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Plumbing the Unconscious


1. Elliot case explained

2. Two level of emotion

3. Prefrontal circuits and emotional attunement

4. Thinking abilities

5. The Neocortex

6. Emotional self awareness

7. Two levels of emotions.

a. Conscious emotions

 Individual retrospect
 Include emotions like pride, jealousy, and embarrassment
 Identifies subtle differences in their emotions,
 life without attachment to it being right or wrong

b. Unconscious emotions

 String factor that

 Simmer beneath threshold of awareness
 Behavior change dramatically
 Does not allow suitable replacement
 Affects in a hidden unintentional manner

8. Emotional Self – Awareness

a. Fundamental to psychological insight.

b. Foundation of other “Emotional Intelligence” competencies.

c. Accurate sense of one’s strengths and limitations

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