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6th PAY SALARY and ARREARS as per the interim recommendations

Software developed by G Gururaja, Scientist, CSSD, NAL, Bangalore

Please Note: A wrong Increment entry will give a wrong result.

Your Basic pay as on 31-12-05 6900 6900 basic

Annual Increment Rs (Refer Table if required) 175 dp
Increment month (1 for Jan, 2 for Feb., 3 for March…) 4 new basic

Are you a CSIR Group IV Scientist? (Y/N) N 24%da

Your city is (A1, A, B1, B2, C or OTHERS) C
Are you getting HRA ? (Y/N) y nb+da
Are you getting Transport Allowance?(Y/N) Y 30%fitment

Thanks for entering all the DATA, your Salary & Arrears is as follows:
Your 6th pay salary as on 01-01-2008 will be Rs:
6th Pay ARREARS as on 01-01-2008 will be Rs:
Basic 0 * Predictions based on the news paper reports.
0 total basic
0 12500 pay fixation
0 0 Jan 06, Jan 07, Jan 08
0 0 6th pay basic
0 0 7.5% HRA
0 0 14%da
400 0 0% CCA
0 0 3% TA
0 0 total sal.
0 0 Below: this is not user area.
0 0 Programming commands:
0 (some of the commands are hidden) ta
0 12500 hra 0 FALSE
400 0 TOTAL 0 FALSE 0 543
0 1357.5 0
pay fixation as on 31-12-05 16900 0 FALSE 0 543
1 increment as on 1-1-06 400 0 FALSE 3
Basic as on 1-1-06 17300 7.5 1357.5 0
total sal for the year 06 207600 0 3
GIV Scientist 2 increments FALSE 7.5
Total sal for GIV scientist >C 207600 0
(6th pay scales) CCA 0
cca total 300
incrmt mnt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
jan 0 0 0 10350 0 0 0
feb 0 0 0 10350 0 0 0
march 0 0 0 10350 0 0 0
april 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
may 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
june 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
july 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
aug 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
sept 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
oct 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
nov 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
dec 0 0 0 10613 0 0 0
total 0 0 0 126563 0 0 0
salary slip for the year 2007(jan to dec 07) in the 5th pay scales
month b+dp+1inc da hra cca ta GIV 2incrmnt
jan 10613 3714 0 0 0 FALSE
feb 10613 3714 0 0 0 FALSE
march 10613 3714 0 0 0 FALSE
april 10875 3806 0 0 0 FALSE
may 10875 3806 0 0 0 FALSE
june 10875 3806 0 0 0 FALSE
july 10875 4459 0 0 0 FALSE
aug 10875 4459 0 0 0 FALSE
sept 10875 4459 0 0 0 FALSE
oct 10875 4459 0 0 0 FALSE
nov 10875 4459 0 0 0 FALSE
dec 10875 4459 0 0 0 FALSE

pay fix'tion 16900 pay fixation for GIV Scientist>C FALSE

800 2 increments tot-sal for GIV Sc>C 225144
17700 basic as on 1-1-07
225144 total salary for the year 07 in 6th pay
salary slip for the year 2006 (jan to dec 06) in the 5th pay scales
basic+dp da hra cca ta gIV 2incrmt
jan 10350 2484 0 0 0 FALSE
feb 10350 2484 0 0 0 FALSE
march 10350 2484 0 0 0 FALSE
april 10613 2547 0 0 0 FALSE
may 10613 2547 0 0 0 FALSE
june 10613 2547 0 0 0 FALSE
july 10613 3078 0 0 0 FALSE
aug 10613 3078 0 0 0 FALSE
sept 10613 3078 0 0 0 FALSE
oct 10613 3078 0 0 0 FALSE
nov 10613 3078 0 0 0 FALSE
dec 10613 3078 0 0 0 FALSE
im recommendations
SSD, NAL, Bangalore Please refer the table to know your Increament
wrong result.
Designation/Grade Scale Increment
6900 | Assist.Grade III/GII(1) Rs 3050 Rs 75 |
3450 | Assist.Grade II Rs 4000 Rs 100 |
10350 | GII(2)/JTA/GIII(1) Rs 4500 Rs 125 |
2484 | |

12834 | |
3850 | Asst.Grade I/GII(4)/GIII(2) Rs 5500 Rs 175 |
s as follows: | GII(5)/SO/Sc.A/GIII(3) Rs 6,500 Rs 200 |

22,535 * | FOA/Sc.B.GIV(1)/GIII(4) Rs 8,000 Rs 275 |

93,596 * | AO/Sc.C/GIV(2)/GIII(5) Rs 10,000 Rs 325 |

aper reports. | COA/Sc.E1/GIV(3)/GIII(6) Rs 12,000 Rs 375 |
13300 | Sr.COA/Sc.E2/GIV(4)/GIII(7) Rs 14,300 Rs 400 |

16684 | GIV(5)/Sc.F Rs 16,400 Rs 450 |

16900 12900 | GIV(6)/Sc.G/H Rs 18,400 Rs 500 |
1200 (3 increments) 13700 | Boss Rs 22,400 Rs 525 |
18100 as on 1-1-08 |__________________________________________________|
1357.5 14100
2534 5430 14500 HRA, CCA and Transport Allowance (TA) for different cities:
0 14900
543 15300 CITY HRA% TA% CCA%
FALSE 1086 15700
22535 16100 A1 30 6 4
16900 16500
16900 A 15 6 3
cca 16900
0 FALSE 16900 B1 15 3 2
0 FALSE 16900
0 FALSE 16900 B2 15 3 1
0 FALSE 16900
0 0 16900 C 7.5 3 0
0 0 16900
0 16900 OTHERS 5 3 0

TA 100
ta total 0
8 9 10 11 12
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0

GIV 2incrmnt total sal

total sal 179027

gIV 2incrmt monthly salary

total sal 160121
r Increament

Rs 75 |
Rs 100 |
Rs 125 |

Rs 175 |
Rs 200 |

Rs 275 |

Rs 325 |

Rs 375 |
Rs 400 |

Rs 450 |
Rs 500 |
Rs 525 |

for different cities:


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