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2020 – 2021
SCIENCE Paper - 2
(One hour)
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You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

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Section I is compulsory. Attempt any two questions from Section II.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
SECTION I (20 Marks)
Attempt all questions from this Section
Question 1
(a) Choose the correct answer from the options given below: [5]
(i) The drying agent used to dry HCl gas is:
A. Conc. H2SO4
B. ZnO
C. Al2O3
D. CaO

(ii) NH4NO3 not used in laboratory preparation of NH3 is:

A. Expensive
B. Easily not available
C. Explosive
D. None of the above

(iii) When dil. H2SO4 acid reacts with FeS, the gas evolved is:

A. H2S
B. SO2
C. SO3
D. Vapours of H2SO4 acid.

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(iv) Dil. HCl decomposes metal carbonates and bicarbonates producing the gas is:

A. CO2
B. SO2
C. Cl2
D. H2

(v) In absorption tower SO3 vapours are absorbed in conc. H2SO4 acid and not in H2O:

A. Highly exothermic
B. Highly endothermic
C. Highly catalytic
D. Highly reversible

(b) Fill in the blanks with the choices given in brackets: [5]

(i) When sodium chloride is reacted with concentrated sulphuric acid below 200℃, one
of the products formed is ____________. (sodium hydrogen sulphate / sodium
sulphate / chlorine)

(ii) Ammonia reacts with excess chlorine to form _____________. (nitrogen / nitrogen
trichloride / ammonium chloride)

(iii) Quicklime is not used to dry HCl gas because ____________. (CaO is alkaline /
CaO is acidic / CaO is neutral)

(iv) Cold dilute nitic acid reacts with copper to form _____________. (hydrogen /
nitrogen dioxide / nitric oxide)

(v) The metal which does not react with water or dilute H2SO4 but reacts with
concentrated H2SO4 is _____________. (Al / Cu / Zn / Fe)

(c) Write a balanced chemical equation for each of the following reactions: [5]
(i) Reaction of ammonia with nitric acid.
(ii) Action of dilute sulphuric acid on sodium hydroxide.
(iii) Action of dilute sulphuric acid on zinc sulphide.
(iv) Reaction of ammonia with sulphuric acid.
(v) Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to AgNO3 solution.

(d) State one observation for each of the following: [5]

(i) Action of dilute hydrochloric acid is added to copper carbonate.
(ii) Ammonia gas is passed over heated copper [II] oxide.

(iii) A small piece of zinc is added to dilute hydrochloric acid.
(iv) Sulphur is treated with concentrated nitric acid.
(v) Ammonia gas is burnt in an atmosphere of excess oxygen.

3 Turn Over
SECTION II (20 Marks)
Attempt any two questions from this Section
Question 2
(a) Complete the following equations: [3]
(i) ZnSO3 + dil. HCl
(ii) C + conc. H2SO4
(iii) Cu + dil. HNO3

(b) Study the flow chat given and give balanced equations to represent the reaction [3]
A, B and C.

Mg3N2 NH3 NH4Cl

(c) Copy and complete the following table which refers to the industrial method [4]
for the preparation of ammonia and sulphuric acid.

Name of the compound Name of the process Catalytic equation

(with the catalyst)
Ammonia (i) _____________ (ii) ______________

Sulphuric acid (i) _____________ (ii) ______________

Question 3
(a) Give balanced equations for the following conversion: [3]
(i) Liquor ammonia to ammonium sulphate.
(ii) Nitric acid to sulphuric acid.
(iii) Silver nitrate to silver chloride.

(b) Select the correct property of sulphuric acid from A to D, which relates to each [3]
of the conversion given below using sulphuric acid.

A: Dehydrating nature B: Non-volatile acid C: Acidic nature D: Oxidising agent

(i) NaHSO3 Na2SO4
(ii) Cu CuSO4
(iii) C12H22O11 C

(c) Certain blank spaces are left in the following tables as A, B, C and D. Identify [4]
each of them.
Lab Reactants used Products formed Drying agent Method of collection
preparation of
HCl gas NaCl + H2SO4 A Conc. H2SO4 B

Nitric acid KNO3 +H2SO4 C No agents D

Question 4
(a) Write the balanced equations for: [3]
(i) Action of warm water on AIN
(ii) Excess of ammonia is treated with chlorine.
(iii) An equation to illustrate the reduction nature of ammonia.

(b) Explain the following: [3]

(i) Dil. HNO3 is generally considered a typical acid but not so in its reaction with
(ii) When it is left standing in a glass bottle, concentrated nitric acid appears yellow.
(iii) In the laboratory preparation of nitric acid, an all glass apparatus is used.

(c) Write the balanced chemical equations to show: [4]

(i) The behaviour of sulphuric as an acid when it reacts with magnesium.
(ii) The dehydrating property of conc. Sulphuric acid with sugar.
(iii) The conversion of SO3 to sulphuric acid in the contact process.
(iv) The non-volatile nature of conc. Sulphuric acid with KCl.

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