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LAB 01: Interface Design Assessment

The purpose of this lab is to introduce students with the basics of software interface

The expected outcome of this lab activity is students’ ability to:

 Critically look at interface design of any system

 Identify problems in system interface design
 Differentiate between good and bad interface design

There are various aspects of a good design ranging from look and feel to the desired
functionality. We often experience the interaction of different applications; some of those
seem quite good whereas it is not the case for all applications. The following activities help
us to think about and assess interface designs in general.

Activity 1
The following homepage (Figure 1) is an example of bad design. Think about the reasons
why it is not considered to be a good design. Discuss the given design in detail and discuss
what is wrong with it. Weblink:

Figure 1: Homepage of

CCS356 –Lab Manual 1

Activity 2
Figure 1.2 is a screenshot of a web application in which you can find information if you
want to paint your buildings. Weblink:

Figure 2: Example of Web Application for companies

Activity 3
The following screenshot (Figure 3) is an example of bad interface. The website is designed to offer
rental services of cars and vans. Website link:

Figure 3: Example of Car rental services

CCS356 –Lab Manual 2

Activity 4

Figure 4 shows the website of a university that offers Advance Technology courses in
their university. Weblink:

Figure 4: University of Advanced Technology website example

Home Activities
Select any five systems (software/website/mobile) which are bad design in your opinion.
Discuss in detail why you have chosen them to be examples of bad design.

CCS356 –Lab Manual 3

Assignment Deliverables
Students need to submit a report containing the following:
 Brief description of the chosen systems
 Key problems identified for each system

CCS356 –Lab Manual 4

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