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Summary of the Queensland Industry Framework for COVID Safe

This document is a summary of key information contained in the Queensland Tourism Industry
Council publication, “Queensland Industry Framework for COVID Safe Events”, which is available to
download by clicking here. Relevant information from this publication is provided under each
heading in this document. Please also read the Disclaimer at the end of this document.

• Event organisers have the primary responsibility for staging a COVID-safe event.
• Event organisers Work Health and Safety (WHS) Plans must reflect COVID Safe practices.
• As an industry, Events, do not have an approved COVID Safe Industry Plan (see link below).

Event Classification
• Events are classified into three categories based on the number of attendees on site at one time:
o Category 1 being >10,000 people = High risk
o Category 2 being 500-10,000 people = Medium risk
o Category 3 being <500 people = Low risk

COVID Safe Event Plan or COVID Safe Event Checklist?

• Event organisers for Category 1 (high risk) events must develop a COVID Safe Event Plan.
• Event organisers for Category 2 (medium risk) events must develop a COVID Safe Event Plan.
• Event organisers for Category 3 (low risk) events:
o must complete a COVID Safe Event Checklist;
o should consider developing a COVID Safe Event Plan.

COVID Safe Event Plan Approvals

• COVID Safe Event Plans must be approved by Queensland Health at the following levels:
o Category 1 (high risk) event – approval by the Chief Health Officer
o Category 2 (medium risk) event – approval by the Public Health Unit

Developing COVID Safe Event Plans

• Event organisers must ensure that these matters are included in their COVID Safe Event Plan:
1. Event details;
2. Venue Site details inc. a site capacity calculated based on four square metres per person;
3. Anticipated attendance details;
4. Explanation of COVID Safe measures, that is the addressing the following questions:
a. How are the Key Public Health Principles being addressed e.g. 1.5m physical
b. What key Event-Specific Public Health Strategies are being implemented?

Submitting COVID Safe Event Plans

• COVID Safe Event Plans must be submitted by email to Queensland Health for approval

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• Event organisers should retain COVID Safe Event Plans and COVID Safe Event Checklists, to be
made available if requested by relevant authorities e.g. Police, Council or Public Health Unit.
• Event organisers must display a signed and dated Statement of Compliance at their events:
o Category 1 (high risk) events – a COVID Safe Event Plan Statement of Compliance
o Category 2 (medium risk) events – a COVID Safe Event Plan Statement of Compliance
o Category 3 (low risk) events – a COVID Safe Event Checklist Statement of Compliance

Please note that APB Risk & Safety does not provide legal advice. The information provided in this
document has been produced by APB Risk & Safety in good faith for reference by event organisers. It
is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.

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