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10/19/2020 Course Outline: City College of San Francisco

City College of San Francisco

Course Outline of Record
Course Status: Active

A. Approval Date December 2018
B. Effective Semester Fall 2019
C. Department World Languages and Cultures
D. Course Number SPAN 22B
E. Course Title Grammar Review and Composition
F. Course Outline Originator Diana Garcia-Denson
F. Co-Contributor(s): Ana Garcia
G. Department Chairperson Diana Garcia-Denson
H. Dean Kristina Whalen


A. Hours Lecture: 52.5
Homework: 105
Total Hours: 157.5
B. Units 3
C. Prerequisite SPAN 3 or SPAN 3B or equivalent
    Corequisite None
    Pre/Corequisite None
    Advisory None
    Advisory Pre/Corequisite None
D. Course Justification This is one of several Spanish grammar and writing
courses with an emphasis on specific topics.
Designed to prepare students for success in upper
division work and CSU/UC transferable.
E. Field Trips No
F. Method of Grading Letter or Pass/No Pass
G. Repeatability Course is not repeatable


Advanced review of grammar and composition with attention to style, vocabulary development, and grammatical
structure. Course taught in Spanish.


Upon completion of this course, a student will be able to:

A. Use complex structures to interact orally in Spanish and synthesize information with near-native fluency.
B. Apply editing skills to revise Spanish errors in grammar, punctuation, and word usage.
C. Summarize and organize arguments effectively with near-native fluency.
D. Explain select cultural, social and political issues in the Spanish-speaking world.


A. General review of Spanish grammar at the advanced level in both oral and written forms
1. Subjunctive in adverbial clauses
2. Uses of articles
a. Definite
b. Indefinite
c. Neutral article "lo"
3. Use of prepositions
a. de
b. a
c. en
d. con
e. por vs para
f. Compound prepositions
4. Placement of descriptive adjectives
5. Special forms of the absolute superlative 1/3
10/19/2020 Course Outline: City College of San Francisco
B. Strategies and skills to improve the quality and accuracy of writing
1. Punctuation Review
2. Distinction and production of written discourse such as
a. Dialogues
b. Descriptions
c. Reports
d. Narration
e. Translation
3. Different registers of the Spanish language such as
a. Financial
b. Medical
c. Literary
C. Vocabulary development
1. Compound words
2. Equivalents in Spanish of verbs
a. To become
b. To run
c. To miss
3. Words with multiple meanings in English such as "to take"
4. Different meanings of words such as "parecer" and “parecerse a”
5. Formation of nouns from passive participles
6. Uses and meanings of the word "andar"
7. Formation of adjectives
D. Cultural topics such as
1. Social issues
a. Machismo and its impact in Hispanic politics, laws, and traditions
b. Religion and its traditions in the Spanish-speaking world
c. Telenovelas as a a main form of entertainment
2. Political issues
a. Global warming awareness and activism
b. Biculturalism in the U.S.
c. Central American crossing Mexico in "la Bestia"


A. Assignments
1. In-class activity: Oral and written exercises to apply the Spanish vocabulary, grammar patterns
and structures studied, such as the use of the subjunctive
2. In-class activity: Written exercises and compositions which apply writing strategies and skills such
as the use of punctuation and Spanish accents
3. In-class activity: Written exercises in lexical content for specific language registers such as
financial, medical, and literary
4. In-class activity: Class discussions and oral presentations about cultural subjects such as
Machismo in the Hispanic culture
5. Out-of-class assignment: Viewing and listening to Spanish TV, movies, and YouTube clips related
to social, political and cultural issues, such as religious traditions in the Spanish speaking world,
and summarizing the information in written or oral form
6. Out-of-class assignment: Written exercises working with topics such as the use of subjunctive in
adverbial clauses, as well as compositions on topics such as global warming to apply editing skills,
punctuation, and word usage
7. Out-of-class assignment: Research for presentations on cultural topics such as biculturalism in
the United States
B. Evaluation
1. Exams/Quizzes/Tests: Exams in grammar and syntax to evaluate student’s ability to identify and
use complex structures such as the use of the subjunctive, as well as the use of punctuation and
Spanish accents
2. Presentation: Oral presentations related to Hispanic culture such as religious traditions to
evaluate student’s ability to summarize and organize arguments effectively at near-native Spanish
3. Written work: Written exercises and ompositions to evaluate student’s ability to use parts of
speech and apply editing skills, punctuation, and word usage
4. Final Assessment: Written final examination covering complex structures in Spanish and cultural,
social, and political influences in the Spanish-speaking world
C. Representative Textbooks and Other Instructional Materials 2/3
10/19/2020 Course Outline: City College of San Francisco
1. Maria Canteli Dominicis and John J. Reynolds. 2014. Repase y escriba, 7th Edition, Chapters 6-
10. Wiley.
2. Professor handouts, videos and articles to cover different grammar and cultural subjects presented
in class
3. Website: Religion in Latin America
4. Website: Latino Arts, History, Music, Literature, Cooking and Cinema in the U.S.
5. Website: Nuestra palabra
6. Website: Fundación Naturaleza para el futuro
7. Website: Biodiversidad en América Latina y el Caribe
8. Website: Ahora o nunca
9. Website: Machismo y la juventud
10. Website: ¿Por qué Ecuador y Latinoamérica son sociedades machistas?


CREDIT/DEGREE APPLICABLE (meets all standards of Title 5. Section 55002(a))
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