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A key to achieving success is to assemble a strong and stable management

team. An employee is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his or her manager. A
manager is responsible for making organizational decisions and strategies that affect all the
aspects of the organization. A highly productive employee can stimulate its colleague’s
morale and create and a better workplace for the company (Harness, 2018). According to
Edet (2019), the essential role of the management is to advance an organization into its
goal or purpose by designating activities that members of an organization perform. The
productivity of employees depends on the management style that the manager operates
(Leonard, 2019). According to Purcell, (2016) thirty percent (30%) of U.S. employees and
thirteen percent (13%) of employees around worldwide were involved in work. At least
70% of the differences in employee engagement scores are attributed directly to managers
of employees.
As experienced by one of the researcher, management style directly affects
the employee’s productivity. Some managers uses an inappropriate management style to
their company as a result, it has a negative impact toward its employee quality of work.
There are various aspects that lead into misconception between manager and employee
such as, employee’s jealousy towards its co-workers, imbalance of distribution of the
workloads, favouritism, employee discomfort towards their workplace environment, and
employees lack of interest to do their work. In correspond to the company with this
particular issue, it contribute negatively in the production, profitability and business status.
Any business ' success relies strongly on its managers ' efficiency. A manager who knows
the best methods to train and monitor his employees is better positioned to effectively
operate his team, leading in higher productivity for his business. Workplace conflict may
occur when individuals are uncertain of their positions or responsibilities, when there is a
substantial absence of communication and when there is no problem-solving capability.
Effectively qualified executives are skilled at employee relations, conflict mediation, and
the functioning of a favorable and concentrated workplace that can generate a better and
more cohesive job environment (McQuerrey, 2019). One of the immediate consequences of
poor leadership can be employee stress, which could be caused by a tense connection with
the manager or an unmanageable workload. It is commonly accepted that a majority of
engaged, productive employees attain a good work-life balance; however, work stress can
lead to poverty or fear at home, leading in an emotionally-trained worker most likely to be
dissatisfied with their work (Foster, 2017).

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