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Name : Rizki Rahmawati

Student ID : 180203190

Cross Cultural Understanding

Communication Style and Register

My communication style depends on who I speak to. When talking with parents and
friends, I use casual language style. I usually don't speak formally with my parents, because my
parents are relaxed people and don't want to use formal language with their children. So, I used
to talk casually with my family but still seemed polite and respectful. When talking to my friend
I use slang more like young people in general, I also do not speak formally because it will seem
awkward and rigid. So I prefer to use casual style when communicating with friends.

When communicating with older people I use a consultative style to be more polite but
not too formal either. When other people communicate with me, I want to give a warm
impression so that people are comfortable when talking to me, because usually when I use a
formal style other people will be a little awkward and it’s like there is a wall that is blocking our
communication. Unless I give a presentation, I will use formal communication style.

As for my parents' communication style, it is casual when they talk to me and my other
siblings. While when my father and mother talk to each other they are more likely to use the
intimate style, and with other people my parents use the consultative style.

As I explained before, my friend uses a casual style when communicating with me or

other friends. They use a lot of slang or aceh language, or the language of their region, this is
because if we use language that is too formal the conversation may feel stiff and awkward to us,
so it’s uncomfortable.

Since I was young I always have a dream to study or at least visit United kingdom, so I
will choose UK as the country that I will discuss about the style of communication. The united
kingdom is a low-context culture, that means the communication is clear and there is very little
reliance of non-verbal communication. The United Kingdom is one of the most top
individualistic societies in the world, beaten by Australia and the USA. The British are
a highly individualistic and personal people.The British have  a combination communication
styles of understatement and direct communication, which are interesting. Many older business
people, upper class or royal class people tend to have formal use of communication. When
British communicate with other people, who are same in the rank or classes, they are direct. 
However, if they are talking with someone they know well, their style will be more informal.
Even though the British communication style seems straightforward, a word of caution is
thoughtful. In all aspects of British life and culture is famous in British sense of humor as they
also regard under emphasize as funny. According to an interview, the sarcastic in UK is a sense
of humor. Some people think this is a joking term. Based on the explanation above, I think the
British communication style is consultative style.

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