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Engr. Rida Ghafoor Hussain

Contact Information

 Instructor: Engr. Rida Ghafoor Hussain

Assistant Professor
Department Of Computer Science

 Email:
 Office hours:

 Wednesday, 11:00 - 1:00 p.m

Course Information

 Course Name: Object Oriented Analysis And Design

 Course Code: CS309

 Course Link:
4 Topics to Cover
 Use Cases
 Use case and Relationships

Engr. Ali Javed

An Introduction to Use Cases

 A use case describes a sequence of actions, performed

by a system, that yields a result of value to a user
 In other words, a use case describes a series of user
system interactions that help the user to accomplish something
 A use case diagram involves two elements
 Use cases
 Actor
 Mostly you will find that they are the users of the system
that modeling
 Actors are the people or systems that interact with the use
Main Flow of Use Cases
Use Cases

 The idea of use cases to describe functional requirements was

introduced in 1986 by Ivar Jacobson[Jacobson92],a main
contributor to the UML and UP.
 Writing use cases –stories of using a system –is an excellent
technique to understand and describe requirements.
Use Cases

 A scenario: is a specific sequence of actions and interactions

between actors and the system under discussion (SuD);
 It is also called a use case instance.

 It is one particular story of using a system.

 A use case is a narrative documentation that describes the

sequence of events of an actor(an external agent) using a
system to complete a process
 They are stories or cases of using a system.

 They are not exactly requirements or functional

specifications, but they illustrate and imply requirements in
the stories they tell.
Reasons for Use Cases

 No information system exists in isolation

 Most systems interact with humans or other
automated that use the system for some purpose
systems (actors)
 Use Cases specify the behavior of the system
 Helps visualize the system
Use Cases

 Use Cases may have a diagram associated with

them, and a use case diagram is an easy way for
an analyst to discuss a process with a subject matter

 But use cases are primarily text. The text is

important. The diagram is optional.
Use Case Notation

 Use case Notation:: A use case is represented by an

oval shaped icon or ellipse.

 The name of the use case can be written either

inside the ellipse but can also be placed
beneath it like:

Cash Withdrawal

Cash Withdrawal
Actor Notation

 Actor Notation:: In a use case diagram an

Actor is represented by a stick person like
symbol shown below

 The name of an Actor is written beneath it like:

Relationships in Use Case Diagram

 There are several types of relationships that may

appear on a use case diagram:
 An association between an actor and a use case

 An association between two use cases

 A generalization between two actors

 A generalization between two use cases

Relationships in Use Case Diagram

 An association between an actor and a use case

 Actors are connected to the use cases with which
they interact by a line that represents a relationship
between the use cases and actors

ATM Example
Relationships in Use Case Diagram

 An association between two use cases

 A use case can be associated with another use case, they can have the following

 Generalization between use cases

 Include relationship between use cases
 Extend relationship between use cases
Relationships in Use Case Diagram

 An association between two Actors

 An Actor can be associated with another actor
through Generalization relationship

ATM Example
Relationships in Use Case Diagram

 A Generalization between two Use cases

 Sometimes it becomes apparent that there is
more than one version of a use case and
each has some actions in common and some that
are unique to each on
 In this case we can have a generalized use case

and its specialized version

POS system use case diagram
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