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Article Review

Submitted by

Name: Hajra Khan

Sap: 1536

Semester: 6th

Submitted to

Name: Ma’am Sana

Department: social sciences and humanity

Faculty: applied psychology

Perception of female narcissism in intimate partner violence; A thematic


Critical analysis


“Perception of female narcissism in intimate partner violence; A thematic analysis” is

an article published on Edinburg Napier University website in November 2019. The authors

of this research article are Dr. Cathy Charles, Ava Valashjardi and Dr. Rory Maclean. The

research intends to find out male perception towards female narcissism and identifies the self-

regulatory strategies females use in intimate partner violence. Ten male participants took part

who were ex partners and were part of abusive relationship once. Researchers have used a

qualitative approach involving semi structure interviews. Scheduled interview was conducted

to identify if participants were in a relationship with a female narcissist. Key features of

narcissism were identified by the participants. Grandiose narcissism and vulnerable

narcissism both had to present to constitute ‘narcissism’. These interviews were analyzed

using thematic analysis. It was induced that females showed narcissism in three forms,

‘dualistic personas’; changing behavior over time and masking covert grandiosity (superiority

etc.), ‘The mask of femininity’; using feminine roles to justify for their actions and ‘hidden

paradox of gender roles’; narcissism in females tends to get overlooked. Findings are more

consistent with literature regarding vulnerable narcissism manifested in females than



The authors have provided an in-depth analysis on perception of female narcissists by

their ex men partners being in an abusive relationship. By reading the title of article one can
somehow predict what the content of this article is about and thus can decide whether they

want to continue reading further or not. But to find out ‘female attempts at self-regulation in

the context of intimate partner violence’ is also the aim of the study and takes much area in

the research but the title lacks to mentioned about it. Abstract provides a very well summary

discussing what whole of the article is about. It is to the point and brief as expected. It has

clearly stated the objectives, samples and instruments and the findings. Introduction of the

article is lacking the global significance at the beginning however the variables have been

precisely discussed and attracts the reader. I think the authors have used too much in text

references, it would have been more appealing and captivating if most of it was done,

hypothesized and proved within authors’ own reflections of brainstorming and opinions.

However other than that, the plus point of it is that using greater references within text would

also encourage the reader to much extent to believe the statements as to be authentic.

Rationale of the research article is very brief but clearly states the objectives. Furthermore,

qualitative approach (semi structure interviews) has been adopted for the research which I

think is much better because the subjects can provide subjective and contextualized data

directly spoken to the administrator with their own accordance and much better results can be

obtained rather than by using some objective scoring scale. Ethical codes and principles were

thoroughly followed throughout the research method. The results are very well mentioned. It

has everything that the researchers intended to find out. I like the idea of the authors to quote

the dialogues of the participants which makes it more understandable. However, the authors

have used high on vocabulary statements and requires excessive general knowledge to

understand the difficult contextual terms and meanings within the written article.

Furthermore, discussion part of the research has been handled very well. The findings are

interpreted and very well related to the prior literature here.

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