Fascinating, Attractive, Interesting Part of Our Whole Course

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Fascinating, Attractive and interesting part of whole course

 First thing is that the level of this study was totally different
from my college and school.
 The new interesting thing for me was, we were introduced a way
of teaching from slides.
 I have learnt so many different and new things about my
 The Environment was not fully Islamic but still better than my
college and school.
 The Akhlaq of our Sir was outstanding, so kind, honest about
his responsibility of teaching us.
 There were so many things which I knew already but in this
course I learnt them in detail.
 I have learnt so many Ahadees from my sir.
 Further guidance about leading a good life.
 I have learnt about history, social, political and economical
system of islam which I did’t study before.
 At the end of lecture the questioning time in our class proved
very helpful, informative for me.
 Class environment was friendly.
 Quranic verses were taught in English.
 The areas occupied by Muslims during their reign of thousands
of years were taught with the help of maps made me
knowledgeable and excited about reading and searching further.
 I am implementing Sunnah already ALHAMDULLILAH but
the physical looks of our sir made me more curious to
implement more.
 Every word, action, guidance, love, tips from my sir is still fresh
in my mind and will be remain fresh in future IN SHAA
 I am fully satisfied with the course which I studied and hope to
seek more in a same way.

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