Identify One Concept From The Theories Reviewed and Describe How This Can Be Applied in Teaching and Learning

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Identify one concept from the theories reviewed and describe how

this can be applied in teaching and learning

Today many teachers still use Piaget's theories to enhance students'
educations. Piaget studied knowledge development in people of all ages.
Piaget believed that children reach distinct stages in cognitive development
in the part of their thinking. Between ages 2 and 7, children are egocentric
and have trouble understanding different viewpoints or empathizing with
others. They classify objects by a single characteristic, such as color or
shape, without acknowledging other qualities. From ages 7 to 11, children
are capable of logical thought about objects or events. They classify objects
by several different characteristics. Young people over the age of 11 are able
to think critically and more hypothetically. They feel more concern for
ideological and moral issues, not just concrete reality.

The idea that a child develops in stages has

implications for education. Since that every kid must pass through each
stage in the same order and cannot skip a stage. In terms of learning, this
can be applied to the speed at which things are taught. If a student cannot
hold the “building blocks” of a concept in any aspects, such as if they are
having difficulty grasping difficult ideas, those ideas which can only be done
in formal operation, concepts that are based upon these building blocks
should not be taught until they are ready.
I think an example, if I were a teacher in Pre-
schoolers, which ages varies from ages 5-6 years old it is a Pre-Operational
stage. it's important to note that children in this stage will not have a grasp
of logic. Rather, their thoughts and behaviors will be self centered and they
are not learn that much in any topics that may given to them, and I as their
teacher will be give some coloring and tracing the letters as activities to
them, and in that matter particularly some of my students will be able to
adopt more and quickly to the increasingly complex of their knowledge and
addition to that some of their classmates or peers will be able to encourage
to adopt other methods of learning easily even though some students might
get be easily cruel manners in this stage.

I definitely link this statement to guide the

students because in the other part, Piaget recommended that teachers take
an active, mentoring role toward students, Instead of pushing information at
students while they sit and listen passively in the classroom especially, share
the learning experience and encourage students to be active and engaged
anytime when they are in the classroom. Take your students seriously and
respect their ideas, suggestions and opinions. Supplement traditional
lectures with relevant, hands-on classroom activities that let students
experience the content for themselves. Piaget's theory can give education a
goal. Schools can attempt to nourish and enrich the development of
children's thinking instead of only teaching specific facts and skills in a
manner that treats all children the same way. In other words, schools can be
so stressed to the development rather than learning. The intelligence of all
normal children will grow and change qualitatively from birth to adolescence.
The source for this development lies within all children, and our schools can
make use of it by providing a climate for thinking instead of learning, which
is often at too high or too low a level.

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