Night Sunshine - Layout 1

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Love Was Just Here

i carry your
by ee cummings
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Trafalgar Square in
heart with me

*STARS* by glo
we were chasing stars
as trust held our hands
and ran away with us
down snowflake sidewalks

all of our doubts

were falling
out of our pockets
like loose change
and smiles and giggles
echoed in the night

I remember you
we were chasing
the heart of London ****STARS****
I Have His Love in 2009
by glo

i will be alive in your arms

just inside this memory

i hold so tight

you see i keep this belief

buried kinda deep

that i could be yours

and i am packing boxes in my mind

and leaving this life tonight
to chase love across the world

alright, i am reasoning
why it's makes more sense
to just sit here in this comfy life
that is so delicately propping
me up to look outside and smile

but it's not easy to forget

how you made my pulse race
as you shaped me into summer days

and i am already
packing boxes inside my mind
to leave this life tonight

i will be alive in your arms

just inside this memory

i hold so tight
broken child, my
God is wild
by glo

for days on end

wakin up with this broken feeling inside
now fading into mornings embrace
and thoughts
tangled up inside my head

i would tell them

BROKen child,
my God is wiLD
and you wouldn't have to be the last to know
it's you that starts my day now
with a smile
Life Poem
by glo

vivid black lines

drawn out against
white times

show me what life is

to take the colour
from the sky
then touch my face

a knowing smile
like we have
met somewhere before
drifts into me
as wisps of
summer scented melodies
rush through these veins
to become a part of me

LooK, we have
taken all the colour
from the sky
placed it in
our fingertips

promise you
these days we’ve painted
will not fade away
I Am Everywhere
Just Before The Sun Goes Down
by glo
there's that time in the evening
just before the sun goes down

and your driving in your car

downtown streets in lots of traffic

straight into the sunset

and you can't see a damn thing

the sun is shining so bright in your

it's like that time of the day

just before twilight, you know

maybe an hour before

the day is dimming

this vibrant light

penetrates so deep into the iris

suddenly the air is alive

and the entire day is suspended

while you become connected

a feeling of being everywhere

I am everywhere
just before the sun goes down
Why Can’t W
Flowetic Soulchild

So before we get to the introductions of who we are

And where we come from
Or what we want to become
of this moment.
While our souls are full with lust of liquid rum
And our intoxicated minds are still numb
Before this stare grew from a glance
I ask...
Can we just move to the rhythm of our heart beat
And dance away the problems that lies beneath
While Trying to erase the permanent mark
of pain from our souls
2 stepping down the yellow brick road
to ask the wizard to give us love more precious then gold
You know just rock side to side
and Ride
cupids high
as our spirits glide
under the cosmic skies
We Just Dance
in search for our 1 true chance
to really feel loved
I ask
Can we just hold each other
And get away from reality for a New York minute
With your head rested upon my shoulder
While our passion heats up as the world grows colder
And we give them a show we can always remember...
I ask
Can we Forget about the consequences
that tomorrow may bring
With you being my wind and I your wing
Lets fly to a place our imaginations have never seen
As we simplify the most complicated routine
With your hand upon my hands
I bathe my lips
and I ask
Why cant we just dance..?
Turning Towards Another
"Spin me,"
she said,
then falling into his arms she asked,
"Where will love take us from here?"

and many moons went by before

she realized that what once was
will always be through stranded
memories intertwined together
through this crazy maze .....

and many moons went by before

she no longer had to cry herself
to sleep, but still yet not tonight
'cause one more memory remained
to be forgiven, then to slip away
until it was forgotten

and where to turn and face some

other she had known to love before
to look through eyes of pure divine
and taste once more the hint
of morning dew upon her lips

by glo
Love Was Just Here
Love was just here
and it let me lay my head on his shoulder
and feel what it was like, just for a while
and feel what it was like, to miss him
Love was just here

And I smile in this joy of seeing him again.

like the best friend I have always wanted... but
Our time is over.

Love was just here

and it let me lay my head on his shoulder

and feel what it was like, just for a while

and feel what it was like, to miss him

Love was just here

I think it's okay

If I just cry for a while
While I dream of what could have been
And remember what it was like just to see him
Love was just here

by glo
underneath this violet sky
Lavender petals from my fingertips fall to this earth
at my feet bend at the knees crashing
onto tufts of grass and dirt
here for eternity
my hands search
out for you
underneath this violet sky
once again
all that remains
are my hands on my face
by glo and this sweet smell of lavender
Lets Ride On Faith
by glo
who wrote
the only one
into their skin

and who ripped

it all to pieces

the only one

who could have,
left behind a trail
as red seeps through white

so lets ride on faith

and consider this
to be the truth
of a time when
i was on fire
for you

let it be
what it was
ripped up pages
of words left unspoken
Somewhere out there
There are people
Living my life

The life I've always wanted

It's no wonder
No wonder at all
Why I am left
Standing here
Staring at the
Pictures on the wall

Whispering to myself
Is this my life?

Somewhere out there

There are people
My life

And so I stand here

In all the blessings
I have been given

And all the blessings

That have been taken

It's no wonder
Why I just let the day
Pass through me
by glo
By Glo
I Fall
As I fall asleep at night
the universe whispers in my ear.
In between
restlessness and surrender,
As I fall asleep.
Reciting words I've always known.

As I fall asleep at night

the universe whispers in my ear
telling me, "Don't let go."
Consider love
And all the betrayls
But the universe holds
no place for these anyways...
Consider love
So is it even a decision.
So what is there to question.
Why wonder at all?
So that I can know,
this is something I can hold onto.

How did I know.

Don't let go.
Love took design inside.
Sleep comes easy.
Somehow through the night
the universe finds a way to whisper
love and lullabies,
scattered across my pillow.
Yesterday’s By Glo

Nailpolish It was like a

kiss that meant something

In my mind
of the memory of our time

All the disappointments

became someone else's problem

They all got

tossed aside

It was like
yesterdays nailpolish

All the colours are still there

Why Turtle
Went To The Moon
By Hassan Omar

Turtle faced a fork in the road of life, The road

once ran straight but now there's a left and a
Right. The road ran between east and west
running north and south into the light. He had
a companion but she went toward the sun, he
went to the moon. You see he saw it like this.

You weren't my world my love

You were the Light above
The giver of life to this heart
You were the key from the start
I was merely a moon to this rock
I revolved around that spot
that revolved upon you
You see you were the Warmth
The smile through all the hurt
down here, to me, you are all in my mind
but in reality, you were literally my sunshine...
nothing heals me like you do
I get it this empty this void this feeling/
Its you and everything I've been missing/
My heart is speaking and its not alright/
The stitches I placed on it are no longer tied/
My smiles turn to laughs/
My frowns aren't as sad/
Its weird because all I want is my friend back/

Hassan Omar
The path that runs west of
the moon and east of the sun
By Hassan Omar
If you are taking the path in between/
I guess I'll head towards the moon/
At least there I can see the stars and make it monsoon/
The galactic universe at my finger tips/
Rearrange the stars into the shape of her lips/
Pull the black holes into the shape of her eyes/
Grabbing supernovas and twist them into her smile/
Reshape the storms into the flesh of her face/
Find a way to bring back her smell and her kiss her slow/
Grab her by the waist and hang on to her thighs/
Let the flavor of her soul linger for a while/
And settle down on a distant moon some place/
Stare at my creation and feel her glow/
Feel the love she once had for me/
Feel complete once again as she drifts into sleep/
Gaze at her on my shoulder as we cruise the stars/
The nights still young and my heart's still full,
dear God this feeling is the only
one that makes me feel free to
once again drift to sleep/
where are you

where are you

by glo
I will not find you here maybe I will never find you again
I will find you
out there instead you become the hint of rain
at the end of a hot day
riding down alleys at night as I listen to the sounds of the traffic
peering into corners theres a train
stairs climb up the sides that clamours through
of brick buildings this city as i ride along beside it
I wonder if it was there never more to find it
that we first met
i will not find you here anymore
but i keep riding because but i will find you out there
I will not find you here somewhere i'm sure
I know You're Out There
Posted by HaS the Turtle at 8:08 PM
I know you're out there
on a back porch somewhere
Staring at the moon in the summer nights air.
Hair blowing to the wind
Praying and begging God to find the strength within
If not that then help from a being in skin
Storm clouds rolling in, thunder and lightening.
You too find an attraction to power
The one nature uses in flowers
birds and bees and black rosaries.
You wish it would one day take you
Whisk you up above to a place of peace
To where your power is not an equal but unique
And the rules of love and pain can never be reversed.
Yes you can recall this to the last verse
Nobody knows the pain nor the hurt
Forever and Always, never came first

Here is a response by Daurie :)
And so you found me
Staring through a midst of trees
up at a pale moon shining down on me
It's light is almost painfully blinding yet it's equally beautiful in that the light is
binding with the dark
and such is life
You're right
I prayed and asked God to find the strength within
and He sent me you "a being in skin"
and when the storm clouds roll in, I know who to call
Him who stood by me through it all
So I thank you for not only looking
and seeing through the pain that's yours
but for opening the doors that have been locked for years
and drying the the never ending tears
looking past and seeing me
setting the sparrow free
i know your out there
My response
Free Sparrow
I know you're out there free
Beautiful song bird singing to me
Night air is crisp but refreshing
Flap your wings in excite, just to express it
or to express this
The feelings that you had while being locked away
I came to your heart, brought the key, you ran astray
I feel alone and still trying to find you
Your song gives me direction, I walk as if I were blind to,
The fact that you seem to be so far away
I take twelve more steps and she flaps further away
Trying to grab a hold of you is so damn hard
Who knew falling in love could leave such scars
Night SunShine
by glo

L A L A L A N D .. .




streetlight lyrics
by Hassan

let me know, im just no there

do i still got time to grow life's just not fair
things aint always set in stone
with that being, let me know seems like streetlights glowing
let me happened to be just
like moments
seems like streetlights glowing passing, in front of me so
happened to be just i hopped in, the cab and
like moments i paid my fair, see
passing, in front of me so i know my, destination
i hopped in, the cab and but im just not there
i paid my fair, see all the streetlights glowing
i know my, destination happened to be just
but im just not there like moments
all the streetlights glowing passing, in front of me so
happened to be just i hopped in, the cab and
like moments i paid my fair, see
passing, in front of me so i know my, destination
i hopped in, the cab and but im just not there in the streets
i paid my fair, see in the streets
i know my, destination im just not there in the streets
but im just not there in the streets im just no there
in the streets life's just not fair
im just not there in the streets
Something Different. Something Romantic. By steven le stephen

Sweet Sunday Hill

I love a lazy Sunday,
Away from the craze,
The slight breeze on my face
And you right beside me.

We lay on our backs,

Smiling at each other,
The soft green grass
Tickling us under.

I touch your soft cheek,

Admire eyes glistening,
Lean in for the kiss
I know you desired.

You're humming my sweet

And I am too,
My heart is so happy
To be here with you.

We don't need to talk

As we already have,
We say so much with
Just two pairs of hands.

I adore your laugh,

It’s a blissful gift.
This poem is yours,
You asked for this.
by steven le steve

When the sun opens a new day,

Embrace it with passion.
Some people may never do so,
And hence fail to live life to its
fullest potential.

In prayer seek God,

Whom you may already know,
But can never know enough.
He is the reason you live, think and die.

People can be everything and nothing.

Those that are everything should know
Those that are nothing should not know,
For they still hold importance in your life,
Whether you acknowledge it or not.
Their truest purpose is to define you,
Shape you,
Challenge you,
In all that you believe you are.
Reveal unto them your best and truest
self - always.
Do not fear or become frustrated with
You are always learning.
Accept this fact and everything can be
yours to know.

If love is to become a concern,

Enjoy the seeking of the answers.
They may never come,
They may already exist,
They may even be on the edge of your

There will be sorrows,

There will be tears,
But there is always hope,
Even amongst fears.

Be happy and prosper,

Smile by meaning it,
They'll tell you it wasn't worth anything,
But I tell you it is.

Your life is worth everything.

Now live.

-God bless you.-

a new dawn
By Francoise Emilie Bennett

After all the excitement,

The tremulous heart racing heat,
The sweetness of placidity
Drifts across my mind.
Taking just a moment or two to gaze
from the window
At the familiar houses,
The rooftops,
The leaves on the trees,
Not falling,
Still in a wave of green tenderness,
Yet looking, just as if, they are about
to fall.
I think of the words of Byron,
And even love itself must rest,
Love that thrilled and spilled every
moment of my being.

Now as we move, glide,

Onto a new path,
A lovely ride on still waters,
A peaceful passage,
The ocean,
Always my friend,
My truest friend,
Bringing me here,
Taking me away again,
I just let myself be guided,
Drifting on the adventurous ocean,
As the urgency of love's passion
I can look into your beautiful eyes
And see the world.
Love in Stone
By Francoise Emilie Bennett

How long have they sat there

So embraced?
Sitting behind St Paul's Cathedral
In the midst of all the madness of the
So in love,
So obviously in love.
They have been through and sur-
vived so much.
They were there in the Blitz
When bombs fell on London for six
years almost every night.
They held each other tight.
Though they are made of stone
They have hearts that beat,
Anyone can see that walking past
them in the street.
Often they are left alone
And quite forgotten,
But they like it that way,
Locked forever so closely together.
They've seen the marches of love
and hate,
All the events and ceremonials
Come and go,
Kings and Queens,
Heroes and paupers,
All the same to them,
And in this slightly overgrown,
Almost neglected place
At the back of St Paul's
They have established their endur-
ing home.
They hear the music echoing from
the Cathedral,
At night the whole place is lit up with
golden lights,
Like heaven.
How many years have they sat there
Feeling so moved and entranced
By the many vows and blessings
Offered up in this place.

So he gives her a wry little smile

And she looks upwards into his
'I remember when we were both
young' says she,
'I remember when the child seeped
out of your womb' says he.
So passively peaceful are they,
Locked together for all time,
Love in stone
With hearts that beat.
By Damien Patrizio
Beneath All These Concerns

By Damien Patrizio
May we uphold true spirituality and may the Almighty

Bless us in an unconventional manner, since missed always

And forever indebted you'll be, Amen.

Llanto por mi familia, mi amigos y otros:

I keep shedding uncontrollable tears for whats deeply felt

And by missing those already gone. Now stay awhile,

As I kneel to pray for a soul which has passed on,

Because the identities of close relation are resurfacing in

My aching heart. All these memories of you are steamlined,

None leave me shame-faced whilst playing for keeps-

Since you're never shameful in my recurring dreams.

Why do the elements of consciousness transform us

By endowing eternal love in the purest sense ?

For this reason, inspiration now stirs within, as I believe

That something positive comes forth to ultimately rescue

What's least expected. I now deal with new privileges

Rather cautiously when visiting this somber place,

As weather-beaten mausoleums slump atop backdrop hillocks

And tattered headstones rise out of the frigid ground.

Each are engraved with a surname of those taken back,

Announcing respectively a life's annuity.

I always read them to fully realize

None were death-defying in their respite. Someday,

All do return here throughout our centuries of haunting years,

After our rituals of living- for a final resting plot and burial

in this gothic cemetery of darkened Earth.

These perimeters do contain many secrets now buried

With those God-fearing individuals under sloping weeds

-May such solitude remain intact.

As the lyre of fading shadows become another glory

Of the past, no expletives shall be needed to drone out

The weeping of willows, during the intervals of sunshine,

Moonlit storms and seasonable sweeping change.

What is salvaged in these dusty fields like cascades

Of cremated ash is an embodiment of blessings

Once trusted by you., and still it swirls in the minds

Of those who listen as elegies unfurl. I know that

All our duteous feelings can never be rearranged,

So now rest peacefully, undisputed as a loved one,

And unperturbed in the depth of climatic sovereignty

Below my dew-dampened boots. Some do claim,

Not having the visual luxury to enjoy the spectral beauty

Of natural order, doesn't mean we were meant to fade

Into a nonexistent plateau of suffering. I believe this as truth

Since there'll be no end to your legacy, neither to friendship.

Only our mortal bodies wither beneath winter's taupe twilight

And the slate-gray afternoons of summer before

A festive bursting of sky blue. Dreadful isn't that silence

We're to recline in, undoubtedly free of the worries

And a lifetime's faults, as the breeze blows directional

And once again recumbent snowfall blankets this area

Where one can be rest-assured. Frail are the corpses

Clutching to their fondest memories, as the shroud

Is wrapped around brittle bones, and just like you and I,

They'll never rot with Charon's rampages

Whilst holding even closer the grace of the Lord...

Here in this passive environment beneath

The Aurora and six feet under all my concerns.

Our time together was in the past,

You shown no rictus only a delightful smile.

Be safe on that next endeavor.

You will be missed.

Love Notes from The Multi-Verse
By Kate Orth
.. ..

It’s a feeling I can’t shake – or run from, for that matter and
believe you me, I’m good at that duck and cover camouflage;
it’s intuitive counter intuitive just like those love knots tied to
the posts of my bed. Every now and then, I will feel you there
in the quantum line – as I round the stairs and come to the
landing. For a moment an image of you lingers as you shake
the snow from your leather, as you peel those gloves from your
pale square hands … as you smile that thousand watt smile
when our eyes meet for the first time again, and again and
again. It will always be the first time and times – breathless and
quirky, po’boy eccentric, executive mischief, gentle rebels with
unforgettable minds, on high voltage and humbled – between
the sheets of gold and crimson – holy and hella naughty.
.. ..

You blink, and I blink – and you fade. I shake my head and
put my hands on my hips – and I grin.
.. ..

Could be tomorrow or it could be in the next life – could have

been last week at 9pm, or September 8th, 1930 at 8:09pm.
Doesn’t matter, truly. It just is.

That's the nature of Quantum.

The Jargon of Silence
by m.h.draper the Jargon
I loved the faith in your eyes Of
You bounded the span of my spirit
And within me you breathed
Life, love, loss and , at last;
Liberty to remember all these days,
Through good or bad,
I knew your heart first.

To hold you, rest in that calm,

Enchanted there with your smile,
Reassured by the belief
In such sweetest relief,
listening for a sigh I longed to hear
but did not. I hear only the clock,
and the seconds that passed.

To this collage of memory,

The heart muffles cries.
No bitter replies, to
seize any apologies,
or work on remedies;
no awkward vigilance,
to be alone in this dance.
only this, this -- then;
the subconscious ghost
that screams in my ears
unpronounceable words.
The haunting my halls down
to a bed that is always made.
Distance is a measure,
Or a memory, distance is
Most, an elegy. or epitaph,
good enough for healthy laugh.
I think of you, when I
see this photograph.

I find myself missing

even the worst moments;
to what use is this?
To dream that each kiss
where my hands held
you breathless, raptured
on the pivot of pleasure
was hope.

Distance, it is a measure.
And on my lips, the last call,
will still ask if remembered
at all. I concede to scribble
this ephemera. It is the
asphodel of antiquity,
The rupture of meant to be,
if only each could see.

These tumble to fears,

words wrought in pleading prolixity,
all in vain, from pain;
when love must refrain --
but where could memory go?
In my heart, there is you --
someone I will always know.
till the stars don’t shine
The chilled morning air
brushes gently over my skin
as this motionless world
rests quietly in its slumber.
The pale blue sky
turns from shades of pink
to a golden shade of amber
as the lazy white clouds drift
slowly by.
Yet there is still one star
brightly shining, captivating
my attention.
Competing for the light of the day
it will soon grow dim.
Yet it will remain in the sky
forever and a day
to regain it's brilliance
again and again.
The love we share is like that star
At times an unseen force
that will eventually shine
for all the world to see
The day stands still when
I'm wrapped up in your love
Thoughts of you flood through me
and spoil me
with reassurance of
a future only once drempt of.
So as I sit with the
chilled morning air
gently brushing over my skin
I feel alive
And as the soft white clouds turn
to a hue of pink
I look again to the sky
to say goodnight to our star
taking comfort in knowing that
the now unseen star
will remain forever and a day
as will our love.
I love you Rick..forever

end poem
your girl, Trin

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