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Reflective Journal Week 1
(Basic Tone)


 The topic we have discussed this week is about the Basic Tone in Mandarin Language in

the Subject Foreign Language, we were teach on how to pronounce properly the 4 basic

tone that our Professor have presented in our class while the activity done is we were ask

to make on our own 20 examples of the basic tones.


 What interest me most is how in Mandarin Language have different meaning as it was

with different tone mark.

 I have learned how to make a simple word with the tone which was fun to make at the

same time difficult but that will make it more understandable


 It contributed to academic development as a learn the basic tone that really interest me, it’

only the first lesson we have tackled but makes you more curious about the other foreign

language of other country

 I have obstacle in recognizing which tone mark will use in all four because it really is



 The next time I experience this is I will read the material again and again to be


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