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Hillside school

Teacher’s Name: Kasa Meri Submission date27/01/13 EC

Subject: History Grade - 10 Week 2

Chapter/unit 6 Pages: 176-182 Periods per week 2

Topic: The Arab-Israeli war and the non-aligned movement

LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson students would be able to explain the Arab-
Israeli war and discuss the non-aligned movement.

The Arab-Israeli War:- The land of Palestine had been a place of conflicting claims between
the Jewish and the Arab nationalists. Four major conflicts occurred between the two people that

a. The first Arab Israeli conflict:- fought between1948-1949 where the Arab states
such as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Trans Jordan and Iraq jointly attacked Israel.
b. The second Arab Israeli conflict:-fought in 1955caused by the nationalization of
the Suez Canal by Jamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt.
c. The third Arab Israel conflict:- better known as “the six day war” was fought in
d. The fourth Arab Israel conflict:- known as “the Yom Kippur war” was fought
in 1973.

Result of the Arab Israeli Conflict

 Israel emerged victorious;

 Israel occupied territories in Palestine;.
 Many Palestine Arabs were forced to leave their county;
 A new and organized movement began by the Arabs.

The non-aligned Movement

It is neutralism in international relations.

The leading personalities behind the non-aligned movement were:
 Nasser (Egypt)
 Jawaharlal Nehru (India)
 Joseph Bronze Tito (Yugoslavia)
 Su Karno (Indonesia)

(Remark: read your text book from pages 176-182)


Give Short Answer for the following Questions

1. Discuss the David agreement (1978).

2. Explain briefly the third and the second Arab Israeli conflicts.
3. Define the term Zionism.
4. List at least three consequences of the Arab Israeli conflict.
5. Who was jimmy Carter?

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