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Annexure: Title Page for Individual Case Assignments

For Office Use:


Communication for Managers

Case Assignment No.

Case Analysis Report on


Submitted by:

Name: Nishit Garwasis

Roll No: _____191338_____

Section: C


Batch: MBA - FT (2019-2021)

Institute of Management, Nirma University

Date of Submission: 7 August 2019

I had come to Alaska to find a gold mine which took me two months to reach. I am in a bind as
my health is in a bad state and I have to reach the claims office in 2 weeks to own the gold I
found. My objective is to survive, reach the claims office in 2 weeks and claim the gold. I have 4
options-give up the gold and head back safely, go over the mountain top, go through the valley
pass or wait for the right moment and use the previous 2 options according to the situation. I will
choose the fourth option as we have a chance to claim the gold with very less risk.
Situation Analysis

I had taken a 3 month option in order to find a possible gold mine in Alaska. It took me two
months of dangerous journey to reach the gold mine. After another 2 weeks of exploring I
injured my left hand. I need to reach the claims office in the 2 weeks left to own the gold I have
found otherwise it will be auctioned off to somebody else as the owners of the property will
know about my visit and as I own limited resources and cannot compete with the others in the

Following a thorough analysis of the case facts, it is clear that I am tired and injured. Another
inference we can draw is that the weather is unpredictable. It can also be inferred that the owners
will profit from me failing to reach the claims office in time. The entire journey to get to my goal
is dependent on the changing weather which can affect the time needed to reach the office.


The biggest problem I am facing is the time constraint. I have to reach the claims office in time
or the owners of the property will auction off the land and my entire journey will be for naught.


1) As our entire plan depends on the fact whether we can reach the claims office in time or
not, we need to get there in 2 weeks.
2) To Survive and get back home alive as my life has more value than the gold.
3) To claim the gold, which is why we started our journey in the first place


I have 4 possible courses of action to choose from which are as follows:

1) Wait three to four weeks until the weather warms up and enjoy a safe trip home.
Pros: i) The safest course of action.
ii) It gives you enough time to rest and heal.
Cons: i) You lose any chance of getting the gold.
ii) You wasted 3 months of your life for nothing.
2) Go over the mountain
Pros: i) The fastest route available.
ii) High reward if conditions are favourable.
Cons: i) Too risky for life
ii) Conditions will be always uncertain.

3) . Go through valley passes.

Pros: i) There is a small chance that we may reach just in time.
ii) Less dangerous path than the mountain.
Cons: i) Long and tiring path.
ii) Our health may not be suited for such a journey
4) Wait 2 to 4 days and then take 2) if weather permits. If not, take 3).
Pros: i) Get time to heal our injuries.
ii) Safer option than just going over the mountain without confirming the weather.
Cons: i) The entire option deals with uncertainty.
ii) It may have no advantage at all in the end.


The option I am going to choose is 4) where I wait for 2-4 days and if the weather is
favorable on any of the day, I will go through the mountain top, else I will go through the
valley pass if the weather is bad. This will help me reach in time if conditions are
favorable and at the same time have lower risk than option 2.

1) Wait for the weather to be favorable.
2) If it is favorable, take the mountain top else the valley pass.
3) Reach the claims office in under 14 days.
4) Claim the gold mine.
If option 4 fails take option 3 as the backup and take the valley pass.
In the wake of having picked alternative 3 and taken the way through the valley pass,
I meet a companion who helps me out and takes me to his cabin as I had sprained my
ankle. Pat can reach the claims office in time if he is alone but has a low chance of
reaching on time with me. I am afraid that if Pat is sent alone, he may not be able to
file the claim correctly.
I have 3 options- Go alone, go with Pat or let Pat go to the claim’s office alone. As
per the actualities of the case, I have decided on alternative 2, which is to go with Pat
to the cases office. This was chosen because if Pat did not file the claims correctly my
entire journey would have been meaningless.

The case states that I picked the path through the valley pass. After 5 days of traveling I am
halfway there but sprained your ankle in the process. I run into Pat who takes me to his cabin.
You are not sure whether you can trust Pat as he is not too bright.
Following a thorough case analysis, it can be inferred that I do not trust that Pat can properly file
the claim.


The biggest problem I see here is the lack of trust in Pat. Even if a deal is made with Pat, if he is
unable to file a claim then there is no use.


1) Decide whether Pat is trustworthy or not.

2) Reach the claims office within the given time.
3) Claim the Gold.


There are 3 different courses of action present:

1) Go alone
Pros: i) No need to share any gold.
Cons: i) Gold will be lost
. ii) It will be hard to move around with a sprained leg.

2) Go with Pat
Pros: i) Faster than going alone
ii) Pat can help us in walking.
Cons: i) Slower than just sending Pat
ii) No guarantee we will reach in time.

3) Send Pat
Pros: i) Fastest method of all
Cons: i) Will have to share the gold with Pat.
ii) Pat is not too bright to know how to file a claim.

The option I will choose is option 2) where I go with Pat.This option was chosen because
there is a chance, we reach in time but if Pat was sent alone and he could not fill the
claim our entire journey would have been for naught.


1) Ask Pat to help you get to the claim’s office.

2) Reach the claims office in 9 days.
3) Claim the gold


If Pat does not agree to go with you, we can use option 3 as a backup and make a deal with him
to split the gold if he goes alone.

To Whom It May Concern:

I, Nishit Garwasis, hereby declare that this assignment is my original work and is not copied

from anyone/ anywhere. If found similar to other sources, I shall take complete responsibility of

the action, taken thereof by, CFM Team.

Signature: _________________________________________________

Name: Nishit Garwasis

Roll No.: 191338

Section: C

Batch: MBA – FT (2019-2021)

Date: 07/08/2019

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