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Time: 1 Hour (Mechanical Properties of Fluids) (Test – 1) MM. 25

1 mark each

1. State Pascal’s law.

2. What is meant by stream line flow?

3. What is an ideal liquid?

2 marks each

4. Identify the expression for

(a) absolute pressure of the gas,

(b) gauge pressure of the gas.

5. State Bernoulli’s principle and express it mathematically.

6. When air is blown in between two balls suspended close to each other, they

are attracted towards each other. Give reason.

7. What are limitations of Bernoulli’s theorem?
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3 marks each

8. Explain why:
i) The blood pressure in humans is greater at the feet than at the brain.
ii) Surface tension of a liquid is independent of the area of the surface.
iii) A spinning cricket ball in the air does not follow a parabolic
9. What is the principle of hydraulic lift? Explain the construction and working
of hydraulic lift.
10.Briefly explain the Magnus effect.

5 marks

11.What is terminal velocity? Why does a body falling freely in a medium

acquire this velocity? Derive expression for it.
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