solution
of the system.

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements describe what the system must do and what functions it must

User Module

 user shall be able to login to the application.

 user shall be able to register his/her complaint.
 user shall be able to attach image against his /her complaint.
 user shall be able to write the description of the complaint.
 user shall be able to edit the complaint before posting it.
 user shall be able to view all his/ her previous lodged complaints.
Area Manager Module

 Area Manager shall be able to login to the system.

 Area Manager shall be able to view all complaints.
 Area Manager shall be able to update every complaint.
 Area Manager shall be able to mark any fake complaint after conformation.
 Area Manager shall be able to notify the user of his/her complaint association.
 Area Manager shall be able to assign complaint to the concerned employee.

Complaint Status Module

 Complaint Status module tells about states of the complaints.

 Complaint status tells about all pending complaints.

 Complaints status tells about all in progressed complaints
 Complaints status tells about all completed complaints
 Complaints status tells about all invalid complaints
 Complaints status tells about all closed complaints.

Employee Module

 Employee shall be able to login to the system.

 Employee shall be able to view his assigned complaints.
 Employee shall be able to work on complaint.
 Employee shall be able to notify area manager about the assigned complaint.

Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements can be portrayed as the imperatives of the system being

developed. Following are discussed the non-functional requirements of the system:


The user shall be able to use the system easily. It shall be easy to understand for users of
all background. It should be designed in a way that must guide the user to operate the
system easily and in a well-organized way.

Reliability is usually defined as the probability that a product (system) will operate

without failure for a specified number of uses (transactions) or for a specified period of
time. Reliability metrics are best stated as probability statements that are measurable by
test or analysis during the product development time frame.


Data integrity is the security properly that insure that data meets a given expectation of
quality and has not been exposed to accidental or malicious medication or destruction.
All input data shall be properly validating.


As the application will develop in Android that ensure us quick response time. The
system shall let the user accomplish his desired goals efficiently and with ease.

 Interface shall be efficient.

 Quick response shall be given to the user about authentication (response time).
 Accuracy.

The android application shall be compatible with all versions of android greater then
Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) up to Android 8.0 (Oreo).


The system shall provide security in logging in account and privacy of complaints. The
system shall show validation error if user field id empty.


The system shall provide details of what features it provides for privacy and records


The system shall be able to work in all areas and the Google maps shall be accurate and
fast for the exact location of the problematic area.


The system’s functionality shall be easily modified and enhanced to meet new business
needs and requirements.

Chapter 3

UML Diagrams
Use Case

Entity Relationship Diagram:

Class Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:


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