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Topic: Characteristics and Classification of living things

Class: IX IGCSE MM=19

1. Some lizards detach their tails when threatened by a predator. [1]

Which characteristic is shown?

A excretion
B growth
C reproduction
D sensitivity

2. The diagram shows a key for five vertebrates. [1]

Which class of vertebrates does organism W belong to?

A amphibians
B birds
C fish
D reptiles

3. What is a correct way of naming a species using the binomial system? [1]
A Homo sapiens

B Homo Sapiens

C human being

D sapiens

4. The table shows the number of animals collected in a sample from some woodland [1]
and the groups to which they belong.

How many arthropods were collected?

A 33
B 97
C 120
D 160

5. What kind of skin do amphibians have? [1]

A dry without scales

B dry with scales

C moist without scales

D moist with scales

6. The diagram shows a flowering plant [1]

Use the key to identify the plant.

7. Lichens are formed from two different organisms living together. [1]
The table shows some of the characteristics of two organisms, X and Y, found in
most lichens.

Which kingdoms are represented by X and Y?

8. Myriapods are a group of arthropods that are commonly found in soil habitats in
many parts of the world. Many myriapods are very small and not easy to identify.
Fig. 8.1 shows four species of myriapod, not drawn to the same scale.

(a) State three features of all myriapods that are visible in Fig. 8.1. [3]







(b) Describe three features of myriapods that could be used to make a [3]
dichotomous key to distinguish between the four species in Fig. 8.1.





9. Fig. 9.1 shows three vertebrates. Each is from a different class (group) of

(a) State one characteristic of all vertebrates. [1]


(b) (i) Name the two other classes of vertebrate not shown in Fig. 9.1. [1]


(ii) Name the feature which covers the surface of the bodies of animals in these
two classes but not the three animals shown in Fig.9.1.


c) ) Systems of classification show which organisms share more recent ancestors.

What is the most accurate system of classification? Give reasons to support [3]
your answer











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