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Kumra 1

Devika Kumra

Professor Granillo

English 101

17 October 2020


Over the course of 8 weeks I took an English 101 class with Professor Granillo. Prior to

taking the class, I had watched multiple YouTube videos, and researched other ways to excel in

the course if I didn’t understand certain material. I was prepared to seek help from my professor

on a weekly basis and reach out to the Tutoring Learning Center. Once class started, we were

introduced to SMART goals., growth mindset, time management, and creator language. I wasn’t

familiar with SMART goals, but it was very helpful throughout the semester. By creating

minimal goals throughout the semester, I was able to enhance my writing and understand essay

structure so much better.

SMART goals consist of 5 different concepts such as Specific, Measurable, Achievable,

Realistic, and Time-Bound. As I mentioned prior to the class beginning, I had created goals for

each of my classes this semester, focusing on areas I have struggled with in the past. For this

class, I wanted to understand certain reading material better, as well as my writing of course.

Essay structure is very important and can come off tricky because there are so many different

aspects depending on the type of essay you are assigned to write. As I started submitting

assignments and receiving feedback, I compared them to the goals I set for myself in the

beginning of the semester. I dealt with some frustration throughout the semester, on my part

because I was having a difficult time organizing my essay. This is when I started reaching out to

my professor, and she gave me a ton of advice, which I was thankful for, and tried my best to
Kumra 2

incorporate throughout other assignments. My time-management for my reading assignments

was something I really wanted to excel this semester, but that is where I struggled the most

because, I’ve never been the best reader. It is something I will continue to work on and am

hopeful that it will be achievable. Moreover, as the semester progressed, I was able to dissect and

notice where I was struggling with my reading assignments. Due to receiving great feedback

from my professor, I was able to focus on my rhetorical appeals and ensure they met the

assignment guidelines.

Throughout the semester, what surprised me the most was my growth mindset especially

within my writing. I was so nervous before taking this class, that I wasn’t the best writer, or I

wouldn’t meet the prompt, but as I started writing more essays, I noticed different aspects within,

especially with how I spoke to my readers. I ended up submitting majority of my assignments on

time, and even successfully wrote 8-page papers! Now, I can proudly say that I enjoy

brainstorming, outlines, and essay writing because I’m able to apply all of the amazing resources

we were provided with this semester.

In conclusion, even though I noticed positive changes in many parts of taking English

101, there are still somethings I need to work on such as planning my time efficiently and

reaching out for help ahead of time. I didn’t acknowledge how helpful our tutoring center on

campus, but I definitely learned from this experience, and am confident that I will be able to

succeed in this area in the future. Noticing flaws within your writing and acting on them is

nothing to feel ashamed about, because even the best writers struggle with many of their papers

and throw away so many drafts before creating the perfect fit. I’m very thankful I took English

101 this semester with a caring professor and look forward to applying SMART goals in my

future classes.

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