14.2. Eye

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2 Fig. 2.1 shows a section through the eye of a small mammal as viewed with a microscope. For

x\ .Y Use


Fig. 2.1

(a) Name the structures labelled X, Y and Z.


z [3]

(b) A student looks at a clock at the far end of an examination room and then looks at a
diagram on her examination paper.

Describe the changes that take place in her eyes so that she can focus on the diagram.


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(c) The shortest distance from the eye at which a clear focus is possible is known as the For
near point. As a person gets older this distance changes. Examiner's
Table 2.1 shows the near point for people of different ages who have normal vision.

Table 2.1
age / years distance of near point / cm
10 7.0
15 8.5
20 10.0
25 12.5
40 22.0
50 40.0
60 80.0
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(i) Plot the data in Table 2.1 on the grid. [4] For
(ii) Use the graph to estimate the distance of the near point for a 30 year old person. Use

................................................................................................................................. [11
(iii) Use the graph to estimate the age of a person whose near point is 32.0cm.
»••«••• t»t»»if«it»ii»*n«»lii»i>«»««iBi««il«t»«aiiiiiii»iia«i««l><l«»a»)ni!aicr»»a*»#<»liKl l •r<»l*»«»ir<»l»fal**»llt»»»»r»»«iri>im,«<i*il<n»ir»>n(l

fTotal: 13]

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4 The eye is a sense organ.

Fig. 4.1 is a diagram of a section through the eye.



pupil optic


Fig. 4.1

(a) Shade in the part of the eye that gives people different eye colours on Fig. 4.1. [1]
(b) The boxes on the left show parts of the eye.

The boxes on the right show the functions of different parts of the eye.

Draw four lines to link the part of the eye with its correct function.

One has been done for you.

part function

cornea controls how much light enters the eye

iris refracts light

lens focuses light

retina carries impulses to the brain

optic nerve contains light receptors


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(c) The skin is another sense organ.

Fig. 4.2 shows a photograph of the skin on a person's arm.

The skin of the person is responding to a stimulus.

s» m m
>•; s

m 9.
m m



Fig. 4.2

(i) State the stimulus for the response shown in Fig. 4.2.

(ii) State the effector that causes the response shown in Fig. 4.2.

[Total: 6]

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2 (a) (i) The eye is a sense organ.

Define the term sense organ.

(ii) Explain why the eye is described as an organ and not a tissue.

(b) Fig. 2.1 shows a section through the eye.



Fig. 2.1

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(i) Select letters from Fig. 2.1 to match the part with its function.

Write your answers in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

function letter

carries impulses to the brain

contains light receptors to detect light

controls how much light enters the eye

refracts light

(ii) Write down the letter from Fig. 2.1 which shows the position of the blind spot.

[Total: 9]

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3 Table 3.1 shows the names of some specialised cells, each matched with a letter.

Table 3.1

specialised cell letter

cell in the retina A

liver cell B

neurone c

palisade mesophyll cell D

root hair cell E
red blood cell F

sperm cell G
white blood cell H

Table 3.2 shows eight functions carried out by specialised cells.

Complete Table 3.2 by writing in the letter of the cell from Table 3.1 responsible for the function.

You may use each letter once, more than once or not at all. An example has been done for you.

Table 3.2

cell function letter of cell responsible

detection of light A
formation of urea

antibody formation
conduction of nerve impulses
fertilisation of an egg cell
glucose production
oxygen transport
[Total: 7]

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4 The eye is a sense organ that responds to light.

Fig. 4.1 is a diagram of a section through the human eye.



Fig. 4.1

(a) Table 4.1 describes some of the functions of the parts of the eye.

Complete the table by:

naming the parts of the eye

using the letters on Fig. 4.1 to identify the parts of the eye.

Table 4.1

function name of part letter on Fig. 4.1

carries impulses to the brain

focuses light onto the back of the eye

controls the tension of the suspensory ligaments

tissue that detects light and colour

location of most of the cone cells


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(b) (i) A pair of muscles in the eye work in opposition to each other to adjust the amount of light
entering the pupil.

State the term that describes the action of a pair of muscles working in opposition to
each other.

(ii) A different pair of muscles in the eye work in opposition to each other to view objects at
different distances from the eye.

State the name of the process that allows the eye to view objects at different distances.

(c) Explain why the eye cannot easily identify different colours in low levels of light.

(d) Some people inherit colour blindness and cannot identify certain colours, even in bright light.

The gene responsible for colour vision is located on the X chromosome.

There are two alleles for this gene on the X chromosome:

XB - normal colour vision

Xb - colour blindness.

(i) People that are heterozygous for colour blindness are called carriers.

State the genotype of a heterozygous female carrier.

(ii) There is no gene for colour vision on the male sex chromosome.

State the genotype of a colour-blind male.


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3 Colour blindness in humans is caused by a fault in some of the light receptor cells in the retina of
the eye. Rod cells and cone cells are two types of light receptor.

(a) Complete Table 3.1 to state the function of three types of cell in the eye.

Table 3.1

type of cell in the eye function

rod cells

cone cells

sensory neurones

(b) The number of rod cells and cone cells at places across the retina were recorded.

The diagram of an eye in Fig. 3.1 shows the angles from the fovea where the recordings were

The graph in Fig. 3.1 shows the number of rod cells and cone cells across the retina.

Use Fig. 3.1 to describe and explain the distribution of rod cells and cone cells across the

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70 0 70

60 0 60

400 40
20 0
-blind spot

fovea optic nerve

fovea blind spot



140000 7 0

rod cells t rod cells
number of 120000 <a

rod cells ^

and 100000 0

cone cells
per mm2 80000 (

60000 »


20000 cone eel s ^ cone eel s

0 i
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
angle from fovea/degrees

Fig. 3.1

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