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Instruction Manual


Date: May 2008
Part Number: 255-450-01210
Uster Technologies, Inc.
Software License Agreement
Please read this agreement carefully before using the software. This is a binding agreement between the
user and Uster Technologies, Inc.

GRANT OF LICENSE: Uster Technologies, Inc. grants the user the right to use the software program on a
single computer. Only one copy may be made, solely for backup purposes. This license remains in effect
until termination. Termination occurs when you destroy the program, all copies of the program, and any
accompanying documentation. Also, if you violate any part of this agreement, your license agreement is
automatically terminated without notice. Upon termination, you must destroy all copies of the program along
with any documentation.

RESTRICTIONS: You may not translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or alter the software in
any way. You may not distribute copies of these programs or their documentation to others. You may not
rent or lease the software; however, you may transfer it along with all written materials on a permanent
basis and retain no copies (in this case this license agreement transfers to the recipient of the software).

LIMITED WARRANTY: Uster Technologies, Inc. warrants the media on which the licensed programs are
provided, to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for ninety (90) days after receipt. Defective
media may be returned for replacement without charge during the 90-day warranty period unless the media
has been damaged by accident or misuse. Uster Technologies, Inc. warrants that the unaltered programs
will perform as specified in the accompanying documentation and are without defects for a period of ninety
(90) days from the date of receipt. Due to the complex nature of the programs, Uster Technologies, Inc.
does not warrant that the licensed programs are completely error-free, will operate without interruption, or
are compatible with all equipment and software configurations. Do not use the programs where significant
damage or injury to persons, property, or business may result if an error occurs. There are no other
warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to the licensed programs, their merchantability, or their fitness
for any particular purpose. In no event will Uster Technologies, Inc. be liable for indirect or consequential
damages, including, without limitations, loss of income, loss of information, or business interruption.

Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. These
warranties give you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.

REMEDY FOR REPLACEMENT: At Uster Technologies' option, the software will be replaced or the price
refunded if there is a defect. This warranty is void if the failure of the software occurs due to abuse or
misapplication. Replacement software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period
or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer.

GENERAL TERMS: This license agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee, USA.

COPYRIGHT: Uster Technologies, Inc. is the owner of the programs and documentation. U.S. Copyright
laws apply. You must treat this software and its documentation as any other copyrighted material.

By using the software, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it and agree to be
bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the
agreement between you and Uster Technologies, Inc. and supersedes any earlier proposal or prior
arrangement, whether oral or written, and any communications between us relative to the subject matter of
this agreement.

If you have any questions regarding this agreement contact us in writing at the following address: Uster
Technologies, Inc., P.O. Box 51270, Knoxville, TN 37950-1270, USA.
Instrument Warranty

All USTER® instruments are covered by a limited warranty, conditions of which may vary according to local
We are required by current U.S. regulations to call this a "Limited Warranty" because there are ways a user
might cause damage to this equipment that are completely beyond our control. Uster Technologies, Inc.
assumes no responsibility for the customer's process, facilities, or personnel. The customer is liable for
damage of this sort. Failure to supply specified electrical and air requirements will void the warranty.
The warranty period is 12 months from the date the instrument is installed at the purchaser’s site, or 18
months from the date the instrument is shipped from the Uster Technologies, Inc. factory.

Further, Uster Technologies, Inc. will replace externally undamaged glass electrodes, measuring cells, and
electron tubes within 6 months of delivery if test results reveal manufacturing faults or insufficient life.

Upon written request of the purchaser within the warranty period, we will repair or replace (at our
discretion) any instrument or part that fails in normal use as a result of improper design, faulty materials, or
faulty workmanship. Replaced parts shall become the property of Uster Technologies, Inc.

In the event that the defective part/instrument must be returned to the factory for repair, transport both ways
shall be at the cost and risk of the purchaser. Also the costs of dismantling and re-erection of the defective
part are to be carried by the purchaser. If, for any reason beyond our control, such part cannot be repaired
or replaced at our factory all additional costs resulting therefrom shall be borne by the purchaser.

The purchaser shall not be entitled to claim any further indemnity for deficiencies in the goods delivered, in
particular for damages or for cancellation of the contract.

All contractual obligations of the vendor expire unless the purchaser advises Uster Technologies, Inc. of any
claims arising under the guarantee in writing before expiry of the warranty period.

Excluded from the warranty are defects and losses resulting from improper storage, natural wear, improper
maintenance, failure to observe the operating instructions, excessive loading, the user of unsuitable media,
the influence of chemical or electrolytic action, unsatisfactory building or erection and commissioning work
not undertaken by Uster Technologies, Inc., or other reasons beyond our control.

The vendor’s liability shall cease if the purchaser or a third party undertakes changes or repairs to the goods
without the written consent of Uster Technologies, Inc., or if such goods are resold by the purchaser to a
third party without an agreement from the Uster Technologies, Inc.

For materials or goods supplied by third parties, the Uster accepts liability only to the extent of the
guarantees provided by such third parties.

REMEDY FOR REPLACEMENT: At Uster Technologies, Inc.'s option, the software will be replaced or the
price refunded if there is a defect. This warranty is void if the failure of the software occurs due to abuse or
misapplication. Replacement software will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period
or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer.

GENERAL TERMS: This license agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Tennessee, USA.

COPYRIGHT: Uster Technologies, Inc. is the owner of the programs and documentation. U.S. Copyright
laws apply. You must treat this software and its documentation as any other copyrighted material.

By using the software, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it and agree to be
bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the
agreement between you and Uster Technologies, Inc. and supersedes any earlier proposal or prior
arrangement, whether oral or written, and any communications between us relative to the subject matter of
this agreement.
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................1-1

1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................1-1
2 EQUIPMENT ..............................................................................1-2
2.1 Monitor........................................................................1-2
2.2 Balance .......................................................................1-3
3 SYSTEM MODULES ......................................................................1-3
3.1 Length/Strength Module .................................................1-4
3.2 Micronaire Module........................................................1-5
3.3 Color and Trash Modules ...............................................1-6
4 SOFTWARE FEATURES ..................................................................1-7
4.1 Error Messages .............................................................1-7
5 VISUAL CUES USED IN THIS MANUAL ...............................................1-7
6 SAFETY ...................................................................................1-8
6.1 Safety Labels ................................................................1-8
CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION............................................2-1
1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................2-1
1.1 Moving the Instrument ....................................................2-2
2 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................2-3
3 REQUIRED LABORATORY CONDITIONS ..............................................2-3
4 AIR REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................2-4
5 FLOOR SPACE REQUIREMENTS........................................................2-5
6 SAMPLE EJECTION CHUTE .............................................................2-7
7 CONNECTIONS .........................................................................2-7
8 UPS REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................2-9
9 POWER-UP .............................................................................2-10
10 POWER-DOWN.....................................................................2-10
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM STARTUP........................................3-1
1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................3-1
2 MAIN MENU ............................................................................3-1
2.1 Menu Bar .....................................................................3-2
2.1.1 File........................................................................3-2
2.1.2 Actions ..................................................................3-3
2.1.3 View......................................................................3-7

2.1.4 Help/About ............................................................3-7
2.2 Toolbar ........................................................................3-8
2.3 ID Bar ..........................................................................3-8
2.4 Action Area ..................................................................3-8
3 SOFTWARE...............................................................................3-9
3.1 Configuration .............................................................3-10
3.2 Calibration .................................................................3-11
3.3 System Testing ............................................................3-12
3.4 Module Testing ...........................................................3-12
3.5 Report Launcher ..........................................................3-13
3.5.1 View Reports ........................................................3-13
3.6 Bale Manager.............................................................3-14
3.7 Diagnostics.................................................................3-14
3.8 Shutdown Testing ........................................................3-15
3.9 Exit............................................................................3-15
CHAPTER 4 CONFIGURATION........................................4-1
1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................4-1
2 TEST SETUP ...............................................................................4-2
2.1 Length/Strength Options ................................................4-3
2.2 Edit Supervisor Password................................................4-3
2.3 Defaults........................................................................4-4
2.4 Host Communications ....................................................4-4
2.5 Test Mode(s) to Use .......................................................4-5
2.5.1 Mode 1 .................................................................4-5
2.5.2 Mode 2 .................................................................4-5
2.5.3 Mode 3 .................................................................4-6
2.5.4 Mode 4 .................................................................4-6
3 LOT LIMITS................................................................................4-7
3.1 Selecting Lot Limits.........................................................4-8
3.1.1 New Lot Limits.........................................................4-8
3.2 Data Display.................................................................4-9
4 SIDE LIMITS ...............................................................................4-9
4.1 Tolerance Values to Use ...............................................4-10
4.2 Data Display...............................................................4-10
5 HVI OFFSETS ..........................................................................4-11
6 DIAGNOSTICS LOG...................................................................4-12
7 REPORT SETUP .........................................................................4-13
8 DATA ALARMS ........................................................................4-14

CHAPTER 5 CALIBRATION .............................................5-1
1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................5-1
1.1 Module Calibration .......................................................5-2
2 CALIBRATION MAIN MENU ...........................................................5-5
2.1 Password Protection.......................................................5-6
3 LENGTH/STRENGTH CALIBRATION ..................................................5-7
3.1 L/S Cotton Calibration ...................................................5-7
3.1.1 Setup L/S Calibration Tolerances ..............................5-7
3.1.2 Setup L/S Calibration References ..............................5-9
3.1.3 Check Calibration .................................................5-10
3.1.4 Cotton Calibration.................................................5-11
3.2 View Calibration Results...............................................5-15
4 MICRONAIRE CALIBRATION .........................................................5-16
4.1 Setup Calibration Tolerances ........................................5-17
4.2 Setup Calibration References ........................................5-17
4.3 Check Calibration .......................................................5-18
4.3.1 View Calibration Results.........................................5-20
5 COLOR AND TRASH CALIBRATION .................................................5-20
5.1 Color Tiles Calibration .................................................5-21
5.1.1 Setup Tolerances ...................................................5-21
5.1.2 Setup References ...................................................5-22
5.1.3 Check Calibration .................................................5-23
5.1.4 View Calibration Results.........................................5-25
5.2 Trash Tile Calibration...................................................5-26
5.2.1 Setup Tolerances ...................................................5-26
5.2.2 Setup References ...................................................5-27
5.2.3 Check Calibration .................................................5-28
5.2.4 View Calibration Results.........................................5-30
CHAPTER 6 SYSTEM TESTING.........................................6-1
1 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................6-1
2 SYSTEM TESTING MENU ...............................................................6-1
3 TESTING MODES........................................................................6-3
4 TESTING SCREENS ......................................................................6-3
4.1 Bale Result List...............................................................6-3
4.2 Items Displayed.............................................................6-3
4.3 Reject NEP ...................................................................6-5
4.4 Report..........................................................................6-5
4.5 Color Coding ...............................................................6-5

4.5.1 Background Color ...................................................6-6
4.5.2 Numeric Text ..........................................................6-7
5 MODE 1 TESTING SCREEN............................................................6-8
5.1 Mode 1 Testing Sequence ..............................................6-9
5.2 Retesting ....................................................................6-11
6 MODE 2 TESTING SCREEN..........................................................6-12
6.1 Mode 2 Testing Sequence ............................................6-13
6.2 Retesting ....................................................................6-14
7 MODE 3 TESTING SCREEN..........................................................6-16
7.1 Mode 3 Testing Sequence ............................................6-17
7.2 Retesting ....................................................................6-18
8 MODE 4 TESTING SCREEN..........................................................6-20
8.1 Mode 4 Testing Sequence ............................................6-21
8.2 Retesting ....................................................................6-23
9 SAMPLE TESTING PROCEDURES .....................................................6-24
9.1 Bale ID.......................................................................6-24
9.2 Micronaire .................................................................6-25
9.3 L/S, Uniformity, Elongation...........................................6-26
9.4 Color/Trash................................................................6-27
10 EXIT TESTING ........................................................................6-28
CHAPTER 7 MODULE TESTING .......................................7-1
1 LENGTH/STRENGTH MODULE TESTING .............................................7-3
1.1 LS Module Testing Procedure ..........................................7-4
1.2 Reject Repetition............................................................7-4
1.3 Report..........................................................................7-5
2 MICRONAIRE MODULE TESTING .....................................................7-6
2.1 MIC Module Testing Procedure .......................................7-7
2.2 Reject Repetition............................................................7-7
2.3 Report..........................................................................7-8
3 COLOR/TRASH MODULE TESTING ...................................................7-9
3.1 Color Hand Movement...................................................7-9
3.2 C/T Module Testing Procedure......................................7-10
3.3 Reject Repetition..........................................................7-10
3.4 Report........................................................................7-11
4 NEP COUNT ...........................................................................7-12
4.1 Reject Repetition..........................................................7-12
4.2 Report........................................................................7-13
4.3 Exit............................................................................7-13
5 ULTRA-VIOLET (UV) ...................................................................7-13

5.1 Report........................................................................7-14
5.2 Exit............................................................................7-14
CHAPTER 8 DIAGNOSTICS.............................................8-1
1 PURPOSE .................................................................................8-1
2 DIAGNOSTICS MENU ..................................................................8-2
3 DIAGNOSTICS/HARDWARE SETUP ..................................................8-3
3.1 BaleID BCR...................................................................8-3
3.2 Color Head ..................................................................8-4
3.2.1 Find Trash ..............................................................8-5
3.2.2 Load Image ............................................................8-5
3.2.3 Save Image ............................................................8-5
3.2.4 View Trash Settings .................................................8-5
3.2.5 Warm Up Color Head .............................................8-6
3.2.6 Exit........................................................................8-6
3.3 Optics Zero ..................................................................8-7
3.4 Mic Air/Chamber Setup.................................................8-8
3.4.1 Mic Air Setup .........................................................8-9
3.4.2 Mic Chamber Setup.................................................8-9
3.5 Check Control Boards ..................................................8-10
3.5.1 Mic Control Board.................................................8-10
3.6 L/S Control Board .......................................................8-13
3.6.1 Digital Inputs ........................................................8-13
3.6.2 Digital Outputs......................................................8-14
3.7 Moisture Control Board (M1000) ..................................8-15
3.7.1 Tare Moisture Channels .........................................8-16
3.7.2 Moisture Channel Tests ..........................................8-16
3.8 Moisture Control Board (M700) ....................................8-17
3.8.1 Tare Moisture Channels .........................................8-17
3.8.2 Moisture Channel Tests ..........................................8-18
3.9 Check Motors .............................................................8-19
3.9.1 Track Motor (M1000) ............................................8-19
3.9.2 Track Motor (M700) ..............................................8-21
3.9.3 Brush Motor..........................................................8-23
3.9.4 Length Motor (M1000)...........................................8-25
3.9.5 Length Motor (M700).............................................8-27
3.9.6 LS Comb (M1000) ................................................8-29
3.9.7 LS Comb (M700) ..................................................8-31
3.9.8 Drum Motor ..........................................................8-33
3.9.9 Strength Motor ......................................................8-35

3.10 Update Firmware ........................................................8-37
CHAPTER 9 REPORT LAUNCHER.....................................9-1
1 MAIN MENU ............................................................................9-1
1.1 Menu Bar .....................................................................9-2
1.2 Toolbar ........................................................................9-3
1.3 Favorites Bar.................................................................9-3
1.3.1 Configure Your Favorites ..........................................9-4
1.4 Viewing Area ...............................................................9-5
1.4.1 Report Navigation ...................................................9-6
2 REPORT LAUNCHER SETUP .............................................................9-6
2.1 Language .....................................................................9-7
2.2 Set Default Folder ..........................................................9-7
2.3 Set Database Connection ...............................................9-7
2.4 Setup Printer .................................................................9-8
3 REPORT FUNCTIONALITY ...............................................................9-8
3.1 Open and View Report ..................................................9-9
3.2 Close the Current Report ..............................................9-10
4 PRE-CONFIGURED REPORTS .........................................................9-11
CHAPTER 10 MAINTENANCE .........................................10-1
1 DAILY MAINTENANCE ...............................................................10-1
2 CLEANING THE SYSTEM .............................................................10-1
3 LINT/WASTE BOX MAINTENANCE ................................................10-2
4 CALIBRATION TILES ...................................................................10-3
4.1 Cleaning Calibration Tiles ............................................10-4
5 SERVICE ................................................................................10-5
CHAPTER 11 GLOSSARY ...............................................11-1

CHAPTER 12 APPENDIX ................................................12-1

1 HOST COMMUNICATIONS ..........................................................12-1
1.1 Spectrum Support ........................................................12-1
1.2 Transmission Interaction ...............................................12-1
1.3 Record Structure ..........................................................12-2
1.4 Universal Record Header Format ...................................12-4
1.5 Record Body-Type Formats............................................12-5
1.5.1 Length/Strength ....................................................12-5
1.5.2 Micronaire ...........................................................12-6
1.5.3 Color & Trash .......................................................12-7

1.5.4 SCI......................................................................12-8
1.5.5 Maturity ...............................................................12-8
1.5.6 Moisture...............................................................12-9
1.5.7 NEP Count .........................................................12-10
1.6 HVI 1000 Record Structure .........................................12-10
1.6.1 HVI 1000 Summary Format ..................................12-11
1.6.2 HVI 1000 Nep Record Format ..............................12-14
1.6.3 HVI 1000 Example Records..................................12-15
2 ERRORS ...............................................................................12-16
2.1 Error Code ...............................................................12-16
2.2 Control Board ...........................................................12-17
2.3 Message Box ............................................................12-17
2.4 Options for Recovery .................................................12-17
3 ERROR MESSAGES ..................................................................12-18
CHAPTER 13 INDEX ......................................................13-1

Figure List
Section 2
FIGURE 2-1: HVI 1000 MOVING DIAGRAM ........................................2-2
FIGURE 2-2: M1000 L-SHAPED CONFIGURATION..................................2-5
FIGURE 2-3: M700 L-SHAPED CONFIGURATION ...................................2-6

Section 3
FIGURE 3-1: MAIN MENU ...............................................................3-2
FIGURE 3-2: VIEW LOG ..................................................................3-4
FIGURE 3-3: EXPORT DATA ..............................................................3-5
FIGURE 3-4: DELETE DATA ...............................................................3-6
FIGURE 3-5: HELP/ABOUT ...............................................................3-7
FIGURE 3-6: TOOLBAR ....................................................................3-8
FIGURE 3-7: ID BAR ......................................................................3-8
FIGURE 3-8: REPORT SELECTION ......................................................3-13

Section 4
FIGURE 4-1: TEST SETUP CONFIGURATION ............................................4-2

FIGURE 4-2: PASSWORD CONFIGURATION ..........................................4-3
FIGURE 4-3: HOST COMMUNICATIONS...............................................4-4
FIGURE 4-4: LOT LIMITS MENU..........................................................4-7
FIGURE 4-5: LOT LIMIT SELECTIONS ....................................................4-8
FIGURE 4-6: DATA DISPLAY ..............................................................4-9
FIGURE 4-7: SIDE LIMITS..................................................................4-9
FIGURE 4-8: HVI OFFSETS MENU ....................................................4-11
FIGURE 4-9: DIAGNOSTICS LOG .....................................................4-12
FIGURE 4-10: REPORT SETUP ..........................................................4-13
FIGURE 4-11: DATA ALARMS .........................................................4-14

Section 5
FIGURE 5-1: CALIBRATION MAIN MENU ..............................................5-5
FIGURE 5-2: PASSWORD ENTRY WINDOW ..........................................5-6
FIGURE 5-3: L/S CALIBRATION TOLERANCES ........................................5-8
FIGURE 5-4: SETUP L/S CALIBRATION REFERENCES .................................5-9
FIGURE 5-5 L/S CHECK CALIBRATION MENU ......................................5-10
FIGURE 5-6: L/S CALIBRATION EDIT RESULTS ......................................5-15
FIGURE 5-7 CALIBRATION MAIN MENU .............................................5-16
FIGURE 5-8: SETUP REFERENCES ......................................................5-17
FIGURE 5-9: MICRONAIRE CALIBRATION SCREEN .................................5-18
FIGURE 5-11: VIEW MIC CALIBRATION RESULTS ..................................5-20
FIGURE 5-12: CALIBRATION MAIN MENU ..........................................5-21
FIGURE 5-13: SETUP COLOR TILE TOLERANCES ....................................5-21
FIGURE 5-14: SETUP COLOR TILE REFERENCES .....................................5-22
FIGURE 5-15: COLOR TILE CALIBRATION SCREEN .................................5-23
FIGURE 5-16: VIEW COLOR CALIBRATION RESULTS ...............................5-25
FIGURE 5-17: SETUP TRASH TILE TOLERANCES .....................................5-26
FIGURE 5-18: SETUP TRASH TILE REFERENCES ......................................5-27
FIGURE 5-19: TRASH TILE CALIBRATION SCREEN ..................................5-28
FIGURE 5-20: PREVIEW IMAGE .......................................................5-29
FIGURE 5-21: EDIT TRASH CALIBRATION RESULTS .................................5-30

Section 6
FIGURE 6-1: SYSTEM TESTING MENU..................................................6-1
FIGURE 6-2: BALE RESULT LIST ...........................................................6-3
FIGURE 6-3: SYSTEM TESTING SCREEN – MODE 1..................................6-8
FIGURE 6-4: SYSTEM TESTING SCREEN – MODE 2................................6-12

FIGURE 6-5: SYSTEM TESTING SCREEN – MODE 3................................6-16
FIGURE 6-6: SYSTEM TESTING SCREEN – MODE 4................................6-20

Section 7
FIGURE 7-1: MODULE TEST SELECTION SCREEN .....................................7-2
FIGURE 7-2: LS MODULE TESTING SCREEN ...........................................7-3
FIGURE 7-3: LS REPORT SELECTION ....................................................7-5
FIGURE 7-4: MIC MODULE TESTING SCREEN ........................................7-6
FIGURE 7-5: MIC REPORT SELECTION .................................................7-8
FIGURE 7-6: COLOR/TRASH MODULE TESTING ......................................7-9
FIGURE 7-7: COLOR/TRASH REPORT SELECTION ..................................7-11
FIGURE 7-8: NEP COUNT SCREEN ...................................................7-12
FIGURE 7-9: UV SCREEN ..............................................................7-13

Section 8
FIGURE 8-1: DIAGNOSTICS ICON ......................................................8-1
FIGURE 8-2: DIAGNOSTICS MENU .....................................................8-2
FIGURE 8-3: BALE ID BCR SCREEN ....................................................8-3
FIGURE 8-4: COLOR HEAD SCREEN....................................................8-4
FIGURE 8-5: WARM UP COLOR HEAD ................................................8-6
FIGURE 8-6: OPTICS ZERO MENU......................................................8-7
FIGURE 8-7: MIC AIR SETUP .............................................................8-8
FIGURE 8-8: MIC CONTROL BOARD MENU ........................................8-10
FIGURE 8-9: MIC CONTROL BOARD VOLTAGES ...................................8-12
FIGURE 8-10: L/S CONTROL BOARD MENU.......................................8-13
FIGURE 8-11: MOISTURE CONTROL BOARD MENU (M1000) .................8-15
FIGURE 8-12: MOISTURE CONTROL BOARD MENU (M700) ...................8-17
FIGURE 8-13: TRACK MOTOR MENU (M1000) ..................................8-19
FIGURE 8-14: TRACK MOTOR MENU (M700) ....................................8-21
FIGURE 8-15: BRUSH MOTOR MENU (M1000) ..................................8-23
FIGURE 8-16: LENGTH MOTOR MENU (M1000) ................................8-25
FIGURE 8-17: LENGTH MOTOR MENU (M700) ..................................8-27
FIGURE 8-18: LS COMB MENU (M1000).........................................8-29
FIGURE 8-19: LS COMB MENU (M700)...........................................8-31
FIGURE 8-20: DRUM MOTOR MENU ................................................8-33
FIGURE 8-21: STRENGTH MOTOR MENU ...........................................8-35
FIGURE 8-22: UPDATE FIRMWARE MENU ...........................................8-37

Section 9
FIGURE 9-1 REPORT LAUNCHER MAIN MENU .........................................9-2
FIGURE 9-2: REPORT LAUNCHER TOOLBAR ............................................9-3
FIGURE 9-3: FAVORITES BAR ............................................................9-3
FIGURE 9-19: CONFIGURE FAVORITE BUTTON .......................................9-4
FIGURE 9-4: REPORT VIEWING ..........................................................9-5
FIGURE 9-5: REPORT NAVIGATION TOOLBAR ........................................9-6
FIGURE 9-6: OPTIONS MENU ...........................................................9-7
FIGURE 9-7: SET DEFAULT FOLDER ......................................................9-7
FIGURE 9-8: SET DATABASE CONNECTION ..........................................9-8
FIGURE 9-9: PRINTER SETUP .............................................................9-8
FIGURE 9-10: SELECT A REPORT ........................................................9-9
FIGURE 9-11: REPORT OPEN WINDOW ..............................................9-9
FIGURE 9-12: REPORT PARAMETERS WINDOW ....................................9-10

Section 12
FIGURE 12-1: ERROR HANDLE SCREEN ...........................................12-16

USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

Chapter 1 Introduction

1 Overview
The USTER® HVI 1000 (High Volume Instrument for fiber testing) is
available in two models, the M1000 and the M700. The major
difference between these models is that the M1000 Length/Strength
cabinet contains two combs and two sampler drums while the M700
has a single comb and a single sampler drum. The HVI 1000 system
(either model) measures physical fiber characteristics defined by the
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in its cotton marketing

• Length
• Strength
• Length Uniformity
• Elongation
• Micronaire
• Color
• Trash
• Moisture
• Short Fiber Index (SFI)
• Maturity
• Spinning Consistency Index (SCI)
• Neps
• Ultra-Violet (UV) Reflective or Fluorescence (UV Value)

All of these properties are important in fiber research, in the

development of improved fiber blends, and in verifying that purchased
fiber meets specifications.

The HVI 1000 system offers precise and reliable automated operation
with computer controlled calibration and diagnostics. All functions are
controlled by dedicated microprocessors, to simplify operation and to
provide flexibility in testing parameters.

Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 1

(3/08) Introduction - Page 1-1
USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

2 Equipment
The following features are available on the HVI 1000 system:

• Monitor
• Keyboard
• Computer
• Hard disk drive loaded with the necessary interface, operations,
calculation, and reporting packages
• 3.5-inch Floppy Drive
• CD-Rom Drive
• Balance
• Bar code Reader
• Printer
• External Temperature and Humidity Probe

2.1 Monitor


No user-serviceable parts are included inside

the monitor.

Prior to connecting or disconnecting any display peripheral,

ensure that the AC power to the instrument is OFF. Failure to
do so may cause serious personal injury, as well as
permanent damage to your computing equipment.

The monitor should not be placed near a source of heat. DO NOT

position the monitor where sunlight or bright room light will fall directly
on the screen.

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2.2 Balance
A balance is supplied with the system to be used with the Micronaire
Module. It comes with documentation from the manufacturer.

ANY changes to the balance configuration MUST be

performed by a qualified service technician ONLY.

3 System Modules
The HVI 1000 system is housed in two floor-standing cabinets; the
larger cabinet contains the Length/Strength Module and the smaller
cabinet contains the Micronaire, Color, and Trash Modules. Included
with the system are an alphanumeric keyboard, monitor, and balance,
which are located on the cabinet tops. The monitor displays the menu
selections, operating instructions, and test results. As tests are
completed for each cotton sample, the results can be transmitted to a
printer and/or an external computer system.

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3.1 Length/Strength Module

In the Length/Strength Module, mean and upper half mean lengths and
associated uniformities are determined.

Strength is obtained by measuring the force required to break a cotton

sample of known mass.

Elongation, the average length of distance to which the fibers extend

before breaking, is also calculated.

In Module Testing, the unit functions as a stand-alone instrument.

The Length/Strength Module consists of:

• An automatic sample preparation mechanism

• A brushing mechanism

• An optical system for measuring length and uniformity

• A clamping jaw system for measuring strength and elongation

After the cotton is placed in the sampler drum(s), the comb(s) are
automatically prepared. They slide along the instrument's comb track to
the brushing mechanism where they are brushed and moved into
position for testing.

The sampler drum(s) are located on the top of the instrument. The
vacuum box is located on the bottom-left side of the L/S cabinet.

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3.2 Micronaire Module

Micronaire is measured by relating air flow resistance to the specific
surface of fibers.

An air stream is passed through a known mass of fiber confined in a

chamber of fixed volume.

The pressure differential across the chamber is then related to the

specific surface of the fiber to determine the micronaire value for cotton.

• A precision electronic balance is provided to weigh the cotton


• The balance is protected by an acrylic guard.

• Once the cotton sample is weighed, it is placed in the micronaire

chamber (located below the balance) and tested for micronaire

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

3.3 Color and Trash Modules

The instrument for measuring color for cotton (lightness and yellowness)
is located in the micronaire cabinet. The color and trash tests are
performed simultaneously.

The color and trash trays, where the operator places the cotton sample
to be measured, are mounted on the tabletop (M1000). To measure
color and trash, the operator presses the Start button (mounted flush
with the tabletop) to perform the test.

• To measure color, the system uses a xenon flash bulb to illuminate

a cotton sample during testing.
• Lightness and yellowness, the two color components of cotton, are
measured as reflected light passes through filters and is deflected
by photodiodes.
• Lightness is expressed as a percent reflectance (%Rd)
• Yellowness is expressed in Hunter's scale (+b) values.
• These values are converted into the equivalent USDA color grade
codes that are based on the universal standards for grading
American Upland and Pima cottons, or a custom standard.

The Trash Module is an automated video image processor that measures

the amount of visible leaf or trash in a cotton sample of cotton. The
digitized image produces results for three measurements:

1. Trash Area—the percent of the cotton sample viewing area

occupied by trash.
2. Trash Count—an indication of the number of trash particles
≈0.01 inch in diameter or larger.
3. Leaf Grade—a code value related to the trash area and particle
count, or
Trash Grade – This value is measured by the Trash Module and
can consist of up to four alphanumeric characters, or
Trash Code — The range where the tested cotton sample falls
according to the levels determined during calibration.

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4 Software Features
The HVI 1000 system software allows the operator to select the
procedure to be performed from options displayed on the screen.

Once a selection has been entered, the screen reflects the choice and
displays step-by-step information the operator needs to proceed. The
major software components include the HVI 1000 software, Reports
Launcher, and Bale Manager (installation optional).

4.1 Error Messages

A message statement is displayed on the monitor to indicate the nature
of the problem. Refer to the appendix for a list of software error codes
and suggestions.

5 Visual Cues Used In This

What You See What It Means

BOLD Bold capital letters are used for the names of

action items. Button names, OK, Next.

CAPITALS Small capital letters are used for menu

names (i.e. MAIN MENU).

These statements appear in BOLD type. They give you
information about the proper use of the instrument.

Note: Notes appear in italics type. They give special emphasis, tips,
or information about the section where the note is located.

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6 Safety
The HVI 1000 system is safe to operate in a normal manner; however, if
the equipment is used in a manner not specified by Uster Technologies,
Inc. the protection provided by the equipment might be impaired.

There are also certain conditions that warrant cautionary statements.

The following warning labels are used to inform the operator and
qualified service technician(s) of the hazardous areas and conditions in
the instrument.

The section below shows the safety labels used on the HVI 1000.

6.1 Safety Labels

A label is located on each of the

samplers warning of a shear hazard
if the instrument is operated with the
covers open.

A label is located on the comb feed

support tray assembly indicating the
pinch hazard when your hand is in
the area of the brusher.

A label is located on the comb feed

support tray assembly indicating the
crush hazard when your hand is in
the area of the comb transport.

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

A label is located on the comb

transport assembly indicating the
crush hazard when your hand is in
the area of the comb transport.

The warning label with the

hand/wire/flash indicates that
hazardous voltage is behind the
doors. Operators are NEVER
allowed inside the instrument.

The label with the flash symbol inside the

triangle indicates to the service person that
hazardous voltage is present.

This label indicates that the service person

should Read the Service Manual before
attempting service in the area of the label.

This label indicates that NO

UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS is allowed in the
area of the label.

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Chapter 2 Installation

1 Overview
The HVI 1000 system is shipped in two separate crates containing the
module cabinets, peripherals, and some of the internal parts of the
system. Report any loss or damage to the carrier immediately.

When the system is received or shortly thereafter, an Uster service

technician will arrive to complete installation.


DO NOT attempt to set up the system by yourself!


If the system is to be stored before being used, inside

storage is required in a location protected from excess
moisture, corrosive atmospheres, and chance of physical

Conditioned storage is RECOMMENDED, but not required.

If the instrument has been exposed to a cold

environment, condensation may form on cold surfaces
when the instrument is moved into a warm area. Allow
the instrument to warm and dry thoroughly before
proceeding with installation.

The procedures given in this chapter are to be performed for each

cabinet with the assistance of an Uster service technician or an
authorized Uster Technologies’ agent.

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1.1 Moving the Instrument

Due to the weight of the HVI 1000, (refer to part 5, this chapter) it is
necessary to use a forklift when the instrument must be lifted. The
Micronaire cabinet and the length/strength cabinet must be moved
separately. Ensure that the instrument being lifted is facing the forklift
and that the load is evenly distributed on the forks. See figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: HVI 1000 Moving Diagram

Each of the cabinets is equipped with wheels. Normal placement within

the laboratory should not require the use of a forklift as the cabinets can
be rolled into place.

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2 Electrical Requirements
The HVI 1000 system operates on 220V AC ±15% (50 to 60 Hz) and
requires a separate dedicated 15-amp circuit breaker at the facility’s
electrical load center. During normal operation, the HVI 1000 system
draws approximately eight (8) amps; the startup current is sufficiently
high to require a larger breaker. A power cord is provided that will
connect to the HVI 1000 system. The opposite end must be fitted with
connections compatible with the facility’s electrical system. The power
line is a single phase main with a protection switch. All the system
components are plugged into the power bar located in the Micronaire
cabinet with the exception of the vacuum system, which is plugged into
the Length/Strength cabinet power box.

3 Required Laboratory Conditions

It is recommended that the instrument be operated in a controlled
environment, in accordance with the following ASTM standards, as

ASTM D1776:
Humidity 65% (± 2%)
Temperature 21°C (±1°), 70°F ± 2°F

Cotton samples should be properly conditioned in the laboratory

environment to maintain consistent results.

To attain moisture equilibrium of a cotton sample, a conditioning time of

at least 24 hours is required, 48 hours is preferred. Refer to the
applications handbook for further details.

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4 Air Requirements
1. The system requires 100 - 150 psi (700-1034 kPa) of clean, dry,
unregulated compressed air.
a. The air supply connected to the unit must include an overpressure
safety device to ensure that the pressure remains less than or
equal to 150 psi (1034 kPa).
2. Use of a dryer system, air filters, and a water trap is highly
3. The unit is provided with an air line for connections to the facility's
air supply.
4. Failure to supply air that is free of water, oil, or particles will
increase maintenance and VOID THE WARRANTY!


Damage caused by connecting the instrument to

improper power and air sources is not covered under the

The following are recommended:

Air Pressure Î 100 psi

Amount of compressed air Î approximately 8.5m3/h
Air Tubes Diameter Î 10 mm (3/8”)

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5 Floor Space Requirements

• The Length/Strength cabinet occupies a space of 53.5 inches (136
cm) wide x 30 inches (76.2 cm) deep.

• The working surface is 38 inches (96.5 cm) from the floor.

• The HVI 1000 Length/Strength cabinet weighs approximately 765

pounds (347 kg).

• The Micronaire cabinet is 28 inches (71 cm) wide; it is the same

height and depth as the Length/Strength cabinet and weighs
approximately 335 pounds (152 kg).

The operator may sit or stand while performing the tests. The HVI 1000
system can be setup as an in-line (straight line) configuration or as an L-
shaped configuration (shown below for both models).

Figure 2-2: M1000 L-Shaped Configuration

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Figure 2-3: M700 L-Shaped Configuration


It is important to place the instrument so that the main

power cord is easily accessible. In case of emergency it
MUST NOT be difficult to disconnect the main power.

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6 Sample Ejection Chute

The sample ejection chute located on the back of the Length/Strength
cabinet must be connected to a vacuum duct, waste bag or Uster Waste
Receptacle (part number 255-010-17180) during operation of the unit.


Do NOT reach into the Sample Ejection Chute or leave the

chute disconnected during operation. Serious injury can
result from contact with the sampler cards inside.

7 Connections
The balance, monitor, keyboard, temperature/relative humidity probe,
and bar code reader, should be connected BEFORE the power to the
HVI 1000 system is turned ON. (For additional information, refer to the
Service Manual.)

• Balance

Connect the balance to the connector labeled COM3, Lava

Quattro Port B, located on the rear of the computer.

• Monitor

Connect the monitor to the connector labeled VGA on the back of

the computer.

• Keyboard

The micro-type keyboard is attached to a USB connection on the

back of the computer.

• Bar Code Reader

Connect the bar code reader to the connector labeled COM5,

Lava Quattro Port D, located on the rear of the computer.

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• Host Com

Connect the Host COM to the connector labeled COM4, Lava

Quattro Port A, on the rear of the computer.

• LS Controller

Connect the LS Control Board to the connector labeled COM1 on

the rear of the computer.

• MIC Controller

Connect the MIC Control Board to the connector labeled COM2

on the rear of the computer.

• Moisture Controller

Connect the Moisture Control Board to the connector labeled

COM6 on the rear of the computer.

The HVI 1000 system is now ready to power ON.

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8 UPS Requirements
If frequent power shutdowns or fluctuations are expected, Uster
Technologies recommends that an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
be used to prevent loss of data or other related problems. An UPS is an
available option.


An UPS should NOT be plugged into 220V outlets! It is important

to connect the UPS using an IEC to NEMA adapter (256-620-
03940) and a NEMA power cord (256-670-00070). Or, order the
UPS Option Kit, #255-010-18560.

The following specifications should be noted:

Partial System Support (without the Vacuum Blower)

Protects computer system, motors, and power supplies, but NOT the
• If UPS is purchased locally, we recommend APC Model BR1200, or
equivalent with the following characteristics:
o "Line Interactive" or “AVR” (automatic voltage regulation) for
maximum protection against line transients - under voltages
(brownouts) and over voltages (spikes).
o Minimum output power rating of 1200VA – 780 Watts at 120
Volts 50-60 Hz.
o Must be TÜV certified or bear the CE mark for European
countries and be UL listed for North America.
o Run time of 10 minutes or greater.
Entire System Support (with Vacuum Blower):
• Uster Technologies Inc does not offer the option to purchase a UPS
to protect the entire HVI1000 system.
• It is recommended that entire system UPS units be purchased locally.
We recommend Superior Electric #SLI3000XR for European and
North American power systems or their equivalent. The UPS should
also meet the above listed requirements.

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9 Power-Up
The following sequence should be followed when powering up the HVI
1000 system:

1. Turn ON the Power Box lower switch.

2. Turn ON the Power Box upper switch.
3. Turn ON the computer.

10 Power-Down
The following sequence should be followed when powering down the
HVI 1000 system:

1. Turn OFF the computer.

2. Turn OFF the Power Box upper switch.
3. Turn OFF the Power Box lower switch.

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Chapter 3 System Startup

1 Overview
The HVI 1000 system is a sophisticated instrument that requires specific
instruction and training to be used properly. Only operators that have
received proper training should be allowed to use the HVI 1000 system.

Before beginning to use the instrument, make sure the system has been
properly installed (see Chapter 2). Power should be ON for the
instrument, computer, monitor, and balance.

For consistent results, cotton samples should be properly conditioned in

the laboratory environment. Refer to Chapter 2 for required laboratory

Once the instrument is powered up, launch the application from the
shortcut on the Windows desktop.


Keep hands, jewelry and clothing away from the color

trays and the color hand. Make sure the area around
both the Length/Strength and the Micronaire cabinet
START buttons remains clear so that the buttons are not
pressed accidentally.

2 Main Menu
There are four major areas of the MAIN MENU:

1. Menu Bar
2. Toolbar
3. ID Bar
4. Action Area

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Figure 3-1: Main Menu

Note: For proper viewing of the software, ensure that the monitor
resolution is set to 1280x1024.

2.1 Menu Bar

The MAIN MENU defaults to the system/module testing area.
Functionality can be accessed via the toolbar and/or the menu bar.
The menu bar consists of the following:

1. File
2. Actions
3. View
4. Help/About

2.1.1 File
The FILE menu allows you to exit the software.

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2.1.2 Actions
The ACTIONS item on the menu bar consists of the following:

♦ Show Configuration
♦ Show Calibration
♦ Length/Strength
♦ Color
♦ Trash
♦ Summary/History
♦ Eject L/S Sample from bin (toggle-for current testing only)
♦ Re-enter Bale ID
♦ Log Status
♦ Log Configuration Settings
♦ View Log
♦ Clean Log Files
♦ Export Data
♦ Delete Data Show Selections

In the Show selections, only partial configuration or calibration

information will launch. To view complete information, select the
appropriate icon(s) from the toolbar. Eject L/S Sample

This selection allows the operator to select whether or not the system will
automatically eject the cotton sample from the sampler drum(s) when
testing a comb pair. Re-Enter Bale ID

Once a bale ID is entered during testing, it can be changed by using

this action item. Select Re-Enter Bale ID from the Actions item on the

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menu bar, or use the F5 key to launch the re-enter screen. This screen
will display the original bale ID. Enter the new bale ID and click OK. Log Status

The Log Status selection allows the current status of the instrument to
be viewed. This selection is primarily used for debugging. Log Configuration Settings

The Log Configuration Settings selection allows the current status of

the instrument to be viewed. This selection is primarily used for
debugging. View Log

The log file viewer allows the user to search for and view specific log
files. To launch the viewer, click Actions on the menu bar and then
click View Log File. This selection is primarily used for debugging.

Figure 3-2: View Log

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual Clean Log Files

The Clean Log Files utility scans files and automatically cleans older
files as needed. Export Data

This database utility is used to export bale data from system testing into
a file. Currently two formats are supported: Simple text file and MS
Access database. The text file support is used for backward
compatibility with older systems. The export database can be linked
through ODBC or some other external program. It will not have any
assigned passwords.

System test data can be exported manually from the ACTIONS MENU. The
Export Data selection launches a dialog that allows you to select
options for exporting the system testing data.

Figure 3-3: Export Data

Click the OK button to save system test data to the HVI_Export.mdb

database. If the database already exists the data record will be
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appended. If the database does not already exist, a new database will
be created as specified in the Path / Filename option.

Note: System test data can also be automatically exported after a test
completes. Ask your Uster service technician about configuring your
system for this functionality. Delete Data

The Delete Data function allows the user to search for and delete
specific Lot and Bale IDs from system testing and module testing records.
To launch the viewer, click Actions on the menu bar and then click
Delete Data. Enter a valid password to launch the screen. Use the
check boxes to limit the data display to system testing or module testing.
Bale IDs to be deleted can be highlighted, or the checkbox for Select
All Bales can be selected for the desired Lot.

Figure 3-4: Delete Data

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2.1.3 View
The VIEW item on the menu bar consists of:

♦ Status Bar
♦ Small Trash Image
♦ System Testing
♦ Configuration
♦ Diagnostics
♦ Check/Calibrate
♦ Return
♦ Report Launcher
♦ Bale Manager (installation optional)
♦ Language

2.1.4 Help/About
The HELP/ABOUT MENU provides information on the system and its

Figure 3-5: Help/About

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2.2 Toolbar
The toolbar contains
icons, from left to right,
for the following:
Figure 3-6: Toolbar

1. System Testing
2. Configuration
3. Calibration
4. Diagnostics
5. Return
6. Report Launcher
7. Help/About

2.3 ID Bar

Figure 3-7: ID Bar

The status bar provides at-a-glance information on the following:

♦ The Lot Number currently being tested.

♦ The Operator Number currently logged onto the system.
♦ The Task pane indicates the procedure the system is performing.

2.4 Action Area

The Action area, on the lower portion of the screen, is where the major
functionality of the software is displayed and accessed.

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3 Software
The HVI 1000 software has six different primary functions:

1. Configuration

2. Check/Calibrate

3. System Testing

4. Module Testing

5. Diagnostics

6. Report Launcher

These functions can be accessed via the menu bar selections or the
icons on the toolbar.

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3.1 Configuration
Important operating parameters are defined here. Normally, these
choices are made at system startup and retained indefinitely. This menu
includes numerous choices for setting up the instrument for system

Configuration must be performed before calibration, system testing, or

module testing can begin. When the CONFIGURATION icon is selected,
a valid password must be entered to display the CONFIGURATION MENU
in the Action area. The following selections are available:

♦ Test Setup
♦ Lot Limits
♦ Side Limits
♦ HVI Offsets
♦ Diagnostics Log
♦ Report Setup
♦ Data Alarms

Note: Refer to the Configuration chapter for detailed information on

these procedures.

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3.2 Calibration
Calibration or calibration checks are routine procedures normally
performed at the start of a shift. When the CALIBRATION icon is
selected, the CALIBRATION MENU is displayed. Some items require a
supervisor password.

The CALIBRATION MENU allows you to check calibration, setup tolerances,

setup references, and view calibration results for the following:

♦ Length/Strength
♦ L/S Cotton
♦ Micronaire
♦ MIC Cotton
♦ Color/Trash
♦ Color Tiles
♦ Trash Tiles

Note: Refer to the Calibration chapter for detailed information on

these procedures.

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3.3 System Testing

The SYSTEM TESTING selection is used for regular system testing of fibers.

When you select the System Testing button in the System Testing
portion of the action area, the SYSTEM TESTING MENU is displayed.

The SYSTEM TESTING MENU also allows the operator to view or print a
Report. The Status of testing is displayed toward the bottom of the

Note: Refer to the System Testing chapter for detailed information on

the procedures to be used for an HVI 1000 system.

3.4 Module Testing

The MODULE TESTING selection is used when only one of the modules in
the HVI 1000 system is to be used for testing. The following modules
are available to use for testing:

♦ Length / Strength

♦ Micronaire

♦ Color / Trash

♦ Nep Count (optional)

♦ UV (optional)

Note: Refer to the Module Testing chapter for detailed information on

the measurement procedures.

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3.5 Report Launcher

The REPORT LAUNCHER allows you to configure, view and print module
and bale data, information from testing, bale classing data, bale count
data and summary reports.

There are three ways to view a report.

1. Click the Reports Launcher icon on the toolbar to launch the

RptLauncher.exe utility.
2. Double-click the Reports Launcher desktop icon.
3. Select the Report button from within a testing area.

3.5.1 View Reports

1. Select the Report button within

a testing area to launch a
Report Selection window.

2. Click to darken the radio button

preceding your choice.

3. Click OK to launch the Report.

Figure 3-8: Report Selection

Note: Selection windows will differ depending upon which testing

area Report is selected from.

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3.6 Bale Manager

BALE MANAGER is an optional component of the HVI 1000 system. It is
used to guide decisions on fiber procurement, facilitate warehousing,
control short and long-term variation within and between mixes, predict
spinning performance, and prepare reports for review. Data files
containing high volume instrument (HVI) test results are imported and
assigned to categories. Mixes from these categories are selected and
data regarding these mixes is stored.

The record-keeping functions of BALE MANAGER are used to track

inventory items, issue purchase orders, monitor shipments, and review
past mixes.

The BALE MANAGER software provides a complete testing, analyzing, and

managing system of high volume instrument (HVI) data files.

BALE MANAGER should be installed on a separate, administrative


Note: Refer to the BALE MANAGER manual for complete details on


3.7 Diagnostics
This area is used for troubleshooting and maintenance of the system.

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3.8 Shutdown Testing

At the end of a day of testing we recommend that you turn OFF the
printer and monitors, but leave the instrument turned ON.

3.9 Exit
Select File and then Exit to close the HVI 1000 application.

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Chapter 4 Configuration

1 Overview
The CONFIGURATION MENU allows you to define a number of important
operating parameters.

Configuration must be completed prior to calibration or testing


Note: In most cases the configuration selections made when the system
is installed are retained indefinitely.

Select the Configuration icon from the toolbar. Enter

a valid password and select OK to open the
CONFIGURATION MENU in the Actions area in the lower
portion of the screen. This selection defaults to the Test
Setup tab.

The following selections are available:

♦ Test Setup
♦ Lot Limits
♦ Side Limits
♦ HVI Offsets
♦ Diagnostics Log
♦ Report Setup
♦ Data Alarms

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2 Test Setup
This area is primarily used to set options for system testing, including the
number of repetitions, whether to apply lot limits or side limits, use
grade entry, send data to the host, perform moisture correction of
length/strength, and more. Installed components are selected here, as
are configuration features for the supervisor password, host
communications and test mode. System Testing Options will differ
depending upon which Test Mode is selected. See part 2.4 this

Figure 4-1: Test Setup Configuration

Note: Once all settings have been selected, go to File and select Log
Configuration Settings. This will put all configuration options,
settings, and calibration constants into the log file.

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2.1 Length/Strength Options

1. Perform Moisture Correction of L/S: This selection will use moisture
testing values to adjust any values that are related to moisture
(Length, Strength, Short Fiber Index (SFI), etc.).
2. L/S Bin Sample Eject: When this is selected the system will always
eject the cotton sample whether or not testing has passed.
3. L/S Sample Eject Delay: This selection delays the ejection of the
cotton sample until all testing parameters have passed, or until the
cotton sample has been re-tested. In the case of lot limits and side
limits the operator must click Accept to eject the cotton sample.

2.2 Edit Supervisor Password

The Supervisor password is the only ID allowed to use the password
editor in system configuration. Also, a Supervisor password is required
for editing configuration settings and performing Factory Settings
calibration procedures.

Select the Edit Supervisor Password button. This will launch the
edit window.

Passwords are 3-12 characters (a-z and A-Z only), and are not case-

To add a new password,

type in the new password
and click OK.

Figure 4-2: Password Configuration

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2.3 Defaults
Length Units: English = inch
Temperature: Celsius
Short Fiber Index (SFI) Type: 0.5in / 12.7mm
Moisture: Dry Basis
Cotton Type: Upland
Trash Identifier: Trash Grade

Note: If you select items other than the default, you must select Apply
to save the changes.

2.4 Host Communications

This area allows the supervisor to setup Serial Port Parameters, Data
Transmission, Connections and Timeouts. Click Config Host

Figure 4-3: Host Communications

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Enter your selections and click Apply to exit and save the changes.
The Status area shows the current settings when communications are
enabled. Click Close to exit the window without making any changes.

Note: Refer to the appendix for details on host communications

transmission architecture.

2.5 Test Mode(s) to Use

There are four different modes that can be selected in the System Testing
Options area of Test Setup. Each mode has specific options that are
(and are not) available.

2.5.1 Mode 1
One Bale, Both Sampler Drums, Comb Pairs: A single bale is tested at
a time and all modules must be completed before starting the next bale.
The Repetition (L/S Combs) number is variable (2 or 4). There is no
overlapping of the bales during testing. Lot Limits, Side Limits and
Inadequate Data results are all retested. Both sampler drums are used.
If the results from one comb fail, both combs are retested.

If the Color/Trash count is selected as 1 (3rd drop-down list), the rear

tray is used. If the Color/Trash count is 2 or 4, both rear and front tray
positions are used. If a bad Color/Trash reading occurs, the cycle is
ignored and retested.

Mic measurement counts of 1, 2, or 4 are supported (2nd drop-down


2.5.2 Mode 2
Two Bales Overlapped, Bales in Sequence, Comb Pairs: This allows
testing of one bale at one time. The repetitions (L/S Combs) are
variable (2 or 4). When the primary MIC and Color/Trash
measurements are finished, the second bale can be processed. Lot
limits, Side Limits and Inadequate Data results are retested.

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Length/Strength and Color/Trash are processed ONE BALE at a time.

The Length/Strength sampler drums and the Micronaire Color/Trash
tray operate the same as for Mode 1. This mode supports overlap of
testing so that throughput is increased.

2.5.3 Mode 3
Two Bales Overlapped, Bales in Pairs, Single Comb: This Mode is used
for high volume overlapping bales using one comb per bale. Two
different bales are tested at the same time. The Repetitions (L/S Combs)
are fixed and not configurable. There are no Side Limits for
Length/Strength. The Length/Strength combs and each side of the
Color/Trash tray are associated with each of the two bales being
tested. Example: Bale1=Left Comb, Rear Color/Trash tray;
Bale2=Right Comb, Front Color/Trash tray. All modules for both bales
must be completed before starting the next pair of bales. This is faster
than using Mode 2 as only one length/strength cycle is required for
both bales.

Retesting of modules is processed for each bale. The system will ignore
new data for bales that have already passed and completed, as new
data is being collected for bales that have failed.

2.5.4 Mode 4
One Bale, Single Sampler Drum, with Combs: This Mode is for single
sampler drums testing. The Repetition (L/S Combs) is variable (1 or 2),
but only the LEFT sampler drum is processed for Length/Strength data,
and only one bale is tested at a time (no overlap). No side limits are
allowed to be selected.

Mode 4 is the mode used with the M700 model. This mode supports
the single sampler drum and single comb of this unit.

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3 Lot Limits
Lot Limits establish a range of legitimate property values. Lot limits
apply to the outcome for a bale in system testing. Lot limits do NOT
apply to calibration, module testing, module qualification, or

When LOT LIMITS are ON, a cotton sample property measured during
System Testing that falls outside the valid range will cause an error
message to be displayed. This alerts the operator that the cotton sample
is not acceptable.

When the LOT LIMITS MENU is displayed, Upper and Lower Limits can be
entered for Micronaire, Rd, +b, Trash Area, Trash ID, UV, NEP, UH-
Mean Length, Uniformity Index, Short Fiber Index, Strength, Elongation,
Moisture, Maturity, SCI.

Figure 4-4: Lot Limits Menu

Once you have selected/edited the lot limits you would like used in
system testing, click Apply and go to the TEST SETUP MENU. Place a
check mark in the box preceding Apply Lot Limits. Checking this
selection will enable or disable the entire lot limit set for the test mode

Note: If you Close before selecting Apply, your lot limit selections
will not be saved.
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3.1 Selecting Lot Limits

There are two lists of test modes available to choose from.

1. Configured Lot Limits contains the modes which have existing

lot limit configuration. When a mode in this list is selected, its lot
limit settings are displayed.

2. New Lot Limits contain the modes that do not have existing lot
limit configuration.

Figure 4-5: Lot Limit Selections

Note: The initial existing lot limit selection is the current test mode (if
the settings exist), otherwise, the first test mode in the list is selected.

3.1.1 New Lot Limits

1. Type in the New Lot Limit name.

2. Click the New button to establish default settings for a new

configuration mode.

3. Edit the settings.

4. Click Apply to save.

Note: Once Apply is selected, the new lot limits are added to the
Configured Lot Limits list.

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3.2 Data Display

The Data Display area reflects the color and
symbol used for invalid measurements during
system testing. The color used for Lot Limits
is BLUE and the symbol is #.

Note: See the System Testing chapter for

further details on color/symbol coding of
valid/invalid readings.

Figure 4-6: Data Display

4 Side Limits
Two-sided retests only apply to system testing. Recommended
tolerances are listed, in the grayed-out list on the left. Tolerances with a
value of zero (0) are not used.

Figure 4-7: Side Limits

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4.1 Tolerance Values to Use

Place your cursor in the appropriate text box in the Use column, and
then type in the desired value.

Once you have selected/edited the tolerances you would like used in
system testing, click Apply to enable the entire side limit set for the test

Note: If you Close before selecting Apply, your new values will not
be saved.

4.2 Data Display

The Data Display area reflects the color and symbol used for invalid
measurements during system testing. The color for an item outside the
tolerance for side limits is RED and the symbol is %.

Note: See the System Testing chapter for further details on

color/symbol coding of valid/invalid readings.

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5 HVI Offsets
The HVI OFFSETS item allows you to make small adjustments to
measured values. Offsets apply to final bale data in system testing only.
These offsets do not apply to individual repetitions, calibration, module
testing, module qualification, or diagnostics.

Adjustments can be made for UH Mean Length, Uniformity Index, Short

Fiber Index (SFI), Strength, Temperature, Micronaire, Rd, +b, Trash Area
Factor and Relative Humidity.

All items, EXCEPT Trash Area are additive values. Trash Area is a

Note1: the Length offset is not applied to the length value used to
calculate Uniformity.
Note2: The Rd and +b offsets are applied BEFORE calculating color
Note3: The Trash Area factor is applied BEFORE calculating leaf

Figure 4-8: HVI Offsets Menu

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All Offset Constants (except Trash Area) MUST remain at 0

unless you are instructed to change one of the constants by
an Uster service technician.

Trash area should be 1.0; it is a slope rather than an offset.

There is no selection to enable/disable offsets however an offset with a

value of zero (0) is not altered.

6 Diagnostics Log
This area enables the operator to configure topics that will be reported
into the log file. You can change these options between different testing
cycles or have default options for all cycles.

Place a check mark in the box preceding each desired selection and
select Apply to save.

Figure 4-9: Diagnostics Log

You can also check the Save as the Default box before selecting

The Log Mic Scale Serial Input checkbox is used to log serial input
from the balance. This is normally OFF, because the balance sends
data every second, whether testing is being done or not.

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7 Report Setup
This area enables a default report to be set. This report can also be
automatically printed upon testing completion.

Click the box preceding Automatically Print Reports on Test

Completion and click Apply to set this option.

Figure 4-10: Report Setup

To set a default report, select the Report Name from the drop-down
list on the right.

You can also select the Report

Group from the drop-down list
then select the Report Type.
The Report Name will appear
to the right. Click the box
preceding Default Report. This
will place a check mark in the
box. Click Apply.

Note: See the Report Launcher chapter for full details on reports

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8 Data Alarms
This area allows you to configure minimum and maximum ranges for
data alarms. If a range is exceeded during operations a message box
will appear on the screen.

Figure 4-11: Data Alarms

To disable alarms, set the minimum and the maximum range(s) to 0.

Click Apply when all settings are complete.

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Chapter 5 Calibration

1 Overview
All measuring modules MUST be calibrated for initial startup. After
calibration, the modules should be calibrated again whenever
calibration standards are changed.

Operator calibration should be performed for any of the following


• According to a fixed schedule.

• When the system has been repaired.
• When instrument drifting is suspected.

These calibration procedures do not require the use of a tool and no

hardware adjustment is made to a specific electrical or mechanical

Calibration cottons and the standard color tiles provided with the
instrument MUST be used to calibrate and to check calibration.

Calibration cotton MUST be stored in a proper laboratory environment

because the moisture content of the cotton affects its length, strength,
and micronaire values. See Chapter 2, part 3 for details. Order
calibration cotton samples from:

Standards Preparation and

Distribution Section
Cotton Division, AMS
U.S. Department of Agriculture
3275 Appling Road
Memphis, TN 38133

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Make sure your hands, jewelry, clothing, and any loose

items are clear of the door that covers the sampler
drums before you press the START button that begins the
cotton sample preparation and measurement process.
Make sure the area around the START button remains
clear, so that you do not press it by accident.

1.1 Module Calibration

1. Calibration is close-ended with regard to the number of repetitions
performed. The required repetition count is pre-determined.

a. LS: short + weak and long + strong, 12 combs each. The system
counts the number of combs taken from each cotton sample. The
maximum number of combs to be taken from each cotton sample
before it must be refreshed is configurable and may be 2, 4, or 6
(4 is the default). This is configured in the Calibration view,
Length + Strength module, LS Cotton Tolerances dialog. When
the configured number of cotton samples has been run, a
window launches and asks the operator to ‘Refresh the surface of
the sample’. Remove the cotton sample from the sampler
drum(s), fluff and replace.

b. CT: one measurement for each color tile. One to three images is
captured for each step in trash calibration.

c. Mic: two measurements for each of two micronaire calibration


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2. For each repetition performed:

a. If the data is invalid, an error message is displayed, and the rep

can be rejected.

b. If the data is valid, it is accepted and displayed. The statistics

bar is updated with the Mean, Std dev., and %CV value for each
data item, for LS calibration only.

c. In general there is no Bale ID dialog box. Calibration starts

when the user clicks the Start button on the screen. The
exception is trash calibration: it has a Start button to explicitly
force acceptance of the calibration options before measurement
is allowed.

d. The Report button is enabled at each repetition count for report


e. Because LS and CT module calibrations do not support an odd

number of repetitions, an invalid measurement on one comb or
on the color head invalidates both measurements.

3. When the calibration process is completed, there is no mechanism

for re-initiating calibration. The operator must exit calibration and
start Check Calibration again.

4. Mic calibration does not support a calibration check. New

calibration constants are generated each time the procedure is
completed. The same is true for trash area deflation calibration.

5. The calibration procedure for LS, color, and trash support a “check
first” mode, where collected data is compared to the reference to
determine if the existing calibration results yield final data that are
within tolerances, or not.

a. For LS, checking is performed at the end of each reference set,

short + weak and long + strong. For color, the check is
performed when data collection is complete. If the collected data
pass tolerances, the overall check succeeds, no new calibration
constants are needed, and the saving of new calibration results is
disabled. If the checking process fails, the user is notified and
the procedure display indicates re-calibration is occurring. At the
end of data collection, the system determines whether the new

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calibration constants yield final data that pass calibration

tolerances. The status of this check is displayed. If Pass, then the
calibration data is saved automatically.

b. Note that the calibration procedure for color supports the

checking of trash calibration (since the trash tile is part of the 6
tile color calibration / check set). The status of trash calibration
for the color head is displayed; however, to re-calibrate trash, the
user must close color calibration, open trash calibration, and then
use the separate trash calibration tiles to calibrate trash.

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2 Calibration Main Menu

When CALIBRATION is selected from the MAIN MENU the


This menu contains options for calibrating the Length/Strength,

Micronaire, and Color/Trash Modules.

Figure 5-1: Calibration Main Menu

To access the calibration section for each of the modules, highlight the
name of the module to be calibrated, and then highlight the calibration
type. At this point, you can select from the following options:

1. Check Calibration
2. Factory Settings
3. Close Calibration
4. Setup Tolerances
5. Setup References
6. View Calibration Results

Note: Factory Settings is for use by Uster Service Technicians ONLY

and is password protected.

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2.1 Password Protection

The following calibration types are password protected:

1. Setup Tolerances

2. Setup References

3. View Calibration Results

4. Factory Settings include the Length/Strength calibration options

of Lens to Break, Deflection, Strength-Tare and Short Fiber Index
(SFI), and Jaw Timing.

Once you select one of the above listed calibration types, a password
window will be displayed.

Figure 5-2: Password Entry Window

A Supervisor is required to enter their password and click OK to access

the above listed calibration areas.

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3 Length/Strength Calibration
The length/strength module has one (1) calibration type available:

1. LS Cotton

This can be selected to Check Calibration. The L/S Cotton

calibration type allows the operator to:

♦ Setup Tolerances
♦ Setup References
♦ View Calibration Results

3.1 L/S Cotton Calibration

1. Highlight Length+Strength in the Module window.
2. Highlight LS Cotton in the Calibration Type window.

3.1.1 Setup L/S Calibration Tolerances

Range tolerances ensure that the slope is not distorted by data that are
at opposite tolerance limits. For example, if the measured value for one
of the calibration cottons is at the upper limit of the tolerance, the range
value ensures that the corresponding value for the other calibration
cotton cannot be at the lower limit of the tolerance. A typical range
tolerance is 1.5 times the corresponding tolerance.

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Figure 5-3: L/S Calibration Tolerances

1. Select the Setup Tolerances button to enter the tolerance values

for L/S Calibration.
2. Type a valid password into the PASSWORD ENTRY screen and click
3. Type in desired tolerances.
4. Select the Number of Samples Per “Change Sample”
Reminder from the drop-down list.
5. Select OK to save the values and return to the CALIBRATION MAIN

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3.1.2 Setup L/S Calibration References

In this area, enter the standard values found on the outside of the
calibration cotton boxes.

Figure 5-4: Setup L/S Calibration References

1. Select the Setup References button.

2. Enter the values that are listed on the boxes of calibration cottons
currently in use.
3. When the values have been checked/added, click OK to save the
changes and return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU.

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3.1.3 Check Calibration

Click the Check Calibration button to launch the CALIBRATION MENU.

Click Start to perform a calibration check, or to begin calibration.

Figure 5-5 L/S Check Calibration Menu

If the calibration check passes, an L/S Calibration is not required. To

perform a re-calibration anyway, click Force a Re-Calc.

If the calibration check fails, you must then perform L/S calibration.

When calibration procedures are complete results are saved

automatically as calibration passes. You can then select to view or print
a Report. Click Finish to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU.

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3.1.4 Cotton Calibration

In order to better understand the theory behind the calibration
procedures it is important to understand the instrument/software
principles of calibration.

Calibration cottons are used for the USTER® HVI 1000 system.
Calibration is performed following engineering principles using
hardware devices. Adjustments are then made to "within instrument"
unadjusted raw values through software manipulations that cause the
test values to agree with designated values of laboratory cotton
samples. In this sense, the word "calibration" refers to the adjustment
of values rather than to true calibration.

Adjusting the values is accomplished by two-point regression analysis of

individual test data points. The mathematics of the simple regression
will show relationships defined by "slopes" and "offsets". If by
chance the unadjusted values of the instrument tests agree exactly with
the designated values of the two calibration cottons, the software
"slope" will be 1.0 and "offset" will be zero, but this perfect agreement
will rarely ever exist.

In order for measured values to agree with designated values of

calibration cottons, slopes and offsets are calculated from tests
performed during calibration, and comparisons are made with the 1.0
slope/zero offset condition. This results in corresponding adjustments to
obtain agreement between measured values and designated values of
calibration cottons.

If, over a period of time, nothing changes--calibration cotton samples do

not change, operator techniques and procedures do not change, fiber
moisture content (temperature and relative humidity of laboratory air)
does not change, or the instrument does not change there should be no
change in the slopes and offsets obtained from the initial calibration and
long term stability in testing will exist.

The objective is to have slopes and offsets remain constant for long
periods of time. This is achieved through good management of
laboratory conditions, following good procedures and techniques, and
by performing routine instrument maintenance.

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However, when there is a fail condition during calibration, changes are

made only to those parameters that are critical for calibration to be
brought to a pass condition. In other words, no changes are made to
those parameters that pass calibration originally.

For example:

Assume that length and uniformity pass the original

calibration, but that there is a FAIL condition for strength
(perhaps due to a change in the relative humidity).

During the next calibration procedure the slope and

offset for strength is all that would be changed and the
slopes and offsets for length and uniformity would
remain at their original values. Short Cotton Calibration

A Supervisor password is required to enable Short Fiber Index (SFI)

Calibration. Prior to beginning the test series, double-check the
standard values of the short/weak calibration cotton shown above each
property name on the screen against the values listed on the box of
calibration cotton you are using.

If these values are not identical to the values on the box, you MUST find
the correct box of calibration cotton.

If you are using a new box of calibration cotton, you MUST change the
standard values (using the Setup References area) to reflect the
values on the new box.

Note: If the size of the cotton sample beard is too large or small for
the measurement mechanisms and to take an accurate reading, an error
message is displayed. When an error message appears, simply
perform another repetition.

To enable L/S Cotton Calibration, do the following:

1. Highlight Length+Strength in the Module window of the

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2. Highlight LS Cotton in the Calibration Type window.

3. You are instructed to perform Test 1 of 12 for short cotton.
4. To begin the measurement process, place approximately 10 grams
of fiber in the sampler drum(s).
5. Make sure your hands are clear of the doors that cover the sampler
drum(s) and press the START button on the top of the
Length/Strength cabinet.


Make sure your hands, jewelry, clothing, and any other

loose items are clear of the doors that cover the sampler
drums before you press the start button that begins the
cotton sample preparation and measurement process.

6. The doors are closed automatically and the FIBROSAMPLER

prepares the comb(s) from the material in the drum(s) (one comb is
prepared from the material in each drum).

7. The comb(s) slide along the comb track until the first one is
positioned in front of the brusher.

8. As soon as the comb is in place, the brusher automatically removes

loose fibers from the beard while simultaneously cleaning and
aligning the remaining fibers.

9. It is then moved along the comb track to the lens and jaw system
where the tests for length, uniformity, strength, and elongation are

10. While the first cotton sample is being measured, the second cotton
sample is being brushed (for M1000).

11. After the measurements for the first cotton sample are complete, it
continues to move down the comb track until the second cotton
sample is in the proper position for measurement (for M1000).

12. After the measurements are complete for both cotton samples (or
for the first M700 cotton sample) the comb(s) slide back down the
comb track and are positioned in front of the sampler drum.

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13. The cotton sample beard(s) are discarded automatically.

14. The results are displayed on the screen.

15. After the second, fourth, and sixth tests a window launches asking
the operator to refresh the surface of the cotton sample and the
sampler door will open. Fluff and rotate the cotton in the sampler
drum(s) then press the START button on the top of the cabinet.

16. Complete the remainder of the tests using the steps above.

17. Click Finish to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU. Long Cotton Calibration

1. Be sure to check that the standard values for long/strong cotton

displayed on the screen are the same as the values on the box of
long/strong cotton you are using for calibration.

2. Now perform Test 1 through 12 for long/strong cotton.

3. Repeat the steps you used for testing short/weak cotton, but use
the long/strong calibration cotton, rotating and exchanging the
cottons in the same order.

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3.2 View Calibration Results

When any phase of calibration is completed, results can be viewed by
selecting the View Calibration Results button on the CALIBRATION
MAIN MENU and enter a valid password.

Figure 5-6: L/S Calibration Edit Results

Check the values for Slope/Offset, Deflection Constant, Breaker Jaw

Gap, and Lens to Break. Select OK to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN

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4 Micronaire Calibration
The calibration procedure for micronaire involves the regulation of
airflow through the micronaire chamber when two calibration cottons
(representing low and high micronaire values) are tested.

Figure 5-7 Calibration Main Menu

If references need to be edited or updated, do the following:

1. Highlight Micronaire in the Module window, and then highlight

Mic Cotton in the Calibration Type window.
2. Click Setup References button.
3. Enter a valid password and click OK.
4. Follow instructions below.

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4.1 Setup Calibration Tolerances

There are no calibration tolerances to be setup for Micronaire
Calibration. Clicking the Calibration Tolerance button will launch an
error message.

4.2 Setup Calibration References

To edit/change the Micronaire Calibration Reference values:

1. Click the text box to place the cursor inside the box.
2. Use the keyboard to type in the appropriate information.
3. Click OK.
4. Click Cancel to exit without changing the parameters.

Figure 5-8: Setup References

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4.3 Check Calibration

This calibration procedure allows you to calibrate the micronaire unit for
low MIC (fine) or high MIC (course) cotton.


highlight Micronaire in the Module window, then highlight Mic
Cotton in the Calibration Type window and click Check Calibration.

Figure 5-9: Micronaire Calibration Screen

To perform the Mic Cotton orifice calibration:

1. Insert the low mic cotton into the micronaire chamber.

2. Click the Start button on the screen.
3. Remove the low mic cotton.
4. Insert the high mic cotton into the micronaire chamber.
5. Click the Start button on the screen.
6. Remove the high mic cotton.

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Figure 5-10: Micronaire Chamber and Door Sensor

To rerun the calibration again, release the door sensor and press it

Once calibration is complete, the software will indicate whether the

calibration is within tolerance by reporting Pass/Fail. If the calibration
constants are out of tolerance, the calibration procedure will have to be
performed again. If this condition persists, the micronaire chamber may
need to be resized by an Uster service technician.

You can now click Report to view or print the MIC Calibration Report.
Click Finish to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU.

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4.3.1 View Calibration Results

Figure 5-11: View Mic Calibration Results

To view the results:

1. Click the View Calibration Results button (on the MAIN
2. Enter a valid password and click OK.
3. Select Cancel to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU.

5 Color and Trash Calibration

The calibration procedure for the color testing mechanism is very simple.
The system observes a set of tiles of known color values and compares
the values read from those tiles to the calibration constants stored in the
system. If the values do not agree, the system alters the constants to
bring the measurements back to known standards. The last tile
observed is the trash tile.

Standard Tile Values and Trash Tile Values should be entered before
performing Tile Calibration.

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Figure 5-12: Calibration Main Menu

5.1 Color Tiles Calibration

On the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU, highlight Color + Trash in the
Module Window, then highlight your choice of Color Tiles or Trash
Tiles in the Calibration Type window.

At this point you can choose to:

1. Setup Tolerances
2. Setup References
3. Check Calibration
4. View Calibration Results

5.1.1 Setup Tolerances

You must enter a valid password before entering this area.

Figure 5-13: Setup Color Tile Tolerances

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To edit/change the Color Tile Calibration tolerance values:

1. Click the Setup Tolerances button to launch the window.
2. Click the text box to place the cursor inside the box.
3. Use the keyboard to type in the appropriate values for Rd and
4. Click OK.
5. Click Cancel to exit without changing the values.

5.1.2 Setup References

You must enter a valid password before entering this area. To

edit/change the Color Tile Calibration reference values:

1. Click the Setup

References button to
launch the window.
2. Click the text box to
place the cursor inside
the box.
3. Use the keyboard to
type in the appropriate
values for Rd and +b.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Cancel to exit
without changing the
Figure 5-14: Setup Color Tile References

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5.1.3 Check Calibration

Highlight Color + Trash in the Module Window, then highlight Color

Tiles in the Calibration window and click Check Calibration. This
will launch the Color Tiles Calibration screen and a trash image window
from which you can select Show Trash or Show Image.

Figure 5-15: Color Tile Calibration Screen

The Status window displays instructions for completing calibration.

1. Click the START button (on the screen) to begin calibration.

2. Place the WHITE tile face down on the color head and press the
Start button (on the Mic cabinet).
3. Place the BROWN tile face down on the color head and press the
Start button (on the Mic cabinet).
4. Place the YELLOW tile face down on the color head and press the
Start button (on the Mic cabinet).
5. Place the GRAY tile face down on the color head and press the
Start button (on the Mic cabinet).
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6. Place the CENTRAL tile face down on the color head and press
the Start button (on the Mic cabinet).

The software will indicate when calibration is complete and a PASS

condition has been achieved.

Make sure the tiles are observed in the order requested
on the screen. During this procedure the tile being
measured is compared to the standard value stored for
that tile. If the values are different, the system adjusts
the constants, which could cause measurements to be

Note: Always use the same set of tiles for daily calibration that you
used for original color calibration. DO NOT MIX TILE SETS.

The software automatically compares the color of the tiles to the

standard values recorded for those tiles. If necessary, it adjusts system

When calibration is complete and within tolerance, you can view or

print the Report.

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5.1.4 View Calibration Results

Figure 5-16: View Color Calibration Results

To view the results:

1. Click the View Calibration Results button (on the MAIN
2. Enter a valid password and click OK.
3. Select Cancel to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU.

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5.2 Trash Tile Calibration

This selection allows you to calibrate trash only. After the trash tile has
been measured, the trash calibration values for the color head is
displayed along with the area and count for the standard value, the
measured value and the difference between the standard and measured

On the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU, highlight Color + Trash in the

Module Window, then highlight Trash Tiles in the Calibration Type

At this point you can choose to:

1. Setup Tolerances
2. Setup References
3. Check Calibration
4. View Calibration Results

5.2.1 Setup Tolerances

You must enter a valid password to launch this window.

Figure 5-17: Setup Trash Tile Tolerances

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To edit/change the Color Tile Calibration tolerance values:

1. Click the Setup Tolerances button to launch the window.
2. Enter a valid password and click OK.
3. Click the desired text box to place the cursor inside the box.
4. Use the keyboard to type in the appropriate values.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Cancel to exit without changing the values.

5.2.2 Setup References

You must enter a valid password to access this area.

Figure 5-18: Setup Trash Tile References

To edit/change the Trash Tile Calibration reference values:

1. Click the Setup References button to launch the window.
2. Enter a valid password and click OK.
3. Click the text box to place the cursor inside the box.
4. Use the keyboard to type in the appropriate values.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Cancel to exit without changing the values.
Note: The values marked on the trash calibration tile that was supplied
with the instrument should be entered here for Area and Particle Count.

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5.2.3 Check Calibration

Highlight Color + Trash in the Module Window, then highlight Trash

Tiles in the Calibration window and click Check Calibration. This
will launch the Trash Tile Calibration screen and a trash image window
from which you can select Show Trash or Show Image.

Figure 5-19: Trash Tile Calibration Screen

The Status window displays instructions for completing calibration.

1. Click the START button (on the screen) to begin calibration.
2. Hold the WHITE tile glossy side down to the window on the color
head and press the Start button (on the Mic cabinet). The push
hand will NOT operate during calibration.
3. Hold the TRASH calibration tile (approximately 200 dots) onto the
color head window and press the Start button (on the Mic
4. The system will prompt you (several times) to reposition the TRASH
tile and click OK on the screen as it progresses through calibration
for Trash Rectangle Size and for Trash Area.

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Note: The software will indicate when calibration is complete and

a PASS condition has been achieved.
5. Once calibration is complete and within tolerance you can view or
print the Report.
6. Click Finish to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU.
Note: The Halt button will stop calibration before it is complete.

Make sure the tiles are observed in the order requested
on the screen. During this procedure the tile being
measured is compared to the standard value stored for
that tile. If the values are different, the system adjusts
the constants, which could cause measurements to be

Note: Always use the same set of tiles for daily calibration that you
used for original color calibration. DO NOT MIX TILE SETS. Preview Image

The image preview box

launches automatically when
Color/Trash Calibration is
selected. You can select to
display the image as is, or to
show the trash.

Figure 5-20: Preview Image

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5.2.4 View Calibration Results

Figure 5-21: Edit Trash Calibration Results

To view the Trash Tile Calibration results:

1. Click the View Calibration Results button to launch the
2. Enter a valid password and click OK.
3. Click Cancel to return to the CALIBRATION MAIN MENU.

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Chapter 6 System Testing

1 Overview
The HVI 1000 system is designed to allow a linear measuring
procedure that includes the Length/Strength, Micronaire and
Color/Trash Modules. Optional modules available for testing are
moisture, NEP, UV, temperature and relative humidity. The streamlined
testing procedure allows one operator to perform all tasks; from
identification entry to cotton sample disposal. After a test series is
completed, the results are compiled by the system's microprocessors and
relayed to the desired host devices.

There are four modes of system testing that can be performed online or
offline (Host Communications ON/OFF). System testing is the only
testing mode that transmits data to the host.

2 System Testing Menu

Figure 6-1: System Testing Menu

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The upper portion of the Sample Testing area reflects the status of items
set in the CONFIGURATION MENU. These items include:

1. Number of Length/Strength tests to be performed.

2. Number of Micronaire tests to be performed.
3. Number of Color/Trash tests to be performed.
4. Host communications (On/Off)
5. Apply Side Limits (Yes/No)
6. Allow Manual Mic Entry (Yes/No)
7. Lot Limits (dialog)

To change any of these items, go to Configuration and select the TEST

SETUP tab.

Note: The Lot Limits dialog will be blank when lot limits are not in use.
If lot limits are being used, the dialog box will contain the name of the
lot limit set.

The following information can be entered prior to testing:

1. Allow Manual Mic Entry (Mode 3 and Mode 4)

2. Lot ID
3. Operator ID
4. Bale Group

Once all information has been correctly entered, click the Start
Testing button to launch the SYSTEM TESTING MENU.

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3 Testing Modes
There are four different testing modes available for system testing.
These are selected in System Testing Options of the Test Setup area of
Configuration. Each mode has specific options that are (and are not)

See Chapter 4, page 5 for a detailed description of each testing mode.

4 Testing Screens
Though testing screens are different in appearance for each Mode (1-4)
of testing, many of the screen items and actions are similar.

4.1 Bale Result List

This list displays the final, overall results for each cotton sample tested.

Figure 6-2: Bale Result List

Note: Depending upon the configuration of your system, the results list
may appear differently than that shown above.

4.2 Items Displayed

Among the items displayed are:
♦ UHML – (Upper Half Mean Length) Cotton length is measured as
the mean length and upper half mean length.

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♦ Uniformity Index – The ratio, expressed in percent, of two

length measurements.
♦ Strength – The relationship of the breaking force to the mass of
fibers broken, corrected for MIC and modified by calibration
♦ Elongation – This is the distance to the maximum stress-strain
curve, less the distance attributed to crimp, multiplied by 100
and then divided by the break gage (1/8 inch).
♦ SFI (Short Fiber Index) – This value is measured from the
Fibrogram curve.
♦ SCI (Spinning Consistency Index) – This value is derived from
Length/Strength, MIC and Color/Trash (if measured).
♦ Maturity – This value is derived from L/S and MIC data.
♦ Micronaire (MIC) – Micronaire value must be determined
before Length, Strength, Uniformity, and Elongation.

The following items are displayed if the corresponding options are

installed and selected:
♦ Leaf Grade – This value is related to the trash area and particle
♦ Moisture – This value is measured from the cotton sample.
♦ UV – This value is measured by the 380 Fibroglow and
measures fiber fluorescence. (optional)
♦ NEPS– This value is measured by the 720 NEP Tester and
measures neps in cotton fibers. (optional)
♦ Rd – This field contains the color test results for %Rd (lightness).
The three-digit Rd number represents the average of the color
observations for Rd.
♦ +b – This field contains the color test results for +b (yellowness).
The three-digit +b number represents the average of the color
observations for +b.
♦ Color Grade – This value is measured by the Color Module
and can consist of up to four alphanumeric characters.

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♦ Trash Area – This value represents the ratio of the accumulated

area of all the trash particles to the area of the viewing window
of the instrument.
♦ Trash Code – This value represents the range where the tested
cotton sample falls according to the levels determined during
♦ Trash Count – This value represents the number of individual
particles of trash in the cotton sample that are 0.01 inches in
diameter or longer.
♦ Trash Grade – This value is measured by the Trash Module
and can consist of up to four alphanumeric characters.

4.3 Reject NEP

When measuring NEP, operators can use this button to reject the latest
repetition (if the data appears to be incorrect).

4.4 Report
Once testing is complete a report can viewed or printed by clicking this
selection. See the Report Launcher Chapter for further details.

4.5 Color Coding

In system testing there are four (4) modules: BaleID, Length/Strength,
Mic and Color/Trash. Each module has its own box in the simple
display. System testing uses a combination of background color, and
text to indicate the status of each module during testing.

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4.5.1 Background Color

Background color is used for module testing status. The following colors

4. RED
5. BLUE Gray

The module box is GRAY to indicate that testing is finished or that

testing for this module cannot yet begin (no text in box). Green

The module box background will turn GREEN when the item is ready
for testing. This color also indicates that the particular module needs to
be tested before the bale can be completed. Yellow

A YELLOW background in the module box means that the user has
begun testing for that measurement. The background will remain yellow
until all repetitions for that module have been completed, or until the
current repetition is done, but more repetitions are required. When
more repetitions are required, the background will change from
YELLOW to GREEN until the next repetition has begun. Then the
background will turn YELLOW again. Red

The module box background will turn RED when the item is outside the
side limit tolerance.

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The module box background will turn BLUE when the item is out of
tolerance for lot limits.

4.5.2 Numeric Text

Numeric text is used to indicate testing status. All measurements, except
NEP, use an R/T format. R is the number of the current repetition in
testing and T is the total number of repetitions required. The numeric
text in the Nep column is handled in a single number increasing format
(0, 1, 2).

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5 Mode 1 Testing Screen

Once you have selected the System Testing button, the SYSTEM
TESTING MENU is displayed. Mode 1 is used on the M1000 Model.

Figure 6-3: System Testing Screen – Mode 1

Note: The System Testing screen above is shown with all available
options. Depending upon the configuration of your system the above
screen may appear differently.

The upper portion of the screen reflects the following:

1. Bale ID
2. Bale Count/Lot
3. Grade
4. Whether or not Online testing was selected (Host Communications)
5. Lot Limits dialog box
6. Whether or not Side Limits are being used
7. The Enter Bale ID button
8. The Report button

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The testing area in the middle portion of the screen reflects the

1. The Mic Scale (in grams). As you weigh cotton samples on the
balance for testing the weight is reflected in this area.
2. Testing procedures and results are displayed as testing
progresses. These are color-coded.
3. The Reject Nep button (if the Nep option is used)
4. The Blower Off button
5. The Close Testing button

The rows at the bottom of the screen reflect testing results.

5.1 Mode 1 Testing Sequence

Initially the test display screen shows only the field labels that identify
the tests to be made.

If the quantity of the cotton sample is large enough, it can be divided

into five parts so that multiple measurements are being performed

These parts are:

• Two (2) Sampler Drums

• Two (2) Color/Trash Trays

• One (1) Micronaire

Note: See Part 7 this chapter, for complete details on testing


The instructions in this manual have been written using Length/Strength,

Micronaire, and Color/Trash modules. Any module can be used as the
first step in testing. The following test sequence might be used:

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1. Read the Bale ID using the bar code reader or enter the Bale ID
via the keyboard.

2. Length/Strength - place a cotton sample in each of the sampler


3. Press the START button; the system automatically forms the cotton
sample beard, the combs slide along the track to the brusher.

4. After brushing the cotton sample beards are moved into position
for measuring length, uniformity, strength, and elongation.

5. The system ejects the material remaining in the sampler drums,

returns the combs to the start position, and disposes of the cotton
sample beards (if L/S Bin Sample Eject was selected in
Configuration/Test Setup)..

6. Color/Trash — these tests are performed simultaneously.

7. Place a cotton sample in each side of the color tray.

8. Press the START button.

9. The color tray is moved to the measuring position.

10. The cotton sample is measured for the cotton sample in the front
tray, and then the rear tray is positioned for measurement.

11. The tray is returned to the sampling position.

12. Micronaire — because the micronaire value is used to calculate

the length/strength values these values will not be displayed until
the micronaire measurement is complete.

13. Place a cotton sample on the balance for weighing.

14. Place a +/-10 gram cotton sample (configured valid range) in the
micronaire chamber and close the door.

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15. The test is performed and the cotton sample ejected from the
micronaire chamber. The cotton sample can be re-used up to three

16. The number of times a cotton sample is tested is determined by the

selections made in Configuration; the test results displayed on the
screen are an average of the observations.

As the tests are completed for the cotton sample, the results are
displayed on the screen and transmitted to the host (if testing online).

5.2 Retesting
Once data is collected and the summary of data is displayed, a bale
with discrepant data (or data that appears to be incorrect) can be
retested by re-entering the Bale ID and repeating the testing cycle. Initial
information from a retested bale will be overwritten when transmitted to
the host, or when it becomes part of the testing report.

Discrepant data includes any combination of side limit or lot limit results.
Side limits are indicated by a RED background. Lot Limits are indicated
by a BLUE background.

Note: Discrepant means the bale has had one (1) Lot Limit or Side
Limit result.

If the Length/Strength, Color, or Trash test results indicate that the

measurements from the two sides of the bale are not within the tolerance
limits, an error message is displayed beside the measured value for the
field out of tolerance. A window will launch and ask if you want to
Accept or Retest.

After retesting, the system automatically accepts all additional testing.

If, after the cotton sample is retested, the values are still outside the
tolerance limits, this is an indication that the cotton sample came from a
"between-sides" bale.

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6 Mode 2 Testing Screen

Once you have selected the System Testing button, the SYSTEM
TESTING MENU is displayed. Mode 2 is used on the M1000 model.

Figure 6-4: System Testing Screen – Mode 2

Note: Depending upon the configuration of your system the above

screen may appear differently.

The upper portion of the screen reflects the following:

1. The Enter Bale ID button

2. The Blower Off/On button
3. Bale Count/Lot
4. Use Side Limits
5. Whether or not Online testing was selected (Host Communications)
6. Lot Limits dialog box
7. The Report button
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The testing area in the middle portion of the screen reflects the

1. The 1 Bale ID text box

2. The 2 Bale ID text box
3. The Mic Scale (in grams). As you weigh cotton samples on the
balance for testing the weight is reflected in this area.
4. Testing procedures and results are displayed as testing progresses.
These are color-coded.
5. The Reject Nep button (if the Nep option is used)
6. The Enter Mic button (if Allow Manual Mic Entry is checked
on Main Menu)
7. The Close Testing button
8. Delete Latest Bale button (when bale is completed this button
becomes active)

The rows at the bottom of the screen reflect bale testing results.

6.1 Mode 2 Testing Sequence

The instructions in this manual have been written using Length/Strength,
Micronaire, and Color/Trash modules. Any module can be used as the
first step in testing. The suggested sequence of operation for Mode 2 is
outlined below.

Note: See Part 9 this chapter, for complete details on testing


1. Position the cotton samples (approximately 8-10 grams) inside of

the two sampler drums (left and right).
2. Enter the 1 Bale ID number for the first sample.
3. Weigh approximately 10 grams of cotton from the bale sample
using the balance, or if Manual Mic Entry is checked, click
Enter Mic and enter the Mic value.
4. Place the cotton sample into the front and rear of the
color/trash tray.
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5. Press the L/S Start button (on the L/S cabinet).

6. Press the C/T Start button (on the Mic cabinet).
7. Remove the cotton sample from the balance and place it into the
micronaire chamber. Close the MIC door to measure the
micronaire value for the cotton sample, or if Manual Mic Entry
is checked, skip this step.
8. As soon as the MIC and Color/Trash tests are finished, remove the
first bale cotton sample from the balance and the Color/Trash Tray
and replace with the second bale cotton sample.
9. Enter the 2 Bale ID number for the second cotton sample.
10. Start the MIC and Color/Trash test for the second cotton sample.
11. Once the Length/Strength test for the first sample is complete, the
results will be displayed.
12. Remove the first cotton sample from the sampler drum and replace
with the second cotton sample.
13. Press the Length/Strength Start button to begin the second test.
14. Repeat steps 9 through 15 for remaining tests (3rd, 4th, etc.).

As the tests are completed for the cotton sample, the results are
displayed on the screen and transmitted to the host (if testing online).
Data will remain on the screen until testing of the next pair of bales
begins (enter Bale ID for next left cotton sample).

6.2 Retesting
Once data is collected and the summary of data is displayed, a bale
with discrepant data (or data that appears to be incorrect) can be
retested. Initial information from a retested bale will be overwritten when
transmitted to the host, or when it becomes part of the testing report.

Discrepant data includes any combination of side limit or lot limit results.
Side limits are indicated by a RED background. Lot Limits are indicated
by a BLUE background.

Note: Discrepant means the bale has had one (1) Lot Limit or Side
Limit result.

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If the Length/Strength, Color, or Trash test results indicate that the

measurements from the two sides of the bale are not within the tolerance
limits, an error message is displayed beside the measured value for the
field out of tolerance. A window will launch and ask if you want to
Accept or Retest.

After retesting, the system automatically accepts all additional testing.

If, after the cotton sample is retested, the values are still outside the
tolerance limits, this is an indication that the cotton sample came from a
"between-sides" bale.

The following conditions indicate that retesting may be necessary:

1. An inadequate length/strength amount (high/low cotton sample

amount) is measured. In this case, the amount of cotton in the
offending sampler drum may be adjusted or the cotton sample
repositioned. Pressing the L/S Start button will measure two more
combs. Only the data from the sampler drum(s) with the incorrect
amount will be utilized.

2. A lot limit is violated. If the lot limit is associated with a module,

only that module must be retested. If a lot limit is associated with
several modules, such as SCI or maturity, then all parameters must
be measured again. However, the Bale ID is retained. The
sequence can be explained as follows:

o If a lot limit occurs with length/strength, click Retest and press

the Start button on the L/S cabinet. Only data from the cotton
sample that violated the lot limit will be considered.

o If a lot limit occurs with color/trash, click Retest and press the
Start button on the Mic cabinet. Only data from the cotton
sample that violated the lot limit will be considered.

o If a lot limit occurs with a single MIC, only the cotton sample
that violated the lot limit needs to be re-measured. If both
cotton samples violate a lot limit for MIC, both cotton samples
must be re-measured with the left cotton sample measured first.

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7 Mode 3 Testing Screen

Once you have selected the System Testing button, the SYSTEM
TESTING MENU is displayed. Mode 3 is used on the M1000 model.

Figure 6-5: System Testing Screen – Mode 3

Note: Depending upon the configuration of your system the above

screen may appear differently.

The upper portion of the screen reflects the following:

1. The Enter Bale ID button

2. The Blower Off button
3. Bale Count/Lot
4. Whether or not Online testing was selected (Host Communications)
5. Lot Limits dialog box
6. The Report button

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The testing area in the middle portion of the screen reflects the

7. The 1 Bale ID text box

8. The 2 Bale ID text box
9. The Mic Scale (in grams). As you weigh cotton samples on the
balance for testing the weight is reflected in this area.
10. Testing procedures and results are displayed as testing progresses.
These are color-coded.
11. The Reject Nep button (if the Nep option is used)
12. The Enter Mic button (if Allow Manual Mic Entry is checked
on Main Menu)
13. The Close Testing button

The rows at the bottom of the screen reflect bale testing results.

7.1 Mode 3 Testing Sequence

The instructions in this manual have been written using Length/Strength,
Micronaire, and Color/Trash modules. Any module can be used as the
first step in testing. The suggested sequence of operation for Mode 3 is
outlined below.

Note: See Part 9 this chapter, for complete details on testing


1. Position two bale cotton samples in front of the two sampler drums
(left and right).
2. Enter the Bale ID for the left cotton sample.
3. Weigh approximately 10 grams of cotton from the left bale
cotton sample using the balance, or if Manual Mic Entry is
checked, click Enter Mic and enter the Mic value.
4. Place 8-10 grams of cotton from the left bale cotton sample into the
left sampler drum.

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5. Place the remaining part of the left bale cotton sample into the
rear of the color/trash tray.
6. Enter the Bale ID for the right cotton sample.
7. Place 8-10 grams of cotton from the right bale cotton sample into
the right drum.
8. Place the remaining part of the right bale cotton sample into the
front of the color/trash tray.
9. Press the L/S Start button (on the L/S cabinet).
10. Press the C/T Start button (on the Mic cabinet).
11. Remove the left bale cotton sample from the balance and place it
into the micronaire chamber. Close the MIC door to measure the
micronaire value for the left bale cotton sample, or if Manual Mic
Entry is checked, skip this step.
12. Weigh approximately 10 grams of cotton from the right bale
cotton sample using the balance. Remove the cotton from the
balance and place it in the micronaire chamber. Close the MIC
door to measure the micronaire value for the right bale cotton
sample, or if Manual Mic Entry is checked click Enter Mic and
enter the value.
13. If the selected number of color/trash reading is two (suggested),
then when the first pair of measurements is completed, turn over
both cotton samples (within their respective trays) and press the C/T
Start button again (on the Mic cabinet).
As the tests are completed for the cotton sample, the results are
displayed on the screen and transmitted to the host (if testing online).
Data will remain on the screen until testing of the next pair of bales
begins (enter Bale ID for next left cotton sample).

7.2 Retesting
Once data is collected and the summary of data is displayed, a bale
with discrepant data (or data that appears to be incorrect) can be
retested by re-entering the Bale ID and repeating the testing cycle. Initial
information from a retested bale will be overwritten when transmitted to
the host, or when it becomes part of the testing report.

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Discrepant data includes any combination of side limit or lot limit results.
Side limits are indicated by a RED background. Lot Limits are indicated
by a BLUE background.

Note: Discrepant means the bale has had one (1) Lot Limit or Side
Limit result.

If the Length/Strength, Color, or Trash test results indicate that the

measurements from the two sides of the bale are not within the tolerance
limits, an error message is displayed beside the measured value for the
field out of tolerance. A window will launch and ask if you want to
Accept or Retest.

After retesting, the system automatically accepts all additional testing.

If, after the cotton sample is retested, the values are still outside the
tolerance limits, this is an indication that the cotton sample came from a
"between-sides" bale.

The following conditions indicate that retesting may be necessary:

1. An inadequate length/strength amount (high/low cotton sample

amount) is measured. In this case, the amount of cotton in the
offending sampler drum may be adjusted or the cotton sample
repositioned. Pressing the L/S Start button will measure two more
combs. Only the data from the sampler drum(s) with the incorrect
amount will be utilized.

2. A lot limit is violated. If the lot limit is associated with a module,

only that module must be retested. If a lot limit is associated with
several modules, such as SCI or maturity, then all parameters must
be measured again. However, the Bale ID is retained. The
sequence can be explained as follows:

o If a lot limit occurs with length/strength, click Retest and press

the Start button on the L/S cabinet. Only data from the
sample that violated the lot limit will be considered.

o If a lot limit occurs with color/trash, click Retest and press the
C/T Start button on the micronaire cabinet. Only data from
the cotton sample that violated the lot limit will be considered.

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o If a lot limit occurs with a single MIC, only the cotton sample
that violated the lot limit needs to be re-measured. If both
cotton samples violate a lot limit for MIC, both samples must be
re-measured with the left cotton sample measured first.

8 Mode 4 Testing Screen

Once you have selected the System Testing button, the SYSTEM
TESTING MENU is displayed. Mode 4 is used on the M700 model.

Figure 6-6: System Testing Screen – Mode 4

Note: The System Testing screen above is shown with all available
options. Depending upon the configuration of your system the above
screen may appear differently.

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The upper portion of the screen reflects the following:

1. Bale ID
2. Bale Count/Lot
3. Grade
4. Whether or not Online testing was selected (Host Communications)
5. Lot Limits dialog box
6. Whether or not Side Limits are being applied
7. The Enter Bale ID button
8. The Enter Mic button (if Allow Manual Mic Entry is checked
on Main Menu)
9. The Report button

The testing area in the middle portion of the screen reflects the

10. The Mic Scale (in grams). As you weigh cotton samples on the
balance for testing the weight is reflected in this area.
11. Testing procedures and results are displayed as testing progresses.
These are color-coded.
12. The Reject Nep button (if the Nep option is used)
13. The Blower Off button
14. The Close Testing button

The rows at the bottom of the screen reflect testing results.

8.1 Mode 4 Testing Sequence

Initially the test display screen shows only the field labels that identify
the tests to be made.

If the quantity of the cotton sample is large enough, it can be divided

into different parts so that multiple measurements can be performed

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These parts are:

• One (1) Sampler Drum

• One (1) Color/Trash Tray

• One (1) Micronaire

Note: See Part 9 this chapter, for complete details on testing


The instructions in this manual have been written using Length/Strength,

Micronaire, and Color/Trash modules. Any module can be used as the
first step in testing. The following test sequence might be used:

1. Read the Bale ID using the bar code reader or enter the Bale ID
via the keyboard.

2. Length/Strength - place a cotton sample in the sampler drum.

3. Press the L/S START button; the system automatically forms the
cotton sample beard, the comb slides along the track to the brusher.

4. After brushing the cotton sample beard is moved into position for
measuring length, uniformity, strength, and elongation.

5. The system ejects the material remaining in the sampler drums,

returns the combs to the start position, and disposes of the cotton
sample beards (if L/S Bin Sample Eject was selected in
Configuration/Test Setup).

6. Color/Trash — these tests are performed simultaneously.

7. Place a cotton sample on the color head sample glass.

8. Press the C/T START button.

9. Micronaire — because the micronaire value is used to calculate

the length/strength values these values will not be displayed until
the micronaire measurement is complete. If Manual Mic Entry is
checked, click Enter Mic and enter the value, or

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10. Weigh a +/-10 gram cotton sample on the balance.

11. Place the cotton sample (of configured valid range) in the
micronaire chamber and close the door.

12. The test is performed and the sample ejected.

13. The number of times a sample is tested is determined by the

selections made in Configuration; the test results displayed on the
screen are an average of the observations.

As the tests are completed for the cotton sample, the results are
displayed on the screen and transmitted to the host (if testing online).

8.2 Retesting
Once data is collected and the summary of data is displayed, a bale
with discrepant data (or data that appears to be incorrect) can be
retested by re-entering the Bale ID and repeating the testing cycle. Initial
information from a retested bale will be overwritten when transmitted to
the host, or when it becomes part of the testing report.

Discrepant data includes lot limit results. Lot Limits are indicated by a
BLUE background.

Note: Discrepant means the bale has had one (1) Lot Limit result.

If the Length/Strength, Color, or Trash test results indicate that the

measurements from the two sides of the bale are not within the tolerance
limits, an error message is displayed beside the measured value for the
field out of tolerance. A window will launch and ask if you want to
Accept or Retest.

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9 Sample Testing Procedures

There are four (4) main modules in system testing:

1. Bale ID
2. Micronaire (MIC)
3. Length/Strength (L/S)
4. Color/Trash (C/T)

All data and measurements are incorporated into these module tests.
Testing can take place in the above listed order (though other sequences
of testing can be used).

9.1 Bale ID
This is the bale identification number. The field can contain up to forty
(40) alphanumeric characters of information. When the system is ready
for the entry of a bale ID, the Bale ID box is GREEN. The bale ID can
be typed in manually, by clicking the Enter Bale ID button, or can be
scanned in using a bar code reader.

1. To enter the bale ID via a bar code reader, hold the bale tag with
the code facing up.

2. Slide the tag toward the bar code reader until the beam is
centered over the bar code on the tag.

3. When the code has been read, the bar code reader beeps and the
Bale ID is displayed on the screen.

4. Check the Bale ID field to see that the identification number is

displayed. If it is not, try again.

Once the Bale ID is entered successfully, it is displayed on the right-hand

side of the screen. This ID indicates the bale in testing.

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9.2 Micronaire
Follow the steps listed below for micronaire testing.

_ Pull a tuft of cotton from each side of the bale. Place the cotton
sample on the balance to be weighed. If the weight of the cotton
sample is between 9.5 and 10.5 grams, the micronaire reading
is accepted and displayed on the screen. If the mass is outside
the valid weight range, the cotton sample must be weighed
again and the test repeated.


Make sure your hands, jewelry, clothing, and any other

loose items are clear of the color/trash tray before you
press the start button that begins the measurement

_ Place the fiber in the micronaire chamber and close the MIC
door. Confirm that the MIC box shows testing 1/1 when the
MIC door closes. The test begins automatically.

_ Once the test is completed, the micronaire chamber door opens

and the cotton sample is ejected.

If the micronaire value is less than 2 (<2) or, if it is greater than 7 (>7),
the message 'Invalid MIC' is displayed, even if lot limits are not set. If
this occurs, the micronaire test must be repeated.

The weight range for valid cotton samples is between 9.5 and 10.5
grams. After a short period of time an operator can easily pull a cotton
sample that is within this wide weight range. Occasionally tare the
balance to eliminate any drift from zero that might occur.

Note: The Micronaire measurement is used to calculate the values for

Length, Uniformity, Strength, and Elongation. Micronaire measurement
must be completed before testing on a bale is considered DONE.

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9.3 L/S, Uniformity, Elongation

The Length/Strength Module measures two cotton samples
simultaneously; it automatically prepares the cotton sample beard,
positions the comb in place for the measurement, performs the
measurements for length, uniformity, strength, and elongation and
discards the excess cotton sample fiber. The final data product for LS
system testing is an average of the readings from the comb(s). An
inadequate reading will invalidate all LS data.

_ To begin the measurement process, place approximately 10

grams of fiber in each sampler drum. Place the cotton sample in
the bottom of the sampler drum(s), so that none of it is visible
over the edge. It is not necessary to measure the quantity; this
figure just provides an approximate range of the quantity of
cotton it takes to obtain consistent test results.

_ The LS box shows 1/2 prior to the first test and shows 2/2 prior
to the second test.

_ Make sure your hands are clear of the doors that cover the
sampler drums and press the START button on the Length/
Strength cabinet.


Make sure your hands, jewelry, clothing, and any other

loose items are clear of the door that covers the sampler
drum(s) before you press the start button that begins the
cotton sample preparation and measurement process.

_ The sampler drum door is closed automatically and a comb is

prepared from the material in each of the sampler drums.

_ The comb(s) slide along the comb track until positioned in front of
the brusher. As soon as the comb is in place, the brusher
automatically removes loose fibers from the beard while
simultaneously cleaning and aligning the remaining fibers. It is
then moved along the comb track to the breaker where the tests
for length, uniformity, strength, and elongation are performed.

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_ On the M1000 model, the second cotton sample is being

brushed while the first cotton sample is being measured. As the
second sample is being brushed, the sampler drum doors open
for the next samples. After the measurements for the first sample
are complete, the second cotton sample is moved to the lens and
jaw system for testing.

_ After the measurements are complete the comb(s) slide back

down the comb track and are positioned in front of the sampler

When the tests are complete the repetition box at the top of the column
will turn gray.

9.4 Color/Trash
Note: On M700 models, place the cotton sample directly onto the
sample glass.

_ Place a cotton sample in both the front and the rear of the
color/trash tray. Be sure that the cotton sample is large enough
to block all the light from the color head lamps and that it will
cover the color head sample glass completely.

_ Remove your hands from the sample trays and from the area of
the color head.

_ Press the START button on the Mic cabinet to begin the

measurement process. The cotton sample trays are moved to
position the first cotton sample tray under the color/trash hand.
The color/trash hand applies twenty pounds of pressure to the
cotton sample while the measurements are taken.

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_ When the color/trash hand rises, the first and second

observations have been made. The module box keeps count of
the number of observations made for each cotton sample and the
number that is required for the cotton sample. Example: 2/4
means that two of the four required repetitions have been

_ When all the color/trash tests have been made, remove the
cotton samples from the trays. If the Rd value is less than 40
(<40) or if it is greater than 87 (>87) or, if the +b value is <4 or
>18 the color test must be repeated.

Once all the repetitions are completed, the microprocessor calculates

the averages of the test results and displays them on the screen.

Note: Trash image analysis or color data may disqualify a CT


10 Exit Testing
If you have completed System Testing and want to exit, click the Close
Testing button.

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Chapter 7 Module Testing

The purpose of this mode of operation is to test individual cotton
samples outside the System Testing sequence. The Module Testing
mode allows the operator to receive test results for individual
observations. In System Testing an average of the data for the total
number of observations is displayed. Module Testing can be performed
for Length/Strength, Micronaire, Color and Trash. Optional tests
available are for NEP and UV. The tests performed during Module
Testing are independent of the other modules--only data for the selected

The procedures for Module Testing are essentially the same as in System
Testing. The main difference between System Testing and Module
Testing is the way the test results are reported. In addition to the
average value that is reported in System Testing, individual test results,
standard deviation, and %CV are also reported in Module Testing. The
data may also be printed on an attached parallel printer.

The maximum number of repetitions available in module testing is 30.

When the maximum count of repetitions is reached, the testing is
automatically completed. Testing is saved when the Start button is
pushed to initiate new testing, or when the Finish button is selected.

Module testing allows the operator to REJECT the last measurement. At

the end of each repetition, the Reject Last Rep button is enabled. If
clicked, the most recent valid repetitions are deleted from the stored
data and removed from the displayed repetitions list. At this point the
statistics display is recalculated and updated, and the Reject Last Rep
button is again disabled.

ATTENTION: A repetition CANNOT be rejected if any

other action is taken first. Example: Click Report
button, start another bale, exit testing.

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To access module testing:

1. Highlight your selection in the SINGLE MODULE list. Shown with all
available options.

2. Click the Module Test button.

Figure 7-1: Module Test Selection Screen

This will launch the selected testing screen.

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1 Length/Strength Module Testing

Length/Strength testing treats each comb as a sequential repetition. The
two combs are not averaged. If a comb is inadequate, clicking Reject
Last Rep will reject the data for both combs (M1000).

To access Length and Strength Module testing from the MODULE TESTING
1. Highlight Length + Strength in the MODULE TESTING list.

2. Click the Module Test button.

Figure 7-2: LS Module Testing Screen

The Module Testing Screen display is different from the one used for
System Testing. This screen displays the results from each test as well as
the average of all the tests for each cotton sample. You can perform up
to thirty (30) repetitions.

Once the Bale ID number has been entered, and the appropriately sized
cotton sample has been weighed and accepted, the LS test can begin.
As testing proceeds, the amount, mean length, length, uniformity,
strength elongation, Short Fiber Index (SFI), moisture and maturity values
are continuously updated and displayed on the screen. The Average,
Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation will also be displayed
for each parameter.

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1.1 LS Module Testing Procedure

_ Click the Start button on the screen.

_ Enter the Bale ID by scanning it or typing it in using the


_ Place the cotton in the sampler drums and press the START button
on the Length/Strength cabinet.

_ As tests are completed the results are displayed on the screen.

Perform testing until the required repetitions are completed.

At this point you select a type of Report to display or print. Click

Finish to return to the MAIN MENU.

Note: Each time a test series is completed you must enter a new ID
number for the next cotton sample.

1.2 Reject Repetition

You have the option to REJECT the latest measurement during testing. At
the end of a repetition you can click the Reject Last Rep button to
delete the most recent repetition of combs data (M1000.) A
confirmation message will appear when the rep has been rejected. The
system will then recalculate and update the statistics display.

ATTENTION: A repetition CANNOT be rejected if any

other action is taken first! Example: Click Report
button, start another bale, exit testing.

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1.3 Report
You can select the type of data printed from the test results at the end of
the test cycle. The selections alternate between straight data reports and

Figure 7-3: LS Report Selection

Click the radio button preceding your desired report selection and click
OK. Your selected report will launch and can be viewed and printed.

Click the Printer Icon on the report viewer screen to send your
selected report type(s) to the printer.

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2 Micronaire Module Testing

To access Micronaire Module testing from the MODULE TESTING MENU:

1. Highlight Micronaire in the MODULE TESTING list.

2. Click the Module Test button.

Figure 7-4: MIC Module Testing Screen

The Module Testing Screen display is different from the one used for
System Testing. This screen displays the results from each test.

Repetitions are reflected in the far-left column. Data will appear for
each repetition as it is completed.

Once the Bale ID has been entered, and the appropriately sized cotton
sample has been weighed and accepted, the micronaire test can begin.
As testing proceeds, the MIC value and weight of each repetition will
be displayed, along with the Average, Standard Deviation and
Coefficient of Variation.

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2.1 MIC Module Testing Procedure

_ Click the START button on the screen.

_ Enter the Bale ID by scanning it or typing it in using the


_ Weigh the cotton sample on the balance. The cotton sample

must weigh between 9.5 and 10.5 grams. When the cotton
sample is within the valid weight range, the air is turned on and
the cotton sample weight is displayed on the screen.

_ Place the cotton sample into the micronaire chamber and close
the door.

_ When the test is completed, the cotton sample is ejected and the
results are displayed on the screen.

_ Perform the remaining tests, until the required number of tests has
been performed.

_ As tests are completed, the Average, Standard Deviation and

Coefficient of Variation are displayed.

At this point you can display, or select Report to print the results in
several different ways.

Note: Each time a test series is completed you must enter a new ID
number for the next cotton sample.

2.2 Reject Repetition

You have the option to REJECT the latest measurement during testing. At
the end of a repetition you can click the Reject Last Rep button to
delete the most recent repetition data. A confirmation message will
appear when the repetition has been rejected. The system will then
recalculate and update the statistics display.

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ATTENTION: A repetition CANNOT be rejected if any

other action is taken first! Example: Click Report
button, start another bale, exit testing.

2.3 Report
You can select the type of data printed from the test results at the end of
the test cycle. The selections alternate between straight data reports and

Figure 7-5: MIC Report Selection

Click the radio button preceding your desired report selection and click
OK. Your selected report will launch and can be viewed and printed.

Click the Printer Icon on the report viewer screen to send your
selected report type(s) to the printer.

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3 Color/Trash Module Testing

The Color test is always performed on each cotton sample and the test
results displayed in the Rd, +b, and Color Grade columns. Trash results
are displayed in Trash Area, Trash Count and Leaf Grade columns.

To access Color/Trash Module testing from the MODULE TESTING MENU:

1. Highlight Color+Trash in the MODULE TESTING list.

2. Click the Module Test button.

Figure 7-6: Color/Trash Module Testing

3.1 Color Hand Movement

The following selections allow automation of the color hand and of the

• Use CT Push Hand

• Use CT Push Hand and Tray (M1000 model only)

Click the box preceding Use CT Push Hand. This will automate the
movement of the color hand to compress the cotton sample on the tray.
Clicking the Use CT Push Hand and Tray will also allow the color
tray to move automatically.

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3.2 C/T Module Testing Procedure

_ Click the Start button on the screen.

_ Enter the Bale ID by scanning it or typing it in using the


_ Place the cotton sample(s) on the color tray (or on the color head
sample glass).

_ Press the Start button on the Micronaire cabinet. When Use CT

Push Hand and Tray is checked, two measurements will be
made (for the front and rear tray). If this item is not checked,
only one measurement will be made.

_ When measurement is completed, the results are displayed on

the Color/Trash Module Testing Screen. Perform the remaining
tests, until the required number of tests has been performed.

At this point you can display, or select Report to print the results in
several different ways.

Note: Each time a test series is completed you must enter a new ID
number for the next cotton sample.

3.3 Reject Repetition

You have the option to REJECT the latest measurement during testing. At
the end of a repetition you can click the Reject Last Rep button to
delete the most recent repetition data. A confirmation message will
appear when the repetition has been rejected. The system will then
recalculate and update the statistics display.

ATTENTION: A repetition CANNOT be rejected if ANY

other action is taken first! Example: Click Report
button, start another bale, exit testing.

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3.4 Report
You can select the type of data printed from the test results at the end of
the test cycle. The selections alternate between straight data reports and

Figure 7-7: Color/Trash Report Selection

Click the radio button preceding your desired report selection and click
OK. Your selected report will launch and can be viewed and printed.

Click the Printer Icon on the report viewer screen to send your
selected report type(s) to the printer.

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4 Nep Count
This area is used as a data interface with the 720 NEP Tester. The 720
NEP Tester is an optional instrument available for use with the HVI 1000
system. This component is used to count Neps in cotton fibers.

Refer to the 720 NEP Tester manual (provided with the instrument) for
complete instruction on testing neps,.

Figure 7-8: Nep Count Screen

4.1 Reject Repetition

You have the option to REJECT the latest measurement during testing. At
the end of a repetition you can click the Reject Last Rep button to
delete the most recent repetition data. A confirmation message will
appear when the repetition has been rejected. The system will then
recalculate and update the statistics display.

ATTENTION: A repetition CANNOT be rejected if ANY

other action is taken first! Example: Click Report
button, start another bale, exit testing.

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4.2 Report
Click the Report button to launch the Nep report that was setup in

Your pre-selected report will launch and can be viewed and printed.

4.3 Exit
Click Finish to return to the MAIN MENU.

5 Ultra-Violet (UV)
This area is used as a data interface with the 380 Fibroglow. The 380
Fibroglow is an optional instrument available for the HVI 1000 system.
This component is used to measure fiber fluorescence.

For complete instruction on testing UV, refer to the 380 Fibroglow

manual (provided with the instrument).

Figure 7-9: UV Screen

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5.1 Report
Click the Report button to launch the UV report that was setup in

Your pre-selected report will launch and can be viewed and printed.

5.2 Exit
Click Finish to return to the MAIN MENU.

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Chapter 8 Diagnostics
The HVI 1000 system provides software for testing instrument circuits
and components that qualified service technicians use during routine
checks, trouble-shooting and maintenance.

1 Purpose
The Diagnostics section of the software is provided to enable qualified
service technicians to setup and troubleshoot the system hardware.
Various parts of the system can be selectively exercised so that problems
can be isolated and detected. An operator can use this section to
determine the nature of a problem (with the Length/Strength and/or the
Micronaire cabinets) before requesting service.

From the MAIN MENU click the Diagnostics icon and then
enter a valid password to launch the DIAGNOSTICS MENU.

Figure 8-1: Diagnostics Icon

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2 Diagnostics Menu
Diagnostics allows qualified service technicians to check the condition of
the motors and the control boards. Firmware for Length/Strength,
Micronaire, and Moisture can also be updated from this area.

Figure 8-2: Diagnostics Menu

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3 Diagnostics/Hardware Setup
This set of diagnostics allows a qualified service technician to
troubleshoot individual motors of the instrument, to test the overall
operation of the Motor Controllers, Optics and Air system, and to
update the firmware for the Micronaire and the Length/Strength

3.1 BaleID BCR

This area is used for troubleshooting the bar code reader.

Figure 8-3: Bale ID BCR Screen

To test the bar code reader:

1. Read Bar code (use the bar code reader to scan the bale ID).

2. Type in a Command (see the bar code reader manual for a list of

3. Click Send (to send the command to the bar code reader).

4. Click Init BCR (to perform a default bar code reader initialization).

5. Click OK when finished.

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3.2 Color Head

The Color Head functionality of Diagnostics allows the operator to test
the Grab feature. When Grab is clicked, a picture is taken of
whatever is on the window (Tile, Cotton, Newspaper, etc.) to ensure
that the camera and flash are operating properly.

Figure 8-4: Color Head Screen

Optional selections include:

1. Show Image: Displays a black and white depiction of image

where trash is shown as BLACK.
2. Show Trash: Displays an inverted black and white depiction of
image, with trash showing as WHITE.
3. Show B/G: Displays the bark/grass contamination image.
4. Average N Image: Click to place a check mark in the box
and enter a number that represents the count of images to
acquire. This will display the average data for the N images.

At this point, click the Grab button. The camera will flash and display
the contents on the lens. Also, the values of the material pictured will be
displayed to the left.

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3.2.1 Find Trash

This selection allows you to view an image that was previously stored on

3.2.2 Load Image

You can type in the filename of an image you would like to view, and
click the Loading: button to display it on screen.

To search for a stored image, click the Browse button and select the
file from the image directory. When the correct file is depicted in the
text box, click Loading: to display it.

3.2.3 Save Image

Clicking the Save IMG: button will save the currently displayed image
to a disk file for later retrieval and comparison.

Click Browse to locate a directory to save the image file to. Overwrite Existing File

This allows you to overwrite an existing image file that was previously
saved to disk.

3.2.4 View Trash Settings

This selection is password protected and is also located in the Trash
Calibration section. It allows you to view calibration results. See Figure

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3.2.5 Warm Up Color Head

This tool allows the qualified service technician to ensure that the
colorhead is properly warmed up.

Figure 8-5: Warm Up Color Head

Click the Warm-Up Color Head button located in the color head
area of the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU. Allow to run for 1 minute. The
color head will flash continuously every four seconds until you click the
Cancel button.

3.2.6 Exit

Click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

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3.3 Optics Zero

There are 100 pot wiper locations. This area allows you to search for
the best pot setting (median value of all settings).

Figure 8-6: Optics Zero Menu

Click the Optics Zero button on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU. The
current optical, sample and reference voltages are listed on the lower
portion of the screen.

1. Click the Pot Wiper – Minimum button.

2. When Control Board and Analog Board values become stable,

click the Pot Wiper – Maximum button.

3. Next, click the Pot Wiper – Middle button. The Current

Optical Voltage of the analog board should be close to Zero

4. When cycle completes, click the Search for the Best Pot
Setting button. This value should represent the median value of
the previous tests. The Pot Wiper Location (best setting)
should be between 40 and 60.

5. Click the Finish button to return to the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

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3.4 Mic Air/Chamber Setup

This selection is used during initial setup. After initial setup, it should
only be necessary to use this area once in awhile to verify operations.
To setup the Mic air or the micronaire chamber, click Mic
Air/Chamber Setup from the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU. Click the
desired radio button at the bottom-left of the screen and select:

1. Mic Air Setup

2. Mic Chamber Setup

Figure 8-7: Mic Air Setup

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3.4.1 Mic Air Setup

Insert the micronaire calibration plug and use your finger to check the
Mic Air Reading in the following ways:

1. Click Mic Air Off.

2. Click Measure Mic Tare. Values will appear to the left of the
3. Click Mic Air On.
4. Block the orifice on the micronaire calibration plug. Mic Air
Reading should be 4.0 +/- 0.1.
5. Block the orifice on the rear of the air bridge assembly. Mic Air
Reading should be -4.0 +/- 0.1.
6. Block both the micronaire calibration plug orifice and the rear air
bridge assembly orifice. Mic Air Reading should be ~-0.00 +/-
7. Click Mic Air Off.
8. Click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

3.4.2 Mic Chamber Setup

To setup the micronaire chamber, do the following:

1. Make sure that Mic Slope and Offset are set to their default

2. Insert 10.0 grams of High Mic cotton into the micronaire


3. Close the Mic door.

4. Adjust the micronaire chamber until the raw Mic value equals the
high Mic value.

5. Click the Finish button to return to the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

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3.5 Check Control Boards

3.5.1 Mic Control Board

This area allows qualified service technicians to check the digital inputs,
digital outputs, and voltages of the MIC Control Board. Color hand and
tray position can also be diagnosed here. Click the Mic Control
Board button on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

Figure 8-8: Mic Control Board Menu Digital Inputs

In the Digital Inputs area reflects the status of the sensors. The
following sensors are displayed:

1. Data Dump
2. C/T Start Button
3. MIC Door Close
4. MIC Piston Retract
5. MIC Piston Extend

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6. Color Hand Up
7. Color Hand Down
8. Tray End Sensor
9. Tray Mid Sensor
10. Tray Home Sensor

If there is a check in the box preceding the sensor name, it indicates that
the sensor is ON. Digital Outputs

The grayed-out button preceding each selection depicts the current state
of that selection. Example: If the Enable button preceding
Solenoids is grayed-out, this means that Solenoids are actually
ENABLED. The Digital Outputs area allows you to:

1. Enable/Disable the Solenoids

2. Retract/Extend the Mic Piston
3. Open/Close the Mic Door
4. Turn On/Off Mic Air and all other digital output selections

If you click the Close button preceding Mic Door, then a check mark
will appear in the box preceding Mic Door Close in the Digital
Inputs area.

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This area allows you to view the

12-Bit and 8-bit SOC and Analog

Figure 8-9: Mic Control Board Voltages Color Hand and Tray Position

♦ Color Hand Position

If you wish to move the color hand up or down, click to place a check
mark in the box preceding Color Hand Up and Color Hand Down
in the Digital Inputs area. Next, in the Color Hand and Tray Position
area, click the Up or Down button.

Note: If the Color Hand is down, the tray cannot be moved.

♦ Tray Position

Click Home, Middle, or End to test tray movement.

Note: Ensure that the color hand is UP so that movement can take

When testing is complete, click the Finish button to return to the


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3.6 L/S Control Board

This area allows qualified service technicians to check the digital inputs,
digital outputs, and voltages of the L/S Control Board. Click the L/S
Control Board button on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

Figure 8-10: L/S Control Board Menu

3.6.1 Digital Inputs

In the Digital Inputs area reflects the status of the sensors. The
following sensors are displayed:

1. Interlock
2. Light Curtain
3. Data Dump
4. L/S Start Button
5. Sample Door Close
6. Front Jaw Close
7. Rear Jaw Close
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8. Strength Sensor
9. Track Motor Home
10. Length Motor Home
11. Brush Motor Home
12. Drum Motor Home

If there is a check in the box preceding a motor sensor name, it

indicates that the sensor is ON.

3.6.2 Digital Outputs

The grayed-out button preceding each selection depicts the current state
of that selection. Example: If the Enable button preceding
Solenoids is grayed-out, this means that Solenoids are actually
ENABLED. The Digital Outputs area allows you to:

1. Retract/Extend the Sample Hand

2. Enable/Disable the Solenoids
3. Choose Brush/Drum for the Vacuum Shuttle
4. Open/Close the following:
♦ Sample Door
♦ Comb Opener
♦ Front Jaw
♦ Rear Jaw
5. Turn On/Off the following:
♦ Power L/S and Mic
♦ Main Air L/S and Mic
♦ Sample Eject
♦ Brush DC Motor
♦ Blower Power
♦ L/S Indicator

If you click the CLOSE button preceding Sample Door, then a check
mark will appear in the box preceding Sample Door Close in the
Digital Inputs area.

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Note: If you turn OFF the Power (L/S and Mic) it turns the power off to
both cabinets (as well as the blower and 4 smart motors.) If you turn
OFF the Main Air (L/S and Mic) it turns the air supply off for both
cabinets. Voltages

This area allows you to view the 12-Bit and 8-bit SOC and Analog
voltages. This area also reflects the inside and outside temperature and
relative humidity %.

When testing is complete, click the Finish button to return to the


3.7 Moisture Control Board (M1000)

This area allows qualified service technicians to tare moisture channels
and perform moisture channel tests. Click the Moisture Control
Board button on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

Figure 8-11: Moisture Control Board Menu (M1000)

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3.7.1 Tare Moisture Channels

Click Move Combs to Home or Move Combs to L/S 2 to begin.

There are three selections that can be used to tare moisture channels:

1. Tare Left
2. Tare Right
3. Tare Both
Note: Before performing the Tare procedure, ensure that there is
NO cotton in the combs.

This area also allows you to perform the following actions:

4. Move Combs to Drum
5. Move Combs to L/S 1
6. Move Combs to L/S 2
7. Move Combs to Home

3.7.2 Moisture Channel Tests

This area allows you to do the following:

1. Read Data (returns measurements from both combs)

2. Read Data by Closing Front Jaw (automatically returns data)
3. Ready Data by Opening Front Jaw (returns information with jaw

When testing is complete, click the Finish button to return to the


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3.8 Moisture Control Board (M700)

This area allows qualified service technicians to tare moisture channels
and perform moisture channel tests. Click the Moisture Control
Board button on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

Figure 8-12: Moisture Control Board Menu (M700)

3.8.1 Tare Moisture Channels

Click Move Comb to Home or Move Combs to L/S to begin.

Click Tare.

Note: Before performing the Tare procedure, ensure that there is

NO cotton in the comb.

This area also allows you to perform the following actions:

1. Move Comb to Drum
2. Move Comb to L/S
3. Move Comb to Home

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3.8.2 Moisture Channel Tests

This area allows you to do the following:

1. Read Data (returns measurements from both combs)

2. Read Data by Closing Front Jaw (automatically returns data)
3. Ready Data by Opening Front Jaw (returns information with jaw

When testing is complete, click the Finish button to return to the


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3.9 Check Motors

Clicking any of the motor buttons on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU allows
you to test and operate the motors independently from the rest of the
system. All motor selections are password protected.

3.9.1 Track Motor (M1000)

This area allows you to view the track motor status, test and set track
motor positions, and to set the drum, brush, L/S 1 and L/S 2 positions.
Select the Track Motor button from the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU and
enter a valid password.

Figure 8-13: Track Motor Menu (M1000) Set Track Motor Positions

This area of the screen allows qualified service technicians to set the
following track motor positions:

1. At the Drum (both combs in front of Drums)

2. At the Brush (left comb in front of Brusher)
3. At the Breaker

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual Track Motor Status

This area of the screen shows the current position and status of the track
motor and sensor. Track Motor Position Tests

To test the track motor positions that you set previously, click the
following buttons:

1. Move Track to Home

2. Move Track to Drum
3. Move Track to Brush
4. Move Track to L/S 1
5. Move Track to L/S 2
Observe track movements and repeat positioning as necessary. Save and Exit

When testing and setup is complete, click Save Positions. Once

positions have been saved, click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS

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3.9.2 Track Motor (M700)

This area allows you to view the track motor status, test and set track
motor positions, and to set the drum, brush, and L/S positions. Select
the Track Motor button from the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU and enter a
valid password.

Figure 8-14: Track Motor Menu (M700) Set Track Motor Positions

This area of the screen allows qualified service technicians to set the
following track motor positions:

1. At the Drum
2. At the Brush
3. At the Breaker (L/S)

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual Track Motor Status

This area of the screen shows the current position and status of the track
motor and sensor. Track Motor Position Tests

To test the track motor positions that you set previously, click the
following buttons:

1. Move Track to Home

2. Move Track to Drum
3. Move Track to Brush
4. Move Track to L/S
Observe track movements and repeat positioning as necessary. Save and Exit

When testing and setup is complete, click Save Positions. Once

positions have been saved, click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS

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3.9.3 Brush Motor

This area allows you to view the brush motor status, test and set brush
motor positions, perform a brush cotton sample test, and test the brush
DC motor, comb opener and blower power. Select the Brush Motor
button from the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU. The Set Brush Motor
Positions area differs between M1000 and M700 in that M700 has
only one comb).

Figure 8-15: Brush Motor Menu (M1000) Brush Motor Status

This area of the screen shows the current position and status of the brush
motor. Brush DC Motor, Comb Opener, Blower Power

This area enables you to remove any mechanical interference that may
cause problems during positioning by doing the following:

1. Turn the Brush DC Motor On/Off.

2. Open/Close the Comb Opener.
3. Turn the Blower Power On/Off.

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual Set Brush Motor Positions

This area of the screen allows qualified service technicians to set the
brush motor front position. Brush Motor Position Tests

To test the brush motor position previously set, click the following

1. Move Brusher to Home

2. Move Brusher to Front
Observe the movement and reposition as necessary. Brush Cotton Sample Test

This action allows you to check the functionality of the brusher now that
the correct position has been set. This is the last step to check
performance. Click the Brush Cotton Sample Test button to begin.
Next, select the Doff Beard and Clean Card button. Save and Exit

When testing and setup is complete, click Save Positions. Once the
position has been saved, click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN

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3.9.4 Length Motor (M1000)

This area allows you to view the length motor status, and to test and set
length motor positions. Select the Length Motor button from the

Figure 8-16: Length Motor Menu (M1000) Length Motor Status

This area of the screen shows the current position of the length motor,
and the status of the length motor and sensor. Set Length Motor Positions

This area of the screen allows qualified service technicians to do the


1. Move Comb 1 to L/S Position.

2. Set Comb 1 to Front Position.
3. Move Comb 2 to L/S Position.
4. Set Comb 2 to Front Position.

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual Length Motor Position Tests

To test the positions you set previously, click the following buttons:

1. Move Breaker to Home

2. Move Breaker to Comb 1 Front
3. Move Breaker to Comb 2 Front

Observe the movements and repeat positioning as necessary. Length Motor Current Check

This area is used to check the alignment and movement of the breaker.
The current will increase if the breaker is moving erratically, or making
noise during measurement. This procedure should only be performed
by a qualified service technician. Save and Exit

When testing and setup is complete, click Save Positions. Once

positions have been saved, click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS

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3.9.5 Length Motor (M700)

This area allows you to view the length motor status, and to test and set
length motor positions. Select the Length Motor button from the

Figure 8-17: Length Motor Menu (M700) Length Motor Status

This area of the screen shows the current position of the length motor,
and the status of the length motor and sensor. Set Length Motor Positions

This area of the screen allows qualified service technicians to do the


1. Reset Length Motor Position

2. Length Motor Power Off
3. Move Comb to Drum Position
4. Move Comb to L/S Position
5. Set Comb to Front Position
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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual Length Motor Position Tests

To test the positions you set previously, click the following buttons:

4. Move Breaker to Home

5. Move Breaker to Comb Front

Observe the movements and repeat positioning as necessary. Length Motor Current Check

This area is used to check the alignment and movement of the breaker.
The current will increase if the breaker is moving erratically, or making
noise during measurement. This procedure should only be performed
by a qualified service technician. Save and Exit

When testing and setup is complete, click Save Positions. Once

positions have been saved, click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS

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3.9.6 LS Comb (M1000)

This area allows you to check the status and functionality of the L/S
comb. Click the LS Comb button on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU to

Figure 8-18: LS Comb Menu (M1000)

There are four (4) test mode selection available:

1. L/S Step by Step Test

2. L/S Continuous Test
3. L/S Endurance Test
4. L/S/MIC/C/T Endurance Test

L/S Step by Step Test allows the operator to control the testing one (1)
step at a time by clicking each button in order to observe system

L/S Continuous Test follows the same order automatically through one
(1) complete cycle.

Endurance Testing is similar to continuous testing except it performs

multiple testing cycles until the Stop Endurance button is selected.

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1. Place cotton sample into the sampler drums.

2. Click Initialize System to move the combs into position in front
of the sampler drums.
3. Click Load Sample to allow the beard to be collected.
4. Click Move to Brush to collect the beard and move the combs
to the brush position.
5. Click Brush Beard 1 to brush the beard from the combs.

Click each remaining button in order (left column, then right column) top
to bottom to complete the Fibrogram/Length tests. Exit

When testing is complete Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN


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3.9.7 LS Comb (M700)

This area allows you to check the status and functionality of the L/S
comb. Click the LS Comb button on the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU to

Figure 8-19: LS Comb Menu (M700)

There are four (4) test mode selection available:

1. L/S Step by Step Test

2. L/S Continuous Test
3. L/S Endurance Test
4. L/S/MIC/C/T Endurance Test

L/S Step by Step Test allows the operator to control the testing one (1)
step at a time by clicking each button in order to observe system

L/S Continuous Test follows the same order automatically through one
(1) complete cycle.

Endurance Testing is similar to continuous testing except it performs

multiple testing cycles until the Stop Endurance button is selected.

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1. Place cotton sample into the sampler drums.

2. Click Initialize System to move the comb into position in front of
the sampler drums.
3. Click Load Sample to allow the beard to be collected.
4. Click Move to Brush to collect the beard and move the comb to
the brush position.
5. Click Brush Beard 1 to brush the beard from the L/S comb.

Click each remaining button in order (left column, then right column) top
to bottom to complete the Fibrogram/Length tests. Exit

When testing is complete Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN


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3.9.8 Drum Motor

This area allows you to view the drum motor status, to test and set drum
motor positions, move combs, and perform general drum tests. Select
the Drum Motor button from the DIAGNOSTICS MAIN MENU.

Figure 8-20: Drum Motor Menu Drum Motor Status

This area of the screen shows the current status of the drum sensor and
drum motor as well as the position and angle of the drum motor. Set Drum Motor Positions

This area allows qualified service technicians to set the drum motor
positions. Drum Motor Position Tests

To test the drum motor positions previously set, click the following

1. Move Drum to Home

2. Move Drum to Sample End
3. Move Drum to Clean Card End
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4. Move Drum to Vacuum Fibers

5. Move Drum to Start Comb Doff
6. Move Drum to End Comb Doff
7. Move Drum to Eject Cotton

Observe movement and reposition as necessary. Comb Location Tests

Test the comb positions by clicking the following buttons:

1. Move Combs to Drum
2. Move Combs to Home
Observe movement and reposition as necessary. Drum Tests

These are the final tests to make to ensure proper positioning. Test the

1. Turn the blower On/Off.

2. Open/Close the comb opener.
3. Open/Close the Sampler Doors.
4. Turn the Sample Eject feature On/Off.
5. Extend/Retract the Sample Hand.
6. Perform a Load Cotton Sample Test.
7. Perform a Doff Comb Beard Test. Save and Exit

When testing and setup is complete, click Save Positions. Once

positions have been saved, click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS

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3.9.9 Strength Motor

This area allows you to set gauge positions, view the status of the
strength motor, view force voltages, test the vacuum blower and jaws,
and setup parameters. Click the Strength Motor button on the

Figure 8-21: Strength Motor Menu Strength Motor Status

This area allows you to view the status of the following:

1. Sensor (On/Off checkbox)

2. In-Sensor Steps
3. Travel Steps
4. Not In-Sensor Steps Learn Gauge Positions

This area allows qualified service technicians to learn gauge positions.

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This area allows you to view the SOC and Analog voltages for the

1. Tare Voltage
2. Jaw Touch Voltage
3. Current Voltage

Notice that the values for Tare and Jaws Touch appear when the
breaker jaws are CLOSED.

The jaw touch voltage should not differ by more than .01. Blower And Jaws

This area allows you to evaluate the strength sensor by activating the
jaws and blower. This is used to gauge if there is an issue when closing
the jaws or running the blower. Do the following:

1. Turn the Blower On/Off

2. Open/Close the Front Jaw
3. Open/Close the Rear Jaw Save and Exit

When testing and setup is complete, click Save Positions. Once

positions have been saved, click Finish to return to the DIAGNOSTICS

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3.10 Update Firmware

Firmware can be updated from the DIAGNOSTICS MENU. Click the
Update Mic Firmware, the Update L/S Firmware, or the
Update Moisture Firmware button to launch the update window
and begin.

Figure 8-22: Update Firmware Menu

Use Method 1 to update the firmware. In some cases, Method 2 will

need to be used to install the firmware (if instrument has an older
version of firmware, etc.). The software will display a window to tell the
operator that Method 2 should be used. Follow the appropriate
instructions and click Finish.

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Chapter 9 Report Launcher

The REPORT LAUNCHER allows you to select, view and print module and
bale data information from testing, calibration, and summary reports.

There are three ways to access REPORT LAUNCHER.

1. Click the large Reports Launcher button on the main screen of the
2. Click the Reports Launcher icon on the toolbar of the HVI 1000
program to launch the RptLauncher.exe utility.
3. You can also double-click the Reports Launcher desktop icon

1 Main Menu
There are four major areas of the REPORTS LAUNCHER MAIN MENU:

1. Menu Bar
2. Toolbar
3. Favorites Bar
4. Viewing Area

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Figure 9-1 Report Launcher Main Menu

1.1 Menu Bar

Functionality can be accessed via the toolbar and/or the menu bar.
The menu bar contains the following options:

1. Report:
a. Open: Open a report.
b. Editor: Edit a report.
c. Delete: Delete a report.
d. Printer Setup: Setup printing options.
e. Close: Close a report.
f. Exit: Exit the Report Launcher program.
2. Favorites: Configure All Favorites and individual Favorite
3. Options:
a. Connect: Set database connection.
b. Set Default Folder: Set folder location for reports.
c. Language: Select operating language for program.
Default is English.
4. Help: Displays the program version number.

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1.2 Toolbar
The toolbar contains the
following functionality options
(in order):
Figure 9-2: Report Launcher Toolbar

1. Open and View Report

2. Report Editor
3. Close the Current Report
4. Setup Printer
5. Configure Your Favorites
6. Set the Database Connection

1.3 Favorites Bar

The favorites bar allows you one-click easy access to previously
configured “Favorite” reports. Example: MyAbsoluteFa.. is a
previously configured report
that was previously located in
the Favorite 1 position.
Figure 9-3: Favorites Bar

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1.3.1 Configure Your Favorites

Select the Configure Your Favorites icon from the toolbar. This will
launch the Configure Favorite Button window.

Figure 9-4: Configure Favorite Button

1. Use the down-arrow and select a Favorite Button number from

the drop-down list.
2. Type in a Report/Button Title (if desired). Example: Color.
3. Click Browse and select a Report from the Open window.
4. Click OK to complete.

Note: Only an existing report can be mapped to a favorite button.

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1.4 Viewing Area

The viewing area displays all selected reports.

Figure 9-5: Report Viewing

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1.4.1 Report Navigation

Figure 9-6: Report Navigation Toolbar

The report display consists of a report and a toolbar. Use the toolbar to
print, zoom in or out, navigate through multiple pages, or search for

• The initial icon is for Export Report. You can select the file
type you wish to export (.pdf, .doc, etc.) and the location you
wish to export the file to.

• Printing is accomplished by selecting the Print icon.

• To navigate through multiple pages of a report, use the

forward and reverse arrows or enter a page number directly.

• To Stop Loading the selected report, click on the X box.

• The Binoculars icon will display a search dialog box where text
can be entered.

• To zoom in or out, use the drop-down list and select the desired
report size for viewing.

2 Report Launcher Setup

Prior to operation, the following four items should be checked or

1. Language
2. Set Default Folder
3. Set Database Connection
4. Setup Printer

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2.1 Language
Select the OPTIONS MENU on the menu
bar, and then select Language to set the
operating language for program. Default
is English.

Figure 9-7: Options Menu

2.2 Set Default Folder

Select the OPTIONS MENU on the menu bar, and then select Set Default
Folder to setup the location for the reports. The default location is
C:\Program Files\Uster Technologies\HVI\Reports.

To change the default location, highlight the line within the textbox and
then type in the new location. Click OK to save the new location and
exit the editor.

Figure 9-8: Set Default Folder

2.3 Set Database Connection

To launch the database connection window, select the OPTIONS MENU
on the menu bar, and then select Connect. You can also click the
Database Connection icon on the toolbar.

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Figure 9-9: Set Database Connection

1. Click to darken the radio button preceding your selection of MS

Access or SQL Server.
2. Ensure that the Database Location is correct.
3. Click OK.

2.4 Setup Printer

To launch the printer setup window,
select the Printer Setup from the
Report section on the menu bar, or
click the Setup Printer icon on the

1. Click the Printer button to

ensure the correct printer is
2. Select the layout options you
wish to use to print reports.
3. Click OK when finished.

Figure 9-10: Printer Setup

3 Report Functionality
Reports can be opened for view or printing, edited to unique
specifications, and configured as favorite reports.

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3.1 Open and View Report

There are two ways to open a report:

1. Menu Bar: Use the Open selection.

2. Toolbar: Click the Open and View a Report icon.

When you make one of the above

selections, the Select a Report
window will launch.

Select a report from the list by double-

clicking the report title. This will
launch the Report Parameters
window (See figure 9-12).

If the report does not appear on the

list, double-click the More Reports
selection at the top of the window.
This will launch the Open window
(See figure 9-11).

Figure 9-11: Select a Report

Figure 9-12: Report Open Window

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Select a report from the list and then click the Open button. This will
launch the Report Parameters window.

Figure 9-13: Report Parameters Window

The Report Parameters Window allows you to select filters for your
selected report. Filter Parameters are listed to the left and Lot Number
Parameter Values and Current Value are listed to the right.

1. Highlight the Filter Parameter you wish to change.

2. Click to highlight the Lot Number Parameter of choice. This
will place that parameter in the Lot Number Current Value
3. At this point you can select another filter option.
4. Click OK when finished.
5. The selected report, complete with filter parameters, will launch.

3.2 Close the Current Report

Use this icon to close the report you are currently viewing.

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4 Pre-Configured Reports
The following report templates are included in the Report Launcher
program. Each of these templates can be custom configured for
frequent use.
Report Group Report Type
System Testing Individual Report
Summary Report
Fibrogram Report
SS Curve Report
Color Distribution Report
UHML Histogram Report
Uniformity Histogram Report
SFI Histogram Report
Maturity Histogram Report
Elongation Histogram Report
Strength Histogram Report
Moisture Histogram Report
Micronaire Histogram Report
Grade Histogram Report
Rd Histogram Report
+b Histogram Report
Color Grade Histogram Report
Trash Area Histogram Report
Trash Count Histogram Report
Trash ID Histogram Report
UV Histogram Report
Neps Histogram Report
SCI Histogram Report
Temperature Histogram Report
RH Histogram Report
Custom Report
LS Module Testing Individual Report
Summary Report
Fibrogram Report
SS Curve Report
Custom Report
UHML Histogram Report
Uniformity Histogram Report
SFI Histogram Report
Maturity Histogram Report
Elongation Histogram Report

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Report Group Report Type

LS Module Testing (Cont.) Strength Histogram Report
Moisture Histogram Report
Grade Histogram Report
Temperature Histogram Report
RH Histogram Report
Color/Trash Module Testing Custom Report
Individual Report
Summary Report
Color Distribution Report
Rd Histogram Report
+b Histogram Report
Color Grade Histogram Report
Trash Area Histogram Report
Trash Count Histogram Report
Trash ID Histogram Report
Micronaire Module Testing Individual Report
Summary Report
Mic Histogram report
Custom Report
Neps Module Testing Individual Report
Summary Report
Neps Histogram Report
Custom Report
UV Module Testing Individual Report
Summary Report
Custom Report
Histogram Report
Calibration LS Calibration Report
SFI Calibration Report
Mic Calibration Report
Color Calibration Report
Trash Calibration Report
UV Calibration Report
NEPS Calibration Report
Moisture Calibration Report
Configuration System Configuration Report
Table 9-1: Report Types

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Chapter 10 Maintenance
The HVI 1000 system has been designed to reduce maintenance to a
minimum. However, to keep the instruments in top condition, there are
a few tasks that must be performed routinely.

1 Daily Maintenance
• Inspect and clean the lint/waste box. If necessary, also clean the
lint/waste box screen and filter.
• Clean excessive cotton from the carding plate with brush.
• Inspect and remove cotton sample residue (if necessary) from the
comb track assembly. Use the air hose provided with the
instrument to remove the cotton sample residue.
• Clean the color head sample glass.
• Inspect the Micronaire station computer Cooling fan filter. Clean
if necessary.
• Inspect the Length/Strength cabinet power box filter. Clean if
• Check to ensure that no water exists in the air system by
examining the coalescing filter on the main air valve.
• Open cabinets and clean as needed. Do not place vacuum
against electronic components.

2 Cleaning the System

After each shift the excess fiber that has gathered in the instrument
during the measurement procedures should be removed. Use a vacuum
cleaner to clean the system.

— Swing the monitor arm away from the Length/Strength cabinet so

that the cover of the cabinet can be lifted.

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— Lift the cover of the Length/Strength cabinet and vacuum all

areas under the cover. Pay particular attention to cleaning the
comb track area. Vacuum all areas of the cabinet.

— After cleaning, close all doors and covers to their original


3 Lint/Waste Box Maintenance

To keep the lint/waste box free of excessive dust and debris, the
following tasks should be performed daily.

— The lint/waste box is located at the left end of the

Length/Strength cabinet. There are two doors that provide
access to the vacuum box and the air filter; one is on the side
and the other is on the front of the cabinet.

— To release either of the doors, lift the latch and pull the door
open toward you. Remove loose fiber and clean the area inside
the box.

— There is a slot at the bottom of the filter housing that allows you
to grasp the screen and filter. Pull them toward the front to
remove them for cleaning. Clean and dust the fiber from the
screen and air filter. Discard and replace old, dirty filters after
each 120 hours of use. Use 10- by 20- by 1-inch filters for

— Return the filter and screen to the housing. The filter goes in first.
Note the air flow arrow on the filter; it should point toward the
back of the instrument. Next, place the screen on top of the filter
with the screen wire side facing the front.

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4 Calibration Tiles
The calibration tiles are the reference for all color and trash
measurements on the colorimeter. When calibration tiles are not
maintained in good, clean condition, they can affect system calibration.
Proper calibration is essential to produce accurate testing results. Often,
when a significant drift of Rd or +b is noted while testing, calibration tile
condition is responsible.

Uster recommends that users follow the guidelines below.

• The tile set assigned with the unit should STAY with the unit. The
tile set will normally maintain its calibration value throughout the
life of the instrument. It is recommended that each set be checked
against a master tile set every two to three years. This is to allow
re-adjustment in the unlikely event that the Rd or +b values
change or shift. These small shifts are usually minimal when
compared to a shift in color grade.

• Never try to use a tile set other than the one assigned to the unit.
Due to technology changes there are important differences in
colorimeters that require different levels when the calibration tiles
are assigned.

• Always store tiles in the container they are shipped in. These
boxes are manufactured solely for tile storage and are designed
to keep the tiles in a clean and dust free environment.

• If a tile is broken or becomes cracked the entire box should be

returned to USTER for repair or replacement. During
repair/replacement, the entire tile set will be evaluated and
values re-assigned if necessary.

• Only calibrate with the tiles (supplied with the unit) as prescribed
by the calibration section of the instruction manual.

• Always check the tile set for fingerprints or soil spots before
calibrating a colorimeter. Fingerprints, though not very
noticeable can cause a calibration level shift of up to 0.4 RD or
+b. Even though the colorimeter may calibrate under these
conditions, the cotton testing results will not be accurate.
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Fingerprints can usually be seen on tile sets by holding the tile up

and looking at the reflections given off the tile set. Fingerprints, if
left on a tile set for a period of time, will turn yellow and thereby
shift the color calibration.

• Handle the tiles only on the edges by stretching the fingers across
the back-side of the tile and grasping the edges. Never handle
the tiles in a manner that will place fingerprints on the color

• Uster recommends the tile set be cleaned on a periodic basis,

depending upon use and conditions. Usually every 2 to 3 months
is sufficient.

4.1 Cleaning Calibration Tiles

Use care when handling, using or cleaning the tile set. To clean the tile

1. Use a small amount of dish liquid in about ½ gallon water.

2. Using the soap mixture, use a soft cloth to thoroughly clean all
fingerprints from the surface of both sides of each tile.
3. Do not touch the color surface once the cleaning has been done.
4. Thoroughly rinse the tile with warm water taking care to remove
all soap and residue.
5. Thoroughly dry both sides of the tile with a soft cotton cloth.
6. These tiles are very porous and should be allowed to dry for a
period of at least 24 hours before next use.
7. After the 24 hour drying period, it is recommended that they be
buffed again with a clean cotton cloth.

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5 Service
Service on the HVI 1000 system should be performed by a qualified
service technician. Factory service is available at the home office, and
field service is available worldwide. Contact Uster Technologies, Inc.

Uster Technologies, Inc. will gladly provide technical assistance by

telephone, fax, or email. Refer to the title page of this manual for the
appropriate numbers/addresses.

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Chapter 11 Glossary
+b — The part of Hunter's Scale that indicates yellowness. Cotton
ranges from 4 to 18.

# Break Points — The number of readings taken on the stress-strain


Alphanumeric — Numbers and alphabetical characters on a

keyboard in upper or lower case.

Amount — Relates to the size of the prepared beard of fibers and is

proportional to the number of fibers in the prepared beard.

Area — Trash area.

Break Amount — The amount values required for measurement of

fiber strength.

C.G. — Color Grade.

Calibration — To check/correct the graduations of measurement on

the instrument.

Calibration Constants — The slopes and offsets obtained by the

two point regression in the calibration procedure.

Calibration Tolerances — In calibration procedures, the selected

allowable deviations in measurement of the properties assigned to the
calibration cotton samples.

Cnt — Trash Count.

Color Head — The instrument used to measure the reflectance and the
degree of yellowness in cotton.

Constant — The value in the SCI or CSP equation that is to be

multiplied by a test value.

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Cursor — A special symbol seen on the monitor screen; a flashing

underline or box, that indicates the position where the next character
will be entered.

Data Files — A file created within an application. In this case,

generally referring to the files containing the HVI 1000 test results.

Database — A large collection of data that is organized so that it can

be searched, retrieved, updated, and expanded for different purposes.

Default Settings — The predetermined action or value set in the

software program that will take effect unless a value is entered. These
temporary answers can be overridden by entering another value.

Elg — Elongation.

Elongation — The distance to the maximum of the stress-strain curve,

less the distance attributed to crimp, multiplied by 100, and divided by
the break gage (1/8 inch).

Exit — To leave the current operation or screen.

Field — A defined area or location on the screen for entering particular


Field Label — The name or label associated with a field. It appears

on the screen to identify the field.

Field Properties — The name or label associated with a field being

tested. It appears on the screen to identify the field (mic, length,
strength, moisture, etc.).

File — A collection of information that has been assigned a name and

is stored on disk.

Filename — The name that is assigned to a file.

Fin — Fineness.

Fineness — Fiber weight per unit length, or linear density.

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Floppy disk — A device used for storing data. A floppy disk can be
inserted in and removed from a floppy disk drive (typically 3.5 or 5.25
inches in diameter). Often used to backup data or to move data from
one computer to another.

Force — The pounds needed to break the yarn.

Front Position — When the needles are closest in proximity to the

optics, the front position is the distance between the center of the
needles and the center of the optics.

Glide-Pad – square portion of keyboard used to place the cursor at a

specific location of the screen.

Hardware Configuration — The setup you have for your computer,

keyboard, monitor, and printer.

Histogram — A graphical representation of a frequency distribution.

One axis plots the values of a particular characteristic while columns
perpendicular to that axis contain the proportional count of the
frequency with which the characteristic occurs.

ID — A name or number designating a bale or cotton sample for

testing. A series of ID numbers is usually associated with the same

Instrument Constants — Values assigned to formulae within the

software and related to various internal functions of the instrument.

Identifier — A name or number that defines, or is associated with, a

particular group of cotton samples.

Leaf — The trash content in the cotton fiber.

Len — Length.

Length — In HVI testing, cotton length can be any two selected span
lengths (len1 and len2); either 50% and 2.5% (ICC), or the Mean
Length and Upper Half Mean Length (HVI).

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Length Standard — The metal comb provided with the instrument

that is used to measure the distance from the comb transport's home
position to the center of the optics.

Listings — The reports that are generated by the software. There is

usually a choice to display the listing on the screen or to generate a
hard copy from the printer.

Lot Limits — The upper and lower limits assigned to each fiber

Lot Limit Rejections — When the values for the fiber property are not
within the valid lot limits, a bale is rejected.

Lots — Groups of cotton bales are called "Lots".

Mat — Maturity.

Mean Length — The average length of the fibers in the cotton sample.

Mic — Micronaire.

Micronaire — A value associated with cotton fineness (fiber perimeter)

and maturity (cell wall thickness) by use of the air-flow method.

Modulus — The spring constant of a sample of fibers. The slope of a

straight line that is tangent to the stress-strain curve at a point halfway to
the force maximum of the curve.

Numeric — Only numbers can be used. In certain fields, a valid entry

must consist of numbers (no alphabetic characters are allowed).

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Observations — The number of individual tests made on a sample.

During system testing, the values displayed, printed, and/or sent to a
computer are averages of the number of observations made on the

On-line — The computer directly controls the equipment or devices that

respond to the user's commands. A printer must be on-line before
printing can occur.

Optics — The LED light source, lens, photo detector, and electronics
system within the instrument.

Parameters — Characteristic elements chosen by the user such as the

constant values entered and used by the software to determine the
measured values of the sample.

Port — This is the connection on the computer where you plug the
cable that carries data to another device such as the printer.

Printout — The paper copy of a report that is printed on the printer.

Properties — The characteristics, or measured values, of a sample.

Protocol — A set of rules that defines how computers communicate

with each other when they transmit and receive data.

Range — The variance between certain set limits.

Rd — The unit of measurement for reflectance. Higher Rd values

indicate higher grades of cotton.

Regression coefficients — The coefficient related to each measured

fiber property in the mathematics of regression analysis.

Reverse Chronological Order — Arranged in the opposite order

from occurrence. The most recent event is listed first.

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Sample — The cotton fiber mass to be tested. For micronaire

measurements, it must be a certain weight; for length, strength,
uniformity, and elongation measurements, it must be in the form of a

SCI — Spinning Consistency Index is a calculated value based on a

regression equation that takes into account all HVI properties and
calculates one value to be used on each sample tested.

SFI — Short Fiber Index.

Skein — 120 yards of yarn wound on a 1.5-yard diameter reel.

Skein Break (SBr) — The force, in pounds, to break a skein of yarn.

SL1% — The percentage assigned to the first selected Span Length.

SL2% — The percentage assigned to the second selected Span Length.

Software — The instructions that make the computer hardware

perform tasks. Programs, operating systems, and applications are all

Source File — Data file on floppy.

Span Length — The distance a selected percentage of fibers extend

from a clamp in which they have been caught at random along their

Specific Surface — The relationship between total fiber surface area

to the total fiber volume as measured by the resistance to air flow of a
known mass of fibers confined in a fixed volume.

Specification — A set of criteria that has been established to ensure

that cotton samples are acceptable.

Spinning Potential — Based on test results, the anticipated quality of

yarn after it is spun.

Standard Values — Values assigned to the calibration cotton

samples of fiber.

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Status — The menu where the parameters that affect the program
components are defined. The items on these menus are normally
defined when the system is first set up and remain unchanged

Str — Strength.

Strength — The relationship of the breaking force to the mass of fibers

broken, corrected for micronaire and modified by the calibration
constants. The units match the standard values entered for calibration
cottons, typically grams per tex (g/tex).

Strength @ % Elong —The percent elongation at which a secondary

strength measurement is made for mm fibers.

Stress-Strain Curve — A graphical representation that shows the

relationship of the sample's change in dimension to the force applied
and the magnitude of the force.

Subdirectory — A logical division of the disk drive so that files can

be grouped together for easier access.

Test — A measurement, either a single observation or the average of

several observations, taken by the instrument on a sample.

Test Series — A group of tests performed on a sample, for example,

the color, trash, micronaire, length, strength, uniformity, and elongation
tests performed on samples.

Trash — The non-fiber portion of cotton. It consists of stems, hulls,

whole or parts of seeds, motes, grass, sand, dust, oil from machinery,
etc. Using the camera, all areas darker than a threshold level are
counted as trash. The discrimination between trash and background is
made on the basis of absolute reflectivity rather than trash contrast, so
variations in cotton background do not affect the readings.

Trash Area — The ratio of the accumulated areas of all the trash
particles to the area of the viewing window of the instrument.

Trash Code — The range where the tested cotton sample falls
according to the levels determined during calibration.

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Trash Count — The number of individual particles of trash in the

cotton sample that are 0.01 inch in diameter or larger.

Trash Grade – This value is measured by the Trash Module and can
consist of up to four alphanumeric characters.

Unf — Uniformity.

Uniformity — The ratio, expressed in percent, of two length


Upper Half Mean Length (UHML) — The average length, by

number, of the longer half (50%), by weight, of the fibers in a sample.

USDA Color Grade — A three-digit code associated with the

Universal Standards of American Upland Cotton.

Version — The revision level of the software.

Window — In the HVI 1000 software, the windows are the sections of
the screen bordered by single or double lines that present information to
the user or provide a place for the user to enter information into the

Work @ % Elong — The percent elongation at which a secondary

work measurement is made for mm fibers.

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Chapter 12 Appendix

1 Host Communications
1.1 Spectrum Support
The HVI 1000 system will support the HVI Spectrum Universal Record
Format (URF) Functionality Means of Observation Record Set for System
Testing only. This transmission will be across a 9-pin serial port and can
be used with or without LabExpert Support. Using LabExpert support will
change the operations of the Host Communications as listed below.

1.2 Transmission Interaction

The HVI 1000 system will transmit the information of a sample in
multiple record transmissions according to the modules included in the
system. Highlights of the transmissions are as follows:

LabExpert Universal Description

Record Creation URF -- The HVI 1000 instrument will
X X send a start dataset record (see record types below)
before the first data record of a sample.
Record Creation URF -- The HVI 1000 instrument will
create a stop dataset record after testing for a particular
sample is complete and all data records (except NEP)
for that sample have been sent. There is one exception
to this rule, the NEP record. See the NEP record
description for more information.
The HVI 1000 instrument will expect to receive
acknowledgement of each record transmission.
- ACK (Ox06) upon good transmission
- NAK (Ox15) upon bad transmission
Record Creation URF & HVI1000MRF – The Catalog ID
X will be inserted into the Lot ID Field to further identify the
Upon failure of the transmission acknowledgement, via
X the timeout period is exceeded, the HVI 1000 instrument
will query the operator decide whether to continue
transmitting or aborting the Host Communications.

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1.3 Record Structure

All HVI records are divided into three sections:

1. Head – identifies the instrument, date and time.

2. Body – highlights the data.
3. Tail – identifies the lot limits, re-tests and a validation checksum.

Some typical records can look like this:

HVI1000@@07@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@47@
HVI1000@@05@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@45@
HVI1000@L&S@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @1@2@0.91@78.1@16.0@2.4@15.6@21@
HVI1000@L&S@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @2@2@0.91@77.6@15.5@1.8@15.5@20@
HVI1000@L&S@02@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @0.913@n@n@77.8@n@n@15.8@n@n@ 2.1@15.5@
@ 24.3@ 28.2@64@
HVI1000@MIC@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @1@4@4.0@108@
HVI1000@MIC@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @2@4@4.0@111@
HVI1000@MIC@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @4@4@4.0@105@
HVI1000@MIC@02@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @4.05@n@113@
HVI1000@SCI@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @2@4@ 0@0000@11@
HVI1000@SCI@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @3@4@ 0@0000@10@
HVI1000@SCI@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @4@4@ 0@0000@13@
HVI1000@SCI@02@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @ 0@n@0000@@96@
HVI1000@C&T@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @2@4@42.1@7.5@ @35@0.3@4@89@
HVI1000@C&T@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @3@4@45.6@8.2@ @41@0.4@4@84@
HVI1000@C&T@02@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @n@43.8@n@ 7.8@n@81-2@n@n@ 39@ 0.36@n@ 4@n@91@
HVI1000@MST@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @1@2@ 5.3@69@
HVI1000@MST@02@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @ 5.3@n@107@
HVI1000@MAT@01@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @2@2@0.88@66@
HVI1000@MAT@02@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@H_LOTID1234567890
@403113225880 @0.88@n@@@@47@
HVI1000@@06@5 @15-FEB-06@12:04@46@

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Highlights from these records are:

- All records start with a standard header, which is discussed in

the Universal Record Header Format.
- The record length is variable.
- The data is transmitted as ASCII characters. In other words, the
number 12.5 will be transmitted as four characters, namely “1"
(Ox31), “2" (Ox32), “.” (Ox2e), and “5" (Ox35).
- Records will be delimited by ‘\r’ (OxOd also known as a CR).
- Fields will be delimited by “@” (Ox40).
- Checksum included with all records as last field.
The checksum for a string is produced by taking the “exclusive
or” for all characters in the string, up to and including the field
delimiter before the last field, where the checksum is to be placed
in the record. The checksum will not include the CR delimiting the
records. The checksum value is formatted as a decimal value.

- The Record Measurement units (Metric,Wet/Dry Moisture,

Moisture Correction, SFI/SFI16mm,etc.) are used based on the
setup of the machine (also known as machine dependent).

Note: The <CR> in the above example is a single character, namely

CR (OxOD), at the end of this record. The 91 in the last field is the
checksum derived by taking the xor of the 48 characters before the

Note2: These records are created and sent on an individual basis

EXCEPT when using the Folder Transmission Medium.

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1.4 Universal Record Header Format

All records transmitted from an HVI 1000 instrument will contain a
header that describes the information contained within the record. This
record header follows:

1. Instrument Type:
HVI 1000: Record is from an HVI 1000 Instrument.

2. Module:
Will be blank in the cases of start-dataset and stop-dataset.

L/S HVI-1000 Length and Strength
MIC HVI-1000 Micronaire
C/T HVI-1000 Color and Trash
MST HVI-1000 Moisture
MAT HVI-1000 Maturity
Table 12-1: Identifier and Description

1. Record Type:

01 Individual Observation
02 Mean of Observation
05 Start Dataset
06 Stop Dataset
07 Ready for Transmit; sent by the HVI-1000 upon
entry into System Testing
09 Signoff
Table 12-2: Record Type

4. Instrument ID (0 – 12 characters)

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5. Date (dd-mmm-yy), where dd is day, mmm is month [JAN, FEB,

MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC], and yy is
the last two digits of the year.
6. Time (xx:xx), 24-hour format

1.5 Record Body-Type Formats

It should be realize that there are 2 main record types supported;
Individual Observation and Means of Observation.

The Module Identifier and Module Description, listed in the header,

determine the body data of the record. The list of supported record
body data is listed below.

For Mean record sets, some data types send a flag for two-sided Retest
and / or a flag for Rejected. .R. is for Retest, .n. is for Not retested; .L .
is for a Lot limit that was accepted, .n. for Not a Lot limit.

1.5.1 Length/Strength

01 Individual Observation

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Rep Number xx
Total Rep xx
Length (inches for English units), or
xx.xx (mm for Metric units)
Uniformity xx.x
Strength xx.x
Elongation xx.x
Short Fiber Index xx.x

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02 Mean of Observations

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Length (inches for English units), or
xx.xx (mm for Metric units)
Length Retest R or n
Length Lot Limit L or n
Uniformity xx.x
Uniformity Retest R or n
Uniformity Lot Limit L or n
Strength xx.x
Strength Retest R or n
Strength Lot Limit L or n
Elongation xx.x
Short Fiber Index xx.x
Grade 6 alphanumerics
Temperature xxx.x
Relative Humidity xxx.x

1.5.2 Micronaire

01 Individual Observation

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Rep Number xx
Total Rep xx
Micronaire x.xx

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02 Mean of Observations

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Micronaire x.xx
Micronaire Lot Limit L or n

1.5.3 Color & Trash

01 Individual Observation

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Rep Number xx
Total Rep xx
Rd xx.x
+b xx.x
Color Grade xxxx
Trash Particle Count xxx
Trash Area xx.xx
Trash Code xx.xx

02 Mean of Observations

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Color Retest R or n
Rd xx.x
Rd Lot Limit L or n
+b xx.x
+b Lot Limit L or n
Color Grade xxxx
Color Grade Lot limit L or n
Trash Retest (Area only) R or n

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Trash Particle Count xxx

Trash Area xx.xx
Trash Area Lot Limit L if rejected or n
Trash Code xx
Trash Code Lot Limit L or n

1.5.4 SCI

02 Mean of Observation

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
SCI xxxx
SCI Lot Limit L or n
CSP xxxx
CSP Lot Limit L or n

1.5.5 Maturity

01 Individual Observation

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Rep Number xx
Total Rep xx
Maturity x.xx
Reserved No characters
Reserved No characters

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02 Mean of Observations

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Maturity x.xx
Maturity Lot Limit L or n
Reserved No characters
Reserved No characters
Reserved No characters

1.5.6 Moisture

01 Individual Observation

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Rep Number xx
Total Rep xx
Moisture x.xx

02 Mean of Observations

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
Moisture xx.x
Moisture Lot Limit L or n

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1.5.7 NEP Count

Note: The NEP data is only transmitted at the end of the current set of
Bales for a Lot ID. NEP data is sent for the entire Identifier. Hence, the
Sample ID will be blank and the data will account for all the Sample IDs
that have the specified Identifier. The Start and Stop dataset records are

02 Mean of Observation

Field Description Size/Type

Identifier 40 alphanumerics
Sample ID 40 alphanumerics
NEP Count xxxx
NEP Count Lot Limit L if rejected

1.6 HVI 1000 Record Structure

1. The HVI1000 Record Creation process supports 2 different Record
2. Summary – Created upon the successful completion of testing a
3. Nep – Created upon the successful completion of testing a LOT.

All HVI Records are divided up into three sections:

1. Head – Identifies the Instrument, the data and time.

2. Body** – Highlights the Data
3. Tail – Identifies the Lot Limits, Re-Tests and a validation Checksum

**It is important to realize that the body of the record is fairly

similar to the format of the HVI1000M Export File Format. One
of the main difference would be that the separators for the Host
Communications are an ampersand (‘@’) while the separators for
the Export File Format are spaces (‘ ‘).

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1.6.1 HVI 1000 Summary Format

Below is a table describing the format for the HVI1000M Summary
Record Creation.

Please note that:

TF – Total Field Count
RS – Record Section and tries to highlight as to which section
the Record is part of; Header(H), Body(B) or Tail(T).
SF – Section Field Count

TF RS SF Field Name Col Format Comment

1 H 1 Instrument 7 Alpha-Always:
Type NumericHVI1000
2 H 2 Record Type 3 999 Describes the type of data
002 = Summary Data
3 H 3 Record 2 99 Allows for future changes.
Version Currently: 01
4 H 4 Serial 7 9999999 The serial number from the db
5 H 5 Internal 3 Alpha- Internal value
Value Numeric Customers should Ignore
6 H 6 Instrument ID 12 Alpha- Also known as the Line 1
7 H 7 Date 9 dd-mmm-yy dd – day
mmm – month(abrev.)
yy – year
8 H 8 Time XX:XX 24 Hour Format
9 B 1 Lot ID 40 Alpha- Different from file – No
Numeric Quotes
10 B 2 Bale ID 40 Alpha- Different from file – No
Numeric Quotes
11 B 3 Grade 6 Alpha- User Entered Grade
12 B 4 Trash ID 2 9 Based on the setup of the
13 B 5 Trash % 5 9.99
14 B 6 Spare1 5 9.99 For Future Use. Not Currently
15 B 7 Particle 4 999
2, 3
16 B 8 UHML 6 9.999 English (inch) – can be
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TF RS SF Field Name Col Format Comment

99.99 moisture corrected
Metric (mm) – can be
moisture corrected
17 B 9 UI 5 99.9 Uniformity– can be moisture
18 B 10 SFI 5 99.9 Short Fiber Index– can be
moisture corrected
19 B 11 Strength 5 99.9 Can be moisture corrected
20 B 12 Elongation 5 99.9
21 B 13 Mic 5 9.99
22 B 14 Maturity 5 9.99

23 B 15 Color Rd 5 99.9
24 B 16 Color +b 5 99.9
7, 8
25 B 17 UV 4 999
26 B 18 Neps 4 999
27 B 19 Moisture % 5 99.9 Moisture - Wet or Dry units
28 B 20 Color Grade 4 99-9 Type depends on setup.
1 o o
29 B 21 Temp 5 99.9 Temperature - C or F units
30 B 22 RH 5 99.9 Relative Humidity
31 B 23 SCI 5 999.9 Spinning Consistency Index
32 B 24 SPARE 5 99.9 Reserved for future use. Not
currently used.
33 T 1 Lot Limit 1 X “N” for No or “Y” for Yes
34 T 2 Between 1 X “N” for No or “Y” for Yes
35 T 3 Retest-Flags 16 xxxxxxxxxx Bit position values:
1 Æ 16 “B” = Between Sides
“L” = Lot Limit
” “(space) = no retest
Bit position definitions:
1st = Length
2nd = Uniformity
3rd = Strength
4th = Elongation
5th = Rd
6th = PlusB
7 = Trash Area
8 = SFI
9 = Moisture
10 = Maturity
11 = SCI

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TF RS SF Field Name Col Format Comment

12 = Micronaire
13 = Trash ID
14 = UV
15 = Nep
16 = Spare
Note: Between Sides takes
precedence over Lot Limits if
a quality factor is a retest for
36 T 4 Bale Retest 1 X “N” for No or “Y” for Yes
37 T 5 Check Sum 3 999 Decimal XOR of all the
previous data.

1. Value is either Celsius or Fahrenheit, based on HVI 1000M
2. Value can include moisture correction, based on HVI 1000M
3. Units are either metric or inches, based on HVI 1000M
4. Value is either 0.5/12.7 inch/mm or 16mm, based on HVI
1000M configuration
5. Value is either Wet basis or Dry Basis, based on HVI 1000M
6. Value is Trash Grade, Leaf Grade, or Trash Code, based on HVI
1000M configuration
7. This value is only valid on the ‘Resend’ data in the Host
It is HIGHLY advised that one always refer to the Nep Record
8. Optional Modules, if modules are not configured then field
values will be NULL.

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1.6.2 HVI 1000 Nep Record Format

The NEP data is only transmitted at the end of the current set of Bales for
a Lot ID Below is a table describing the format for the HVI1000M Nep
Record Creation.

Please note that:

TF – Total Field Count
RS – Record Section and tries to highlight as to which section
the Record is part of; Header(H), Body(B) or Tail(T).
SF – Section Field Count

TF RS SF Field Name Col Format Comment

1 H 1 Instrument Type 7 Alpha- Always:
Numeric HVI1000
2 H 2 Record Type 3 999 Describes the type of data
003 = Nep Data
3 H 3 Record Version 2 99 Allows for future changes.
Currently: 01
4 H 4 Serial Number 7 9999999 The serial number from the db
5 H 5 Internal Value 3 Alpha- Internal value
Numeric Customers should Ignore
6 H 6 Instrument ID 12 Alpha- Also known as the Line 1
7 H 7 Date 9 dd-mmm- dd – day
yy mmm – month(abrev.)
yy – year
8 H 8 Time XX:XX 24 Hour Format
9 B 1 Lot ID 40 Alpha- Different from file - No Quotes
10 B 2 Nep Count 4 999 The averaged number of Neps
11 B 3 Nep Sample 6 999999 The number of samples used.
12 B 4 Std. Deviation 6 99.99 The Standard Deviation of the
13 B 5 SPARE 1 5 XX.X For Future Use. Not currently used.
14 B 6 SPARE 2 4 Alpha- For Future Use. Not currently used.
15 T 1 Lot Limit 1 X “N” for No or “Y” for Yes
16 T 2 Retest-Flags 1 X Bit position values:
“B” = Between Sides
“L” = Lot Limit
” “(space) = no retest
Bit position definitions:

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TF RS SF Field Name Col Format Comment

Note: Between Sides takes
precedence over Lot Limits if a
quality factor is a retest for both.
17 T 1 Check Sum 3 999 Decimal XOR of all the previous

1.6.3 HVI 1000 Example Records

Here are examples of 2 Summary Record and 2 Nep Records:

HVI1000@002@01@1234567@02@1 @01-AUG-06@09:49@Lot_ID_1234567890
@Bale_ID_09876543211234567890 @GrdLL@04@ 0.50@ 0.00@ 30@ 25.40@ 75.0@ 12.0@
30.0@ 10.0@ 4.00@ 0.83@ 70.0@ 8.0@ 0@ 0@ 7.5@ @ 20.0@ 60.0@ 88.1@ 0.0@Y@N@LLL

HVI1000@002@01@1234567@25@1 @01-AUG-06@09:53@Lot_ID_1234567890
@Bal_ID_9283749823749823749872349872 @ NoLL@05@ 0.50@ 0.00@ 30@ 1.000@
75.0@ 10.0@ 30.0@ 10.0@ 4.00@ 0.83@ 70.0@ 8.0@ 0@ 0@ 7.0@ @ 20.0@
60.0@ 88.1@ 0.0@N@N@ @N@113@

HVI1000@003@01@1234567@02@1 @04-AUG-06@09:33@LOT_TEST_ID_I
@ 48@ 356@140.00@ 0.00@ @Y@L@115@

HVI1000@003@01@1234567@25@1 @01-AUG-06@09:54@Lot_ID_1234567890
@ 12@ 10@ 1.90@ 0.00@ @N@ @ 27@

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2 Errors
The Error Handle screen is divided into four basic areas:

1. Error Code
2. Control Board
3. Message Box
4. Options for Recovery

Figure 12-1: Error Handle Screen

2.1 Error Code

Each control board has specific error codes that are associated with it.

• The Length/Strength control board errors are numbered 1-99.

• The MIC control board errors are numbered 100-199.
• The Color/Trash errors (from MIC control board) are numbered
• There are also miscellaneous errors that have no prescribed
number. These will be explained in the Message box.

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2.2 Control Board

The control board text box indicates which (if any) control
board/module has caused the error.

• L/S (Length/Strength)
• MIC (Micronaire)
• C/T (Color/Trash)
• Miscellaneous (Other)

2.3 Message Box

The message box area contains an explanation of the error. Example:
“Drum failed to move.”

2.4 Options for Recovery

There are three options for error recovery:

1. Retry
2. Ignore/Continue
3. Reset Control Board

Clicking Retry will repeat the last action that caused the error. In some
cases this will resolve the problem. If it does not, select one of the other

Ignore/Continue will ignore the error and allow you to continue.

This WILL NOT fix the problem that initially caused the error.

Selecting Reset Control Board may remedy the problem however,

you may have to repeat any uncompleted tests.

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3 Error Messages
The following table contains numbered error messages. Rows that have
more than one number indicate that the error could appear in different
locations however the action for both errors is the same.

Length/Strength Control Board

Error Message Action
1 Break Steps NOT Received From Restart the Program from the
Host. Desktop.
2 Optic Tare Voltage Shift Too High. 1. Close the Program down to
the Desktop and then press
the reset on the L/S Control
Board and restart the HVI
2. Check if loose fiber has been
caught in optics and
remove. If problem persists,
reboot entire system.
3 Failed To Setup Daisy Chain For Check for loose cables and then
Smart Motors. restart the Program from the
Can also indicate loose or
damaged smart motor cable or
a bad control board. Go to L/S
CTRL Board Diagnostics and
turn motors ON/OFF to check
4 Sample Door NOT Open. 1. Go to L/S CTRL Board
5 Sample Door NOT Closed. Diagnostics and
6 Sample Door NOT Open. a. OPEN/CLOSE sampler
door several times to see if
sensor turns ON/OFF.
b. Block the interlock sensor
and ensure that it turns
2. Check sensor cable
3. Check to insure that there is
an adequate air supply.

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Error Code Error Code
7 Front Jaw NOT Open Before Test. 1. Check to insure that there is
8 Rear Jaw NOT Open Before Test. an adequate air supply.
9 Front Jaw NOT Closed For Test. 2. Go to L/S CTRL Board
10 Rear Jaw NOT Closed For Test. Diagnostics and
OPEN/CLOSE the front
and/or rear jaws using the
buttons in the Digital Outputs
column. Notice if sensors
turn ON/OFF in the Digital
Inputs column.
11 Moisture Measurement Result NOT Check for loose cable at the
Received. comb transport and at the L/S
Control Board.
12 Front Jaw NOT Open After Test. See 7-10 above.
13 Rear Jaw NOT Open After Test.
14 Track Motor State Sensor Error. 1. Restart the HVI Program.
2. Go to L/S CTRL Board
Diagnostics and turn the
Track Motor ON/OFF using
the buttons in the Digital
Inputs column. Notice if
sensors turn ON/OFF
(above). If sensors
unresponsive, may be a
cable, sensor or control
board problem.
See Diagnostics Section for
15 Track Motor Power OFF Error. 1. Restart the HVI Program.
2. Go to Track Motor
Diagnostics and turn the
Track Motor OFF and check
the status byte. If not
responsive may be a
problem with the motor,
cable or sensor.

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Error Code Error Code
16/19 Track Motor Fails To Move. 1. Restart the HVI Program.
17/20 Track Motor Position Error. 2. Go to L/S CTRL Board
Diagnostics and turn the
Track Motor ON/OFF using
the buttons in the Digital
Inputs column. Notice if
sensors turn ON/OFF
(above). If functional, go to
Track Motor Diagnostics and
Learn Positions/perform
position tests. May indicate
a bad motor.
See Diagnostics Section for
18/21 Track Motor Temperature Too High. Possible Motor Defect.
22 Length Motor State Sensor Error. 1. Restart the HVI Program.
2. Go to L/S CTRL Board
Diagnostics and turn the
Length Motor ON/OFF
using the buttons in the
Digital Inputs column.
Notice if sensors turn
ON/OFF (above). If sensors
unresponsive, may be a
cable, sensor or control
board problem.
23 Length Motor Power OFF Error. Go to Length Motor Diagnostics
and turn the Length Motor OFF
and check the status byte. If not
responsive may be a problem
with the motor, cable or sensor.

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Message Action
24/27 Length Motor Fails To Move. 1. Check to make sure all of the
25/28 Length Motor Position Error. cables to the Length Motor are
connected at the motor and
the power box.
2. Go to L/S CTRL Board.
Diagnostics and turn the
Length Motor ON/OFF using
the buttons in the Digital Inputs
column. Notice if sensors turn
ON/OFF (above). If
functional, go to Length Motor
Diagnostics and Learn
Positions/perform position
tests. May indicate a bad
motor. Check the position of
the flag. Is it behind the
26/29 Length Motor Temperature Too Possible Motor Defect.
30 Brush Motor State Sensor Error. Go to L/S CTRL Board
Diagnostics and turn the Brush
Motor ON/OFF using the buttons
in the Digital Inputs column.
Notice if sensors turn ON/OFF
(above). If sensors unresponsive,
may be a cable, sensor or control
board problem.
31 Brush Motor Power OFF Error. Go to Brush Motor Diagnostics
and turn the Brush Motor OFF
and check the status byte. If not
responsive may be a problem
with the motor, cable or sensor.

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Message Action
32/35 Brush Motor Fails To Move. Go to L/S CTRL Board
33/36 Brush Motor Position Error. Diagnostics and turn the Brush
Motor ON/OFF using the
buttons in the Digital Inputs
column. Notice if sensors turn
ON/OFF (above). If functional,
go to Brush Motor Diagnostics
and Learn Positions/perform
position tests. May indicate a
bad motor.
34/37 Brush Motor Temperature Too High. Possible Motor Defect.
38 Drum Motor State Sensor Error. 1. Check for loose cable at the
Length Motor and at the
power box.
2. Go to L/S CTRL Board
Diagnostics and turn the
Drum Motor ON/OFF using
the buttons in the Digital
Inputs column. Notice if
sensors turn ON/OFF
(above). If sensors
unresponsive, may be a
cable, sensor or control
board problem.

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Message Action
39 Drum Motor Power OFF Error. Go to Drum Motor Diagnostics
and turn the Drum Motor OFF
and check the status byte. If not
responsive may be a problem
with the motor, cable or sensor.
40/43 Drum Motor Fails To Move. Possible bad control board. Go
41/44 Drum Motor Position Error. to L/S CTRL Board Diagnostics
and turn the Drum Motor
ON/OFF using the buttons in
the Digital Inputs column.
Notice if sensors turn ON/OFF
(above). If functional, go to
Drum Motor Diagnostics and
Learn Positions/perform position
tests. May indicate a bad
42/45 Drum Motor Temperature Too High. Possible Motor Defect.
46 Sample Door NOT Closed. See 4, 5, 6 above
47 Light Curtain Blocked. Check light curtain for
obstruction. Go to L/S CTRL
Board Diagnostics, block the
beam with your hand and
notice if the sensor turns
ON/OFF in the Digital Inputs
48 Sample Door NOT Closed. See 4, 5, 6 above

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Message Action
49 Strength Motor Fails To Move. 1. Go to Strength Motor
Diagnostics and move the
to see if it is functional.
2. Check for loose cable
connection to the power
3. Ensure the coupling is good
on the motor actuator.
3. Make sure the sensor works
by using a piece of paper.
If functional a CHECK will
appear on the screen next to
4. Finally, re-learn the gauge
position several times to
ensure consistency.
5. Possible bad Motor Driver
inside power box.
50 Too Much PUSH Force -- Value of 1. Go to Strength Motor
A/D=%1 (Valid Range: %2) Diagnostics and move jaws
learn gauge position.
2. Check for Dragging on the
sides. Loosen the nuts on the
brass rod to check for
51 Too Much PULL Force -- Value of 1. Go to Strength Motor
A/D=%1 (Valid Range: %2) Diagnostics and move jaws
REVERSE/NEAR, then re-
learn gauge position.
2. Check for Dragging on the
sides. Loosen the nuts on the
brass rod to check for

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Message Action
52 Too Much PULL Force -- Value of 1. Go to Strength Motor
A/D=%1 (Valid Range: %2) Diagnostics and learn gauge
53 Too Much PUSH Force -- Value of position. Also, check sensor
A/D=%1 (Valid Range: %2) flag location if message is
2. Check for Dragging on the
sides. Loosen the nuts on the
brass rod to check for
54 Front Jaw NOT Closed. See 7 through 10 above.
55 Rear Jaw NOT Closed.
56 Did NOT Reach To Jaw Touch 4. Go to Strength Motor
Position. Diagnostics and move the
to see if it is functional.
5. Check for loose cable
connection to the power
6. Ensure the coupling is good
on the motor actuator.
3. Make sure the sensor works
by using a piece of paper.
If functional a CHECK will
appear on the screen next to
4. Finally, re-learn the gauge
position several times to
ensure consistency.
5. Possible bad Motor Driver
inside power box.
57 Possible Strength Motor Stall -- Go to Strength Motor
Reverse In-Sensor Steps (Check Diagnostics and perform
Hvi_Log.txt File). position tests.

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Length/Strength Control Board

Error Message Action
58 Front Jaw NOT Open. See 7 through 10 above.
59 Rear Jaw NOT Open.
60 NOT in Strength Sensor. 1. Check that sensor is clean
and free of obstruction.
2. Go to Strength Motor
Diagnostics and learn gauge
3. Check for loose cable
connection to the power

Micronaire Control Board

Error Message Action
101 Mic Piston Extend Sensor Not Reached. Go to MIC CTRL Board
102 Mic Piston Retract Sensor Not Reached. Diagnostics. Utilize the
103 Color Hand Up Sensor Not Reached. appropriate buttons in
104 Tray Cylinder 1 Retract Sensor Not the Digital Outputs
Reached. columns to check the
105 Tray Cylinder 2 Retract Sensor Not functionality of sensors
Reached. listed in the Digital Inputs
106 Mic Piston Extend Sensor Not Reached. columns. ON/OFF is
107 Mic Piston Retract Sensor Not Reached. indicated by a RED check
mark appearing/
108 Mic Door Opened Before Measuring Mic
109 Mic Piston Extend Sensor Not Reached.
If sensor is not
110 Mic Door Opened After Mic Piston
operational it indicates a
hardware issue.
111 Mic Door Not Open After Mic Pressure
112 Mic Piston Retract Sensor Not Reached.
113 Mic Piston Extend Sensor Not Reached.
114 Mic Piston Extend Sensor Not Reached.
115 Mic Piston Retract Sensor Not Reached.

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Micronaire Control Board - Color/Trash Module

Error Message Action
201 Tray Position Sensor Error. Go to MIC CTRL Board
202 Color Head UP Sensor Error. Diagnostics. Utilize the
203 Not Used appropriate buttons in the
204 Color Head DOWN Sensor Error. Digital Outputs columns to check
205 Color Head Not UP. Color Head UP the functionality of sensors listed
Sensor Error. in the Digital Inputs columns.
206 Tray Position Sensor Error. ON/OFF is indicated by a RED
check mark appearing/

For Tray Position Sensors, utilize


If sensor is not operational it

indicates a hardware issue.

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Windows Software
Area Error Message Action
Related Code
Windows ERROR Memory Allocation Exit program and restart computer.
Software for Image 0
“ Memory Allocation
for Image 1
“ RAM Test Failed. Turn power off to computer and
then restart computer and
program. If unsuccessful it may
indicate a frame grabber problem.
“ TVICHW32 Driver Re-install the drivers. Go to any
Problem. windows machine, right click the
Start button and left click
Explore. Find the
C:/WINDOWS/System directory
and copy TVicHW32.dll to
diskette. Then, find the
directory and copy the
TVicHW32.sys file to diskette.
Take the diskette to the computer
that displayed the error and copy
those files to the same locations on
that computer.
Frame “ Frame Grabber Restart program. If problem occurs
Grabber Failed To Initialize. a second time, shut down the
computer and remove the
computer cover. Reseat the Frame
Grabber and then restart the
program again.
“ File FG2K.BIT Not Copy file from the HVI directory of
Found. another computer and copy into
the C:/HVI directory of the
computer that displayed the error.
“ Test of Pattern 1 Restart program.

Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 12

(7/07) Appendix - Page 12-28
USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

Windows Software
Area Area Area Related Area Related to
Related Related to Message Message
to to
Message Message
“ Test of Pattern 2 Restart program.
“ File VP.CFG Not Copy file from the HVI directory
Found. of another computer and copy
into the C:/HVI directory of the
computer that displayed the
Fibrogram “ Lens Tare Voltage These messages only indicate a
Too High. problem if they are persistent.
“ Small Sample (Low
Amount). If persistent, go to Diagnostics
“ Large Sample (High and select LS Step by Step.
Amount). Perform a Continuous Test,
“ Negative Span and check Fibrogram
Length. Quality to diagnose the
“ Could Not Find problem.
Break Amount.
“ ERROR: Break
Index Less Than 1.
“ Bad Break Steps.
“ Fibrogram Has Not 1. Possible Control board
Enough Data Points error.
(%1, Normal=81). 2. Go to Length Motor
Diagnostics and check
motor positions. Reset
Position 0, Move to Home,
Move to Comb1 Front. If
current position value is
larger than the learned
value above it is OK. If it is
smaller, it indicates a
problem. Repeat the
procedure for Comb 2.

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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 12

(7/07) Appendix - Page 12-30
USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

Chapter 13 Index
Module · 5-2
A Save · 5-4
Short Cotton · 5-12
Action Area · 3-8 Trash Tile · 5-26
Actions · 3-3 Calibration Tiles
Air · 2-4 Maintenance · 10-3
Close Testing
Supervisor · 3-5
B Color Coding · 6-5
Background · 6-6
Balance · 1-3 Color Head
Bale ID · 6-24 Warm Up · 8-6
Bale Manager · 3-14 Color Heads
BaleID BCR Diagnostics · 8-4
Diagnostics · 8-3 Color Tiles
Barcode · 8-3 Calibration · 5-21
Barcode Reader · 2-7 Check Calibration · 5-23
Between Sides Edit Calibration Results · 5-25
Data Display · 4-10 Setup References · 5-22
New Tolerances · 4-10 Setup Tolerances · 5-21
Tolerances · 4-9 Color/Trash · 1-6
Blower/Jaws · 8-36 Calibration · 5-20
Brush Motor Cotton Type · 4-4
Diagnostics · 8-23 Module Testing · 7-9, 7-10
Set Positions · 8-24 Module Testing Procedure · 7-10
Status · 8-23 Print Report · 7-11, 7-13, 7-14
Sample Testing · 6-27
C Color/Trash Module
Reject Repetition · 7-10, 7-12
Calibration · 3-11, 5-1 Comb
Check · 5-10, 5-18 Movement · 8-29, 8-31
Color Tiles · 5-21 Compressed Air · 2-4
Color/Trash · 5-20 Configuration · 3-10, 4-1
Cotton · 5-11 Between Sides · 4-9
Edit Results · 5-15 Lot Limits · 4-7
Edit Tolerances · 5-17 Options · 4-2
Length/Strength · 5-7 Overview · 4-1
Long Cotton · 5-14 Report Setup · 4-13
LS Cotton · 5-7 Select Lot Limits · 4-8
LS Tolerances · 5-8 Test Setup · 4-2
Main Menu · 5-5 Trace Options · 4-12
Mic Cotton · 5-16 Configure
Micronaire · 5-16 System · 6-2
Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 13
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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

Connections E
Peripherals · 2-7
Controllers · 2-7 Edit
Cotton Calibration Results · 5-15
Calibration · 5-11 Password · 4-3
Long · 5-14 Reports · 3-13
Cotton Type Edit Calibration Results
Upland · 4-4 Color Tiles · 5-25
Create Trash · 5-30
Lot Limits · 4-8 Edit Trash
CT Push Hand · 7-9 Diagnostics · 8-5
Requirements · 2-3
Elongation · 6-4, 6-26
Data Display Equipment · 1-2
Color · 4-10 Error Messages · 1-7
Colors · 4-9 Exit · 3-15
Defaults · 4-4 System Testing · 6-28
Description · 1-1 Export Data · 3-5
Diagnostics · 3-14, 8-1
BaleID BCR · 8-3 F
Brush Motor · 8-23
Color Heads · 8-4 Favorites · 9-3
Drum Motor · 8-33 Configure · 9-4
Hardware Setup · 8-3 View · 9-1
Investigate · 8-1 Find Trash
L/S Control Board · 8-13, 8-15, Color Head Diagnostics · 8-5
8-17 Force Voltages · 8-36
Length Motor · 8-25, 8-27
Main Menu · 8-2 G
MIC Air Setup · 8-8
MIC Control Board · 8-10 Grab · 8-4
Optics Zero · 8-7
Strength Motor · 8-35
Track Motor · 8-19, 8-21 H
Update Firmware · 8-37
Hardware Setup
Digital Inputs · 8-10, 8-13, 8-16, 8-
Diagnostics · 8-3
Help · 3-7
Digital Outputs · 8-11, 8-14, 8-16,
Host Com · 2-7
Humidity · 2-3
Drum · 8-34
HVI Record Format · 12-5, 12-10,
Drum Motor
12-11, 12-14, 12-15
Comb Location · 8-34
Diagnostics · 8-33
Positions · 8-33
Set Positions · 8-33
Status · 8-33
Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 13
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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual


Image · 5-29 Main Menu · 3-2

Installation · 2-1 Reports · 9-1
Investigate Software · 3-1
Diagnostics · 8-1 Maintenance · 10-1
Calibration Tiles · 10-3
L Clean System · 10-1
Daily · 10-1
L/S Control Board Vacuum Box · 10-2
Diagnostics · 8-13, 8-15, 8-17 MIC Air Setup
L/S Module Diagnostics · 8-8
Test Procedure · 7-4 Mic Chamber · 5-19
Labels · 1-8 Mic Control Board
Laboratory Diagnostics · 8-10
Requirements · 2-3 Mic Cotton · 5-16
Length · 6-3 MIC Tare
Length Motor Measure · 8-9
Diagnostics · 8-25, 8-27 MIC Weight · 7-7
Set Positions · 8-25, 8-27 Micronaire · 1-5
Status · 8-25, 8-27 Calibration · 5-16
Length/Strength · 1-4 Calibration Check · 5-18
Calibration · 5-7 Chamber Setup · 8-9
Le Module Testing · 7-3 Edit References · 5-17
Sample Testing · 6-26 Edit Tolerances · 5-17
Setup Calibration References · 5- Module Testing · 7-6
9 Sample Testing · 6-25
Length/Strength Calibration Micronaire Module
Setup Tolerances · 5-7 Print Report · 7-7
Load Image Reject Repetition · 7-7
Color Head Diagnostics · 8-5 Testing Procedure · 7-7
Log Configuration · 3-4 Mode 1
Log File Retests · 6-11, 6-23
Clean · 3-5 System Testing · 6-9, 6-21
Viewer · 3-4 Test Screen · 6-8, 6-20
Log Status · 3-4 Mode 3
Lot Limits · 4-7, 6-15, 6-19 Retests · 6-14, 6-18
Data Display · 4-9 System Testing · 6-12, 6-16
New · 4-8 Testing Sequence · 6-13, 6-17
Select · 4-8 Module Calibration · 5-2
Lot Number · 3-8 Module Testing · 3-12, 7-1
LS Calibration Color Head Movement · 7-9
Check · 5-10 Color/Trash · 7-9
LS Comb · 8-29, 8-31 Color/Trash Procedure · 7-10
Length/Strength · 7-3
LS Module · 7-4
Micronaire · 7-6
Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 13
(3/08) Index - Page 13-3
USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

Print Report · 7-5, 7-8 Binoculars · 9-6

Selection · 7-2 Close · 9-3, 9-10
Modules · 1-3 Configuration · 9-6
Color/Trash · 1-6 Configure · 9-3
Length/Strength · 1-4 Configure Favorites · 9-4
Micronaire · 1-5 Database · 9-3, 9-6, 9-7
Monitor · 1-2 Exit · 9-6
Motors · 8-19 Favorites · 9-1, 9-3
Language · 9-6
O Main Menu · 9-1
Menu Bar · 9-1, 9-2
Operator Number · 3-8 Navigation · 9-6
Optics Zero open · 9-3
Diagnostics · 8-7 Open · 9-9
Pot Wiper · 8-7 Page Setup · 9-6
Overview · 1-1 Pre-Configured Types · 9-11
Print · 9-6
Printer · 9-8
P Report Editor · 9-3
Set Default · 9-7
Password Setup · 9-6
Edit · 4-3 Toolbar · 9-1, 9-3
Entry · 5-6 Types · 9-11
Protection · 5-6 View · 9-1, 9-5
Peripherals · 1-2 Zoom · 9-6
Connections · 2-7 Requirements
Preview Image · 5-29 Air · 2-4
Print Report Electrical · 2-3
Color/Trash · 7-11, 7-13, 7-14 Floor Space · 2-5
Module Testing · 7-5, 7-8 Humidity · 2-3
MIC Weight · 7-7
R Temperature · 2-3
Result List
Reject System Testing · 6-3
Latest Rep · 7-1 Retests
Repetition · 7-4 Mode 1 · 6-11, 6-23
Reject NEP · 6-5 Mode 3 · 6-14, 6-18
Reject Repetition · 7-1
Micronaire Module · 7-7
Reject Repetitionule S
Color/Trash · 7-10, 7-12
Report Launcher · 3-13
Labels · 1-8
Report Name · 4-13
Sample Testing · 6-1, 6-24
Report Setup
Bale ID · 6-24
Configuration · 4-13
Color/Trash · 6-27
Report Type · 4-13
Length/Strength · 6-26
Reports · 9-1
Micronaire · 6-25
Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 13
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USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

Modules · 6-24 Micronaire · 6-10, 6-23

Samples Mode 1 · 6-9, 6-21
Test · 6-2 Mode 3 · 6-12, 6-13, 6-16, 6-17
Save Procedures · 6-24
Calibration · 5-4 Result List · 6-3
Save Image Retest · 6-11, 6-23
Color Head Diagnostics · 8-5 Screen · 6-8, 6-20
Service · 10-5 Sequence · 6-9, 6-21
Setup References
Color Tiles · 5-22 T
Trash Tile · 5-27
Setup Tolerances Technical Writer
Trash Tile · 5-26 LLammers · 4-12
Short Cotton Temperature · 2-3
Calibration · 5-12 Test Setup · 4-2
Short Fiber Index · 6-4 Testing · 6-1
Shutdown · 3-15 Module · 7-1
Software · 1-7 Overview · 6-1
Action Area · 3-8 Text
Bale Manager · 3-14 Numeric · 6-7
Calibration · 3-11 Toolbar · 3-8
Configuration · 3-10 Trace Options · 4-12
Defaults · 4-4 Track Motor
Diagnostics · 3-14 Diagnostics · 8-19, 8-21
Exit · 3-15 Set Positions · 8-19, 8-21
Main Menu · 3-1 Status · 8-20, 8-22
Module Testing · 3-12 Trash
Overview · 3-9 Edit Calibration Results · 5-30
Report Launcher · 3-13 Image · 5-29
Shutdown · 3-15 Trash Tile
System Testing · 3-12 Calibration · 5-26
Start · 7-7 Check Calibration · 5-28
Startup · 3-1 Setup Tolerances · 5-26
Status Bar · 3-8
Strength · 6-3
Strength Motor U
Blower/Jaws · 8-36
Diagnostics · 8-35 Uniformity · 6-4, 6-26
Force Voltages · 8-36 Update Firmware · 8-37
Set Gauge Positions · 8-35 Upland
Status · 8-35 Cotton · 4-4
System Calibration · 5-1
System Startup · 3-1 V
System Testing · 3-12, 6-1
Color Coding · 6-5 Vacuum Box · 10-2
Display Items · 6-3 View · 3-7
Exit · 6-28 Voltages · 8-12, 8-15
Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 13
(3/08) Index - Page 13-5
USTER® HVI 1000 Instruction Manual

W Warm Up Color Head · 8-6

Uster Technologies, Inc. Chapter 13

(3/08) Index - Page 13-6
Regional Service Centers:

China India
Uster Technologies (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Uster Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Room 1801, Tower A 3 Floor, Gowtham Arcade
City Center of Shanghai 208, T.V. Samy Road (East)
100 Zunyi Road R. S. Puram
Shanghai, 200051 Coimbatore – 641002
Phone +86 21 6285 66 56 Phone +91 422 255 13 02
Fax +86 21 6285 62 53 Fax +91 422 254 95 47

Thailand Switzerland
Uster Technologies (Thailand) Ltd. Uster Technologies AG
U.M.Tower 23rd Floor, Unit A4 Wilstrasse 11
9 Ramkhamhaeng Rd. CH-8610 Uster / Switzerland
Phone +41 43 366 39 00
Bangkok 10250
Fax +41 43 366 39 55
Phone +66 2 717 21 40
Fax +66 2 717 21 42

USA Brazil
Uster Technologies, Inc. Uster Technologies Sulamericana Ltda.
1859 Lindbergh Street, Suite 300 Av. Andromeda 2000
Charlotte, NC 28208 Ed. 16 - 1° andar
06473-900 Alphaville / Barueri – SP
Phone +1 704 392 74 21
Fax +1 704 393 17 06 Phone +55 11 46 89 34 44
Fax +55 11 46 89 34 45

Uster Technologies, Inc.

456 Troy Circle
Knoxville, Tennessee 37919 USA
Phone +1 865 588-9716
Fax +1 865 588-0914

Uster Technologies AG
Wilstrasse 11
CH-8610 Uster / Switzerland
Phone +41 43 366 36 36
Fax +41 43 366 36 37
255 450-01210 © Copyright 2008 Uster Technologies, Inc.

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